Segregated [adjective]
Definition of Segregated:
divided into racial or ethnic groups
Synonyms of Segregated:
Opposite/Antonyms of Segregated:
Sentence/Example of Segregated:
He is segregated by law in some sections; he is segregated by custom in others.
It grows better if it is segregated from the crowded forest.
Then shall the wheat be segregated from the tares, and the sheep divided from the goats.
He segregated five maybirds and explained their points to me.
The Negro, therefore, had to be segregated from the white sailor.
It is estimated that there are half a million lepers, not segregated, in India alone.
And the remnant of the hopelessly criminal and degenerate was segregated.
These were segregated as to sex and then under each sex by age.
Segregated and tolerated vice districts should be abolished.
In the hereafter the saved and the lost are to be segregated.