Words Beginning with r - list and definitions learning English
- Rabbet - indentation
- Rabbeted - make a space; push in slightly
- Rabbeting - make a space; push in slightly
- Rabbets - indentation
- Rabbit -
- rabble - disparaging terms for the common people
- Rabi -
- Rachis -
- Raciness - sharpness
- Racinesses - sharpness
- Racing - speeding
- Racings - speeding
- Racism - prejudice against an ethnic group
- Racisms - prejudice against an ethnic group
- Racist - bigoted
- Racists - bigot
- Rack - frame, framework
- Racked - torture; strain
- Racket - commotion; fight
- Racketed - protest; cause an uproar
- Racketeer - gangster
- Racketeers - gangster
- Racketing - protest; cause an uproar
- Rackets - commotion; fight
- Rackety - very loud and unharmonious in sound
- Racking - torture; strain
- Racks - frame, framework
- raconteur - a person skilled in telling anecdotes
- Raconteurs - anecdote teller
- Racy - energetic, zestful
- Rad - unusual
- Radar - radio detecting and ranging
- Radars - radio detecting and ranging
- Radder - unusual
- Raddest - unusual
- raddled - Used until no longer useful; Often due to fatigue or stress.; Especially from age or exposure to the elements.
- Radial - branching
- Radiance - brightness, luminescence
- Radiances - brightness, luminescence
- Radiant - bright, luminous
- Radiantly - glitteringly
- Radiate - give off; scatter
- Radiated - give off; scatter
- Radiately -
- Radiates - give off; scatter
- Radiating - give off; scatter
- Radiation - dissemination
- Radiations - dissemination
- Radiator - device which heats
- Radiators - device which heats
- Radical - fundamental, basic
- Radically - completely
- Radicals - fundamental, basic
- Radices - base, core
- Radicle - base, core
- Radicles - base, core
- Radii - range, sweep
- Radio - communication by electronic air waves
- Radioactivate - adulterate
- Radioactivated - adulterate
- Radioactivates - adulterate
- Radioactivating - adulterate
- Radioactivation - adulteration
- Radioactive - active
- Radioactivities - picture of inside a body
- Radioactivity - picture of inside a body
- Radioed - inform
- Radiogram - message sent by coded radio signals
- Radiograms - message sent by coded radio signals
- Radiograph - picture of inside a body
- Radiographed - put forth on electronic media
- Radiographing - put forth on electronic media
- Radiographs - picture of inside a body
- Radioing - inform
- Radiometer - photography device
- Radiometers - photography device
- Radionics - communication by electronic air waves
- Radionuclides -
- Radios - communication by electronic air waves
- Radiotelegraph - communication by electronic air waves
- Radiotelegraphs - communication by electronic air waves
- Radiotelegraphy - communication by electronic air waves
- Radiotelephone - communication by electronic air waves
- Radiotelephones - communication by electronic air waves
- Radiotelephonic - communication by electronic air waves
- Radiothon - appeal for funds
- Radiothons - appeal for funds
- Radius - range, sweep
- Radiuses - range, sweep
- Radix - base, core
- Radixes - base, core
- Radnorshire -
- Rads -
- Raffinate -
- raffish - marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners
- Raffle - lottery for a prize
- Raffles - lottery for a prize
- Raft - flatboat
- Rafter - beam
- Raftered - made of wood
- Rafters - beam
- Rafts - flatboat
- Rag - cloth
- Ragamuffin - person who is poor, tattered
- Ragamuffins - person who is poor, tattered
- Ragbag - assortment of miscellaneous items
- Ragbags - assortment of miscellaneous items
- Rage - extreme anger
- Raged - be angry
- Rager - well-known, favorite
- Rages - extreme anger
- Ragged - worn-out; in shreds
- Raggedness - the quality of being rough on the surface
- Raggednesses - the quality of being rough on the surface
- Raggedy - tattered
- Ragging - oral punishment
- Raggings - oral punishment
- Raging - violent; mad
- Ragings - extreme force, intensity
- Raglan - heavy coat
- Raglans - heavy coat
- Ragout - stew
- Ragouts - stew
- Rags - clothes
- Ragtag - scruffy
- Ragtags - lowest common denominator
- Ragtime - style of music
- Ragtimes - style of music
- Ragweed - irritant
- Ragweeds - irritant
- Ragwheel - toothed part of wheel
- Ragwheels - toothed part of wheel
- Rah - cheer
- Rahed - cheer
- Rahing - cheer
- Rahs - cheer
- Raid - attack, seizure
- Raided - attack, seizure
- Raider - thief
- Raiders - thief
- Raiding - attack, seizure
- Raids - attack, seizure
- Rail - criticize harshly
- Railed - criticize harshly
- Railing - post
- Railings - post, pole along an edge
- Railleries - banter
- raillery - light teasing repartee
- Railroad - train line
- Railroaded - put in jail, confinement
- Railroading - put in jail, confinement
- Railroads - train line
- Rails - post, pole along an edge
- Railway - railroad
- Railwayman -
- Railways - railroad
- Raiment - attire
- Raiments - attire
- Rain - downpour of water or other substance
- Rain check -
- Rain forest -
- Rainbow - color spectrum
- Rainbowlike - rainbow-colored
- Rainbows - color spectrum
- Raincheck - authorization on paper
- Rainchecks - authorization on paper
- Raincloud -
- Raincoat - coat for rain
- Raincoats - coat for rain
- Raindrop - downpour of water or other substance
- Raindrops - downpour of water or other substance
- Rained - downpour of water or other substance
- Rainfall - precipitation
- Rainfalls - precipitation
- Rainier - moist
- Rainiest - moist
- Raining - drop water or other substance
- Rainless - dry
- Rainmaker - weaponry or military unit
- Rainmakers - weaponry or military unit
- Rainmaking - rainmaking technique
- Rainmakings - rainmaking technique
- Rainproof - impervious to water
- Rains - downpour of water or other substance
- Rainstorm - moisture in air or falling from sky
- Rainstorms - moisture in air or falling from sky
- Rainwater - pure liquid hydrogen and oxygen
- Rainwaters - pure liquid hydrogen and oxygen
- Rainy - moist
- Raise - increase in salary or position
- Raised - elevated
- Raises - increase in salary or position
- Raising - lift; build from the ground
- Raisings - increase in salary or position
- Raja - royal person
- Rajah - historically, person who ruled an area
- Rajahs - historically, person who ruled an area
- Rajas - royal person
- Rake - scrape up, hoe
- Raked - scrape up, hoe
- Rakeoff - part, piece
- Rakeoffs - part, piece
- Rakes - scrape up, hoe
- Raking - scrape up, hoe
- Rakish - charming and immoral
- Rakshasa - large humanoid creature
- Rakshasas - large humanoid creature
- Rale - sound made while dying
- Rales - sound made while dying
- Rallied - reorganize, unite
- Rallies - celebratory meeting
- Rally - celebratory meeting
- Rallying - reorganize, unite
- Ralph - vomit
- Ralphed - vomit
- Ralphing - vomit
- Ralphs - vomit
- Ram - bang into; pack forcibly
- Ramble - aimless walk
- Rambled - aimless walk
- Rambler - person who wanders from place to place
- Ramblers - person who wanders from place to place
- Rambles - aimless walk
- Rambling - disconnected, wordy
- Ramblings - path over which someone or something travels
- Rambunctious - loud, energetic
- Ramification - consequence, development
- Ramifications - consequence, development
- Ramified - branch
- Ramifies - branch
- Ramify - branch
- Ramifying - branch
- Ramjet - gas airplane engine
- Ramjets - gas airplane engine
- Rammed - bang into; pack forcibly
- Ramming - bang into; pack forcibly
- Ramp - incline
- Rampage - storm, violence
- Rampaged - storm, violence
- rampageous - displaying raging violence; often destructive
- Rampages - storm, violence
- Rampaging - go crazy; storm
- Rampancies - commotion, turmoil
- Rampancy - commotion, turmoil
- Rampant - uncontrolled, out of hand
- Rampart - fortification, stronghold
- Ramparts - fortification, stronghold
- Ramped - elevate
- Ramping - elevate
- Ramps - incline
- Rams - bang into; pack forcibly
- ramshackle - in deplorable condition
- Ran - move fast on foot
- Ranch - farm
- Ranched - produce crops, raise animals
- Rancher - ranch owner
- Ranchero - ranch owner
- Rancheros - ranch owner
- Ranchers - ranch owner
- Ranches - farm
- Ranching - breeding and caring for farm animals
- Ranchings - breeding and caring for farm animals
- Ranchland - open land that can be cultivated
- Ranchlands - open land that can be cultivated
- Ranchman - ranch owner
- Ranchmen - ranch owner
- Rancid - rotten, strong-smelling
- Rancidity -
- rancor - a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will
- Rancorous - resentful
- Rancorously - with resentment
- Rancorousness - resentment
- Rancorousnesses - resentment
- Rancors - bitterness, hatefulness
- Randier - crude
- Randiest - crude
- Random - haphazard, chance
- Randomly - incidentally
- Randomness - unpredictability
- Randy - crude
- Ranee - royal lady
- Ranees - royal lady
- Rang - encircle
- Range - sphere, distance, extent
- Ranged - order, categorize
- Rangeland -
- Ranger - patrol person
- Rangers - patrol person
- Ranges - sphere, distance, extent
- Rangi - arrangement
- Rangier - long and lean
- Rangiest - long and lean
- Ranginess - extent of object, distance, time
- Ranginesses - extent of object, distance, time
- Ranging - grazing
- Rangings - something that has been ordered
- Rangis - arrangement
- Rangy - long and lean
- Rani - historically, person who ruled an area
- Ranis - historically, person who ruled an area
- Rank - stinking, foul
- Ranked - ordered
- Ranker - stinking, foul
- Rankest - stinking, foul
- Ranking - line up; classify in system
- Rankings - hierarchy
- Rankle - annoy, irritate
- Rankled - annoy, irritate
- Rankles - annoy, irritate
- Rankling - festering
- Rankly -
- Rankness - flagrancy
- Ranknesses - flagrancy
- Ranks - standing in a system, often a social one
- Ransack - turn inside out in search; ravage
- Ransacked - turn inside out in search; ravage
- Ransacker - thief
- Ransackers - thief
- Ransacking - turn inside out in search; ravage
- Ransackings - devastation, destruction
- Ransacks - turn inside out in search; ravage
- Ransom - blackmail money paid for return of possession or person
- Ransomed - blackmail money paid for return of possession or person
- Ransoming - blackmail money paid for return of possession or person
- Ransoms - blackmail money paid for return of possession or person
- Rant - yelling, raving
- Ranted - yell, rave
- Ranter - person who talks boastingly
- Ranters - person who talks boastingly
- Ranting - raging
- Rantings - craziness, ridiculousness
- Rants - yelling, raving
- Rap - hit quickly and lightly
- rapacious - devouring or craving food in great quantities
- Rapaciousness - voracity
- Rapaciousnesses - voracity
- Rapacities - plunder
- Rapacity - plunder
- Rape - defilement; a forced sexual assault
- Raped - assaulted
- Raper - defilement; a forced sexual assault
- Rapers - defilement; a forced sexual assault
- Rapes - defilement; a forced sexual assault
- Raphe -
- Rapid - very quick
- Rapider - very quick
- Rapidest - very quick
- Rapidities - quickness
- Rapidity - quickness
- Rapidly - very quickly
- Rapidness - haste
- Rapidnesses - haste
- Rapids - high-current part of river
- Rapier - saber
- Rapiers - saber
- Rapine - despoil
- Rapines - despoil
- Raping - defilement; a forced sexual assault
- Rapist - attacker
- Rapists - attacker
- Rapparee - robber
- Rapparees - robber
- Rapped - talk casually; speak abruptly
- Rapping - talk casually; speak abruptly
- Rappings - continuous drumming
- Rapport - understanding between people
- Rapports - understanding between people
- Rapprochement - restoration of harmony
- Rapprochements - restoration of harmony
- Raps - hit quickly and lightly
- rapscallion - one who is playfully mischievous
- Rapscallions - rascal
- Rapt - absorbed, fascinated
- Raptly -
- Raptness - total attention toward something
- Raptnesses - total attention toward something
- Raptor - carnivorous bird
- Raptorial - eating, destroying for sustenance or without conscience
- Raptors - carnivorous bird
- rapture - a state of elated bliss
- Raptures - extreme happiness and delight in something
- Rapturous - ecstatic
- Rapturously - tenderly
- Rare - exceptional, infrequent
- Rarefaction - freeing, cleansing
- Rarefactions - freeing, cleansing
- Rarefied - exclusive
- Rarefies - thin
- Rarefy - thin
- Rarefying - thin
- Rarely - not often; exceptionally
- Rareness - infrequency
- Rarenesses - infrequency
- Rarer - exceptional, infrequent
- Rarest - exceptional, infrequent
- Rarified - free; make clean
- Rarifies - free; make clean
- Rarify - free; make clean
- Rarifying - free; make clean
- Raring - eager
- Rarities - infrequency
- Rarity - infrequency
- Rasa -
- Rascal - person who is unprincipled, does not work hard
- Rascalities - mischief
- Rascality - mischief
- Rascally - devilish, wicked
- Rascals - person who is unprincipled, does not work hard
- Rash - careless, impulsive
- Rasher - slice
- Rashers - slice
- Rashes - careless, impulsive
- Rashest - careless, impulsive
- Rashly - brashly
- Rashness - recklessness
- Rashnesses - recklessness
- Rasp - grind, rub
- Raspberries - boo
- Raspberry - boo
- Rasped - grind, rub
- Raspier - rough
- Raspiest - rough
- Rasping - hoarse; harsh and dry in sound
- Raspings - stroke, massage
- Rasps - grind, rub
- Raspy - rough
- Rat - informer
- Rat terrier -
- Ratable - subject to tax
- rataplan - The sound of a drumbeat or similar rhythmic percussion.
- Ratch -
- Ratchet - circle, revolution
- Ratchets - circle, revolution
- Rate - ratio, proportion
- Rateables -
- Rated - ranked
- Rates - ratio, proportion
- Ratfink - reporter
- Ratfinks - reporter
- Rather - moderately
- Ratherish - moderately
- Rathole - tiny unkempt house
- Ratholes - tiny unkempt house
- Rathskeller - establishment serving alcohol
- Rathskellers - establishment serving alcohol
- Ratification - acceptance
- Ratifications - acceptance
- Ratified - affirm, authorize
- Ratifies - affirm, authorize
- Ratify - affirm, authorize
- Ratifying - affirm, authorize
- Rating - grade
- Ratings - grade
- Ratio - percentage, relation of part to whole
- Ratiocinate - think
- Ratiocinated - think
- Ratiocinates - think
- Ratiocinating - think
- ratiocination - The process of exact thinking; reasoning.; A reasoned train of thought.
