Roominess [noun]
Definition of Roominess:
Opposite/Antonyms of Roominess:
Sentence/Example of Roominess:
This style throughout gives the impression of roominess and largeness.
It combines simplicity, roominess and comfort, colour, light and shade.
How could I possibly not ask them to stay, seeing their discomfort and my roominess?
This adds to the roominess and comfort of their summer dwellings.
In the matter of roominess it transcends anything that was ever dreamed of before, I fancy.
To a New Yorker's eyes, this roominess of arrangement, was especially attractive.
The roominess which the large, square exterior suggested was carried out in the great, wide rooms and high ceilings within.
The design was ingenious but failed in many vital respects to compete with the greater comfort and roominess of the Pullman car.
Melbourne is low, flat, and gave me the impression of roominess which New Zealand cities never gave.
And for the first time in his life he was grateful for the roominess of Barber's old clothes.