Words Beginning with b - list and definitions learning English
- Ba - undergraduate degree
- Baa - sheep sound
- baa-lamb - child's word for a sheep or lamb
- baal - any of numerous local fertility and nature deities worshipped by ancient Semitic peoples; the Hebrews considered Baal a false god
- baas - South African term for 'boss'
- baathist - a member or follower of the Baath Party, a pan-Arab political party.
- babalaas - A very bad hangover.
- Babar -
- babassu - tall feather palm of northern Brazil with hard-shelled nuts yielding valuable oil and a kind of vegetable ivory
- Babbit -
- babbitt - an alloy of tin with some copper and antimony; a lining for bearings that reduces friction
- babble - to talk foolishly
- Babbled - trivial talk, often incessant
- Babbler - someone who talks too much
- Babblers - someone who talks too much
- Babbles - trivial talk, often incessant
- Babbling - chattering
- babby - Baby (human infant)
- babe - a very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk
- babe magnet - A person, especially a man, to whom women are attracted.
- babel - (Genesis 11:1-11) a tower built by Noah's descendants (probably in Babylon) who intended it to reach up to heaven; God foiled them by confusing their language so they could no longer understand one another
- babelicious - Alternative form of babealicious
- Babels - confusion
- Babery -
- Babes - baby
- Babied - treat like a child
- Babier - miniature
- Babies - infant
- Babiest - miniature
- babirusa - Indonesian wild pig with enormous curved canine teeth
- Babism -
- Babka -
- Bablah -
- baboon - large terrestrial monkeys having doglike muzzles
- Baboons - ape
- Baboosh - shoe
- Babooshes - shoe
- babouche - A Turkish or Moroccan slipper having no heel
- Babouches - shoe
- babu - used as a Hindi courtesy title; equivalent to English 'Mr'
- babul - Alternative of Babool.
- babushka - a woman's headscarf folded into a triangle and tied under the chin; worn by Russian peasant women
- Babushkas - covering worn over the head
- baby - a very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk
- baby food - A food designed for babies, usually of very soft consistency.
- baby grand - a small grand piano
- baby powder - powder used to prevent a baby's diaper from chafing
- Babyhood - period of infancy
- Babyhoods - period of infancy
- Babying - treat like a child
- babyish - characteristic of a baby
- Babylike - childish
- babylonian - an inhabitant of ancient Babylon
- Babysat - care for a child
- Babysit - attend, tend
- Babysits - care for a child
- babysitter - a person engaged to care for children when the parents are not home
- Babysitting - care for a child
- bacalao - Alternative spelling of bacalhau
- baccalaureate - an academic degree conferred on someone who has successfully completed undergraduate studies
- Baccalaureates - undergraduate degree
- baccarat - a card game played in casinos in which two or more punters gamble against the banker; the player wins who holds 2 or 3 cards that total closest to nine
- bacchanal - a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity
- bacchanalia - an orgiastic festival in ancient Greece in honor of Dionysus (= Bacchus)
- bacchanalian - used of riotously drunken merrymaking
- Bacchanalians - one who drinks too much
- Bacchanals - merrymaking
- bacchant - someone who engages in drinking bouts
- Bacchantes - carouser
- Bacchants - carouser
- bacchic - used of riotously drunken merrymaking
- bacchus - (classical mythology) god of wine; equivalent of Dionysus
- baccy - leaves of the tobacco plant dried and prepared for smoking or ingestion
- bachelor - lead a bachelor's existence
- bachelorette - a young unmarried woman who lives alone
- Bachelors - unmarried man or woman
- Bacilli - bacteria
- bacilliform - formed like a bacillus
- bacillus - aerobic rod-shaped spore-producing bacterium; often occurring in chainlike formations; found primarily in soil
- back - a support that you can lean against while sitting
- back alley - An alleyway that runs behind a row of houses, or between rows of houses
- Back board -
- back issue - An edition of a magazine, etc, that was published earlier than the current edition.
- back line - The line running across the goal to the corners of the playing field.
- back lot - The farthest section of a parking lot.
- back row - The last row of seats in a theater or any group of seats.
- back talk - an impudent or insolent rejoinder
- back-breaking - Of work, very physically tiring
- back-burner - Having low urgency; not currently important
- back-formation - a word invented (usually unwittingly by subtracting an affix) on the assumption that a familiar word derives from it
- back-pedal - Alternative spelling of backpedal
- back-to-back - one after the other
- backache - an ache localized in the back
- backbeat - a loud steady beat
- backbench - any of the seats occupied by backbenchers in the House of Commons
- backbencher - a member of the House of Commons who is not a party leader
- backbend - an acrobatic feat in which the trunk is bent backward from a standing position until the hands touch the floor
- Backbit - defame
- Backbite - defame
- Backbiter - mean lady
- Backbiters - mean lady
- Backbites - defame
- backbiting - The action of slandering a person without that person's knowledge.
- Backbitings - hateful talk
- Backbitten - defame
- backblocks - plural of backblock
- backboard - a raised vertical board with basket attached; used to play basketball
- backbone - the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord
- Backbones - strength of character
- Backbreaker - challenging, urgent
- Backbreakers - hard work
- Backbreaking - strenuous
- backchannel - To employ non-verbal (oral and visual) means to influence a speaker without interruption.
- backchat - light teasing repartee
- Backchats - rude answer
- backcloth - scenery hung at back of stage
- backcomb - To hold hair and comb it towards the head, thus giving it a bushier look; tease.
- Backcountries - rural area
- backcountry - A remote region; the boondocks.
- backcourt - A courtyard behind a housing block or tenementbuilding.
- backcross - mate a hybrid of the first generation with one of its parents
- Backdate - occur or cause to occur earlier
- Backdated - occur or cause to occur earlier
- Backdates - occur or cause to occur earlier
- Backdating - occur or cause to occur earlier
- Backdoor - confidential
- backdown - a retraction of a previously held position
- Backdowns - retraction
- backdraught - Alternative spelling of backdraft
- Backdrop - setting for something
- Backdrops - setting for something
- Backed - supported
- backer - invests in a theatrical production
- Backers - supporter
- backfield - the offensive football players who line up behind the linemen
- backfill - The material that has been used to refill an excavation.
- backfire - the backward escape of gases and unburned gunpowder after a gun is fired
- Backfired - have an opposite effect
- Backfires - have an opposite effect
- Backfiring - have an opposite effect
- backflip - An act of rotating one's body 360 degrees in the backwarddirection.
- backflow - a flow that returns toward its source
- Backflows - burning sensation
- backgammon - a board game for two players; pieces move according to throws of the dice
- background - understate the importance or quality of
- backgrounder - a press conference or interview in which a government official explains to reporters the background of an action or policy
- Backgrounds - experience or circumstances
- backhand - a return made with the back of the hand facing the direction of the stroke
- Backhanded - underhanded
- backhoe - an excavator whose shovel bucket is attached to a hinged boom and is drawn backward to move earth
- Backhoes - bulldozer
- backing - financial resources provided to make some project possible
- Backings - support
- backland - Land that lies behind or beyond some primary settlement or development.
- backlash - a movement back from an impact
- Backlashed - have an opposite effect
- Backlashes - adverse reaction
- Backlashing - have an opposite effect
- backless - lacking a back
- backlight - A spotlight that illuminates a photographic subject from behind.
- backlist - A list of older books available from a publisher, as opposed to the frontlist of more recent titles.
- backlog - something kept back or saved for future use or a special purpose
- Backlogs - uncompleted work; accumulation
- Backmost -
- backpack - a bag carried by a strap on your back or shoulder
- Backpacked - transport physical object
- backpacker - a hiker who wears a backpack
- Backpackers - mountain climber
- Backpacking - tramping
- Backpackings - mountain climbing
- Backpacks - sack carried on the back
- Backpedal - backtrack
- Backpedaled - backtrack
- Backpedaling - backtrack
- Backpedalled - change mind
- Backpedalling - change mind
- Backpedals - backtrack
- backplane - A circuit board that connects several connectors in parallelto each other, so that each pin of each connector is linked to the same relative pin of all the other connectors, forming a computer bus.
- backplate - plate armor protecting the back; worn as part of a cuirass
- backrest - a support that you can lean against while sitting
- Backroom - art and science of administration of government
- Backrooms - art and science of administration of government
- Backs - end
- backscatter - scatter (radiation) by the atoms of the medium through which it passes
- Backscratch - butter up
- Backscratched - butter up
- backscratcher - a long-handled scratcher for scratching your back
- Backscratchers - sycophant
- Backscratches - butter up
- backscratching - present participle of backscratch
- Backset - setback
- Backsets - setback
- Backside - rear end
- Backsides - rear end
- Backslapper - sycophant
- Backslappers - sycophant
- Backslapping - fun-loving
- backslash - The punctuation mark
- Backslid - go astray
- Backslidden - go astray
- backslide - drop to a lower level, as in one's morals or standards
- Backslider - person who is rebellious
- Backsliders - person who is rebellious
- Backslides - go astray
- Backsliding - relapse
- Backslidings - relapse
- backspace - the typewriter key used for back spacing
- backspin - spin (usually of a moving ball) that retards or reverses the forward motion
- backsplash - A vertical covering on a wall rising above a countertop or other work surface to protect the wall from spills and to decorate the wall.
- Backstab - attack indirectly
- Backstabbed - attack indirectly
- Backstabber - traitor
- Backstabbers - traitor
- Backstabbing - attack indirectly
- Backstabbings - hateful talk
- Backstabs - attack indirectly
- backstage - concealed from public view or attention
- backstairs - secret and sly or sordid
- backstay - a stay that supports the back of something
- backstitch - an overlapping stitch made by starting the next stitch at the middle of the preceding one
- Backstitching - stitching
- backstop - (baseball) the person who plays the position of catcher
- Backstops - barrier used to enclose a piece of land
- backstory - A fictitious account of a person's history designed to conceal their actual history and motives; a cover story.
- backstreet - Associated with neighborhoods on back streets, often in older neighborhoods, with poorer residents.
- Backstreets - small street
- backstretch - An area next to a racetrack used to stable the racehorsesand house employees.
- backstroke - a swimming stroke that resembles the crawl except the swimmer lies on his or her back
- backswept - used of hair
- backswimmer - predaceous aquatic insect that swims on its back and may inflict painful bites
- backswing - The preparatory stroke preceding that which produces contactwith the target. Normally associated with sports using an implement such as a bat, club, racket or stick.
- backsword - a stick used instead of a sword for fencing
- Backswords - arm, armament
- Backtalk - verbal impudence
- Backtalks - verbal impudence
- backtrack - retrace one's course
- Backtracked - backpedal
- Backtracking - backpedal
- Backtrackings - about-face
- Backtracks - backpedal
- backup - a musical part (vocal or instrumental) that supports or provides background for other musical parts
- Backups - auxiliary
- backveld - Backward and unsophisticated rural areas.
- backward - in a manner or order or direction the reverse of normal
- backward-looking - opposing progress and innovation; reactionary.
- backwardation - The situation in a futures market where prices for future deliveryare lower than prices for immediate (or nearer) delivery. Generally arising from a near-term shortage of a commodity.
- backwardness - lack of normal development of intellectual capacities
- Backwardnesses - underdevelopment
- backwards - in a manner or order or direction the reverse of normal
- backwash - the consequences of an event (especially a catastrophic event)
- Backwashes - repercussion
- backwater - a body of water that was created by a flood or tide or by being held or forced back by a dam
- Backwaters - swampy outlet
- backwind - To deflect air into the back of a sail or of a vessel
- backwoods - a remote and undeveloped area
- backwoodsman - a man who lives on the frontier
- Backwoodsmen - wilderness dweller
- backyard - the grounds in back of a house
- Backyards - expanse behind house
- bacl straight - The straight part of a racetrack, running track, etc., opposite the finishing line; the backstretch.
- bacne - Acne on the back.
- bacolod - a town in the Philippines, on the NW coast of Negros Island.
- bacon - Cured meat from the sides, belly, or back of a pig.
- baconian - Of or pertaining to Lord Bacon or to his system of philosophy.
- Bacons - flitch
- bacteraemia - The medical condition of having bacteria in the bloodstream
- Bacteria - microorganisms
- bacterial - relating to or caused by bacteria
- Bacterias - microorganisms
- Bactericidal - completely clean, uncontaminated; decontaminating
- bactericide - any chemical agent that destroys bacteria
- Bactericides - decontaminating agent
- bacteriocin - Any of a class of antibiotic toxins, produced by some bacteria, that target closely related bacteria
- bacteriological - of or relating to bacteriology
- bacteriology - the branch of medical science that studies bacteria in relation to disease
- bacteriolysis - dissolution or destruction of bacteria
- bacteriophage - a virus that is parasitic (reproduces itself) in bacteria
- bacteriostat - a chemical or biological material that inhibits bacterial growth
- bacterium - A single celled organism with cell walls but no nucleus or organelles.
- bactria - a member of a large group of unicellular microorganisms which have cell walls but lack organelles and an organized nucleus, including some which can cause disease.
- bactrian - A native of Bactria
- bactrian camel - two-humped camel of the cold deserts of central Asia
- bad - with great intensity (`bad' is a nonstandard variant for `badly')
- bad blood - a feeling of ill will arousing active hostility
- bad boy - A male criminal.
- bad break - a piece of bad luck.
- bad breath - unpleasant-smelling breath
- bad debt - a debt that is unlikely to be repaid
- bad faith - The existentialist concept of denying one's total freedom of will.
- bad form - Behaviour which is contrary to social expectations, which is inappropriate or rude.
- Bad fortune -
- bad guy - any person who is not on your side
- bad manners - impoliteness resulting from ignorance
- bad mood - an angry or irritable state of mind.
- bad seed - A genetic source of bad behavior or other results.
- bad-tempered - annoyed and irritable
- bada bing - Alternative form of bada bing bada boom
- badass - A mean or belligerent person; a person with unpleasantly extreme attitudes, behavior or appearance
- Badassed - distinctively tough person
- badassery - The behaviour or quality of a badass; belligerence, audaciousness, etc.
- Badasses - distinctively tough person
- baddeleyite - a mineral consisting of zirconium oxide
- Badder - poor quality
- badderlocks - The edible seaweed Alaria esculenta
- Baddest - poor quality
- baddie - the principal bad character in a film or work of fiction
- bade - a Chadic language spoken in northern Nigeria
- baden - Baden-Baden, a spa town in Germany
- badge - an emblem (a small piece of plastic or cloth or metal) that signifies your status (rank or membership or affiliation etc.)
- badger - annoy persistently
- badger state - a midwestern state in north central United States
- Badgered - nag, bother
- Badgering - nag, bother
- Badgers - nag, bother
- Badges - emblem worn
- badinage - Light and playful banter or teasing.
- Badinages - joking around
- Badland - barren land
- badlands - an eroded and barren region in southwestern South Dakota and northwestern Nebraska
- badling - An effeminate or womanish man.
- badly - in a disobedient or naughty way
- Badman -
- badminton - a game played on a court with light long-handled rackets used to volley a shuttlecock over a net
- Badmouth - purposefully lie about someone
- Badmouthed - to denigrate
- Badmouthing - to denigrate
- Badmouths - to denigrate
- badness - that which is below standard or expectations as of ethics or decency
- Badnesses - misfortune
- Bads - hurt, harm
- baffle - be a mystery or bewildering to
- Baffled - perplex
- bafflegab - Pretentious, incomprehensible, or overly technical language, especially legal or bureaucratic jargon.
- Bafflement - puzzlement
- Bafflements - puzzlement
- baffler - Something that causes one to be baffled, particularly a difficult puzzle or riddle.
- Baffles - perplex
- baffling - making great mental demands; hard to comprehend or solve or believe
- bag - an activity that you like or at which you are superior
- bag lady - a homeless woman who carries all her possessions with her in shopping bags
- bag lunch - a cold lunch prepared at home and carried in a bag to work, to school, or on an excursion.
- bag snatcher - A thief who snatches a handbag from the person carrying it.
- bagarre - a noisy disturbance or brawl.
- bagasse - the dry dusty pulp that remains after juice is extracted from sugar cane or similar plants
- bagatelle - something of little value or significance
- Bagatelles - trinket
- bagel - (Yiddish) glazed yeast-raised doughnut-shaped roll with hard crust
- baggage - cases used to carry belongings when traveling
- baggage car - a railway car where passengers' bags are carried
- Baggages - gear
- Bagged - catch
- Bagger - bulky
- baggie - A small bag, especially a small, clear, plastic bag.
- Baggier - drooping
- Baggiest - drooping
- Bagginess - swollen object
- Bagginesses - swollen object
- Bagging - container for one's possesions
- baggy - not fitting closely; hanging loosely
- bagh - a type of enclosed garden common in south and south-eastern Asia
- baghdad - capital and largest city of Iraq; located on the Tigris River
- bagman - a salesman who travels to call on customers
- Bagmen - traveling salesperson
- bagnio - a building containing public baths
- Bagnios - brothel
- bagpipe - a tubular wind instrument; the player blows air into a bag and squeezes it out through the drone
- Bags - container for one's possesions
- baguette - narrow French stick loaf
- Baguettes - precious stone
- Bahaism -
- bahamas - island country in the Atlantic to the east of Florida and Cuba; a popular winter resort
- bahamian - a native or inhabitant of the Bahamas
- bahrain - an island country in the Persian Gulf off the coast of Saudi Arabia; oil revenues funded progressive programs until reserves were exhausted in 1970s
- bahraini - a native or inhabitant of Bahrain
- baht - the basic unit of money in Thailand
- Baignoire - special seat in theatre or stadium
- Baignoires - special seat in theatre or stadium
- Baik -
- baikonur - A city in Kazakhstan, rented and administered by Russia, constructed to service Baikonur Cosmodrome, since 1995 also called Baikonur.
- Bail - money for assurance
- Bailed - dig up; shovel
- bailee - the agent to whom property involved in a bailment is delivered
- bailey - United States singer (1918-1990)
- bailie - A bailiff
- bailiff - an officer of the court who is employed to execute writs and processes and make arrests etc.
- Bailiffs - overseer
- Bailing - dig up; shovel
- bailiwick - a branch of knowledge
- Bailiwicks - domain
- bailment - the delivery of personal property in trust by the bailor to the bailee
- bailor - the person who delivers personal property (goods or money) in trust to the bailee in a bailment
- bailout - A rescue, especially a financial rescue.
