Words Beginning with i - list and definitions learning English
- Iamb - a meter in poetry
- Iambi - a meter in poetry
- Iambic - with rhythm and beauty; related to poetic composition
- Iambs - a meter in poetry
- Iambus - a meter in poetry
- Iambuses - a meter in poetry
- Iatric - pertainng to medicine
- Iatrical - pertainng to medicine
- IC -
- Icac -
- Ical -
- Icbl -
- Ice - frozen water
- Ice show -
- Iceball -
- Iceberg - unfeeling, impartial
- Icebergs - unemotional person
- Icebound - very cold
- Icebox - cold, snowy
- Iceboxes - penal institution
- Icecap - mountain of ice, snow
- Icecapped - very cold
- Icecaps - mountain of ice, snow
- Iced - pretty much decided
- Iceman -
- Icequake -
- Icer - accessory; excess
- Ices - frozen water
- Ichorous - fluid, flowing, melting
- Ichthyolite -
- Icicle - frozen water
- Icicled - very cold
- Icicles - frozen water
- Icier - frozen; slippery when frozen
- Iciest - frozen; slippery when frozen
- Iciness - frigidness
- Icinesses - frigidness
- Icing - frosting
- Icings - frosting
- Ickier - not pleasant
- Ickiest - not pleasant
- Icky - not pleasant
- Icon - image
- Iconic - emblematic
- Iconoclasm - belief, behavior different from most
- Iconoclasms - belief, behavior different from most
- iconoclast - a destroyer of images used in religious worship
- Iconoclastic - skeptical
- Iconoclasts - detractor
- Iconographic - graphic
- Iconographies - symbolic representation
- Iconography - symbolic representation
- Icons - image
- Icy - frozen; slippery when frozen
- Id - self
- Idea - something understood, planned, or
- Ideal - model, perfect
- Idealism - state of having positive beliefs
- Idealisms - state of having positive beliefs
- Idealist - person who holds fancies in mind, who believes in perfection
- Idealistic - visionary
- Idealists - person who holds fancies in mind, who believes in perfection
- Idealities - mental image, concept
- Ideality - mental image, concept
- Idealization - glorification
- Idealizations - glorification
- Idealize - romanticize
- Idealized - romanticize
- Idealizes - romanticize
- Idealizing - romanticize
- Ideally - without flaw
- Ideals - moral beliefs
- Ideas - something understood, planned, or
- Ideate - contemplate
- Ideated - contemplate
- Ideates - contemplate
- Ideating - contemplate
- Ideation - formation of mental objects
- Ideational - hypothetical
- Ideations - formation of mental objects
- Identic - same
- Identical - alike, equal
- Identically - evenly
- Identicalness - sameness
- Identicalnesses - sameness
- Identifiable - capable of being traced
- Identification - labeling; means of labeling
- Identifications - labeling; means of labeling
- Identified - recognize; label
- Identifier - word that modifies a noun
- Identifiers - word that modifies a noun
- Identifies - recognize; label
- Identify - recognize; label
- Identifying - recognize; label
- Identities - person's individuality
- Identity - person's individuality
- Ideograph - letters of a writing system
- Ideographies - expression by pictures
- Ideographs - letters of a writing system
- Ideography - expression by pictures
- Ideological - concerning the mind
- Ideologies - beliefs
- Ideology - beliefs
- Idiocies - utter stupidity
- Idiocy - utter stupidity
- Idiom - manner of speaking, turn of phrase
- Idiomatic - informal
- Idioms - manner of speaking, turn of phrase
- Idiopathic - emergent
- Idiosyncrasies - oddity, quirk
- Idiosyncrasy - oddity, quirk
- idiosyncratic - peculiar to the individual
- Idiot - very stupid person
- Idiotic - very stupid
- Idiotically - extremely
- Idiots - very stupid person
- Idle - worthless, ineffective
- Idled - move slowly; delay
- Idleness - laziness, inaction
- Idlenesses - laziness, inaction
- Idler - lounger
- Idlers - lounger
- Idles - move slowly; delay
- Idlest - worthless, ineffective
- Idling - lounging
- Idly - indolently
- Idol - person greatly admired
- Idolater - person who does not believe in an orthodox religion
- Idolaters - person who does not believe in an orthodox religion
- Idolatries - the worship of idols
- Idolatrize - sanctify; idolize
- Idolatrized - sanctify; idolize
- Idolatrizes - sanctify; idolize
- Idolatrizing - sanctify; idolize
- Idolatrous - fetishistic
- Idolatry - the worship of idols
- Idolism - the worship of idols
- Idolisms - the worship of idols
- Idolist - person who does not believe in an orthodox religion
- Idolists - person who does not believe in an orthodox religion
- Idolization - adoration
- Idolizations - adoration
- Idolize - think of very highly; worship
- Idolized - think of very highly; worship
- Idolizer - person having sexual relationship
- Idolizers - person having sexual relationship
- Idolizes - think of very highly; worship
- Idolizing - think of very highly; worship
- Idols - person greatly admired
- Ids - self
- Idyl -
- Idyll - pause, break
- Idyllic - perfect; extremely pleasant
- Idylls - pause, break
- If - provided that
- Iffier - uncertain
- Iffiest - uncertain
- Iffiness - equivocation
- Iffinesses - equivocation
- Iffy - uncertain
- Ifor -
- Ifs - provided that
- Igc -
- Igneous - melted
- Ignis -
- Ignitable - ready to burn
- Ignite - set on fire
- Ignited - set on fire
- Ignites - set on fire
- Igniting - set on fire
- Ignition - explosion; on fire
- Ignitions - explosion; on fire
- Ignoble - lowly, unworthy
- Ignominies - offensive behavior
- ignominious - (used of conduct or character) deserving or bringing disgrace or shame
- Ignominiousness - infamy
- Ignominy - offensive behavior
- Ignorable - able to be overlooked
- ignoramus - an ignorant person
- Ignoramuses - simpleton
- Ignorance - unintelligence, inexperience
- Ignorances - unintelligence, inexperience
- Ignorant - unaware, unknowing
- Ignorantly - lightly; without care
- Ignore - disregard on purpose
- Ignored - disregard on purpose
- Ignores - disregard on purpose
- Ignoring - disregard on purpose
- Ikebana -
- Ikon - image
- Ikons - image
- Ilea - part of digestive tract
- Ileum - part of digestive tract
- Iliac vein -
- Ilit -
- Ilk - kind, type
- Ilks - kind, type
- Ill - sick
- Ill-conceived -
- Ill-judged -
- Illation - logic, interpretation
- Illations - logic, interpretation
- Illaudable -
- Illegal - against the law
- Illegalities - crime
- Illegality - crime
- Illegalize - prohibit; make illegal
- Illegalized - prohibit; make illegal
- Illegalizes - prohibit; make illegal
- Illegalizing - prohibit; make illegal
- Illegally - excessively
- Illegible - unreadable
- Illegibly - faintly
- Illegitimacies - illegitimateness
- Illegitimacy - illegitimateness
- Illegitimate - not legal
- Illegitimately - illegally
- Illegitimation - illegitimateness
- Illegitimations - illegitimateness
- Illiberal - narrow-minded
- Illiberalities - belief without basis, information; intolerance
- Illiberality - belief without basis, information; intolerance
- Illiberally - egotistically
- Illicit - not legal; forbidden
- Illicitly - illegally
- Illicitness - illegality
- Illicitnesses - illegality
- Illimitable - endless
- Illiteracies - ignorance
- Illiteracy - ignorance
- Illiterate - unable to read well; lacking education
- Illiterateness - ignorance
- Illiterates - fool
- Illness - disease; bad health
- Illnesses - disease; bad health
- Illogical - not making sense
- Illogicalities - unreason
- Illogicality - unreason
- Illogically - inarticulately
- Illogicalness - unreason
- Illogicalnesses - unreason
- Ills - misfortune
- Illude - mislead, falsify; handle several things at once
- Illuded - mislead, falsify; handle several things at once
- Illudes - mislead, falsify; handle several things at once
- Illuding - mislead, falsify; handle several things at once
- Illume - illuminate
- Illumed - illuminate
- Illumes - illuminate
- Illuminate - make light
- Illuminated - lighted
- Illuminates - make light
- Illuminati - intellectual, very smart person
- Illuminating - lighting up
- Illumination - light; making light
- Illuminations - light; making light
- Illuminative - educational
- Illuminato - intellectual, very smart person
- Illumine - light up
- Illumined - light up
- Illumines - light up
- Illuming - illuminate
- Illumining - light up
- Illusion - false appearance; false belief
- Illusionist - person who performs supernatural
- Illusionists - person who performs supernatural
- Illusions - false appearance; false belief
- Illusive - deceptive
- Illusory - deceptive
- Illustratable - explainable
- Illustrate - demonstrate, exemplify
- Illustrated - pictorial
- Illustrates - demonstrate, exemplify
- Illustrating - demonstrate, exemplify
- Illustration - demonstration, exemplification
- Illustrational - graphic
- Illustrations - demonstration, exemplification
- Illustrative - explanatory
- Illustrator - artist
- Illustrators - artist
- Illustratory - explanatory
- Illustrious - famous, prominent
- Illustriously - most excellently
- Illustriousness - eminence
- Illy -
- Image - representation; counterpart
- Imaged - able to be seen with eyes
- Imager - glass that reflects image
- Imageries - metaphors
- Imagers - glass that reflects image
- Imagery - metaphors
- Images - representation; counterpart
- Imaginable - believable, possible
- Imaginably - possibly
- Imaginary - fictitious, invented
- Imagination - power to create in one's mind
- Imaginations - power to create in one's mind
- Imaginative - creative, inventive
- Imaginativeness - imagination
- Imagine - dream up, conceive
- Imagined - not real
- Imagines - dream up, conceive
- Imaging - make sense of; define
- Imagining - dream up, conceive
- Imaginings - belief
- Imagistic - explanatory
- Imbalance - lack of balance
- Imbalanced - unstable
- Imbalances - lack of balance
- Imbathe - wash with water and, usually, soap
- Imbathed - wash with water and, usually, soap
- Imbathes - wash with water and, usually, soap
- Imbathing - wash with water and, usually, soap
- Imbecile - stupid, foolish
- Imbeciles - stupid, foolish
- Imbecilic - foolish
- Imbecilities - foolishness
- Imbecility - foolishness
- Imbed - put, tuck in
- Imbedded - put, tuck in
- Imbedding - put, tuck in
- Imbeds - put, tuck in
- Imbibe - drink, often heavily
- Imbibed - drink, often heavily
- Imbibes - drink, often heavily
- Imbibing - drink, often heavily
- Imbibition - satiation
- Imbibitions - satiation
- Imbosk -
- Imbricate - overlap
- Imbricated - covering and coinciding
- Imbricates - overlap
- Imbricating - overlap
- imbroglio - an intricate and confusing interpersonal or political situation
- Imbroglios - misunderstanding; fight
- Imbrue - coloring
- Imbrued - bleeding
- Imbrues - coloring
- Imbruing - infuse, fill; make pregnant
- Imbrute - mechanize
- Imbruted - mechanize
- Imbrutes - mechanize
- Imbruting - mechanize
- Imbue - infuse, saturate
- Imbued - infuse, saturate
- Imbuement - coloration
- Imbuements - coloration
- Imbues - infuse, saturate
- Imbuing - infuse, saturate
- Imbursement -
- Imitate - pretend to be; do an impression of
- Imitated - copied
- Imitates - pretend to be; do an impression of
- Imitating - copying
- Imitation - simulation, substitution
- Imitations - simulation, substitution
- Imitative - simulated, unoriginal
- Imitator - copyist
- Imitators - copyist
- Immaculacies - celibacy, chastity
- Immaculacy - celibacy, chastity
- Immaculate - very clean; unspoiled
- Immaculateness - blamelessness
- Immanent - native
- Immanently - innately
- Immaterial - irrelevant
- Immaterialities - unimportance
- Immateriality - unimportance
- Immature - young, inexperienced
- Immaturities - childhood
- Immaturity - childhood
- Immeasurability - infinity
- Immeasurable - infinite, incalculable
- Immeasurableness -
- Immeasurably - considerably
- Immediacies - nearness to something
- Immediacy - nearness to something
- Immediate - instantaneous; without delay
- Immediately - at once, right away
- Immedicable - unfixable, unchangeable
- Immemorial - ancient, old
- Immense - extremely large
- Immensely - in addition
- Immenseness - enormousness
- Immensenesses - enormousness
- Immensities - infinity
- Immensity - infinity
- Immerge - dip
- Immerged - dip
- Immerges - dip
- Immerging - dip
- Immerse - submerge in liquid
- Immersed - deeply involved with
- Immerses - submerge in liquid
- Immersing - submerge in liquid
- Immersion - absorption
- Immersions - absorption
- Immersive - deeply engaging
- Immigrant - person from a foreign land
- Immigrants - person from a foreign land
- Immigrate - enter a foreign area intending to live there
- Immigrated - enter a foreign area intending to live there
- Immigrates - enter a foreign area intending to live there
- Immigrating - enter a foreign area intending to live there
- Immigration - emigration
- Immigrations - emigration
- Imminence - approach
- Imminences - approach
- Imminent - at hand, on the way
- Immingle - blend, mix
- Immingled - blend, mix
- Immingles - blend, mix
- Immingling - blend, mix
- Immix - mix
- Immixed - mix
- Immixes - mix
- Immixing - mix
- Immixture - combination, mixture
- Immixtures - combination, mixture
- Immobile - motionless, fixed
- Immobilities - disinclination to move; lifelessness
- Immobility - disinclination to move; lifelessness
- Immobilization - tie-up
- Immobilizations - tie-up
- Immobilize - disable
- Immobilized - disable
- Immobilizes - disable
- Immobilizing - disable
- Immoderacies - overindulgence in personal desires
- Immoderacy - overindulgence in personal desires
- Immoderate - excessive, extreme
- Immoderately - to a great extent
- Immoderation - luxury; gratification
- Immoderations - luxury; gratification
- Immodest - shameless
- Immodesties - bad taste, mistake
- Immodestly - brazenly
- Immodesty - bad taste, mistake
- Immolate - sacrifice
- Immolated - sacrifice
- Immolates - sacrifice
- Immolating - sacrifice
- Immolation - sacrifice
- Immolations - sacrifice
- Immoral - evil, degenerate
- Immoralities - crime
- Immorality - crime
- Immorally - sinfully
- Immortal - death-defying, imperishable
- Immortalities - endless life
- Immortality - endless life
- Immortalization - advancement, promotion
- Immortalize - memorialize
- Immortalized - made famous
- Immortalizes - memorialize
- Immortalizing - memorialize
- Immortally - for all time; everlasting
