Words Beginning with l - list and definitions learning English
- Laam -
- Lab - testing room
- Label - marker, description; brand
- Labeled - mark, describe; brand
- Labeler -
- Labeling - mark, describe; brand
- Labelled - mark, describe; brand
- Labelling - mark, describe; brand
- Labels - marker, description; brand
- Labia - edge, brink
- Labia majora -
- Labial -
- Labidometer -
- Labium - edge, brink
- Labor - work, undertaking
- Labor day -
- Laboratories - testing room
- Laboratory - testing room
- Labored - difficult to understand, unclear
- Laborer - worker
- Laborers - worker
- Laboring - work very hard
- Laborious - hard, difficult
- Laboriously - strenuously
- Laboriousness - diligence
- Laboriousnesses - diligence
- Labors - work, undertaking
- Laborsaving - done by machine; machinelike
- Labour party -
- Labra - edge, brink
- Labrum - edge, brink
- Labs - testing room
- Labyrinth - maze, complexity
- Labyrinthine - mazelike
- Labyrinths - maze, complexity
- Lacanian -
- Lace - netted material
- Laced - fasten, intertwine
- Lacelike - delicate, netlike
- Lacerate - tear, cut; wound
- Lacerated - tear, cut; wound
- Lacerates - tear, cut; wound
- Lacerating - tear, cut; wound
- Laceration - cut, wound
- Lacerations - cut, wound
- Laces - netted material
- Lacework - mesh, web
- Laceworks - mesh, web
- lachrymose - showing sorrow
- Lacier - delicate, netlike
- Laciest - delicate, netlike
- Lacing - netted material
- Lacings - defeat
- Lack - deficiency, need
- Lack of balance -
- lackadaisical - lacking spirit or liveliness
- Lackadaisically - nonchalantly
- Lacked - do not have
- Lacker - deny or be denied
- Lackey - servant
- Lackeys - servant
- Lacking - wanting, deficient
- Lackluster - dull, lifeless
- Lacks - deficiency, need
- Laclos -
- laconic - brief and to the point; effectively cut short
- Laconism - absence of sound, speech
- Laconisms - absence of sound, speech
- Lacquer - coating
- Lacquered - add a layer to; embellish
- Lacquering - add a layer to; embellish
- Lacquers - coating
- Lactate - give milk, usually from breast
- Lactated - give milk, usually from breast
- Lactates - give milk, usually from breast
- Lactating - give milk, usually from breast
- Lactation - removal of liquid
- Lactations - removal of liquid
- Lacteal - white, cloudy
- Lacteous - white, cloudy
- Lactescent - white, cloudy
- Lactose - organic compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
- Lactoses - organic compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
- Lacuna - pause
- Lacunae - pause
- Lacunas - pause
- Lacy - delicate, netlike
- Lad - young man
- Ladakh -
- Ladder - graduated system
- Ladders - graduated system
- Lade - dip
- Laded - dip
- Laden - loaded down
- Lades - dip
- Ladies - woman
- Lading - cargo
- Ladings - cargo
- Ladle - scoop
- Ladled - dig up; shovel
- Ladles - scoop
- Ladling - dig up; shovel
- Lads - young man
- Lady - woman
- Ladybug - bug
- Ladybugs - bug
- Ladylike - feminine
- Ladylove - ladylove
- Ladyloves - ladylove
- Ladyship - term of respect, usually to royalty
- Ladyships - term of respect, usually to royalty
- Lag - move slowly; delay
- Lagan - floating or washed ashore objects
- Lagans - floating or washed ashore objects
- Lager - beer
- Lagers - beer
- laggard - someone who takes more time than necessary; someone who lags behind
- Laggardly - casually, unhurriedly
- Laggards - straggler
- Lagged - move slowly; delay
- Lagger - laggard
- Laggers - laggard
- Lagging - backward
- Laggings - lapse of time
- lagniappe - a small gift (especially one given by a merchant to a customer who makes a purchase)
- Lagniappes - benefit
- Lagomorph - rabbitlike animal
- Lagomorphs - rabbitlike animal
- Lagoon - shallow body of water
- Lagoons - shallow body of water
- Lagophthalmia -
- Lags - move slowly; delay
- Laic - amateur
- Laical - not spiritual or religious
- Laics - amateur person, not trained in religious or other profession
- Laid - put, place
- Lain - tell an untruth
- Lair - hideout, habitat
- Laird - owner
- Lairds - owner
- Lairs - hideout, habitat
- laissez-faire - with minimally restricted freedom in commerce
- Laities - believers
- Laity - believers
- Lake - inland body of water
- Lakefront - ground bounding waters
- Lakefronts - ground bounding waters
- Lakelet - inland body of water
- Lakelets - inland body of water
- Lakes - inland body of water
- Lakeshore - ground bounding waters
- Lakeshores - ground bounding waters
- Lakeside - ground bounding waters
- Lakesides - ground bounding waters
- Lakeweed -
- Lam - escape
- Lama - man who is minister in roman or orthodox catholic church
- Lamas - man who is minister in roman or orthodox catholic church
- Lamaseries - place where monks live
- Lamasery - place where monks live
- Lamb - dupe
- lambaste - censure severely or angrily
- Lambasted - punish, beat
- Lambastes - punish, beat
- Lambasting - punish, beat
- Lambdacism -
- Lambed - care for lovingly
- Lambencies - luminescence from sun or other source
- Lambency - luminescence from sun or other source
- lambent - softly bright or radiant
- Lamber - childlike, trusting
- Lambing - care for lovingly
- Lamblia -
- Lambs - dupe
- Lame - unable to walk properly
- Lamebrain - eccentric person
- Lamebrained - absent-minded, unobservant
- Lamebrains - eccentric person
- Lamed - put out of action
- Lamella - sheet, panel
- Lamellae - sheet, panel
- Lamellas - sheet, panel
- Lamellicornia -
- Lameness - faltering walk
- Lamenesses - faltering walk
- Lament - to mourn or grieve deeply
- Lamentable - upsetting, miserable
- Lamentably - unluckily
- Lamentation - grief, complaint
- Lamentations - grief, complaint
- Lamented - to mourn or grieve deeply
- Lamenting - sobbing
- Lamentings - sadness, time of sadness
- Laments - grief, complaint
- Lamer - unable to walk properly
- Lames - put out of action
- Lamest - unable to walk properly
- Lamia - witch
- Lamiae - witch
- Lamias - witch
- Lamina - skin
- Laminae - skin
- Laminas - skin
- Laminate - cover with veneer
- Laminated - flaky
- Laminates - cover with veneer
- Laminating - cover with veneer
- Lamination - coating
- Laminations - coating
- Laming - put out of action
- Laminous - flaky
- Lammed - escape
- Lamming - escape
- Lamp - lantern
- Lamped - see, notice
- Lamping - see, notice
- Lampoon - parody, satire
- Lampooned - ridicule, make fun of
- Lampooneries - satire
- Lampoonery - satire
- Lampooning - ridicule, make fun of
- Lampoons - parody, satire
- Lampris -
- Lamps - lantern
- Lampyrid - nocturnal luminescent beetle
- Lampyrids - nocturnal luminescent beetle
- Lams - escape
- Lamster - fleeing, transient
- Lamy -
- Lanarkshire -
- Lanate - fluffy
- Lance - pierce
- Lanced - pierce
- Lanceolar - narrowing
- Lancer -
- Lancers - troops riding horses
- Lances - pierce
- Lancet - cutting tool
- Lancets - cutting tool
- Lancinating - sharp
- Lancination - sharp pain
- Lancinations - sharp pain
- Lancing - pierce
- Land - earth's surface; ownable property
- Landed - arrive, come to rest on
- Landfill - dump
- Landfills - dump
- Landholding - property and buildings for sale
- Landholdings - property and buildings for sale
- Landing - harbor
- Landings - harbor
- Landladies - woman head of household
- Landlady - woman head of household
- Landlord - owner of property leased
- Landlords - owner of property leased
- Landmark - historical or notable sight
- Landmarks - historical or notable sight
- Landowner - person who has possession of
- Landowners - person who has possession of
- Lands - earth's surface; ownable property
- Landscape - countryside; picture of countryside
- Landscaped - produce crops, raise animals
- Landscaper - vegetable grower
- Landscapers - vegetable grower
- Landscapes - countryside; picture of countryside
- Landscaping - lawn
- Landscapings - lawn
- Landscapist - artist
- Landscapists - artist
- Landsleit - person from one's country
- Landslide - landslip
- Landslides - landslip
- Landslip - falling large mass; sudden rush of large quantity
- Landslips - falling large mass; sudden rush of large quantity
- Landsman - person from one's country
- Landsmen - person from one's country
- Lane - road
- Lanes - road
- Language - system of words for communication
- Languages - system of words for communication
- Langue - language
- Langues - language
- languid - lacking spirit or liveliness
- Languidly - nonchalantly
- Languidness - lethargy
- Languidnesses - lethargy
- Languish - droop; become dull, listless
- Languished - droop; become dull, listless
- Languishes - droop; become dull, listless
- Languishing - weak
- Languishings - sadness, time of sadness
- Languishment - exhaustion
- Languishments - exhaustion
- languor - a feeling of lack of interest or energy
- Languorous - languid
- Languorousness - unwillingness to work, be active
- Languors - lethargy
- Laniaries - bony object in mouth
- Laniary - bony object in mouth
- Laniferous - fluffy
- Lank - thin
- Lanker - thin
- Lankest - thin
- Lankier - tall and thin
- Lankiest - tall and thin
- Lankiness - slimness
- Lankinesses - slimness
- Lanky - tall and thin
- Lanolin - cosmetic cream for cleaning and softening the skin
- Lanolins - cosmetic cream for cleaning and softening the skin
- Lanose - fluffy
- Lantern - lamp
- Lanterns - lamp
- Lanugo - fluff
- Lanugos - fluff
- Lanyard - cord
- Lanyards - cord
- Lap - orbit, circuit
- Laparotomy -
- Lapel - fold