- Ratiocinations - logic
- Ratiocinative - logical
- Ration - allotment of limited supply
- Rational - realistic; of sound mind
- Rationale - logic for belief, action
- Rationales - logic for belief, action
- Rationalism - principles, knowledge
- Rationalisms - principles, knowledge
- Rationalist - person who is leery, unbelieving
- Rationalistic - logical, rational
- Rationalists - person who is leery, unbelieving
- Rationalities - logic
- Rationality - logic
- Rationalization - account
- Rationalize - make excuse; justify
- Rationalized - make excuse; justify
- Rationalizes - make excuse; justify
- Rationalizing - make excuse; justify
- Rationally - sensibly
- Rationalness - sense
- Rationalnesses - sense
- Rationed - divide something into portions
- Rationing - divide something into portions
- Rationings - divider, division
- Rations - allotment of limited supply
- Ratios - percentage, relation of part to whole
- Rats - informer
- Ratted - abandon, reject
- Rattier - shabby
- Rattiest - shabby
- Ratting - divulgence of information
- Rattings - divulgence of information
- Rattle - bang, jiggle
- Rattlebrain - scatterbrain
- Rattlebrained - giddy
- Rattlebrains - scatterbrain
- Rattled - bang, jiggle
- Rattler - train that has freight cars
- Rattlers - train that has freight cars
- Rattles - bang, jiggle
- Rattletrap - tottery
- Rattletraps - old, dilapidated automobile
- Rattling - bang, jiggle
- Rattrap - tiny unkempt house
- Rattraps - tiny unkempt house
- Ratty - shabby
- Raucous - noisy, rough; being rough or noisy in a high-spirited way
- Raunch - obscenity
- Raunches - obscenity
- Raunchier - lewd, obscene
- Raunchiest - lewd, obscene
- Raunchiness - obscenity
- Raunchinesses - obscenity
- Raunchy - lewd, obscene
- Ravage - destroy, ransack
- Ravaged - destroy, ransack
- Ravager - thief
- Ravagers - thief
- Ravages - destroy, ransack
- Ravaging - destroy, ransack
- Rave - talk endlessly
- Raved - talk endlessly
- Ravel - come apart; unwind
- Raveled - come apart; unwind
- Raveling - come apart; unwind
- Ravelings - fiber
- Ravelled - come apart; unwind
- Ravelling - come apart; unwind
- Ravels - come apart; unwind
- Raven - black
- Ravened - choke; oversupply
- Ravening - eating, destroying for sustenance or without conscience
- Ravenous - very hungry; desirous
- Ravenousness - voracity
- Ravenousnesses - voracity
- Ravens - something stolen
- Raver - very happy, enthusiastic
- Ravers - person who is considered mentally ill
- Raves - talk endlessly
- Ravin - goal
- Ravine - gap in earth's surface
- Ravines - gap in earth's surface
- Raving - maniacal
- Ravingly - furiously
- Ravings - extreme anger
- Ravins - goal
- Ravioli - noodles
- Raviolis - noodles
- Ravish - enchant
- Ravished - enchant
- Ravisher - attacker
- Ravishers - attacker
- Ravishes - enchant
- Ravishing - attractive
- Ravishment - great happiness, pleasure
- Ravishments - great happiness, pleasure
- Raw - not cooked, prepared
- Rawboned - skinny
- Rawer - not cooked, prepared
- Rawest - not cooked, prepared
- Rawhide - length of material for hitting
- Rawhides - length of material for hitting
- Rawness - inexperience
- Rawnesses - inexperience
- Raws - liquid produced by mammals
- Ray - beam; indication
- Rayless - lack of light
- Rayons -
- Rays - beam; indication
- Raze - flatten, knock down; wipe out
- Razed - flatten, knock down; wipe out
- Razes - flatten, knock down; wipe out
- Razing - flatten, knock down; wipe out
- Razor - shaver
- Razorback - pig
- Razorbacks - pig
- Razors - shaver
- Razz - ridicule
- Razzed - ridicule
- Razzes - ridicule
- Razzing - ridicule
- Razzings - rude disapproving noise
- Re - concerning
- Re-entry -
- Re-evaluate -
- Reach - extent, range; stretch
- Reachable - accessible
- Reached - arrive at
- Reaches - extent, range; stretch
- Reaching - extending to a point
- Reacquire - find again
- Reacquired - returned to the same place
- Reacquires - find again
- Reacquiring - find again
- React - respond; conduct oneself
- Reactant - something which incites activity
- Reactants - something which incites activity
- Reacted - respond; conduct oneself
- Reacting - respond; conduct oneself
- Reaction - response
- Reactionaries - conservative
- Reactionary - conservative
- Reactionaryism - opposition to change
- Reactionaryisms - opposition to change
- Reactionist - person who is politically conservative
- Reactionists - person who is politically conservative
- Reactions - response
- Reactivate - start again
- Reactivated - start again
- Reactivates - start again
- Reactivating - start again
- Reactivation - revival
- Reactivations - revival
- Reactive - quick to react
- Reactiveness - responsiveness to stimuli
- Reactivenesses - responsiveness to stimuli
- Reactivities - responsiveness to stimuli
- Reactivity - responsiveness to stimuli
- Reactor - electrical device
- Reactors - electrical device
- Reacts - respond; conduct oneself
- Read - look at and understand written word
- Readable - understandable, legible
- Readapt - relocate
- Readapted - relocate
- Readapting - relocate
- Readapts - relocate
- Reader - one who reads habitually
- Readers - person who reads
- Readied - prepare
- Readier - prepared; available
- Readies - prepare
- Readiest - prepared; available
- Readily - quickly; effortlessly
- Readiness - skill; eagerness
- Readinesses - skill; eagerness
- Reading - interpretation of written word
- Readings - interpretation of written word
- Readjust - rearrange
- Readjusted - rearrange
- Readjusting - rearrange
- Readjustment - rearrangement
- Readjustments - rearrangement
- Readjusts - rearrange
- Reads - look at and understand written word
- Ready - prepared; available
- Readying - prepare
- Readymade - silly, commonplace
- Reaffirm - start over; refurbish
- Reaffirmed - start over; refurbish
- Reaffirming - start over; refurbish
- Reaffirms - start over; refurbish
- Reagencies - response
- Reagency - response
- Reagent - acid-base indicator
- Reagents - acid-base indicator
- Reais - genuine
- Real - genuine in existence
- Realer - genuine in existence
- Reales - genuine
- Realest - genuine in existence
- Realign - rearrange into a proper order
- Realignment - change, often major
- Realignments - change, often major
- Realism - authenticity
- Realisms - authenticity
- Realist - pragmatist
- Realistic - sensible, matter-of-fact
- Realists - pragmatist
- Realities - facts of existence
- Reality - facts of existence
- Realizable - readily available
- Realization - comprehension
- Realizations - comprehension
- Realize - appreciate, become aware of
- Realized - fulfilled
- Realizes - appreciate, become aware of
- Realizing - achieving
- Reallocate - redistribute
- Reallocated - transported
- Reallocates - redistribute
- Reallocating - redistribute
- Really - without a doubt
- Realm - area of responsibility or rule
- Realms - area of responsibility or rule
- Realness - authenticity
- Realnesses - authenticity
- Realpolitik - political philosophy
- Realpolitiks - political philosophy
- Reals - genuine
- Realties - earth's surface; ownable property
- Realty - earth's surface; ownable property
- Ream - heap
- Reamed - pierce; get through physically
- Reaming - pierce; get through physically
- Reams - heap
- Reanimate - revive
- Reanimated - revive
- Reanimates - revive
- Reanimating - revive
- Reanimation - rebirth, reawakening
- Reanimations - rebirth, reawakening
- Reap - collect, harvest
- Reaped - collect, harvest
- Reaper - harvester
- Reapers - harvester
- Reaping - collect, harvest
- Reapings - achievement, accomplishment
- Reappear - come again
- Reappearance - recurrence
- Reappearances - recurrence
- Reappeared - come again
- Reappearing - come again
- Reappears - come again
- Reappointed - rehired
- Reapportion - redistribute
- Reapportioned - redistribute
- Reapportioning - redistribute
- Reapportions - redistribute
- Reaps - collect, harvest
- Rear - back, end
- Rear ender -
- Rear panel -
- Reared - raise young
- Rearer - back, end
- Rearing - raise young
- Rearings - development, nourishment
- Rearmost - last
- Rearrange - do over
- Rearranged - do over
- Rearrangement - displacement
- Rearrangements - displacement
- Rearranges - do over
- Rearranging - do over
- Rears - back, end
- Rearward - back
- Rearwards - back
- Reason - mental analysis
- Reasonable - moderate, tolerable
- Reasonableness - lawfulness, fairness
- Reasonably - in a reasonable manner
- Reasoned - mentally analyze
- Reasoning - logic, interpretation
- Reasonings - logic, interpretation
- Reasonless - worthless; unfounded
- Reasons - mental analysis
- Reassemble - reorganize, unite
- Reassembled - reorganize, unite
- Reassembles - reorganize, unite
- Reassembling - reorganize, unite
- Reassembly -
- Reassert - make known clearly or officially
- Reasserted - make known clearly or officially
- Reasserting - make known clearly or officially
- Reasserts - make known clearly or officially
- Reassess - think about again
- Reassessed - think about again
- Reassesses - think about again
- Reassessing - think about again
- Reassessment - examination, study
- Reassessments - examination, study
- Reassigned - transported
- Reassignments -
- Reassume - resume
- Reassumed - resume
- Reassumes - resume
- Reassuming - resume
- Reassurance - help, aid
- Reassurances - help, aid
- Reassure - restore confidence to
- Reassured - restore confidence to
- Reassures - restore confidence to
- Reassuring - restore confidence to
- Reata - rope
- Reatas - rope
- Reattached -
- Reattain - get back, get back to
- Reattained - get back, get back to
- Reattaining - get back, get back to
- Reattains - get back, get back to
- Reawaken - revive
- Reawakened - revive
- Reawakening - revive
- Reawakenings - rebirth
- Reawakens - revive
- rebarbative - serving or tending to repel
- Rebate - refund given to purchaser
- Rebated - dwindle, decrease
- Rebates - refund given to purchaser
- Rebating - dwindle, decrease
- Rebel - not obeying
- Rebellion - disobedience; revolt
- Rebellions - disobedience; revolt
- Rebellious - disobedient, unmanageable
- Rebelliously - destructively
- Rebelliousness - defiance
- Rebels - person who does not obey
- Rebirth - resurrection
- Rebirths - resurrection
- Reboot - start operating system
- Rebooted - start operating system
- Rebooting - start operating system
- Reboots - start operating system
- Reborn - renewed
- Rebound - bounce back; ricochet
- Rebounded - bounce back; ricochet
- Rebounding - bounce back; ricochet
- Rebounds - bounce back; ricochet
- Rebuff - turning away; ignoring
- Rebuffed - turn away; give the cold shoulder
- Rebuffing - turn away; give the cold shoulder
- Rebuffs - turning away; ignoring
- Rebuild - repair
- Rebuilded - repair
- Rebuilding - repair
- Rebuildings - restoring
- Rebuilds - repair
- Rebuilt - remodeled
- Rebuke - reprimand; harsh criticism
- Rebuked - reprimand; criticize harshly
- Rebukes - reprimand; harsh criticism
- Rebuking - reprimand; harsh criticism
- Rebullition -
- Rebus - puzzle, secret
- Rebuses - puzzle, secret
- Rebut - argue against; prove wrong
- Rebuts - argue against; prove wrong
- Rebuttal - counterstatement
- Rebuttals - counterstatement
- Rebutted - argue against; prove wrong
- Rebutting - argue against; prove wrong
- Rec - sports, games, special interests
- Recalcitrance - defiance
- Recalcitrances - defiance
- Recalcitrancies - unruliness
- Recalcitrancy - unruliness
- recalcitrant - Resisting authority or control; stubbornly defiant.
- Recalcitrate - disregard rules; refuse to conform
- Recalcitrated - disregard rules; refuse to conform
- Recalcitrates - disregard rules; refuse to conform
- Recalcitrating - disregard rules; refuse to conform
- Recalescent - hot
- Recalibrate - correct a situation; make something right
- Recalibrated - correct a situation; make something right
- Recalibrates - correct a situation; make something right
- Recalibrating - correct a situation; make something right
- Recall - remembrance
- Recalled - remembered
- Recalling - remember
- Recallment -
- Recalls - remembrance
- Recant - take back something said
- Recantation - retraction
- Recantations - retraction
- Recanted - take back something said
- Recanting - take back something said
- Recants - take back something said
- Recap - summary
- Recapitulate - go over something again
- Recapitulated - go over something again
- Recapitulates - go over something again
- Recapitulating - go over something again
- Recapitulation - summary that repeats
- Recapitulations - summary that repeats
- Recapitulatory - wordy, tedious
- Recapped - review
- Recapping - review
- Recaps - summary
- Recapture - regain
- Recaptured - regain
- Recaptures - regain
- Recapturing - regain
- Recast - done again
- Recasting - alter, change
- Recasts - alter, change
- Recede - withdraw; diminish
- Receded - withdraw; diminish
- Recedes - withdraw; diminish
- Receding - withdraw; diminish
- Receipt - acknowledgment of delivery
- Receipts - money earned in business venture
- Receivable - due
- Receivables - amount owing
- Receive - accept delivery of something
- Received - taken
- Receiver - one who receives
- Receivers - one who receives
- Receivership - declaring bankruptcy
- Receiverships - declaring bankruptcy
- Receives - accept delivery of something
- Receiving - taking
- Receivings - delivery of goods
- Recension - change; rewriting
- Recensions - change; rewriting
- Recent - current
- Recently - currently
- Recentness - newness, originality
- Recentnesses - newness, originality
- Receptacle - container for disposal, storage
- Receptacles - container for disposal, storage
- Reception - acceptance; acknowledgment
- Receptionist - office worker
- Receptionists - office worker
- Receptions - acceptance; acknowledgment
- Receptive - open to new ideas
- Receptively - genially, in a kindly manner
- Receptiveness - openness
- Receptivenesses - openness
- Receptivities - openness
- Receptivity - openness
- Recess - niche, corner
- Recessed - stop action
- Recesses - niche, corner
- Recessing - niche, corner
- Recession - reversal of action; reduction of business activity
- Recessions - reversal of action; reduction of business activity
- Recessive - passive
- Rechannel - reverse; change course
- Rechanneled - deflected
- Rechanneling - reverse; change course
- Rechannelled - reverse; change course
- Rechannelling - reverse; change course
- Rechannels - reverse; change course
- Recharge - revitalize
- Recharged - revitalize
- Recharges - revitalize
- Recharging - revitalize
- Recheck - think about again
- Rechecked - think about again
- Rechecking - think about again
- Rechecks - think about again
- Recherche - expensive; rare
- Recidivism - lapse
- Recidivisms - lapse
- Recidivist - angel cast out of heaven
- Recidivists - angel cast out of heaven
- Recidivous - bad, hopeless
- Recipe - directions, formula
- Recipes - directions, formula
- Recipience - delivery of goods
- Recipiences - delivery of goods
- Recipient - receiver
- Recipients - receiver
- Reciprocal - exchanged, alternate
- Reciprocalities - interchange
- Reciprocality - interchange
- Reciprocally - as one
- Reciprocals - one of a pair; partner
- Reciprocate - exchange, alternate; equal
- Reciprocated - exchange, alternate; equal
- Reciprocates - exchange, alternate; equal
- Reciprocating - exchange, alternate; equal
- Reciprocation - retaliation
- Reciprocations - retaliation
- Reciprocative - mutual
- Reciprocatory - exchanged, alternate
- Reciprocities - interchange
- Reciprocity - interchange
- Recision - request for return
- Recisions - request for return
- Recital - narrative, rendering
- Recitals - narrative, rendering
- Recitation - reading to audience
- Recitations - reading to audience
- Recite - read out loud; narrate
- Recited - read out loud; narrate
- Reciter - speaker
- Reciters - speaker
- Recites - read out loud; narrate
- Reciting - read out loud; narrate
- Reck - guess
- Reckless - irresponsible in thought, deed
- Recklessly - dangerously
- Recklessness - carelessness
- Recklessnesses - carelessness
- Reckon - add up; evaluate
- Reckoned - add up; evaluate
- Reckoner - person who maintains financial accounts of a business
- Reckoners - person who maintains financial accounts of a business
- Reckoning - computation, account
- Reckonings - computation, account
- Reckons - add up; evaluate
- Recks - guess
- Reclaim - bring into usable condition
- Reclaimed - bring into usable condition
- Reclaiming - bring into usable condition
- Reclaimless -
- Reclaims - bring into usable condition
- Reclamation - restoration
- Reclamations - restoration
- Reclame - promotion of something, someone
- Reclames - promotion of something, someone
- Reclassified - deflected
- Reclination - lying down
- Reclinations - lying down
- Recline - lie down
- Reclined - lie down
- Recliner - furniture for sitting, reclining
- Recliners - furniture for sitting, reclining
- Reclines - lie down
- Reclining - lying
- Recluse - person who does not want social contact
- Recluses - person who does not want social contact
- Reclusion - seclusion
- Reclusions - seclusion
- Reclusive - unsociable
- Reclusiveness - seclusion
- Reclusivenesses - seclusion
- Recognition - identification, acknowledgment
- Recognitions - identification, acknowledgment
- Recognizable - easily noticed; considerable
- Recognizably - without any doubt
- Recognizance - identification, acknowledgment
- Recognizances - identification, acknowledgment
- Recognize - identify
- Recognized - acknowledged
- Recognizes - identify
- Recognizing - identify
- Recoil - shrink away
- Recoiled - shrink away
- Recoiling - shrink away
- Recoils - shrink away
- Recollect - remember
- Recollected - remember
- Recollecting - remember
- Recollection - remembrance
- Recollections - remembrance
- Recollective - suggestive of something in the past
- Recollects - remember
- Recombination -
- Recommence - improve
- Recommenced - improve
- Recommencement - recurrence
- Recommencements - recurrence
- Recommences - improve
- Recommencing - improve
- Recommend - advise, approve
- Recommendable - advisable
- Recommendation - advice, approval
- Recommendations - advice, approval
- Recommendatory - approving, friendly
- Recommended - urged
- Recommending - advise, approve
- Recommends - advise, approve
- Recompense - something returned, paid back
- Recompensed - something returned, paid back
- Recompenser -
- Recompenses - something returned, paid back
- Recompensing - something returned, paid back
- Recon - inspection
- Reconcilable - agreeable, in harmony
- Reconcile - make peace; adjust
- Reconciled - settled
- Reconcilement - reconciliation
- Reconcilements - reconciliation
- Reconciler - person who arbitrates
- Reconcilers - person who arbitrates
- Reconciles - make peace; adjust
- Reconciliation - conciliation
- Reconciliations - conciliation
- Reconciling - make peace; adjust
- Recondite - mysterious, obscure
- Reconditeness - depth
- Reconditenesses - depth
- Recondition - renew
- Reconditioned - renew
- Reconditioning - renew
- Reconditions - renew
- Reconfigure - set up again
- Reconfigured - set up again
- Reconfiguring - set up again
- Reconfirmed -
- Reconnaissance - inspection
- Reconnaissances - inspection
- Reconnect - join or associate again
- Reconned - secretly follow, watch another's actions
- Reconning - secretly follow, watch another's actions
- reconnoiter - explore, often with the goal of finding something or somebody
- Reconnoitered - inspect
- Reconnoiterer - person who is searching, investigating
- Reconnoiterers - person who is searching, investigating
- Reconnoitering - inspect
- Reconnoiters - inspect
- Reconnoitre - investigate; survey
- Reconnoitred - investigate; survey
- Reconnoitres - investigate; survey
- Reconnoitring - investigate; survey
- Reconquering -
- Recons - inspection
- Reconsider - think about again
- Reconsideration - afterthought
- Reconsidered - think about again
- Reconsidering - think about again
- Reconsiders - think about again
- Reconstitute - reorganize, build up
- Reconstituted - changed
- Reconstitutes - reorganize, build up
- Reconstituting - reorganize, build up
- Reconstitution - rearrangement
- Reconstitutions - rearrangement
- Reconstruct - reorganize, build up
- Reconstructed - reorganize, build up
- Reconstructing - reorganize, build up
- Reconstruction - rebuilding
- Reconstructions - rebuilding
- Reconstructs - reorganize, build up
- Reconvene - meet
- Reconvened - meet
- Reconvenes - meet
- Reconvening - meet
- Record - account of event or proceedings
- Recorded - written
- Recorder - notary public
- Recorders - notary public
- Recording - the act of one that records
- Recordings - the act of one that records
- Records - account of event or proceedings
- Recount - tell a story
- Recountal - description, reading
- Recountals - description, reading
- Recounted - tell a story
- Recounting - tell a story
- Recounts - tell a story
- Recoup - recover, make up for
- Recouped - recover, make up for
- Recouping - recover, make up for
- Recoupment - something returned, paid back
- Recoupments - something returned, paid back
- Recoups - recover, make up for
- Recourse - alternative
- Recourses - alternative
- Recover - find again
- Recoverable - remediable
- Recovered - renewed
- Recoveries - the act of returning to normal
- Recovering - getting better
- Recovers - find again
- Recovery - the act of returning to normal
- Recreance - defection
- Recreances - defection
- Recreancies - defection
- Recreancy - defection
- recreant - an abject coward
- Recreants - person who is unprincipled, does not work hard
- Recreate - amuse
- Recreated - renew
- Recreates - amuse
- Recreating - renew
- Recreation - sports, games, special interests
- Recreational - relating to sports
- Recreations - sports, games, special interests
- Recreative - amusing, pleasing
- Recrement - remains
- Recrementitious - excessive
- Recrements - remains
- Recriminate - blame, denounce
- Recriminated - blame, denounce
- Recriminates - blame, denounce
- Recriminating - blame, denounce
- Recrimination - condemnation
- Recriminations - condemnation
- Recrudesce - return
- Recrudesced - return
- recrudescence - a return of something after a period of abatement
- Recrudescences - coming again
- Recrudesces - return
- Recrudescing - return
- Recruit - person beginning service
- Recruited - inducted
- Recruiter - person who is searching, investigating
- Recruiters - person who is searching, investigating
- Recruiting - gather resources
- Recruitings - military conscription
- Recruitment - conscription
- Recruitments - conscription
- Recruits - person beginning service
- Recs - sports, games, special interests
- Rectal - pertaining to
- Rectangle - four-sided figure
- Rectangles - four-sided figure
- Rectangular - elongated and rounded
- Rectifiable - remediable
- Rectification - equally
- Rectifications - bettering; something bettered
- Rectified - correct a situation; make something right
- Rectifies - correct a situation; make something right
- Rectify - correct a situation; make something right
- Rectifying - correct a situation; make something right
- Rectilineal - aligned; not curved
- Rectilinear - four-sided
- rectitude - Moral uprightness and honesty; adherence to high moral standards.
