Rotas [noun]

Definition of Rotas:

list of items, names

Synonyms of Rotas:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rotas:


Sentence/Example of Rotas:

From the gallery overhead came the tinkle of a rota, a kind of guitar.

And this was Thursday and, as it happened, Brother Copas stood first on the rota.

As a foundation of their scheme, the Cabal have established a sort of Rota in the Court.

Birds taken at Rota on October 20 and 26 were in winter plumage.

Rotatoria (rta, a wheel) or Rotifera (rota and fero, to bear).

Soon after the Plantaganet, 74, and the Rota frigate arrived.

This sign, when it had received its final shape in the The Rota.

The cause was advoked, as it was called—reserved to be heard in the Rota.

ROTA (takes the spear from the fire and goes towards the other altar).

ROTA (handing him the fatal spear with a half-averted countenance).