Scud [verb]
Definition of Scud:
skim across
Sentence/Example of Scud:
I never seed a scud on the 'Banks' but 'ut it was allus follered by a fog.
A Manx or Gaelic term for the scud or small clouds that drive with the wind.
After laying to for three hours they were compelled to scud before the wind.
The scud is flying all over us now that we are running before the wind.
I should be blinded if I did, or blistered by the “scud” of the angular atoms.
I think, from the scud, we shall have wind from the south'ard, Bill.
"I should take in all sail, and scud under bare poles," said Arthur.
He must “lie to,” and ride out the gale, or “scud” before it.
It was dusk, the wind was blowing, the snow was driving in a scud.
Our only chance is to scud before it, until it has blown itself out.