- Bails - money for assurance
- Bailsman - insurer
- Bailsmen - insurer
- Bain marie -
- bain-marie - a large pan that is filled with hot water; smaller pans containing food can be set in the larger pan to keep food warm or to cook food slowly
- Baiomys -
- bairam - Either of two Muslim festivals held after Ramadan.
- bairn - a child: son or daughter
- Bairns - child
- bait - anything that serves as an enticement
- Baited - something for luring
- Baiting - something for luring
- Baits - something for luring
- baiza - 1,000 baiza equal 1 riyal-omani in Oman
- baize - a bright green fabric napped to resemble felt; used to cover gaming tables
- bajillion - An unspecified large number
- Bake - cook in oven
- bakeapple - creeping raspberry of north temperate regions with yellow or orange berries
- baked - dried out by heat or excessive exposure to sunlight
- bakehouse - a workplace where baked goods (breads and cakes and pastries) are produced or sold
- bakelite - a thermosetting plastic used as electric insulators and for making plastic ware and telephone receivers etc.
- baker - someone who bakes bread or cake
- Bakeries - cooking business where baked goods are produced
- Bakers - person who cooks baked goods
- bakery - a workplace where baked goods (breads and cakes and pastries) are produced or sold
- Bakes - cook in oven
- bakeshop - a workplace where baked goods (breads and cakes and pastries) are produced or sold
- bakeware - Cooking equipment intended for use inside an oven.
- Baking - very hot
- Bakings - calefaction
- baklava - rich Middle Eastern cake made of thin layers of flaky pastry filled with nuts and honey
- baksheesh - a relatively small amount of money given for services rendered (as by a waiter)
- Baksheeshes - payment
- balaclava - a cap that is close-fitting and woolen and covers all of the head but the face
- balalaika - a stringed instrument that has a triangular body and three strings
- balance - a wheel that regulates the rate of movement in a machine; especially a wheel oscillating against the hairspring of a timepiece to regulate its beat
- balanced - being in a state of proper equilibrium
- Balancer - performer who does tricks, physical feats
- Balancers - performer who does tricks, physical feats
- Balances - equilibrium
- Balancing - make equal; cause to have equilibrium
- Balancings - inspection of financial records
- balanitis - inflammation of the head of the penis
- balata - when dried yields a hard substance used e.g. in golf balls
- balboa - The currency of Panama, divided into 100 cent��simos
- balbriggan - a cotton knit fabric used for underwear
- Balconies - porch or structure above the ground
- balcony - an upper floor projecting from the rear over the main floor in an auditorium
- bald - without the natural or usual covering
- bald-faced - unrestrained by convention or propriety
- Baldachin - overhanging covering
- Baldachins - overhanging covering
- balder - (Norse mythology) god of light and peace and noted for his beauty and sweet nature; son of Odin and Frigg and husband of Nanna; killed by Hoth
- balderdash - trivial nonsense
- Balderdashes - nonsense
- Baldest - having no covering
- Baldfaced - shameless
- baldhead - a person whose head is bald or shaved
- Baldheaded - having no covering
- balding - getting bald
- baldly - in a bald manner
- baldness - the condition of having no hair on the top of the head
- Baldnesses - grimness, barrenness
- baldpate - a widgeon the male of which has a white crown
- baldric - a wide (ornamented) belt worn over the right shoulder to support a sword or bugle by the left hip
- baldy - a person whose head is bald or shaved
- Bale - bunch
- balearic - From, or pertaining to, the Balearic Islands
- Baled - accumulate, package
- baleen - a horny material from the upper jaws of certain whales; used as the ribs of fans or as stays in corsets
- Baleens - cetacean mammal
- balefire - a large outdoor fire that is lighted as a signal or in celebration
- Balefires - light used as signal, guide
- baleful - deadly or sinister
- baler - A machine for creating bales, e.g., of hay or cotton.
- Bales - bunch
- bali - an island in Indonesia to the east of Java; striking volcanic scenery; culture is known for elaborate dances and rituals and for handicrafts
- balinese - the Indonesian language of the people of Bali
- Baling - accumulate, package
- balk - the area on a billiard table behind the balkline
- balkan - an inhabitant of the Balkan Peninsula
- balkanize - divide a territory into small, hostile states
- balkans - the major mountain range of Bulgaria and the Balkan Peninsula
- Balked - stop short
- Balkier - uncooperative
- Balkiest - uncooperative
- Balking - stop short
- Balks - stop short
- balky - stopping short and refusing to go on
- Ball - dance party
- ball carrier - (football) the player who is carrying (and trying to advance) the ball on an offensive play
- ball club - a team of professional baseball players who play and travel together
- ballad - a narrative poem of popular origin
- ballade - a poem consisting of 3 stanzas and an envoy
- balladeer - a singer of popular ballads
- Balladeers - singer
- Balladist - person who writes expressive, rhythmic verse
- Balladists - person who writes expressive, rhythmic verse
- Balladries - expressive, rhythmic literary work
- balladry - ballads considered as a group
- Ballads - narrative song
- ballast - a resistor inserted into a circuit to compensate for changes (as those arising from temperature fluctuations)
- Ballasted - burden, saddle
- Ballasting - burden, saddle
- Ballasts - something giving balance
- ballboy - Alternative spelling of ball boy
- ballcock - floating ball that controls level in a water tank
- baller - A person employed to divide molten metal into separate balls before it is hammered out.
- ballerina - a female ballet dancer
- Ballerinas - lead woman ballet dancer
- ballet - a theatrical representation of a story that is performed to music by trained dancers
- balletic - characteristic of or resembling or suitable for ballet
- Ballets - graceful, expressive dancing
- Ballgame - movement, working
- Ballgames - movement, working
- ballgown - A formal gown to be worn by women to balls and similar social events.
- Ballista - arm, armament
- Ballistae - arm, armament
- ballistic - relating to or characteristic of the motion of objects moving under their own momentum and the force of gravity
- ballistics - the trajectory of an object in free flight
- Ballocks - male testicles
- ballon - The quality of a jump by which a ballet dancer appears to pause in midair
- balloon - become inflated
- Ballooned - billow out; bloat
- balloonfish - similar to but smaller than porcupinefish
- ballooning - flying in a balloon
- balloonist - someone who flies a balloon
- Balloons - inflated material or vehicle
- ballot - a choice that is made by counting the number of people in favor of each alternative
- Balloted - take census; question
- Balloter - voting
- Balloters - elector
- ballotin - An officer who has charge of a ballot box.
- Balloting - casting votes
- Ballotings - casting votes
- Ballots - voting; recording of vote
- ballpark - near to the scope or range of something
- Ballparks - land, feeling of great pleasure; absence of evil
- ballplayer - an athlete who plays baseball
- ballpoint - a pen that has a small metal ball as the point of transfer of ink to paper
- ballroom - large room used mainly for dancing
- Ballrooms - place for musical presentations
- balls - plural of ball
- Ballsier - fearless
- Ballsiest - fearless
- ballsy - Tough and courageous; having balls.
- bally - informal intensifiers
- ballyhoo - blatant or sensational promotion
- Ballyhooed - publicize
- Ballyhooing - publicize
- Ballyhoos - propaganda
- balm - semisolid preparation (usually containing a medicine) applied externally as a remedy or for soothing an irritation
- Balmed - calm, ease off
- Balmier - comfortable with respect to weather
- Balmiest - comfortable with respect to weather
- Balminess - scent, often manufactured and packaged for personal use
- Balminesses - scent, often manufactured and packaged for personal use
- Balming - calm, ease off
- balmoral - a brimless dark blue Scottish cap with a flat top and a plume on one side
- Balmorals - underwear
- Balms - oily substance
- balmy - Mild and pleasant, especially weather that is warm and soothing.; Mentally unstable or crazy (less common usage).
- balneology - The study of baths and bathing, especially therapeutic bathing.
- baloney - pretentious or silly talk or writing
- Baloneys - nonsense
- balsa - forest tree of lowland Central America having a strong very light wood; used for making floats and rafts and in crafts
- balsam - an ointment containing a fragrant resin
- balsamic - of or relating to or containing balsam
- Balsamical -
- Balsams - oily substance
- Balsas - flatboat
- balthasar - (New Testament) one of the three sages from the east who came bearing gifts for the infant Jesus
- balthazar - (New Testament) one of the three sages from the east who came bearing gifts for the infant Jesus
- balti - A style of Pakistani cooking in which the food is cooked in an iron pan having two handles.
- baltic - a sea in northern Europe; stronghold of the Russian navy
- Baltic state -
- baltimore - the largest city in Maryland; a major seaport and industrial center
- Baltimorean -
- baluchi - an Iranian language spoken in Pakistan and Iran and Afghanistan and Russia and the Persian gulf
- baluchistan - Alternative form of Balochistan
- balun - An electronic device for connecting a balanced transmission line to an unbalanced one.
- baluster - one of a number of closely spaced supports for a railing
- Balusters - railing of stairs
- balustrade - a railing at the side of a staircase or balcony to prevent people from falling
- Balustrades - rail for stairs
- balzacian - of or relating to Honore de Balzac or his writings
- Bam - beat, hit
- Bambini - baby
- bambino - a young child
- Bambinos - baby
- bamboo - the hard woody stems of bamboo plants; used in construction and crafts and fishing poles
- bamboozle - conceal one's true motives from especially by elaborately feigning good intentions so as to gain an end
- Bamboozled - fool; cheat
- bamboozlement - The act or process of bamboozling or being bamboozled.
- Bamboozlements - trick
- Bamboozles - fool; cheat
- Bamboozling - fool; cheat
- Bammed - beat, hit
- Bamming - beat, hit
- Bamoth -
- Bams - beat, hit
- Ban - official forbiddance
- banal - repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse
- Banalities - common saying
- banality - a trite or obvious remark
- banana - elongated crescent-shaped yellow fruit with soft sweet flesh
- bananaquit - A nectar-feeding bird, Coereba flaveola, thought to be related to the Darwin's finches and the grassquits.
- Bananas - insane
- banausic - (formal) ordinary and not refined
- banco - A bank, especially that of Venice.
- Band - something which encircles
- Band-aids -
- bandage - a piece of soft material that covers and protects an injured part of the body
- Bandaged - covering for wound
- Bandages - covering for wound
- Bandaging - covering for wound
- Bandaid - made-up
- bandana - large and brightly colored handkerchief; often used as a neckerchief
- Bandanas - personal cloth
- Bandanna - colorful scarf
- Bandannas - colorful scarf
- bandbox - a light cylindrical box for holding light articles of attire (especially hats)
- bandeau - an undergarment worn by women to support their breasts
- Bandeaux - something which encircles
- banded - characterized by a band of especially white around the body
- banderilla - a decorated dart that is implanted in the neck or shoulders of the bull during a bull fight
- Banderillas - arm, armament
- banderillero - the bullfighter who implants decorated darts (banderillas) into the neck or shoulders of the bull during a bull fight
- Banderol - flag
- banderole - A little banner, flag, or streamer.
- Banderoles - flag
- Banderols - flag
- bandicoot - any of various agile ratlike terrestrial marsupials of Australia and adjacent islands; insectivorous and herbivorous
- Bandicoots - pouched mammal
- Bandied - switch, exchange
- Bandies - verbal exchange
- banding - a stripe or stripes of contrasting color
- Bandings - netted material
- bandit - an armed thief who is (usually) a member of a band
- bandito - A bandit, particularly of the type associated with Mexico
- Banditries - overcharging
- Banditry - overcharging
- Bandits - thief
- Banditti - thief
- bandleader - the leader of a dance band
- Bandleaders - leader of band
- bandmaster - the conductor of a band
- bandog - A dog that has been tied up; a mastiff or other kind of guard dog.
- Bandogs - dog for protection
- bandolero - An outlaw or bandit, especially in Spain or Mexico.
- bandolier - a broad cartridge belt worn over the shoulder by soldiers
- bandoneon - a type of concertina popular in South America
- Bandore - accessory for head
- Bandores - accessory for head
- bandpass - Letting through only a specific range of electromagneticfrequencies.
- Bands - something which encircles
- bandsaw - an endless saw consisting of a toothed metal band that is driven around two wheels
- bandsman - a player in a band (especially a military band)
- bandstand - a platform where a (brass) band can play in the open air
- Bandstands - gazebo
- bandung - a city in Indonesia; located on western Java (southeast of Jakarta); a resort known for its climate
- bandwagon - a large ornate wagon for carrying a musical band
- Bandwagons - philosophy of a political party
- bandwidth - a data transmission rate; the maximum amount of information (bits/second) that can be transmitted along a channel
- Bandwidths - frequency range
- Bandy - verbal exchange
- Bandying - switch, exchange
- bane - something causing misery or death
- baneberry - a plant of the genus Actaea having acrid poisonous berries
- baneful - deadly or sinister
- Banefulness - injury, evil
- Banefulnesses - injury, evil
- Banes - cause of misery
- Bang - suddenly, with force
- bangalore - an industrial city in south central India (west of Chennai)
- Banged - hit or knock loudly
- banger - firework consisting of a small explosive charge and fuse in a heavy paper casing
- Bangers - encased minced meat
- banging - (used informally) very large
- bangkok - the capital and largest city and chief port of Thailand; a leading city in southeastern Asia; noted for Buddhist architecture
- bangla - a Magadhan language spoken by the Bengali people; the official language of Bangladesh and Bengal
- bangladesh - a Muslim republic in southern Asia bordered by India to the north and west and east and the Bay of Bengal to the south; formerly part of India and then part of Pakistan; it achieved independence in 1971
- bangladeshi - of or relating to or characteristic of Bangladesh or its people or language
- Bangladeshis -
- bangle - jewelry worn around the wrist for decoration
- Bangles - trinket
- Bangs - suddenly, with force
- bangtail - a horse bred for racing
- bangui - the capital and largest city of the Central African Republic
- Bani - official forbiddance
- bania - Alternative form of bunnia
- banish - ban from a place of residence, as for punishment
- Banished - expel from place or situation
- Banishes - expel from place or situation
- Banishing - expel from place or situation
- banishment - rejection by means of an act of banishing or proscribing someone
- Banishments - exile
- banister - a railing at the side of a staircase or balcony to prevent people from falling
- Banisters - railing of stairs
- banjo - a stringed instrument of the guitar family that has long neck and circular body
- banjul - a port city and capital of Gambia
- Bank - financial institution
- bank account - a fund that a customer has entrusted to a bank and from which the customer can make withdrawals
- bank bill - a piece of paper money (especially one issued by a central bank)
- Bank check -
- Bankabilities - salableness
- Bankability - salableness
- bankable - acceptable to or at a bank
- Banked - collect money or advantage
- Banker - professional in financial institution
- Bankers - professional in financial institution
- banking - engaging in the business of keeping money for savings and checking accounts or for exchange or for issuing loans and credit etc.
- Bankings - business carried on by a bank
- banknote - a piece of paper money (especially one issued by a central bank)
- Banknotes - currency accepted as exchange for goods, services
- bankroll - a roll of currency notes (often taken as the resources of a person or business etc.)
- Bankrolled - to finance
- Bankroller - person who lends money, advises
- Bankrollers - person who lends money, advises
- Bankrolling - to finance
- Bankrolls - to finance
- bankrupt - someone who has insufficient assets to cover their debts
- Bankruptcies - inability to pay debts
- bankruptcy - inability to discharge all your debts as they come due
- Bankrupted - make less; decrease
- Bankrupting - make less; decrease
- Bankrupts - person who is poor
- Banks - financial institution
- banksia - any shrub or tree of the genus Banksia having alternate leathery leaves apetalous yellow flowers often in showy heads and conelike fruit with winged seeds
- banlieue - The outskirts of a city, especially in France, inhabited chiefly by poor people living in tenement-style housing
- Banned - outlawed
- banner - any distinctive flag
- banneret - a knight honored for valor; entitled to display a square banner and to hold higher command
- Bannerets - flag
- Bannerette - flag
- Bannerettes - flag
- Bannerol - flag
- Bannerols - flag
- Banners - successful
- Banning - officially forbid
- Bannings - refusal
- bannock - a flat bread made of oat or barley flour; common in New England and Scotland
- banns - a public announcement of a proposed marriage
- banquet - provide a feast or banquet for
- Banqueted - given hospitality
- banqueting - eating an elaborate meal (often accompanied by entertainment)
- Banquets - formal dinner, usually ceremonial
- banquette - an upholstered bench
- Bans - official forbiddance
- banshee - (Irish folklore) a female spirit who wails to warn of impending death
- Banshees - ghost
- Bant - make less; decrease
- bantam - very small
- Bantams - small person
- bantanweight - an amateur boxer who weighs no more than 119 pounds
- Banted - make less; decrease
- banteng - wild ox of the Malay Archipelago
- banter - be silly or tease one another
- Bantered - teasing
- Banterer - person who jokes, plays jokes
- Banterers - person who jokes, plays jokes
- bantering - cleverly amusing in tone
- Banters - teasing
- Banties - hockey played on field or ground
- Banting - make less; decrease
- bantling - An infant or young child.
- Bantlings - baby
- Bants - make less; decrease
- bantu - a family of languages widely spoken in the southern half of the African continent
- Banty - hockey played on field or ground
- banyan - a loose fitting jacket; originally worn in India
- banzai - a Japanese cheer of enthusiasm or triumph
- Banzais - battle cry
- Bap -
- baptism - a Christian sacrament signifying spiritual cleansing and rebirth
- baptismal - of or relating to baptism
- baptismal name - the first name given to Christians at birth or christening
- Baptisms - church rite; initiation
- baptist - follower of Baptistic doctrines
- baptistery - bowl for baptismal water
- baptize - administer baptism to
- Baptized - christened
- Baptizes - initiate in church rite
- Baptizing - initiate in church rite
- Bar - rod; straight length of material
- bar line - a vertical line before the accented beat marking the boundary between musical bars
- Barb - point
- barbadian - a native or inhabitant of Barbados
- barbados - a parliamentary democracy on the island of Barbados; former British colony; a popular resort area
- barbara - A syllogism in which all three propositions are of the form "All X are Y" or "X is a Y".
