Live out of a suitcase


To travel frequently or move around often, living temporarily in various places


  • As a traveling salesperson, she had to live out of a suitcase most of the year.
  • He lived out of a suitcase during his six-month business trip across Europe.
  • Actors often live out of a suitcase when they are on tour for a show.
  • After moving to a new city every few months, he got used to living out of a suitcase.
  • The journalist lived out of a suitcase while covering stories in different countries.
  • College students studying abroad may live out of a suitcase for an entire semester.
  • Flight attendants often live out of a suitcase due to their unpredictable schedules.
  • She had to live out of a suitcase for weeks while her house was being renovated.
  • During the backpacking trip, they lived out of a suitcase, moving from hostel to hostel.
  • His job as a consultant meant he was living out of a suitcase most of the time.
  • After the breakup, she decided to travel and live out of a suitcase for a while.
  • The band's hectic tour schedule had them living out of a suitcase for months.
  • Freelancers who take on international projects often live out of a suitcase.
  • Despite living out of a suitcase, she loved the adventure of traveling to new places.
  • As a military family, they were used to living out of a suitcase with each new assignment.