Winced [verb]
Definition of Winced:
draw back
Synonyms of Winced:
● Blanch
● Cower
● Flinch
● Recoil
● Grimace
● Back off
● Cringe
● Dodge
● Swerve
● Turn
● Shy
● Start
● Blench
● Duck
● Quail
● Shrink
● Jib
Sentence/Example of Winced:
Burke winced, but he made shift to conceal his realization of the truth she had stated to him.
Dick, too, winced under the pain of this meeting with his father in a situation so sinister.
But he wrung their hands till they winced with the pain of that iron grip.
Vernon had winced, just as Paula had winced, and at the same words.
I will freely own, however, that I winced a little at first reading them.
The girl, though she winced with pain, did not utter a sound.
Mr. Dunbar winced, as if the announcement of the girl's refusal had stung him to the quick.
Mr. Balderby winced as if some one had trodden upon one of his corns.
Marzak winced before a reply that seemed to reflect upon himself.
Despite himself, Galliard winced, and his glance fell before Hogan's.