- barbarian - a member of an uncivilized people
- Barbarians - crude, savage
- barbaric - without civilizing influences
- Barbarically - cruelly, without remorse
- barbarism - a brutal barbarous savage act
- Barbarisms - crudity, savagery, especially in speech
- Barbarities - crudity, savagery
- barbarity - the quality of being shockingly cruel and inhumane
- barbarize - become crude or savage or barbaric in behavior or language
- Barbarized - mechanize
- Barbarizes - mechanize
- Barbarizing - mechanize
- barbarous - (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering
- Barbarously - cruelly, without remorse
- Barbarousness - outrageous behavior
- Barbarousnesses - outrageous behavior
- barbary - a region of northern Africa on the Mediterranean coast between Egypt and Gibraltar; was used as a base for pirates from the 16th to 19th centuries
- barbastelle - A relatively rare European bat, Barbastella barbastellus
- Barbate - having facial hair
- barbecue - meat that has been barbecued or grilled in a highly seasoned sauce
- Barbecued - meal cooked on grill
- Barbecues - meal cooked on grill
- Barbecuing - meal cooked on grill
- barbed - having or covered with protective barbs or quills or spines or thorns or setae etc.
- barbel - slender tactile process on the jaws of a fish
- barbell - a bar to which heavy discs are attached at each end; used in weightlifting
- Barbellate - with stiff hairs
- Barbells - unattached exercise weight
- Barbels - anything that investigates by touch
- barber - United States composer (1910-1981)
- Barbered - cut outer covering off
- Barbering - cut outer covering off
- barberry - any of numerous plants of the genus Berberis having prickly stems and yellow flowers followed by small red berries
- Barbers - hair cutter
- barbershop - a shop where men can get their hair cut
- Barbershops - beauty shop
- barbet - small brightly colored stout-billed tropical bird having short weak wings
- barbette - (formerly) a mound of earth inside a fort from which heavy gun can be fired over the parapet
- barbican - a tower that is part of a defensive structure (such as a castle)
- Barbicans - lookout
- barbie - A beautiful but stupid or shallow young woman.
- Barbier -
- barbital - a barbiturate used as a hypnotic
- barbitone - a barbiturate used as a hypnotic
- barbiturate - organic compound having powerful soporific effect; overdose can be fatal
- Barbiturates - soothing agent, medicine
- barbotine - A paste of clay used in decorating coarse pottery in relief.
- Barbs - point
- barbuda - an island in Antigua and Barbuda
- barbule - A small barb or beard.
- barbwire - strong wire with barbs at regular intervals used to prevent passage
- Barbwires - spiky wire
- barcarole - a boating song sung by Venetian gondoliers
- barcelona - a city in northeastern Spain on the Mediterranean; 2nd largest Spanish city and the largest port and commercial center; has been a center for radical political beliefs
- barchan - An arc-shaped sand ridge comprised of well-sorted sand.
- barcode - Any set of machine-readable parallel bars or concentric circles, varying in width, spacing, or height, encoding information according to a symbology.
- Bard - troubadour
- bardo - The state of existence between death and subsequent reincarnation.
- bardolatry - the idolization of William Shakespeare
- Bards - troubadour
- bare - apart from anything else; without additions or modifications
- bare-assed - (used informally) completely unclothed
- Bare-bones - The basic or essential elements of something; basic, simple, minimal.
- bareback - riding without a saddle
- bareboat - a vessel (such as a yacht) that can be chartered without a captain or crew or provisions
- Bareboned -
- barebones - Alternative form of bare-bones
- Bared - reveal
- barefaced - unrestrained by convention or propriety
- barefoot - without shoes on
- Barefooted - without shoes
- barehanded - with bare hands
- bareheaded - having the head uncovered
- barely - almost not
- Bareness - state of being unclothed
- Barenesses - state of being unclothed
- Barer - without clothing
- Bares - reveal
- Barest - without clothing
- barf - the matter ejected in vomiting
- Barfed - vomit
- Barfing - vomit
- Barflies - alcoholic
- barfly - a person who spends much time in a bar or similar drinkingestablishment
- Barfs - vomit
- barfy - Resembling vomit in colour, texture, etc.
- bargain - an agreement between parties (usually arrived at after discussion) fixing obligations of each
- Bargained - agreement
- Bargaining - trade
- Bargainings - trade
- bargainous - cheap (characteristic of a bargain)
- Bargains - agreement
- barge - a flatbottom boat for carrying heavy loads (especially on canals)
- Barged - leap, spring
- bargee - someone who operates a barge
- bargello - needlepoint embroidery stitch that produces zigzag lines
- Bargellos - fancy stitching
- bargeman - someone who operates a barge
- Barges - large work boat
- Barging - leap, spring
- bari - capital city of the Apulia region on the Adriatic coast
- barilla - Algerian plant formerly burned to obtain calcium carbonate
- Baring - reveal
- barista - Barista (noun) refers to a person who prepares and serves coffee, typically in a coffee shop. They are skilled in making espresso-based drinks and often have knowledge of coffee beans and brewing methods.
- baritone - the second lowest brass wind instrument
- Bark - plant covering
- barked - simple past tense and past participle of bark
- barkeeper - an employee who mixes and serves alcoholic drinks at a bar
- barker - informal terms for dogs
- Barkers - speaker
- barking - present participle of bark
- Barks - plant covering
- barley - a grain of barley
- barleycorn - a grain of barley
- Barleys - food
- barm - a commercial leavening agent containing yeast cells; used to raise the dough in making bread and for fermenting beer or whiskey
- barmaid - a female bartender
- barman - an employee who mixes and serves alcoholic drinks at a bar
- barmbrack - a rich currant cake or bun
- Barmecidal -
- Barmier - silly
- Barmiest - silly
- Barms - globule of air
- barmy - informal or slang terms for mentally irregular
- Barn - animal shelter
- barn owl - mottled buff and white owl often inhabiting barns and other structures; important in rodent control
- barnacle - European goose smaller than the brant; breeds in the far north
- Barnacles - parasite
- barney - A lark, a romp, some fun.
- Barns - animal shelter
- barnstorm - appear at county fairs and carnivals as a stunt flier and parachute jumper
- Barnstormed - tour
- Barnstormer - person who flies aircraft
- Barnstormers - person who flies aircraft
- barnstorming - highly theatrical (used especially of a performance)
- Barnstormings - campaigning
- Barnstorms - tour
- barnyard - a yard adjoining a barn
- Barnyards - farmyard
- barograph - a recording barometer; automatically records on paper the variations in atmospheric pressure
- barometer - an instrument that measures atmospheric pressure
- Barometers - instrument that measures atmospheric pressure
- Barometrical - of or in the atmosphere
- baron - a very wealthy or powerful businessman
- baronage - the peers of a kingdom considered as a group
- baroness - a noblewoman who holds the rank of baron or who is the wife or widow of a baron
- Baronesses - noblewoman
- baronet - a member of the British order of honor; ranks below a baron but above a knight
- baronetage - the collective body of baronets
- baronetcy - the rank or dignity or position of a baronet or baroness
- Baronets - man of noble birth
- Barong - arm, armament
- Barongs - arm, armament
- Baronial - grand
- Barons - nobleman
- barony - the rank or dignity or position of a baronet or baroness
- baroque - elaborate and extensive ornamentation in decorative art and architecture that flourished in Europe in the 17th century
- baroreceptor - a sensory receptor that responds to pressure
- Baroscopic - of or in the atmosphere
- barotrauma - Damage to body tissue caused by a difference in pressurebetween an air space in or near the body and the surrounding air.
- barouche - a horse-drawn carriage having four wheels; has an outside seat for the driver and facing inside seats for two couples and a folding top
- Barouches - vehicle
- barque - a sailing ship with 3 (or more) masts
- barra - A barrow; a hand-pushed cart of the type commonly used in markets.
- Barrack - dormitory
- barracks - A group of buildings used by military personnel as housing
- barracoon - A slave warehouse or an inclosure where slaves are quartered temporarily.
- barracouta - a large marine food fish common on the coasts of Australia, New Zealand, and southern Africa
- barracuda - any voracious marine fish of the genus Sphyraena having an elongated cylindrical body and large mouth with projecting lower jaw and long strong teeth
- barrage - the rapid and continuous delivery of linguistic communication (spoken or written)
- barrage balloon - an elongated tethered balloon or blimp with cables or net suspended from it to deter enemy planes that are flying low
- Barraged - send off
- Barrages - weapon fire
- Barraging - send off
- barramundi - a species of large perch noted for its sporting and eating qualities; lives in marine, estuary, and freshwater habitats
- barranca - A steep-sided gulch or arroyo; a canyon or ravine.
- barranquilla - a port city of northern Colombia near the Caribbean on the Magdalena River
- barrator - someone guilty of barratry
- Barratries - violation of a law
- barratry - traffic in ecclesiastical offices or preferments
- barre - A handrail fixed to a wall used for ballet exercises.
- barred - preventing entry or exit or a course of action
- barrel - a bulging cylindrical shape; hollow with flat ends
- Barreled - move fast on foot
- barrelfish - blackish fish of New England waters
- barrelhead - The flat top of a barrel that has been stood vertically.
- barrelhouse - a cheap drinking and dancing establishment
- Barreling - quick in movement
- Barrelled - move fast on foot
- Barrelling - very fast
- Barrels - cylindrical container
- barren - providing no shelter or sustenance
- Barrenness - sterility
- Barrennesses - sterility
- Barrens - land that is uncultivated
- barrenwort - slow-growing creeping plant with semi-evergreen leaves on erect wiry stems; used as ground cover
- barrette - a pin for holding women's hair in place
- Barrettes - hair fastener
- barricade - a barrier set up by police to stop traffic on a street or road in order to catch a fugitive or inspect traffic etc.
- Barricaded - block, usually to protect
- Barricades - blocking object
- Barricading - blocking object
- barrier - any condition that makes it difficult to make progress or to achieve an objective
- Barriers - obstruction
- barring - the act of excluding someone by a negative vote or veto
- Barrings - meddling, impedance
- barrio - an urban area in a Spanish-speaking country
- Barrios - area, neighborhood
- Barrister - attorney
- Barristers - attorney
- barroom - a room or establishment where alcoholic drinks are served over a counter
- Barrooms - tavern
- Barrow - grave
- Barrows - grave
- barrymore - United States actor; son of Maurice Barrymore and Georgiana Barrymore (1882-1942)
- Bars - rod; straight length of material
- bart - a member of the British order of honor; ranks below a baron but above a knight
- bartender - an employee who mixes and serves alcoholic drinks at a bar
- Bartenders - one who serves drinks at a bar
- barter - an equal exchange
- Bartered - trade goods or services
- Barterer - dealer in goods
- Barterers - dealer in goods
- Bartering - trade goods or services
- Barters - trade goods or services
- bartlett - United States explorer who accompanied Peary's expedition to the North Pole and who led many other Arctic trips (1875-1946)
- barton - the lands of a manor reserved for the Lord's use
- baruch - economic advisor to United States Presidents (1870-1965)
- baryon - any of the elementary particles having a mass equal to or greater than that of a proton and that participate in strong interactions; a hadron with a baryon number of +1
- baryta - any of several compounds of barium
- baryte - A white or colorless mineral (BaSO4); the main source of barium.
- barytone - a male singer
- Bas - undergraduate degree
- bas-relief - Alternative spelling of bas relief
- basal - especially of leaves; located at the base of a plant or stem; especially arising directly from the root or rootstock or a root-like stem
- basalt - the commonest type of solidified lava; a dense dark grey fine-grained igneous rock that is composed chiefly of plagioclase feldspar and pyroxene
- Basalts - volcano matter
- basanite - A basaltic extrusive rock, similar to chert.
- Basanites - guide
- bascule - a structure or device in which one end is counterbalanced by the other (on the principle of the seesaw)
- Base - vulgar, low
- base hit - (baseball) the successful act of striking a baseball in such a way that the batter reaches base safely
- base metal - a metal that is common and not considered precious
- baseball - a ball game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine players; teams take turns at bat trying to score runs
- Baseball clinic -
- baseboard - a molding covering the joint formed by a wall and the floor
- baseborn - of low birth or station (`base' is archaic in this sense)
- Baseburner - baseball player on base
- Baseburners - baseball player on base
- Based - located
- basel - a city in northwestern Switzerland
- baseless - without a basis in reason or fact
- baseline - the back line bounding each end of a tennis or handball court; when serving the server must not step over this line
- Basely - deceitfully
- basement - the lowermost portion of a structure partly or wholly below ground level; often used for storage
- Basements - room on lower floor of building
- baseness - unworthiness by virtue of lacking higher values
- Basenesses - meanness
- basenji - small smooth-haired breed of African origin having a tightly curled tail and the inability to bark
- baseplate - A solid piece of material that has enough strength and sturdiness to serve as the surface to which other things are attached to be supported.
- Baser - vulgar, low
- bases - Third-person singular simple present indicative form of base
- Basest - vulgar, low
- bash - hit hard
- Bashed - hit
- basher - One who bashes something, figuratively or literally.
- Bashes - party
- bashful - disposed to avoid notice
- Bashfully - in a modest manner
- Bashfulness - modesty
- Bashfulnesses - modesty
- bashing - An instance of bashing; a physical attack
- Bashings - abuse against a group or individual based on identity or ideological beliefs
- bashkir - A Bashkir person; a member of the Bashkir ethnic group.
- Bashkirian -
- bashment - A party or rave.
- basic - reduced to the simplest and most significant form possible without loss of generality
- basically - in essence; at bottom or by one's (or its) very nature
- basicity - The number of replaceable hydrogen atoms in a molecule of an acid
- Basics - fundamentals
- basidiomycete - any of various fungi of the subdivision Basidiomycota
- basidium - a small club-shaped structure typically bearing four basidiospores at the ends of minute projections; unique to basidiomycetes
- basil - leaves of the common basil; used fresh or dried
- basilar - of or relating to or located at the base
- basilica - a Roman building used for public administration
- Basilicas - church
- basilicata - a region of southern Italy (forming the instep of the Italian 'boot')
- basilisk - ancient brass cannon
- Basilisks - monster
- basin - a bathroom sink that is permanently installed and connected to a water supply and drainpipe; where you can wash your hands and face
- basinet - a medieval steel helmet
- Basing - build plan or opinion on
- Basins - container or area where water is held
- basipetal - of leaves or flowers; developing or opening in succession from apex to base
- basis - the most important or necessary part of something
- bask - derive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in
- Basked - lie in sunlight
- basket - horizontal circular metal hoop supporting a net through which players try to throw the basketball
- Basket oak -
- Basket-maker -
- basketball - a game played on a court by two opposing teams of 5 players; points are scored by throwing the ball through an elevated horizontal hoop
- Basketball coach -
- Basketballer -
- Basketballs - team sport
- basketmaker - someone skilled in weaving baskets
- basketry - the craft of basket making
- Baskets - woven container
- basketwork - Material woven in the style of a basket.
- Basking - lie in sunlight
- Basks - lie in sunlight
- basle - a city in northwestern Switzerland
- basophil - a leukocyte with basophilic granules easily stained by basic stains
- basophilic - staining readily with basic dyes
- basotho - a member of a subgroup of people who inhabit Lesotho
- basque - a member of a people of unknown origin living in the western Pyrenees in France and Spain
- basra - the second largest city in Iraq; an oil port in southern Iraq
- Bass - low
- Basser - low
- Bassest - low
- basset - smooth-haired breed of hound with short legs and long ears
- basseterre - the capital of Saint Kitts and Nevis on the island of Saint Christopher
- Bassets - dog
- Bassin -
- bassinet - a basket (usually hooded) used as a baby's bed
- Bassinets - baby bed
- Bassins -
- bassist - a musician who play the bass viol
- basso - the lowest adult male singing voice
- bassoon - a double-reed instrument; the tenor of the oboe family
- Bassos -
- basswood - any of various deciduous trees of the genus Tilia with heart-shaped leaves and drooping cymose clusters of yellowish often fragrant flowers; several yield valuable timber
- bast - (botany) tissue that conducts synthesized food substances (e.g., from leaves) to parts where needed; consists primarily of sieve tubes
- bastard - derogatory term for a variation that is not genuine; something irregular or inferior or of dubious origin
- Bastardies - illegitimateness
- Bastardism - illegitimateness
- Bastardisms - illegitimateness
- bastardize - To reduce from a higher to a lower state; to debase.
- bastardized - deriving from more than one source or style
- Bastardizes - debase
- Bastardizing - debase
- Bastards - illegitimate
- bastardy - the status of being born to parents who were not married
- baste - strike violently and repeatedly
- Basted - moisten during cooking
- Bastes - moisten during cooking
- bastille - a fortress built in Paris in the 14th century and used as a prison in the 17th and 18th centuries; it was destroyed July 14, 1789 at the start of the French Revolution
- Bastilles - place for incarceration
- bastinado - a form of torture in which the soles of the feet are beaten with whips or cudgels
- Bastinadoes - baton for hitting
- Basting - moisten during cooking
- bastion - a stronghold into which people could go for shelter during a battle
- Bastioned - defended
- Bastions - support; fortified place
- bastnaesite - a yellow-to-brown mineral that is a source of rare earth elements
- basuco - low-grade cocaine mixed with coca paste and cannabis
- basutoland - a landlocked constitutional monarchy in southern Africa; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1966
- Bat - a hit with a solid object
- bata - a Chadic language spoken south of Lake Chad
- batata - weet potato (the plant)
- batch - a collection of things or persons to be handled together
- Batched - make ready for transport
- Batches - group of same objects
- Batching - make ready for transport
- Bate - subside
- bateau - A small, flat-bottomed type of boat.
