Rushlight [noun]

Definition of Rushlight:


Synonyms of Rushlight:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rushlight:


Sentence/Example of Rushlight:

The rushlight had burned out and the cell was impenetrably dark.

When I had done, Mrs Wilson took a rushlight and led the way.

After shining feebly like a rushlight for about two months, it went out in smoke.

Nothing can be better in a than the effect of light from the rushlight on the floor.

Would they wake with a jump, as I did, if Jael flashed the Rushlight in their faces?

Oh, I wish I'd never gone to look at them with the Rushlight!

A rushlight stood beside him, and apparently he was reading.

It was the aim of Rembrandt to paint the foulest things he could see—by rushlight.

Mahomet went to the mountain; and it is insolence in a rushlight to rival the moon.

Not until we were in the parlour and the rushlight was burning did he ask how we had fared.