Roughage [noun]
Definition of Roughage:
healthful food
Synonyms of Roughage:
Opposite/Antonyms of Roughage:
Sentence/Example of Roughage:
Some roughage such as vegetables or hay should also be supplied.
The feed given them should consist of both grain and some form of roughage.
It is on this roughage or waste material that intestinal movement or peristalsis depends.
No provision is made for furnishing the fattening geese with green feed or roughage.
Roughage is supplied if not available otherwise and straw, hay or vegetables are utilized for this purpose.
The geese will eat a considerable amount of this which thus helps to supply the roughage which they need.
Alfalfa in every instance is intended as a roughage, as an appetizer and as a protein feed.
Economy in raising live stock demands the production of all "roughness" or roughage materials on the farm.
In this rotation the only roughage obtained is the corn stover and the oat straw.
Also they gave us roughage fur our hosses and wouldn't take pay fur none of it, indicatin' by signs that it was all a free gift.