- Lapels - fold
- Lapidarian - rugged, stony
- Lapidaries - precious stones expert
- Lapidary - precious stones expert
- Lapidate - beat; throw hard
- Lapidated - beat; throw hard
- Lapidates - beat; throw hard
- Lapidating - beat; throw hard
- Lapidescence -
- Lapidified - make hard
- Lapidifies - make hard
- Lapidify - make hard
- Lapidifying - make hard
- Lapin - animal
- Lapins - animal
- Lapped - slosh, wash against
- Lapping - slosh, wash against
- Lappings - wave; water movement
- Laps - orbit, circuit
- Lapse - mistake
- Lapsed - past
- Lapses - mistake
- Lapsing - become void; fall back into previous pattern
- Lapstrake - covering and coinciding
- Laptop - desktop computer
- Laptops - desktop computer
- Lapwing -
- Larboard - on west side when facing north
- Larcener - person who steals
- Larceners - person who steals
- Larcenies - theft
- Larcenist - stealer
- Larcenists - stealer
- Larcenous - thievish
- Larceny - theft
- Lard - fat
- Lardaceous - fatty
- Larded - make slippery
- Larder - provisions
- Larders - provisions
- Lardier - fatty, greasy
- Lardiest - fatty, greasy
- Larding - make slippery
- Lards - fat
- Lardy - fatty, greasy
- Large - big, abundant
- Largehearted - generous
- Largely - to a great extent
- Largeness - magnitude
- Largenesses - magnitude
- Larger - best
- Largess - generosity
- largesse - liberality in bestowing gifts; extremely liberal and generous of spirit
- Largesses - benefit
- Largest - best
- Largish - sizable
- Lariat - rope
- Lariats - rope
- Lark - escapade
- Larked - take pleasure; celebrate
- Larker - person who jokes, plays jokes
- Larkers - person who jokes, plays jokes
- Larking - laughing, joyful
- Larkish - playful and fair
- Larks - escapade
- Larrikin - crook
- Larrikins - crook
- Larrup - assault physically
- Larruped - assault physically
- Larruping - assault physically
- Larrups - assault physically
- Larva - worm
- Larvae - worm
- Larval - basic, fundamental
- Larvate - concealed
- Larynges - vocal organs
- Larynx - vocal organs
- Larynxes - vocal organs
- Lasagna - noodles
- Lasagnas - noodles
- Lascar - person who travels by sea
- Lascars - person who travels by sea
- Lascivious - sexually aroused; displaying excessive interest in sex
- Lasciviousness - lechery
- Laser - ray of light
- Lasers - ray of light
- Lash - beat, whip
- Lashed - beat, whip
- Lashes - beat, whip
- Lashing - thrashing
- Lashings - beating
- Lass - young woman
- Lasse -
- Lasses - young woman
- Lassie - young woman
- Lassies - young woman
- lassitude - a feeling of lack of interest or energy
- Lassitudes - lethargy
- Lasso - lariat
- Lassoed - tied
- Lassoes - lariat
- Lassoing - capture
- Lassos - lariat
- Last - final; newest
- Lasted - continue, endure
- Laster - final; newest
- Lasting - enduring, unending
- Lastingly - for all time
- Lastingness - extent of object, distance, time
- Lastingnesses - extent of object, distance, time
- Lastly - in the end
- Lasts - end
- Laszlo -
- Latch - lock
- Latched - lock
- Latches - lock
- Latching - lock
- Latchkey - item that unlocks
- Latchkeys - item that unlocks
- Late - not on time
- Latecomer - person who has just arrived in area
- Latecomers - person who has just arrived in area
- Lately - new, recently
- Latencies - abeyance
- Latency - abeyance
- Lateness - belatedness
- Latenesses - belatedness
- latent - (pathology) not presently active
- Later - coming after
- Lateral - sideways
- Laterally - alongside
- Latest - most recent
- Latests - something in vogue; popular notion
- Latex - tinted covering
- Latexes - tinted covering
- Lath - length of material used as support
- Lathe - precision tool
- Lathed - build
- Lather - bubbles
- Lathered - bubbles
- Lathering - bubbles
- Lathers - bubbles
- Lathery - foamy
- Lathes - precision tool
- Lathing - build
- Laths - length of material used as support
- Latices - tinted covering
- Laticifer -
- Latitude - freedom, room to move; scope
- Latitudes - freedom, room to move; scope
- latitudinarian - unwilling to accept authority or dogma (especially in religion)
- Latitudinous - wide physically
- Latrine - lavatory
- Latrines - lavatory
- Latter - latest, concluding
- Latterly - late
- Lattermost - last
- Lattice - mesh, trellis
- Lattices - mesh, trellis
- Latticework - mesh, trellis
- Latticeworks - mesh, trellis
- Laud - acclaim, praise
- laudable - worthy of high praise
- Laudably - in accordance with accepted standards of conduct
- Laudanum - powerful drug inducing anesthesia or sleep
- Laudanums - powerful drug inducing anesthesia or sleep
- Laudation - praise
- Laudations - praise
- Laudative - complimentary
- Laudatory - complimentary
- Lauded - acclaim, praise
- Lauding - acclaim, praise
- Lauds - acclaim, praise
- Laugh - expressing amusement, happiness
- Laughable - easily made fun of
- Laughably - absurdly
- Laughed - expressing amusement, happiness
- Laugher - favorable outcome
- Laughers - favorable outcome
- Laughing - laughable
- Laughingly - happily, brightly
- Laughings - expressing amusement, happiness
- Laughingstock - fool
- Laughingstocks - fool
- Laughs - audible expression of amusement
- Laughter - amusement
- Laughters - audible expression of amusement
- Launch - send off
- Launched - started
- Launches - send off
- Launching - send off
- Launchings - installation of newcomers
- Laund -
- Launder - wash
- Laundered - wash
- Laundering - wash
- Launderings - laundry, bath
- Launders - wash
- Laundries - ironing
- Laundry - ironing
- Laureate - distinguished, famous
- Laureated - honor and give medal
- Laureates - honored poet
- Laureating - honor and give medal
- Laurel - distinction
- Laurels - credit, praise
- Lava - volcano matter
- Lavabo - cleaning
- Lavaboes - cleaning
- Lavage - cleaning
- Lavages - cleaning
- Lavalava - covering cloth
- Lavalavas - covering cloth
- Lavaliere - precious stones, metals worn as decoration
- Lavalieres - precious stones, metals worn as decoration
- Lavalliere - chain
- Lavallieres - chain
- Lavas - volcano matter
- Lavation - freeing, cleansing
- Lavations - freeing, cleansing
- Lavatories - bathroom
- Lavatory - bathroom
- Lave - wash
- Laved - wash
- Lavement - cleaning
- Lavements - cleaning
- Lavender - purple
- Lavenders - purple
- Laves - wash
- Laving - wash
- Lavish - profuse; splendid
- Lavished - pamper, shower
- Lavishes - profuse; splendid
- Lavishing - pamper, shower
- Lavishly - profusely
- Lavishness - extravagance
- Lavishnesses - extravagance
- Lavs -
- Law - rules of a government, society
- Lawbook - book of laws
- Lawbooks - book of laws
- Lawbreaker - criminal
- Lawbreakers - criminal
- Lawbreaking - felony
- Lawbreakings - felony
- Lawed - bring action against in court
- Lawful - allowable, legitimate
- Lawfully - fairly
- Lawfulness - legality
- Lawfulnesses - legality
- Lawgiver - person in government who makes laws
- Lawgivers - person in government who makes laws
- Lawgiving - lawmaking
- Lawing - bring action against in court
- Lawless - reckless, ungoverned
- Lawlessness - anarchy
- Lawlessnesses - anarchy
- Lawmaker - lawgiver
- Lawmakers - lawgiver
- Lawmaking - law of a government
- Lawmakings - law of a government
- Lawman - police officer
- Lawmen - police officer
- Lawn - cultivated area of green grass
- Lawns - cultivated area of green grass
- Laws - rules of a government, society
- Lawson -
- Lawsuit - case brought to court
- Lawsuits - case brought to court
- Lawyer - person who is trained to counsel or argue in cases of law
- Lawyers - person who is trained to counsel or argue in cases of law
- Lax - slack, remiss
- Laxative - aperient
- Laxatives - aperient
- Laxed - diminish, lessen
- Laxer - slack, remiss
- Laxes - diminish, lessen
- Laxest - slack, remiss
- Laxing - diminish, lessen
- Laxities - looseness
- Laxity - looseness
- Laxness - negligence
- Laxnesses - negligence
- Lay - amateur, not trained in a religious or other profession
- Lay in -
- Layabout - bum
- Layabouts - bum
- Layer - coating, tier
- Layered - flaky
- Layering - cover with veneer
- Layers - coating, tier
- Laying - amateur, not trained in a religious or other profession
- Laying odds -
- Layla -
- Layman - amateur
- Laymen - amateur
- Layoff - dismissal from job or responsibility
- Layoffs - dismissal from job or responsibility
- Layout - physical arrangement
- Layouts - physical arrangement
- Layover - break
- Layovers - break
- Laypeople - amateur person, not trained in religious or other profession
- Layperson - amateur person, not trained in religious or other profession
- Laypersons - amateur person, not trained in religious or other profession
- Lays - amateur, not trained in a religious or other profession
- Laywoman - layperson
- Laywomen - believers
- Lazaretto - isolation
- Lazarettos - isolation
- Laze - idle
- Lazed - idle
- Lazes - idle
- Lazied - delay; waste time
- Lazier - inactive, sluggish
- Lazies - delay; waste time
- Laziest - inactive, sluggish
- Lazily - indolently
- Laziness - unwillingness to work, be active
- Lazinesses - unwillingness to work, be active
- Lazing - idle
- Lazy - inactive, sluggish
- Lazybones - bum
- Lazying - delay; waste time
- Lea - grassy field
- Leach - drain, empty
- Leached - drain, empty
- Leaches - drain, empty
- Leaching - drain, empty
- Lead - first place, supremacy
- Leaden - made of lead
- Leadenness - lethargy
- Leadennesses - lethargy
- Leader - person who guides