- Rectitudes - uprightness
- Recto - sheet of paper
- Rector - clergyperson
- Rectories - parsonage
- Rectors - clergyperson
- Rectory - parsonage
- Rectos - sheet of paper
- Recumbencies - lying down
- Recumbency - lying down
- Recumbent - lying down
- Recuperate - improve in health
- Recuperated - improve in health
- Recuperates - improve in health
- Recuperating - improve in health
- Recuperation - recovery
- Recuperations - recovery
- Recuperative - healing, restorative
- Recur - happen again; repeat in one's mind
- Recurred - happen again; repeat in one's mind
- Recurrence - repeated happening
- Recurrences - repeated happening
- Recurrent - repeating
- Recurrently - frequently
- Recurring - happen again; repeat in one's mind
- Recurs - happen again; repeat in one's mind
- Recursive - returning back
- Recurve - make curved; remove angles
- Recurved - make curved; remove angles
- Recurves - make curved; remove angles
- Recurving - make curved; remove angles
- Recusance - belief, behavior different from most
- Recusances - belief, behavior different from most
- Recusancies - belief, behavior different from most
- Recusancy - belief, behavior different from most
- recusant - (of Catholics) refusing to attend services of the Church of England
- Recusants - person who holds different belief
- recuse - challenge or except to a judge as being incompetent or interested, in canon and civil law
- Recussion -
- Recycle - reuse
- Recycled - reuse
- Recycles - reuse
- Recycling - reuse
- Recyclings - restoration
- Red - color of blood; shade resembling such a color
- Red sea -
- Redact - censor
- Redacted - corrected
- Redacting - censor
- Redaction - change; rewriting
- Redactions - change; rewriting
- Redacts - censor
- Redbone -
- Redcap - person who serves as attendant, caretaker
- Redcaps - person who serves as attendant, caretaker
- Redden - blush, make rosy
- Reddened - blush, make rosy
- Reddening - blush, make rosy
- Reddens - blush, make rosy
- Redder - color of blood; shade resembling such a color
- Reddest - color of blood; shade resembling such a color
- Reddish - pinkish, blushing
- Redecorate - refurbish
- Redecorated - refurbish
- Redecorates - refurbish
- Redecorating - refurbish
- Redecoration - renovation
- Redecorations - renovation
- Redeem - recover possession
- Redeemable - remediable
- Redeemed - recovered
- Redeemer - liberator
- Redeemers - liberator
- Redeeming - offsetting
- Redeems - recover possession
- Redefine - define again
- Redemise -
- Redemption - recovery
- Redemptions - recovery
- Redemptive - offsetting
- Redemptory - frugal
- Redesign - reconstruct
- Redesigned - modernized, restored
- Redesigning - reconstruct
- Redesigns - reconstruct
- Redeveloped -
- Redeye - intoxicating, flammable liquid
- Redeyes - intoxicating, flammable liquid
- Redhanded - caught in the act
- Redid - start over
- Redintegration - reestablishment
- Redintegrations - reestablishment
- Redirect - divert
- Redirected - deflected
- Redirecting - divert
- Redirects - divert
- Rediscover - find again
- Rediscovered - renewed
- Rediscovering - find again
- Rediscovers - find again
- Redistribute - do over
- Redistributed - do over
- Redistributes - do over
- Redistributing - do over
- Redistrict - redistribute
- Redistricted - redistribute
- Redistricting - redistribute
- Redistricts - redistribute
- Redivide - divide
- Redivided - divide
- Redivides - divide
- Redividing - divide
- Redline - judge, classify
- Redlined - judge, classify
- Redlines - judge, classify
- Redlining - judge, classify
- Redneck - hick
- Rednecks - hick
- Redness - pink coloring
- Rednesses - pink coloring
- Redo - start over
- Redoes - start over
- Redoing - start over
- Redolence - fragrance
- Redolences - fragrance
- redolent - (used with `of' or `with') noticeably odorous
- Redone - start over
- Redouble - reinforce
- Redoubled - reinforce
- Redoubles - reinforce
- Redoubling - reinforce
- redoubt - an entrenched stronghold or refuge
- redoubtable - inspiring fear
- Redoubted - famous, eminent
- Redoubts - refuge
- redound - have an effect for good or ill
- Redounded - be deflected
- Redounding - be deflected
- Redounds - be deflected
- Redraft - critique; summary
- Redrafted - correct, edit
- Redrafting - correct, edit
- Redrafts - critique; summary
- Redraw - correct, edit
- Redrawing - correct, edit
- Redrawn - correct, edit
- Redraws - correct, edit
- Redress - help, compensation
- Redressed - change, rectify
- Redresses - help, compensation
- Redressing - help, compensation
- Redrew - correct, edit
- Reds - color of blood; shade resembling such a color
- Reduce - make less; decrease
- Reduce to tears -
- Reduced - made smaller
- Reduces - make less; decrease
- Reducing - lowering
- Reductio -
- Reduction - decline
- Reductionistic -
- Reductions - decline
- Reductive - serving to simplify or abridge
- Reductives - serving to simplify or abridge
- Redundance - verbosity
- Redundances - verbosity
- Redundancies - verbosity
- Redundancy - verbosity
- Redundant - excessive; repetitious
- Redundantly - with little or no deviation
- Reduplicate - make more copies of
- Reduplicated - manifolded
- Reduplicates - make more copies of
- Reduplicating - recurrent
- Reduplication - copy
- Reduplications - copy
- Ree -
- Reecho - echo
- Reechoed - echo
- Reechoes - echo
- Reechoing - echo
- Reed - writing instrument
- Reedier - long and lean
- Reediest - long and lean
- Reedit - criticize, scrutinize
- Reedited - criticize, scrutinize
- Reediting - change; rewriting
- Reedits - criticize, scrutinize
- Reeds - writing instrument
- Reedy - long and lean
- Reef - underwater or partially submerged ledge
- Reefed - sunk
- Reefer - grass, pot
- Reefers - grass, pot
- Reefing - delay, restrict
- Reefs - underwater or partially submerged ledge
- Reek - strong odor
- Reeked - strong odor
- Reekier - smelly
- Reekiest - smelly
- Reeking - smell of; be characterized by
- Reeks - strong odor
- Reeky - smelly
- Reel - wobble; spin around
- Reel out -
- Reelect - give back responsibility
- Reelected - rehired
- Reelecting - give back responsibility
- Reelects - give back responsibility
- Reeled - wobble; spin around
- Reeling - dizzy
- Reels - wobble; spin around
- Reenact - make sense of; define
- Reenacted - make sense of; define
- Reenacting - make sense of; define
- Reenactment - something duplicated; duplication
- Reenactments - something duplicated; duplication
- Reenacts - make sense of; define
- Reenergize - revitalize
- Reenergized - revitalize
- Reenergizes - revitalize
- Reenergizing - revitalize
- Reenter - go back, turn back
- Reentered - go back, turn back
- Reentering - go back, turn back
- Reenters - go back, turn back
- Reentrance - the act of coming back
- Reentrances - the act of coming back
- Reequip - spruce up
- Reequipped - spruce up
- Reequipping - spruce up
- Reequips - spruce up
- Reerect - fix, make new
- Reerected - fix, make new
- Reerecting - fix, make new
- Reerects - fix, make new
- Rees -
- Reestablish - put in place again
- Reestablished - put in place again
- Reestablishes - put in place again
- Reestablishing - put in place again
- Reestablishment - help, compensation
- Reevaluate - reconsider
- Reevaluated - reconsider
- Reevaluates - reconsider
- Reevaluating - reconsider
- Reeve - custodian
- Reeves - custodian
- Reexamination - afterthought
- Reexaminations - afterthought
- Reexamine - go back over
- Reexamined - go back over
- Reexamines - go back over
- Reexamining - go back over
- Reexperience - regain
- Reexperienced - regain
- Reexperiences - regain
- Reexperiencing - regain
- Ref - judge
- Refashion - alter, change
- Refashioned - done again
- Refashioning - alter, change
- Refashions - alter, change
- Refection - food, often taken by several individuals
- Refections - food, often taken by several individuals
- Refectories - room for large affairs
- Refectory - room for large affairs
- Refer - mention
- Referable - capable of being traced
- Referee - person who mediates, judges
- Refereed - person who mediates, judges
- Refereeing - person who mediates, judges
- Referees - person who mediates, judges
- Reference - remark, citation
- Referenced - attribute
- References - remark, citation
- Referencing - attribute
- Referenda - popular vote on matter
- Referendum - popular vote on matter
- Referendums - popular vote on matter
- Referent - object referred to
- Referents - object referred to
- Referral - standard of comparison
- Referrals - standard of comparison
- Referred - mention
- Referring - alluding
- Refers - mention
- Refill - contents
- Refilled - fill, stock
- Refilling - recurrence
- Refills - contents
- Refine - purify
- Refined - cultured, civilized
- Refinement - cleansing
- Refinements - cleansing
- Refiner - purifier
- Refineries - purifier
- Refiners - purifier
- Refinery - purifier
- Refines - purify
- Refining - cleansing
- Refinings - distillate
- Refinish - refurbish
- Refinished - restored
- Refinishes - refurbish
- Refinishing - refurbish
- Refit - correct, improve, fix
- Refits - correct, improve, fix
- Refitted - changed
- Refitting - qualification
- Refittings - qualification
- Reflect - give back
- Reflected - mirrored
- Reflecting - give back
- Reflection - thought, thinking
- Reflections - thought, thinking
- Reflective - thoughtful
- Reflectively -
- Reflector - glass that reflects image
- Reflectors - glass that reflects image
- Reflects - give back
- Reflex - mechanical
- Reflexes - response
- Reflexion -
- Reflexive - automatic; not done willingly
- Refluence - regression; decline
- Refluences - regression; decline
- refluent - Flowing back; returning; ebbing.
- Reflux - regression; decline
- Refluxes - regression; decline
- Refocused -
- Reform - correct, rectify
- Reformation - the act of reforming
- Reformations - the act of reforming
- Reformative - corrective
- Reformatories - reform school
- Reformatory - reform school
- Reformed - changed
- Reformer - person who advocates significant, often extreme change
- Reformers - person who advocates significant, often extreme change
- Reforming - correct, rectify
- Reformist - progressive
- Reforms - correct, rectify
- Refract - bend
- Refracted - bend
- Refracting - bend
- Refractometries - picture of inside a body
- Refractometry - picture of inside a body
- Refractorily - reluctantly
- Refractoriness - unruliness
- Refractory - stubborn
- Refracts - bend
- Refrain - chorus of musical piece
- Refrained - do without; keep from doing
- Refraining - do without; keep from doing
- Refrainment - self-restraint; abstinence
- Refrainments - self-restraint; abstinence
- Refrains - chorus of musical piece
- Reframe - change the perspective
- Refresh - make like new; give new life
- Refreshed - make like new; give new life
- Refresher - restorative drink, medicine
- Refreshers - restorative drink, medicine
- Refreshes - make like new; give new life
- Refreshful - activating
- Refreshing - new; rejuvenating
- Refreshment - small amount of food or drink
- Refreshments - small amount of food or drink
- Refrigerant - refrigerator
- Refrigerants - refrigerator
- Refrigerate - chill, usually in storage
- Refrigerated - chill, usually in storage
- Refrigerates - chill, usually in storage
- Refrigerating - chill, usually in storage
- Refrigeration - cooling
- Refrigerations - cooling
- Refrigerator - fridge
- Refrigerators - fridge
- Refringence -
- Refs - judge
- Reft - detached
- Refuge - place to hide, have privacy
- Refugee - person running from something, often oppression
- Refugees - person running from something, often oppression
- Refuges - place to hide, have privacy
- Refulgence - luminescence from sun or other source
- Refulgences - luminescence from sun or other source
- refulgent - radiating or as if radiating light
- Refund - returned money
- Refunded - returned
- Refunding - returned money
- Refunds - returned money
- Refurbish - spruce up
- Refurbished - spruce up
- Refurbishes - spruce up
- Refurbishing - spruce up
- Refurbishings - renovation
- Refurbishment - renewal
- Refurbishments - renewal
- Refurnish - refurbish
- Refurnished - renovated
- Refurnishes - refurbish
- Refurnishing - renovation
- Refusal - denial of responsibility; unwillingness
- Refusals - denial of responsibility; unwillingness
- Refuse - garbage
- Refuse to obey -
- Refused - declined
- Refuses - garbage
- Refusing - deny; say no
- Refutable - guessed, assumed
- Refutal - rebuttal
- Refutals - rebuttal
- Refutation - rebuttal
- Refutations - rebuttal
- Refute - prove false; discredit
- Refuted - prove false; discredit
- Refutes - prove false; discredit
- Refuting - prove false; discredit
- Reg - rules of a government, society
- Regain - get back, get back to
- Regained - get back, get back to
- Regaining - get back, get back to
- Regains - get back, get back to
- Regal - fit for royalty
- Regale - throw a party; have fun
- Regaled - throw a party; have fun
- Regalement - great happiness, pleasure
- Regalements - great happiness, pleasure
- Regales - throw a party; have fun
- Regalia - finery
- Regalias - finery
- Regaling - throw a party; have fun
- Regalities - nobility
- Regality - nobility
- Regally - royally
- Regard - attention, look
- Regarded - look at; listen to
- Regardful - attentive, observant
- Regardfully - deferentially
- Regardfulness - attention
- Regardfulnesses - attention
- Regarding - concerning
- Regardless - indifferent, unconcerned
- Regardlessly - carelessly
- Regards - best wishes
- Regelation - cooling
- Regelations - cooling
- Regencies - regime
- Regency - regime
- Regenerate - breathe new life into
- Regenerated - breathe new life into
- Regenerates - breathe new life into
- Regenerating - breathe new life into
- Regeneration - conversion
- Regenerations - conversion
- Regenerative - educational, enlightening
- Regent - director
- Regents - director
- Reges - historically, person who ruled an area
- regicide - someone who commits regicide; the killer of a king
- Regime - leadership of organization
- Regimen - systematic plan
- Regimens - systematic plan
- Regiment - corps
- Regimentals - coordinated outfit
- Regimentation - discipline
- Regimentations - discipline
- Regimented - strictly regulated
- Regimenting - arrange, organize
- Regiments - corps
- Regimes - leadership of organization
- Regina - royal lady
- Reginas - royal lady
- Region - area, domain; scope
- Regional - characteristic of a region
- Regionalism - local speech
- Regionalisms - local speech
- Regions - area, domain; scope
- Register - list, record
- Registered - recorded
- Registering - list, record
- Registers - list, record
- Registrant - person actively learning
- Registrants - person actively learning
- Registrar - recorder
- Registrars - recorder
- Registration - the act of registering
- Registrations - the act of registering
- Registries - place where records are stored
- Registry - place where records are stored
- Regnancies - leadership of organization
- Regnancy - leadership of organization
- regnant - exercising power or authority
- Regress - return to earlier way of doing things
- Regressed - return to earlier way of doing things
- Regresses - return to earlier way of doing things
- Regressing - return to earlier way of doing things
- Regression - reversion
- Regressions - reversion
- Regressive - conservative
- Regret - upset over past action
- Regretful - sad, sorry
- Regretfulness - upset over past action
- Regretfulnesses - upset over past action
- Regrets - upset over past action
- Regrettable - unfortunate, wrong
- Regrettably - dangerously, critically
- Regretted - be upset about
- Regretting - be upset about
- Regroup - reorganize, unite
- Regrouped - reorganize, unite
- Regrouping - reorganize, unite
- Regroups - reorganize, unite
- Regrow - woods
- Regrows - woods
- Regs - rules of a government, society
- Regular - normal, common
- Regularities - evenness
- Regularity - evenness
- Regularize - arrange, organize
- Regularized - standardized
- Regularizes - arrange, organize
- Regularizing - normalizing
- Regularly - as a matter of usual practice
- Regulars - haunter
- Regulate - manage, organize
- Regulated - controlled
- Regulates - manage, organize
- Regulating - manage, organize
- Regulation - managing, organizing
- Regulations - managing, organizing
- Regulative - supervisory
- Regulator - something that regulates
- Regulators - something that regulates
- Regulatory - supervisory
- Regulatory agency -
- Regurgitate - vomit
- Regurgitated - vomit
- Regurgitates - vomit
- Regurgitating - vomit
- Regurgitation - sickness in stomach; revulsion
- Regurgitations - sickness in stomach; revulsion
- Rehab - treatment
- Rehabbed - spruce up
- Rehabbing - spruce up
- Rehabilitate - renovate, adjust
- Rehabilitated - renovate, adjust
- Rehabilitates - renovate, adjust
- Rehabilitating - renovate, adjust
- Rehabilitation - restoration
- Rehabilitations - restoration
- Rehabilitative - corrective
- Rehabs - treatment
- Rehash - talk over again
- Rehashed - talk over again
- Rehashes - talk over again
- Rehashing - talk over again
- Rehearsal - preparation for performance
- Rehearsals - preparation for performance
- Rehearse - prepare for performance
- Rehearsed - prepare for performance
- Rehearses - prepare for performance
- Rehearsing - prepare for performance
- Rehearsings - preparation for performance
- Reheat - make or become hot
- Reheated - make or become hot
- Reheating - make or become hot
- Reheats - make or become hot
- Rehire - give back responsibility
- Rehired - give back responsibility
- Rehires - give back responsibility
- Rehiring - give back responsibility
- Reification - embodiment
- Reifications - embodiment
- Reified - come into being
- Reifies - come into being
- reify - consider an abstract concept to be real
- Reifying - come into being
- Reign - rule, dominion
- Reigned - rule, dominion
- Reigning - powerful
- Reigns - rule, dominion
- Reimburse - pay back something owed
- Reimbursed - repaid
- Reimbursement - compensation
- Reimbursements - compensation
- Reimburses - pay back something owed
- Reimbursing - pay back something owed
- Reimpose - fix, make new
- Reimposed - fix, make new
- Reimposes - fix, make new
- Reimposing - fix, make new
- Rein - restraint, control
- Rein in -
- Reinado -
- Reincarnation - rebirth
- Reincarnations - rebirth
- Reincorporate -
- Reindeers -
- Reined - restraint, control
- Reinforce - strengthen, augment
- Reinforced - supported
- Reinforcement - support
- Reinforcements - support
- Reinforces - strengthen, augment
- Reinforcing - strengthen, augment
- Reining - restraint, control
- Reins - restraint, control
- Reinsert - give back, send back
- Reinserted - give back, send back
- Reinserting - give back, send back
- Reinserts - give back, send back
- Reinstalled - rehired
- Reinstate - give back responsibility
- Reinstated - rehired
- Reinstatement - coming again
- Reinstatements - coming again
- Reinstates - give back responsibility
- Reinstating - give back responsibility
- Reinstitute - begin again
- Reinstituted - restored
- Reinstitutes - begin again
- Reinstituting - begin again
- Reinstitution - reestablishment
- Reinstitutions - reestablishment
- Reintegrate - renovate, adjust
- Reintegrated - returned to the same place
- Reintegrates - renovate, adjust
- Reintegrating - renovate, adjust
- Reinterpreting - exposing a text's multiple meanings
- Reintroduce - introduce anew
- Reintroduced - introduce anew
- Reintroduces - introduce anew
- Reintroducing - introduce anew
- Reinvent - recreate
- Reinvented - recreate
- Reinventing - recreate
- Reinvest - give back responsibility
- Reinvested - give back responsibility
- Reinvesting - give back responsibility
- Reinvests - give back responsibility
- Reinvigorate - refresh
- Reinvigorated - refresh
- Reinvigorates - refresh
- Reinvigorating - tonic
- Reinvigoration - the process of regaining health
- Reinvigorations - the process of regaining health
- Reissue - issue of publication
- Reissued - placed on a new financial basis
- Reissues - issue of publication
- Reissuing - produce writing, impression; reproduce
- Reiterate - say or do again
- Reiterated - say or do again
- Reiterates - say or do again
- Reiterating - say or do again
- Reiteration - repetition
- Reiterations - repetition
- Reiterative - repetitive
- Reiteratively - another time; repeated
- Reject - say no to
- Rejectamenta - garbage
- Rejected - rebuffed
- Rejecting - say no to
- Rejection - denial, refusal
- Rejections - denial, refusal
- Rejects - say no to
- Rejoice - be very happy about something
- Rejoiced - be very happy about something
- Rejoices - be very happy about something
- Rejoicing - happy
- Rejoicings - happy
- Rejoin - answer back
- Rejoinder - answer, reply
- Rejoinders - answer, reply
- Rejoined - answer back
- Rejoining - answer back
- Rejoins - answer back
- rejuvenate - means to make someone or something look or feel younger, fresher, or more lively. It can also refer to restoring something to a former state or condition.
