Rouges [noun]
Definition of Rouges:
Opposite/Antonyms of Rouges:
Sentence/Example of Rouges:
Her face was ghastly, save for the trace of rouge; her eyes were red-rimmed.
Had she got the rouge a trifle brighter on one cheek than on the other?
Rouge was born in Silesia in 1813 and died in October, 1887.
He was accused of putting on an imperceptible touch of rouge.
From red that she had been, she was now ashen under her rouge.
It is for not backing the "rouge" that he is inexorable towards him.
Her cheeks blazed with rouge, her eyes were restless and anxious.
How ashamed the poor old man was; he reddened through all his rouge.
The hair, powdered white, was absent; so too were the patches; so also was the rouge.
She was rubbing distressfully at a dab of rouge on her cheek.