Transverse [adjective]
Definition of Transverse:
Opposite/Antonyms of Transverse:
Sentence/Example of Transverse:
In some quartz-mill sluices there are transverse riffle-bars.
The spores soon separate by a transverse partition and fall off.
“Yes, they did,” said the shepherd, looking aloft at the transverse stone.
They develop with a transverse fissure into which the bark ingrows.
But at last they built a transverse section that promised to hold.
The transverse ribs are there, of course, but in a modified form.
The whole system has, in fact, been changed from the transverse to the longitudinal.
For niello, and printing, a transverse cut was substituted for the blow.
The commonest forms of wound were the transverse or the oblique.
It consists of a number of transverse wires, broken at the middle.