- Rejuvenated - make new again
- Rejuvenates - make new again
- Rejuvenating - make new again
- Rejuvenation - reinvigoration
- Rejuvenations - reinvigoration
- rekindle - arouse again
- Rekindled - light again
- Rekindles - light again
- Rekindling - light again
- Relaid - pass on, transmit
- Relapse - deterioration, weakening
- Relapsed - deterioration, weakening
- Relapses - deterioration, weakening
- Relapsing - deterioration, weakening
- Relatable - identifiable
- Relate - give an account of
- Related - connected, accompanying
- Relatedness - relevance
- Relatednesses - relevance
- Relates - give an account of
- Relating - give an account of
- Relation - connection, family connection
- Relational - indicating a relevant connection
- Relations - connection, family connection
- Relationship - connection; friendship
- Relationships - connection; friendship
- Relative - comparative, respective
- Relatively - in or by comparison
- Relatives - member of a family
- Relativities - view, outlook
- Relativity - view, outlook
- Relator - author
- Relators - author
- Relax - be or feel at ease
- Relaxant - sedative
- Relaxants - sedative
- Relaxation - entertainment; resting or recovering
- Relaxation behavior -
- Relaxations - entertainment; resting or recovering
- Relaxed - easygoing
- Relaxedness - abandon, indulgence
- Relaxednesses - abandon, indulgence
- Relaxes - be or feel at ease
- Relaxing - be or feel at ease
- Relay - pass on, transmit
- Relayed - pass on, transmit
- Relaying - pass on, transmit
- Relays - pass on, transmit
- Relearn - improve condition
- Relearned - improve condition
- Relearning - improve condition
- Relearns - improve condition
- Relearnt - improve condition
- Release - delivery; dispensation
- Released - freed
- Releases - delivery; dispensation
- Releasing - let go, let out
- Relegate - assign, transfer
- Relegated - assign, transfer
- Relegates - assign, transfer
- Relegating - assign, transfer
- Relegation - change of possession
- Relegations - change of possession
- Relent - die down; let up
- Relented - die down; let up
- Relenting - die down; let up
- Relentings - giving up; resignation
- Relentless - cruel, merciless
- Relentlessly - continuously
- Relentlessness - stubbornness
- Relents - die down; let up
- Relevance - pertinence
- Relevances - pertinence
- Relevancies - relevance
- Relevancy - relevance
- Relevant - appropriate; to the purpose
- Relevantly - exactly, fittingly
- Reliabilities - dependability
- Reliability - dependability
- Reliable - trustworthy
- Reliableness - believableness
- Reliablenesses - believableness
- Reliably - dependably
- Reliance - confidence
- Reliances - confidence
- Reliant - dependent
- Relic - something saved from the past
- Relics - something saved from the past
- Relict - woman with dead husband
- Relicts - woman with dead husband
- Relied - have confidence in
- Relief - remedy, aid; relaxation
- Reliefs - remedy, aid; relaxation
- Relies - have confidence in
- Relieve - make less painful; let up on
- Relieved - eased in mind
- Reliever - helper
- Relievers - helper
- Relieves - make less painful; let up on
- Relieving - make less painful; let up on
- Relight - light again
- Relighted - light again
- Relighting - light again
- Relights - light again
- Religion - belief in divinity; system of beliefs
- Religionism - devotion
- Religionisms - devotion
- Religionist - person who has faith in something
- Religionists - person who has faith in something
- Religions - belief in divinity; system of beliefs
- Religiosities - devotion
- Religiosity - devotion
- Religious - concerning belief in divinity
- Religiously - as a matter of usual practice
- Religiousness - devotion
- Religiousnesses - devotion
- Relinquish - give up, let go
- Relinquish life -
- Relinquished - give up, let go
- Relinquishes - give up, let go
- Relinquishing - give up, let go
- Relinquishment - abdication
- Relinquishments - abdication
- Reliquaries - container for relics
- Reliquary - container for relics
- Reliquiae -
- Relish - great appreciation of something
- Relishable - nice, pleasant
- Relished - look forward to; appreciate
- Relishes - great appreciation of something
- Relishing - look forward to; appreciate
- Relit - light again
- Relive - keep in mind; summon into mind
- Relived - keep in mind; summon into mind
- Relives - keep in mind; summon into mind
- Reliving - recalling
- Reload - fill, stock
- Reloaded - fill, stock
- Reloading - fill, stock
- Reloads - fill, stock
- Relocate - move
- Relocated - move
- Relocates - move
- Relocating - move
- Relocation - removal
- Relocations - removal
- Relucent - shining, glowing in appearance
- Reluct - make sick; disgust
- Reluctance - disinclination
- Reluctances - disinclination
- Reluctancies - misgiving, doubt
- Reluctancy - misgiving, doubt
- Reluctant - unenthusiastic, unwilling
- Reluctantly - under protest
- Relucted - make sick; disgust
- Relucting - make sick; disgust
- Relucts - make sick; disgust
- Rely - have confidence in
- Relying - have confidence in
- Remade - rebuilt
- Remain - stay, wait
- Remainder - balance, residue
- Remaindered - discontinued
- Remainders - balance, residue
- Remained - stay, wait
- Remaining - staying
- Remains - remaining part
- Remake - convert, transform
- Remakes - convert, transform
- Remaking - rebuilding
- Remand - forcible detention
- Remanded - put off till a later time
- Remanding - confine; put in jail
- Remands - forcible detention
- Remark - comment, observation
- Remarkable - extraordinary, unusual
- Remarkables - lie
- Remarkably - unusually
- Remarked - notice and comment
- Remarking - comment, observation
- Remarks - comment, observation
- Remediable - not cancerous
- Remedial - healing, restorative
- Remedied - fix, cure
- Remedies - cure, solution
- Remediless - unfixable, unchangeable
- Remedy - cure, solution
- Remedying - fix, cure
- Remember - keep in mind; summon into mind
- Rememberable - not able to be erased, indestructible
- Remembered - thought of
- Remembering - remembered
- Remembers - keep in mind; summon into mind
- Remembrance - memory, recollection
- Remembrancer - souvenir
- Remembrancers - souvenir
- Remembrances - memory, recollection
- Remigrate - return
- Remigrated - return
- Remigrates - return
- Remigrating - return
- Remind - awaken memories of something
- Reminded - warned
- Reminder - warning, notice; keepsake
- Reminders - warning, notice; keepsake
- Remindful - aromatic; suggestive
- Reminding - awaken memories of something
- Reminds - awaken memories of something
- Reminisce - go over in one's memory
- Reminisced - go over in one's memory
- Reminiscence - account
- Reminiscences - account
- Reminiscent - suggestive of something in the past
- Reminisces - go over in one's memory
- Reminiscing - go over in one's memory
- Remise - abandon, surrender
- Remised - abandon, surrender
- Remises - abandon, surrender
- Remising - abandon, surrender
- Remiss - careless, thoughtless
- Remissible - reasonable, well-founded
- Remission - acquittal, pardon
- Remissions - acquittal, pardon
- Remissness - negligence
- Remissnesses - negligence
- Remit - send, transfer
- Remits - send, transfer
- Remittable - allowable
- Remittal - compensation
- Remittals - compensation
- Remittance - fee; installment of fee
- Remittances - fee; installment of fee
- Remitted - send, transfer
- Remitting - send, transfer
- Remnant - leftover part
- Remnants - leftover part
- Remodel - reconstruct
- Remodeled - renovated
- Remodeling - renovation
- Remodelings - renovation
- Remodelled - reconstruct
- Remodelling - reconstruct
- Remodellings - conversion
- Remodels - reconstruct
- Remold - reorganize, build up
- Remolded - reorganize, build up
- Remolding - reorganize, build up
- Remolds - reorganize, build up
- Remonstrance - protest
- Remonstrances - protest
- Remonstrate - argue against
- Remonstrated - argue against
- Remonstrates - argue against
- Remonstrating - argue against
- Remonstration - objection
- Remonstrations - objection
- Remorse - guilty or bad conscience
- Remorseful - guilty, ashamed
- Remorsefulness - penitence
- Remorseless - without guilt in spite of wrongdoing
- Remorselessly - cruelly, without remorse
- Remorselessness - stubbornness
- Remorses - guilty or bad conscience
- Remote - out-of-the-way; in the distance
- Remote-controlled -
- Remote-sensing -
- Remotely - by chance
- Remoteness - distance
- Remotenesses - distance
- Remoter - out-of-the-way; in the distance
- Remotes - at a distance to exclude intimacy
- Remotest - out-of-the-way; in the distance
- Remotion - removal
- Remotions - removal
- Removable - detachable
- Removal - the state of being removed
- Removals - the state of being removed
- Remove - lift or move object; take off, away
- Removed - taken out
- Removes - lift or move object; take off, away
- Removing - lift or move object; take off, away
- Remunerate - compensate, reward
- Remunerated - compensate, reward
- Remunerates - compensate, reward
- Remunerating - compensate, reward
- Remuneration - payment
- Remunerations - payment
- Remunerative - paying
- Remuneratively - lucratively
- Renaissance - rebirth
- Renaissances - rebirth
- Renascence - revival
- Renascences - revival
- Rencounter - competition
- Rencounters - competition
- Rend - tear
- Rended - tear
- Render - contribute
- Render uncertain -
- Rendered - performed
- Rendering - interpretation
- Renderings - interpretation
- Renders - contribute
- rendezvous - A meeting at a prearranged time and place.; To meet at a prearranged time and place.
- Rendezvoused - get-together
- Rendezvouses - get-together
- Rendezvousing - get-together
- Rending - tear
- Rendition - explanation; interpretation
- Renditions - explanation; interpretation
- Rends - tear
- René -
- Renegade - rebellious
- Renegades - person who is rebellious
- Renege - go back on one's word
- Reneged - go back on one's word
- Reneger - defector
- Renegers - defector
- Reneges - go back on one's word
- Reneging - go back on one's word
- Renegotiated - placed on a new financial basis
- Renew - start over; refurbish
- Renewable - able to be replenished or revived
- Renewables - able to be replenished or revived
- Renewal - recurrence
- Renewals - recurrence
- Renewed - refreshed
- Renewing - tonic
- Renewings - restoring
- Renews - start over; refurbish
- Renig - cancel, revoke
- Renigged - cancel, revoke
- Renigging - cancel, revoke
- Renigs - cancel, revoke
- Renitence - resistance
- Renitences - resistance
- Renitencies - resistance
- Renitency - resistance
- Renitent - resistant
- Renoirs -
- Renounce - abandon, reject
- Renounced - abandon, reject
- Renouncement - denial of responsibility; unwillingness
- Renouncements - denial of responsibility; unwillingness
- Renounces - abandon, reject
- Renouncing - abandon, reject
- Renovate - fix up, modernize
- Renovated - refurbished
- Renovates - fix up, modernize
- Renovating - fix up, modernize
- Renovation - remodeling
- Renovations - remodeling
- Renown - fame
- Renowned - famous
- Renowner - fame
- Renowns - praise, acclaim
- Rent - fee paid for use, service, or privilege
- Rental - rent
- Rentals - rent
- Rented - leased
- Renter - tenant
- Renters - tenant
- Renting - fee paid for use, service, or privilege
- Rentings - appropriating
- Rents - fee paid for use, service, or privilege
- Renunciation - abandonment, rejection
- Renunciations - abandonment, rejection
- Reoccupied - resume
- Reoccupies - resume
- Reoccupy - resume
- Reoccupying - resume
- Reoccur - return
- Reoccurred - return
- Reoccurrence - recurrence
- Reoccurrences - recurrence
- Reoccurring - return
- Reoccurs - return
- Reoffer -
- Reopen - continue
- Reopened - continue
- Reopening - continue
- Reopenings - recurrence
- Reopens - continue
- Reorder - swap, switch
- Reordered - swap, switch
- Reordering - swap, switch
- Reorders - swap, switch
- Reorganization - rearrangement
- Reorganizations - rearrangement
- Reorganize - rearrange
- Reorganized - rearrange
- Reorganizes - rearrange
- Reorganizing - rearrange
- Reorient - reorganize, build up
- Reoriented - reorganize, build up
- Reorienting - reorganize, build up
- Reorients - reorganize, build up
- Rep - reputation
- Repaid - reimbursed
- Repair - restoration, fixing
- Repaired - fixed
- Repairing - restoration, fixing
- Repairman - machinist
- Repairmen - machinist
- Repairs - restoration, fixing
- Reparable - remediable
- Reparation - compensation, amends
- Reparations - compensation, amends
- Reparative - corrective
- Reparatory - redeeming
- repartee - A quick, witty reply or conversation.; The skill of replying quickly and humorously.
