Snowier [adjective]
Definition of Snowier:
Opposite/Antonyms of Snowier:
Sentence/Example of Snowier:
The lantern, set on a tombstone beside them, blinked in a snowy gust.
And no thought of impurity came to him on beholding that lily, snowy whiteness.
Beauteous and snowy was the person of the fair: her form was delicate, and her limbs were tender.
Her tender side is gored; her spotless and snowy coat is deformed with blood.
He was old and snowy haired, but as fresh as a daisy and as spry as a cricket.
Here, indeed, in this snowy silence, they were free from any intrusion.
Its cluster of snowy flowers suggested a corner of a royal garden.
Albine's snowy skin was but the whiteness of Serge's browner skin.
A door opposite the fireplace opens inward from a snowy street.
He fingered his snowy stock, and bent upon her eyes of glowing adoration.