Wranglers [noun]
Definition of Wranglers:
Synonyms of Wranglers:
Opposite/Antonyms of Wranglers:
Sentence/Example of Wranglers:
In 1845 he graduated as second wrangler, but won the Smith prize.
But there was a something about Mr. Wrangler that he didn't fancy.
It was too late now to make sure of Wadley or to silence the wrangler.
"Oh, no, this kind of a wrangler isn't," laughed the foreman.
The saddle horses in charge of the horse "wrangler" accompany the wagon.
While they fed, watered, and saddled they swapped gossip with the wrangler.
If you desire to live, learn how to kill, for wine is a wrangler.
They were brought to the wagons each morning by the wrangler.
He went out first wrangler, and became the fortunate man he was.
The night wrangler was to ride the bed wagon, so he needed no horse.