- Leaders - person who guides
- Leadership - guidance
- Leaderships - guidance
- Leading - chief, superior
- Leadings - forefront
- Leadoff - beginning
- Leadoffs - beginning
- Leads - experience
- Leaf - green foliage of plant
- Leafage - leaves
- Leafages - leaves
- Leafed - green foliage of plant
- Leafier - abundant in foliage
- Leafiest - abundant in foliage
- Leafing - green foliage of plant
- Leafless - without covering
- Leaflet - handbill
- Leaflets - handbill
- Leafs - green foliage of plant
- Leafy - abundant in foliage
- League - association, federation
- Leagued - association, federation
- Leaguer - ally
- Leaguers - ally
- Leagues - association, federation
- Leaguing - association, federation
- Leak - opening; seepage through opening
- Leakage - opening; seepage through opening
- Leakages - opening; seepage through opening
- Leaked - opening; seepage through opening
- Leakier - punctured
- Leakiest - punctured
- Leaking - seep; make known
- Leakproof - watertight
- Leaks - opening; seepage through opening
- Leaky - punctured
- Lean - bare, thin
- Leaned - bend, angle toward
- Leaner - bare, thin
- Leanest - bare, thin
- Leaning - tendency, bias
- Leanings - tendency, bias
- Leanness - deficiency
- Leannesses - deficiency
- Leans - bare, thin
- Leant - bend, angle toward
- Leap - jump; increase
- Leaped - jump, jump over; increase
- Leapfrog - leap
- Leapfrogging - leap
- Leapfrogs - leap
- Leaping - jump, jump over; increase
- Leaps - jump; increase
- Leapt - jump, jump over; increase
- Learn - acquire information
- Learned - well-informed
- Learnedness - knowledge
- Learnednesses - knowledge
- Learner - person who receives education
- Learners - person who receives education
- Learning - education, knowledge
- Learnings - education, knowledge
- Learns - acquire information
- Learnt - acquire information
- Leas - grassy field
- Lease - rent object, residence
- Leased - rent object, residence
- Leasehold -
- Leaseholder - person who leases a place
- Leaseholders - person who leases a place
- Leases - rent object, residence
- Leash - rein
- Leashed - rein
- Leashes - rein
- Leashing - rein
- Leasing - rent object, residence
- Least - slightest, smallest
- Leasts - lowest amount
- Leather - hide
- Leatherback - reptile
- Leatherbacks - reptile
- Leathered - slap, usually on bottom
- Leathering - slap, usually on bottom
- Leatherlike - hard, durable
- Leathers - hide
- Leatherworker -
- Leathery - hard, durable
- Leave - permission
- Leave to luck -
- Leaved - permission
- Leaven - ferment
- Leavened - ferment
- Leavening - catalyst
- Leavenings - catalyst
- Leavens - ferment
- Leaves - green foliage of plant
- Leaving - remains
- Leavings - remains
- Lecce -
- Lech - lecher
- Lecher - debauchee
- Lecheries - lewdness
- Lecherous - lustful, lewd
- Lecherousness - indecency
- Lecherousnesses - indecency
- Lechers - debauchee
- Lechery - lewdness
- Leches - lecher
- Lectern - reading desk
- Lecterns - reading desk
- Lectionaries - book holding prayers
- Lectionary - book holding prayers
- Lector - speaker
- Lectors - speaker
- Lecture - lesson, speech
- Lectured - give a lesson, speech
- Lecturer - teacher
- Lecturers - teacher
- Lectures - lesson, speech
- Lecturing - give a lesson, speech
- Lecturn - table
- Lecturns - table
- Led - guide physically
- Lederhosen - very short shorts
- Ledge - shelf
- Ledger - account book
- Ledger board -
- Ledgers - account book
- Ledges - shelf
- Lee - edge, exteriority of object
- Leech - parasite
- Leeched - cause blood to flow
- Leeches - parasite
- Leeching - parasitic
- Leechlike - parasitic
- Leer - look at longingly
- Leered - look at longingly
- Leerier - suspicious
- Leeriest - suspicious
- Leeriness - distrust
- Leerinesses - distrust
- Leering - look at longingly
- Leers - look at longingly
- Leery - suspicious
- Lees - remains
- Leeward - lee
- Leewards -
- Leeway - room to move, grow
- Leeways - room to move, grow
- Left - on west side when facing north
- Leftism - person or group favoring change
- Leftisms - person or group favoring change
- Leftist - politically radical
- Leftists - person who advocates significant, often extreme change
- Leftover - remaining, excess
- Leftovers - remainder, remains
- Lefts - person or group favoring change
- Leftwing - politically radical
- Leg - appendage used for support
- Legacies - inheritance, heritage
- Legacy - inheritance, heritage
- Legal - allowable, permissible
- Legalistic - legal
- Legalities - legitimacy
- Legality - legitimacy
- Legalization - lawfulness, fairness
- Legalizations - lawfulness, fairness
- Legalize - allow, validate
- Legalized - allow, validate
- Legalizes - allow, validate
- Legalizing - allow, validate
- Legally - in accordance with the law
- Legate - consul
- Legated - give, especially after death
- Legatee - person who has possession of
- Legatees - person who has possession of
- Legates - consul
- Legating - give, especially after death
- Legation - government office in charge of foreign relations
- Legations - government office in charge of foreign relations
- Legend - story of the past, often fictitious
- Legendary - fictitious but well known
- Legends - story of the past, often fictitious
- legerdemain - an illusory feat; considered magical by naive observers
- Legerdemains - sleight of hand
- Legerities - rate of motion, often a high rate
- legerity - the gracefulness of a person or animal that is quick and nimble
- Legged - move along on foot
- Leggier - long and lean
- Leggiest - long and lean
- Leggin - gaiters
- Legging - gaiters
- Leggings - gaiters
- Leggins - gaiters
- Leggy - long and lean
- Legibilities - clarity
- Legibility - clarity
- Legible - easy to read
- Legion - numerous
- Legionnaire - person who fights, kills for money
- Legionnaires - person who fights, kills for money
- Legions - numerous
- Legislate - make laws
- Legislated - make laws
- Legislates - make laws
- Legislating - make laws
- Legislation - law of a government
- Legislations - law of a government
- Legislative - lawmaking
- Legislatively - in a manner suggestive of the law
- Legislator - person in government who makes laws
- Legislatorial - lawmaking
- Legislators - person in government who makes laws
- Legislature - governmental body, most often elected, that makes laws
- Legislatures - governmental body, most often elected, that makes laws
- Legist - person who is trained to counsel or argue in cases of law
- Legists - person who is trained to counsel or argue in cases of law
- Legit - lawful
- Legitimacies - legality
- Legitimacy - legality
- Legitimate - authentic, valid, legal
- Legitimated - allow, validate
- Legitimately - fairly
- Legitimateness - legality
- Legitimates - genuine
- Legitimating - allow, validate
- Legitimatize - legalize
- Legitimatized - legalize
- Legitimatizes - legalize
- Legitimatizing - legalize
- Legitimize - legalize
- Legitimized - legalize
- Legitimizes - legalize
- Legitimizing - legalize
- Legits - theater platform; theater life
- Legman -
- Legs - appendage used for support
- Legume - edible part of plant
- Legumes - edible part of plant
- Legwork - asking; looking into
- Legworks - asking; looking into
- Lei - circular decoration
- Leis - circular decoration
- Leister -
- Leisure - free time and its activities
- Leisured - without a job
- Leisureliness - unwillingness to work, be active
- Leisurelinesses - unwillingness to work, be active
- Leisurely - casual, unhurried
- Leisures - free time and its activities
- Leisurewear - casual clothes
- Leisurewears - casual clothes
- leitmotif - a melodic phrase that accompanies the reappearance of a person or situation (as in Wagner's operas)
- Leitmotifs - idea, subject matter
- Lekker -
- Lemma - title
- Lemmas - title
- Lemmata - title
- Lemon - dud
- Lemon grove -
- Lemons - dud
- Lemony -
- Lemur - primate
- Lemurs - primate
- Lend - loan, accommodate
- Lender - bestower
- Lenders - bestower
- Lending - loan, accommodate
- Lends - loan, accommodate
- Length - extent of object, distance, time
- Lengthen - extend
- Lengthened - extend
- Lengthening - extend
- Lengthens - extend
- Lengthier - extended
- Lengthiest - extended
- Lengthily - to a sickening degree
- Lengthiness - extent of object, distance, time
- Lengthinesses - extent of object, distance, time
- Lengths - extent of object, distance, time
- Lengthwise - longitudinally
- Lengthy - extended
- Leni riefenstahl -
- Lenience - grace
- Leniences - grace
- Leniencies - forbearance
- Leniency - forbearance
- Lenient - permissive
- Leniently - gently, effortlessly
- Lenities - tolerance
- Lenitive - gentle, temperate, nonirritating
- Lenitives - ointment
- lenity - mercifulness as a consequence of being lenient or tolerant
- Lennon -
- Lens - glass for vision
- Lens system -
- Lensed - take a picture with a camera
- Lenses - glass for vision
- Lensing - take a picture with a camera
- Lent - loaned
- Lentigines - flaw
- Lentigo - flaw
- Lentiviruses -
- León -
- Leonine - very important; famous
- Leopard - large ct
- Leopards - large ct
- Leotard - one-piece undergarment for legs
- Leotards - one-piece undergarment for legs
- Leper - pariah
- Lepers - pariah
- Lepidopterous - of butterflies
- Lepidote - rough
- Leprechaun - elf
- Leprechauns - elf
- Leptospirosis -
- Lermontov -
- Lesbian - gay
- Lesbianism - sexual character
- Lesbianisms - sexual character
- Lesion - injury, wound
- Lesioned -