- Immortals - incorporeal being
- Immotile - calm, not moving
- Immovabilities - diligence, hard work
- Immovability - diligence, hard work
- Immovable - fixed, stubborn
- Immovably - firmly
- Immoveable - property and buildings for sale
- Immoveables - property and buildings for sale
- Immune - invulnerable
- Immunities - privilege, exemption
- Immunity - privilege, exemption
- Immunization - additional dose of vaccine
- Immunizations - additional dose of vaccine
- Immunize - perform vaccination
- Immunized - perform vaccination
- Immunizer - antitoxin
- Immunizers - antitoxin
- Immunizes - perform vaccination
- Immunizing - perform vaccination
- Immunotoxin - antitoxin
- Immunotoxins - antitoxin
- immure - lock up or confine, in or as in a jail
- Immured - confine
- Immurement - confinement, imprisonment
- Immurements - confinement, imprisonment
- Immures - confine
- Immuring - confine
- Immutabilities - continuity
- Immutability - continuity
- Immutable - unchangeable
- Immutably - unalterably
- Imp - mischievous child, small person
- Impact - collision, force
- Impacted - hit with force
- Impactful - having a great effect
- Impacting - hit with force
- Impacts - collision, force
- Impair - harm, hinder
- Impaired - injured, faulty
- Impairing - harm, hinder
- Impairment - breakage
- Impairments - breakage
- Impairs - harm, hinder
- Impale - stab
- Impaled - stab
- Impalement - severe mental or physical pain
- Impalements - severe mental or physical pain
- Impales - stab
- Impaling - stab
- impalpable - incapable of being perceived by the senses especially the sense of touch
- Impalpably - barely
- Imparities - prejudice; lack of balance
- Imparity - prejudice; lack of balance
- Impart - make known
- Impartation - announcement, revelation
- Impartations - announcement, revelation
- Imparted - make known
- Impartial - fair, unprejudiced
- Impartialities - evenhandedness
- Impartiality - evenhandedness
- Impartially - fairly
- Impartialness - fairness
- Impartialnesses - fairness
- Impartible - communicable
- Imparting - make known
- Impartment - transfer, transmittal
- Impartments - transfer, transmittal
- Imparts - make known
- Impassable - closed
- Impasse - stalemate
- Impasses - stalemate
- Impassibilities - apathy
- Impassibility - apathy
- Impassible - unfeeling
- Impassion - fire
- Impassioned - excited, vehement
- Impassionedly - tenderly
- Impassioning - fire
- Impassions - fire
- impassive - having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily aroused or excited
- Impassively - suffering without complaint
- Impassiveness - absence of feeling, interest
- Impassivenesses - absence of feeling, interest
- Impassivities - apathy
- Impassivity - apathy
- Impatience - inability, unwillingness to wait
- Impatiences - inability, unwillingness to wait
- Impatient - unable, unwilling to wait
- Impatiently - anxiously
- Impavid - brave, nervy
- Impeach - denounce, censure
- Impeachable - responsible for action
- Impeached - denounce, censure
- Impeaches - denounce, censure
- Impeaching - denounce, censure
- Impeachment - accusation
- Impeachments - accusation
- Impeccabilities - blamelessness
- Impeccability - blamelessness
- Impeccable - Perfect, without any flaws
- Impeccably - without flaw
- Impeccant - blameless
- Impecuniosities - poverty
- Impecuniosity - poverty
- impecunious - not having enough money to pay for necessities
- Impecuniousness - poverty
- Impedance - fighting, opposition
- Impedances - fighting, opposition
- Impede - obstruct, hinder
- Impeded - obstruct, hinder
- Impedes - obstruct, hinder
- Impediment - obstruction, hindrance
- Impedimenta - paraphernalia
- Impediments - obstruction, hindrance
- Impeding - obstruct, hinder
- Impel - prompt, incite
- Impelled - prompt, incite
- Impellent - forceful
- Impellents - drive, resolve
- Impelling - prompt, incite
- Impels - prompt, incite
- Impend - threaten
- Impended - threaten
- Impendence - warning; danger
- Impendences - warning; danger
- Impendent - menacing, ominous
- Impending - forthcoming
- Impends - threaten
- Impenetrability - bulk, mass
- Impenetrable - dense
- Impenitent - unrepentant
- Imperative - necessary
- Imperatively - forcibly
- Imperativeness - difficulty
- Imperatives - authority, order
- Imperator - historically, person who ruled an area
- Imperators - historically, person who ruled an area
- Imperceivable - indifferent
- Imperceptible - hard to sense; faint
- Imperceptibly - slowly
- Imperceptive - random, chaotic
- Impercipient - not observant
- Imperfect - flawed
- Imperfection - flaw
- Imperfections - flaw
- Imperfectly - inadequately
- Imperforate - undamaged; all in one piece
- Imperia - control, dominance
- Imperial - regal
- Imperialism - expansionist doctrine
- Imperialisms - expansionist doctrine
- Imperialist - promoting an empire
- Imperials - facial hair on human
- Imperil - cause to be in danger
- Imperiled - cause to be in danger
- Imperiling - cause to be in danger
- Imperilled - cause to be in danger
- Imperilling - cause to be in danger
- Imperilment - danger
- Imperilments - danger
- Imperils - cause to be in danger
- imperious - having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy
- Imperiously - pretentiously
- Imperiousness - exaggerated self-opinion
- Imperiousnesses - exaggerated self-opinion
- Imperishability - eternity
- Imperishable - indestructible
- imperium - the domain ruled by an emperor or empress; the region over which imperial dominion is exercised
- Imperiums - control, dominance
- Impermanence - imbalance, inconstancy
- Impermanences - imbalance, inconstancy
- Impermanent - fleeting
- Impermanently - for a limited time only
- Impermeability - stiffness
- Impermeable - impenetrable
- Impermissible - forbidden
- Impersonal - cold, unfriendly
- Impersonate - pretend to be another
- Impersonated - pretend to be another
- Impersonates - pretend to be another
- Impersonating - pretend to be another
- Impersonation - imitation
- Impersonations - imitation
- Impersonator - mimic
- Impersonators - mimic
- Impertinence - boldness
- Impertinences - boldness
- Impertinent - bold, disrespectful
- Impertinently - saucily
- imperturbable - not easily perturbed or excited or upset; marked by extreme calm and composure
- Imperturbably - gently
- Imperturbation - peace, quiet
- Imperturbations - peace, quiet
- Imperviable - unable to be penetrated
- Impervious - unable to be penetrated
- Imperviousness - resistance
- Impetrate - plead, appeal for
- Impetrated - plead, appeal for
- Impetrates - plead, appeal for
- Impetrating - plead, appeal for
- Impetration - question, request
- Impetrations - question, request
- Impetuosities - nerve, audacity
- Impetuosity - nerve, audacity
- impetuous - characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation
- Impetuously - hastily
- Impetuousness - recklessness
- Impetuousnesses - recklessness
- Impetus - stimulus, force
- Impetuses - stimulus, force
- Impieties - ungodliness
- Impiety - ungodliness
- Impinge - trespass
- Impinged - trespass
- Impingement - trespass
- Impingements - trespass
- Impinges - trespass
- Impinging - trespass
- Impious - not religious
- Impiousness - irreverence
- Impiousnesses - irreverence
- Impish - mischievous
- Impishness - mischief
- Impishnesses - mischief
- Implacabilities - stubbornness
- Implacability - stubbornness
- Implacable - merciless, cruel
- Implacableness - stubbornness
- Implant - insert
- Implantation - information that is designed to mislead or persuade
- Implantations - information that is designed to mislead or persuade
- Implanted - insert
- Implanting - insert
- Implants - insert
- Implausibility - unlikelihood
- Implausible - not likely
- Implausibleness - improbability
- Implausibly - incredibly
- Implement - agent, tool
- Implementation - exercise
- Implementations - exercise
- Implemented - start, put into action
- Implementing - start, put into action
- Implements - agent, tool
- Impletion - something that takes up
- Impletions - something that takes up
- Implicate - imply, involve
- Implicated - under suspicion
- Implicates - imply, involve
- Implicating - imply, involve
- Implication - association, suggestion
- Implications - association, suggestion
- Implicative - suggestive of something in the past
- Implicit - included without question, inherent, absolute
- Implicitly - inevitably
- Implied - hinted at
- Impliedly -
- Implies - indicate, mean
- Implode - collapse inward
- Imploded - collapse inward
- Implodent -
- Implodes - collapse inward
- Imploding - collapse inward
- Imploration - appeal
- Implorations - appeal
- Implore - beg
- Implored - beg
- Implores - beg
- Imploring - beg
- Imploringly - insistently
- Implosion - failure
- Implosions - failure
- Implosive - sound unit of speech
- Implosives - sound unit of speech
- Imply - indicate, mean
- Implying - indicate, mean
- Impolite - having bad manners
- Impolitely - pertly
- Impoliteness - discourtesy
- Impolitenesses - discourtesy
- Impolitic - unwise, careless
- Imponderable - imperceptible
- Imponderous - not heavy
- Import - meaning
- Importance - significance, weight
- Importances - significance, weight
- Important - valuable, substantial
- Important invitee -
- Importantly - mainly
- Importation - admittance
- Importations - admittance
- Imported - brought in from another place
- Importer - shipper
- Importers - shipper
- Importing - signify, display
- Imports - meaning
- importunate - expressing persistant and earnest entreaty
- Importunately - insistently
- Importunateness - imperativeness
- Importune - demand, insist
- Importuned - demand, insist
- Importunes - demand, insist
- Importuning - demand, insist
- Importunities - demand
- Importunity - demand
- Impose - set, dictate
- Imposed - set, dictate
- Imposes - set, dictate
- Imposing - impressive
- Imposingly - to a great extent
- Imposition - deception
- Impositions - deception
- Impossibilities - hopelessness
- Impossibility - hopelessness
- Impossible - beyond the bounds of possibility
- Impossibles - no chance
- Impossibly - giving small ground for hope
- Impost - tariff
- Imposter - charlatan
- Imposters - charlatan
- Impostor - person pretending to be something else
- Impostors - person pretending to be something else
- Impostrous - alleged; imaginary
- Imposts - tariff
- Imposture - fraud, trick
- Impostures - fraud, trick
- Imposturous - alleged; imaginary
- Impotence - sterility
- Impotences - sterility
- Impotent - disabled; unable to perform action
- Impotently -
- Impound - confine
- Impounded - kept
- Impounding - confine
- Impoundment - physical detention by force
- Impoundments - physical detention by force
- Impounds - confine
- Impoverish - make poor
- Impoverished - poor, exhausted
- Impoverishes - make poor
- Impoverishing - make poor
- Impoverishment - poverty
- Impoverishments - poverty
- Impracticable - unrealistic
- Impractical - unrealistic
- Impracticality - inefficiency
- Imprecate - curse
- Imprecated - curse
- Imprecates - curse
- Imprecating - curse
- Imprecation - blasphemy
- Imprecations - blasphemy
- Imprecise - erroneous
- Imprecision - error, erroneousness
- Imprecisions - error, erroneousness
- Impregn -
- Impregnability - protection from harm
- impregnable - immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with
- Impregnant - unspoiled
- Impregnate - infuse, fill; make pregnant
- Impregnated - full
- Impregnates - infuse, fill; make pregnant
- Impregnating - infuse, fill; make pregnant
- Impregnation - assimilation, incorporation
- Impregnations - assimilation, incorporation
- Impresario - manager, producer
- Impresarios - manager, producer
- Impress - influence
- Impressed - aroused
- Impresses - influence
- Impressibility - susceptibility
- Impressible - penetrable
- Impressing - influence
- Impression - influence
- impressionable - easily impressed or influenced
- Impressionist - person who imitates
- Impressionistic - suggestive
- Impressionists - person who imitates
- Impressions - influence
- Impressive - powerful, influential
- Impressively - sedately
- Impressiveness - importance
- Impressment - military conscription
- Impressments - military conscription
- Imprest - influence
- imprimatur - formal and explicit approval
- Imprimaturs - approval
- Imprint - impression; symbol
- Imprinted - stamp
- Imprinting - impression; symbol
- Imprintings - making a mark upon
- Imprints - impression; symbol
- Imprison - confine; put in jail
- Imprisoned - arrested
- Imprisoning - confine; put in jail
- Imprisonment - forcible detention
- Imprisonments - forcible detention
- Imprisons - confine; put in jail
- Improbabilities - unlikelihood
- Improbability - unlikelihood
- Improbable - not likely
- Improbableness - improbability
- Improbably - incredibly
- Improbities - corruption
- Improbity - corruption
- Impromptu - unrehearsed, improvised
- Impromptus - boost
- Improper - not suitable
- Improperly - poorly
- Improperness - impropriety
- Impropernesses - impropriety
- Improprieties - bad taste, mistake
- Impropriety - bad taste, mistake
- Improv - unrehearsed, improvised
- Improvable - remediable
- Improve - make or become better
- Improved - made better
- Improvement - bettering; something bettered
- Improvements - bettering; something bettered
- Improves - make or become better
- Improvidence - extravagance
- Improvidences - extravagance
- Improvident - careless, spendthrift
- Improvidently - impulsively
- Improving - reconstructing
- Improvisate - make up
- Improvisated - make up
- Improvisates - make up
- Improvisating - make up
- Improvisation - extemporary speech
- Improvisations - extemporary speech
- Improvisatory - improvised
- Improvise - make up
- Improvised - made-up
- Improvises - make up
- Improvising - make up
- Improvs - make up
- Imprudence - indiscretion
- Imprudences - indiscretion
- Imprudent - without much thought
- Imprudently - unwisely
- Imps - mischievous child, small person
- Impudence - audacity
- Impudences - audacity
- Impudencies - impudence
- Impudency - impudence
- Impudent - bold, shameless
- Impudently - saucily
- impugn - To dispute the truth, validity, or honesty of a statement or motive; call into question.; To challenge or cast doubt upon.
