Idioms beginning with p
Idioms beginning with p
Pack Heat
Meaning: Carry a gun
Paddle One’s Own Canoe
Meaning: To be able to act independently.
Meaning: A page-turner is an exciting book that’s easy to read, a book that’s difficult to put down.
Pain in the Neck
Meaning: Someone or something making your life difficult
Paint the Town Red
Meaning: Go out drinking and partying
Par for the Course
Meaning: What would normally be expected. This has a negative connotation.
Pass the Buck
Meaning: Transfer a problem to someone else
Pass With Flying Colors
Meaning: To succeed brilliantly, as on an exam or other test
Passing Fancy
Meaning: A temporary interest or attraction
Pay Through the Nose
Meaning: Pay a large amount of money
Peaches and Cream
Meaning: A situation, process, etc., that has no trouble or problems
Pecking Order
Meaning: Hierarchy, rank of importance
Pencil Something In
Meaning: Make tentative arrangements
Meaning: Frugal, avoiding expenses whenever possible
Pep Talk
Meaning: An encouraging speech given to a person or group
Perfect Storm
Meaning: A rare combination of disastrous occurrences
Pet Peeve
Meaning: A small thing that you find particularly annoying
Pick a Fight
Meaning: Intentionally provoke a conflict or fight with someone
Pick Up the Slack
Meaning: Do something that someone else is not doing; assume someone else’s responsibilities
Pick Up the Tab
Meaning: To pay a bill presented to a group, especially in a restaurant or bar
Pie in the Sky
Meaning: Something that is unrealistic or that cannot be achieved
Piece of Cake
Meaning: Very easily done
Pin Someone Down
Meaning: Demand a decision or clear answer
Pinch Pennies
Meaning: To be careful with money, to be thrify
Pink Slip
Meaning: A layoff notice; loss of a job, typically because of layoffs
Pipe Dream
Meaning: An unrealistic hope, a fantasy
Piping Hot
Meaning: Very hot (generally said of food)
Pipped to the Post
Meaning: Defeated by a narrow margin
Pissing Contest
Meaning: A meaningless argument or competition, typically between males
Play Ball
Meaning: Cooperate, agree to participate
Play Cat And Mouse
Meaning: Trying to trick someone into making a mistake so you can defeat them.
Play Hardball
Meaning: Adopt a tough negotiating position; act aggressively
Play it by Ear
Meaning: To play a piece of music without referencing sheet music or a recording
Play It by Ear
Meaning: To respond to circumstances instead of having a fixed plan
Play the Percentages
Meaning: Bet on or rely on what is most likely to happen
Play the Ponies
Meaning: Bet on horse racing.
Play With Fire
Meaning: Do something very risky
Play Your Cards Right
Meaning: Exploit a situation to your best advantage
Point of No Return
Meaning: A place from which it is impossible to go back to the starting point
Point the Finger At
Meaning: Blame (someone)
Point the Finger
Meaning: At Blame (someone)
Poison Pill
Meaning: A provision or feature added to a measure or an entity to make it less attractive, an undesirable add-on
Poison Pill
Meaning: A provision or feature added to a measure or an entity to make it less attractive, an undesirable add-on
Pop One’s Clogs
Meaning: To die
Pop One’s Cork
Meaning: To release one’s anger; to blow one’s top
Pop the Question
Meaning: Propose marriage
Pot Calling the Kettle Black
Meaning: Accusing someone of something of which you are also guilty; being hypocritical
Pour (Rub) Salt into (on) the Wound (an open wound)
Meaning: Worsen an insult or injury; make a bad situation worse for someone
Powder Keg
Meaning: An explosive situation, a situation in which people are angry and ready to be violent
Powder One’s Nose
Meaning: To use the restroom (lavatory). This is used by women
Preach to the Choir, Preach to the Converted
Meaning: To make an argument with which your listeners already agree
Preaching to the Choir
Meaning: Making arguments to those who already agree with you
Pretty Penny
Meaning: A lot of money; too much money (when referring to the cost of something)
Price Yourself Out of the Market
Meaning: Try to sell goods or services at such a high price that nobody buys them.
Puddle Jumper
Meaning: A small airplane, used on short trips
Pull Out All the Stops
Meaning: Do everything possible to accomplish something
Pull Strings
Meaning: Use influence that’s based on personal connections
Pull the Plug On
Meaning: Terminate (something)
Pull Yourself Together
Meaning: Control your emotions; recover from a strong emptional upset
Puppies And Rainbows
Meaning: Perfect, ideal (usually used slightly sarcastically, in contrast with a less ideal situation)
Puppy Dog Eyes
Meaning: A begging look
Puppy Love
Meaning: Adolescent love or infatuation, especially one that is not expected to last
Pure as the Driven Snow
Meaning: To be innocent and chaste (frequently used ironically)
Push the Envelope
Meaning: Go beyond common ways of doing something, be innovative
Pushing Up Daisies
Meaning: be dead and buried.
Put a Thumb on the Scale
Meaning: Try to influence a discussion in an unfair way, cheat
Put Down Roots
Meaning: Establish oneself in a place; settle
Put in One’s Two Cents
Meaning: Say your opinion
Put Lipstick on a Pig
Meaning: Make cosmetic changes to something bad
Put one’s Face On
Meaning: Apply cosmetics
Put Out Feelers
Meaning: Make discreet, informal suggestions, ask around
Put Someone on the Spot
Meaning: Force someone to answer a question or make a decision immediately
Put That in Your Pipe and Smoke It
Meaning: Accept and consider what I’m saying, even if you don’t like it!
Put the Best Face On (Something)
Meaning: Emphasize the positive aspects of a bad situation
Put the Brakes On
Meaning: Slow something down
Put the Cart Before The Horse
Meaning: To do things in the wrong order
Put the Cart Before the Horse
Meaning: To do things out of the proper order.
Put the Cat Among The Pigeons
Meaning: Say or do something that causes trouble or controversy
Put the Genie Back in the Bottle
Meaning: Try to suppress something that has already been revealed or done
Put the Pedal to the Metal
Meaning: Drive as fast as possible
Put Up with (Something)
Meaning: Tolerate, accept
Put Words Into Someone’s Mouth
Meaning: Attributing an opinion to someone who has never stated that opinion
Put Your Foot Down
Meaning: Use your authority to stop negative behavior
Put Your Foot In Your Mouth
Meaning: Say something that you immediately regret
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
Meaning: Back up your opinions with a financial commitment