Rollicks [verb]

Definition of Rollicks:


Synonyms of Rollicks:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rollicks:


Sentence/Example of Rollicks:

No more peace—no more quiet—no more sing and rollick till he get Miriam!

One cannot be expected to rollick when one is being gnawed with remorse!

Perhaps I am—I must prove to her that it is possible to rollick with refinement.

She loved to rollick; persiflage was her natural expression at home.

Humour may rollick on high planes of fantasy or in depths of silliness.

Theyll be here in a moment, pretending to rollick for our sakes; and you wont tell me what you think of them.

Mr. Rollick, how can you suppose that you will have justice done you if at this time of day you neglect the Press?

Mr Rollick, how could you suppose that you will have justice done you, if at this time of day you neglect the press?