- Impugnable - tricky, doubtful
- Impugned - criticize, challenge
- Impugning - criticize, challenge
- Impugnment - verbal assault
- Impugnments - verbal assault
- Impugns - criticize, challenge
- Impuissant - not having talent, skill
- Impulse - drive, resolve
- Impulses - drive, resolve
- Impulsion - drive, resolve
- Impulsions - drive, resolve
- Impulsive - tending to act without thought
- Impulsively - imprudently
- Impulsiveness - nerve, audacity
- Impulsivenesses - nerve, audacity
- Impunities - freedom
- Impunity - freedom
- Impure - not clean mentally, physically; mixed
- Impureness - dirty state
- Impurenesses - dirty state
- Impurities - contaminant
- Impurity - contaminant
- Imputable - liable
- Imputation - ascription
- Imputations - ascription
- Impute - attribute
- Imputed - supposed
- Imputes - attribute
- Imputing - attribute
- Imz -
- In - fashionable
- In a rush -
- In abuja -
- In accord -
- In advance of -
- In case -
- In danger -
- In due course -
- In duration -
- In need of repair -
- In position -
- In the grave -
- In waiting -
- Inabilities - disabling lack of talent, skill
- Inability - disabling lack of talent, skill
- Inaccessible - out of reach
- Inaccuracies - error, erroneousness
- Inaccuracy - error, erroneousness
- Inaccurate - erroneous
- Inaccurately - inexactly
- Inaction - state of doing nothing
- Inactions - state of doing nothing
- Inactivate - make silent, calm
- Inactivated - make silent, calm
- Inactivates - make silent, calm
- Inactivating - make silent, calm
- Inactive - not engaged in action; inert, lazy
- Inactively - casually, unhurriedly
- Inactivities - inaction
- Inactivity - inaction
- Inadequacies - shortage, defect, inability
- Inadequacy - shortage, defect, inability
- Inadequate - defective, insufficient, incompetent
- Inadequately - insufficiently
- Inadequateness - shortage, defect, inability
- Inadmissible - not appropriate
- Inadvertence - neglect
- Inadvertences - neglect
- Inadvertencies - something forgotten or excluded
- Inadvertency - something forgotten or excluded
- Inadvertent - accidental
- Inadvertently - carelessly
- Inadvisability - nonsense, ridiculous idea
- Inadvisable - not recommended
- Inalienable - absolute, inherent
- Inalterable - inflexible
- inamorata - a woman with whom you are in love or have an intimate relationship
- Inamoratas - lover
- Inamorato - person who is loved by another
- Inamoratos - person who is loved by another
- Inane - stupid
- Inanely - absurdly
- Inaneness - folly
- Inanenesses - folly
- Inaner - stupid
- Inanest - stupid
- Inanimate - not alive, not organic
- Inanities - silliness
- inanition - weakness characterized by a lack of vitality or energy
- Inanitions - laziness, sluggishness
- Inanity - silliness
- Inapplicability - inefficiency
- Inapplicable - not relevant
- Inapposite - not suitable
- Inappositeness - irrelevancy
- Inappreciable - imperceptible
- Inappreciably - a little
- Inappreciative - unappreciative, inconsiderate (in behavior)
- Inapprehensible - mind-boggling
- Inapproachable - inaccessible
- Inappropriate - not proper, suitable
- Inappropriately - poorly
- Inapt - incompetent; not suitable
- Inapter - incompetent; not suitable
- Inaptest - incompetent; not suitable
- Inaptitude - disabling lack of talent, skill
- Inaptitudes - disabling lack of talent, skill
- Inaptness - shortage, defect, inability
- Inaptnesses - shortage, defect, inability
- Inarch -
- Inarguable - certain
- Inarticulate - unable to speak well
- Inartificial - open, unaffected
- Inartistic - crude, primitive
- Inattention - heedlessness
- Inattentions - heedlessness
- Inattentive - negligent, not paying attention
- Inattentively - heedlessly
- Inattentiveness - carelessness
- Inaudibility -
- Inaudible - silent
- Inaudibly - silently
- Inaugural - initiation
- Inaugurals - initiation
- Inaugurate - begin; install
- Inaugurated - originated
- Inaugurates - begin; install
- Inaugurating - begin; install
- Inauguration - installation of newcomers
- Inaugurations - installation of newcomers
- Inauspicious - ominous, unpromising
- Inborn - natural
- Inbound - ingoing
- Inbred - produced by inbreeding
- Inbuilt - deep-rooted
- Incalculable - countless, limitless
- Incalculably - considerably
- Incalescence - hotness, coldness of some degree
- Incalescences - hotness, coldness of some degree
- Incandesce - beam
- Incandesced - beam
- Incandescence - luminescence from sun or other source
- Incandescences - luminescence from sun or other source
- Incandescent - glowing
- Incandesces - beam
- Incandescing - beam
- Incantation - spell, magic
- Incantations - spell, magic
- Incapabilities - ineffectuality
- Incapability - ineffectuality
- Incapable - not adequate; helpless
- Incapacious - confined, restricted
- Incapacitate - put out of action
- Incapacitated - disabled
- Incapacitates - put out of action
- Incapacitating - put out of action
- Incapacitation - disabling lack of talent, skill
- Incapacitations - disabling lack of talent, skill
- Incapacities - inadequacy
- Incapacity - inadequacy
- Incarcerate - put in jail, confinement
- Incarcerated - put in jail, confinement
- Incarcerates - put in jail, confinement
- Incarcerating - put in jail, confinement
- Incarceration - imprisonment
- Incarcerations - imprisonment
- Incarnadine - pink, reddish in color
- Incarnadined - blush, make rosy
- Incarnadines - blush, make rosy
- Incarnadining - blush, make rosy
- Incarnate - in bodily form
- Incarnated - real, concrete
- Incarnates - exhibit, make plain
- Incarnating - exhibit, make plain
- Incarnation - personification
- Incarnations - personification
- Incautious - not careful
- Incautiously - heedlessly
- Incautiousness - temerity
- Incaverned -
- Incendiaries - causing trouble, damage
- Incendiarism - intentional burning
- Incendiarisms - intentional burning
- incendiary - a criminal who illegally sets fire to property
- Incense - strongly fragrant smoke
- Incensed - very angry
- Incensement - unhappiness, anger
- Incensements - unhappiness, anger
- Incenses - strongly fragrant smoke
- Incensing - strongly fragrant smoke
- Incentive - lure, inducement
- Incentives - lure, inducement
- Incentivize - incite to action or greater effort often with a reward
- Incentivized - incite to action or greater effort often with a reward
- Incentivizing - incite to action or greater effort often with a reward
- Incepted - rising
- Inception - beginning
- Inceptions - beginning
- Inceptive - beginning
- Incertitude - uncertainty
- Incertitudes - uncertainty
- Incessant - never-ending, persistent
- Incessantly - steadily
- Incessantness - endlessness
- Incessantnesses - endlessness
- Incest - inbreeding
- Incests - inbreeding
- Incestuous - abusive
- Inch - one-twelfth of a foot/2.54 centimeters measured
- Inched - move slowly; delay
- Inches - one-twelfth of a foot/2.54 centimeters measured
- Inching - in the act of creeping
- inchmeal - Little by little; gradually.
- inchoate - only partly in existence; imperfectly formed
- Incidence - occurrence
- Incidences - occurrence
- Incident - occurrence
- Incidental - related; minor
- Incidentally - by chance
- Incidentals - part, article
- Incidents - occurrence
- Incinerate - reduce to ashes
- Incinerated - reduce to ashes
- Incinerates - reduce to ashes
- Incinerating - reduce to ashes
- Incineration - burning
- Incinerations - burning
- Incinerator - furnace
- Incinerators - furnace
- Incipience - beginning
- Incipiences - beginning
- Incipiencies - beginning
- Incipiency - beginning
- Incipient - developing
- Incipiently - initially
- Incise - cut into
- Incised - cut
- Incises - cut into
- Incising - cut into
- Incision - cut, slit
- Incisions - cut, slit
- Incisive - intelligent
- Incisiveness - edge
- Incisivenesses - edge
- Incisor - a hard bony structure in the jaws of vertebrates
- Incisors - a hard bony structure in the jaws of vertebrates
- Incitation - stimulus
- Incitations - stimulus
- Incite - encourage, provoke
- Incited - encourage, provoke
- Incitement - motive
- Incitements - motive
- Inciter - agitator
- Inciters - agitator
- Incites - encourage, provoke
- Inciting - encourage, provoke
- Incivilities - discourtesy
- Incivility - discourtesy
- Inclemencies - severity
- Inclemency - severity
- Inclement - bitter, nasty (weather)
- Inclination - tendency, bent
- Inclinations - tendency, bent
- Inclinatory - leaning, falling to one side; larger on one side
- Incline - slope
- Inclined - having a preference
- Inclines - slope
- Inclining - slope
- Inclinings - tendency, bias
- Inclose - confine, limit situation or ability to participate
- Inclosed - confine, limit situation or ability to participate
- Incloses - confine, limit situation or ability to participate
- Inclosing - confine, limit situation or ability to participate
- Include - contain, involve
- Included - contained
- Includes - contain, involve
- Including - containing
- Inclusion - addition
- Inclusions - addition
- Inclusive - all-encompassing, all-embracing
- Inclusiveness - extent
- Inclusivenesses - extent
- Incog - in disguise
- Incogitable - beyond reason, belief
- Incognito - in disguise
- Incognitos - false name
- Incognizable - not understandable
- Incognizant - unaware
- Incoherence - disjointedness
- Incoherences - disjointedness
- Incoherent - unintelligible
- Incoherently - inarticulately
- Incohesive - unintelligible
- Incombustible - resistant to burning
- Income - money earned by work or investments
- Incomer - person who has just arrived in area
- Incomers - person who has just arrived in area
- Incomes - money earned by work or investments
- Incoming - arriving
- Incomings - admittance
- incommensurable - impossible to measure or compare in value or size or excellence
- Incommensurate - not proportional
- Incommode - inconvenience
- Incommoded - inconvenience
- Incommodes - inconvenience
- Incommoding - inconvenience
- Incommodious - inconvenient
- Incommodities - inconvenience
- Incommodity - inconvenience
- Incommunicable - unspeakable
- incommunicado - without the means or right to communicate
- Incommunicative - taciturn
- Incomparability - difference
- Incomparable - superlative
- Incomparably - exceptionally
- Incompatibility - variance
- Incompatible - antagonistic, contradictory
- Incompatibly - in another way; otherwise
- Incompetence - lack of ability
- Incompetences - lack of ability
- Incompetencies - inability
- Incompetency - inability
- Incompetent - unskillful, unable
- Incompetently - poorly
- Incompetents - person who blunders
- Incomplete - unfinished, wanting
- Incompletely - imperfectly
- Incompleteness - shortage, defect, inability
- Incompliance - stubbornness
- Incompliances - stubbornness
- Incompliancies - stubbornness
- Incompliancy - stubbornness
- Incompliant - stubborn
- Incomprehension - ignorance
- Incompressible - firm
- Incomputable - incalculable
- Inconceivable - beyond reason, belief
- Inconclusive - up in the air
- Incongealable -
- Incongruence -
- Incongruent - discrepant
- Incongruities - discrepancy
- Incongruity - discrepancy
- incongruous - lacking in harmony or compatibility or appropriateness
- Incongruously - in another way; otherwise
- Incongruousness - difference
- Inconscient - out to lunch
- Inconscious - unconscious
- Inconsequence - indifference
- Inconsequences - indifference
- Inconsequent - little
- Inconsequential - insignificant
- Inconsiderable - petty
- Inconsiderably - a little
- Inconsiderate - insensitive to others
- Inconsiderately - carelessly
- Inconsideration - thoughtlessness
- Inconsistencies - discrepancy
- Inconsistency - discrepancy
- Inconsistent - contradictory, irregular
- Inconsistently - unpredictably
- Inconsolable - brokenhearted
- Inconsonance - discrepancy
- Inconsonances - discrepancy
- Inconsonant - not proper, suitable
- Inconspicuous - hidden, unnoticeable
- Inconspicuously - unobtrusively
- Inconstancies - disloyalty to an obligation
- Inconstancy - disloyalty to an obligation
- Inconstant - changeable
- Inconstantly - incidentally
- Inconsummate -
- Incontestable - certain
- Incontestably - unmistakably
- Incontinence - debauchery
- Incontinences - debauchery
- Incontinencies - indecency
- Incontinency - indecency
- Incontinent - lacking control
- Incontinently - hurriedly and carelessly
- incontrovertible - necessarily or demonstrably true
- Inconvenience - bother, trouble
- Inconvenienced - bother, trouble
- Inconveniences - bother, trouble
- Inconveniencing - bother, trouble
- Inconvenient - bothersome, troublesome
- Inconveniently - inaccessibly
- Inconversable - quiet; speechless
- Inconversant - unaware, ignorant
- Incorporate - include, combine
- Incorporated - included
- Incorporates - include, combine
- Incorporating - include, combine
- Incorporation - inclusion
- Incorporations - inclusion
- incorporeal - without material form or substance
- Incorporeality - immateriality
- Incorrect - wrong
- Incorrectly - mistakenly
- Incorrectness - fault
- Incorrectnesses - fault
- Incorrigibility - overenthusiasm
- Incorrigible - bad, hopeless
- Incorrigibles - person who is deceptive and
- Incorrupt - trustworthy
- Incorruptible - honest, honorable
- Incorruption - blamelessness
- Incorruptions - blamelessness
- Incorruptness - honor
- Incorruptnesses - honor
- Incrassation - clotting
- Incrassations - clotting
- Increase - addition, growth
- Increased - raised
- Increases - addition, growth
- Increasing - becoming larger
- Increasingly - to a greater extent
- Increasings - intensification
- Incredible - beyond belief
- Incredibly - amazingly
- Incredulities - disbelief
- Incredulity - disbelief
- Incredulous - unbelieving
- Incredulousness - disbelief
- Incremate - burn
- Incremated - burn
- Incremates - burn
- Incremating - burn
- Incremation - burning
- Incremations - burning
- Increment - small step toward gain
- Incremental - increasing by additions
- Increments - small step toward gain
- Increscent - increasing in size
- Incriminate - accuse
- Incriminated - accuse
- Incriminates - accuse
- Incriminating - inculpating
- Incrimination - accusation
- Incriminations - accusation
- Incross - composite, mixture
- Incrosses - composite, mixture
- Incrust - put covering inside object
- Incrustation - thin covering, skin
- Incrustations - thin covering, skin
- Incrusted - put covering inside object
- Incrusting - put covering inside object
- Incrusts - put covering inside object
- Incubate - hatch
- Incubated - hatch
- Incubates - hatch
- Incubating - hatch
- Incubation - development, readiness
- Incubations - development, readiness
- Incubator - brooder
- Incubators - brooder
- Incubi - evil spirit
- Incubus - evil spirit
- Incubuses - evil spirit
- Inculcate - implant, infuse information
- Inculcated - implant, infuse information
- Inculcates - implant, infuse information
- Inculcating - implant, infuse information
- Inculcation - information that is designed to mislead or persuade
- Inculcations - information that is designed to mislead or persuade
- Inculpabilities - blamelessness
- Inculpability - blamelessness
- Inculpable - blameless
- Inculpate - blame
- Inculpated - blame
- Inculpates - blame
- Inculpating - blame
- Inculpation - condemnation
- Inculpations - condemnation
- Incult - coarse
- Incumbencies - tenure
- Incumbency - tenure
- Incumbent - obligatory
- Incumbents - obligatory
- Incumbrance - claim on property
- Incumbrances - claim on property
- Incunabula - babyhood
- Incunabulum - babyhood
- Incur - bring upon oneself
- Incurable - unfixable, unchangeable
- Incurables - sick person
- Incurably - giving small ground for hope
- Incuriosities - apathy
- Incuriosity - apathy
- Incurious - apathetic
- Incuriousness - apathy
- Incuriousnesses - apathy
- Incurred - bring upon oneself
- Incurrence -
- Incurring - bring upon oneself
- Incurs - bring upon oneself
- Incursion - invasion
- Incursions - invasion
- Incurvate - curved, depressed
- Incurvated - curved, depressed
- Incurvates - form or cause a curve