- Bateaux - ship
- bated - diminished or moderated
- Bateful -
- Batement -
- Bates - subside
- batfish - bottom-dweller of warm western Atlantic coastal waters having a flattened scaleless body that crawls about on fleshy pectoral and pelvic fins
- bath - an ancient Hebrew liquid measure equal to about 10 gallons
- bathe - cleanse the entire body
- Bathed - wash with water and, usually, soap
- Bathes - wash with water and, usually, soap
- bathetic - effusively or insincerely emotional
- bathhouse - a building containing dressing rooms for bathers
- Bathing - wash with water and, usually, soap
- Bathings - freeing, cleansing
- batholith - large mass of intrusive igneous rock believed to have solidified deep within the earth
- bathos - insincere pathos
- Bathoses - sentimentality
- bathrobe - a loose-fitting robe of towelling; worn after a bath or swim
- Bathrobes - robe
- bathroom - a room or building equipped with one or more toilets
- Bathrooms - room for bathing, toilet use
- Baths - washing with water and, usually, soap
- bathsheba - (Old Testament) the wife of Uriah and later the wife of king David; Solomon was her son by David (circa 10th century BC)
- bathtub - a relatively large open container that you fill with water and use to wash the body
- bathyal - relating to ocean depths between 200 and 2000 meters (corresponds to the continental slope)
- bathymeter - an instrument that measures the depth of water
- bathymetry - measuring the depths of the oceans
- bathyscaphe - navigable deep diving vessel for underwater exploration
- Bathyscaphes - one-person diving apparatus
- bathysphere - spherical deep diving apparatus (lowered by a cable) for underwater exploration
- Bathyspheres - one-person diving apparatus
- batik - a dyed fabric; a removable wax is used where the dye is not wanted
- Bating - subside
- batiste - a thin plain-weave cotton or linen fabric; used for shirts or dresses
- Batlet -
- batman - an orderly assigned to serve a British military officer
- baton - a short stout club used primarily by policemen
- Batons - stick used for conducting or for protection
- batrachia - frogs, toads, tree toads
- bats - informal or slang terms for mentally irregular
- batshit - nonsense, horseshit; especially when said by or attributed to someone irrational.
- batsman - (baseball) a ballplayer who is batting
- batt - Pieces of fabric or fibre used for stuffing; as for batting or insulation
- battalion - a large indefinite number
- Battalions - military division
- Batted - a hit with a solid object
- Batten - fasten securely
- Battened - fasten securely
- battening - Synonym of batten (���strip of wood used to hold things together or provide a fixing point���)
- Battens - fasten securely
- batter - strike violently and repeatedly
- Battered - strike and damage
- Batteries - series of similar things
- battering - the act of subjecting to strong attack
- Batters - mixture before baking
- battery - an assault in which the assailant makes physical contact
- Battier - crazy
- Battiest - crazy
- Battiness - dullness of mind
- Battinesses - dullness of mind
- Batting - a hit with a solid object
- battle - an energetic attempt to achieve something
- Battle of ypres -
- Battleax - arm, armament
- battleaxe - Alternative spelling of battle axe
- Battleaxes - harsh, domineering woman
- Battled - fight, struggle
- battledore - a light long-handled racket used by badminton players
- Battlefield - location of military fights
- Battlefields - location of military fights
- battlefront - the line along which opposing armies face each other
- Battlefronts - military area of war
- Battleground - historical or notable sight
- Battlegrounds - historical or notable sight
- battlement - a rampart built around the top of a castle with regular gaps for firing arrows or guns
- Battlements - parapet
- battler - someone who fights (or is fighting)
- Battlers - person who fights in combat
- Battles - military fight
- battleship - large and heavily armoured warship
- Battleships - warship
- Battlewagon - warship
- Battlewagons - warship
- Battling - fight, struggle
- Batts - thick bedcovering made of patches
- battue - indiscriminate slaughter
- Batty - crazy
- batwing - formed or shaped like a bat's wing
- bauble - cheap showy jewelry or ornament on clothing
- Baubles - trinket
- baud - (computer science) a data transmission rate (bits/second) for modems
- Bauds - data transmission rate
- bauhaus - a German style of architecture begun by Walter Gropius in 1918
- bauxite - a clay-like mineral; the chief ore of aluminum; composed of aluminum oxides and aluminum hydroxides; used as an abrasive and catalyst
- bavardage - chatter, banter
- bavaria - a state in southern Germany famous for its beer; site of an automobile factory
- bavarian - a native or an inhabitant of Bavaria
- bawbee - an old Scottish coin of little value
- bawd - a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money
- Bawdier - vulgar, dirty
- Bawdiest - vulgar, dirty
- Bawdiness - obscenity
- Bawdinesses - obscenity
- Bawdries - obscenity
- bawdry - lewd or obscene talk or writing
- Bawds - prostitute
- bawdy - lewd or obscene talk or writing
- Bawdyhouse - house of prostitution
- Bawdyhouses - house of prostitution
- bawl - shout loudly and without restraint
- Bawled - yell
- bawling - loud cries made while weeping
- Bawlings - cry
- Bawls - yell
- bawn - A cattle-fort; a building used to shelter cattle.
- Bay - shoreline indentation
- baya - common Indian weaverbird
- Bayard -
- bayberry - deciduous aromatic shrub of eastern North America with grey-green wax-coated berries
- Bayed - long, loud animate sound
- Bayer - dark, burnished color
- bayern - German name of Bavaria.
- bayesian - of or relating to statistical methods based on Bayes' theorem
- Bayest - dark, burnished color
- Bayeux -
- Baying - long, loud animate sound
- bayonet - a knife that can be fixed to the end of a rifle and used as a weapon
- Bayoneted - stab
- Bayoneting - stab
- Bayonets - stab
- Bayonetted - stab
- Bayonetting - stab
- bayou - a swampy arm or slow-moving outlet of a lake (term used mainly in Mississippi and Louisiana)
- Bayous - swampy outlet
- Bays - shoreline indentation
- bayside - Located along a bay
- bazaar - a shop where a variety of goods are sold
- Bazaars - fair; sale place
- bazillion - a very large indefinite number (usually hyperbole)
- bazoo - A person's mouth.
- bazooka - a portable rocket launcher used by infantrymen as an antitank weapon
- Bazookas - weaponry or military unit
- Bazzes - metasyntactic variable; whatever
- bdellium - aromatic gum resin; similar to myrrh
- Be - exist
- Be aware -
- Be damp -
- Be overcome -
- Be possessed of -
- Be relevant -
- Be supported -
- Be told -
- beach - an area of sand sloping down to the water of a sea or lake
- Beach house -
- beach hut - A small, single-room building above high-water mark on a beach that is used for changing into swimming clothes, for recreation, or for temporary storage.
- beach plum - seacoast shrub of northeastern North America having showy white blossoms and edible purple fruit
- beach towel - very large towel to dry yourself after swimming
- Beachball -
- beachcomber - a vagrant living on a beach
- Beachcombers - person who is idle, lazy
- beached - Having a beach.
- Beaches - sandy area by body of water
- beachfront - a strip of land running along a beach
- beachhead - an initial accomplishment that opens the way for further developments
- Beaching - abandon
- beachside - The land bordering a beach.
- beachwear - clothing to be worn at a beach
- Beachwears - bathing suit
- beachy - Pertaining to the material making up the edge of a seashore, as with pebbles, gravel, and sand.
- beacon - a radio station that broadcasts a directional signal for navigational purposes
- Beaconed - guide, direct on a course
- Beaconing - guide, direct on a course
- Beacons - light used as signal, guide
- bead - a shape that is spherical and small
- beaded - covered with beads of liquid
- beading - ornamentation with beads
- beadle - United States biologist who discovered how hereditary characteristics are transmitted by genes (1903-1989)
- Beadledom - system which controls organization
- Beadledoms - system which controls organization
- Beadleship -
- Beads - string of small, often round, objects
- beadsman - a person who is paid to pray for the soul of another
- beadwork - ornamentation with beads
- beady - covered with beads or jewels or sequins
- beagle - a small short-legged smooth-coated breed of hound
- Beagles - private investigator
- Beak - nose of animal
- Beaked - curved
- Beaked whale -
- beaker - a cup (usually without a handle)
- Beakers - cup
- Beaklike - hooked
- Beaks - nose of animal
- beam - a group of nearly parallel lines of electromagnetic radiation
- Beamed - transmitted
- beamer - A ball, presumed to have been bowled accidentally, that does not bounce, but passes the batsman at head height.
- Beamier - radiant
- Beamiest - radiant
- beaming - radiating or as if radiating light
- Beams - length of material used as support
- beamy - radiating or as if radiating light
- bean - informal terms for a human head
- beanbag - a small cloth bag filled with dried beans; thrown in games
- Beanbags - pillow, pad
- Beaned - assault physically
- beaner - a baseball deliberately thrown at the batter's head
- Beaneries - short-order restaurant
- beanery - An inexpensive restaurant or cafe; bistro.
- beanfeast - an annual dinner party given by an employer for the employees
- beanie - a small skullcap; formerly worn by schoolboys and college freshmen
- Beanies - small hat
- Beaning - assault physically
- beano - a game in which numbered balls are drawn at random and players cover the corresponding numbers on their cards
- beanpole - A thin pole for supporting bean vines
- Beanpoles - a tall, thin person
- Beans - small hard pellet
- beanstalk - stem of a bean plant
- Beanstalks - a tall, thin person
- beantown - state capital and largest city of Massachusetts; a major center for banking and financial services
- Bear - bring
- bear grass - yucca of southern United States having a clump of basal grasslike leaves and a central stalk with a terminal raceme of small whitish flowers
- Bearable - endurable
- Bearably - to some extent
- bearberry - shrubby tree of the Pacific coast of the United States; yields cascara sagrada
- bearcat - arboreal civet of Asia having a long prehensile tail and shaggy black hair
- beard - tuft of strong filaments by which e.g. a mussel makes itself fast to a fixed surface
- bearded - having hair on the cheeks and chin
- Beardedness - the quality of being rough on the surface
- Beardednesses - the quality of being rough on the surface
- beardfish - Any of various deep-sea fish, of the family Polymixiidae, that have a pair of long hyoid barbels.
- Beardier - having facial hair
- Beardiest - having facial hair
- Bearding - facial hair on human
- Beardless - childish
- Beards - facial hair on human
- beardy - A bearded person; used to identify members of a group or class who can be identified by the wearing of beards.
- Beared - bring
- bearer - someone whose employment involves carrying something
- Bearers - person who carries messages or deliveries
- bearing - characteristic way of bearing one's body
- Bearings - person's conduct, posture
- bearish - expecting prices to fall
- Bearishness - down market
- Bearishnesses - down market
- Bears - bring
- bearskin - tall hat; worn by some British soldiers on ceremonial occasions
- beast - a cruelly rapacious person
- beastie - Beast, animal.
- Beasties - large wild animal; brute
- Beastlier - bad, hopeless
- Beastliest - bad, hopeless
- Beastlike - ferocious
- Beastliness - the quality of being mean
- Beastlinesses - the quality of being mean
- beastly - (informal) very unpleasant
- Beasts - large wild animal; brute
- beat - a regular route for a sentry or policeman
- beat down - persuade the seller to accept a lower price
- beatable - susceptible to being defeated
- beatbox - A type of electronic percussion device.
- Beatboxer -
- Beatdown - disheartened
- beaten - much trodden and worn smooth or bare
- beater - an implement for beating
- beatific - marked by utter benignity; resembling or befitting an angel or saint
- Beatifically - happily
- beatification - a state of supreme happiness
- Beatifications - honoring, glorification
- Beatified - bless
- Beatifies - bless
- beatify - fill with sublime emotion
- Beatifying - bless
- beating - the act of inflicting corporal punishment with repeated blows
- Beatings - thrashing
- beatitude - a state of supreme happiness
- Beatitudes - blessedness
- beatles - a rock group from Liverpool who between 1962 and 1970 produced a variety of hit songs and albums (most of them written by Paul McCartney and John Lennon)
- beatnik - a member of the beat generation; a nonconformist in dress and behavior
- Beatniks - uncoventional, free-sprited person
- Beats - very tired
- Beatus -
- Beau - boyfriend
- Beaus - boyfriend
- Beaut - beautiful, magnificent
- Beauteous - beautiful
- Beauteousness - attractiveness
- Beauteousnesses - attractiveness
- Beauter - beautiful, magnificent
- Beautest - beautiful, magnificent
- Beautician - hair cutter
- Beauticians - hair cutter
- Beauties - physical attractiveness
- Beautification - decoration
- Beautifications - decoration
- Beautified - make more physically attractive
- Beautifies - make more physically attractive
- Beautiful - physically attractive
- Beautifully - in an attractive or pleasing manner
- Beautify - make more physically attractive
- Beautifying - make more physically attractive
- Beauts - good-looking person
- beauty - a very attractive or seductive looking woman
- Beaux - boyfriend
- Beaver - eager beaver
- Beavers - eager beaver
- Bebop - style of music
- Bebops - style of music
- Becalm - calm
- Becalmed - calm
- Becalming - calm
- Becalms - calm
- Became - evolve into
- Because - on account of
- Bechance - happen to; take place
- Bechanced - happen to; take place
- Bechances - happen to; take place
- Bechancing - happen to; take place
- Beck - waterway
- Beckon - call, signal, or lure
- Beckoned - call, signal, or lure
- Beckoning - call, signal, or lure
- Beckons - call, signal, or lure
- Becks - waterway
- Becloud - conceal
- Beclouded - conceal
- Beclouding - conceal
- Beclouds - conceal
- Become - evolve into
- Become concrete -
- Become partners -
- Becomes - evolve into
- Becoming - flattering
- Becomingly - appropriately, suitably
- Becomingness - suitableness, appropriateness
- Becomingnesses - suitableness, appropriateness
- Becomings - the act of changing
- Bed - furniture for sleeping
- Bedamn - speak profanely; be vulgar
- Bedamned - speak profanely; be vulgar
- Bedamning - speak profanely; be vulgar
- Bedamns - speak profanely; be vulgar
- bedaub - To smear or cover with a sticky or greasy substance; to apply something thickly.
- Bedaubed - smear
- Bedaubing - smear
- Bedaubs - smear
- Bedaze - daze
- Bedazed - daze
- Bedazes - daze
- Bedazing - daze
- Bedazzle - captivate
- Bedazzled - captivate
- Bedazzlement - shimmer, flicker
- Bedazzlements - shimmer, flicker
- Bedazzles - captivate
- Bedazzling - captivate
- Bedbug - bug
- Bedbugs - bug
- Bedchamber - place for sleeping
- Bedchambers - place for sleeping
- Bedclothes - covering for sleeping furniture
- Bedcover - thick, often quilted, covering for bed
- Bedcovers - thick, often quilted, covering for bed
- Bedded - plant
- Bedding - covering for sleeping furniture
- Bedding material -
- Beddings - covering for sleeping furniture
- Bedeck - dress up
- Bedecked - dress up
- Bedecking - dress up
- Bedecks - dress up
- Bedevil - plague
- Bedeviled - plague
- Bedeviling - plague
- Bedevilled - plague
- Bedevilling - plague
- Bedevilment - badgering
- Bedevilments - badgering
- Bedevils - plague
- Bedew - make wet, damp
- Bedewed - make wet, damp
- Bedewing - make wet, damp
- Bedews - make wet, damp
- Bedfast - limited, enclosed
- Bedfellow - companion
- Bedfellows - companion
- Bedgown - dress in which to sleep
- Bedgowns - dress in which to sleep
- Bedight -
- Bedim - blur
- Bedimmed - blur
- Bedimming - blur
- Bedims - blur
- bedizen - dress up garishly and tastelessly
- Bedizened - decorate
- Bedizening - decorate
- Bedizenment - beautification, embellishment
- Bedizenments - beautification, embellishment
- Bedizens - decorate
- bedlam - a state of extreme confusion and disorder
- Bedlamite - mentally deranged
- Bedlamites - person who is considered mentally ill
- Bedlams - chaotic situation
- Bedmate - one of a pair; partner
- Bedmates - one of a pair; partner
- Bedpan - container as toilet
- Bedpans - container as toilet
- Bedraggle - crush, wrinkle
- Bedraggled - unkempt
- Bedraggles - crush, wrinkle
- Bedraggling - crush, wrinkle
- Bedrape - cover with apparel
- Bedraped - cover with apparel
- Bedrapes - cover with apparel
- Bedraping - cover with apparel
- Bedridden - sick in bed
- Bedrock - basis
- Bedrocks - basis
- Bedroll - fabric bag for sleeping in
- Bedrolls - fabric bag for sleeping in
- Bedroom - place for sleeping
- Bedrooms - place for sleeping
- Beds - furniture for sleeping
- Bedsheet - sheet with elastic on edges
- Bedsheets - sheet with elastic on edges
- Bedspread - thick, often quilted, covering for bed
- Bedspreads - thick, often quilted, covering for bed
- Bedstand - table by bed
- Bedstands - table by bed
- Bedstead - furniture for sleeping
- Bedsteads - furniture for sleeping
- Bedtime - time for bed
- Bedtimes - time for bed
- Bee - honey-making, stinging insect
- Beechen -
- Beef - strong physical makeup
- Beefburger - ground beef sandwich
- Beefburgers - ground beef sandwich
- Beefcake - courageous
- Beefcakes - physique
- Beefed - grumble about
- Beefier - brawny
- Beefiest - brawny
- Beefiness - muscular strength and breadth
- Beefinesses - muscular strength and breadth
- Beefing - pathetic, woebegone
- Beefs - strong physical makeup
- Beefy - brawny
- Beehive - apiary
- Beehives - apiary
- Beekeeper - caretaker for bees
- Beekeepers - caretaker for bees
- Beeline - direct route
- Beelined - hurry
- Beelines - direct route
- Beelining - hurry
- Been - exist
- Beep - sound from electronic device
- Beeped - sound from electronic device
- Beeping - sound from electronic device
- Beeps - sound from electronic device
- Beer - alcoholic beverage made from malted grain
- Beers - alcoholic beverage made from malted grain
- Bees - honey-making, stinging insect
- Beeswax - personal concern
- Beeswaxes - personal concern
- Beet - vegetable
- Beetle - bulky
- Beetled - extend
- Beetler - bulky
- Beetles - bug
- Beetling - sticking out; conspicuous
- Beets - vegetable
- Beeves - strong physical makeup
- Befall - happen to; take place
- Befallen - happen to; take place
- Befalling - happen to; take place
- Befalls - happen to; take place
- Befell - happen to; take place
- Befit - fit
- Befits - fit
- Befitted - fit
- Befitting - appropriate
- Befittingly - fairly
- Befog - cloud, steam up
- Befogged - cloud, steam up
- Befogs - cloud, steam up
- Before this -
- Befriend - make social acquaintance; support
- Befriending - make social acquaintance; support
- Befriends - make social acquaintance; support
- Befringed - edged
- befuddle - be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly
- Befuddled - confused
- Befuddlement - daze
- Befuddlements - daze
- Befuddles - confuse
- Befuddling - confuse
- Beg - request
- Began - start
- Begat - create, bear
- Beget - create, bear
- Begets - create, bear
- Begetter - creator
- Begetters - creator
- Begetting - create, bear
- Beggar - person asking for charity
- Beggared - poor
- Beggaries - poverty
- Beggaring - devastate, destroy
- Beggarly - poor
- Beggars - person asking for charity
- Beggary - poverty
- Begged - request
- Begging - desirous
- Beggings - proposal; asking
- Begild - embellish, decorate
- Begilded - embellish, decorate
- Begilding - embellish, decorate
- Begilds - embellish, decorate
- Begin - start
- Beging -
- Beginner - person unskilled in something
- Beginners - person unskilled in something
- Beginning - start of an event or action
- Beginnings - start of an event or action
- Begins - start
- Begird - surround
- Begirded - surround
- Begirding - surround
- Begirds - surround
- Begirt - surround
- Begrimes - smear, dirty
- beguile - influence by slyness
- Beguiled -
- Beguilement - coquetry
- behalf - as the agent of or on someone's part (usually expressed as `on behalf of' rather than `in behalf of')
- Behaved - function
- Behavioral -
- Behavioral science -
- Behaviors - manner of conducting oneself
- behaviour - (psychology) the aggregate of the responses or reactions or movements made by an organism in any situation
- Behaviouristic -
- Behead - decapitate
- Beheaded - decapitate
- Beheading - decapitate
- Beheadings - killing
- Beheads - decapitate
- Beheld - regard; look at
- behemoth - a person of exceptional importance and reputation
- Behemoths - giant
- Behest - order; personal decree
- Behests - order; personal decree
- Behind - position farther back; following
- Behindhand - not on time
- Behinds - position farther back; following
- Behold - regard; look at
- Beholden - indebted
- Beholder - perceiver
- Beholders - perceiver
- Beholding - regard; look at
- Beholdings - visual examination
- Beholds - regard; look at
- Behoove - be necessary, proper
- Behooved - be necessary, proper
- Behooves - be necessary, proper
- Behooving - be necessary, proper
- Beige - light brown color
- Beiger - light brown color
- Beiges - light brown color
- Beigest - light brown color
- Beild -
- Being - existence
- Beings - existence
- Bejeweled - plentifully bestrewn
- Beknow -
- Belabor - dwell on
- Belabored - dwell on
- Belaboring - dwell on
- Belabors - dwell on
- Belate -
- Belated - late, slow
- Belatedly - late
- Belatedness - lateness
- Belatednesses - lateness
- Belay - stop
- Belayed - stop
- Belaying - stop
- Belays - stop
- Belch - burp; spew
- Belched - burp; spew
- Belches - burp; spew
- Belching - burp; spew
- Beldam - ugly woman
- Beldame - aggressive woman
- Beldames - aggressive woman
- Beldams - ugly woman
- beleaguer - annoy persistently
- Beleaguered - harass, besiege
- Beleaguering - harass, besiege
- Beleaguerment - siege
- Beleaguerments - siege
- Beleaguers - harass, besiege
- Belfries - tower; part of tower
- Belfry - tower; part of tower
- Belie - disprove
- Belied - disprove
- Belief - putting regard in as true
- Beliefful -
- Beliefs - putting regard in as true
- Belies - disprove
- Believabilities - verisimilitude
- Believability - verisimilitude
- Believable - trustworthy
- Believably - likely to happen
- Believe - trust, rely on
- Believed - trust, rely on
- Believer - person who has faith in something
- Believers - person who has faith in something
- Believes - trust, rely on
- Believing - trusting
- Belittle - detract
- Belittled - detract
- Belittlement - act of belittling
- Belittlements - act of belittling
- Belittler - critic
- Belittlers - critic
- Belittles - detract
- Belittling - detract
- Belizean -
- Bell - signaling object or sound
- Bellbird -
- Bellboy - porter
- Bellboys - porter
- Belle - beauty
- Belled - chime, clang
- Belles - beauty
- Belletrist - man of learning
- Belletristic - concerning books
- Belletrists - man of learning
- Bellhop - porter
- Bellhops - porter
- bellicose - Demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight; warlike.
