Rounders [noun]
Definition of Rounders:
Synonyms of Rounders:
● Rake
● Killer
● Cat
● Player
● Wolf
● Operator
● Sport
● Speed
● Tomcat
● Swinger
● Chaser
● Gay dog
Opposite/Antonyms of Rounders:
Sentence/Example of Rounders:
Rounders longed to be like one of these, but he found it to be impossible.
But Rounders was Rounders, and I did not allow my irritation to continue.
She was young and what the rounders call a good-looking chicken.
I had an idea it came natural to a body, like rounders and touch.
"This is a real show," said Rounders, wound up to enthusiasm.
Rounders fancied he could almost hear the frizzle of the flesh.
Rounders asked him if he meant to say that all lions were vicious.
There is a fair and foul hit in base-ball, while in rounders no such thing is known.
It is not my intention to declare the old game of rounders a myth.
In rounders the bases are five in number and the field a pentagon in shape.