- Incurvating - form or cause a curve
- Incurvation - rounded part of thing, usually body part
- Incurvations - rounded part of thing, usually body part
- Incurvature - arched, rounded line or object
- Incurvatures - arched, rounded line or object
- Incurve - bending in a shape or course
- Incurved - curved, depressed
- Incurves - bending in a shape or course
- Incurving - bent, angled
- Indebted - under an obligation
- Indebtedness - deficit
- Indebtednesses - deficit
- Indecencies - obscenity, vulgarity
- Indecency - obscenity, vulgarity
- Indecent - obscene, vulgar; offensive
- Indecently - cruelly
- Indecipherable - unreadable
- Indecision - hesitation
- Indecisions - hesitation
- Indecisive - uncertain, indefinite
- Indecisively - doubtfully
- Indecisiveness - hesitation
- indecorous - not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society
- Indecorously - excessively
- Indecorum - impropriety
- Indecorums - impropriety
- Indeed - actually
- indefatigable - showing sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality
- Indefatigably - actively; intently
- Indefeasible - insurmountable
- Indefectible - flawless, superlative
- Indefensible - inexcusable
- Indefensibly - without basis
- Indefinable - unspeakable
- Indefinably - dimly
- Indefinite - ambiguous, vague
- Indefinitely - continually
- Indefiniteness - vagueness
- Indelible - not able to be erased, indestructible
- Indelicacies - impropriety
- Indelicacy - impropriety
- indelicate - lacking propriety and good taste in manners and conduct
- Indelicateness - indecency
- Indemnification - compensation
- Indemnified - repay
- Indemnifies - repay
- Indemnify - repay
- Indemnifying - repay
- Indemnities - reimbursement
- Indemnity - reimbursement
- Indent - make a space; push in slightly
- Indentation - gouge
- Indentations - gouge
- Indented - depressed
- Indenting - make a space; push in slightly
- Indention - division
- Indentions - division
- Indents - make a space; push in slightly
- Indenture - agreement
- Indentured - obligated
- Indentures - agreement
- Indenturing - obligate; restrict
- Independence - liberty, freedom
- Independences - liberty, freedom
- Independencies - freedom
- Independency - freedom
- Independent - liberated, free
- Independently - alone
- Independents - person who does not obey
- Indescribability -
- Indescribable - beyond words
- Indescribably - oddly
- Indestructible - lasting, unable to be destroyed
- Indeterminable - ambiguous, vague
- Indeterminacy -
- Indeterminate - uncertain, vague
- Indeterminately - to a degree
- Index - indication
- Indexed - arrange, order
- Indexes - indication
- Indexing - indication
- Indicant - indication
- Indicants - indication
- Indicate - signify, display
- Indicated - pointed out
- Indicates - signify, display
- Indicating - signify, display
- Indication - evidence, clue
- Indications - evidence, clue
- Indicative - exhibitive
- Indicatively - expressly, particularly
- Indicator - sign
- Indicators - sign
- Indicatory - designative
- Indices - indication
- Indicia - indication
- Indicial - exhibitive
- Indicias - indication
- Indict - accuse
- Indictable - lawless, felonious
- Indicted - accuse
- Indicter - person laying blame
- Indicters - person laying blame
- Indicting - accuse
- Indictment - accusation
- Indictments - accusation
- Indicts - accuse
- Indifference - absence of feeling, interest
- Indifferences - absence of feeling, interest
- Indifferent - unfeeling, uninterested
- Indifferently - rather badly
- indigence - a state of extreme poverty or destitution
- Indigences - poorness
- Indigene - person born in the country in which he/she dwells
- Indigenes - person born in the country in which he/she dwells
- Indigenize -
- Indigenous - native, inborn
- Indigent - poor
- Indigents - person who is poor
- Indigestible - inedible
- Indigestion - upset stomach
- Indigestions - upset stomach
- Indignant - angry
- Indignantly - with anger
- Indignation - anger
- Indignations - anger
- Indignities - embarrassment, humiliation
- Indignity - embarrassment, humiliation
- Indigo - sky, sea color
- Indirect - roundabout; unintended
- Indirect tax -
- Indirection - dishonesty
- Indirections - dishonesty
- Indirectly - obliquely
- Indirectness - indirect speech
- Indirectnesses - indirect speech
- Indiscernible - imperceptible
- Indiscipline - disobedience
- Indisciplined - causing trouble; unlawful
- Indisciplines - disobedience
- Indiscreet - injudicious
- Indiscreetly - incautiously
- Indiscreetness - mistake
- Indiscrete - undamaged; all in one piece
- Indiscretion - mistake
- Indiscretions - mistake
- Indiscriminate - random, chaotic
- Indiscriminately -
- Indispensable - necessary
- Indispensably - much, really; to a high degree
- Indispose - bother, trouble
- Indisposed - not well
- Indisposes - bother, trouble
- Indisposing - bother, trouble
- Indisposition - dislike
- Indispositions - dislike
- Indisputable - beyond doubt
- Indisputably - word for word; exactly
- Indissoluble - permanent
- Indistinct - obscure, ambiguous
- Indistinctive - neutral
- Indistinctly - faintly
- Indistinctness - vagueness
- Indisturbance -
- indite - To write or compose something, especially in a formal or literary style.
- Indited - write
- Indites - write
- Inditing - write
- Individua -
- Individual - distinctive, exclusive
- Individualism - identity
- Individualisms - identity
- Individualist - nonconformist
- Individualistic - egocentric
- Individualists - nonconformist
- Individualities - personality
- Individuality - personality
- Individualize - distinguish
- Individualized - distinguish
- Individualizes - distinguish
- Individualizing - distinguish
- Individually - separately
- Individuals - singular person, thing
- Individuate - characterize
- Individuated - characterize
- Individuates - characterize
- Individuating - characterize
- Individuation - description
- Individuations - description
- Indivisibility - unity
- Indivisible - indissoluble
- Indocile - unruly
- Indocilities - unruliness
- Indocility - unruliness
- Indoctrinate - brainwash
- Indoctrinated - convinced
- Indoctrinates - brainwash
- Indoctrinating - brainwash
- Indoctrination - propagandism
- Indoctrinations - propagandism
- Indolence - sloth
- Indolences - sloth
- indolent - disinclined to work or exertion
- Indolently - casually, unhurriedly
- Indomitability - boldness, strength of character
- Indomitable - steadfast, unyielding
- Indomitableness - bravery
- Indomitably - stubbornly
- Indoor - household
- Indoors - inside
- Indore -
- indubitable - too obvious to be doubted
- Indubitableness - positive assurance
- Indubitably - unquestionably
- Induce - cause to happen; encourage
- Induced - persuaded
- Inducement - incentive, motive
- Inducements - incentive, motive
- Induces - cause to happen; encourage
- Inducible - involving reasoning from facts
- Inducing - cause to happen; encourage
- Induct - take into an organization
- Inducted - conscripted
- Inductee - recruit
- Inductees - recruit
- Inductile - unflexible
- Inducting - take into an organization
- Induction - taking in, initiation
- Inductions - taking in, initiation
- Inductive - preliminary, first
- Inducts - take into an organization
- Indue - gift
- Indued - gift
- Indues - gift
- Induing - gift
- Indulge - treat oneself or another to
- Indulged - treat oneself or another to
- Indulgence - luxury; gratification
- Indulgences - luxury; gratification
- Indulgent - lenient, giving
- Indulges - treat oneself or another to
- Indulging - treat oneself or another to
- Indurate - harden
- Indurated - harden
- Indurates - harden
- Indurating - harden
- Industrial - related to manufacturing
- Industrial revolution -
- Industrialism - commerce, trade
- Industrialisms - commerce, trade
- Industrialist - tycoon
- Industrialists - tycoon
- Industrialize - automate
- Industrialized - related to manufacturing
- Industrializes - automate
- Industrializing - automate
- Industries - manufacturing
- Industrious - hardworking
- Industriously - diligently
- Industriousness - diligence
- Industry - manufacturing
- Induviae -
- Indwell - take up residence in
- Indweller - person who is resident of habitation
- Indwellers - person who is resident of habitation
- Indwelling - constitutional
- Indwells - take up residence in
- Indwelt - take up residence in
- Inearth - lay to rest after death
- Inearthed - lay to rest after death
- Inearthing - lay to rest after death
- Inearths - lay to rest after death
- Inebriant - hard
- Inebriants - drink; alcoholic beverage
- Inebriate - intoxicate
- Inebriated - drunk
- Inebriates - intoxicate
- Inebriating - intoxicate
- Inebriation - drunkenness
- Inebriations - drunkenness
- Inebrieties - drunkenness
- Inebriety - drunkenness
- Inedible - unpalatable
- ineffable - too sacred to be uttered
- Ineffably - inexpressibly
- Ineffaceable - not able to be erased, indestructible
- Ineffective - useless
- Ineffectively - inefficiently
- Ineffectiveness - ineffectuality
- Ineffectual - useless
- Ineffectuality - futility
- Ineffectually - insufficiently
- Ineffectualness - ineffectuality
- Inefficacies - ineffectuality
- Inefficacious - ineffectual
- Inefficaciously - inefficiently
- Inefficacy - ineffectuality
- Inefficiencies - incompetence
- Inefficiency - incompetence
- Inefficient - not working well; wasteful
- Inefficiently - ineffectively
- Inelaborate - limited, ordinary
- Inelastic - unflexible
- Inelasticities - stiffness
- Inelasticity - stiffness
- Inelegance - bad taste, mistake
- Inelegances - bad taste, mistake
- Inelegant - clumsy, crude
- Inelegantly - with difficulty
- Ineligibilities - disability; rejection for participation
- Ineligibility - disability; rejection for participation
- Ineligible - not qualified
- ineluctable - impossible to avoid or evade
- Ineluctably - inevitably, certainly
- Ineludible - certain; cannot be avoided
- Inept - clumsy, unskilled; incompetent
- Ineptitude - incapacity
- Ineptitudes - incapacity
- Ineptly - inadequately
- Ineptness - disabling lack of talent, skill
- Ineptnesses - disabling lack of talent, skill
- Inequalities - prejudice; lack of balance
- Inequality - prejudice; lack of balance
- Inequitable - unfair
- Inequities - state of being unequal
- Inequity - state of being unequal
- Ineradicable - confirmed
- Inerasable - not able to be erased, indestructible
- Inerrable - unerring, dependable
- Inerrant - unerring, dependable
- Inert - not moving; lifeless
- Inertia - disinclination to move; lifelessness
- Inertias - disinclination to move; lifelessness
- Inertness - inaction
- Inertnesses - inaction
- Inerudite - lacking knowledge
- Inescapable - unavoidable
- Inescapably - inevitably, certainly
- Inessential - unnecessary
- Inessentiality - insignificance
- Inestimable - priceless
- Inevitabilities - need, essentiality
- Inevitability - need, essentiality
- inevitable - an unavoidable event
- Inevitableness - sureness
- Inevitably - unavoidably
- Inexact - inaccurate
- Inexactness - error, erroneousness
- Inexactnesses - error, erroneousness
- Inexcitable - aloof, cool
- Inexcusable - not forgivable
- Inexcusably - unforgivably
- Inexecutable - impossible
- Inexhaustible - unlimited
- Inexhaustibly - plentifully
- Inexorabilities - stubbornness
- Inexorability - stubbornness
- Inexorable - cruel, pitiless
- Inexorableness - stubbornness
- Inexorably - inevitably, certainly
- Inexpedient - futile
- Inexpensive - not high priced
- Inexpensively - economically
- Inexperience - lack of experience
- Inexperienced - unskilled, unfamiliar
- Inexperiences - lack of experience
- Inexpert - inexperienced
- Inexpertly - unsatisfactorily
- Inexpertness - inexperience
- Inexpertnesses - inexperience
- Inexpiable - inexcusable
- Inexplainable - beyond comprehension, explanation
- Inexplicable - beyond comprehension, explanation
- Inexplicably - curiously
- Inexplicit - ambiguous
- Inexplicitly -
- Inexpressible - unspeakable
- Inexpressive - blank
- Inexpugnable - insurmountable
- Inexpungible - not able to be erased, indestructible
- Inextensible - unflexible
- Inextinct -
- Inextirpable - not able to be erased, indestructible
- inextricable - not permitting extrication; incapable of being disentangled or untied
- Inextricably - inseparably
- Infallibilities - reliability
- Infallibility - reliability
- Infallible - unerring, dependable
- Infallibly - without doubt
- Infamies - shameful, bad reputation
- Infamous - shameful, bad in reputation
- Infamously - particularly
- Infamousness - notoriety
- Infamousnesses - notoriety
- Infamy - shameful, bad reputation
- Infancies - babyhood
- Infancy - babyhood
- Infant - baby
- Infanthood - period of infancy
- Infanthoods - period of infancy
- Infantile - babyish
- Infantilism - inexperience
- Infantilisms - inexperience
- Infantine - very young
- Infantries - foot soldiers
- Infantry - foot soldiers
- Infantryman - soldier who fights on foot
- Infantrymen - foot soldiers
- Infants - baby
- Infarct - barrier
- Infarction - barrier
- Infarctions - barrier
- Infarcts - barrier
- Infatuate - person having sexual relationship
- Infatuated - in love with; obsessed
- Infatuates - person having sexual relationship
- Infatuating - captivating
- Infatuation - captivation
- Infatuations - captivation
- Infeasible - unrealistic
- Infect - pollute, contaminate
- Infected - pollute, contaminate
- Infecting - pollute, contaminate
- Infection - contamination
- Infections - contamination
- Infectious - catching, spreading
- Infective - catching, spreading
- Infects - pollute, contaminate
- Infecund - not bearing fruit, young
- Infecundities - sterility
- Infecundity - sterility
- Infelicities - bad luck; disaster
- Infelicitous - unfortunate
- Infelicity - bad luck; disaster
- Infer - conclude
- Inferable - probable, apt, hopeful
- Inference - conclusion, deduction
- Inferences - conclusion, deduction
- Inferential - probable
- Inferior - less in rank, importance
- Inferiorities - deficiency
- Inferiority - deficiency
- Inferiorly - unsatisfactorily
- Inferiors - less in rank, importance
- Infernal - damned; underworld
- Infernally - hellishly
- Inferno - hell
- Infernos - hell
- Inferred - implicit
- Inferring - conclude
- Infers - conclude
- Infertile - not bearing fruit, young
- Infertilities - unproductiveness
- Infertility - unproductiveness
- Infest - flood, overrun
- Infestation - disease that is widespread
- Infestations - disease that is widespread
- Infested - overrun
- Infesting - attack and encroach
- Infests - attack and encroach
- Infidel - nonbeliever
- Infidelities - disloyalty to an obligation
- Infidelity - disloyalty to an obligation
- Infidels - nonbeliever
- Infighting - conflict, strife
- Infightings - conflict, strife
- Infiltrate - creep in
- Infiltrated - creep in
- Infiltrates - creep in
- Infiltrating - creep in
- Infiltration - invasion
- Infiltrations - invasion
- Infiltrator - intruder
- Infiltrators - intruder
- Infinite - limitless, without end
- Infinitely - extremely
- Infiniteness - infinity
- Infinitenesses - infinity
- infinitesimal - infinitely or immeasurably small
- Infinitesimals - small bit
- Infinities - endlessness
- Infinitive - action word
- Infinitives - action word
- Infinitude - endlessness
- Infinitudes - endlessness
- Infinity - endlessness
- Infirm -
- Infirmaries - clinic
- Infirmary - clinic
- Infirmer - sick, weak
- Infirmest - sick, weak
- Infirmities - weakness, sickness
- Infirmity - weakness, sickness
- Infirmness - depression, sickness
- Infirmnesses - depression, sickness
- Infix - fix
- Infixed - fix
- Infixes - fix
- Infixing - fix
- Inflame - anger, aggravate
- Inflamed - stirred to anger
- Inflamer - troublemaker
- Inflamers - troublemaker
- Inflames - anger, aggravate
- Inflaming - anger, aggravate
- Inflammable - ready to burn
- Inflammation - redness, swelling
- Inflammations - redness, swelling
- Inflammatory - instigative, angering
- Inflate - blow up, increase
- Inflated - exaggerated