- Lesions - injury, wound
- Less - smaller, inferior
- Lessee - holder of lease
- Lessees - holder of lease
- Lessen - lower, reduce
- Lessened - lower, reduce
- Lessening - decreasing
- Lessenings - decreasing
- Lessens - lower, reduce
- Lesser - inferior, secondary
- Lesses - smaller, inferior
- Lesson - information taught
- Lessoned - reprimand; criticize harshly
- Lessoning - reprimand; criticize harshly
- Lessons - information taught
- Lessor - landlord
- Lessors - landlord
- Lest - for fear that
- Let - allow
- Let grow -
- Letdown - disappointment
- Letdowns - disappointment
- Lethal - deadly
- Lethalities - fatality
- Lethality - fatality
- lethargic - deficient in alertness or activity; slow to move or act
- Lethargically - casually, unhurriedly
- Lethargies - laziness, sluggishness
- Lethargy - laziness, sluggishness
- Lethe - mental blankness
- Lethes - mental blankness
- Lethiferous - injurious, devastating
- Leti -
- Lets - allow
- Letted - allow
- Letter - symbol of an alphabet
- Letterbox - mail box
- Letterboxes - mail box
- Lettered - literate
- Letterhead - material upon which one writes
- Letterheads - material upon which one writes
- Lettering - message
- Letterings - message
- Letters - symbol of an alphabet
- Letting - allow
- Lettings - authorization, consent
- Lettuce - paper money
- Lettuces - paper money
- Letup - pause
- Letups - pause
- Leuco -
- Leukocyte - blood corpuscle
- Leukocytes - blood corpuscle
- Leung -
- Leve -
- Levee - embankment
- Levees - embankment
- Level - smooth, balanced
- Leveled - smooth, balanced
- Levelheaded - reasonable, calm
- Levelheadedness - composure of mind
- Leveling - make even
- Levelled - make even
- Levelling - smooth, balanced
- Levelly - on an even plane
- Levelness - boredom; sameness
- Levelnesses - boredom; sameness
- Levels - horizontal position or thing
- Lever - lifter
- Leverage - influence
- Leverages - influence
- Levered - force or break open
- Leveret - rabbitlike animal
- Leverets - rabbitlike animal
- Levering - force or break open
- Levers - lifter
- Leviathan - huge
- Leviathans - giant animal; supernatural being
- Levied - assess, impose
- Levies - assessment, tax
- Levigate - smash by beating, crushing
- Levigated - smash by beating, crushing
- Levigates - smash by beating, crushing
- Levigating - smash by beating, crushing
- Levis - denim pants
- Levitate - rise into the air
- Levitated - rise into the air
- Levitates - rise into the air
- Levitating - rise into the air
- Levitation - height; high ground
- Levitations - height; high ground
- Levities - funniness, silliness
- levity - a manner lacking seriousness
- Levulose - sweet substance
- Levuloses - sweet substance
- Levy - assessment, tax
- Levying - assessment, tax
- Lewd - vulgar, indecent
- Lewder - vulgar, indecent
- Lewdest - vulgar, indecent
- Lewdly - indecently
- Lewdness - indecency
- Lewdnesses - indecency
- Lex -
- Lexeme - unit of language
- Lexemes - unit of language
- Lexemic - semantic
- Lexica - collection of word meanings, usage
- Lexical - spoken
- Lexicographer - dictionary writer
- Lexicographers - dictionary writer
- Lexicographist - dictionary writer
- Lexicographists - dictionary writer
- Lexicologist - dictionary writer
- Lexicologists - dictionary writer
- Lexicon - collection of word meanings, usage
- Lexicons - collection of word meanings, usage
- Leyte invasion -
- Lfv -
- Liabilities - answerability, responsibility
- Liability - answerability, responsibility
- Liable - answerable, responsible
- Liableness - inclination, tendency
- Liablenesses - inclination, tendency
- Liaise - connect with a specific group or individual
- Liaised - connect with a specific group or individual
- Liaising - connect with a specific group or individual
- Liaison - person who acts as go-between
- Liaisons - person who acts as go-between
- Liar - person who tells falsehood
- Liars - person who tells falsehood
- Libation - oblation
- Libations - oblation
- Libel - purposeful lie about someone, often malicious
- Libeled - purposeful lie about someone, often malicious
- Libeling - purposeful lie about someone, often malicious
- Libelings - belittlement
- Libelled - purposeful lie about someone, often malicious
- Libelling - purposeful lie about someone, often malicious
- Libelous - derogatory
- Libels - purposeful lie about someone, often malicious
- Liberal - progressive
- Liberalism - free trade
- Liberalisms - free trade
- Liberalistic - liberal
- Liberalities - generosity
- Liberality - generosity
- Liberalizing - educational, enlightening
- Liberally - to a great extent
- Liberalness - tolerance
- Liberalnesses - tolerance
- Liberals - person who goes against normal behavior, beliefs
- Liberate - give freedom
- Liberated - give freedom
- Liberates - give freedom
- Liberating - give freedom
- Liberation - freedom
- Liberations - freedom
- Liberator - preserver
- Liberators - preserver
- Libertarian - progressive
- Liberté -
- Liberties - freedom
- Libertine - debauched
- Libertines - debauched
- Libertinism - license
- Libertinisms - license
- Liberty - freedom
- Liberty cap -
- Libidinous - lustful
- Libidinousness - desire
- Libido - sex instinct
- Libidos - sex instinct
- Libra - astrological sign
- Librarian - person in charge of a library
- Librarians - person in charge of a library
- Librarianship - library administration
- Librarianships - library administration
- Libraries - book repository
- Library - book repository
- Libras - astrological sign
- Librate - change back and forth
- Librated - change back and forth
- Librates - change back and forth
- Librating - change back and forth
- Libration -
- Libretti - words of a song
- Librettist - person who writes for the theater
- Librettists - person who writes for the theater
- Libretto - words of a song
- Librettos - words of a song
- Lice - bad person
- License - authority, permission
- Licensed - authorized
- Licenses - authority, permission
- Licensing - authority, permission
- Licentiate - person who completes education, pursuit
- Licentiates - person who completes education, pursuit
- Licentious - immoral, uncontrolled
- Licentiousness - license
- Lichen - flowerless plant
- Lichens - flowerless plant
- Licit - legal
- Licitly - in accordance with the law
- Licitness - legality
- Licitnesses - legality
- Lick - light touch; little amount
- Licked - light touch; little amount
- Lickerish - immoral, uncontrolled
- Licking - beating
- Lickings - beating
- Licks - light touch; little amount
- Lickspittle - yes person
- Lickspittles - yes person
- Lid - top covering
- Lidded - provided with a cover
- Lids - top covering
- Lie - untruth
- Lie under oath -
- Liebfraumilch - wine from light-colored grapes
- Liebfraumilchs - wine from light-colored grapes
- Lied - tell an untruth
- Lieder - religious song
- Liege - faithful
- Liegeman - servant
- Liegemen - servant
- Lieger - faithful
- Lieges - one under authority of another
- Lien - right to dispose of property
- Liens - right to dispose of property
- Lies - untruth
- Lieu - place
- Lieus - place
- Lieutenant - assistant
- Lieutenants - assistant
- Life - animation, spirit
- Life scientist -
- Life span -
- Lifeblood - animation, spirit
- Lifebloods - animation, spirit
- Lifeboat - forgiveness
- Lifeboats - forgiveness
- Lifecycle -
- Lifeless - not living, not containing living things
- Lifelessly - tediously
- Lifelessness - dullness
- Lifelessnesses - dullness
- Lifelike - realistic
- Lifelikeness - realistic account of life experience
- Lifelikenesses - realistic account of life experience
- Lifeline - help
- Lifelines - help
- Lifelong - lasting
- Lifer - concerning life
- Lifers - person jailed for crime; person kept against his or her will
- Lifesaver - kindness, compassion
- Lifesavers - kindness, compassion
- Lifespan - age; old age
- Lifespans - age; old age
- Lifestyle - way of life
- Lifestyles - way of life
- Lifetime - span of animate being's existence
- Lifetimes - span of animate being's existence
- Lifework - person's calling
- Lifeworks - person's calling
- Lifeworld - study of subject and objects of a person's experience
- Lifeworlds - study of subject and objects of a person's experience
- Lift - transportation
- Liftable - transportable
- Lifted - move upwards; ascend
- Lifter - person who steals
- Lifters - person who steals
- Lifting - move upwards; ascend
- Liftoff - rocket launch
- Liftoffs - rocket launch
- Lifts - transportation
- Ligament - bow, loop
- Ligaments - bow, loop
- Ligation - component, connection
- Ligations - component, connection
- Ligature - link
- Ligatures - link
- Light - illuminated
- Light-green -
- Light-hearted -
- Lighted - illuminated
- Lighten - illuminate
- Lightened - illuminate
- Lightening - illuminate
- Lightenings - remedy, aid; relaxation
- Lightens - illuminate
- Lighter - illuminated
- Lighters - large work boat
- Lightest - illuminated
- Lighthearted - carefree, untroubled
- Lightheartedly - cheerily
- Lighthouse - luminescence from sun or other source
- Lighthouses - luminescence from sun or other source
- Lighting - illumination
- Lightings - illumination
- Lightless - cloudy, shadowy
- Lightly - gently, effortlessly
- Lightness - illumination
- Lightnesses - illumination
- Lightning - electrical discharge
- Lightnings - electrical discharge
- Lights - luminescence from sun or other source
- Lightsome - carefree, untroubled
