Scarifying [verb]

Definition of Scarifying:


Synonyms of Scarifying:

Opposite/Antonyms of Scarifying:

Sentence/Example of Scarifying:

Sometimes it may be necessary to scarify the gums, or to apply leeches to them.

He bobbed at once, but she hastened to the door to scarify him.

Their mode of obtaining charity was to go barefoot and scarify their heels so that the blood might show.

Perhaps the stinging words of last night had at last sunk deep enough to scarify his self-esteem.

To relieve their wearied legs and feet after long marches, they scarify the former with sharp flints.

When fatigued by travel they scarify their legs with a sharpened reed or snakes' teeth.

Dickens is going to put an article on the subject in Household Words, in order to scarify the rascally bookseller.

Nevertheless, he knows how to scarify a petitioner till he has hardly a whole stitch left on his body.

And were not these instances enough to scarify any man's imagination, and shiver his every nerve?

His political jingles were the delight or vexation of partisans as they happened to ridicule or scarify this side or that.