- Inflates - blow up, increase
- Inflating - blow up, increase
- Inflation - increase, swelling
- Inflations - increase, swelling
- Inflatus - idea, stimulus
- Inflect - adjust, harmonize
- Inflected - adjust, harmonize
- Inflecting - adjust, harmonize
- Inflection - accent, intonation
- Inflections - accent, intonation
- Inflects - adjust, harmonize
- Inflexibilities - stubbornness
- Inflexibility - stubbornness
- Inflexible - stubborn
- Inflexibleness - stubbornness
- Inflexibly - rigidly
- Inflict - impose something
- Inflicted - impose something
- Inflicting - impose something
- Infliction - curse
- Inflictions - curse
- Inflicts - impose something
- Inflorescence - flower
- Inflorescences - flower
- Inflorescent - blooming
- Inflow - flow, rush
- Inflowing - ingoing
- Inflows - flow, rush
- Influence - power, authority
- Influenceable - easily taught; gullible
- Influenced - affected
- Influencer - one who can affect or sway; Someone who affects or changes the way that other people behave:
- Influences - power, authority
- Influencing - lead to believe, do
- Influential - effective, powerful
- Influenza - disease that is widespread
- Influenzas - disease that is widespread
- Influx - flow, rush
- Influxes - flow, rush
- Info - facts, news
- Infobahn - computer network
- Infobahns - computer network
- Infold - wrap
- Infolded - wrap
- Infolding - wrap
- Infolds - wrap
- Infomercial - full-length television program existing solely to market a product
- Infomercials - full-length television program existing solely to market a product
- Inform - communicate knowledge, information
- Informal - casual, simple
- Informalities - ease
- Informality - ease
- Informally - as anticipated
- Informant - informer
- Informants - person who delivers news
- Informatics - sciences concerned with information
- Information - facts, news
- Information technology -
- Informational - educational
- Informations - facts, news
- Informative - educational
- Informed - cognizant, conversant
- Informer - reporter
- Informers - person who delivers news
- Informing - communicate knowledge, information
- Informs - communicate knowledge, information
- Infos - facts, news
- Infotainment - full-length television program existing solely to market a product
- Infotainments - full-length television program existing solely to market a product
- Infotech - computer processing of data
- Infotechs - computer processing of data
- Infra - happening after
- Infract - violate
- Infracted - violate
- Infracting - violate
- Infraction - violation
- Infractions - violation
- Infracts - violate
- Infrangible - strong, tough
- Infrared - color of blood; shade resembling such a color
- Infrareds - color of blood; shade resembling such a color
- Infrastructure - foundation
- Infrastructures - foundation
- Infrequencies - rarity
- Infrequency - rarity
- Infrequent - not happening regularly
- Infrequently - seldom
- Infringe - violate
- Infringed - violate
- Infringement - breach
- Infringements - breach
- Infringer - intruder
- Infringers - intruder
- Infringes - violate
- Infringing - violate
- Infructuous -
- Infula -
- Infundibular - empty, hollowed out
- Infuriate - make angry
- Infuriated - furious
- Infuriates - make angry
- Infuriating - make angry
- Infuriation - anger
- Infuriations - anger
- Infuse - introduce; soak
- Infused - introduce; soak
- Infuser - perforated ball for infusing tea leaves
- Infusers - perforated ball for infusing tea leaves
- Infuses - introduce; soak
- Infusing - introduce; soak
- Infusion - immersion
- Infusions - immersion
- Ing - insult
- Ingather - collect, harvest
- Ingathered - collect, harvest
- Ingathering - crops; taking in of crops
- Ingatherings - crops; taking in of crops
- Ingathers - collect, harvest
- Ingeminate - say or do again
- Ingeminated - say or do again
- Ingeminates - say or do again
- Ingeminating - say or do again
- Ingemination - duplication; doing again
- Ingeminations - duplication; doing again
- Ingenerate - coming from birth; natural
- Ingenious - clever; brilliant
- Ingeniously - in a dexterous manner
- Ingeniousness - invention
- Ingeniousnesses - invention
- ingenue - an actress who specializes in playing the role of an artless innocent young girl
- Ingenues - innocent
- Ingenuities - cleverness
- Ingenuity - cleverness
- Ingenuous - honest, trustful
- Ingenuously - honestly
- Ingenuousness - mistake
- Ingenuousnesses - mistake
- Ingest - swallow
- Ingested - swallow
- Ingesting - swallow
- Ingestion - swallow
- Ingestions - swallow
- Ingests - swallow
- Ingle - hearth for burning wood
- Inglenook - corner, cubbyhole
- Inglenooks - corner, cubbyhole
- Ingles - hearth for burning wood
- Inglorious - disgraceful
- Ingloriously - meekly
- Ingloriousness - disgrace
- Ingoing - stinging, harsh
- Ingoings - coming into a place; introduction
- Ingot - block of metal
- Ingots - block of metal
- Ingraft - transplant, splice
- Ingrafted - transplant, splice
- Ingrafting - transplant, splice
- Ingrafts - transplant, splice
- Ingrain - imbue
- Ingrained - deep-rooted
- Ingraining - imbue
- Ingrains - imbue
- Ingrate - ungrateful person
- Ingrates - ungrateful person
- ingratiate - To gain favor with someone by flattering or obliging them; to work one's way into someone's good graces.
- Ingratiated - get on the good side of someone
- Ingratiates - get on the good side of someone
- Ingratiating - fawning, servile
- Ingratiatingly - servilely
- Ingratiation - flattery
- Ingratiations - flattery
- Ingratiatory - insinuating
- Ingratitude - ungratefulness
- Ingratitudes - ungratefulness
- Ingredient - component of concoction
- Ingredients - component of concoction
- Ingress - the act or right of entering
- Ingresses - the act or right of entering
- Ingression - admission
- Ingressions - admission
- Ingroup - group participating together
- Ingroups - group participating together
- Ingrowth -
- Ings - insult
- Ingurgitate - gulp
- Ingurgitated - gulp
- Ingurgitates - gulp
- Ingurgitating - gulp
- Ingurgitation - taking into throat
- Ingurgitations - taking into throat
- Inhabit - take up residence in
- Inhabitable - livable
- Inhabitance - residence of place
- Inhabitances - residence of place
- Inhabitancies - residence of place
- Inhabitancy - residence of place
- Inhabitant - person who is resident of habitation
- Inhabitants - person who is resident of habitation
- Inhabitation - control, possession
- Inhabitations - control, possession
- Inhabited - occupied
- Inhabiter - resident
- Inhabiters - resident
- Inhabiting - take up residence in
- Inhabits - take up residence in
- Inhalant - sleep-inducer
- Inhalants - sleep-inducer
- Inhalation - assimilation, incorporation
- Inhalations - assimilation, incorporation
- Inhalator - device to oxygenate blood
- Inhalators - device to oxygenate blood
- Inhale - breathe in
- Inhaled - breathe in
- Inhales - breathe in
- Inhaling - breathe in
- Inharmonic - inharmonious
- Inharmonies - conflict
- Inharmonious - lacking harmony
- Inharmony - conflict
- Inhere - consist
- Inhered - consist
- Inherent - basic, hereditary
- Inherently - innately
- Inheres - consist
- Inhering - consist
- Inherit - gain as possession from someone's death
- Inheritable - inherited; transmitted at birth
- Inheritance - possession gained through someone's death
- Inheritances - possession gained through someone's death
- Inherited - hereditary
- Inheriting - gain as possession from someone's death
- Inheritor - heir
- Inheritors - heir
- Inherits - gain as possession from someone's death
- Inhibit - restrict, prevent
- Inhibited - shy
- Inhibiting - restrict, prevent
- Inhibition - restriction, hindrance
- Inhibitions - restriction, hindrance
- Inhibitor - stop
- Inhibitors - stop
- Inhibits - restrict, prevent
- Inholder -
- Inhospitable - unfriendly
- Inhospitalities - unwelcome
- Inhospitality - unwelcome
- Inhuman - animal
- Inhumane - animal, savage
- Inhumanely - cruelly, without remorse
- Inhumanities - lack of compassion
- Inhumanity - lack of compassion
- Inhumanly - savagely
- Inhumanness - cruelty
- Inhumannesses - cruelty
- Inhumation - burial
- Inhumations - burial
- Inhume - bury
- Inhumed - bury
- Inhumes - bury
- Inhuming - bury
- inimical - not friendly
- Inimicalities - belligerence
- Inimicality - belligerence
- Inimitable - incomparable
- Inimitably - uniquely
- Iniquities - sin, evil
- Iniquitous - unjust
- iniquity - morally objectionable behavior
- Initial - beginning, primary
- Initialed - blemish, stain
- Initialing - making a mark upon
- Initialize - start a computer
- Initialized - start a computer
- Initializes - start a computer
- Initializing - start a computer
- Initialled - blemish, stain
- Initialling - blemish, stain
- Initially - at first
- Initials - logo, symbol
- Initiate - start, introduce
- Initiated - introduced into
- Initiates - start, introduce
- Initiating - start, introduce
- Initiation - start, introduction
- Initiations - start, introduction
- Initiative - eagerness to do something
- Initiatives - eagerness to do something
- Initiator - creator
- Initiators - creator
- Initiatory - beginning
- Inject - put in, introduce
- Injected - put in, introduce
- Injecting - put in, introduce
- Injection - introduction into bloodstream
- Injections - introduction into bloodstream
- Injects - put in, introduce
- Injudicious - imprudent
- Injudiciously - incautiously
- Injudiciousness - dullness of mind
- Injunction - decree
- Injunctions - decree
- Injure - hurt, harm
- Injured - harmed
- Injures - hurt, harm
- Injuries - hurt, harm
- Injuring - hurt, harm
- Injurious - hurtful
- Injury - hurt, harm
- Injustice - unfair treatment; bias
- Injustices - unfair treatment; bias
- Ink - blemish; character
- Inked - employed
- Inkhorn - pedantic
- Inkier - sooty
- Inkiest - sooty
- Inking - blemish, stain
- Inklike - dark, inky
- Inkling - idea, clue
- Inklings - idea, clue
- Inks - blemish; character
- Inky - sooty
- Inlaid - parquet
- Inland - interior
- Inland revenue -
- Inlay - parquet
- Inlaying - parquet
- Inlays - parquet
- Inlet - arm of the sea
- Inlets - arm of the sea
- Inletting - add, insert
- Inlying - inner
- Inmate - patient
- Inmates - patient
- Inmost - deep
- Inn - accommodation for travellers
- Innards - internal organs
- Innate - inherited, native
- Inned - bother, interfere
- Inner - central, middle physically
- Innermost - inmost
- Innerspring - bedding
- Innervate - stimulate, instigate
- Innervated - stimulate, instigate
- Innervates - stimulate, instigate
- Innervating - stimulate, instigate
- Innervation - sensation, especially of touch
- Innervations - sensation, especially of touch
- Innerve - stimulate, instigate
- Innerved - stimulate, instigate
- Innerves - stimulate, instigate
- Innerving - tonic
- Inning - turn
- Innings - turn
- Innkeeper - hotelier
- Innkeepers - hotelier
- Innocence - blamelessness
- Innocences - blamelessness
- Innocent - blameless
- Innocently - without guilt
- Innocents - someone or something sacrificed, preyed upon
- innocuous - not causing disapproval
- Innocuously - harmlessly
- Innocuousness - insipidity
- Innocuousnesses - insipidity
- Innominate - unknown, anonymous
- Innovate - begin, institute
- Innovated - begin, institute
- Innovates - begin, institute
- Innovating - pioneering
- Innovation - change, novelty
- Innovational - clever; brilliant
- Innovations - change, novelty
- Innovative - creative
- Innovativeness - novelty
- Innovator - inventor
- Innovators - inventor
- Innovatory - inventive
- Innoxious - harmless, naive
- Innoxiousness - harmlessness, naiveté
- Innoxiousnesses - harmlessness, naiveté
- Inns - accommodation for travellers
- Innuendo - suggestion
- Innuendoes - suggestion
- Innuendos - suggestion
- Innumerable - many, infinite
- Innumerous - many, considerable
- Inobservant - negligent, not paying attention
- Inobtrusive - quiet
- Inoculable - communicable
- Inoculate - immunize
- Inoculated - immunize
- Inoculates - immunize
- Inoculating - immunize
- Inoculation - immunization
- Inoculations - immunization
- Inodorous - without fragrance
- Inoffensive - not obnoxious; harmless
- Inoffensively - harmlessly
- Inoffensiveness - harmlessness, naiveté
- Inoperable - unfixable, unchangeable
- Inoperative - ineffectual
- Inoperativeness - inaction
- Inopportune - not appropriate or suitable
- Inopportunely - inappropriately
- Inopportuneness - embarrassment
- Inordinate - excessive, extravagant
- Inordinately - in addition
- Inordinateness - excess
- Inorganic - not organic
- Inosine -
- Inositol -
- Inpouring - ingoing
- Inpourings - flow, rush
- Input - consumption
- Inputs - consumption
- Inputted - transfer data from one computer system to another
- Inputting - transfer data from one computer system to another
- Inquest - investigation
- Inquests - investigation
- Inquietude - restlessness
- Inquietudes - restlessness
- Inquire - ask; look into
- Inquired - ask; look into
- Inquirer - questioner
- Inquirers - questioner
- Inquires - ask; look into
- Inquiries - asking; looking into
- Inquiring - wondering, curious
- Inquiry - asking; looking into
- Inquisition - official inquiry
- Inquisitions - official inquiry
- Inquisitive - curious
- Inquisitiveness - curiosity
- Inquisitor - questioner
- Inquisitorial - curious
- Inquisitors - questioner
- Inroad - advance, foray
- Inroads - advance, foray
- Inrush - flow, rush
- Inrushes - flow, rush
- Ins - power, authority
- insalubrious - detrimental to health
- Insalutary - immoral, bad, offensive
- Insane - mentally ill; foolish
- Insanely - extremely
- Insaneness - insanity
- Insanenesses - insanity
- Insaner - mentally ill; foolish
- Insanest - mentally ill; foolish
- Insanitation - contamination
- Insanitations - contamination
- Insanities - mental illness; foolishness
- Insanity - mental illness; foolishness
- Insanity plea -
- Insatiabilities - voracity
- Insatiability - voracity
- Insatiable - voracious, wanting
- Insatiableness - voracity
- Insatiate - voracious, wanting
- Inscience - ignorance
- Insciences - ignorance
- Inscribe - imprint, write
- Inscribed - imprint, write
- Inscriber -
- Inscribes - imprint, write
- Inscribing - imprint, write
- Inscription - message
- Inscriptions - message
- Inscrutability - puzzle, secret
- Inscrutable - hidden, mysterious; blank
- Inscrutableness - puzzle, secret
- Insculpt - cut carefully with sharp instrument
- Insect - bug
- Insecticide - poison
- Insecticides - poison
- Insectifuge - insecticide
- Insectifuges - insecticide
- Insects - bug
- Insecure - uncertain, worried
- Insecureness - instability
- Insecurenesses - instability
- Insecurer - uncertain, worried
- Insecurest - uncertain, worried
- Insecurities - anxiety
- Insecurity - anxiety
- Inseminate - impregnate
- Inseminated - impregnate
- Inseminates - impregnate
- Inseminating - impregnate
- Insemination - impregnation of the ovum
- Inseminations - impregnation of the ovum
- Insensate - indifferent
- Insensibilities - dullness
- Insensibility - dullness
- Insensible - indifferent
- Insensibleness - apathy
- Insensibly -
- Insensitive - indifferent, callous
- Insensitiveness - cruelty
- Insensitivities - absence of feeling, interest
- Insensitivity - absence of feeling, interest
- Insentience - sleep
- Insentiences - sleep
- Insentient - inanimate
- Inseparability - agreement
- Inseparable - unable to be divided
- Inseparableness - affectionate closeness
- Inseparably - as one
- Insert - put, tuck in
- Inserted - introduced
- Inserting - put, tuck in
- Insertion - insert
- Insertions - insert
- Inserts - put, tuck in
- Inset - add, insert
- Insets - add, insert
- Insetting - add, insert
- Inseverable - unable to be divided
- Inshore - coastal
- Inside - in the middle; interior
- Insider - person peripherally involved in illegal activity
- Insiders - person peripherally involved in illegal activity
- Insides - interior
- insidious - Proceeding in a gradual, subtle, or stealthy manner, especially in a harmful way.
