Seafaring [adjective]
Definition of Seafaring:
Opposite/Antonyms of Seafaring:
Sentence/Example of Seafaring:
My father and grandfather, too, for that matter were seafaring men, both captains.
In the meantime, like the seafaring man, he would just “stand by.”
"I have changed my opinion of a seafaring life," Ryan said, after a pause.
Seafaring people talk like this, because they are silly, and do not know any better.
Seafaring men were not much given to thought of the other world.
You suggest, perhaps, that our seafaring is but play: and you are right.
Dow remained with the seafaring man, looking crestfallen and unhappy.
But the seafaring habit did not exist among the people as a whole.
Zebulon and Asher in very early times were seafaring tribes.
It's the jolly times on shore that appeal to me, as much as any seafaring.