- Bellicosities - fight
- Bellicosity - fight
- Bellied - billow out; bloat
- Bellies - stomach
- Belligerence - fight
- Belligerences - fight
- Belligerencies - fight
- Belligerency - fight
- belligerent - Hostile and aggressive.; Engaged in warfare or conflict.
- Belligerents - person who fights, is aggressive
- Belling - chime, clang
- Bellman - porter
- Bellmen - porter
- Bellow - holler
- Bellowed - holler
- Bellowing - holler
- Bellowings - cry
- Bellows -
- Below zero -
- Beluga - aquatic mammal
- Belugas - aquatic mammal
- Belvedere - guard; place from which to guard
- Belvederes - guard; place from which to guard
- Belying - disprove
- Bemean - belittle, disgrace
- Bemeaned - belittle, disgrace
- Bemeaning - belittle, disgrace
- Bemeans - belittle, disgrace
- Bemire - muddy
- Bemired - muddy
- Bemires - muddy
- Bemiring - muddy
- Bemoan - express sorrow
- Bemoaned - express sorrow
- Bemoaner - lamenter
- Bemoaners - lamenter
- Bemoaning - express sorrow
- Bemoanings - suffering
- Bemoans - express sorrow
- bemuse - cause to be confused emotionally
- Bemused - absent-minded
- Bemusement - absent-mindedness
- Bemusements - absent-mindedness
- Bemuses - confuse
- Bemusing - confuse
- Ben - offspring
- Bename -
- Bench - furniture for sitting
- Benches - furniture for sitting
- Benching - shame, humiliate
- Benchmark - reference point
- Benchmarks - reference point
- Benchwarmer - secondary role player
- Benchwarmers - secondary role player
- Bend - curve
- Bendable - supple
- Bended - curve
- Bender - binge
- Benders - binge
- Bendier - physically malleable
- Bendiest - physically malleable
- Bending - turning
- Bendings - slant, angle
- Bends - curve
- Bendy - physically malleable
- beneath - in or to a place that is lower
- Benedicites - sanctification
- Benedict - male marriage partner
- Benediction - closing prayer
- Benedictions - closing prayer
- Benedicts - male marriage partner
- Benedictus - closing prayer
- Benefact - help, support
- Benefacted - help, support
- Benefacting - help, support
- benefaction - an act intending or showing kindness and good will
- Benefactions - charitable donation
- Benefactor - donor
- Benefactors - donor
- Benefactress - female donor
- Benefactresses - female donor
- Benefacts - help, support
- Benefic - beneficent
- Benefice - church jurisdiction
- Beneficence - donation
- Beneficences - donation
- beneficent - generous in assistance to the poor
- Beneficently - fairly
- Benefices - church jurisdiction
- Beneficial - advantageous
- Beneficially - usefully
- Beneficiaries - person who gains, benefits
- Beneficiary - person who gains, benefits
- Benefit - advantage, profit
- Benefited - help, enhance
- Benefiting - help, enhance
- Benefits - advantage, profit
- Benet - capture, involve
- Benets - capture, involve
- Benetted - capture, involve
- Benetting - capture, involve
- Benevolence - charity
- Benevolences - charity
- Benevolent - charitable, kind
- Benevolently - fairly
- Benignancy - benevolence
- benignant - characterized by kindness and warm courtesy especially of a king to his subjects
- Benignity - benevolence
- Benignly - fairly
- benison - A blessing or a prayer for someone's well-being and good fortune.; A formal expression of approval or good wishes.
- Bennies - pill with stimulant
- Benny - hard drug
- Bens - offspring
- Bent - curved
- Bents - curved
- Benumbs - desensitize
- Benzanthracene -
- Benzodiazepine - pill to aid sleep
- Benzodiazepines - pill to aid sleep
- Benzyl -
- Bequeath - give in a will
- Bequeathal - something given in will
- Bequeathals - something given in will
- Bequeathed - give in a will
- Bequeathing - give in a will
- Bequeathment - something given in will
- Bequeathments - something given in will
- Bequeaths - give in a will
- Bequest - something given in will
- Bequests - something given in will
- Berate - criticize hatefully
- Berated - criticize hatefully
- Berates - criticize hatefully
- Berating - criticize hatefully
- Berberine -
- Berceuse - nighttime song
- Berceuses - nighttime song
- Bereave - deprive
- Bereaved - deprive
- Bereavement - death; loss
- Bereavements - death; loss
- Bereaves - deprive
- Bereaving - deprive
- bereft - unhappy in love; suffering from unrequited love
- Beret - small hat
- Berets - small hat
- Berg - mountain of ice, snow
- Bergs - mountain of ice, snow
- Beribboned - decorate
- Berlage -
- Berlin airlift -
- Berryman -
- Beru -
- Besainted - sanctify; idolize
- Beset - plague; hem in
- Besit -
- besmirch - charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone
- Besmirched - taint
- Besmirches - taint
- Besnow -
- Besom - device for cleaning floors
- Besoms - device for cleaning floors
- Besot - astonish
- Besots - astonish
- Besotted - very drunk
- Besotting - astonish
- Besought - beg
- Bespake - indicate
- Bespangle - embellish
- Bespangled - embellish
- Bespangles - embellish
- Bespangling - embellish
- Bespatter - slander, defame
- Bespattered - dark and cloudy
- Bespattering - slander, defame
- Bespatters - slander, defame
- Bespeak - indicate
- Bespeaking - indicate
- Bespeaks - indicate
- Bespeckle - speckle
- Bespeckled - speckle
- Bespeckles - speckle
- Bespeckling - speckle
- Bespoke - indicate
- Bespoken - indicate
- Besprinkle - strew, disperse
- Besprinkled - strew, disperse
- Besprinkles - strew, disperse
- Besprinkling - strew, disperse
- Best - most excellent
- Bested - defeat; gain advantage
- Bestial - brutal
- Bestialities - cruelty
- Bestiality - cruelty
- Bestialize - brutalize
- Bestialized - brutalize
- Bestializes - brutalize
- Bestializing - brutalize
- Bestiaries - fantasy, story
- Bestiary - fantasy, story
- Bestowments - conferment
- Bestows - give, allot
- Bestraddle - bestride
- Bestraddled - bestride
- Bestraddles - bestride
- Bestraddling - bestride
- Bestrew - scatter
- Bestrewed - scatter
- Bestrewing - scatter
- Bestrewn - scattered
- Bestrews - scatter
- Bestrid - climb
- Bestridden - climb
- Bestride - climb
- Bestrides - climb
- Bestriding - climb
- Bestrode - climb
- Bests - most excellent
- Bestseller - fictional book
- Bestsellers - top-selling item
- Bestselling - favorable, profitable
- Bet - game of chance; money gambled
- Beta - being tested
- Betas - vegetable
- bete noire - A person or thing that one particularly dislikes or dreads; an object of aversion.
- Bethany -
- Bethel - congregation of a church
- Bethels - congregation of a church
- Bethink - consider
- Bethinking - consider
- Bethinks - consider
- Bethought - consider
- Betide - develop
- Betided - develop
- Betides - develop
- Betiding - develop
- Betimes - sometimes
- betoken - To be a sign or indication of something; to suggest or foreshadow something to come.
- Betokened - indicate
- Betokening - indicate
- Betokens - indicate
- Betray - be disloyal
- Betrayal - exhibition of disloyalty
- Betrayals - exhibition of disloyalty
- Betrayed - be disloyal
- Betrayer - informer
- Betrayers - informer
- Betraying - be disloyal
- Betrays - be disloyal
- Betroth - marry
- Betrothal - marriage
- Betrothals - marriage
- Betrothed - engaged
- Betrotheds - engaged
- Betrothing - marry
- Betrothment - pledge to marry
- Betrothments - pledge to marry
- Betroths - marry
- Bets - game of chance; money gambled
- Betted - game of chance; money gambled
- Better - excelling, more excellent
- Bettered - improve performance; outdo
- Bettering - improve performance; outdo
- Betterings - back-and-forth competition
- Betterment - improvement
- Betterments - improvement
- Betters - excelling, more excellent
- Betting - gamble
- Bettings - lottery for a prize
- Bettor - person who bets
- Bettors - person who bets
- Between - middle from two points
- Betweens - middle from two points
- Betwixt - middle from two points
- Bevel - slanting edge
- Beveled - slanted
- Beveling - bend, lean
- Bevelled - bend, lean
- Bevelling - bend, lean
- Bevels - slanting edge
- Beverage - liquid refreshment
- Beverages - liquid refreshment
- Bevies - swarm
- Bevy - swarm
- Bewail - cry over, lament
- Bewailed - cry over, lament
- Bewailing - cry over, lament
- Bewailings - sound that is loud or not harmonious
- Bewails - cry over, lament
- Beware - be careful
- Bewared - be careful
- Bewares - be careful
- Bewaring - be careful
- Bewhiskered - having facial hair
- Bewilder - confuse
- Bewildered - confused
- Bewilderedness - daze
- Bewildering - confuse
- Bewilderment - puzzlement
- Bewilderments - puzzlement
- Bewilders - confuse
- Bewitch - charm
- Bewitched - charmed
- Bewitcher - magician
- Bewitcheries - magnetic personal charm
- Bewitchers - magician
- Bewitchery - magnetic personal charm
- Bewitches - charm
- Bewitching - attractive
- Bewitchingly - in an attractive or pleasing manner
- Bewitchment - spell, magic
- Bewitchments - spell, magic
- Bey -
- beyond - Farther along in space or time or degree.
