Stud [noun]
Definition of Stud:
Opposite/Antonyms of Stud:
Sentence/Example of Stud:
He creepin' went and watchin' stud, And he thought to hold her fast.
Sutter touched a stud and the electric runabout coasted to a halt.
Come an' have a dhrink, me son,' sez Peg Barney, staggerin' where he stud.
He picked up a microphone, touched a stud, and turned a knob.
"Stud's undone, old chap," said his opponent as he paid his debt.
The turf, too, was not merely the scene of the triumphs of his stud and his betting-book.
"Smile pretty, everybody," Garlock said, and pressed a stud.
Hoddan adjusted the wave-guide and pressed the stud of his instrument.
He took a small handset from his pocket and pressed the stud.
Moya responded as if he had been waiting with his finger on the stud.