- Lightsomeness - gaiety
- Lightsomenesses - gaiety
- Lightweight - inconsequential
- Lightweights - person of little importance
- Lightwood - material for starting a fire
- Lightwoods - material for starting a fire
- Ligneous - made of timber
- Ligroin -
- Likable - nice, pleasant
- Likableness - person's character, traits
- Likablenesses - person's character, traits
- Like - similar
- Like greased lightning -
- Likeable - nice, pleasant
- Liked - popular
- Likelier - probable, apt, hopeful
- Likeliest - probable, apt, hopeful
- Likelihood - chance of something happening
- Likelihoods - chance of something happening
- Likeliness - chance of something happening
- Likelinesses - chance of something happening
- Likely - probable, apt, hopeful
- Liken - compare
- Likened - compare
- Likeness - correspondence in appearance; something that corresponds
- Likenesses - correspondence in appearance; something that corresponds
- Likening - compare
- Likens - compare
- Liker - similar
- Likes - enjoy, be fond of
- Likest - similar
- Likewise - also, similarly
- Liking - fondness, taste
- Likings - fondness, taste
- Lilac - purplish color
- Lilacs - blue and red colors mixed together
- Lilian -
- Lillian -
- lilliputian - (informal) small and of little importance
- Lilliputians - small person
- Lilt - song
- Lilted - peep, cheep
- Lilting - musical
- Lilts - song
- Lily pond -
- Limacine -
- Limb - appendage
- Limber - flexible
- Limberness - flexibility
- Limbernesses - flexibility
- Limbo - state of uncertainty
- Limbos - state of uncertainty
- Limbs - appendage
- Lime - emerald in color
- Limed - make ready to bear, produce
- Limelight - public attention
- Limelighted - illuminate
- Limelighting - illuminate
- Limelights - public attention
- Limerick - poem
- Limericks - poem
- Limes - thick, gooey material that hardens
- Limestone - rock formed from sediment
- Limestones - rock formed from sediment
- Limeyland -
- Liming - the enrichment of land
- Limings - the enrichment of land
- Limit - greatest extent
- Limitary - limited, confined
- Limitation - restraint, disadvantage
- Limitations - restraint, disadvantage
- Limited - restricted, definite
- Limiter - word modifying a verb
- Limiters - word modifying a verb
- Limiting - confine, restrict
- Limitless - never-ending, infinite
- Limitlessness - infinity
- Limitlessnesses - infinity
- Limits - greatest extent
- limn - trace the shape of
- Limned - depict
- Limning - depict
- Limns - depict
- Limonin -
- Limousine - land vehicle; car
- Limousines - land vehicle; car
- Limp - not stiff; weak
- Limped - walk with faltering step
- Limper - not stiff; weak
- Limpest - not stiff; weak
- Limpet - explosive matter on the ground
- Limpets - explosive matter on the ground
- limpid - clear and bright
- Limpidities - clarity
- Limpidity - clarity
- Limpidness - clarity
- Limpidnesses - clarity
- Limping - walk with faltering step
- Limps - not stiff; weak
- linchpin - pin inserted through an axletree to hold a wheel on
- Linchpins - essence, theme
- Lindy hop -
- Line - mark, stroke; border
- Lineage - ancestry
- Lineages - ancestry
- Lineal - ethnic
- Lineally - immediately, directly
- lineament - a characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something
- Lineaments - mark, stroke; border
- Linear - confined, restricted
- Linearities - extent of object, distance, time
- Linearity - extent of object, distance, time
- Lineate - having streaks
- Lineation - mark, stroke; border
- Lineations - mark, stroke; border
- Lined - interlined
- Lineman - electrical technician
- Linemen - electrical technician
- Linen - fabric
- Linens - fabric
- Liner - ship
- Liners - ship
- Lines - mark, stroke; border
- Linesman - electrical technician
- Linesmen - electrical technician
- Lineup - arrangement
- Lineups - arrangement
- Linger - loiter, delay
- Lingered - loiter, delay
- Lingerer - laggard
- Lingerers - laggard
- Lingerie - women's undergarments
- Lingeries - women's undergarments
- Lingering - chronic
- Lingeringly - casually, unhurriedly
- Lingerings - delay
- Lingers - loiter, delay
- Lingo - dialect spoken by a group
- Lingoes - dialect spoken by a group
- Lingua - human language
- Linguae - human language
- Linguae francae -
- Lingual - spoken
- Linguine - noodles
- Linguines - noodles
- Linguist - specialist in language
- Linguistic - semantic
- Linguistician - specialist in language
- Linguisticians - specialist in language
- Linguistics - language rules
- Linguists - specialist in language
- Linier - having streaks
- Liniest - having streaks
- Liniment - ointment
- Liniments - ointment
- Lining - interlining
- Linings - interlining
- Link - component, connection
- Linkage - relation
- Linkages - relation
- Linked - connected
- Linking - connecting
- Links - component, connection
- Lino -
- Linoleum - floor covering
- Linoleums - floor covering
- Linotype -
- Lint - fiber
- Lintel - length of material used as support
- Lintels - length of material used as support
- Lintier - soft, furry
- Lintiest - soft, furry
- Lints - fiber
- Linty - soft, furry
- Liny - having streaks
- Lio -
- Lion - feline
- Lioness - feline
- Lionesses - feline
- Lionhearted - brave
- Lionheartedness - courage
- Lionization - recognition, celebrity
- Lionizations - recognition, celebrity
- Lionize - celebrate
- Lionized - celebrate
- Lionizes - celebrate
- Lionizing - celebrate
- Lionlike - very important; famous
- Lions - feline
- Lip - edge, brink
- Liposome -
- Liposuction - cosmetic surgery
- Liposuctions - cosmetic surgery
- Lipped - touch one's lips to another's
- Lippier - irreverent
- Lippiest - irreverent
- Lipping - touch one's lips to another's
- Lippitude -
- Lippmann -
- Lippy - irreverent
- Lips - edge, brink
- Lipstick - cosmetics
- Lipsticks - cosmetics
- Liquefaction - water buildup
- Liquefactions - water buildup
- Liquefied - melt
- Liquefies - melt
- Liquefy - melt
- Liquefying - melt
- Liquesce - melt from solid to liquid; mix in
- Liquesced - melt from solid to liquid; mix in
- Liquescent - fluid, flowing, melting
- Liquesces - melt from solid to liquid; mix in
- Liquescing - melt from solid to liquid; mix in
- Liqueur - liquor
- Liqueurs - liquor
- Liquid - fluid, flowing, melting
- Liquidate - pay; change into cash
- Liquidated - pay; change into cash
- Liquidates - pay; change into cash
- Liquidating - pay; change into cash
- Liquidation - elimination
- Liquidations - elimination
- Liquidator - murderer of prominent or important person
- Liquidators - murderer of prominent or important person
- Liquids - fluid
- Liquor - drink; alcoholic beverage
- Liquored - drink
- Liquoring - drink
- Liquors - drink; alcoholic beverage
- Lire -
- Lisle - a fine strand of twisted fibers
- Lisles - a fine strand of twisted fibers
- Lisp - falter
- Lisped - falter
- Lisping - falter
- Lisps - falter
- lissom - gracefully thin and bending and moving with ease
- Lissome - agile and thin
- Lissomeness - charm, loveliness
- Lissomenesses - charm, loveliness
- List - record, tabulation
- Listed - filed
- Listel - fastener
- Listels - fastener
- Listen - hear and pay attention
- Listened - hear and pay attention
- Listener - hearer
- Listeners - one who hears
- Listening - hearing
- Listenings - hearing
- Listens - hear and pay attention
- Listing - keep a record; tabulate
- Listings - list of participants
- listless - marked by low spirits; showing no enthusiasm
- Listlessly - casually, unhurriedly
- Listlessness - idleness
- Listlessnesses - idleness
- Lists - record, tabulation
- Lisu -
- Lit - illuminated
- Litanies - recital of items, often part of religious services
- Litany - recital of items, often part of religious services
- Literacies - ability to read
- Literacy - ability to read
- Literal - word for word; exact, real
- Literally - word for word; exactly
- Literary - concerning books
- Literate - able to read and write
- Literati - teachers in educational institution
- Literatim - exactly
- Literato - intellectual, very smart person
- Literature - written matter, both fictional and nonfictional
- Literatures - written matter, both fictional and nonfictional
- Lithate -
- Lithe - flexible, graceful and slender
- Litheness - agility
- Lithenesses - agility
- Lither - flexible, graceful and slender
- Lithesome - flexible
- Lithesomeness - charm, loveliness
- Lithesomenesses - charm, loveliness
- Lithest - flexible, graceful and slender
- Lithic - rugged, stony
- Lithograph - publication; something impressed
- Lithographed - carved
- Lithographer - graver
- Lithographers - graver
- Lithographing - carve letters or designs into
- Lithographs - publication; something impressed
- Lithophyte -
- Lithuania -
- Litigable - actionable
- Litigant - person with whom one competes
- Litigants - person with whom one competes
- Litigate - bring matter before court of law
- Litigated - bring matter before court of law
- Litigates - bring matter before court of law
- Litigating - bring matter before court of law
- Litigation - matter coming before court of law
- Litigations - matter coming before court of law
- litigious - inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree, even to engage in law suits
- Litigiousness - argumentativeness
- Litigiousnesses - argumentativeness
- Litmus -
- litotes - A figure of speech in which understatement is used for rhetorical effect, often by using double negatives.