- Insidiously - in hidden manner
- Insidiousness - dishonesty
- Insidiousnesses - dishonesty
- Insight - intuitiveness, awareness
- Insightful - perceptive
- Insights - intuitiveness, awareness
- Insigne - emblem
- Insignia - emblem
- Insignias - emblem
- Insignificance - unimportance
- Insignificances - unimportance
- Insignificancy - indifference
- Insignificant - not important; of no consequence
- Insignificantly - a little
- Insincere - dishonest, pretended
- Insincerer - dishonest, pretended
- Insincerest - dishonest, pretended
- Insincerities - distortion
- Insincerity - distortion
- Insinuate - hint, suggest
- Insinuated - hint, suggest
- Insinuates - hint, suggest
- Insinuating - provoking doubt
- Insinuation - implication
- Insinuations - implication
- Insinuative - insinuating
- Insinuatory - insinuating
- insipid - lacking taste or flavor or tang
- Insipidities - dullness
- Insipidity - dullness
- Insipidness - insipidity
- Insipidnesses - insipidity
- Insist - order and expect; claim
- Insisted - order and expect; claim
- Insistence - demand
- Insistences - demand
- Insistencies - insistence
- Insistency - insistence
- Insistent - demanding
- Insisting - order and expect; claim
- Insists - order and expect; claim
- Insobrieties - drunkenness
- Insobriety - drunkenness
- Insociable - aloof
- Insofar - to such an extent
- Insolation - energy from the sun
- Insolations - energy from the sun
- Insolence - boldness, disrespect
- Insolences - boldness, disrespect
- Insolent - bold, disrespectful
- Insolently - proudly
- Insolents - domineering person
- Insoluble - mysterious, unable to be solved or answered
- Insolvencies - failure
- Insolvency - failure
- Insolvent - financially ruined
- Insolvents - person who is poor
- Insomnia - inability to sleep soundly
- Insomniac - alert, restless
- Insomnias - inability to sleep soundly
- Insomnious - alert, restless
- Insomnolence - inability to sleep soundly
- Insomnolences - inability to sleep soundly
- insouciance - the cheerful feeling you have when nothing is troubling you
- Insouciances - absence of feeling, interest
- insouciant - marked by blithe unconcern
- Inspect - examine, check
- Inspected - examined
- Inspecting - examine, check
- Inspection - examination, check
- Inspections - examination, check
- Inspector - examiner
- Inspectors - examiner
- Inspects - examine, check
- Inspiration - idea, stimulus
- Inspirational - affecting, exciting
- Inspirations - idea, stimulus
- Inspirative - inspirational
- Inspire - encourage, stimulate
- Inspired - stimulated
- Inspires - encourage, stimulate
- Inspiring - rousing
- Inspirit - encourage
- Inspirited - encourage
- Inspiriting - encourage
- Inspiritment - help, support
- Inspiritments - help, support
- Inspirits - encourage
- Inspissate - thicken
- Inspissated - thicken
- Inspissates - thicken
- Inspissating - thicken
- Inspissation - clotting
- Inspissations - clotting
- Instabilities - imbalance, inconstancy
- Instability - imbalance, inconstancy
- Install - set up, establish
- Installation - establishment, inauguration
- Installations - establishment, inauguration
- Installed - set up
- Installing - set up, establish
- Installment - part, section
- Installments - part, section
- Installs - set up, establish
- Instance - case, situation
- Instanced - case, situation
- Instances - case, situation
- Instancies - importance
- Instancing - case, situation
- Instancy - importance
- Instant - immediate, urgent
- Instantaneous - immediate
- Instantaneously - promptly
- Instanter - right now
- Instantly - right now
- Instants - immediate, urgent
- Instate - initiate
- Instated - initiate
- Instatement - initiation
- Instatements - initiation
- Instates - initiate
- Instating - initiate
- instauration - the act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new
- Instaurations - reestablishment
- Instead - alternatively
- Instigate - influence, provoke
- Instigated - influence, provoke
- Instigates - influence, provoke
- Instigating - influence, provoke
- Instigation - prompting
- Instigations - prompting
- Instigative - inspirational
- Instigator - troublemaker
- Instigators - troublemaker
- Instill - implant, introduce
- Instillation - concoction
- Instillations - concoction
- Instilled - implant, introduce
- Instilling - implant, introduce
- Instills - implant, introduce
- Instinct - gut feeling, idea
- Instinctive - reflex, automatic
- Instinctively - inherently
- Instincts - gut feeling, idea
- Instinctual - instinctive
- Institute - law; custom
- Instituted - begin; put into operation
- Institutes - organization, usually educational
- Instituting - begin; put into operation
- Institution - organization
- Institutional - bland, uniform
- Institutions - organization, usually educational
- Instituto -
- Institutor - person who establishes an institution
- Institutors - person who establishes an institution
- Instruct - inform, teach
- Instructed - trained
- Instructible - able to be taught
- Instructing - inform, teach
- Instruction - education
- Instructional - teaching
- Instructions - education
- Instructive - informative
- Instructor - person who educates
- Instructors - person who educates
- Instructorship - person in or position of authority
- Instructorships - person in or position of authority
- Instructs - inform, teach
- Instrument - tool, implement
- Instrumental - influential, assisting
- Instrumentalist - person who performs music
- Instrumentality - contribution
- Instrumentals - sounds that are pleasant, harmonized
- Instrumentation - means
- Instrumented - prepare musical composition differently
- Instrumenting - prepare musical composition differently
- Instruments - tool, implement
- Insubordinate - rebellious
- Insubordination - disobedience
- Insubstantial - weak, imaginary
- Insufferable - horrible, intolerable
- Insufficience - deficiency, need
- Insufficiences - deficiency, need
- Insufficiencies - lack
- Insufficiency - lack
- Insufficient - not enough; lacking
- Insufficiently - barely
- Insufflate - breathe in
- Insufflated - breathe in
- Insufflates - breathe in
- Insufflating - breathe in
- Insufflation - respiration
- Insufflations - respiration
- Insular - narrow-minded
- Insularities - a mental restriction
- Insularity - a mental restriction
- Insulars - languages derived from latin
- Insulate - protect; close off
- Insulated - protect; close off
- Insulates - protect; close off
- Insulating - protect; close off
- Insulation - the act of insulating
- Insulations - the act of insulating
- Insult - hateful communication
- Insulted - offended
- Insulting - abusive
- Insulting remark -
- Insults - hateful communication
- insuperable - incapable of being surmounted or excelled
- Insupportable - unbearable
- Insuppressible - effervescent, vivacious
- Insurance - protection, security
- Insurances - protection, security
- Insure - protect, secure
- Insured - safeguarded
- Insures - protect, secure
- Insurgence - rebellion
- Insurgences - rebellion
- Insurgencies - rebellion
- Insurgency - rebellion
- Insurgent - rebellious
- Insurgents - rebel
- Insuring - protect, secure
- Insurmountable - impossible
- Insurrection - rebellion
- Insurrectionary - rebel
- Insurrectionist - rebel
- Insurrections - rebellion
- Insusceptible - insensitive
- Intact - undamaged; all in one piece
- Intactness - wholeness, whole
- Intactnesses - wholeness, whole
- Intagli - carving of letters or design into something
- Intaglio - carving of letters or design into something
- Intaglioed - carve letters or designs into
- Intaglioing - carve letters or designs into
- Intaglios - carving of letters or design into something
- Intake - consumption
- Intakes - consumption
- Intangible - indefinite, obscured
- Intangibles - wealth, resources
- Intangibly - barely
- Integer - unit of the mathematical system
- Integers - unit of the mathematical system
- Integrable - unifying
- Integral - necessary, basic
- Integralities - wholeness
- Integrality - wholeness
- Integrals - component of concoction
- Integrant - element
- Integrants - element
- Integrate - mix, merge
- Integrated - joined
- Integrates - mix, merge
- Integrating - mix, merge
- Integration - unification
- Integrations - unification
- Integrative - unifying
- Integrities - honor, uprightness
- Integrity - honor, uprightness
- Integument - covering
- Integuments - covering
- Intellect - capability of the mind; someone with capable mind
- Intellection - feeling, idea
- Intellections - feeling, idea
- Intellective - very smart
- Intellects - capability of the mind; someone with capable mind
- Intellectual - very smart
- Intellectualist - intellectual
- Intellectuality - capability of the mind; someone with capable mind
- Intellectualize - make excuse; justify
- Intellectually - cleverly
- Intellectuals - very smart person
- Intelligence - ability to perceive, understand
- Intelligencer - person who secretly finds out about another's business
- Intelligencers - person who secretly finds out about another's business
- Intelligences - ability to perceive, understand
- Intelligent - very smart
- Intelligently - cleverly
- Intelligentsia - very smart person
- Intelligentsias - very smart person
- Intelligibility - clarity
- Intelligible - understandable
- Intelligibly - plainly, clearly
- Intemerate - clean, uncontaminated
- Intemperance - insobriety
- Intemperances - insobriety
- Intemperate - drunken
- Intemperateness - luxury; gratification
- Intend - have in mind; determine
- Intendance - running an organization
- Intendances - running an organization
- Intended - engaged; destined
- Intendeds - marrier
- Intending - have in mind; determine
- Intendment - aim, purpose
- Intendments - aim, purpose
- Intends - have in mind; determine
- Intensate - make more forceful, severe
- Intensated - make more forceful, severe
- Intensates - make more forceful, severe
- Intensating - make more forceful, severe
- Intense - forceful, severe; passionate
- Intensely - deeply
- Intenseness - passion, force
- Intensenesses - passion, force
- Intenser - forceful, severe; passionate
- Intensest - forceful, severe; passionate
- Intensification - addition, growth
- Intensified - make more forceful, severe
- Intensifies - make more forceful, severe
- Intensify - make more forceful, severe
- Intensifying - make more forceful, severe
- Intensities - passion, force
- Intensity - passion, force
- Intensive - exhaustive
- Intensively - completely
- Intent - determined, resolute
- Intention - goal
- Intentional - deliberate
- Intentionality - study of subject and objects of a person's experience
- Intentionally - purposely
- Intentions - aim, purpose
- Intentive - alert, watchful
- Intently - with concentration
- Intentness - hard work
- Intentnesses - hard work
- Intents - aim, purpose
- Inter - bury
- Interact - communicate
- Interacted - communicate
- Interacting - communicate
- Interaction - interplay
- Interactions - interplay
- Interactive - shared, common
- Interacts - communicate
- Interallied - linked
- Interblend - blend, mix
- Interblended - blend, mix
- Interblending - blend, mix
- Interblends - blend, mix
- Interbred - assorted, combined
- Interbreed - combine, join
- Interbreeding - inbreeding
- Interbreedings - inbreeding
- Interbreeds - combine, join
- Intercalate - put, tuck in
- Intercalated - put, tuck in
- Intercalates - put, tuck in
- Intercalating - put, tuck in
- Intercede - mediate
- Interceded - mediate
- Interceder - go-between
- Interceders - go-between
- Intercedes - mediate
- Interceding - mediate
- Intercept - head off; interrupt
- Intercepted - head off; interrupt
- Intercepting - head off; interrupt
- Interception - blocking
- Interceptions - blocking
- Intercepts - head off; interrupt
- Intercession - mediation
- Intercessions - mediation
- Intercessor - mediator
- Intercessors - mediator
- Interchange - switch, exchange
- Interchangeable - identical, transposable
- Interchangeably - correspondently
- Interchanged - switch, exchange
- Interchanges - switch, exchange
- Interchanging - switch, exchange
- Intercom - handheld transmitter and receiver
- Intercoms - handheld transmitter and receiver
- Interconnect - correlate, pertain
- Interconnected - connected, accompanying
- Interconnecting - joining
- Interconnection - relation
- Interconnects - correlate, pertain
- Intercourse - sexual act
- Intercourses - sexual act
- Intercross - cut across; cross at a point
- Intercrossed - cut across; cross at a point
- Intercrosses - cut across; cross at a point
- Intercrossing - cut across; cross at a point
- Interculturally - globally
- Interdepend - correlate, pertain
- Interdepended - correlate, pertain
- Interdependence - relation
- Interdependencies -
- Interdependency - confidence
- Interdependent - shared, common
- Interdepending - correlate, pertain
- Interdepends - correlate, pertain
- Interdict - destroy
- Interdicted - destroy
- Interdicting - destroy
- Interdiction - sanction
- Interdictions - sanction
- Interdicts - destroy
- Interdigitate - mesh
- Interdigitated - mesh
- Interdigitates - mesh
- Interdigitating - mesh
- Interest - attraction, curiosity
- Interested - concerned, curious
- Interestedly -
- Interestedness - concern
- Interesting - appealing, entertaining
- Interestingness - curiosity
- Interests - attraction, curiosity
- Interface - link, connection
- Interfaced - mix, merge
- Interfaces - link, connection
- Interfacing - mix, merge
- Interfere - meddle, intervene
- Interfered - meddle, intervene
- Interference - meddling, impedance
- Interferences - meddling, impedance
- Interferer - person who trespasses
- Interferers - person who trespasses
- Interferes - meddle, intervene
- Interfering - meddling
- Interfold - blend, unite; contrive
- Interfolded - blend, unite; contrive
- Interfolding - blend, unite; contrive
- Interfolds - blend, unite; contrive
- Interfuse - blend, mix
- Interfused - linked
- Interfuses - blend, mix
- Interfusing - blend, mix
- Interfusion - assortment, combination
- Interfusions - assortment, combination
- Interim - temporary
- Interims - temporary
- Interior - inside, central
- Interiors - center, core
- Interjaculate - put in, introduce
- Interjaculated - put in, introduce
- Interjaculates - put in, introduce
- Interjaculating - put in, introduce
- Interject - throw in; interrupt
- Interjected - throw in; interrupt
- Interjecting - throw in; interrupt
- Interjection - emphatic exclamation
- Interjections - emphatic exclamation
- Interjects - throw in; interrupt
- Interknit - twist around
- Interknits - twist around
- Interknitted - twist around
- Interknitting - twist around
- Interlace - intertwine
- Interlaced - intertwine
- Interlaces - intertwine
- Interlacing - intertwine
- Interlard - introduce
- Interlarded - introduce
- Interlarding - introduce
- Interlards - introduce
- Interline - put covering inside object
- Interlineate - emphasize; mark
- Interlineated - emphasize; mark
- Interlineates - emphasize; mark
- Interlineating - emphasize; mark
- Interlined - put covering inside object
- Interlines - put covering inside object
- Interlining - put covering inside object
- Interlink - blend, unite; contrive
- Interlinked - spun
- Interlinking - blend, unite; contrive
- Interlinks - blend, unite; contrive
- Interlock - mesh
- Interlocked - mesh
- Interlocking - mesh
- Interlocks - mesh
- Interlocution - discussion
- Interlocutions - discussion
- Interlocutor - conversationalist
- Interlocutors - conversationalist
- Interlope - meddle
- Interloped - meddle
- Interloper - person who intrudes, meddles
- Interlopers - person who intrudes, meddles
- Interlopes - meddle
- Interloping - meddle
- interlude - a brief show (music or dance etc) inserted between the sections of a longer performance
- Interludes - pause, break
- Intermarriage - interracial marriage
- Intermarriages - interracial marriage
- Intermeddle - meddle, intervene
- Intermeddled - meddle, intervene
- Intermeddler - person who intrudes, meddles
- Intermeddlers - person who intrudes, meddles
- Intermeddles - meddle, intervene
- Intermeddling - interfering
- Intermedia - combined use of several media
- Intermediacies - middle point
- Intermediacy - middle point
- Intermediaries - person who negotiates
- Intermediary - person who negotiates
- Intermediate - middle, in-between
- Intermediated - mediate
- Intermediates - person who negotiates
- Intermediating - mediate
- Intermediator - go-between
- Intermediators - go-between
- Intermedium - person who bargains, controls discussion
- Intermediums - person who bargains, controls discussion
- Intermembral -
- Interment - burial
- Interments - burial
- Intermesh - interconnect; bring into operation
- Intermeshed - interconnect; bring into operation
- Intermeshes - interconnect; bring into operation
- Intermeshing - interconnect; bring into operation
- Interminability - long period of time
- Interminable - infinite
- Interminably - all the time
- Intermingle - blend, mix
- Intermingled - blend, mix
- Intermingles - blend, mix
- Intermingling - blend, mix
- Intermission - break, recess