- Biathlon -
- Bibliothecary - person in charge of a library
- Bibliothecas - book repository
- bibulous - given to or marked by the consumption of alcohol
- Bicameral - having two of something
- Bice - emerald in color
- Biceps - limb, appendage
- Bicepses - limb, appendage
- Bicker - nastily argue
- Bickered - nastily argue
- Bickering - nastily argue
- Bickerings - verbal fight
- Bickers - nastily argue
- Biconcave - curved, depressed
- Biconvex - rounded, curving outward
- Bicuspid - a hard bony structure in the jaws of vertebrates
- Bicuspids - a hard bony structure in the jaws of vertebrates
- Bicycle - pedal-driven recreational vehicle
- Bicycled - moving, controlling a vehicle
- Bicycles - pedal-driven recreational vehicle
- Bicycling - moving, controlling a vehicle
- Bid - offering of money or services
- biddable - willing to carry out the orders or wishes of another without protest
- Bidden - offer money or services
- Bidder - person with whom one competes
- Bidders - person with whom one competes
- Biddies - fussy old woman
- Bidding - command
- Biddings - command
- Biddy - fussy old woman
- Bide - wait
- Bided - wait
- Bides - wait
- Biding - wait
- Bien -
- Biflagellate -
- Biflorous -
- bifurcate - resembling a fork; divided or separated into two branches
- Bifurcated - divide into two branches
- Bifurcates - divide into two branches
- Bifurcating - divide into two branches
- Bifurcation - consequence, development
- Bifurcations - consequence, development
- Big - large, great
- Big dipper -
- Big feed -
- Bigamies - plural marriage
- Bigamy - plural marriage
- Bigeminal - having two of something
- Bigfeet - large monster
- Bigfoot - large monster
- Bigfoots - large monster
- Bigger - large, great
- Biggest - large, great
- Biggety - having exaggerated self-opinion
- Biggie - something or someone important
- Biggies - something or someone important
- Biggish - sizable
- Biggon -
- Bighead - boaster
- Bigheaded - egotistic
- Bigheadedness - egotism
- Bigheadednesses - egotism
- Bigheads - boaster
- Bigheartedly - with an open heart
- Bigheartedness - benevolence
- Bighorn sheep -
- Bight - bay
- Bights - bay
- Bigmouths - a loudmouth
- Bigness - largeness
- Bignesses - largeness
- Bigoted - intolerant, prejudiced
- Bigots - intolerant, prejudiced person
- Bigtime - important
- Bigwigs - important person
- Bijou - precious stone
- Bijoux - precious stone
- Bike - to bicycle
- Biked - to bicycle
- Bikes - to bicycle
- Biking - to bicycle
- Bikings - journey
- Bikini - women's underwear
- Bikinis - women's underwear
- Bilateral - having two sides
- Bilbao -
- Bilbo - saber
- Bilboes - saber
- Bildungsroman - novel disguising real people as characters
- Bildungsromans - novel disguising real people as characters
- Bile - hate, vengefulness
- Biles - hate, vengefulness
- Bilestone - mass in gallbladder
- Bilestones - mass in gallbladder
- Bilge - rubbish
- Bilged - blow up like a balloon
- Bilges - rubbish
- Bilging - blow up like a balloon
- Bilingualism -
- bilious - suffering from or suggesting a liver disorder or gastric distress
- Biliousness - sickness in stomach; revulsion
- Biliousnesses - sickness in stomach; revulsion
- Bilk - cheat
- Bilked - cheat
- Bilking - cheat
- Bilks -
- Billboarding - press for political action
- Billed - announced
- Billfolds - tote for carrying personal items
- Billhook - ax
- Billhooks - ax
- Billies - police baton
- Billiken -
- Billing - charge money for goods, services
- Billings - promotion of something, someone
- Billingsgate - vituperation
- Billingsgates - vituperation
- Billion - a lot
- Billions - a lot
- Billow - surging mass
- Billowed - surge
- Billowier - surging
- Billowiest - surging
- Billowing - surge
- Billows - surging mass
- Billowy - surging
- Bills - account of charges; money owed
- Billy - police baton
- Bilocular -
- Bimbo - a woman
- Bimboes - a woman
- Bimbos - a woman
- Bimensal -
- Bimini -
- Bimonthlies - periodic publication
- Bimonthly - periodic publication
- Bin - container
- Binal - having two of something
- Binaries - two of something
- Binary - twofold
- Binate - twofold
- Bind - predicament
- Binder - cover
- Binders - cover
- Binding - necessary
- Bindings - necessary
- Bindle - container prepared to be sent
- Bindles - container prepared to be sent
- Binds - predicament
- Bing - subcutaneous injection
- Binge - spree
- Binged - eat too much
- Bingeing - eating disorder
- Bingeings - eating disorder
- Binges - spree
- Binging - consuming
- Bingings - consuming
- Bingle - hit allowing baseball player to advance
- Bingles - hit allowing baseball player to advance
- Bingo - game depending on luck
- Bingos - game depending on luck
- Bings - subcutaneous injection
- Binned - collect and put aside
- Binning - collect and put aside
- Binocular - small binoculars
- Binoculars - small binoculars
- Bins - container
- Bio - history, biography
- Bio- -
- Biodegradability -
- Biodegradable - referring to practices or policies that do not negatively affect the environment
- Biogenous -
- Biographer - composer of written work
- Biographers - composer of written work
- Biographies -
- Biography - account of person's life
- Biogs - account of person's life
- Biologic - substance that helps cure, alleviate, or prevent illness
- Biological - concerning life
- Biologics - substance that helps cure, alleviate, or prevent illness
- Biologies - any branch of natural science
- Biologist - wildlife expert
- Biologists - wildlife expert
- Biology - any branch of natural science
- Biome - large plant and animal community
- Biomedicine -
- Biomes - large plant and animal community
- Bionic - beyond human
- Bionomics - environmental science
- Biopsies - surgical procedure
- Biorhythm - internal clock
- Bios - history, biography
- Biosphere - residence
- Biotic - basic, natural
- Bipartisan - having two of something
- Bipartite - having two of something
- Biped - manlike
- Bipedal - human
- Bipolar - marked by opposite extremes
- Birch - bar, pole
- Birched - disciplined
- Birches - bar, pole
- Birching - flail about; beat
- Bird - flying animal
- Bird snapper -
- Birdbrain - fool
- Birdbrained - not thinking clearly
- Birdbrains - fool
- Birdcage - pen
- Birdcages - pen
- Birddog - chase, follow
- Birddogged - follow
- Birddogging - follow
- Birddogs - follow
- Birdhouse - perch
- Birdhouses - perch
- Birdlike - occurring in the air
- Birdlime - gluing, binding material
- Birdlimes - gluing, binding material
- Birds - flying animal
- Birdseye - sweeping
- Bireme - a ship
- Biremes - a ship
- Biretta - accessory for head
- Birettas - accessory for head
- Birler - lumberer
- Birlers - lumberer
- Birr - energy
- Birrs - energy
- Birse -
- Birth - becoming alive
- Birthday - date of birth
- Birthdays - date of birth
- Birthed - emit, emerge; come from
- Birthing - birth
- Birthings - birth
- Birthmark - blemish one is born with
- Birthmarks - blemish one is born with
- Birthplace - place of birth
- Birthplaces - place of birth
- Birthright - heritage
- Birthrights - heritage
- Births - becoming alive
- Birthstone - precious stone
- Birthstones - precious stone
- Bis - another time; repeated
- Bisayas -
- Biscotto -
- Biscuit - light brown
- Biscuits - light brown
- Bisect - divide in two
- Bisected - divide in two
- Bisecting - divide in two
- Bisection - goodbye, separation
- Bisections - goodbye, separation
- Bisects - divide in two
- Bishopric - jurisdiction of bishop
- Bisilicate -
- Bison - buffalo
- Bisque - sunny color
- Bisques - sunny color
- Bister - dark, burnished color
- Bistered - dark
- Bistred - dark
- Bistro - drinkery with food
- Bistros - drinkery with food
- Bit - tiny piece
- Bitch - malicious woman
- Bitched - malicious woman
- Bitches - malicious woman
- Bitchier - spiteful
- Bitchiest - spiteful
- Bitching - malicious woman
- Bitchy - spiteful
- Bite - injury from gripping, tearing
- Biter - portion
- Biters - kid
- Bites - injury from gripping, tearing
- Biting - piercing, sharp
- Bitingly - scornfully
- Bitings - consuming
- Bitsy - very small
- Bittered - upset, alienate
- Bitterer - pungent, sharp
- Bitterest - pungent, sharp
- Bittering - upset, alienate
- Bitterly - with anger
- Bittern -
- Bitterness - sourness
- Bitternesses - sourness
- Bitters - flavor of some quality
- Bittersweet - combination of red and yellow
- Bittersweets - combination of red and yellow
- Bittier - tiny in size, quantity
- Bittiest - tiny in size, quantity
- Bitting - restrict, prevent
- Bittorrent -
- Bitty - tiny in size, quantity
- Bitumen - bituminous substanced
- Bitumens - bituminous substanced
- Bituminous - black
- Bivalve - shell
- Bivalves - shell
- Bivouac - shelter for military
- Bivouacked - stay, wait
- Bivouacking - stay, wait
- Bivouacs - shelter for military
- Biweeklies - periodic publication
- Biweekly - occurring every two weeks
- Biz - line of work requiring academic or practical preparation
- Bizarre - strange, wild
- Bizarrely - oddly
- Bizarreness - abnormality
- Bizarrenesses - abnormality
- Bizzes - line of work requiring academic or practical preparation
- Bjorn -
- Blab - gossip
- Blab out -
- Blabbed - gossip
- Blabber - idle chatter
- Blabbered - talk foolishly
- Blabbering - chattering
- Blabbermouth - someone who talks too much
- Blabbermouths - someone who talks too much
- Blabbers - idle chatter
- Blabbier - gossipy
- Blabbiest - gossipy
- Blabbing - gossip
- Blabby - gossipy
- Blabs - gossip
- Black - dark, inky
- Black buck -
- Black sheep -
- Blackball - expel from group
- Blackballed - expel from group
- Blackballing - expel from group
- Blackballings - banishment
- Blackballs - expel from group
- Blackboard - chalkboard
- Blackboards - chalkboard
- Blacked - break blood vessel; discolor
- Blacken - darken
- Blackened - darken
- Blackening - darken
- Blackenings - attack someone's reputation
- Blackens - darken
- Blacker - dark, inky
- Blackest - dark, inky
- Blackface - makeup for actors
- Blackfaces - makeup for actors
- Blackguard - scoundrel
- Blackguarded - tarnish a reputation
- Blackguarding - tarnish a reputation
- Blackguardly - shameful, corrupt
- Blackguards - scoundrel
- Blackhead - small swelling on the skin
- Blackheads - small swelling on the skin
- Blackhole -
- Blacking - break blood vessel; discolor
- Blackish - of darkest color
- Blackjack - coerce
- Blackjacked - coerce
- Blackjacking - coerce
- Blackjacks - coerce
- Blacklist - ban
- Blacklisted - ban
- Blacklisting - ban
- Blacklists - ban
- Blackmail - intimidation for money; money to quiet informer
- Blackmailed - intimidation for money; money to quiet informer
- Blackmailer - criminal
- Blackmailers - criminal
- Blackmailing - intimidation for money; money to quiet informer
- Blackmails - intimidation for money; money to quiet informer
- Blackness - darkness
- Blacknesses - darkness
- Blackout - temporary unconsciousness
- Blackouts - temporary unconsciousness
- Blacks - dark, inky
- Blacksmith - ironsmith
- Blacksmiths - ironsmith
- Blackthorn -
- Blacktop - bituminous substanced
- Blacktops - bituminous substanced
- Blading - a type of roller skating
- Blah - dull, lifeless
- Blaher - dull, lifeless
- Blahest - dull, lifeless
- Blahs - drooping, dull, listless
- Blain - swelling
- Blains - swelling
- Blamable - blameworthy
- blame - an accusation that you are responsible for some lapse or misdeed
- Blamed - damned
- Blameful - blameworthy
- Blameless - not responsible
- Blamelessness - innocence
- Blamelessnesses - innocence
- Blamer - critic
- Blamers - critic
- Blames - condemnation
- Blameworthiness - responsibility
- Blameworthy - deserving blame
- Blaming - accuse; place responsibility
- Blanch - become afraid
- Blanched - whitened
- Blanches - become afraid
- Blanching - become afraid
- Bland - tasteless; undistinctive
- Blander - tasteless; undistinctive
- Blandest - tasteless; undistinctive
- Blandish - flatter
- Blandished - flatter
- Blandisher -
- Blandishes - flatter
- Blandishing - flatter
- blandishment - flattery intended to persuade
- Blandishments - flattery
- Blandly - quietly and softly
- Blandness - dullness
- Blandnesses - dullness
- Blank - clear
- Blanks - clear
- Blaspheme - curse
- Blastings - firing a weapon
- Blastoff - rocket launch
- Blastoffs - rocket launch
- Blastosphere - unborn young
- Blastospheres - unborn young
- Blasts - loud sound; make loud sound
- Blastula - unborn young
- Blastulae - unborn young
- Blastulas - unborn young
- Blat - sheep sound
- Blatancies - flagrancy
- Blatancy - flagrancy
- Blatant - obvious; brazen
- Blatantly - caught in the act
- Blather - talk a lot
- Blathered - talk a lot
- Blathering - chattering
- Blathers - talk a lot
- Blatherskite - blather
- Blatherskites - blather
- Blats - sheep sound
- Blaze - fire
- Blazed - fire
- Blazer - lightweight jacket
- Blazers - lightweight jacket
- Blazes - fire
- Blazing - on fire
- Bleakest - barren
- Bleakness -
- Bleaknesses - unhappiness, depression
- Bleat - sheep sound
- Bleated - yell in a loud and high-pitched manner
- Bleed - cause blood to flow
- Bleeders - baseball hit on the ground
- Bleeding - cause blood to flow
- Bleedings - period
- Bleeds - cause blood to flow
- Bleep - indication; authorization
- Bleeped - nullify, cancel
- Bleeping - nullify, cancel
- Bleeps - indication; authorization
- Blemish - flaw
- Blemished - flaw, disfigure
- Blemishes - flaw
- Blemishing - flaw
- Blench - flinch
- Blenched - flinch
- Blenches - flinch
- Blenching - flinch
- Blend - composite, mix
- Blende - metallic mineral
- Blended - mix
- Blender - an instrument used to mix materials
- Blenders - an instrument used to mix materials
- Blendes - metallic mineral
- Blending - mix
- Blendings - mixture, blend
- Blends - composite, mix
- Blent - composite, mix
- Blepharoplasty - cosmetic surgery
- Blert - A person who is weak or useless, a cowardly person
- Bless - sanctify
- Blessed - sanctified
- Blessedness - supreme happiness
- Blessednesses - supreme happiness
- Blesses - sanctify
- Blessing - sanctification
- Blessings - sanctification
- Blest - sanctify
- Blether - gossip
- Blethered - gossip
- Blethering - gossip
- Blethers - gossip
- Blew - blast, rush of air, wind
- Blight - disease; plague
- Blighted - ruin, destroy
- Blighting - disease; plague
- Blights - disease; plague
- Blighty - british empire
- Blimp - airship
- Blimps - airship
- Blind - sightless
- Blind gut -
- Blinded - dizzy
- Blinder - obstruction
- Blinders - obstruction
- Blindest - sightless
- Blindfold - screen, covering
- Blindfolded -
- Blindfolds - screen, covering
- Blinding - bright, dazzling; flashy
- Blindly - without direction, purpose
- Blindness -
- Blindnesses - sightlessness
- Blinds - sightless
- Blindside - hard hit
- Blindsided - attack by surprise
- Blindsides - attack by surprise
- Blindsiding - attack by surprise
- Blink - wink of eye; twinkle
- Blinked - wink of eye; twinkle
- Blinker - indication; authorization
- Blinkers - indication; authorization
- Blinking - wink of eye; twinkle
- Blinks - wink of eye; twinkle
- Blip - minor shock
- Blipped - hard hit, often with hand
- Blipping - hard hit, often with hand
- Blips - minor shock
- Bliss - ecstasy
- Blisses - ecstasy
- Blissful - happy
- Blissfully - happily
- Blissfulness - state of great happiness
- Blissfulnesses - state of great happiness
- Blister - swelling
- Blistered - exposed, tender, referring to skin
- Blistering - hot
- Blisters - swelling
- Blistery - hot
- blithe - Showing a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be callous or improper.; Happy and carefree.
- Blithely - cheerily
- Blitheness - gaiety
- Blithenesses - gaiety
- Blither - happy
- Blithering - chattering
- Blithers - talk a lot
- blithesome - carefree and happy and lighthearted
- Blithesomeness - gaiety
- Blithest - happy
- Blitz - heavy attack
- Blitzed - drunk
- Blitzes - heavy attack
- Blitzing - attack
- Blitzkrieg - charge
- Blitzkriegs - charge
- Blizzard - snow storm
- Blizzards - snow storm
- Bloat - blow up like a balloon
- Bloated - swollen
- Bloater - bulky
- Bloating - blow up like a balloon
- Bloatings - inflation
- Bloats - blow up like a balloon
- Blob - drop, spot
- Blobbed - project outward
- Blobbier - without definite shape, character
- Blobbiest - without definite shape, character
- Blobbing - project outward
- Blobby - without definite shape, character
- Blobs - drop, spot
- Bloc - coalition
- Block - mass of material
- Block and tackle -
- Blockade - barrier
- Blockaded - isolated, sheltered
- Blockades - barrier
- Blockading - protest against, for cause
- Blockage - obstruction
- Blockages - obstruction
- Blockbuster - anti-submarine bomb that explodes at a preset depth under water
- Blockbusters - anti-submarine bomb that explodes at a preset depth under water
- Blocked - obstruct
- Blockhead - dummy
- Blockheaded - stupid
- Blockheads - dummy
- Blockhouse - underground shelter
- Blockhouses - underground shelter
- Blockier - stocky
- Blockiest - stocky
- Blocking - obstruct
- Blockings - meddling, impedance
- Blockish - stocky
- Blocks - mass of material
- Blocky - stocky
- Blocs - coalition
- Blog - personal website
- Blogged - personal website
- Blogging - personal website
- Blogs - personal website
- Bloke - older man
- Blokes - older man
- Blond - light-haired
- blonde - a light grayish yellow to near white
- Blondes - light
- Blondest - having light-colored hair
- Blonds - sunny color
- Blood - red body fluid
- Bloodbath - massacre
- Bloodbaths - massacre
- Bloodcurdling - horrible
- Bloodhound - private detective
- Bloodhounds - private detective
- Bloodied - bleeding
- Bloodier - bleeding
- Bloodies - bleeding
- Bloodiest - (used as intensifier)
- Bloodless - unfeeling
- Bloodlessness - paleness
- Bloodlessnesses - paleness
- Bloodletting - bloody, horrible
- Bloodlettings - slaughter
- Bloodline - ancestry
- Bloodlines - ancestry
- Bloodmobile - blood storage
- Bloodmobiles - blood storage
- Bloods - red body fluid
- Bloodshed - slaughter
- Bloodsheds - slaughter
- Bloodshot - inflamed
- Bloodstained - bloody
- Bloodsucker - extortionist
- Bloodsuckers - extortionist
- Bloodsucking - parasitic
- Bloodthirsty - murderous
- Bloody - bleeding
- Bloodying - bleeding
- Bloom - flower
- Bloomed - flower
- Bloomer - blunder
- Bloomers - blunder
- Blooming - flowering
- Bloomings - color of blood; shade resembling such a color
- Blooms - flower
- Bloop - baseball hit high in the air
- Blooper - blunder
- Bloopers - blunder
- Bloops - baseball hit high in the air
- Blore -
- Blossomed - flower
- Blossoming - blooming
- Blossomings - blooming
- Blossomy - decorated with flowers
- Blot - mark; flaw
- Blotched - speckled
- Blotchy - discolored in spots
- Blots - mark; flaw
- Blotter - writing tablet
- Blotters - writing tablet
- Blotting - mark; flaw
- Blouse - shirt for woman
- Blouses - shirt for woman
- Bloviate - yell, rave
- Bloviated - yell, rave
- Bloviates - yell, rave
- Bloviating - yell, rave
- Blow - blast, rush of air, wind
- Blow dry -
- Blowby -
- Blowers - braggart
- Blowgun - arm, armament
- Blowguns - arm, armament
- Blowhard - braggart
- Blowhards - braggart
- Blowier - airy
- Blowing - agitating the air
- Blowings - boastfulness
- Blown - buffeted
- Blowoff - consequence, effect
- Blowoffs - consequence, effect
- Blowout - explosion; something exploded
- Blowouts - explosion; something exploded
- Blowpipe - tool for working with solder
- Blowpipes - tool for working with solder
- Blows - blast, rush of air, wind
- Blowsier - pinkish, blushing
- Blowsiest - pinkish, blushing
- Blowsy - pinkish, blushing
- Blowtorch - airplane powered by jet engine(s)
- Blowtorches - airplane powered by jet engine(s)
- Blowup - explosion
- Blowups - explosion
- Blowy - airy
- Blowzier - wrinkled, unkempt in appearance
- Blowziest - wrinkled, unkempt in appearance
- Blowzy - wrinkled, unkempt in appearance
- Blub - cry hard
- Blubbed - cry hard
- Blubber - cry
- Blubbered - cry
- Blubbering - cry
- Blubbers - cry
- Blubbery - crying, very upset
- Blubbing - cry hard
- Blubs - cry hard
- Bludgeon - weapon
- Bludgeoned - frighten, threaten
- Bludgeoning - frighten, threaten
- Bludgeons - weapon
- Blue - sky, sea color
- bluebird day - A day marked by cloudless blue skies.
