Wimples [noun]
Definition of Wimples:
covering worn over the head
Synonyms of Wimples:
● Kerchief
● Mantle
● Veil
● Shawl
● Bonnet
● Hat
● Purdah
● Cowl
● Yashmak
● Babushka
● Mantilla
● Coif
● Capuchin
● Capuche
Opposite/Antonyms of Wimples:
Sentence/Example of Wimples:
"Give me your cloak and wimple," she bade Diana, and Diana flew to do her bidding.
She pulled her wimple closer to her face, took him by the arm, and drew him with her into the house.
The wimple covered the neck, and was worn chiefly out of doors.
She stopped short, drew her wimple round her face, and was gone.
She was tall and slender, but her features could not be seen for a wimple over her head.
On the early brasses the wimple under the chin marked the rank of the wearer.
Tied round the wimple they sometimes had a snood, or band of silk.
Upon the head they wore the wimple, the fillet, and about the throat the gorget.
Her wimple is trimly plaited, and how fashionable is her cloak!
Here is a candle-end, which you must hide under your wimple.