- Lits - written matter, both fictional and nonfictional
- Litter - mess, debris
- Litterateur - person who is very involved in education and learning
- Litterateurs - person who is very involved in education and learning
- Littered - make a mess
- Littering - make a mess
- Litters - mess, debris
- Little - small in size, amount
- Littleneck - bivalve living in ocean
- Littlenecks - bivalve living in ocean
- Littler - small in size, amount
- Littles - small in size, amount
- Littlest - minimal
- Littoral - concerning the sea
- Littorals - beach
- Liturgical - ceremonial
- Liturgies - worship, ceremony
- Liturgy - worship, ceremony
- Livable - adequate, acceptable
- Live - existent
- Lived - existent
- Livelier - energetic, active, busy
- Liveliest - energetic, active, busy
- Livelihood - occupation
- Livelihoods - occupation
- Liveliness - animation
- Livelinesses - animation
- Livelong - lasting
- Lively - energetic, active, busy
- Liven - make faster; invigorate
- Livened - make faster; invigorate
- Livener - restorative drink, medicine
- Liveners - restorative drink, medicine
- Livening - make faster; invigorate
- Livens - make faster; invigorate
- Liver - existent
- Liveried - cover with apparel
- Liveries - matching top and bottom clothing
- Liverish - hostile, rude
- Livers - person living in a particular place
- Liverwurst - encased minced meat
- Liverwursts - encased minced meat
- Livery - matching top and bottom clothing
- Lives - animation, spirit
- Livest - existent
- Livestock - animals raised on a farm
- Livestocks - animals raised on a farm
- Livid - pale, ashen
- Lividness - pallor
- Lividnesses - pallor
- Living - existing, active
- Livings - existing, active
- Lixiviate - drain, empty
- Lixiviated - drain, empty
- Lixiviates - drain, empty
- Lixiviating - drain, empty
- Lizard - tote for carrying personal items
- Lizards - tote for carrying personal items
- Llama - hoofed animal
- Llamas - hoofed animal
- Llano - grassland
- Llanos - grassland
- Load - cargo, freight
- Loaded - supplied with a load
- Loading - stowing
- Loadings - stowing
- Loads - cargo, freight
- Loaf - block of something
- Loafed - block of something
- Loafer - person who is idle, lazy
- Loafers - person who is idle, lazy
- Loafing - doing nothing useful
- Loafings - inaction
- Loafs - block of something
- Loam - earth's surface; ownable property
- Loamier - earthy
- Loamiest - earthy
- Loams - earth's surface; ownable property
- Loamy - earthy
- Loan - money given temporarily
- Loaned - lent
- Loaning - money given temporarily
- Loans - money given temporarily
- loath - unwillingness to do something contrary to your custom
- Loathe - dislike strongly
- Loathed - dislike strongly
- Loather - against, averse
- Loathes - dislike strongly
- Loathest - against, averse
- Loathing - abhorrence
- Loathings - abhorrence
- Loathness - unwillingness
- Loathnesses - unwillingness
- Loathsome - hateful
- Loaves - block of something
- Lob - toss
- Lobbed - toss
- Lobbied - press for political action
- Lobbies - entrance hall
- Lobbing - toss
- Lobby - entrance hall
- Lobbying - press for political action
- Lobbyist - special interest representative
- Lobbyists - special interest representative
- Lobe - flap
- Lobes - flap
- Loblollies - warm cereal
- Loblolly - warm cereal
- Lobo - coyote
- Lobos - coyote
- Lobs - toss
- Lobster - invertebrate
- Lobsterman - angler
- Lobstermen - angler
- Lobsters - invertebrate
- Loca - position
- Local - of a community, restricted to immediate area
- Locale - setting
- Locales - physical setting
- Localism - idiom
- Localisms - idiom
- Localities - physical setting
- Locality - environment
- Localize - confine
- Localized - local
- Localizes - confine
- Localizing - confine
- Locally - regionally
- Locals - person deeply rooted in community
- Locate - find
- Located - situated
- Locater - indicator
- Locaters - indicator
- Locates - find
- Locating - location
- Location - place of residence or activity
- Locations - place of residence or activity
- Loch - arm of the sea
- Lochs - arm of the sea
- Loci - position
- Lock - device that fastens and bars free passage
- lockdown - -
- Lockdowns - confinement in isolation
- Locked - secured
- Locker - compartment
- Locker room -
- Lockers - compartment
- Locket - precious stones, metals worn as decoration
- Lockets - precious stones, metals worn as decoration
- Locking - device that fastens and bars free passage
- Lockjaw - nervous system infection
- Lockjaws - nervous system infection
- Lockout - halt, curtailment
- Lockouts - halt, curtailment
- Locks - device that fastens and bars free passage
- Lockup - jail
- Lockups - jail
- Loco - insane
- Locofoco - match lit by striking
- Locofocos - match lit by striking
- Locomote - be in motion, put in motion
- Locomoted - be in motion, put in motion
- Locomotes - be in motion, put in motion
- Locomoting - be in motion, put in motion
- Locomotion - movement
- Locomotions - movement
- Locomotive - machine moving vehicle
- Locomotives - machine moving vehicle
- Locum - someone or something that takes the place of another
- Locums - someone or something that takes the place of another
- Locus - position
- Locust - insect
- Locusts - insect
- Locution - phrasing
- Locutions - phrasing
- Lode - ore deposit
- Lodes - ore deposit
- Lodestar - example, standard
- Lodestars - example, standard
- Lodge - cabin; vacation residence
- Lodgeable - adequate, acceptable
- Lodged - become fixed or wedged
- Lodger - guest
- Lodgers - guest
- Lodges - cabin; vacation residence
- Lodging - accommodation for rent
- Lodgings - accommodation for rent
- Lodgment - accommodation for rent
- Lodgments - accommodation for rent
- Loess - workable earth material
- Loesses - workable earth material
- Loft - room on upper floor
- Lofted - started
- Loftier - high, elevated
- Loftiest - top
- Loftily - proudly
- Loftiness - arrogance
- Loftinesses - arrogance
- Lofting - toss
- Lofts - room on upper floor
- Lofty - high, elevated
- Log - stump of tree
- Log cabin -
- Logarithm - concerning mathematics
- Logarithmic - concerning mathematics
- Logbook - record
- Logbooks - record
- Loge - special seat in theatre or stadium
- Loges - special seat in theatre or stadium
- Logged - write into record
- Logger - made of timber
- Loggerhead - reptile
- Loggerheaded - stupid
- Loggerheads - reptile
- Loggers - lumberer
- Loggia - covered way
- Loggias - covered way
- Loggie - covered way
- Logging - clear-cutting
- Loggings - clear-cutting
- Logic - science of reasoning
- Logical - probable, reasonable
- Logically - rationally
- Logician - rationalist
- Logicians - rationalist
- Logics - science of reasoning
- Logistical - pertaining to logistics and operations
- Logistics - management
- Logjam - traffic tie-up
- Logjams - traffic tie-up
- Logo - trademark
- Logograph - puzzle
- Logographic -
- Logographies - orthography
- Logographs - puzzle
- Logography - orthography
- logomachy - argument about words or the meaning of words
- logorrhea - pathologically excessive (and often incoherent) talking
- Logorrheas - wordiness
- Logos - trademark
- Logotype - trademark
- Logotypes - trademark
- Logroller - person with power
- Logrollers - person with power
- Logrolling - political patronage
- Logrollings - political patronage
- Logs - stump of tree
- Loin - edge, exteriority of object
- Loincloth - covering cloth
- Loincloths - covering cloth
- Loins - edge, exteriority of object
- Loiter - hang around; stroll
- Loitered - hang around; stroll
- Loiterer - laggard
- Loiterers - laggard
- Loitering - hang around; stroll
- Loiterings - inaction
- Loiters - hang around; stroll
- Loll - lay sprawled
- Lollapalooza - wonderful year
- Lollapaloozas - wonderful year
- Lolled - lay sprawled
- Lolling - lay sprawled
- Lollipop lady -
- Lollop - hit
- Lolloped - leap, spring
- Lolloping - leap, spring
- Lollops - hit
- Lolls - lay sprawled
- lollygag - be about
- Lollygagged - toy with; mess around
- Lollygagging - toy with; mess around
- Lollygags - toy with; mess around
- Lone - by oneself; only
- Lonelier - feeling friendless, forlorn
- Loneliest - feeling friendless, forlorn
- Loneliness - isolation
- Lonelinesses - isolation
- Lonely - feeling friendless, forlorn
- Loneness - aloneness
- Lonenesses - aloneness
- Loner - recluse
- Loners - recluse
- Lonesome - forlorn, friendless
- Lonesomeness - isolation
- Lonesomenesses - isolation
- Long - extended in space or time
- Longanimities - capacity, willingness to endure
- longanimity - good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence
- Longanimous - shy; compliant
- Longbow -
- Longed - desire, crave
- Longer - extended in space or time
- Longest - extended in space or time
- Longevities - long life
- Longevity - long life
- Longhair - academic
- Longhaired - hairy, unkempt
- Longhairs - intellectual
- Longhand - handwriting
- Longhands - handwriting
- Longhorn - bovine animals
- Longhorns - bovine animals
- Longing - desirous
- Longing for home -
- Longingly - anxiously
