Victoria [noun]

Definition of Victoria:


Synonyms of Victoria:

Opposite/Antonyms of Victoria:

Sentence/Example of Victoria:

And he appeared so well in the victoria when they drove in the park.

Yet the period of Victoria's reign will often be spoken of in history as the Gladstonian Era.

For this heroic action he has since received the Victoria Cross.

He ran into Queen Victoria Street and glanced eagerly about him.

The lights of Victoria saw him too, and Sloane Square, and the railings of the park.

The illustrations are original and are the work of Mr. J. Semeyn of Victoria.

An examination of the Victoria Cave, Settle, clearly shows this.

She ought to have the Victoria Cross for goin' in that pond.

Certainly, Marie and Emil are very happy on board the Victoria.

Among the most strenuous objectors to the proposal was Queen Victoria.