Washstands [noun]

Definition of Washstands:


Synonyms of Washstands:

Opposite/Antonyms of Washstands:


Sentence/Example of Washstands:

The table serving as washstand stood securely on its four legs.

His face was as white as the clean towels on the captain's washstand.

Any detective that saw that stuff on the washstand would know.

"I'd stuck it in the little mirror over the washstand," she explained.

From where he sat he could reach the door of a washstand locker.

It contained a single bed, a chest of drawers, a washstand, and a wardrobe.

The china utensils of the washstand were turned head downwards.

The bench was to do duty for washstand and the impedimenta thereto.

"And the bed and washstand and the pretty blue screen," added Julia.

Annixter stared as Presley laid the box on the edge of the washstand.