- Longings - desirous
- Longish - extended
- Longitude - extent of object, distance, time
- Longitudes - extent of object, distance, time
- Longitudinal - over a protracted period of time; running lengthwise
- Longness - extent of object, distance, time
- Longnesses - extent of object, distance, time
- Longs - extended in space or time
- Longsighted - intuitive, psychic
- Longsightedness - mental preparedness
- Longtime - experienced, seasoned
- longueur - a period of dullness or boredom (especially in a work of literature or performing art)
- Longways - across
- Loo - bathroom
- Look - visual examination
- Lookalike - alike, identical
- Lookalikes - someone closely resembling another
- Looked - examine visually
- Looked toward -
- Looker - beauty
- Lookers - beauty
- Looking - examine visually
- Lookout - guard; place from which to guard
- Lookouts - guard; place from which to guard
- Lookover - examination, check
- Lookovers - examination, check
- Looks - visual examination
- Loom - appear, often imposingly
- Loomed - appear, often imposingly
- Looming - rising
- Looms - appear, often imposingly
- Loon - crackpot
- Looney - lunatic
- Looneys - lunatic
- Loonier - crazy
- Loonies - person who is crazy, overenthusiastic
- Looniest - crazy
- Loons - crackpot
- Loony - crazy
- Loop - circle, spiral
- Looped - drunk
- Looper - baseball hit high in the air
- Loopers - baseball hit high in the air
- Loophole - escape
- Loopholes - escape
- Loopier - foolish
- Loopiest - foolish
- Looping - circle, spiral
- Loops - circle, spiral
- Loopy - foolish
- Loos - bathroom
- Loose - not tight; unconstrained
- Loosed - set free; unbind
- Loosely - nearly
- Loosen - unbind
- Loosened - set free; unbind
- Looseness - abandon, indulgence
- Loosenesses - abandon, indulgence
- Loosening - set free; unbind
- Loosenings - entertainment; resting or recovering
- Loosens - set free; unbind
- Looser - not tight; unconstrained
- Looses - set free; unbind
- Loosest - not tight; unconstrained
- Loosing - set free; unbind
- Loosings - emancipation
- Loot - stolen goods
- Looted - steal goods
- Looter - thief
- Looters - thief
- Looting - steal goods
- Lootings - stealing
- Loots - stolen goods
- Lop - trim
- Lope - stride
- Loped - stride
- Lopes - stride
- Loping - stride
- Lopped - trim
- Lopper - coagulate
- Loppered - coagulate
- Loppering - coagulate
- Loppers - coagulate
- Lopping - trim
- Loppings - drawing in; shortening
- Lops - trim
- Lopsided - leaning, falling to one side; larger on one side
- Lopsidedness - lack of balance
- Lopsidednesses - lack of balance
- loquacious - full of trivial conversation
- Loquaciousness - wordiness
- Loquacities - talkativeness
- Loquacity - talkativeness
- Lord - master
- Lorded - imagine
- Lording - imagine
- Lordlier - domineering
- Lordliest - domineering
- Lordliness - arrogance
- Lordlinesses - arrogance
- Lordly - domineering
- Lordotic -
- Lords - master
- Lordship - term of respect, usually to royalty
- Lordships - term of respect, usually to royalty
- Lore - myths, traditional wisdom
- Lorentz -
- Lores - myths, traditional wisdom
- Lorgnette - eyeglasses
- Lorgnettes - eyeglasses
- Lorgnon - single eyeglass
- Lorgnons - single eyeglass
- Lorn - lonely
- Lorner - lonely
- Lornest - lonely
- Lorries - wheeled vehicle for hauling
- Lorry - wheeled vehicle for hauling
- Los - division between offense and defense
- Lose - be deprived of; mislay
- Lose balance -
- Lose interest in -
- Loser - person, thing that fails
- Losers - person, thing that fails
- Loses - be deprived of; mislay
- Losing - said of one who loses
- Losings - misfortune, deficit; something misplaced or lost
- Loss - misfortune, deficit; something misplaced or lost
- Loss of points -
- Losses - misfortune, deficit; something misplaced or lost
- Lossmaking - harmful, damaging
- Lost - missing, off-track
- Lot - piece of property
- Lote -
- Lothario - womanizer
- Lotharios - womanizer
- Lotion - creamy solution
- Lotions - creamy solution
- Lots - great quantity
- Lots of -
- Lotsa - plenty
- Lotted - divide into shares
- Lotteries - drawing
- Lottery - drawing
- Lotting - divide into shares
- Lotto - drawing
- Lottos - drawing
- Lotus - in seated position
- Lou - horrible
- Loud - blaring, noisy
- Louder - blaring, noisy
- Loudest - blaring, noisy
- Loudly - audibly
- Loudmouth - very loud and unharmonious in sound
- Loudmouthed - loud-voiced
- Loudmouths - someone who talks too much
- Loudness - something heard or audible
- Loudnesses - something heard or audible
- Loudspeaker - speaker
- Loudspeakers - speaker
- Lounge - club, socializing place
- Lounged - club, socializing place
- Lounger - straggler
- Loungers - straggler
- Lounges - club, socializing place
- Loungewear - sleeping clothes
- Loungewears - sleeping clothes
- Lounging - lie about, waste time
- Loupe - hand-held lens
- Loupes - hand-held lens
- Lour - frown
- Loured - frown
- Lourier - menacing, ominous
- Louriest - menacing, ominous
- Louring - intimidating, ominous
- Lours - frown
- Loury - menacing, ominous
- Louse - bad person
- Loused - make a mess of
- Louses - bad person
- Lousiana -
- Lousier - very bad
- Lousiest - very bad
- Lousiness -
- Lousing - make a mess of
- Lousy - very bad
- Lout - boor
- Louted - provoke, reproach; tease
- Louting - provoke, reproach; tease
- loutish - ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance
- Louts - boor
- Lovable - very likable; endearing
- Love - adoration; very strong liking
- Love and kisses -
- Lovebird - person whom another loves
- Lovebirds - person whom another loves
- Loved - desired
- Loveless - rejected
- Lovelier - beautiful, charming; agreeable
- Lovelies - outstanding example
- Loveliest - beautiful, charming; agreeable
- Loveliness - appeal
- Lovelinesses - appeal
- Lovelorn - unloved
- Lovely - beautiful, charming; agreeable
- Lovemaking - sexual activity
- Lovemakings - sexual activity
- Lover - person having sexual relationship
- Lovers - person having sexual relationship
- Loves - adoration; very strong liking
- Loveseat - furniture for sitting, reclining
- Loveseats - furniture for sitting, reclining
- Lovesick - longing
- Lovesome - very likable; endearing
- Lovie -
- Loving - expressing adoration
- Lovingly - tenderly
- Lovingness - affection
- Lovingnesses - affection
- Lovings - great appreciation of something
- Low - close to the ground; short
- Low-quality -
- Lowborn - living in, coming from poor circumstances
- Lowboy - cabinet with drawers
- Lowboys - cabinet with drawers
- Lowbred - obscene, vulgar
- Lowbrow - crude, savage
- Lowbrowed - uncultivated, vulgar
- Lowdown - sexually aroused; displaying excessive interest in sex
- Lowdowns - facts, news
- Lowed - holler
- Lower - under, inferior
- Lower group -
- Lower paleolithic -
- Lowered - let down; fall
- Lowering - threatening
- Lowerings - a demoting
- Lowermost - bottom
- Lowers - under, inferior
- Lowery - menacing, ominous
- Lowest - shortest
- Lowing - holler
- Lowland - hollow in the land
- Lowlands - hollow in the land
- Lowlier - inferior, plain
- Lowliest - inferior, plain
- Lowlife - hateful; beyond contempt
- Lowlifes - person who is very bad, immoral
- Lowliness - modesty
- Lowlinesses - modesty
- Lowly - inferior, plain
- Lowness - offensive behavior
- Lownesses - offensive behavior
- Lows - decline, failure
- Loyal - faithful, dependable
- Loyalist - supporter
- Loyalists - supporter
- Loyally - faithfully
- Loyalties - faithfulness, dependability
- Loyalty - faithfulness, dependability
- Lozenge - troche
- Lozenges - troche
- Lth -
- Lubberly - clumsy, stupid
- Lube - lubricating
- Lubed - make slippery
- Lubes - lubricating
- Lubing - lubricating
- Lubricant - lubricator
- Lubricants - lubricator
- Lubricate - make slippery
- Lubricated - make slippery
- Lubricates - make slippery
- Lubricating - make slippery
- Lubrication - lubricating
- Lubrications - lubricating
- Lubricative - fatty, greasy
- Lubricious - underhand
- Lubricities - indecency, immorality; vulgarism
- Lubricity - indecency, immorality; vulgarism
- Lubricous - lustful, lewd
- Lucarne - framework with pane
- Lucarnes - framework with pane
- Lucent - bright
- Lucerna -
- Luces -
- lucid - (of language) transparently clear; easily understandable
- Lucidities - clearness
- Lucidity - clearness
- Lucidly - sensibly
- Lucidness - clarity
- Lucidnesses - clarity
- Lucifer - satan
- Lucifer match -
- Lucifers - satan
- Luck - good fortune
- Lucked - happen on
- Luckier - fortunate, opportune
- Luckiest - fortunate, opportune
- Luckily - happily
- Luckiness - luck
- Luckinesses - luck
- Lucking - happen on
- Luckless - cursed
- Lucks - good fortune
- Lucky - fortunate, opportune
- Lucrative - productive, well-paid
- Lucre - money, profits
- Lucres - money, profits
- Lucubrate - study
- Lucubrated - study
- Lucubrates - study
- Lucubrating - study
- lucubration - Laborious mental effort; prolonged study or writing.; A piece of written work produced by such effort, often scholarly or ponderous.
