Reverberant [adjective]
Definition of Reverberant:
vibrant in sound
Synonyms of Reverberant:
● Ringing
● Profound
● Rich
● Mellow
● Sonorous
● Beating
● Deep
● Full
● Loud
● Noisy
● Orotund
● Powerful
● Round
● Strident
● Booming
● Plangent
● Roaring
● Echoing
● Enhanced
● Pulsing
● Sonorant
Sentence/Example of Reverberant:
The air was reverberant, sounds could be heard to a great distance.
From above, the roar of the pines came to them, reverberant and melancholy.
How was it that he had heard no summons of the golden and reverberant hour?
So still was the crowd, and so reverberant the air, that they could hear the man's footsteps on the stony hillside.
His voice sounds so reverberant because it issues from the gloomy cistern in which he is held a captive.
And then the chime rang, with a metallic, sharp click and then a long and reverberant clanging.
I could hear no calls or cries—only the sound of the waves, made weirdly hollow and reverberant by the fog.
In which event you'll put that reverberant drunkard in the far-corner room, with Andy next.'
And she did laugh loudly, with a clear, sweet, reverberant ring that echoed through the little valley.
"Thirty-two years," corrected Wedderburn in his voice of most reverberant certitude.