Rotate [verb]

Definition of Rotate:

go around in circle

Synonyms of Rotate:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rotate:

Sentence/Example of Rotate:

If it does not, rotate the tube, but still so that the flame plays in the nick.

If the tool be lightly held, it will be found that it tends to rotate by itself.

You are not to rotate the object consciously or help it in any way.

Imagine a paddle-wheel placed in water and caused to rotate.

It would be necessary then that the ring-system should rotate around the planet.

They rotate with the motion they possess when thrown or shrunk off; but will they remain rings?

He would like to have as many legs as a wheel has spokes, and rotate about in the same way.

We must add that this vast world, like the Sun, does not rotate all in one period.

The most curious fact is that these satellites do not rotate like those of the other planets.

And as he glared in amazement, it began to rotate with growing speed.