Rockets [noun]

Definition of Rockets:


Synonyms of Rockets:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rockets:


Sentence/Example of Rockets:

Think of our world as it looks from the rocket that is heading toward Mars.

Suppose we could put a rocket on the Moon and bring it back?

That must be it—I was piloting a rocket and cracked up somewhere on Mars.

And he must take her in, now that he had lost his own rocket!

It had, then, last been used to enter the rocket, not to leave it.

No knife, no rocket pistol, no line with magnet for securing oneself to a hull.

Yet the “Rocket” was by no means the “favourite” with either the judges or the spectators.

On the morning of the 8th of October the “Rocket” was again ready for the contest.

The Rocket alone met all the requirements and won the prize.

There was nothing new in his Rocket, except his own workmanship.