- Repartees - pleasant conversation
- Repartition -
- Repast - meal
- Repasts - meal
- Repatriation - reestablishment
- Repatriations - reestablishment
- Repay - give back money or possession
- Repaying - give back money or possession
- Repayment - paying back
- Repayments - paying back
- Repays - give back money or possession
- Repeal - cancellation
- Repealed - declare null and void
- Repealing - cancellation
- Repeals - cancellation
- Repeat - something done over; duplicate
- Repeat performance -
- Repeated - done again
- Repeatedly - over and over again
- Repeater - device that tells time
- Repeaters - device that tells time
- Repeating - recurrent
- Repeatings - duplication
- Repeats - something done over; duplicate
- Repel - push away; repulse
- Repel danger -
- Repelled - push away; repulse
- Repellence - hate
- Repellences - hate
- Repellencies - hate
- Repellency - hate
- Repellent - repulsive
- Repellents - unwelcome
- Repelling - repulsing
- Repels - push away; repulse
- Repent - ask forgiveness
- Repentance - feeling bad for past action
- Repentances - feeling bad for past action
- Repentant - penitent
- Repented - ask forgiveness
- Repenting - ask forgiveness
- Repents - ask forgiveness
- Repercuss - give back
- Repercussed - give back
- Repercusses - give back
- Repercussing - give back
- Repercussion - consequence
- Repercussions - consequence
- Repertoire - collection
- Repertoires - collection
- Repertories - collection
- Repertory - collection
- Repetition - duplication; doing again
- Repetitions - duplication; doing again
- Repetitious - wordy, tedious
- Repetitiousness - boredom; sameness
- Repetitive - repetitious
- Repetitively - to a sickening degree
- Repetitiveness - boredom; sameness
- Rephrase - say in another way
- Rephrased - say in another way
- Rephrases - say in another way
- Rephrasing - say in another way
- Rephrasings - translation, interpretation
- repine - express discontent
- Repined - complai
- Repiner - lamenter
- Repiners - lamenter
- Repines - complai
- Repining - complai
- Repinings - sadness, time of sadness
- Replace - take the place of; put in place of
- Replaceable - interchangeable
- Replaced - returned to the same place
- Replacement - substitute
- Replacements - substitute
- Replaces - take the place of; put in place of
- Replacing - replacement
- Replan - think about again
- Replanned - think about again
- Replanning - rebuilding
- Replans - think about again
- Replay - something done over; duplicate
- Replayed - go over something again
- Replaying - go over something again
- Replays - something done over; duplicate
- Replenish - fill, stock
- Replenished - fill, stock
- Replenishes - fill, stock
- Replenishing - fill, stock
- Replenishment - equipment, provisions
- Replenishments - equipment, provisions
- replete - (followed by `with') deeply filled or permeated
- repletion - eating until excessively full
- Repletions - satiation
- Replevied - find again
- Replevies - the act of regaining possession
- Replevin - case brought to court
- Replevined - find again
- Replevining - find again
- Replevins - case brought to court
- Replevy - the act of regaining possession
- Replevying - find again
- Replica - duplicate
- Replicas - duplicate
- Replicate - copy
- Replicated - copy
- Replicates - copy
- Replicating - copy
- Replication - copy
- Replications - copy
- Replied - answer
- Replies - answer
- Reply - answer
- Replying - answer
- Repopulate - make something new; give birth
- Repopulated - make something new; give birth
- Repopulates - make something new; give birth
- Repopulating - make something new; give birth
- Report - account, story
- Reportage - reporting news
- Reportages - reporting news
- Reported - stated
- Reporter - person who informs
- Reporters - person who informs
- Reporting - newsgathering
- Reportings - newsgathering
- Reports - account, story
- Repose - restfulness; calm
- Reposed - relax; recline
- Reposeful - peaceful, quiet (inanimate)
- Reposes - restfulness; calm
- Reposing - relax; recline
- Reposition - switch, fluctuate
- Repositioned - switch, fluctuate
- Repositioning - switch, fluctuate
- Repositions - switch, fluctuate
- Repositories - warehouse
- Repository - warehouse
- Repossess - take back
- Repossessed - take back
- Repossesses - take back
- Repossessing - take back
- Repossession - recovery
- Repossessions - recovery
- Reprehend - disapprove
- Reprehended - disapprove
- Reprehending - disapprove
- Reprehends - disapprove
- reprehensible - Deserving censure or condemnation.
- Reprehensibly - badly
- Reprehension - blame
- Reprehensions - blame
- Represent - present image of; symbolize
- Representant - assistant, agent
- Representants - assistant, agent
- Representation - description
- Representations - likeness
- Representative - characteristic, typical
- Representatives - person who acts in the stead of another
- Represented - depicted
- Representing - purporting to depict
- Represents - present image of; symbolize
- repress - put down by force or intimidation
- Repressed - keep back, hold in
- Represser -
- Represses - keep back, hold in
- Repressing - keep back, hold in
- Repression - constraint
- Repressions - constraint
- Repressive - restraining
- Repressively -
- Reprievable - allowable
- Reprieve - relief of blame, responsibility
- Reprieved - relief of blame, responsibility
- Reprieves - relief of blame, responsibility
- Reprieving - relief of blame, responsibility
- Reprimand - oral punishment
- Reprimanded - blame, scold
- Reprimanding - blame, scold
- Reprimands - oral punishment
- Reprint - copy
- Reprinted - copied
- Reprinting - something duplicated; duplication
- Reprints - copy
- Reprisal - revenge
- Reprisals - revenge
- Reprise - summary that repeats
- Reprised - pay blackmail money for return of possession or person
- Reprises - summary that repeats
- Reprising - pay blackmail money for return of possession or person
- Reprize -
- Repro - photographic print
- Reproach - strong criticism; dishonor
- Reproached - find fault with
- Reproaches - strong criticism; dishonor
- Reproachful - exhibiting unkind behavior or words
- Reproaching - strong criticism; dishonor
- Reproachless - innocent
- Reprobate - shameless
- Reprobated - criticize harshly
- Reprobates - person who is very bad, immoral
- Reprobating - criticize harshly
- reprobation - rejection by God; the state of being condemned to eternal misery in Hell
- Reprobations - blame
- Reprocess - reuse
- Reprocessed - reuse
- Reprocesses - reuse
- Reprocessing - reuse
- Reproduce - make more copies of
- Reproduced - copied
- Reproduces - make more copies of
- Reproducible -
- Reproducing - make more copies of
- Reproduction - something duplicated; duplication
- Reproductions - something duplicated; duplication
- Reproductive - generative
- Reprogrammed - altered
- Reproof - censure
- Reproofs - censure
- Repros - photographic print
- Reproval - reprimand; harsh criticism
- Reprovals - reprimand; harsh criticism
- Reprove - rebuke
- Reproved - rebuke
- Reproves - rebuke
- Reproving - rebuke
- Reps - reputation
- Reptant - given to creeping
- Reptile - person who is very dishonest
- Reptiles - person who is very dishonest
- Reptilian - pertaining to reptile
- Republic - democracy
- Republican - person pursuing or occupying elective office
- Republicans - person pursuing or occupying elective office
- Republics - democracy
- repudiate - cast off
- Repudiated - rejected
- Repudiates - reject; turn one's back on
- Repudiating - reject; turn one's back on
- Repudiation - denial
- Repudiations - denial
- Repugnable -
- Repugnance - aversion
- Repugnances - aversion
- Repugnancies - hate
- Repugnancy - hate
- Repugnant - bad, obnoxious; hostile
- Repulse - snub; rejection
- Repulsed - push away
- Repulses - snub; rejection
- Repulsing - push away
- Repulsion - hatred, disgust
- Repulsions - hatred, disgust
- Repulsive - very disgusting, offensive
- Repulsiveness - unattractiveness
- Repulsivenesses - unattractiveness
- Repurchase - pay blackmail money for return of possession or person
- Repurchased - pay blackmail money for return of possession or person
- Repurchases - pay blackmail money for return of possession or person
- Repurchasing - pay blackmail money for return of possession or person
- Repurpose - reuse for a new purpose
- Reputabilities - integrity
- Reputability - integrity
- Reputable - worthy of respect
- Reputably - especially
- Reputation - commonly held opinion of person's character
- Reputations - commonly held opinion of person's character
- Repute - honor
- Reputed - believed
- Reputedly - apparently
- Reputes - honor
- Reputing - honor
- Request - question or petition
- Requested - wanted
- Requesting - asking
- Requests - question or petition
- Requiem - hymn, mass
- Requiems - hymn, mass
- Requiescence -
- Require - need, want
- Required - necessary
- Requirement - necessity
- Requirements - necessity, want
- Requires - need, want
- Requiring - needing
- Requisite - need
- Requisiteness - ability, competency in some
- Requisitenesses - ability, competency in some
- Requisites - necessity, want
- Requisition - demand; application for need
- Requisitioned - ask for; apply for something needed
- Requisitioning - demand; application for need
- Requisitions - demand; application for need
- Requital - revenge
- Requitals - revenge
- Requite - compensate, give in return
- Requited - compensate, give in return
- Requites - compensate, give in return
- Requiting - compensate, give in return
- Rer -
- Reran - duplicate, do again
- Reread - read again
- Rereading - read again
- Rereadings - adjustment; fixing
- Rereads - read again
- Reredos - church table, pedestal
- Reredoses - church table, pedestal
- Rerouting -
- Rerun - something done over; duplicate
- Rerunning - duplicate, do again
- Reruns - something done over; duplicate
- Res - depend
- Resay - say or do again
- Resaying - say or do again
- Resays - say or do again
- Reschedule - defer, delay
- Rescheduled - altered
- Reschedules - defer, delay
- Rescheduling - defer, delay
- Rescind - declare null and void
- Rescinded - declare null and void
- Rescinding - declare null and void
- Rescindment - request for return
- Rescindments - request for return
- Rescinds - declare null and void
- Rescission - reversal
- Rescissions - reversal
- Rescript - change; rewriting
- Rescripts - change; rewriting
- Rescue - saving from danger
- Rescued - save from danger
- Rescuer - person who redeems, aids in time of difficulty
- Rescuers - person who redeems, aids in time of difficulty
- Rescues - saving from danger
- Rescuing - save from danger
- Research - examination, study
- Researched - examine, study
- Researcher - research worker
- Researchers - research worker
- Researches - examination, study
- Researchful -
- Researching - examine, study
- Researchist - researcher of facts
- Researchists - researcher of facts
- Reseat - give back, send back
- Reseated - give back, send back
- Reseating - give back, send back
- Reseats - give back, send back
- Resect - remove, delete
- Resected - remove, delete
- Resecting - remove, delete
- Resection - medical procedure
- Resections - medical procedure
- Resects - remove, delete
- Resemblance - correspondence, similarity
- Resemblances - correspondence, similarity
- Resemble - look or be like
- Resembled - look or be like
- Resembles - look or be like
- Resembling - looking like
- Resent - be angry about
- Resented - be angry about
- Resentful - hostile
- Resentfully - unfavorably
- Resentfulness - resentment
- Resentfulnesses - resentment
- Resenting - be angry about
- Resentment - hate, anger
- Resentments - hate, anger
- Resents - be angry about
- Reservation - condition, stipulation
- Reservations - condition, stipulation
- Reserve - supply
- Reserved - silent, unsociable; constrained
- Reservedly - nonchalantly
- Reserves - supply
- Reserving - supply
- Reservoir - accumulation, repository
- Reservoirs - accumulation, repository
- Reset - changed
- Resets - relocate
- Resetting - rebuilding
- Resettle - relocate
- Resettled - relocate
- Resettlement - migration
- Resettlements - migration
- Resettles - relocate
- Resettling - relocate
- Reshape - convert, transform
- Reshaped - changed
- Reshapes - convert, transform
- Reshaping - renovation
- Reshapings - renovation
- Reshow - duplicate, do again
- Reshowed - duplicate, do again
- Reshowing - something done over; duplicate
- Reshowings - something done over; duplicate
- Reshown - duplicate, do again
- Reshows - duplicate, do again
- Reshuffle - reorganize, build up
- Reshuffled - reorganize, build up
- Reshuffles - reorganize, build up
- Reshuffling - reorganize, build up
- Reside - live or exist in
- Resided - live or exist in
- Residence - place for living
- Residences - place for living
- Residencies - dwelling, room
- Residency - dwelling, room
- Resident - person living in a particular place
- Residential - characterized by private, as opposed to commercial, dwellings
- Residents - person living in a particular place
- Resider - person who is resident of habitation
- Residers - person who is resident of habitation
- Resides - live or exist in
- Residing - live or exist in
- Residua - balance, residue
- Residual - leftover
- Residuals - leftover part
- Residuary - extra, unnecessary
- Residue - leftover part
- Residues - leftover part
- Residuum - balance, residue
- Resign - give up responsibility
- Resignation - relinquishment of responsibility
- Resignations - relinquishment of responsibility
- Resigned - enduring, passive
- Resignedly - suffering without complaint
- Resignedness - endurance, passivity
- Resignednesses - endurance, passivity
- Resigning - give up responsibility
- Resigns - give up responsibility
- Resile - shrink away
- Resiled - shrink away
- Resiles - shrink away
- Resilience - elasticity
- Resiliences - elasticity
- Resiliencies - resilience
- Resiliency - resilience
- resilient - elastic; rebounds readily
- Resiling - shrink away
- Resin - sticky substance
- Resinous - sticking
- Resins - sticky substance
- Resist - withstand, oppose
- Resistance - fighting, opposition
- Resistances - fighting, opposition
- Resistant - antagonistic
- Resisted - withstand, oppose
- Resister - opponent
- Resisters - opponent
- Resisting - resistant
- Resistive - resistant
- Resists - withstand, oppose
- Resolute - determined, strong-willed
- Resolutely - with all one's heart
- Resoluteness - decision
- Resolutenesses - decision
- Resolution - determination, strong will
- Resolutions - determination, strong will
- Resolvable - capable of disintegration
- Resolve - decision, determination
- Resolved - make up one's mind; find solution
- Resolvedly - stubbornly
- Resolves - decision, determination
- Resolving - make up one's mind; find solution
- Resonance - reverberation
- Resonances - reverberation
- Resonant - vibrant in sound
- Resonantly - audibly
- Resonate - resound
- Resonated - resound
- Resonates - resound
- Resonating - resound
- Resorcin -
- Resorption - physical resistance, friction
- Resorptions - physical resistance, friction
- Resort - vacation place
- Resorted - have recourse to; make use of
- Resorting - have recourse to; make use of
- Resorts - vacation place
- Resound - resonate
- Resounded - resonate
- Resounding - resonant
- Resounds - resonate
- Resource - supply drawn upon, either material or nonmaterial
- Resourceful - imaginative
- Resourcefully - in a dexterous manner
- Resourcefulness - resource
- Resources - money, possessions, natural resources
- Respect - admiration given by others
- Respectability - integrity
- Respectable - good, honest
- Respectableness - decency
- Respectably - fairly
- Respected - esteemed
- Respectful - courteous, mannerly
- Respectfully - deferentially
- Respectfulness - social graces
- Respecting - regarding
- Respective - particular, specific
- Respectively - together
- Respects - good wishes
- Respiration - breathing
- Respirations - breathing
- Respirator - device to oxygenate blood
- Respirators - device to oxygenate blood
- Respiratory - respiring
- Respire - breathe
- Respired - breathe
- Respires - breathe
- Respiring - breathe
- Respite - pause, suspension in activity
- Respited - stop, postpone
- Respites - pause, suspension in activity
- Respiting - stop, postpone
- Resplendence - glitter
- Resplendences - glitter
- Resplendencies - glitter
- Resplendency - glitter
- resplendent - having great beauty and splendor
- Respond - act in answer to something
- Responded - act in answer to something
- Respondent - accused
- Respondents - accused
- Responding - act in answer to something
- Responds - act in answer to something
- Response - answer, reaction
- Responses - answer, reaction
- Responsibility - accountability, blame
- Responsible - accountable, in charge
- Responsibleness - confidence, reliance
- Responsive - quick to react
- Responsively - appreciatively
- Responsiveness - openness
- Responsivity -
- Rest - inactivity
- Restamp - make more copies of
- Restamped - make more copies of
- Restamping - make more copies of
- Restamps - make more copies of
- Restart - continue
- Restarted - continue
- Restarting - continue
- Restarts - continue
- Restate - paraphrase
- Restated - paraphrase
- Restatement - paraphrase
- Restatements - paraphrase
- Restates - paraphrase
- Restating - paraphrase
- Restationed - moved
- Restaurant - business establishment serving food and drink
- Restaurants - business establishment serving food and drink
- Rested - restored
- Restful - quiet
- Restfully - luxuriously
- Restfulness - remedy, aid; relaxation
- Restfulnesses - remedy, aid; relaxation
- Resting - taking rest
- Restitute - refund
- Restituted - refund
- Restitutes - refund
- Restituting - refund
- Restitution - compensation, repayment
- Restitutions - compensation, repayment
- Restitutive - healing, restorative
- Restive - impatient, nervous
- Restiveness - restlessness
- Restivenesses - restlessness
- Restless - not content; moving about
- Restlessly - agitatedly
- Restlessness - constant motion; discontent
- Restlessnesses - constant motion; discontent
- Restock - start over; refurbish
- Restocked - start over; refurbish
- Restocking - start over; refurbish
- Restocks - start over; refurbish
- Restorable - remediable
- Restoration - the act of restoring
- Restorations - the act of restoring
- Restorative - medicinal
- Restoratives - stimulant
- Restore - fix, make new
- Restored - rebuilt
- Restorer - caretaker of collection
- Restorers - caretaker of collection
- Restores - fix, make new
- Restoring - fix, make new
- Restrain - keep under control; hold back
- Restrained - calm, quiet
- Restrainer - restraint, hindrance
- Restrainers - restraint, hindrance
- Restraining - controlling
- Restrainings - taking into custody
- Restrains - keep under control; hold back
- Restraint - self-control
- Restraints - self-control
- Restrict - confine, limit situation or ability to participate
- Restricted - limited
- Restrictedly - separately
- Restricting - confine, limit situation or ability to participate
- Restriction - limit
- Restrictions - limit
- Restrictive - contrary
- Restrictively - severely
- Restricts - confine, limit situation or ability to participate
- Restroom - bathroom
- Restrooms - bathroom
- Restructure - rearrange
- Restructured - rearrange
- Restructures - rearrange
- Restructuring - rearrangement
- Restructurings - rearrangement
- Rests - inactivity
- Restyle - correct, edit
- Restyled - correct, edit
- Restyles - correct, edit
- Restyling - change; rewriting
- Resudation -
- Result - effect brought about by something
- Resultant - effect
- Resultantly - in an appropriate, suitable way
- Resultants - effect
- Resulted - happen, develop
- Resultful - significant
- Resulting - happen, develop
- Resultless - hopeless, pointless
- Results - effect brought about by something
- Resume - begin again
- Resumed - begin again
- Resumes - begin again
- Resuming - begin again
- Resumption - renewal
- Resumptions - renewal
- Resupine - lying down
- Resurface - occur or appear again
- Resurfaced - restored
- Resurfacing - occur or appear again
- Resurge -
- Resurgence - revival
- Resurgences - revival
- Resurgent - rising again
- Resurrect - revive
- Resurrected - revive
- Resurrecting - revive
- Resurrection - awakening from the dead
- Resurrectionism -
- Resurrections - awakening from the dead
- Resurrects - revive
- Resuscitate - revive
- Resuscitated - revive
- Resuscitates - revive
- Resuscitating - revive
- Resuscitation - revival
- Resuscitations - revival
- Ret - liquefy
- Retable - church table, pedestal
- Retables - church table, pedestal
- Retail - sell
- Retailed - sell
- Retailer - person who sells goods
- Retailers - person who sells goods
- Retailing - sell
- Retailings - shopping
- Retailored - changed
- Retails - sell
- Retain - hold on to physically or mentally
- Retained - kept
- Retainer - staff
- Retainers - staff
- Retaining - maintaining
- Retainment - perpetuation, support; sustenance
- Retainments - perpetuation, support; sustenance
- Retains - hold on to physically or mentally
- Retake - resume
- Retaken - resume
- Retakes - resume
- Retaking - resume
- Retakings - the act of regaining possession
- Retaliate - get even with someone
- Retaliated - get even with someone
- Retaliates - get even with someone
- Retaliating - get even with someone
- Retaliation - vengeance
- Retaliations - vengeance
- Retaliative - concerning punishment
- Retaliator - someone taking vengeance
- Retaliators - someone taking vengeance
- Retaliatory - concerning punishment
- Retape - depository
- Retapes - depository
- Retard - hinder, obstruct
- Retardate - hinder, obstruct
- Retardates - hinder, obstruct
- Retardation - delay
- Retardations - delay
- Retarded - limited
- Retarding - hinder, obstruct
- Retardment - delay
- Retardments - delay
- Retards - hinder, obstruct
- Retch - vomit
- Retched - vomit
- Retches - vomit
- Retching - sickness in stomach; revulsion
- Retchings - sickness in stomach; revulsion
- Rete - network
- Retell - repeat something spoken, written by another
- Retelling - preparation for performance
- Retellings - preparation for performance
- Retells - repeat something spoken, written by another
- Retention - custody
- Retentions - custody
- retentive - good at remembering
- Retentiveness - ability to hold in the mind
- Retentivenesses - ability to hold in the mind
- Retests -
- Rethink - reconsider
- Rethinking - reconsider
- Rethinkings - reconsideration
- Rethinks - reconsider
- Rethought - reconsider
- Retia - network
- Retiary - shrewd
- Reticence - silence
- Reticences - silence
- reticent - Not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily; reserved or shy.