- Blueness - indecency, immorality; vulgarism
- Bluenesses - indecency, immorality; vulgarism
- Bluenose - particular, fussy
- Bluenosed - genteel
- Blueprint - plan
- Blueprinted - copied
- Blueprinting - the science of applying power to use
- Bluer - sky, sea color
- Blues - depression
- Bluest - sky, sea color
- Bluestocking - aristocratic
- Bluestockings - formalist
- Bluetooth -
- Bluff - abrupt
- Bluffed - abrupt
- Bluffer - abrupt
- Bluffers - hypocrite
- Bluffest - abrupt
- Bluffing - deceive
- Bluffs - abrupt
- Bluish - azure
- Blunder - mistake
- Blunderbuss - blundering person
- Blunderbusses - blundering person
- Blundered - mistake
- Blunderer - clumsy person
- Blunderers - clumsy person
- Blundering - make mistake
- Blunderingly - inadequately
- Blunders - mistake
- Blunt - not sharp
- Blunted - make dull
- Blunter - not sharp
- Bluntest - not sharp
- Blunting - not sharp
- Bluntly - at top speed
- Bluntness - impoliteness
- Bluntnesses - impoliteness
- Blunts - not sharp
- Blur - cloud, fog
- Blurb - announcement
- Blurbs - announcement
- Blurred - cloud, fog
- Blurrier - hazy
- Blurriest - hazy
- Blurring - cloud, fog
- Blurry - hazy
- Blurs - cloud, fog
- Blurt - utter suddenly
- Blurted - utter suddenly
- Blurting - utter suddenly
- Blurts - utter suddenly
- Blush - pink coloring
- Blushed - pink coloring
- Blusher - color of blood; shade resembling such a color
- Blushes - pink coloring
- Blushful - shy
- Blushing - turning red
- Bluster - bullying, intimidation
- Blustered - bully, intimidate
- Blusterer - a loudmouth
- Blusterers - a loudmouth
- Blustering - bully, intimidate
- Blusterous - very loud and unharmonious in sound
- Blusters - bullying, intimidation
- Blustery - stormy
- Boa - muffler
- Boar - animal of swine family
- Board - piece of wood
- Boarded - embark on vehicle
- Boarder - lodger
- Boarders - lodger
- Boarding - embark on vehicle
- Boardinghouse - place of residence, usually temporary
- Boardinghouses - place of residence, usually temporary
- Boardroom - office meeting space
- Boardrooms - office meeting space
- Boards - piece of wood
- Boardwalk - promenade
- Boardwalks - promenade
- Boars - animal of swine family
- Boast - brag; source of pride
- Boasted - brag
- Boaster - braggart
- Boasters - braggart
- Boastful - bragging
- Boastfully - vainly
- Boastfulness - pride
- Boastfulnesses - pride
- Boasting - bragging
- Boastings - bragging
- Boasts - brag; source of pride
- Boat - vehicle for water travel
- Boated - propel with arms or tool
- Boater - person who travels by sea
- Boaters - person who travels by sea
- Boating - travel, recreation in water
- Boatings - travel, recreation in water
- Boatman - rower
- Boatmen - rower
- Boats - vehicle for water travel
- Boatyard - dock
- Boatyards - dock
- Bob - bounce up and down
- Bob keeshan -
- Bobbed - clipped
- Bobber - type of plug
- Bobbers - type of plug
- Bobbies - police officer
- Bobbin - spool
- Bobbing - bounce up and down
- Bobbins - spool
- Bobble - disorder, dirty
- Bobbled - disorder, dirty
- Bobbles - disorder, dirty
- Bobbling - disorder, dirty
- Bobby - police officer
- Bobbysock -
- Bobcat - large cat
- Bobcats - large cat
- Bobs - bounce up and down
- Bobsled - sleigh
- Boddice -
- Bodyboard -
- Bodybuilding - healthful
- Bodybuildings - working out with weights
- Bodyguard - protector
- Bodysuit - shirt for woman
- Bodysuits - shirt for woman
- Boff - assault physically
- Boffed - assault physically
- Boffo - amusing
- Boffs - assault physically
- Bogart - dominate, control
- Bogarted - dominate, control
- Bogarting - dominate, control
- Bogarts - dominate, control
- Bogey hole -
- Bogeymen - ghost
- Bogeys - ghost
- Bogged - destroy
- Boggling - astonish
- Boggy - swampy
- Bogle - ghost
- Bogles - ghost
- Bogs - swamp
- Bogus - counterfeit
- Bogy - fear
- Bogyman - ghost
- Bogymen - ghost
- Bohemian - nonconformist
- Bohemianism - belief, behavior different from most
- Bohemianisms - belief, behavior different from most
- Bohemians - nonconformist
- Boil - blister
- Boiled - blister
- Boiler - furnace
- Boilerplate - normal, typical
- Boilerplates - idea held as standard, example
- Boilers - furnace
- Boiling - very hot
- Boilings - calefaction
- Boils - blister
- Bois -
- boisterous - violently agitated and turbulent
- Boisterously - with great force
- Boisterousness - sound that is loud or not harmonious
- Boiter -
- Boj -
- Bola - lariat
- Bolanci -
- Bolas - lariat
- Bold - brave
- Bolder - brave
- Boldest - brave
- Boldface - printing font
- Boldfaced - impudent
- Boldfaces - printing font
- Boldly - bravely
- Boldness - audacity
- Boldnesses - audacity
- Bolds - projected carving
- Bole - stump of tree
- Boles - stump of tree
- Bolide - meteor
- Bolides - meteor
- Bolix - botch
- Bolixed - botch
- Bolixes - botch
- Bolixing - botch
- Bollard - spike
- Bollards - spike
- Bollix - disorder, dirty
- Bollixed - confused
- Bollixes - disorder, dirty
- Bollixing - disorder, dirty
- Bollox - botch
- Bolloxed - botch
- Bolloxes - botch
- Bolloxing - botch
- Bolo - cutting tool
- Bologna - processed meat
- Bolognas - processed meat
- Bolos - cutting tool
- Bolshevik - card-carrying communist
- Bolsheviki - card-carrying communist
- Bolsheviks - card-carrying communist
- Bolshevism - socialist government
- Bolshevisms - socialist government
- Bolster - help
- Bolstered - help
- Bolstering - help
- Bolsters - help
- Bolt - lock; part of lock
- Bolted - run quickly away
- Bolter - person who escapes
- Bolters - person who escapes
- Bolting - lock; part of lock
- Bolts - lock; part of lock
- Bolus - capsule of medicine
- Boluses - capsule of medicine
- Bomb - exploding weapon
- Bombard - assault, attack
- Bombarded - assault, attack
- Bombardier - bombing airplane
- Bombardiers - bombing airplane
- Bombarding - assault, attack
- Bombardment - barrage
- Bombardments - barrage
- Bombards - assault, attack
- bombast - pompous or pretentious talk or writing
- Bombastic - pompous, grandiloquent
- Bombastically - pretentiously
- Bombasts - boasting
- Bombay -
- Bombazine -
- Bombed - drunk
- Bomber - bombing airplane
- Bombers - bombing airplane
- Bombilate - buzz, vibrate
- Bombilated - buzz, vibrate
- Bombilates - buzz, vibrate
- Bombilating - buzz, vibrate
- bombinate - To buzz, hum, or drone continuously.
- Bombinated - thunder, reverberate
- Bombinates - thunder, reverberate
- Bombinating - thunder, reverberate
- Bombing - bombardment
- Bombings - bombardment
- Bombs - exploding weapon
- Bombshell - surprise; sudden push
- Bombshells - surprise; sudden push
- Bombsight - a locating device
- Bombsights - a locating device
- bon vivant - a person devoted to refined sensuous enjoyment (especially good food and drink)
- Bonanza - windfall
- Bonanzas - windfall
- Bonbon - candy
- Bonbons - candy
- Bond - binder or fastener
- Bondage - slavery
- Bondages - slavery
- Bonded - guaranteed
- Bonder - servile
- Bondholder - stockholder
- Bondholders - stockholder
- Bonding - fasten; stick
- Bondman - person held physically
- Bondmen - person held physically
- Bonds - binder or fastener
- Bondservant - slave
- Bondservants - slave
- Bondsman - poster of bond
- Bondsmen - poster of bond
- Bondswoman - poster of bond
- Bondswomen - poster of bond
- Bondwoman - person held physically
- Bondwomen - person held physically
- Bone - piece of animate skeleton
- Boned - be or make very upset
- Bonehead - idiot
- Boneheaded - stupid
- Boneheads - idiot
- Boner - a mistake
- Boners - a mistake
- Bones - piece of animate skeleton
- Bonetired - tired
- Boneyard - burial ground
- Boneyards - burial ground
- Bonfire - large prepared fire
- Bonfires - large prepared fire
- Bong - ring
- Bonged - ring
- Bonging - ring
- Bongs - ring
- bonhomie - a disposition to be friendly and approachable (easy to talk to)
- Bonhomies - amiability
- Bonhomous - gracious
- Bonier - of or like bone
- Boniest - of or like bone
- Boniness - gauntness
- Boninesses - gauntness
- Boning - be or make very upset
- Bonjour - good day
- Bonk - strike, bump
- Bonked - hit hard
- Bonkers - crazy
- Bonking - hit hard
- Bonks - strike, bump
- Bonnet - hat
- Bonnet monkey -
- Bonnets - hat
- Bonnier - beautiful
- Bonniest - beautiful
- Bonny - beautiful
- Bonus - unexpected extra
- Bonuses - unexpected extra
- Bony - of or like bone
- bonzer - something is excellent, first-rate, or wonderful
- Boo - decry
- Boob - idiot
- Booboo - hurt, harm
- Booboos - hurt, harm
- Boobs - female breasts
- Boodies - physique
- Boodle - cheat
- Boodled - cheat
- Boodles - cheat
- Boodling - cheat
- Boody - physique
- Booed - decry
- Boogeyman - ghost
- Boogeymen - ghost
- Boogie - style of music
- Boogied - walk casually
- Boogieing - walk casually
- Boogieman - ghost
- Boogiemen - ghost
- Boogies - style of music
- Boohoo - make a sound; peep
- Boohooed - make a sound; peep
- Boohooing - make a sound; peep
- Boohoos - make a sound; peep
- Booing - decry
- Book - published document
- Bookcase - bookshelf
- Bookcases - bookshelf
- Booked - scheduled
- Bookie - gamester
- Bookies - gamester
- Booking - engagement
- Bookings - engagement
- Bookish - scholarly
- Bookishness - sophistry
- Bookishnesses - sophistry
- Bookkeeper - accountant
- Bookkeepers - accountant
- Bookkeeping - accounting
- Bookkeepings - accounting
- Booklet - pamphlet
- Booklets - pamphlet
- Bookmaker - gamester
- Bookmakers - gamester
- Bookman - educated person
- Bookmark - ticket, label
- Bookmarks - ticket, label
- Bookmen - educated person
- Bookmobile - public library
- Bookmobiles - public library
- Bookrack - bookshelf
- Bookracks - bookshelf
- Bookrest - desk for lecturer
- Bookrests - desk for lecturer
- Books - published document
- Bookworm - booklover
- Bookworms - booklover
- Bool -
- Boom - loud sound; crash
- Boomed - crash; make loud sound
- Boomerang - backfire
- Boomeranged - backfire
- Boomeranging - backfire
- Boomerangs - backfire
- Boomier - flourishing
- Boomiest - flourishing
- Booming - flourishing
- Boomings - growl, reverberation
- Booms - loud sound; crash
- Boomy - flourishing
- Boon - advantage
- Boondocks - back country
- boondoggle - do useless, wasteful, or trivial work
- Boondoggled - dawdle, delay
- Boondoggles - misleading; being dishonest
- Boondoggling - dawdle, delay
- Booner - very happy; festive
- Boonest - very happy; festive
- Boong -
- Boonies - undeveloped rural area
- Boons - advantage
- Boor - clod
- boorish - ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance
- Boorishly - audibly
- Boorishness - clumsiness; inelegance
- Boorishnesses - clumsiness; inelegance
- Boors - clod
- Boos - decry
- Boose -
- Boost - increase
- Boosted - further, improve
- Booster - supporter
- Boosters - supporter
- Boosting - further, improve
- Boosts - increase
- Boot - heavy, often tall, shoe
- Bootable -
- Booted - heavy, often tall, shoe
- Booter -
- Booth - small enclosure or building
- Booths - small enclosure or building
- Booties - loot
- Booting - heavy, often tall, shoe
- Bootleg - illegal
- Bootlegged - illegal
- Bootlegger - illegal liquor dealer
- Bootleggers - illegal liquor dealer
- Bootlegging - robbery
- Bootleggings - robbery
- Bootlegs - illegally distilled alcohol
- bootless - unproductive of success
- Bootlessness - futility
- Bootlessnesses - futility
- Bootlick - flatter
- Bootlicked - flatter
- Bootlicker - sycophant
- Bootlickers - sycophant
- Bootlicking - flatter
- Bootlickings - overenthusiastic praise
- Bootlicks - flatter
- Bootmaker - shoemaker
- Bootmakers - shoemaker
- Boots - heavy, often tall, shoe
- Bootstrap - start operating system
- Bootstrapped - start operating system
- Bootstrapping - start operating system
- Bootstraps - start operating system
- Booty - loot
- Booze - liquor
- Boozed - drunk
- Boozer - drunkard
- Boozers - drunkard
- Boozes - liquor
- Boozier - drunk
- Booziest - drunk
- Boozing - inebriety
- Boozings - inebriety
- Boozy - drunk
- Bop - blow
- Bopped - blow
- Bopping - hit
- Bops - blow
- Bordello - brothel
- Bordellos - brothel
- Border - outermost edge, margin
- Bordered - bound on; be on the edge
- Bordering -
- Borderland - border
- Borderlands - border
- Borderless - uncertain, vague
- Borderline - inexact
- Borderlines - mark, stroke; border
- Borders - outermost edge, margin
- Bordlode -
- Bordman -
- Bore - nuisance
- Boreal - frigid
- Bored - uninterested
- Boredom - disinterest; weariness
- Boredoms - disinterest; weariness
- Boreen -
- Borer - precision tool
- Borers - precision tool
- Bores - nuisance
- Boresome - irritating, exasperating
- Boring - uninteresting
- Boringly - to a sickening degree
- Borough - incorporated municipality smaller than a city
- Boroughs - incorporated municipality smaller than a city
- Borrow - take for temporary use
- Borrowed - appropriated
- Borrower - person asking for charity
- Borrowers - person asking for charity
- Borrowing - appropriating
- Borrowings - appropriating
- Borrows - take for temporary use
- Borscht - soup, usually clear
- Borschts - soup, usually clear
- Borstal - correctional facility
- Borstals - correctional facility
- Bort - gemstone
- Borts - gemstone
- Boscage - wilderness full of plant and animal life
- Boscages - wilderness full of plant and animal life
- Bosh - nonsense, rubbish
- Boshes - nonsense, rubbish
- Bosk - woods
- Boskage - undergrowth
- Boskages - undergrowth
- Bosket - plant
- Boskets - plant
- Boskier - dark, covered
- Boskiest - dark, covered
- Bosks - woods
- bosky - covered with or consisting of bushes or thickets
- Bosom - breast
- Bosoms - breast
- Bosomy - shapely
- Boss - great
- Bossed - great
- Bosser - great
- Bossiest - domineering
- Bostic -
- Boston - capital of massachusetts
- Bosun -
- Botch - blunder
- Botched - blunder
- Botches - blunder
- Both - two together
- Bother - trouble, inconvenience
- Botheration - annoyance
- Botherations - annoyance
- Bothered - annoyed
- Bothering - annoyance
- Bothers - trouble, inconvenience
- Bothersome - troubling
- Bothrenchyma -
- Bottle - container, usually for liquids
- bottle episode - An episode of a television series that is confined to one setting and isn’t expensive to produce.
- Bottleneck - obstacle
- Bottlenecks - obstacle
- Bottling - preserving
- Bottlings - preserving
- Bottoming - depend, hinge
- Bottomless - very deep
- Bottommost - close to the ground; short
- Boudoir - main bedroom
- Boudoirs - main bedroom
- Bouffants - cut, style of a head of hair
- Bouffe - musical genre
- Bougainville -
- Bough - branch
- Bouillons - soup, usually clear
- Boulder - stone
- Bouldered - rugged, stony
- Bouldering - the climbing of mountains
- Boulders - stone
- Boulevard - street, often lined with trees
- boulevardier - A sophisticated, fashionable man who frequents public places, especially the Parisian boulevards. (A person); A classic cocktail made with Campari, sweet vermouth, and rye whiskey or bourbon. (A cocktail)
- Boulter -
- Bounce - spring
- Bounceable -
- Bouncer - protector
- Bouncers - protector
- Bounces - spring
- Bouncinesses - jump, skip
- Boundaries -
- Boundary - outer limit
- Bounders - reprehensible person
- Boundlessly - extremely
- Bouquet garni -
- bourgeois - conforming to the standards and conventions of the middle class
- Bouse -
- Bouvier -
- Boviform -
- Bovine -
- bowdlerize - edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate
- Bowling pin -
- Boy -
- Boyla -
- Boysenberries -
- Bozos -
- Bpm -
- brachiate - having arms or armlike appendages
- Bracteole -
- braggadocio - vain and empty boasting
- Brahe -
- brain - that which is responsible for one's thoughts, feelings, and conscious brain functions; the seat of the faculty of reason
- Brain coral -
- Brainstormer -
- Brands -
- Brauhaus -
- Braun -
- bravado - (noun) A bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate.
- Braves -
- Break-off -
- Breaking waves -
- Breathable -
- Breathed -
- breathing - the bodily process of inhalation and exhalation
- Breathtakingly -
- Brecciate -
- Brecciation -
- Breve -
- Brevity -
- Brew -
- Bribing -
- Bridle iron -
- Bridled -
- Brillante -
- Brillo -
- British legion -
- Britons -
- brobdingnagian - unusually great in size or amount or degree or especially extent or scope
- Brochantite -
- Brockley -
- Brokered -
- Bromine -
- Bromothymol blue -
- brood - be in a huff; be silent or sullen
- Brook trout -
- Brooks -
- Bros -
- Brougham -
- brouhaha - loud confused noise from many sources
- browbeat - To intimidate or coerce someone, typically with stern or abusive words.
