Rubrics [noun]
Definition of Rubrics:
Synonyms of Rubrics:
Opposite/Antonyms of Rubrics:
Sentence/Example of Rubrics:
Hodder's ideals—if he had only known—transcended the rubric.
How this rubric got into the Prayer-Book it is impossible to say.
I asked her once what was the great attraction of that volume, and she said 'the Rubric.'
Shall the Rubric preceding the Creed be removed from the Prayer-book?
This rubric he adhered to his life long, despite his change of spiritual base.
However, the fact that to this extent the rubric of Edward VI.
Plainly, you cannot base foreign customs on an English rubric.
However, the rubric disappeared; and, I think, happily and providentially.
The Rubric, therefore, ordered that the Lessons should be said to uninflected song.
You are aware, of course, that it was not till the last Revision in 1662 that this rubric was removed.