- Intermissions - break, recess
- Intermit - meddle, intervene
- Intermits - meddle, intervene
- Intermitted - deferred
- Intermittence - recurrence
- Intermittences - recurrence
- Intermittent - irregular, sporadic
- Intermittently - at times
- Intermitting - meddle, intervene
- Intermix - mix
- Intermixed - mix
- Intermixes - mix
- Intermixing - mix
- Intermixture - charactertistics of a surface
- Intermixtures - charactertistics of a surface
- Intermutual -
- Intern - apprentice
- Internal - within
- Internalize - incorporate within one's self
- Internalized - incorporate within one's self
- Internalizing - incorporate within one's self
- Internally - inside
- Internals - center, core
- International - worldwide
- Internationally - globally
- Internecine - involving conflict within a group
- Interned - confine; put in jail
- Internee - person jailed for crime; person kept against his or her will
- Internees - person jailed for crime; person kept against his or her will
- Internet - computer network
- Internets - computer network
- Interning - confine; put in jail
- Internment - physical detention by force
- Internments - physical detention by force
- Interns - apprentice
- Internship - teacher's assistantship
- Internships - teacher's assistantship
- Internuncio - person who carries messages or deliveries
- Internuncios - person who carries messages or deliveries
- Interoperable -
- Interpersonal - between persons
- Interplay - interaction
- Interplayed - communicate
- Interplaying - communicate
- Interplays - interaction
- Interpolate - add
- Interpolated - add
- Interpolates - add
- Interpolating - add
- Interpolation - something new; something that begins
- Interpolations - something new; something that begins
- Interpose - interrupt
- Interposed - interrupt
- Interposes - interrupt
- Interposing - interrupt
- Interposition - meddling, impedance
- Interpositions - meddling, impedance
- Interpret - make sense of; define
- Interpretable - explainable
- Interpretation - understanding
- Interpretations - understanding
- Interpretative - explanatory
- Interpreted - elucidated
- Interpreter - translator
- Interpreters - translator
- Interpreting - make sense of; define
- Interpretive - explanatory
- Interprets - make sense of; define
- Interracial - open to all races
- Interred - bury
- Interregna - in the intervening time
- Interregnum - in the intervening time
- Interregnums - in the intervening time
- Interrelate - correlate, pertain
- Interrelated - connected, accompanying
- Interrelates - correlate, pertain
- Interrelating - filling, completing
- Interrelation - connection; friendship
- Interrelations - connection; friendship
- Interring - bury
- Interrogate - ask pointed questions
- Interrogated - ask pointed questions
- Interrogates - ask pointed questions
- Interrogating - ask pointed questions
- Interrogation - questioning
- Interrogations - questioning
- Interrogative - quizzical
- Interrogator - inquisitor
- Interrogatories - inquiry
- Interrogators - inquisitor
- Interrogatory - inquiry
- Interrupt - bother, interfere
- Interrupted - stopped
- Interrupter - person who trespasses
- Interrupters - person who trespasses
- Interrupting - bother, interfere
- Interruption - break; interference
- Interruptions - break; interference
- Interrupts - bother, interfere
- Inters - bury
- Intersect - cut across; cross at a point
- Intersected - cut across; cross at a point
- Intersecting - cut across; cross at a point
- Intersection - crossroads
- Intersections - crossroads
- Intersects - cut across; cross at a point
- Intersexual - having relations with either gender
- Interspace - gap
- Interspaces - gap
- intersperse - introduce one's writing or speech with certain expressions
- Interspersed - scatter
- Intersperses - scatter
- Interspersing - scatter
- Interstate - concerning a country with a
- Interstates - highway
- interstice - a small structural space between tissues or parts of an organ
- Interstices - opening, crack
- Intertangle - involve, mix up
- Intertangled - involve, mix up
- Intertangles - involve, mix up
- Intertangling - involve, mix up
- Intertropical -
- Intertwine - twist
- Intertwined - twist around
- Intertwines - twist around
- Intertwining - twist around
- Intertwist - twist around
- Intertwisted - twist around
- Intertwisting - twist around
- Intertwists - twist around
- Interurban - metropolitan
- Interval - break, pause
- Intervals - break, pause
- Intervene - mediate
- Intervened - mediate
- Intervenes - mediate
- Intervening - intermediary
- Intervention - the act of intervening
- Interventions - the act of intervening
- Interview - questioning and evaluation
- Interviewed - ask questions and evaluate
- Interviewee - one who is interviewed
- Interviewees - one who is interviewed
- Interviewer - questioner
- Interviewers - questioner
- Interviewing - questioning and evaluation
- Interviews - questioning and evaluation
- Intervolve - twist around
- Intervolved - twist around
- Intervolves - twist around
- Intervolving - twist around
- Interweave - interlace
- Interweaved - twist around
- Interweaves - twist around
- Interweaving - twist around
- Interwind - twist around
- Interwinding - twist around
- Interwinds - twist around
- Interwound - twist around
- Interwove - twist around
- Interwoven - knit
- Interwreathe - twist around
- Interwreathed - twist around
- Interwreathes - twist around
- Interwreathing - twist around
- Intestinal - stomach
- Intestine - bodily organ
- Intestines - entrails
- Inti - attraction, curiosity
- Intimacies - closeness between people
- Intimacy - closeness between people
- Intimate - friendly, devoted
- Intimated - suggest; tip off
- Intimately - closely
- Intimates - friendly, devoted
- Intimating - suggest; tip off
- Intimation - clue, hint
- Intimations - clue, hint
- Intimidate - frighten, threaten
- Intimidated - frightened
- Intimidates - frighten, threaten
- Intimidating - threatening
- Intimidation - bullying
- Intimidations - bullying
- Intimidator - bully
- Intimidators - bully
- Intimidatory - intimidating, ominous
- Intinction - sacrament of church
- Intinctions - sacrament of church
- Into - inside
- Intolerable - unacceptable; beyond bearing
- Intolerance - lack of willingness to tolerate
- Intolerances - lack of willingness to tolerate
- Intolerant - impatient, prejudiced
- Intonate - express opinion; put into words
- Intonated - spoken
- Intonates - express opinion; put into words
- Intonating - express opinion; put into words
- Intonation - inflection
- Intonations - inflection
- Intone - utter
- Intoned - utter
- Intoner - person who can carry a tune
- Intoners - person who can carry a tune
- Intones - utter
- Intoning - utter
- Intonings - warbling
- Intorsion - deformity; falsification
- Intorsions - deformity; falsification
- Intoxicant - alcohol
- Intoxicants - alcohol
- Intoxicate - anger, aggravate
- Intoxicated - drunk
- Intoxicates - anger, aggravate
- Intoxicating - causing great happiness
- Intoxication - inebriation
- Intoxications - inebriation
- Intoxicative - hard
- Intra - following
- Intractability - unruliness
- Intractable - difficult
- Intractableness - unruliness
- Intractably - stubbornly
- Intramural - in the middle; interior
- Intransigence - stubbornness
- Intransigences - stubbornness
- Intransigencies - stubbornness
- Intransigency - stubbornness
- intransigent - impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, reason
- Intransigents - person who is politically conservative
- Intrapersonal - within one's self
- Intravenous - within a vein
- Intrench - infringe
- Intrenched - infringe
- Intrenches - infringe
- Intrenching - infringe
- Intrepid - brave, nervy
- Intrepidities - courage
- Intrepidity - courage
- Intrepidness - courage
- Intrepidnesses - courage
- Intricacies - complication
- Intricacy - complication
- Intricate - complicated, elaborate
- Intricateness - complication, mess
- Intricatenesses - complication, mess
- Intrigue - scheme
- Intrigued - attracted
- Intriguer - person who is disloyal
- Intriguers - person who is disloyal
- Intrigues - scheme
- Intriguing - interesting
- Intrinsic - basic, inborn
- Intrinsicality - center, core
- Intrinsically - essentially
- Intro - something new; something that begins
- Introduce - make known; present
- Introduced - brought in
- Introducer - authority
- Introducers - authority
- Introduces - make known; present
- Introducing - make known; present
- Introduction - something new; something that begins
- Introductions - something new; something that begins
- Introductory - preliminary, first
- Introgression - introduction; permission to enter
- Introgressions - introduction; permission to enter
- Intromission - admission
- Intromissions - admission
- Intromit - admit
- Intromits - admit
- Intromitted - admit
- Intromitting - admit
- Intros - something new; something that begins
- Introspection - self-analysis
- Introspections - self-analysis
- Introspective - contemplative
- Introspectively - rationally
- Introversion - self-analysis
- Introversions - self-analysis
- Introversive -
- Introvert - person who retreats mentally
- Introverted - reserved
- Introverting - reverse; turn upside down
- Introvertive - dreamy
- Introverts - person who retreats mentally
- Intrude - trespass, interrupt
- Intruded - trespass, interrupt
- Intruder - person who trespasses
- Intruders - person who trespasses
- Intrudes - trespass, interrupt
- Intruding - trespass, interrupt
- Intrusion - interruption
- Intrusions - interruption
- Intrusive - obtrusive
- Intrusiveness - nerve, audacity
- Intrusivenesses - nerve, audacity
- Intrust - deliver, entrust
- Intrusted - lent
- Intrusting - transfer, transmittal
- Intrusts - deliver, entrust
- Intuit - perceive
- Intuited - perceive
- Intuiting - perceive
- Intuition - insight
- Intuitional - reflex, automatic
- Intuitionism - psychic power
- Intuitionisms - psychic power
- Intuitions - insight
- Intuitive - instinctive
- Intuitively - inherently
- Intuitiveness - instinct
- Intuitivenesses - instinct
- Intuitivism - psychic power
- Intuitivisms - psychic power
- Intuits - perceive
- Intumescence - swollen object
- Intumescences - swollen object
- Intumescent - swollen
- Inuktitut -
- Inumbrate - shut out the light
- Inumbrated - shut out the light
- Inumbrates - shut out the light
- Inumbrating - shut out the light
- Inundant - abundant
- inundate - fill or cover completely, usually with water
- Inundated - drown, overwhelm
- Inundates - drown, overwhelm
- Inundating - drown, overwhelm
- Inundation - deluge
- Inundations - deluge
- Inundatory - abundant
- Inurbane - crude, awkward
- Inurbanities - disrespect
- Inurbanity - disrespect
- inure - cause to accept or become hardened to; habituate
- Inured - accustom
- Inures - accustom
- Inuring - accustom
- Inurn - bury
- Inurned - bury
- Inurning - burial
- Inurnment - burial
- Inurnments - burial
- Inurns - bury
- Inusitation - state of non-use
- Inusitations - state of non-use
- Inutile - useless
- Inutilities - disabling lack of talent, skill
- Inutility - disabling lack of talent, skill
- Invade - attack and encroach
- Invaded - attack and encroach
- Invader - trespasser
- Invaders - trespasser
- Invades - attack and encroach
- Invading - attack and encroach
- Invalescence -
- Invalid - worthless; unfounded
- Invalidate - render null and void
- Invalidated - render null and void
- Invalidates - render null and void
- Invalidating - render null and void
- Invalidation - abolition
- Invalidations - abolition
- Invalided - limited, enclosed
- Invalidities - defect, proneness
- Invalidity - defect, proneness
- Invalids - worthless; unfounded
- Invaluable - priceless
- Invariabilities - boredom; sameness
- Invariability - boredom; sameness
- Invariable - not changing
- Invariably - perpetually
- Invariant - even
- Invasion - attack, encroachment
- Invasions - attack, encroachment
- Invasive - obtrusive
- invective - abusive or venomous language used to express blame or censure or bitter deep-seated ill will
- Invectives - verbal abuse
- inveigh - speak against in an impassioned manner
- Inveighed - blame, denounce
- Inveighing - blame, denounce
- Inveighs - blame, denounce
- inveigle - influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering
- Inveigled - entice, manipulate
- Inveiglement - lure
- Inveiglements - lure
- Inveigler - seducer
- Inveiglers - seducer
- Inveigles - entice, manipulate
- Inveigling - seductive
- Invent - create, think up
- Invented - fictitious
- Inventing - create, think up
- Invention - creation, creativeness
- Inventions - creation, creativeness
- Inventive - creative
- Inventiveness - invention
- Inventivenesses - invention
- Inventor - discoverer
- Inventoried - keep detailed record
- Inventories - list of stock; stock
- Inventors - discoverer
- Inventory - list of stock; stock
- Inventorying - keep detailed record
- Invents - create, think up
- Inveracities - lie
- Inveracity - lie
- Inverness - heavy coat
- Invernesses - heavy coat
- Inverse - opposite
- Inversed - reverse; turn upside down
- Inversely - with the order reversed
- Inverses - contradiction, denial
- Inversing - reverse; turn upside down
- Inversion - transposition
- Inversions - transposition
- Invert - reverse; turn upside down
- Invertebrate - weak, useless
- Invertebrates - person who has no strength
- Inverted - upside-down
- Inverting - reverse; turn upside down
- Inverts - reverse; turn upside down
- Invest - contribute money to make money
- Invested - contribute money to make money
- Investigate - check into thoroughly
- Investigated - examined
- Investigates - check into thoroughly
- Investigating - fact-finding
- Investigation - thorough check
- Investigations - thorough check
- Investigative - curious
- Investigator - person who checks thoroughly
- Investigators - person who checks thoroughly
- Investigatory - wondering, curious
- Investing - contribute money to make money
- Investiture - initiation
- Investitures - initiation
- Investment - something given, lent for a return
- Investments - something given, lent for a return
- Investor - financier
- Investors - financier
- Invests - contribute money to make money
- inveterate - in a habitual and longstanding manner
- invidious - containing or implying a slight or showing prejudice
- Invidiousness - jealousy
- Invidiousnesses - jealousy
- invigilate - watch over (students taking an exam, to prevent cheating)
- Invigilator - person who watches, oversees
- Invigilators - person who watches, oversees
- invigorate - impart vigor, strength, or vitality to
- Invigorated - stimulate
- Invigorates - stimulate
- Invigorating - stimulating
- Invigoration - activating
- Invigorations - rebirth
- Invigorative - alive
- Invigorator - restorative drink, medicine
- Invigorators - restorative drink, medicine
- Invincibilities - bravery
- Invincibility - bravery
- Invincible - indestructible
- Invincibly - powerfully
- Inviolabilities - sanctity
- Inviolability - sanctity
- Inviolable - divine
- Inviolate - virginal, chaste
- Invisibilities - obscurity
- Invisibility - obscurity
- Invisible - unable to be seen; hidden
- Invisibly - imperceptibly
- Invitation - proposal; asking
- Invitations - proposal; asking
- Invite - ask to do something socially
- Invited - ask to do something socially
- Invitee - person temporarily in a foreign location
- Invitees - person temporarily in a foreign location
- Invites - ask to do something socially
- Inviting - alluring, captivating
- Invitingly - in a becoming manner
- Invitings - solicitation
- Invocate - plead; call upon for help, answer
- Invocated - plead; call upon for help, answer
- Invocates - plead; call upon for help, answer
- Invocating - plead; call upon for help, answer
- Invocation - prayer
- Invocations - prayer
- Invoice - itemized bill
- Invoiced - not said
- Invoices - itemized bill
- Invoicing - keep a record; tabulate
- Invoke - call upon
- Invoked - call upon
- Invokes - call upon
- Invoking - call upon
- Involucred -
- Involuntarily - helplessly
- Involuntary - automatic; not done willingly
- Involute - complex
- Involuted - rotating
- Involution - rotation
- Involutions - rotation
- Involve - draw in; include
- Involved - complicated
- Involvement - difficulty
- Involvements - difficulty
- Involves - draw in; include
- Involving - draw in; include
- Invulnerability - care, guardianship
- Invulnerable - invincible
- Inward - ingoing
- Inwardly - by nature
- Inwardness - closeness between people
- Inwardnesses - closeness between people
- Inwrought - innate, inherent
- Iodinophilous -
- Ionic - concerning ancient culture
- Ionopause -
- Iota - small bit
- Iotas - small bit
- Iou -
- Ipecac -
- Ipo -
- Ipod -
- Irascibilities - temper
- Irascibility - temper
- irascible - characterized by anger
- Irascibleness - temper
- Irasciblenesses - temper
- Irate - angry
- Irately - with anger
- Irateness - anger
- Iratenesses - anger
- Ire - anger
- Ired - make very angry
- Ireful - furious
- Irenarch -
- irenic - Tending to promote peace or reconciliation; peaceful or amicable.
