Runny [adjective]

Definition of Runny:

fluid, flowing, melting

Synonyms of Runny:

Opposite/Antonyms of Runny:

Sentence/Example of Runny:

Cooks me dandy rice and runny eggs, and sits on the neck of every bottle in New York while I dig.

But I am antiquated enough to like the rather flat, seedy things, and the "runny" jelly is of a wonderful colour and flavour.

Alan drew up alongside of it and made out the runny outlines of the legs and arms, the torso and the head.

Even grown people knew nothing, except by vague hearsay, of cheese so runny that if you didn't care to eat it you could drink it.

They were so hot that the butter melted over them instantly, and crisp outside, with delicious, runny insides.

Gisip-un ku tungud sa abug, I have a runny nose from the dust.

Occasional use can cause a stuffy or runny nose, while chronic use can ulcerate the mucous membrane of the nose.