Roughnecks [noun]
Definition of Roughnecks:
tough person
Opposite/Antonyms of Roughnecks:
Sentence/Example of Roughnecks:
He could almost hear passersby say "goody-good" and "roughneck."
I copped it on the high seas—flotsam and jetsam,' says the 'roughneck.'
But I expect one cabaret is about like another in these roughneck towns.
I kind of gloried in being a roughneck, I reckon, he added with a wry smile.
It was mighty slow, an' I'm still a roughneck; but I'm gettin' on.
"Afraid I'm rather a roughneck in that respect," said Dalgetty.
Then the roughneck kicks because he got a belly full of Yukon.
When a roughneck does something for you, it's proper to hand him some of your loose change.
And as long as youre rooming with me—which I hope wont be long—Ill ask you to cut out that roughneck stuff.
And maybe she was right, too, for it would be a frightful bore to have to live in such close quarters with some roughneck.