- Irenics - expression to attain peace
- Ires - anger
- Iridaceous -
- Iridescence - luminosity
- Iridescences - luminosity
- iridescent - varying in color when seen in different lights or from different angles
- Iring - make very angry
- Irisated -
- Irised - rainbow-colored
- Irish soda bread -
- Irk - aggravate; rub the wrong way
- Irked - aggravate; rub the wrong way
- Irking - aggravate; rub the wrong way
- Irks - aggravate; rub the wrong way
- Irksome - annoying
- Irksomeness - dullness, monotony
- Irksomenesses - dullness, monotony
- Iron - hard, tough; inflexible
- Ironclad - fixed, rigid
- Ironed - pressed
- Ironfisted - mean, heartless
- Ironhanded - overwhelming, repressive
- Ironhearted - hard-hearted, numb
- Ironic - sarcastic
- Ironical - cynical
- Ironically - comically
- Ironies - sarcasm
- Ironing - cleaning, maintaining a home
- Ironings - cleaning, maintaining a home
- Irons - hard, tough; inflexible
- Ironware - tools; fittings, especially made of metal
- Ironwares - tools; fittings, especially made of metal
- Ironwood tree -
- Irony - sarcasm
- Irradiant - bright
- Irradiate - illuminate
- Irradiated - illuminate
- Irradiates - illuminate
- Irradiating - illuminate
- Irradiation - luminescence from sun or other source
- Irradiations - luminescence from sun or other source
- Irradicable - confirmed
- Irrational - illogical, senseless
- Irrationalities - unreason
- Irrationality - unreason
- Irrationally - illogically
- Irrealizable - impossible
- Irrebuttable - beyond question
- Irreconcilable - hostile, conflicting
- Irrecoverable - unfixable, unchangeable
- Irredeemable - bad, hopeless
- Irreducible - profiting
- Irreflective - accidental
- Irrefragable - lasting, unable to be destroyed
- Irrefrangible - lasting, unable to be destroyed
- Irrefutable - beyond question
- Irrefutably - without doubt
- Irregular - random, variable
- Irregularities - unevenness
- Irregularity - unevenness
- Irregularly - intermittently
- Irregulars - bushfighter
- Irrelapsable -
- Irrelative - not relevant
- Irrelevance - irrelevancy
- Irrelevances - irrelevancy
- Irrelevancies - digression
- Irrelevancy - digression
- Irrelevant - beside the point
- Irreligion - belief that no god exists
- Irreligionist - nonbeliever
- Irreligionists - nonbeliever
- Irreligions - belief that no god exists
- Irreligious - ungodly
- Irremediable - hopeless
- Irremissible - required, necessary
- Irreparable - unable to be fixed
- Irreplaceable - unable to be fixed
- Irreprehensible - exemplary
- Irrepressibility -
- Irrepressible - effervescent, vivacious
- Irreproachable - innocent
- Irreproachableness -
- Irreproachably - happily, pleasantly; capably
- Irreprovable - innocent
- Irresistible - compelling; inescapable
- Irresistibly - inevitably, certainly
- Irresolute - indecisive
- Irresolutely - skeptically
- Irresoluteness - hesitation
- Irresolution - hesitation
- Irresolutions - hesitation
- Irresolvable - mysterious, unable to be solved or answered
- Irresolvedly -
- Irrespective - without regard
- Irresponsible - careless, reckless
- Irresponsibly - heedlessly
- Irretrievable - unable to be fixed
- Irreverence - disrespect
- Irreverences - disrespect
- Irreverent - disrespectful
- Irreverential - disrespectful
- Irreversible - irrevocable
- Irrevocability - definiteness, conclusiveness
- Irrevocable - fixed, unchangeable
- Irrevocably - beyond any doubt
- Irrigate - water
- Irrigated - water
- Irrigates - water
- Irrigating - water
- Irrigation - watering
- Irrigations - watering
- Irriguous - wet, wettish
- Irritabilities - irascibility
- Irritability - irascibility
- Irritable - bad-tempered, crabby
- Irritableness - inability, unwillingness to wait
- Irritablenesses - inability, unwillingness to wait
- Irritably - with anger
- Irritant - annoyance
- Irritants - annoyance
- Irritate - upset, anger
- Irritated - annoyed
- Irritates - upset, anger
- Irritating - vexatious
- Irritatingly - painfully
- Irritation - sensitivity
- Irritations - sensitivity
- Irrupt - pour out, flood
- Irrupted - pour out, flood
- Irrupting - pour out, flood
- Irruption - aggression
- Irruptions - aggression
- Irrupts - pour out, flood
- Irs -
- Is - exist
- Isagoge -
- Isas -
- Isatogen -
- Isc -
- Ischemia - blood deficiency
- Ischemias - blood deficiency
- Island - land surrounded by body of water
- Islanded - protect; close off
- Islanding - protect; close off
- Islands - land surrounded by body of water
- Isle - land surrounded by body of water
- Isles - land surrounded by body of water
- Islet - land surrounded by body of water
- Islets - land surrounded by body of water
- Ism - religious belief, group
- Isms - religious belief, group
- Isobar - meteorological map
- Isobars - meteorological map
- Isochronal - recurrent
- Isochronism - era, phase
- Isochronisms - era, phase
- Isochronous - recurrent
- Isogloss - people sharing language or dialect
- Isoglosses - people sharing language or dialect
- Isolate - cut off, set apart
- Isolated - unique; private
- Isolates - cut off, set apart
- Isolating - cut off, set apart
- Isolation - seclusion
- Isolationism - absence of feeling, interest
- Isolationisms - absence of feeling, interest
- Isolationist - unoriginal
- Isolationists - neutral country
- Isolations - seclusion
- Isoline - map line showing height
- Isolines - map line showing height
- Isonomies - similarity, balance; egalitarianism
- Isonomy - similarity, balance; egalitarianism
- Isotonic -
- Issuance - distribution
- Issuances - distribution
- Issue - point in question
- Issued - circulated
- Issues - point in question
- Issuing - distribute
- Isthmi - narrow connector
- Isthmus - narrow connector
- Isthmuses - narrow connector
- Istic -
- It - ability to draw attention; something that draws attention
- Italian -
- Italic - printing font
- Italicize - emphasize
- Italicized - emphasize
- Italicizes - emphasize
- Italicizing - emphasize
- Italics - printing font
- Itch - scratching; tingling
- Itched - scratching; tingling
- Itches - scratching; tingling
- Itchier - itching
- Itchiest - itching
- Itchiness - scratching; tingling
- Itchinesses - scratching; tingling
- Itching - scratch; tingle
- Itching for -
- Itchings - fidgetiness
- Itchy - itching
- Item - part, article
- Itemization - list of stock; stock
- Itemizations - list of stock; stock
- Itemize - keep detailed record
- Itemized - counted
- Itemizes - keep detailed record
- Itemizing - keep detailed record
- Items - part, article
- Iterance - duplication; doing again
- Iterances - duplication; doing again
- Iterant - irregular, sporadic
- Iterate - say again
- Iterated - say again
- Iterates - say again
- Iterating - say again
- Iteration - redundancy
- Iterations - redundancy
- Iterative - repetitive
- Ither -
- Itinerant - roaming
- Itinerants - person who moves to a foreign place
- Itineraries - plan of travel
- Itinerary - plan of travel
- Itinerate - itinerant
- Its - belonging to individual
- Iverson -
- Ivied -
- Ivories - trophy or memorial
- Ivory - fair
- Iwis -
Vocabulary List
- Words that Start with A
- Words that Start with B
- Words that Start with c
- Words that Start with D
- Words that Start with E
- Words that Start with F
- Words that Start with g
- Words that Start with H
- Words that Start with I
- Words that Start with J
- Words that Start with K
- Words that Start with L
- Words that Start with M
- Words that Start with N
- Words that Start with O
- Words that Start with P
- Words that Start with Q
- Words that Start with R
- Words that Start with S
- Words that Start with T
- Words that Start with U
- Words that Start with V
- Words that Start with W
- Words that Start with Y
- Words that Start with Z
Idioms by Category
- The Most Common English Idioms
- Common English Idioms
- Familiar English Idioms
- Idioms about Age
- Idioms about animals
- Idioms about art
- Idioms about clothes
- Idioms about colors
- Idioms about crime
- Idioms about death
- Idioms about dreams
- Idioms about food
- Idioms about furniture
- Idioms about general
- Idioms about health
- Idioms about home
- Idioms about language
- Idioms about law
- Idioms about life
- Idioms about love
- Idioms about men and women
- Idioms about money
- Idioms about music
- Idioms about names
- Idioms about nationalities
- Idioms about nature
- Idioms about numbers
- Idioms about parts of the body
- Idioms about relationship
- Idioms about religion
- Idioms about sexuality
- Idioms about sport
- Idioms about technology and science
- Idioms about time
- Idioms about travel
- Idioms about war
- Idioms about weather
- Idioms about work
- IDIOMS beginning with A
- IDIOMS beginning with B
- IDIOMS beginning with C
- IDIOMS beginning with D
- IDIOMS beginning with E
- IDIOMS beginning with F
- IDIOMS beginning with G
- IDIOMS beginning with H
- IDIOMS beginning with I
- IDIOMS beginning with J
- IDIOMS beginning with K
- IDIOMS beginning with L
- IDIOMS beginning with M
- IDIOMS beginning with N
- IDIOMS beginning with O
- IDIOMS beginning with P
- IDIOMS beginning with Q
- IDIOMS beginning with R
- IDIOMS beginning with S
- IDIOMS beginning with T
- IDIOMS beginning with U
- IDIOMS beginning with V
- IDIOMS beginning with W
- IDIOMS beginning with X
- IDIOMS beginning with Y
- IDIOMS beginning with Z
Phrases by Category
- Common Expression
- Greetings
- Travel & Directions
- Number and Money
- Location
- Phone and Internet and Mail
- Time and dates
- Accommodations
- Dining
- Making friends
- Entertainment
- Shopping
- Communication difficulties
- Emergency and health
- General questions
- Work
- Weather
- Miscellaneous
- Phrases beginning with A
- Phrases beginning with B
- Phrases beginning with c
- Phrases beginning with D
- Phrases beginning with E
- Phrases beginning with F
- Phrases beginning with g
- Phrases beginning with H
- Phrases beginning with I
- Phrases beginning with J
- Phrases beginning with K
- Phrases beginning with L
- Phrases beginning with M
- Phrases beginning with N
- Phrases beginning with O
- Phrases beginning with P
- Phrases beginning with Q
- Phrases beginning with R
- Phrases beginning with S
- Phrases beginning with T
- Phrases beginning with U
- Phrases beginning with V
- Phrases beginning with W
- Phrases beginning with Y
- Phrases beginning with Z