Usquebaughs [noun]

Definition of Usquebaughs:


Synonyms of Usquebaughs:

Opposite/Antonyms of Usquebaughs:


Sentence/Example of Usquebaughs:

I shall want a bottle or two of sack, and a flask of usquebaugh.

Three drams of usquebaugh you drank with Dan Deasy's ducats.

I'll give you time, as he said to me, when first he taught me to like usquebaugh.

Charles eagerly pressed for another supply of usquebaugh and warm water.

"If usquebaugh can mend her, no doubt the recovery will be rapid," answered the Major, laughing.

I had been losing cursedly at cards that day, and mine host's wine had a dash of usquebaugh in it, I dare swear.

The world loved him, and he saw no reason why he should not in return love its venison and its usquebaugh.

I have just received your letter of the 2nd, with the usquebaugh, for which I am much obliged to you.

When coloured with saffron, or sap green, it closely resembles the Irish usquebaugh.

In ten minutes we had a roaring fire ablaze, and were washing down with usquebaugh the last trace of unkindness.