- Lucubrations - advisement
- luculent - (of language) transparently clear; easily understandable
- Ludgate -
- ludic - relating to play or playfulness
- Ludicrous - absurd, ridiculous
- Ludicrously - wildly, fiercely
- Ludicrousness - humor
- Ludicrousnesses - humor
- Lues -
- Lug - drag something around
- Luge - sleigh
- Luges - sleigh
- Luggage - bag, suitcase
- Luggages - bag, suitcase
- Lugged - drag something around
- Lugging - drag something around
- Lugs - drag something around
- Lugsail - four-sided sail
- Lugsails - four-sided sail
- lugubrious - excessively mournful
- Lukewarm - slightly heated
- Lull - pause, calm
- Lullabied - calm, ease off
- Lullabies - nighttime song
- Lullaby - nighttime song
- Lullabying - calm, ease off
- Lulled - calm, ease off
- Lulling - calm, ease off
- Lulls - pause, calm
- Lulu - beautiful, magnificent
- Lulus - winner
- Lumber - walk heavily, clumsily
- Lumbered - walk heavily, clumsily
- Lumbering - clumsy, awkward
- Lumberingly - with difficulty
- lumberjack - a short warm outer jacket
- Lumberjacks - lumberer
- Lumberman - lumberer
- Lumbermen - lumberer
- Lumbers - walk heavily, clumsily
- Luminance - radiance
- Luminances - radiance
- Luminaries - very important person
- Luminary - very important person
- Luminesce - glow
- Luminesced - glow
- Luminescence - moonshine
- Luminescences - moonshine
- Luminescent - glowing, shining
- Luminesces - glow
- Luminescing - glow
- Luminosities - radiance
- Luminosity - radiance
- Luminous - bright, glowing
- Luminously - glitteringly
- Luminousness - gloss, shine
- Luminousnesses - gloss, shine
- Lummox - oaf
- Lummoxes - oaf
- Lump - clump, mass
- Lumped - clump, mass
- Lumpier - knotty
- Lumpiest - knotty
- Lumping - clump, mass
- Lumpish - heavy
- Lumps - clump, mass
- Lumpy - knotty
- Luna - subsidiary
- Lunacies - craziness, madness
- Lunacy - craziness, madness
- Lunar - pertaining to the moon
- Lunars - pertaining to the moon
- Lunas - subsidiary
- Lunatic - crazy, mad
- Lunatics - crazy, mad
- Lunch - midday meal
- Lunched - eat, often formally
- Luncheon - food, often taken by several individuals
- Luncheonette - lunch place
- Luncheonettes - lunch place
- Luncheons - food, often taken by several individuals
- Lunches - midday meal
- Lunching - eat, often formally
- Lunchmeat - processed meat
- Lunchmeats - processed meat
- Lunchroom - business establishment serving food and drink
- Lunchrooms - business establishment serving food and drink
- Lunchtime - middle of the day
- Lunchtimes - middle of the day
- Lune - sickle-shaped object
- Lunes - sickle-shaped object
- Lunette - framework with pane
- Lunettes - framework with pane
- Lung - body part
- Lunge - pounce
- Lunged - pounce, dive for
- Lunges - pounce
- Lungi - headdress
- Lunging - pounce, dive for
- Lungis - headdress
- Lungs - body part
- Lunkhead - oaf
- Lunkheads - oaf
- Lupine - wolflike
- Lurch - move toward with jerk
- Lurched - move toward with jerk
- Lurches - move toward with jerk
- Lurching - move toward with jerk
- Lure - bait
- Lured - attract, seduce
- Lurer - seducer
- Lurers - seducer
- Lures - bait
- lurid - glaringly vivid and graphic; marked by sensationalism
- Luring - seductive
- Lurk - hide; move stealthily
- Lurked - hide; move stealthily
- Lurker - thief
- Lurkers - thief
- Lurking - hiding out
- Lurkings - lying in wait; concealed position
- Lurks - hide; move stealthily
- Luscious - delicious, delectable
- Lush - profuse and delightful
- Lusher - profuse and delightful
- Lushes - drunk
- Lushest - profuse and delightful
- Lushness - elegance
- Lushnesses - elegance
- Lusk -
- Lust - appetite, passion
- Lusted - appetite, passion
- Luster - gloss, shine
- Lustered - add a layer to; embellish
- Lustering - add a layer to; embellish
- Lusterless - dull, lifeless
- Lusters - gloss, shine
- Lustful - lecherous
- Lustfully - deeply
- Lustfulness - desire
- Lustfulnesses - desire
- Lustier - energetic, healthy
- Lustiest - energetic, healthy
- Lustily - forcefully
- Lustiness - ability, power
- Lustinesses - ability, power
- Lusting - desire strongly
- Lustra - five of something
- Lustral - purgative
- Lustrate - purify
- Lustrated - purify
- Lustrates - purify
- Lustrating - purify
- Lustration - purification
- Lustrations - purification
- Lustrative - purgative
- Lustrous - glossy, shining
- Lustrously - glitteringly
- Lustrum - five of something
- Lustrums - five of something
- Lusts - appetite, passion
- Lusty - energetic, healthy
- Lute - gluing, binding material
- Lutes - gluing, binding material
- Luxate - become separated
- Luxated - mixed-up
- Luxates - become separated
- Luxating - become separated
- Luxation - displacement
- Luxations - displacement
- Luxor -
- Luxuriance - money, resources
- Luxuriances - money, resources
- Luxuriant - profuse, plush
- Luxuriantly - sufficiently
- Luxuriate - indulge, prosper
- Luxuriated - indulge, prosper
- Luxuriates - indulge, prosper
- Luxuriating - indulge, prosper
- Luxuries - great pleasure, indulgence
- Luxurious - affluent, indulgent
- Luxuriously - richly
- Luxuriousness - great pleasure, indulgence
- Luxuriousnesses - great pleasure, indulgence
- Luxury - great pleasure, indulgence
- Lycanthrope -
- lycanthropy - (folklore) the magical ability of a person to assume the characteristics of a wolf
- Lyceum - institution of higher education
- Lyceums - institution of higher education
- Lycra -
- Lying - dishonest
- Lyings - purposeful lie about someone, often malicious
- Lymphatic - languid
- Lynam -
- Lynch - kill by hanging
- Lynched - kill by hanging
- Lyncher - hangman
- Lynchers - hangman
- Lynches - kill by hanging
- Lynching - hanging
- Lynchings - hanging
- Lynx - large cat
- Lynxes - large cat
- Lyonnais -
- Lyra - set of bells
- Lyric - musical
- Lyrical - musical
- Lyricist - songwriter
- Lyricists - songwriter
- Lyrics - words of a song
- Lyrist - songwriter
- Lyrists - songwriter
Vocabulary List
- Words that Start with A
- Words that Start with B
- Words that Start with c
- Words that Start with D
- Words that Start with E
- Words that Start with F
- Words that Start with g
- Words that Start with H
- Words that Start with I
- Words that Start with J
- Words that Start with K
- Words that Start with L
- Words that Start with M
- Words that Start with N
- Words that Start with O
- Words that Start with P
- Words that Start with Q
- Words that Start with R
- Words that Start with S
- Words that Start with T
- Words that Start with U
- Words that Start with V
- Words that Start with W
- Words that Start with Y
- Words that Start with Z
Idioms by Category
- The Most Common English Idioms
- Common English Idioms
- Familiar English Idioms
- Idioms about Age
- Idioms about animals
- Idioms about art
- Idioms about clothes
- Idioms about colors
- Idioms about crime
- Idioms about death
- Idioms about dreams
- Idioms about food
- Idioms about furniture
- Idioms about general
- Idioms about health
- Idioms about home
- Idioms about language
- Idioms about law
- Idioms about life
- Idioms about love
- Idioms about men and women
- Idioms about money
- Idioms about music
- Idioms about names
- Idioms about nationalities
- Idioms about nature
- Idioms about numbers
- Idioms about parts of the body
- Idioms about relationship
- Idioms about religion
- Idioms about sexuality
- Idioms about sport
- Idioms about technology and science
- Idioms about time
- Idioms about travel
- Idioms about war
- Idioms about weather
- Idioms about work
- IDIOMS beginning with A
- IDIOMS beginning with B
- IDIOMS beginning with C
- IDIOMS beginning with D
- IDIOMS beginning with E
- IDIOMS beginning with F
- IDIOMS beginning with G
- IDIOMS beginning with H
- IDIOMS beginning with I
- IDIOMS beginning with J
- IDIOMS beginning with K
- IDIOMS beginning with L
- IDIOMS beginning with M
- IDIOMS beginning with N
- IDIOMS beginning with O
- IDIOMS beginning with P
- IDIOMS beginning with Q
- IDIOMS beginning with R
- IDIOMS beginning with S
- IDIOMS beginning with T
- IDIOMS beginning with U
- IDIOMS beginning with V
- IDIOMS beginning with W
- IDIOMS beginning with X
- IDIOMS beginning with Y
- IDIOMS beginning with Z
Phrases by Category
- Common Expression
- Greetings
- Travel & Directions
- Number and Money
- Location
- Phone and Internet and Mail
- Time and dates
- Accommodations
- Dining
- Making friends
- Entertainment
- Shopping
- Communication difficulties
- Emergency and health
- General questions
- Work
- Weather
- Miscellaneous
- Phrases beginning with A
- Phrases beginning with B
- Phrases beginning with c
- Phrases beginning with D
- Phrases beginning with E
- Phrases beginning with F
- Phrases beginning with g
- Phrases beginning with H
- Phrases beginning with I
- Phrases beginning with J
- Phrases beginning with K
- Phrases beginning with L
- Phrases beginning with M
- Phrases beginning with N
- Phrases beginning with O
- Phrases beginning with P
- Phrases beginning with Q
- Phrases beginning with R
- Phrases beginning with S
- Phrases beginning with T
- Phrases beginning with U
- Phrases beginning with V
- Phrases beginning with W
- Phrases beginning with Y
- Phrases beginning with Z