Retrospective [adjective]
Definition of Retrospective:
Opposite/Antonyms of Retrospective:
Sentence/Example of Retrospective:
He looked out to sea with a meditative and retrospective mind.
A historical interest may be not only retrospective but contemporary.
"That's a fact," answered Amos to the retrospective musings of the Judge.
What a painful reverse may not the retrospective view afford!
How do the deeds of ill Throng round the retrospective glance!
Copernicus shook his head sadly, with retrospective sadness.
He also added a clause to the effect that this was to be retrospective, to take effect from 1681.
But astronomy is not less remarkable for its power of retrospective prophecy.
And here suffer me to take a retrospective view of what was my then situation.
Cicero says that the former did not touch him, I suppose, because it could not be retrospective.