Whiffing [verb]
Definition of Whiffing:
gasp for air
Synonyms of Whiffing:
Sentence/Example of Whiffing:
Presently the stranger said, whiffing, "Do something for me."
Whiffing, long line, trot, and bulter; and we used to go out to the rocks off Falmouth to set small trammels.
We refer to a method of catching surface fishes from a moving boat, which method is known as whiffing.
Chico trotted briskly, whiffing the rain-washed air as they followed a trail through pastureland where knots of Herefords grazed.
He walked round the room, whiffing this object and that; then he lay down at the foot of the bed.
Probably he was whiffing the trunks of the trees roundabout, looking up eagerly into them.
Then he went cautiously round his prison, whiffing the sides, rearing up on the log walls.
He himself was whiffing away at a cigarrito, and was as polite and politic, as a noted New York ex-M.
Bite in your nether-lip, and I warrant you; 100 Or make as if you were whiffing tobacco; Or puich like me.
Our friends now whiffed and puffed away together—whiffing and puffing where whiffing and puffing had never been known before.