- Reticula - mesh, web
- Reticular - troublesome
- reticulate - resembling or forming a network
- Reticulated - twist around
- Reticulates - twist around
- Reticulating - twist around
- Reticulation - mesh, trellis
- Reticulations - mesh, trellis
- Reticule - system of connections
- Reticules - system of connections
- Reticulum - mesh, web
- Retinue - entourage
- Retinues - entourage
- Retire - leave a place or responsibility
- Retired - having withdrawn from active life
- Retiree - someone of advanced years
- Retirees - someone of advanced years
- Retirement - retreat
- Retirements - retreat
- Retires - leave a place or responsibility
- Retiring - shy, undemonstrative
- Retiringly - in a modest manner
- Retiringness - shyness
- Retiringnesses - shyness
- Retold - storylike, chronological
- Retook - resume
- Retool - reorganize, build up
- Retooled - reorganize, build up
- Retooling - reorganize, build up
- Retools - reorganize, build up
- Retort - snappy answer
- Retorted - answer
- Retorting - snappy answer
- Retorts - snappy answer
- Retouch - touch up
- Retouched - touch up
- Retouches - touch up
- Retouching - touch up
- Retrace - repeat
- Retraced - repeat
- Retraces - repeat
- Retracing - repeat
- Retract - take back; renege on
- Retractation - retraction
- Retractations - retraction
- Retracted - take back; renege on
- Retractile - nail of animal; tool shaped like nail of an animal
- Retracting - take back; renege on
- Retraction - recantation
- Retractions - recantation
- Retracts - take back; renege on
- Retraining - behavior therapy
- Retrainings - behavior therapy
- Retral - rear
- Retread - redo, restore
- Retreaded - redo, restore
- Retreading - redo, restore
- Retreads - redo, restore
- Retreat - departure
- Retreated - pull back, go away
- Retreating - pull back, go away
- Retreats - departure
- Retrench - save
- Retrenched - save
- Retrenches - save
- Retrenching - save
- Retrenchment - deficiency, need
- Retrenchments - deficiency, need
- Retribute - retaliate
- Retributed - retaliate
- Retributes - retaliate
- Retributing - retaliate
- Retribution - payback for another's action
- Retributions - payback for another's action
- Retributive - disciplinary
- Retrieval - recovery
- Retrievals - recovery
- Retrieve - get back
- Retrieved - get back
- Retrievement - something returned, paid back
- Retrievements - something returned, paid back
- Retriever - dog
- Retrievers - dog
- Retrieves - get back
- Retrieving - get back
- Retro - from yesteryear
- Retroaction - response
- Retroactions - response
- Retroactive - after the fact
- Retrocede - recede
- Retroceded - recede
- Retrocedes - recede
- Retroceding - recede
- Retrocession - regression; decline
- Retrocessions - regression; decline
- retrodict - To attempt to estimate the previous state from the present.
- Retrofit - adapt for use with something older
- Retrofits - adapt for use with something older
- Retrofitted - adapt for use with something older
- Retrofitting - adapt for use with something older
- Retrogradation - reversion
- Retrogradations - reversion
- Retrograde - reverting
- Retrograded - become void; fall back into previous pattern
- Retrogrades - become void; fall back into previous pattern
- Retrograding - become void; fall back into previous pattern
- Retrogress - backslide
- Retrogressed - backslide
- Retrogresses - backslide
- Retrogressing - backslide
- Retrogression - regression
- Retrogressions - regression
- Retrogressive - backward
- retronym - a word introduced because an existing term has become inadequate
- Retrospect - afterthought
- Retrospected - remember
- Retrospecting - remember
- Retrospection - ability to hold in the mind
- Retrospections - ability to hold in the mind
- Retrospective - backward-looking
- Retrospects - afterthought
- Retroversion - opposite
- Retroversions - opposite
- Rets - liquefy
- Retted - liquefy
- Retting - liquefy
- Return - coming again
- Returnable - interchangeable
- Returned - restored
- Returnee - forgiven child
- Returnees - forgiven child
- Returning - the act of coming back
- Returnless - inevitable
- Returns - coming again
- Retuse -
- Retype -
- Reunified - meet
- Reunifies - meet
- Reunify - meet
- Reunifying - meet
- Reunion - social gathering
- Reunions - social gathering
- Reunite - meet
- Reunited - meet
- Reunites - meet
- Reuniting - meet
- Reusable - able to be used again
- Reuse - talk over again
- Reused - talk over again
- Reuses - talk over again
- Reusing - talk over again
- Reuttered - said again
- Rev - minister
- Revalue - depreciate
- Revalued - depreciate
- Revalues - depreciate
- Revaluing - depreciate
- Revamp - renovate
- Revamped - renovate
- Revamping - renovate
- Revamps - renovate
- Revanche - payback for another's action
- Revanches - payback for another's action
- Reveal - disclose, tell
- Revealed - disclose, tell
- Revealer - indicator
- Revealers - indicator
- Revealing - disclose, tell
- Revealings - politically motivated exposure of another's secrets
- Revealment - announcement, revelation
- Revealments - announcement, revelation
- Reveals - disclose, tell
- Revel - celebration, merrymaking
- Revelation - disclosure, telling
- Revelational - prophetical
- Revelations - disclosure, telling
- Revelatory - educational
- Reveled - celebration, merrymaking
- Reveler - carouser
- Revelers - carouser
- Reveling - take pleasure; celebrate
- Revelled - take pleasure; celebrate
- Revelling - take pleasure; celebrate
- Revelment - celebration, merrymaking
- Revelments - celebration, merrymaking
- Revelries - merrymaking
- Revelry - merrymaking
- Revels - celebration, merrymaking
- Revenant - ghost
- Revenants - ghost
- Revenge - retaliation for wrong, grievance
- Revenged - retaliation for wrong, grievance
- Revengeful - seeking revenge
- Revengefulness - bitterness, hatefulness
- Revenges - retaliation for wrong, grievance
- Revenging - retaliation for wrong, grievance
- Revenue - income, profit
- Revenues - income, profit
- Reverberant - vibrant in sound
- Reverberate - vibrate in sound
- Reverberated - vibrate in sound
- Reverberates - vibrate in sound
- Reverberating - vibrate in sound
- Reverberation - vibration
- Reverberations - vibration
- Revere - prize
- Revered - have a high opinion of
- Reverence - high opinion of something
- Reverenced - have a high opinion of
- Reverences - have a high opinion of
- Reverencing - have a high opinion of
- Reverend - clergyperson
- Reverends - clergyperson
- Reverent - respectful
- Reverential - reverent
- Reverentially - deferentially
- Reverently - tenderly
- Reveres - have a high opinion of
- Reverie - daydream
- Reveries - daydream
- Revering - have a high opinion of
- Reversal - about-face
- Reversals - about-face
- Reverse - opposite
- Reversed - turned around
- Reverses - opposite
- Reversible - erratic
- Reversing - turn upside down or backwards
- Reversings - reversal
- Reversion - reversal
- Reversions - reversal
- Revert - return to an earlier, less-developed condition
- Reverted - unclaimed
- Reverting - return to an earlier, less-developed condition
- Reverts - return to an earlier, less-developed condition
- Revetement -
- Revetment - an architectural finish
- Revetments - an architectural finish
- Review - examination, study
- Reviewal - critique; summary
- Reviewals - critique; summary
- Reviewed - inspected
- Reviewer - critic
- Reviewers - critic
- Reviewing - inspecting
- Reviews - examination, study
- Revile - scold
- Reviled - scold
- Revilement - vituperation
- Revilements - vituperation
- Reviler - mean lady
- Revilers - mean lady
- Reviles - scold
- Reviling - vituperation
- Revilings - vituperation
- Revisal - change; rewriting
- Revisals - change; rewriting
- Revise - correct, edit
- Revised - corrected
- Reviser - redactor
- Revisers - redactor
- Revises - correct, edit
- Revising - correct, edit
- Revision - change; rewriting
- Revisionism - unorthodox opinion, especially in religious matters
- Revisionisms - unorthodox opinion, especially in religious matters
- Revisionist - exposing a text's multiple meanings
- Revisionists - exposing a text's multiple meanings
- Revisions - change; rewriting
- Revisit - visit again
- Revisitation - coming again
- Revisitations - coming again
- Revisited - visit again
- Revisiting - visit again
- Revisits - visit again
- Revitalization - revival
- Revitalizations - revival
- Revitalize - refresh
- Revitalized - refresh
- Revitalizes - refresh
- Revitalizing - refresh
- Revival - rebirth, reawakening
- Revivalist - person who aids, does religious work
- Revivalists - person who aids, does religious work
- Revivals - rebirth, reawakening
- Revive - start again; bring back to life
- Revived - restored
- Reviver - stimulant
- Revivers - stimulant
- Revives - start again; bring back to life
- Revivification - revival
- Revivifications - revival
- Revivified - revive
- Revivifies - revive
- Revivify - revive
- Revivifying - revive
- Reviving - start again; bring back to life
- Revivings - restoring
- Reviviscence - rest and relaxation
- Reviviscences - rest and relaxation
- Revo -
- Revocable - erratic
- Revocation - annulment
- Revocations - annulment
- Revoke - take back; cancel
- Revoked - take back; cancel
- Revokes - take back; cancel
- Revoking - take back; cancel
- Revolt - uprising
- Revolted - rebel, rise up against
- Revolter - rebel
- Revolters - rebel
- Revolting - disgusting, nauseating
- Revolts - uprising
- Revolute - run wild
- Revolution - drastic action or change, often in politics
- Revolutionaries - person who causes fire, trouble
- Revolutionary - rebellious
- Revolutionist - extremist
- Revolutionists - extremist
- Revolutionize - transform
- Revolutionized - transform
- Revolutionizes - transform
- Revolutionizing - transform
- Revolutions - drastic action or change, often in politics
- Revolve - turn, circle
- Revolved - turn, circle
- Revolver - arm, armament
- Revolvers - arm, armament
- Revolves - turn, circle
- Revolving - rotating
- Revolvings - circuit around something
- Revs - minister
- Revue - acting, depiction
- Revues - acting, depiction
- Revulsion - disgust, hatred
- Revulsions - disgust, hatred
- Revulsive - bad, obnoxious; hostile
- Revved - begin; put into operation
- Revving - begin; put into operation
- Rewake -
- Reward - payment, prize
- Rewarded - paid
- Rewarding - beneficial, pleasing
- Rewards - payment, prize
- Reweigh - think about again
- Reweighed - think about again
- Reweighing - think about again
- Reweighs - think about again
- Rewind - wind back
- Rewinded - wind back
- Rewinding - wind back
- Rewinds - wind back
- Reword - say in different way
- Reworded - say in different way
- Rewording - say in different way
- Rewordings - translation, interpretation
- Rewords - say in different way
- Rework - redo
- Reworked - redo
- Reworking - redo
- Reworkings - help, compensation
- Reworks - redo
- Rewound - wind back
- Rewrite - revise
- Rewriter - redactor
- Rewriters - redactor
- Rewrites - revise
- Rewriting - revise
- Rewritten - revise
- Rewrote - revise
- Rewrought - redo
- Rex - historically, person who ruled an area
- Reynosa -
- Rh incompatibility -
- Rhachides - vertebral column
- Rhachis - vertebral column
- Rhachises - vertebral column
- Rhadamanthine - due
- Rhapsodic - emotional
- Rhapsodical - exaggerated
- Rhapsodies - yelling, raving
- Rhapsodist - person who writes expressive, rhythmic verse
- Rhapsodists - person who writes expressive, rhythmic verse
- rhapsodize - say (something) with great enthusiasm
- Rhapsodized - rave
- Rhapsodizes - rave
- Rhapsodizing - rave
- Rhapsody - yelling, raving
- Rhe -
- Rhetoric - wordiness; long speech
- Rhetorical - wordy; flowery in speech
- Rhetorician - speaker
- Rhetoricians - speaker
- Rhetorics - wordiness; long speech
- Rheumatic - crippled
- Rhine - wine from light-colored grapes
- Rhineland -
- Rhines - wine from light-colored grapes
- Rhinestone - gemstone
- Rhinestones - gemstone
- Rhinoceros - nonruminant hoofed mammal
- Rhinoceroses - nonruminant hoofed mammal
- Rhinoplasties - cosmetic surgery
- Rhinoplasty - cosmetic surgery
- Rhizome - base, core
- Rhizomes - base, core
- Rhombi - four-sided figure
- Rhombus - four-sided figure
- Rhombuses - four-sided figure
- Rhubarb - fight
- Rhubarbs - fight
- Rhumba - moving feet and body to music
- Rhumbas - moving feet and body to music
- Rhyme - poetry in which lines end with like sounds
- Rhymed - calculate, judge
- Rhymer - poet
- Rhymers - poet
- Rhymes - poetry in which lines end with like sounds
- Rhymester - poet
- Rhymesters - poet
- Rhyming - expressive, rhythmic literary work
- Rhythm - beat, accent of sound, music
- Rhythmic - cadenced
- Rhythmical - with regular rhythm
- Rhythmically - lithely
- Rhythms - beat, accent of sound, music
- Rhythmus - rhythm
- Rhytidectomies - beautification; cosmetic surgery
- Rhytidectomy - beautification; cosmetic surgery
- Ria - narrow inlet
- Rialto - shopping place
- Rialtos - shopping place
- Rias - narrow inlet
- Riata - rope
- Riatas - rope
- Rib - tease
- Ribald - vulgar, obscene
- Ribaldries - obscenity
- Ribaldry - obscenity
- Ribalds - joking person
- Ribbed - tease
- Ribbing - teasing
- Ribbings - teasing
- Ribbon - narrow strip of material
- Ribboned - cut, rip an object
- Ribboning - cut, rip an object
- Ribbons - narrow strip of material
- Ribeye -
- Ribonucleoprotein -
- Ribs - tease
- Ribwort -
- Rice - edible grain
- Rices - edible grain
- Rich - having a lot of money
- Richer - having a lot of money
- Riches - money and possessions
- Richest - having a lot of money
- Richly - sumptuously
- Richness - copiousness
- Richnesses - copiousness
- Rick - stack of hay
- Ricked - pile up
- Ricketier - unsound, broken-down
- Ricketiest - unsound, broken-down
- Ricketiness - unstableness
- Ricketinesses - unstableness
- Rickettsia -
- Rickety - unsound, broken-down
- Ricking - pile up
- Rickrack - border
- Rickracks - border
- Ricks - stack of hay
- Rickshaw - small attachment for transporting
- Rickshaws - small attachment for transporting
- Ricochet - rebound
- Ricocheted - rebound
- Ricocheting - rebound
- Ricochets - rebound
- Ricochetted - rebound
- Ricochetting - rebound
- Rictus -
- Rid - do away with; free
- Riddance - release
- Riddances - release
- Ridded - do away with; free
- Ridden - carry or be carried
- Ridding - do away with; free
- Riddle - brain-teaser
- Riddled - perforate, permeate
- Riddles - brain-teaser
- Riddling - brain-teaser
- Ride - journey, trip in vehicle
- Rider - equestrian; commuter
- Riders - equestrian; commuter
- Rides - journey, trip in vehicle
- Ridge - raised part of solid
- Ridged - crinkled
- Ridges - raised part of solid
- Ridging - dig up ground for cultivation
- Ridicule - contemptuous laughter at someone or something
