Wrecks [noun]
Definition of Wrecks:
severe damage or severely damaged goods
Synonyms of Wrecks:
● Crash
● Mess
● Ruin
● Hulk
● Debris
● Wreckage
● Debacle
● Collapse
● Junk
● Total
● Relic
● Crate
● Litter
● Jalopy
● Heap
● Derelict
● Waste
● Ruins
● Smashup
● Junker
● Pile-up
Sentence/Example of Wrecks:
There were so many ways in which the wreck might have gone out of life and left no sign.
As was said, the only soul who escaped alive off the wreck was Tom Chist.
On inquiry, he learned that it had come from a wreck in which there were several ladies.
And the battles which wreck ministers are waged round his name.
His first step was to restore discipline in the Chapter, which had all gone to wreck.
The fame of his success in raising the wreck off the Bahamas had already preceded him.
Into it he dropped the ring, covering it again with all the leafy "rubble and wreck" of the wood.
The cutter imitated this manoeuvre, and the boat of the wreck went last.
It is still a mystery to me why they let us escape, especially as they so soon deserted the wreck.
He used most of his money that he got from the wreck to help finance their cause.