Righteousnesses [noun]
Definition of Righteousnesses:
Synonyms of Righteousnesses:
Sentence/Example of Righteousnesses:
We wish peace, but we wish the peace of justice, the peace of righteousness.
Our allies are the millions who hunger and thirst after righteousness.
Morals stand for a code of observances; righteousness for a direction of the life.
We can think of God's Kingdom and righteousness only in the light of the pietistic.
They are thus imposed from without, while righteousness springs from within.
I have said that the refuge in God is not a question of morals; but it is one of righteousness.
It may be so, to such as you who know no righteousness, and no appointment except Satan's.
He must live up—not to the law of righteousness, but to the show of what a minister ought to be!
Let us pray for it, and for the rule of righteousness on which alone it can be stablished.
I was but a poor painted hypocrite, going about to establish my own righteousness.'