Shrunken [adjective]
Definition of Shrunken:
Synonyms of Shrunken:
Opposite/Antonyms of Shrunken:
Sentence/Example of Shrunken:
Mike had shrunken into his allenveloping coat with pathetic moroseness.
The girl slid her arm under his neck, and then his shrunken hand was at rest.
His nose, which seemed to have grown longer, descended over his shrunken lips.
The frame must once have been powerful, but now it was shrunken and emaciated.
How shrunken with the sorrow of their wretched lives, and yet how sportive they seem!
It seemed to me shrunken and diminished, like everything that we have not seen for a long time.
When mules and horses went by they seemed poor and shrunken.
When the invitation was first given, he had shrunken from it.
There was still no response from the shrunken figure under the bedclothes.
The optic nerve is a shrunken, atrophied and insensate thread.