Shrine [noun]

Definition of Shrine:

tribute to a god, idol, or spirit

Synonyms of Shrine:

Opposite/Antonyms of Shrine:


Sentence/Example of Shrine:

At the back of the garden you can see a shrine to the household gods.

The church became the shrine of the eikon of the Theotokos 227Hodegetria.

The darkness of the shrine symbolises the darkness of the world, of life and death and being.

But the oracle comes because we had previously laid siege to the shrine.

But the crowd had heard him and the insult offered to the shrine.

They will make no sacrifices on the shrine of their country.

And you might do a prayer stunt or two at the shrine you mentioned.

Francis, in his childhood, also knelt and prayed at this shrine.

On many a hill and in many a village of Japan may still be seen a shrine to his honor.

Let us see if the beacon that lights to the throne should not show the path to the shrine also.'