Unpolluted [adjective]

Definition of Unpolluted:

clean, pure; primeval

Synonyms of Unpolluted:

Opposite/Antonyms of Unpolluted:

Sentence/Example of Unpolluted:

What can we demand from earth but its solitudes—what from heaven but its unpolluted air?

He emphasised the fact that his life had been unpolluted and his morals irreproachable.

I envy you your peace of mind, your clean conscience, your unpolluted memory.

We feel that his soul is unpolluted, and that he is superior to ordinary temptations.

Every morning we bathed in the unpolluted waters of the river.

The fresh and unpolluted air acted like a cordial as he breathed it with long gasps of enjoyment.

Marching in the wake of an army of about 50,000 men, however, one would scarcely expect water to remain unstirred or unpolluted.

Free from obstruction, unpolluted and undefiled, a limpid stream of human life and love flows into the ocean of defeat and death.

The average composition of the four classes of unpolluted waters is given by the same authorities as follows.

Above all, the atmosphere was pure and wholesome, unpolluted by the smoke of a thousand factory chimneys.