Wider [adjective]

Definition of Wider:

expansive, roomy

Opposite/Antonyms of Wider:

Sentence/Example of Wider:

The path was wider and more worn now--almost a thoroughfare, in fact.

In 1825, he sought a wider field of action and removed to Boston.

And every new embodiment of a known truth must be a new and wider revelation.

And every day thereafter found him out and ranging a wider area.

The range of our talk was tremendous, and the wider we ranged the closer we drew.

He thought the paranoia was an improvement over the wider madness.

Her future action lay in a wider sphere than that of Europe.

He had shown his ability to manage men and was to be called to a wider field.

He realized that with Groff there could have been a wider field of conquest.

Can they not see that as the human brain evolves it must take a wider outlook?