Worldly [adjective]

Definition of Worldly:

material, nonreligious

Synonyms of Worldly:

Opposite/Antonyms of Worldly:

Sentence/Example of Worldly:

Then he licked his chops and looked in admiration on his worldly friend.

If I have erred, 'tis to worldly wisdom only that I have erred.

He has been the very madman of politics from the point of view of Mr. Worldly Wiseman.

All your worldly goods you will leave to some one who is very dear to you.

Not surely so much in worldly as in religious considerations.

She thought, maybe, that she had half convinced me of her worldly wisdom.

But Mary thought otherwise, and in matters of worldly judgment he could only yield.

Vargrave, I am ambitious, worldly: I own it; but I could give up all for you!

Worldly wise in hard and poor necessities, she was innocent in all things else.

Worldly affairs were too much for him; he couldn't make them out at all.