Vocalist [noun]
Definition of Vocalist:
Opposite/Antonyms of Vocalist:
Sentence/Example of Vocalist:
At first he had thought but of the charming lady, the vocalist, and the recluse.
A young performer, vocalist or elocutionist, is often introduced at a luncheon.
They were listening to a vocalist who happened to be Barby's favorite of the moment.
The vocalist, a Miss Byfield, did not arrive till after dinner.
"But you see I am in bed, and cannot get up," remonstrated the vocalist.
Why is a vocalist singing incorrectly like a forger of bad notes?
Rich left Covent Garden to his son-in-law, Beard, the vocalist.
Woe to the vocalist, male or female, who falls into Schweitzer's hands!
As a vocalist it can only get as far as a chirp, or at most a small twitter.
A vocalist had better do without sugar in tea and only take milk with it.