- Ridiculed - make contemptuous fun of something or someone
- Ridicules - contemptuous laughter at someone or something
- Ridiculing - make contemptuous fun of something or someone
- Ridiculous - stupid, funny
- Ridiculously - absurdly
- Ridiculousness - humor
- Riding - carry or be carried
- Ridings - journey
- Rids - do away with; free
- Riesling - wine from light-colored grapes
- Rieslings - wine from light-colored grapes
- Rife - overflowing
- Rifer - overflowing
- Rifest - overflowing
- Riff - circumstances
- Riffed - flip through
- Riffing - flip through
- Riffle - shuffle
- Riffled - shuffle
- Riffles - shuffle
- Riffling - shuffle
- Riffraff - rabble
- Riffraffs - rabble
- Riffs - circumstances
- Rifle - ransack
- Rifled - ransack
- Rifleman - shooter of gun
- Riflemen - shooter of gun
- Rifler - robber
- Riflers - robber
- Rifles - ransack
- Rifling - ransack
- Rift - break, crack
- Rifted - cut, rip an object
- Rifting - cut, rip an object
- Rifts - break, crack
- Rig - equipment
- Rigatoni - noodles
- Rigatonis - noodles
- Rigged - outfit, supply
- Rigging - gear
- Riggings - gear
- Right - fair, just
- Righted - fair, just
- Righteous - good, honest
- Righteously - fairly
- Righteousness - justice
- Righteousnesses - justice
- Righter - fair, just
- Rightest - fair, just
- Rightful - legitimate
- Rightfully - lawfully
- Rightfulness - ethics
- Rightfulnesses - ethics
- Righting - fair, just
- Rightings - adjustment; fixing
- Rightist - conservative
- Rightists - conservative
- Rightly - uprightly
- Rightness - ethics
- Rightnesses - ethics
- Rights - privilege
- Rigid - stiff, strict, severe
- Rigidified - constrict
- Rigidifies - constrict
- Rigidify - constrict
- Rigidifying - constrict
- Rigidities - severity
- Rigidity - severity
- Rigidly - unalterably
- Rigidness - stubbornness
- Rigidnesses - stubbornness
- rigmarole - a long and complicated and confusing procedure
- Rigmaroles - nonsense
- Rigor - strictness, exactness
- Rigorous - severe; exact
- Rigorously - word for word; exactly
- Rigorousness - severity
- Rigorousnesses - severity
- Rigors - strictness, exactness
- Rigs - equipment
- rile - make turbid by stirring up the sediments of
- Riled - anger, upset
- Riles - anger, upset
- Riling - anger, upset
- Rill - stream
- Rille - stream
- Rilled - be or make flowing
- Rilles - stream
- Rilling - be or make flowing
- Rills - stream
- Rim - border; top edge
- Rima - break, crack
- Rime - frost
- Rimer - person who writes expressive, rhythmic verse
- Rimers - person who writes expressive, rhythmic verse
- Rimes - frost
- Rimier - cold
- Rimiest - cold
- Rimmed - limited, confined
- Rimming - borderline; slight
- Rimple - fold
- Rimpled - fold
- Rimples - fold
- Rimpling - fold
- Rims - border; top edge
- Rimy - cold
- Rind - covering
- Rinded - remove outer covering
- Rinding - remove outer covering
- Rinds - covering
- Ring - circle; circular object
- Ring lardner -
- Ringed - encircle
- Ringent - unfastened, unclosed
- Ringer - double
- Ringers - double
- Ringhals -
- Ringing - resonant
- Ringingly - audibly
- Ringings - chime, clang
- Ringleader - leader
- Ringleaders - leader
- Ringlet - curled hair
- Ringleted - bend, loop
- Ringlets - curled hair
- Ringmaster - formal host
- Ringmasters - formal host
- Rings - circle; circular object
- Rink - building or enclosure for entertainment or sports
- Rinking -
- Rinks - building or enclosure for entertainment or sports
- Rinse - wash off, out
- Rinsed - wash off, out
- Rinses - wash off, out
- Rinsing - wash off, out
- Rinsings - cleaning
- Rio -
- Riot - uprising, disorder
- Rioted - uprising, disorder
- Rioter - easily made fun of
- Rioters - person who causes fire, trouble
- Rioting - uprising, disorder
- Riotings - disorder
- Riotous - chaotic, wild
- Riotously - destructively
- Riotousness - disturbance caused by a minor legal offense
- Riotousnesses - disturbance caused by a minor legal offense
- Riots - uprising, disorder
- Rip - tear, cut
- Ripe - fully developed; experienced
- Riped - ripen, mature
- Ripen - mature
- Ripened - mature
- Ripeness - adulthood, full growth
- Ripenesses - adulthood, full growth
- Ripening - mature
- Ripens - mature
- Riper - fully developed; experienced
- Ripes - ripen, mature
- Ripest - fully developed; experienced
- Riping - ripen, mature
- Ripoff - trick; robbery
- Ripoffs - trick; robbery
- Ripost -
- riposte - answer back
- Riposted - answer
- Ripostes - comeback
- Riposting - answer
- Ripped - tear, cut
- Ripper - cutting tool
- Rippers - cutting tool
- Ripping - marvelous
- Ripple - wave; wrinkle
- Rippled - wave; wrinkle
- Ripples - wave; wrinkle
- Ripplier - wavy
- Rippliest - wavy
- Rippling - wave
- Ripplings - wave; wrinkle
- Ripply - wavy
- Rips - tear, cut
- ripsnorter - something extreme; humdinger
- Riptide - drift, pull
- Riptides - drift, pull
- Rise - increase, improvement
- Rise up -
- Risen - get up; ascend
- Riser -
- Rises - increase, improvement
- Rishi -
- risible - arousing or provoking laughter
- Rising - climbing
- Rising star -
- Risings - rebellion
- Risk - chance taken
- Risk-taker -
- Risked - chance taken
- Riskier - dangerous
- Riskiest - dangerous
- Riskily - dangerously
- Risking - take a chance
- Riskless - not dangerous
- Risks - chance taken
- Risky - dangerous
- Risorgimento - rebirth, reawakening
- Risque - racy
- Ritc -
- Rite - ceremony, tradition
- Rites - ceremony, tradition
- Ritornelle - refrain
- Ritornelles - refrain
- Ritual - ceremony, tradition
- Ritualistic - formal
- Ritualize - commemorate; pay attention to
- Ritualized - commemorate; pay attention to
- Ritualizes - commemorate; pay attention to
- Ritualizing - commemorate; pay attention to
- Rituals - ceremony, tradition
- Ritzier - elegant, luxurious
- Ritziest - elegant, luxurious
- ritzy - luxuriously elegant
- Rival - opposing
- Rivaled - oppose; be a match for
- Rivaling - opposing
- Rivalize - oppose; be a match for
- Rivalized - oppose; be a match for
- Rivalizes - oppose; be a match for
- Rivalizing - oppose; be a match for
- Rivalled - oppose; be a match for
- Rivalling - opposing
- Rivalries - competition
- Rivalrous - ambitious
- Rivalry - competition
- Rivals - person who opposes in competition
- Rive - tear
- Rived - tear
- Rivel - raised part of solid
- Rivels - raised part of solid
- Riven - tear
- River - waterway
- Riverbank - waterside
- Riverbanks - waterside
- Riverfront - ground bounding waters
- Riverfronts - ground bounding waters
- Riverine - bordering the water
- Rivers - waterway
- Riverside - ground bounding waters
- Riversides - ground bounding waters
- Rives - tear
- Rivet - lock; part of lock
- Riveted - determined, resolute
- Riveter - tool for boring
- Riveters - tool for boring
- Riveting - fascinating, gripping
- Rivets - lock; part of lock
- Rivetted - arouse curiosity
- Rivetting - arouse curiosity
- Riviere - chain
- Rivieres - chain
- Riving - tear
- rivulet - a small stream
- Rivulets - small river
- Rko -
- Rnh -
- Roach - grass, pot
- Roaches - grass, pot
- Road - path upon which travel occurs
- Roadblock - barrier
- Roadblocks - barrier
- Roadhouse - accommodation for travellers
- Roadhouses - accommodation for travellers
- Roadman - traveling salesperson
- Roadmen - traveling salesperson
- Roads - path upon which travel occurs
- Roadstead - place for boat docking, traffic, and storage
- Roadsteads - place for boat docking, traffic, and storage
- Roadster - vehicle driven on streets
- Roadsters - vehicle driven on streets
- Roadway - road
- Roadways - road
- Roadwork - creation, building
- Roadworks - creation, building
- Roam - wander about
- Roamed - wander about
- Roamer - person who wanders from place to place
- Roamers - person who wanders from place to place
- Roaming - moving around
- Roamings - excursion
- Roams - wander about
- Roan - hoofed mammal
- Roans - hoofed mammal
- Roar - growl, howl
- Roared - growl, howl
- Roarer - laughing
- Roaring - loud
- Roarings - amusement
- Roars - growl, howl
- Roast - criticize
- Roasted - criticize
- Roaster - kitchen stove
- Roasters - kitchen stove
- Roasting - hot
- Roastings - calefaction
- Roasts - criticize
- Rob - steal, deprive
- Robbed - steal, deprive
- Robber - person who steals
- Robberies - stealing
- Robbers - person who steals
- Robbery - stealing
- Robbing - steal, deprive
- Robe - gown, often for wearing at home
- Robed - clad
- Robes - gown, often for wearing at home
- Robing - the act of clothing
- Robings - the act of clothing
- Roborant - tonic
- Roborants - restorative drink, medicine
- Robot - android, machine
- Robotic - made or done by a machine
- Robotics - machine intelligence
- Robotization - science studying brain function to design analagous mechanical systems
- Robotizations - science studying brain function to design analagous mechanical systems
- Robotize - mechanize
- Robotized - mechanize
- Robotizes - mechanize
- Robotizing - mechanize
- Robots - android, machine
- Robs - steal, deprive
- Robust - healthy, strong
- Robustious - healthy, strong
- Robustly - powerfully
- Robustness - stamina, mental or physical
- Robustnesses - stamina, mental or physical
- Rocher -
- Rock - stone
- Rockabillies - hybrid pop music
- Rockabilly - hybrid pop music
- Rockbound - rugged, stony
- Rocked - move back and forth
- Rocker - hard, dimensional
- Rockers - person who produces music
- Rocket - projectile
- Rocketed - shoot up
- Rocketeer - space explorer
- Rocketeers - space explorer
- Rocketer - rocket researcher
- Rocketers - rocket researcher
- Rocketing - shoot up
- Rocketries - rocket research
- Rocketry - rocket research
- Rockets - projectile
- Rockier - rugged, stony
- Rockiest - rugged, stony
- Rocking - move back and forth
- Rockings - sea surf, current
- Rocklike - unyielding, inflexible
- Rocko -
- Rocks - stone
- Rockslide - landslip
- Rockslides - landslip
- Rockweed - kelp
- Rockweeds - kelp
- Rockwell -
- Rocky - rugged, stony
- Rococo - gaudy
- Rod - bar, pole
- Rode - carry or be carried
- Rodent - animal
- Rodentia -
- Rodents - animal
- Rodeo - cowboy exhibition
- Rodeos - cowboy exhibition
- Rodman - killer
- Rodmen - killer
- rodomontade - vain and empty boasting
- Rodomontaded - talk boastingly
- Rodomontades - exaggeration
- Rodomontading - talk boastingly
- Rods - bar, pole
- Roe - fish eggs
- Roentgen -
- Roes - fish eggs
- Rogation - prayer
- Rogations - prayer
- Roger - yes
- Rogue - person who deceives, swindles
- Rogueries - mischief
- Roguery - mischief
- Rogues - person who deceives, swindles
- Roguish - deceitful; mischievous
- Roguishly - deceitfully
- Roguishness - mischief
- Roguishnesses - mischief
- Roil - irritate
- Roiled - rough
- Roilier - turbid
- Roiliest - turbid
- Roiling - upset
- Roils - upset
- Roily - turbid
- Roister - revel
- Roistered - revel
- Roisterer - carouser
- Roisterers - carouser
- Roistering - revel
- Roisters - revel
- Role - impersonation of a character
- Roles - impersonation of a character
- Rolf - knead body parts
- Rolfed - knead body parts
- Rolfing - kneading of body parts
- Rolfings - kneading of body parts
- Rolfs - knead body parts
- Roll - revolving, turning
- Rollaway - foldable bed
- Rollaways - foldable bed
- Rollback - economy
- Rollbacks - economy
- Rolled - made into a roll
- Roller - sea surf, current
- Rollerblade - shoe with rollers
- Rollerblader -
- Rollerblades - shoe with rollers
- Rollerblading - a type of roller skating
- Rollerbladings - a type of roller skating
- Rollercoaster - sudden extreme changeableness
- Rollers - sea surf, current
- Rollick - romp
- Rollicked - romp
- Rollicking - fun-loving, lively
- Rollicks - romp
- Rolling - rotating
- Rollings - rotating
- Rolls - revolving, turning
- Rolltop - table
- Rom - type of computer storage
- Roman - concerning ancient culture
- Romance - love affair
- Romanced - overstate, embellish
- Romancer - person who dreams, is idealistic
- Romancers - person who dreams, is idealistic
- Romances - love affair
- Romancing - liking, dream
- Romancings - liking, dream
- Romanic -
- Romans - printing font
- Romansh -
- Romantic - sentimental, idealistic
- Romanticism - emotion, belief
- Romanticisms - emotion, belief
- Romanticist - dreamer
- Romanticists - dreamer
- Romanticize - make glamorous
- Romanticized - make glamorous
- Romanticizes - make glamorous
- Romanticizing - make glamorous
- Romantics - person who dreams, is idealistic
- Romeo - male lover
- Romeos - male lover
- Romeward -
- Romp - fun; caper
- Romped - have fun, enjoy oneself
- Romper - pants
- Rompers - pants
- Romping - have fun, enjoy oneself
- Romps - fun; caper
- Roms - type of computer storage
- Rondure - globe
- Rondures - globe
- Ronion - derelict
- Ronions - derelict
- Rood - cross
- Rood-tree -
- Roods - cross
- Roof - building covering
- Roofed - provided with a cover
- Roofer - up above
- Roofing - top of a room
- Roofings - top of a room
- Roofless -
- Roofs - building covering
- Rook - trick
- Rooked - trick
- Rookeries - animal breeding area
- Rookery - animal breeding area
- Rookie - novice
- Rookies - novice
- Rooking - trick
- Rooks - trick
- Room - space, range
- Roomed - stay at temporary residence
- Roomer - person who is resident of habitation
- Roomers - person who is resident of habitation
- Roomette - railroad overnight car
- Roomettes - railroad overnight car
- Roomie - companion
- Roomier - having ample space
- Roomies - companion
- Roomiest - having ample space
- Roominess - spaciousness
- Roominesses - spaciousness
- Rooming - stay at temporary residence
- Rooming-in -
- Roommate - companion
- Roommates - companion
- Rooms - space, range
- Roomy - having ample space
- Roose - praise, flatter
- Roosed - praise, flatter
- Rooses - praise, flatter
- Roosing - praise, flatter
- Roost - perch
- Roosted - take up residence in
- Rooster - domesticated bird
- Roosters - domesticated bird
- Roosting - take up residence in
- Roosts - perch
- Root - base, core
- Root out -
- Rootcap -
- Rooted - implanted
- Rooter - fundamental, latent
- Rooters - supporter
- Rooting - dig and search
- Rootings - applause
- Rootless - dangerous, precarious
- Rootlessness - nostalgia
- Rootlessnesses - nostalgia
- Roots - ancestry
- Rootstock - origin
- Rootstocks - origin
- Rope - cord, line
- Roped - attract, seduce
- Roper - investigator of crime
- Ropers - investigator of crime
- Ropes - cord, line
- Ropier - powerfully built
- Ropiest - powerfully built
- Roping - attract, seduce
- Ropy - powerfully built
- Rorqual - cetacean mammal
- Rorquals - cetacean mammal
- Rosacea - blemishes
- Rosaceas - blemishes
- Rosaries - beads
- Rosary - beads
- Rose - red-pink
- Rose window -
- roseate - Rosy or pinkish in color.; Excessively optimistic or cheerful.