- Brownings -
- Brt -
- Bruegel -
- Bruits -
- brummagem - a city in central England; 2nd largest English city and an important industrial and transportation center
- Brummie -
- Bruneian -
- Brutish -
- Bua -
- Bucketing -
- Buckeye -
- bucolic - a short poem descriptive of rural or pastoral life
- Buda -
- Budgerigar -
- Bulb - globular object
- Bulbous - ball-shaped; semicircular area
- Bulbs - globular object
- Bulge - swollen object
- Bulged - swollen object
- Bulges - swollen object
- Bulgier - swollen
- Bulgiest - swollen
- Bulging - curving outward
- Bulgy - swollen
- Bulimia - poor nutrition
- Bulimias - poor nutrition
- Bulimic - starving
- Bulk - size, largeness
- Bulked - appear, often imposingly
- Bulker - all-inclusive
- Bulkhead - holding wall
- Bulkheads - holding wall
- Bulkier - huge
- Bulkiest - huge
- Bulkiness - difficulty
- Bulkinesses - difficulty
- Bulking - appear, often imposingly
- Bulks - size, largeness
- Bulky - huge
- Bull - nonsense
- Bull in a china shop -
- Bulla - swelling
- Bullace -
- Bullae - swelling
- Bulldog - regular, continuous publication containing information
- Bulldogged - determined; continuous
- Bulldogs - regular, continuous publication containing information
- Bulldoze - demolish
- Bulldozed - demolish
- Bulldozer - bully
- Bulldozers - bully
- Bulldozes - demolish
- Bulldozing - demolish
- Bulled - tell an untruth
- Buller - large, great
- Bullet - small missile
- Bulleted - brush quickly; hasten
- Bulletin - message, notification
- Bulleting - brush quickly; hasten
- Bulletins - message, notification
- Bulletproof - indestructible
- Bullets - small missile
- Bullfighter - matador
- Bullfighters - matador
- Bullfrog - jumping amphibian
- Bullfrogs - jumping amphibian
- Bullhead - pigheaded, stubborn
- Bullheaded - stubborn
- Bullheadedly - stubbornly
- Bullheadedness - obstinacy
- Bullhorn - speaker
- Bullhorns - speaker
- Bullied - intimidate, push around
- Bullier - good
- Bullies - domineering person
- Bulliest - good
- Bulling - tell an untruth
- Bullion - lump, solid piece; often of metal
- Bullions - lump, solid piece; often of metal
- Bullish - forceful
- Bullish market -
- Bullishness - rising market
- Bullishnesses - rising market
- Bullpen - place for incarceration
- Bullpens - place for incarceration
- Bulls - nonsense
- Bullseye - accurate, correct
- Bullseyes - center of a target
- Bullshit - "nonsense, lies"
- Bullshits - "nonsense, lies"
- Bullshitted - "nonsense, lies"
- Bullshitting - "nonsense, lies"
- Bullwhip - length of material for hitting
- Bullwhips - length of material for hitting
- Bully - domineering person
- Bullying - domineering
- Bullyings - boastfulness
- Bullyrag - intimidate
- Bullyragged - intimidate
- Bullyragging - intimidate
- Bullyrags - intimidate
- Bulwark - fortification, support
- Bulwarked - defended
- Bulwarking - take care of; guard from harm
- Bulwarks - fortification, support
- Bum - beggar
- Bumbershoot - parasol
- Bumbershoots - parasol
- Bumble - botch
- Bumblebee - bug
- Bumblebees - bug
- Bumbled - botch
- Bumbler - person who blunders
- Bumblers - person who blunders
- Bumbles - botch
- Bumbling - unskillful
- bumf - Informal: Trivial or unimportant written material, often official or bureaucratic.
- Bumfuzzle - confuse, perplex, fluster
- Bummed - terrible, very bad
- Bummer - bad experience
- Bummers - bad experience
- Bummest - disgusting, offensive
- Bumming - parasitic
- Bump - collide, hit, usually with sound
- Bumped - collide, hit, usually with sound
- Bumper - abundant, productive
- Bumpers - protection
- Bumpier - rough
- Bumpiest - rough
- Bumpily - raggedly
- Bumpiness - unevenness
- Bumpinesses - unevenness
- Bumping - collide, hit, usually with sound
- Bumpkin - unsophisticated person
- Bumpkinly -
- Bumpkins - unsophisticated person
- Bumps - collide, hit, usually with sound
- bumptious - offensively self-assertive
- Bumptiousness - boldness
- Bumptiousnesses - boldness
- Bumpy - rough
- Bums - beggar
- Bun - baked roll
- Bunch - collection of something
- Bunch up -
- Bunched - collection of something
- Bunches - collection of something
- Bunching - collection of something
- Bunchings - swollen object
- Bunco - disloyalty, dishonesty
- Buncoed - deceive
- Buncoing - deceive
- Buncos - disloyalty, dishonesty
- Bundaberg -
- Bundle - accumulation, package of something
- Bundled - accumulate, package
- Bundles - accumulation, package of something
- Bundling - accumulation, package of something
- Bung - stopper
- Bungalow - tiny house; lodging
- Bungalows - tiny house; lodging
- Bunged - throw
- Bunging - throw
- Bungle - blunder, mess up
- Bungled - blunder, mess up
- Bungler - person who blunders
- Bunglers - person who blunders
- Bungles - blunder, mess up
- Bungling - clumsy
- Bunglingly - with difficulty
- Bunglings - mistake
- Bungs - stopper
- Bunion - physical growth; lump
- Bunions - physical growth; lump
- Bunk - nonsense
- Bunked - inhabit a dwelling
- Bunker - underground shelter
- Bunkers - underground shelter
- Bunkies - companion
- Bunking - inhabit a dwelling
- Bunkmate - companion
- Bunkmates - companion
- Bunko - confidence game
- Bunkos - confidence game
- Bunks - nonsense
- Bunkum - nonsense
- Bunkums - nonsense
- Bunnies - sexy girl
- Bunny - sexy girl
- Buns - baked roll
- Bunt - hit half-heartedly
- Bunted - hit half-heartedly
- Bunting - hit half-heartedly
- Buntings - flag, banner
- Bunts - hit half-heartedly
- Buoy - floating device
- Buoyance - lightness in weight
- Buoyances - lightness in weight
- Buoyancies - lightness in weight
- Buoyancy - tendency to float
- buoyant -
- Buoyantly - cheerily
- Buoyed - make light, encourage
- Buoying - make light, encourage
- Buoys - make light, encourage
- Burb - neighborhood outside of but reliant on nearby large city
- Burble - boil
- Burbled - boil
- Burbles - boil
- Burblier - gurgling
- Burbliest - gurgling
- Burbling - gurgling
- Burbly - gurgling
- Burbot -
- Burbs - neighborhood outside of but reliant on nearby large city
- Burden - mental weight; stress
- Burdened - weighed down
- Burdening - encumber, strain
- Burdens - mental weight; stress
- Burdensome - troublesome
- Bureau - branch of an organization
- Bureaucracies - system which controls organization
- Bureaucracy - system which controls organization
- Bureaucrat - government official
- Bureaucratic - governmental
- Bureaucratic paperwork -
- Bureaucrats - government official
- Bureaus - branch of an organization
- Bureaux - branch of an organization
- Burette - container
- Burettes - container
- Burg - city
- Burgee - flag, banner
- Burgees - flag, banner
- burgeon - grow and flourish
- Burgeoned - bloom
- Burgeoning - bloom
- Burgeons - bloom
- Burger - ground-up beefsteak
- Burgers - ground-up beefsteak
- Burgess - person native of country
- Burgesses - person native of country
- Burghal - concerning cities
- Burgher - person native of country
- Burghers - person native of country
- Burglar - person who steals
- Burglaries - stealing from residence, business
- Burglarize - break in
- Burglarized - break in
- Burglarizes - break in
- Burglarizing - break in
- Burglars - person who steals
- Burglary - stealing from residence, business
- Burgle - ransack
- Burgled - ransack
- Burgles - ransack
- Burgling - ransack
- Burgomaster - city official
- Burgomasters - city official
- Burgoo - warm cereal
- Burgoos - warm cereal
- Burgs - city
- Burgundies - color of blood; shade resembling such a color
- Burgundy - color of blood; shade resembling such a color
- Burial - laying in of dead body
- Burials - laying in of dead body
- Buried - concealed
- Buries - lay to rest after death
- Burke - avoid; get around
- Burked - avoid; get around
- Burkes - avoid; get around
- Burking - avoid; get around
- Burl - knot, growth
- Burlap - fabric
- Burlaps - fabric
- Burlesque - farcical
- Burlesqued - copied
- Burlesques - farcical
- Burlesquing - ridicule, make fun of
- Burlier - husky
- Burliest - husky
- Burls - knot, growth
- Burly - husky
- Burn - be on fire; set on fire
- Burnable - ready to burn
- Burned - marked by fire or intense heat
- Burner - torch
- Burners - torch
- Burning - blazing, flashing
- Burningly -
- Burnings - redness, swelling
- Burnish - polish, brighten
- Burnished - polish, brighten
- Burnishes - polish, brighten
- Burnishing - polish, brighten
- Burnout - mental exhaustion
- Burnouts - mental exhaustion
- Burns - be on fire; set on fire
- Burnside - beard
- Burnsides - beard
- Burnt - burned
- Burp - expel gas
- Burped - expel gas
- Burping - expel gas
- Burps - expel gas
- Burr - rough projection
- Burred - give someone the cold shoulder
- Burring - give someone the cold shoulder
- Burro - donkey
- Burros - donkey
- Burrow - hole dug by animal
- Burrowed - hole dug by animal
- Burrowing - dig a hole
- Burrows - hole dug by animal
- Burrs - rough projection
- Bursa - tote for carrying personal items
- Bursae - tote for carrying personal items
- Bursar - treasurer
- Bursaries - grant
- Bursars - treasurer
- Bursary - grant
- Bursas - tote for carrying personal items
- Burst - blow-up, blast
- Bursted - blow-up, blast
- Bursting - breaking open
- Bursts - blow-up, blast
- Burthen - expensive possession
- Burthens - expensive possession
- Bury - lay to rest after death
- Burying - lay to rest after death
- Bus - transport
- Busbies - accessory for head
- Busby - accessory for head
- Bused - transport
- Buses - transport
- Bush - shrubs; woodland
- Bushed - exhausted
- Bushel - large quantity
- Bushels - large quantity
- Busher - inferior, secondary
- Bushes - shrubs; woodland
- Bushier - shaggy, unkempt
- Bushiest - shaggy, unkempt
- Bushiness - the quality of being rough on the surface
- Bushinesses - the quality of being rough on the surface
- Bushing - contents
- Bushings - contents
- Bushman - first inhabitant
- Bushmen - first inhabitant
- Bushwhack - ambush
- Bushwhacked - ambush
- Bushwhacker - attacker
- Bushwhackers - attacker
- Bushwhacking - ambush
- Bushwhacks - ambush
- Bushy - shaggy, unkempt
- Busied - be busy with
- Busier - engaged, at work
- Busies - be busy with
- Busiest - engaged, at work
- Busily - actively; intently
- Business - job, profession
- Businesses - job, profession
- Businesslike - efficient, professional
- Businessman - professional working person
- Businessmen - professional working person
- Businesspeople - professional working person
- Businessperson - professional working person
- Businesspersons - professional working person
- Businesswoman - professional working person
- Businesswomen - professional working person
- Busing - transport
- Buskin - military boot
- Buskins - military boot
- Buss - kiss
- Bussed - kiss
- Busses - kiss
- Bussing - kiss
- Bussings - osculation
- Bust - chest of human
- Busted - ruin, impoverish
- Buster - without money
- Bustier - buxom
- Bustiest - buxom
- Busting - chest of human
- Bustle - quick and busy activity
- Bustled - quick and busy activity
- Bustles - quick and busy activity
- Bustling - move around quickly, busily
- Busts - chest of human
- Busty - buxom
- Busy - engaged, at work
- Busybodied - meddle, intervene
- Busybodies - nosy, impertinent person
- Busybody - nosy, impertinent person
- Busybodying - meddle, intervene
- Busying - be busy with
- Busyness - hard work
- Busynesses - hard work
- But - indicating contrast
- Butch - manlike
- Butcher - meat killer, seller
- Butchered - slay and prepare animal for meat
- Butcheries - massacre
- Butchering - meat killer, seller
- Butcherings - mass killing
- Butchers - meat killer, seller
- Butchery - massacre
- Butchest - manlike
- Butler - servant
- Butlers - servant
- Buts - indicating contrast
- Butt - end, shaft
- Butte - small hill
- Butted - end, shaft
- Butter - fat
- Butterball - slightly fat
- Buttercup - infant
- Buttercups - infant
- Buttered - entice, manipulate
- Butterfingered - clumsy, stupid
- Butterfingers - a clumsy person
- Butterflied - touch one's lips to another's
- Butterflies - anxious, fearful
- Butterflower -
- Butterfly - bug
- Butterflying - touch one's lips to another's
- Butteries - kitchen storage room
- Buttering - entice, manipulate
- Buttermilk - liquid produced by mammals
- Buttermilks - liquid produced by mammals
- Butters - fat
- Buttery - containing butter
- Buttes - small hill
- Butting - buttocks
- Buttinski - guide
- Buttinskies - meddler
- Buttinskis - guide
- Buttinsky - meddler
- Buttock - bottom
- Buttocks - rear
- Button - fastener
- Buttoned - fasten, clasp
- Buttonhole - flower arrangement
- Buttonholed - pressure, trouble
- Buttonholes - flower arrangement
- Buttonholing - pressure, trouble
- Buttoning - fasten, clasp
- Buttonquail -
- Buttons - fastener
- Buttress - brace, support
- Buttressed - brace, support
- Buttresses - brace, support
- Buttressing - brace, support
- Butts - end, shaft
- Butyraceous - fatty, greasy
- Buvette - place for buying snacks
- Buvettes - place for buying snacks
- Buxom - bosomy
- Buy - something purchased
- Buyable - bribable, corruptible
- Buyback - yielding, adjustment
- Buybacks - yielding, adjustment
- Buyer - someone who purchases
- Buyers - someone who purchases
- Buying - purchasing
- Buyings - purchasing
- Buyoff - payoff to influence illegal or wrong activity
- Buyoffs - payoff to influence illegal or wrong activity
- Buys - something purchased
- Buzz - droning sound
- Buzzed - make droning sound
- Buzzer - siren
- Buzzers - siren
- Buzzes - droning sound
- Buzzing - make droning sound
- Buzzings - low, continuous sound
- Buzzword - popular word or phrase
- Buzzwords - popular word or phrase
- buzzy - Something that generates excitement and gets people talking.
- Bwv -
- By - near
- By choice -
- Bye - goodbye
- Byes - goodbye
- Bygone - in the past
- Bygones - the day before today
- Bylane - small street
- Bylanes - small street
- Bylaw - rules of a government, society
- Bylaws - rules of a government, society
- Byname - nickname
- Bynames - nickname
- Bypass - avoid
- Bypassed - avoid
- Bypasses - avoid
- Bypassing - avoid
- Bypast - avoid
- Bypath - pathway
- Bypaths - pathway
- Byplace - place all one's own
- Byplaces - place all one's own
- Byplay - achievement
- Byplays - achievement
- Byproduct - development, product
- Byproducts - side product
- Byroad - an intersecting road
- Byroads - an intersecting road
- Bystander - person who watches
- Bystanders - person who watches
- Bystreet - small street
- Bystreets - small street
- Byte - unit of computer memory
- Bytes - unit of computer memory
- Byway - road
- Byways - road
- Byword - saying
- Bywords - saying
- Byzantine - complex
Vocabulary List
- Words that Start with A
- Words that Start with B
- Words that Start with c
- Words that Start with D
- Words that Start with E
- Words that Start with F
- Words that Start with g
- Words that Start with H
- Words that Start with I
- Words that Start with J
- Words that Start with K
- Words that Start with L
- Words that Start with M
- Words that Start with N
- Words that Start with O
- Words that Start with P
- Words that Start with Q
- Words that Start with R
- Words that Start with S
- Words that Start with T
- Words that Start with U
- Words that Start with V
- Words that Start with W
- Words that Start with Y
- Words that Start with Z
Idioms by Category
- The Most Common English Idioms
- Common English Idioms
- Familiar English Idioms
- Idioms about Age
- Idioms about animals
- Idioms about art
- Idioms about clothes
- Idioms about colors
- Idioms about crime
- Idioms about death
- Idioms about dreams
- Idioms about food
- Idioms about furniture
- Idioms about general
- Idioms about health
- Idioms about home
- Idioms about language
- Idioms about law
- Idioms about life
- Idioms about love
- Idioms about men and women
- Idioms about money
- Idioms about music
- Idioms about names
- Idioms about nationalities
- Idioms about nature
- Idioms about numbers
- Idioms about parts of the body
- Idioms about relationship
- Idioms about religion
- Idioms about sexuality
- Idioms about sport
- Idioms about technology and science
- Idioms about time
- Idioms about travel
- Idioms about war
- Idioms about weather
- Idioms about work
- IDIOMS beginning with A
- IDIOMS beginning with B
- IDIOMS beginning with C
- IDIOMS beginning with D
- IDIOMS beginning with E
- IDIOMS beginning with F
- IDIOMS beginning with G
- IDIOMS beginning with H
- IDIOMS beginning with I
- IDIOMS beginning with J
- IDIOMS beginning with K
- IDIOMS beginning with L
- IDIOMS beginning with M
- IDIOMS beginning with N
- IDIOMS beginning with O
- IDIOMS beginning with P
- IDIOMS beginning with Q
- IDIOMS beginning with R
- IDIOMS beginning with S
- IDIOMS beginning with T
- IDIOMS beginning with U
- IDIOMS beginning with V
- IDIOMS beginning with W
- IDIOMS beginning with X
- IDIOMS beginning with Y
- IDIOMS beginning with Z
Phrases by Category
- Common Expression
- Greetings
- Travel & Directions
- Number and Money
- Location
- Phone and Internet and Mail
- Time and dates
- Accommodations
- Dining
- Making friends
- Entertainment
- Shopping
- Communication difficulties
- Emergency and health
- General questions
- Work
- Weather
- Miscellaneous
- Phrases beginning with A
- Phrases beginning with B
- Phrases beginning with c
- Phrases beginning with D
- Phrases beginning with E
- Phrases beginning with F
- Phrases beginning with g
- Phrases beginning with H
- Phrases beginning with I
- Phrases beginning with J
- Phrases beginning with K
- Phrases beginning with L
- Phrases beginning with M
- Phrases beginning with N
- Phrases beginning with O
- Phrases beginning with P
- Phrases beginning with Q
- Phrases beginning with R
- Phrases beginning with S
- Phrases beginning with T
- Phrases beginning with U
- Phrases beginning with V
- Phrases beginning with W
- Phrases beginning with Y
- Phrases beginning with Z