Separatist [noun]
Definition of Separatist:
Opposite/Antonyms of Separatist:
Sentence/Example of Separatist:
Of all these separatist tendencies, laughter is the great corrective.
In these Revision Courts every priest is an agent of the Separatist party.
Robinson was the pastor of the Separatist congregation at Leyden.
He, too, had been slowly propelled to Separatist opinion by persecution.
Separatist tendencies were stronger than those of coalescence.
Like most of the leaders of the separatist campaign, Agoncillo was astute.
But no one in Ireland in 1912 thought of a separatist rebellion.
Their temper is satirical and separatist; they live in isolation and sterility.
The work began with a widespread Revolutionary and Separatist (Ukrainian) propaganda among the prisoners of war.
Under the stress of opposition there was accordingly a marked accentuation of the Puritan and the Separatist spirit.