Sparkling [adjective]
Definition of Sparkling:
Synonyms of Sparkling:
Opposite/Antonyms of Sparkling:
Sentence/Example of Sparkling:
It really was her beautiful cross with the sparkling stones, and quite unharmed.
Lemonade, made of sparkling spring water, was a common drink.
One cannot always be original and sparkling, and it is wiser not to try too persistently.
It mocked and jeered at them with sparkling waves of warmth.
He made very light of a brace of partridges and a bottle of sparkling Moselle.
On sparkling frosty winter nights we watched them over the harbor.
She was pale as marble, but her eyes were sparkling wondrously.
It was a sparkling, breezy day, and the forest was full of life.
Couples lingered before the sparkling displays of jewellers' shops.
This face seemed as if transfigured, with its moist lips and sparkling eyes.