Syncope [noun]
Definition of Syncope:
Sentence/Example of Syncope:
In swoons and syncope, the soul no longer performs her ordinary functions.
Verbs which suffer a syncope in the Infinitive, suffer a like syncope in the Pret.
I must have lain several hours, partly in syncope, and partly asleep.
His breath fails him, and he seems relapsing into the syncope from which he has been aroused.
He died in a sort of syncope, seven hours after swallowing the tobacco.
At last, however, the hæmorrhage stopped, under the state of syncope.
It is therefore not a Narcotic; but, like other Sedatives, it kills by syncope.
They were bled to syncope, which then meant usually to 32 ounces.
And as he went out of the gate he told Dad it was a syncope—I think.
If the girl had fainted it was a pity, but what influence had he over her syncope?