- Rosed - blush, make rosy
- Rosehead -
- Rosehip -
- Roses - red-pink
- Rosette - bow, loop
- Rosettes - bow, loop
- Roseus -
- Rosewater - emotional, romantic
- Rosewood - bat, stick
- Rosewoods - bat, stick
- Rosier - pink, reddish in color
- Rosies - color of blood; shade resembling such a color
- Rosiest - pink, reddish in color
- Rosin - sticky substance
- Rosiness - pink coloring
- Rosinesses - pink coloring
- Rosing - blush, make rosy
- Rosins - sticky substance
- Roster - list of items, names
- Rosters - list of items, names
- Rostock -
- Rostra - platform
- Rostrum - platform
- Rostrums - platform
- Rosy - pink, reddish in color
- Rosy-cheeked -
- Rot - corrosion, disintegration
- Rota - list of items, names
- Rotaries - road junction with island
- Rotary - turning
- Rotas - list of items, names
- Rotate - go around in circle
- Rotated - go around in circle
- Rotates - go around in circle
- Rotating - go around in circle
- Rotation - turn
- Rotational - turning
- Rotations - turn
- Rotative - capable of rotating
- Rotator - a power tool for making pottery
- Rotatores - a power tool for making pottery
- Rotators - a power tool for making pottery
- Rotatory - turning
- Rote - learning
- Rotes - learning
- Rotgut - illegally distilled alcohol
- Rotguts - illegally distilled alcohol
- Rotisserie - cook outside, usually on a grill
- Rotisseried - cook outside, usually on a grill
- Rotisseries - cook outside, usually on a grill
- Rotogravure - carving of letters or design into something
- Rotogravures - carving of letters or design into something
- Rots - corrosion, disintegration
- Rotted - corrode, deteriorate
- Rotten - decayed, decaying
- Rotten apple -
- Rottener - decayed, decaying
- Rottenest - decayed, decaying
- Rottenness - dirtiness, contamination
- Rottennesses - dirtiness, contamination
- Rotter - sly, dastardly person
- Rotters - sly, dastardly person
- Rotting - crumbling
- Rotund - fat
- Rotunda - gazebo
- Rotundas - gazebo
- Rotundities - fullness
- Rotundity - fullness
- Rotundness - corpulence
- Rotundnesses - corpulence
- Roue - person who is immoral
- Roues - person who is immoral
- Rouge - blusher
- Rouged - made-up
- Rouges - blusher
- Rough - uneven, irregular
- Roughage - healthful food
- Roughages - healthful food
- Roughcast - covering
- Roughcasting - build quickly
- Roughcasts - covering
- Roughed - formulate
- Roughen - handle harshly
- Roughened - toughened
- Roughening - handle harshly
- Roughens - handle harshly
- Rougher - uneven, irregular
- Roughest - uneven, irregular
- Roughhew - form, create
- Roughhewed - form, create
- Roughhewing - form, create
- Roughhewn - not cooked, prepared
- Roughhews - form, create
- Roughhouse - roughness
- Roughhoused - push over; strike
- Roughhouses - roughness
- Roughhousing - practical joke; frivolity
- Roughhousings - practical joke; frivolity
- Roughing - formulate
- Roughly - about
- Roughneck - tough person
- Roughnecks - tough person
- Roughness - the quality of being rough on the surface
- Roughnesses - the quality of being rough on the surface
- Roughrider - rider
- Roughriders - rider
- Roughs - drawing, outline
- Rouging - blush, make rosy
- Roulade - rhapsody
- Roulades - rhapsody
- Roulette - game depending on luck
- Roulettes - game depending on luck
- Rounceval -
- Round - ball-shaped; semicircular area
- Round of drinks -
- Round-the-world -
- Roundabout - indirect
- Roundabouts - expedition
- Rounded - curved
- Rounder - ball-shaped; semicircular area
- Rounders - philanderer
- Roundest - ball-shaped; semicircular area
- Roundhouse - blow
- Roundhouses - blow
- Rounding - turn; encircle
- Roundly - thoroughly
- Roundness - fullness
- Roundnesses - fullness
- Rounds - ball-shaped; semicircular area
- Roundup - collection, collation
- Roundups - collection, collation
- Roup - auction
- Roups - auction
- Rous -
- Rouse - wake
- Roused - wake
- Rouses - wake
- Rousing - stirring
- Roust - stimulate
- Roustabout - laborer
- Roustabouts - laborer
- Rousted - stimulate
- Rousting - stimulate
- Rousts - stimulate
- Rout - overwhelming defeat
- Route - path over which someone or something travels
- Routed - defeat overwhelmingly
- Routes - path over which someone or something travels
- Routine - habitual
- Routinely - usually
- Routines - habitual activity
- Routing - defeat overwhelmingly
- Routings - defeat, victory
- Routs - overwhelming defeat
- Rove - wander
- Roved - wander
- Rover - nomad
- Rovers - nomad
- Roves - wander
- Roving - moving around
- Rovings - moving around
- Row - sequence, series
- Rowanberry -
- Rowboat - a ship
- Rowboats - a ship
- Rowdier - boisterous, noisy
- Rowdies - boisterous, noisy
- Rowdiest - boisterous, noisy
- Rowdily - with great force
- Rowdiness - practical joke; frivolity
- Rowdinesses - practical joke; frivolity
- Rowdy - boisterous, noisy
- Rowdydow - commotion, disorder
- Rowdydows - commotion, disorder
- Rowdyism - disturbance caused by a minor legal offense
- Rowdyisms - disturbance caused by a minor legal offense
- Rowed - move boat with paddle
- Rowel - egg on, incite
- Roweled - egg on, incite
- Roweling - egg on, incite
- Rowelled - egg on, incite
- Rowelling - egg on, incite
- Rowels - egg on, incite
- Rowen -
- Rowett -
- Rowing - move boat with paddle
- Rowings - travel, recreation in water
- Rows - sequence, series
- Royal - monarchical, grand
- Royal jelly -
- Royalist - person who is politically conservative
- Royalists - person who is politically conservative
- Royally - magnanimously
- Royals - historically, person who ruled an area
- Royalties - sovereignty
- Royalty - sovereignty
- Roysterer - carouser
- Roysterers - carouser
- Rozelle -
- Rpt -
- Rsm -
- Rspca -
- Rtecs -
- Rub - stroke, massage
- Rubbed - stroke, massage
- Rubber - elastic
- Rubbered - gaze
- Rubbering - gaze
- Rubberlike - elastic
- Rubberneck - stare
- Rubbernecked - stare
- Rubbernecker - person who observes an event
- Rubberneckers - person who observes an event
- Rubbernecking - stare
- Rubbernecks - stare
- Rubbers - pregnancy prevention
- Rubbery - bouncy, flexible
- Rubbing - stroke, massage
- Rubbings - kneading of body parts
- Rubbish - garbage
- Rubbishes - garbage
- Rubbishy - inferior, low in quality
- Rubble - remains
- Rubbles - remains
- Rubdown - massage
- Rubdowns - massage
- Rube - redneck
- Rubes - redneck
- Rubescent - flushed
- Rubicon - crucial moment
- Rubicons - crucial moment
- rubicund - inclined to a healthy reddish color often associated with outdoor life
- Rubied - blush, make rosy
- Rubier - pinkish, blushing
- Rubies - color of blood; shade resembling such a color
- Rubiest - pinkish, blushing
- Rubified - blush, make rosy
- Rubifies - blush, make rosy
- Rubify - blush, make rosy
- Rubifying - blush, make rosy
- Rubout - killing
- Rubouts - killing
- rubric - a heading that names a statute or legislative bill; may give a brief summary of the matters it deals with
- Rubricate - blush, make rosy
- Rubricated - blush, make rosy
- Rubricates - blush, make rosy
- Rubricating - blush, make rosy
- Rubrics - rule
- Rubs - stroke, massage
- Ruby - pinkish, blushing
- Rubying - blush, make rosy
- Ruche - fold
- Ruched - lay in creases
- Ruches - fold
- Ruching - lay in creases
- Ruck - fold
- Rucked - crinkle, fold
- Rucking - crinkle, fold
- Ruckle - wrinkle
- Ruckled - draw together; wrinkle
- Ruckles - wrinkle
- Ruckling - draw together; wrinkle
- Rucks - fold
- Rucksack - backpack
- Rucksacks - backpack
- Ruckus - disturbance
- Ruckuses - disturbance
- Ructation -
- Ruction - brawl
- Ructions - brawl
- Ructious - being disagreeable
- Rudder - end piece, part
- Rudders - end piece, part
- Ruddied - blush, make rosy
- Ruddier - pinkish, blushing
- Ruddies - color of blood; shade resembling such a color
- Ruddiest - pinkish, blushing
- Ruddiness - pink coloring
- Ruddinesses - pink coloring
- Ruddle - blush, make rosy
- Ruddled - blush, make rosy
- Ruddles - blush, make rosy
- Ruddling - blush, make rosy
- Ruddy - pinkish, blushing
- Ruddying - blush, make rosy
- Rude - disrespectful, rough
- Rudely - impolitely
- Rudeness - impoliteness
- Rudenesses - impoliteness
- Ruder - disrespectful, rough
- Rudest - disrespectful, rough
- Rudiment - basis
- Rudimental - elementary
- Rudimentary - basic, fundamental
- Rudiments - fundamentals
- Rue - regret
- Rued - regret
- Rueful - regretful
- Ruefulness - shame, sorrow
- Ruefulnesses - shame, sorrow
- Rues - regret
- Rufescent - color of blood; shade resembling such a color
- Ruff - clump of strands of something
- Ruffian - hoodlum
- Ruffianism - disturbance caused by a minor legal offense
- Ruffianisms - disturbance caused by a minor legal offense
- Ruffianly - obstinate, rough
- Ruffians - hoodlum
- Ruffle - mess up
- Ruffled - mess up
- Ruffler - braggart
- Rufflers - braggart
- Ruffles - mess up
- Ruffling - mess up
- Ruffs - clump of strands of something
- Rufol -
- Rug - carpet
- Rugbies - a sport
- Rugby - a sport
- Rugged - bumpy, weathered
- Ruggedly - raggedly
- Ruggedness - masculinity
- Ruggednesses - masculinity
- Rugosities - series of tiny ridges
- Rugosity - series of tiny ridges
- Rugs - carpet
- Ruin - situation of devastation
- Ruination - destruction
- Ruinations - destruction
- Ruined - destroyed
- Ruiner - detractor
- Ruiners - detractor
- Ruing - regret
- Ruining - devastate, destroy
- Ruinings - downfall, breakdown
- Ruinous - disastrous, devastating
- Ruins - buildings that are dilapidated
- Rulable - governable
- Rule - standard, principle of behavior
- Ruled - governed
- Ruler - historically, person who ruled an area
- Rulers - historically, person who ruled an area
- Rules - standard, principle of behavior
- Ruling - dominant, governing
- Rulings - dominant, governing
- Rum - eccentric
- Rumble - growl, thunder
- Rumbled - growl, thunder
- Rumblers -
- Rumbles - growl, thunder
- Rumbling - growl, thunder
- Rumblings - growl, reverberation
- Rumbustious - confused
- Rumen - ruminant food
- Rumina - ruminant food
- Ruminant - contemplative
- ruminate - reflect deeply on a subject
- Ruminated - think about seriously
- Ruminates - think about seriously
- Ruminating - think about seriously
- Rumination - thought
- Ruminations - thought
- Ruminative - thoughtful
- Rummage - ransack, search
- Rummaged - ransack, search
- Rummages - ransack, search
- Rummaging - ransack, search
- Rummier - eccentric
- Rummies - eccentric
- Rummiest - eccentric
- Rummy - eccentric
- Rumor - talk about supposed truth
- Rumored - reported
- Rumoring - talk about supposed truth
- Rumormonger - gossip
- Rumormongers - gossip
- Rumors - talk about supposed truth
- Rump - bottom, posterior of animal or human
- Rumple - crush, wrinkle
- Rumpled - crush, wrinkle
- Rumples - crush, wrinkle
- Rumpling - crush, wrinkle
- Rumps - bottom, posterior of animal or human
- rumpus - the act of making a noisy disturbance
- Rumpuses - clamor
- Rumrunner - illegal liquor dealer
- Rumrunners - illegal liquor dealer
- Rums - alcoholic drink
- Run - fast moving on foot
- Runagate - defector
- Runagates - defector
- Runaround - eluding; preventing
- Runarounds - avoidance
- Runaway - out of control
- Runaways - out of control
- Rundle - cylindrical object
- Rundles - cylindrical object
- Rundown - summary
- Rundowns - summary
- Rune - spell, magic
- Runes - spell, magic
- Rung - notch, step
- Rungs - notch, step
- Runic - bewitching, charming
- Runlet - small river
- Runlets - small river
- Runnel - stream, river
- Runnels - stream, river
- Runner - one who runs
- Runners - one who runs
- Runnier - fluid, flowing, melting
- Runniest - fluid, flowing, melting
- Running - continuous, flowing, operating
- Runnings - continuous, flowing, operating
- Runny - fluid, flowing, melting
- Runoff - spring runoff
- Runoffs - spring runoff
- Runover - overwhelmed; visibly moved
- Runs - fast moving on foot
- Runt - very small person
- Runted - kept from growing
- Runtier - not tall
- Runtiest - not tall
- Runtish - kept from growing
- Runts - very small person
- Runty - not tall
- Runway - track
- Runways - track
- Rupture - break, split
- Ruptured - break, split
- Ruptures - break, split
- Rupturing - break, split
- Rural - country, not urban
- Ruralism -
- Ruralist - landowner
- Ruralists - landowner
- Rurals - hick
- Ruse - trick, deception
- Ruses - trick, deception
- Rush - hurry, speed
- Rushed - hurried
- Rushes - hurry, speed
- Rushing - hurrying
- Rushings - competition
- Rushlight - taper
- Rushlights - taper
- Rusk - hard, often salted, baked wafer
- Rusks - hard, often salted, baked wafer
- Russet - coppery-brown color
- Russets - reddish-brown color
- Russias -
- Rust - corrosion
- Rusted - corrode
- Rustic - country, rural
- Rustical - country, not urban
- Rusticate - leave a place or responsibility
- Rusticated - leave a place or responsibility
- Rusticates - leave a place or responsibility
- Rusticating - leave a place or responsibility
- Rusticism - grimness, barrenness
- Rusticisms - grimness, barrenness
- Rustics - country, rural
- Rustier - corroded
- Rustiest - corroded
- Rusting - corrosion
- Rustle - whisper, swish
- Rustled - whisper, swish
- Rustler - person who steals
- Rustlers - person who steals
- Rustles - whisper, swish
- Rustling - murmuring
- Rustlings - whisper, swish
- Rusts - corrosion
- Rusty - corroded
- Rut - groove, indentation
- Ruth - compassion
- Ruthful - pitiful
- Ruthless - mean, heartless
- Ruthlessly - cruelly, without remorse
- Ruthlessness - lack of compassion
- Ruthlessnesses - lack of compassion
- Ruths - compassion
- Rutilant - glowing
- Ruts - groove, indentation
- Rutted - rough
- Rutting - make a space; push in slightly
- Ruttish - desirous
- Ruttishness - indecency
- Ruttishnesses - indecency
- Rye - edible grain
- Ryes - edible grain
Vocabulary List
- Words that Start with A
- Words that Start with B
- Words that Start with c
- Words that Start with D
- Words that Start with E
- Words that Start with F
- Words that Start with g
- Words that Start with H
- Words that Start with I
- Words that Start with J
- Words that Start with K
- Words that Start with L
- Words that Start with M
- Words that Start with N
- Words that Start with O
- Words that Start with P
- Words that Start with Q
- Words that Start with R
- Words that Start with S
- Words that Start with T
- Words that Start with U
- Words that Start with V
- Words that Start with W
- Words that Start with Y
- Words that Start with Z
Idioms by Category
- The Most Common English Idioms
- Common English Idioms
- Familiar English Idioms
- Idioms about Age
- Idioms about animals
- Idioms about art
- Idioms about clothes
- Idioms about colors
- Idioms about crime
- Idioms about death
- Idioms about dreams
- Idioms about food
- Idioms about furniture
- Idioms about general
- Idioms about health
- Idioms about home
- Idioms about language
- Idioms about law
- Idioms about life
- Idioms about love
- Idioms about men and women
- Idioms about money
- Idioms about music
- Idioms about names
- Idioms about nationalities
- Idioms about nature
- Idioms about numbers
- Idioms about parts of the body
- Idioms about relationship
- Idioms about religion
- Idioms about sexuality
- Idioms about sport
- Idioms about technology and science
- Idioms about time
- Idioms about travel
- Idioms about war
- Idioms about weather
- Idioms about work
- IDIOMS beginning with A
- IDIOMS beginning with B
- IDIOMS beginning with C
- IDIOMS beginning with D
- IDIOMS beginning with E
- IDIOMS beginning with F
- IDIOMS beginning with G
- IDIOMS beginning with H
- IDIOMS beginning with I
- IDIOMS beginning with J
- IDIOMS beginning with K
- IDIOMS beginning with L
- IDIOMS beginning with M
- IDIOMS beginning with N
- IDIOMS beginning with O
- IDIOMS beginning with P
- IDIOMS beginning with Q
- IDIOMS beginning with R
- IDIOMS beginning with S
- IDIOMS beginning with T
- IDIOMS beginning with U
- IDIOMS beginning with V
- IDIOMS beginning with W
- IDIOMS beginning with X
- IDIOMS beginning with Y
- IDIOMS beginning with Z
Phrases by Category
- Common Expression
- Greetings
- Travel & Directions
- Number and Money
- Location
- Phone and Internet and Mail
- Time and dates
- Accommodations
- Dining
- Making friends
- Entertainment
- Shopping
- Communication difficulties
- Emergency and health
- General questions
- Work
- Weather
- Miscellaneous
- Phrases beginning with A
- Phrases beginning with B
- Phrases beginning with c
- Phrases beginning with D
- Phrases beginning with E
- Phrases beginning with F
- Phrases beginning with g
- Phrases beginning with H
- Phrases beginning with I
- Phrases beginning with J
- Phrases beginning with K
- Phrases beginning with L
- Phrases beginning with M
- Phrases beginning with N
- Phrases beginning with O
- Phrases beginning with P
- Phrases beginning with Q
- Phrases beginning with R
- Phrases beginning with S
- Phrases beginning with T
- Phrases beginning with U
- Phrases beginning with V
- Phrases beginning with W
- Phrases beginning with Y
- Phrases beginning with Z