Words Beginning with s - list and definitions learning English
- Sabbath - day for resting
- Sabbaths - day for resting
- Sabbatical - leave
- Sabbaticals - leave
- Saber - weapon
- Sabered - puncture, pierce with sharp, pointed object
- Sabering - puncture, pierce with sharp, pointed object
- Sabers - weapon
- Sabine - tree
- Sabines - tree
- Sable - very dark in color
- Sabler - very dark in color
- Sablest - very dark in color
- Sabot - round object
- Sabotage - damage
- Sabotaged - damage
- Sabotages - damage
- Sabotaging - incapacitate, damage
- Saboteur - secret or subversive group
- Saboteurs - secret or subversive group
- Sabots - round object
- Sabre - cutting tool
- Sabres - cutting tool
- Sabulous - pertaining to sand
- Sac - bag
- Sacchariferous - sugary
- Saccharin - sugar substitute
- saccharine - overly sweet
- Saccharins - sugar substitute
- Saccharose - sweet substance
- Saccharoses - sweet substance
- Sacella - religious institution, building
- Sacellum - religious institution, building
- Sacerdotal - religious
- Sachet - scented bag
- Sachets - scented bag
- Sack - remove from position of responsibility
- Sacked - remove from position of responsibility
- Sacking - remove from position of responsibility
- Sackings - destruction
- Sacks - remove from position of responsibility
- Sacra - bottom, posterior of animal or human
- Sacrament - rite
- Sacramental - holy, blessed
- Sacraments - rite
- Sacraria - sanctuary
- Sacrarium - sanctuary
- Sacred - holy, blessed
- Sacredness - holiness
- Sacrednesses - holiness
- Sacrifice - loss
- Sacrificed - gone
- Sacrifices - loss
- Sacrificial - atoning
- Sacrificing - give up, let go
- Sacrilege - irreverence
- Sacrileges - irreverence
- Sacrilegious - profane
- Sacrilegiously -
- sacrosanct - must be kept sacred
- Sacrosanctities - holiness
- Sacrosanctity - holiness
- Sacrum - bottom, posterior of animal or human
- Sacs - bag
- Sad - unhappy, depressed
- Sadden - upset, depress
- Saddened - upset, depress
- Saddening - upset, depress
- Saddens - upset, depress
- Sadder - unhappy, depressed
- Saddest - unhappy, depressed
- Saddle - seat on horse
- Saddle horn -
- Saddle-sore -
- Saddlebag - container for one's possesions
- Saddlebags - container for one's possesions
- Saddlebow - beat
- Saddlebows - beat
- Saddled - fastened
- Saddler - light brown
- Saddles - seat on horse
- Saddling - credit, allocate
- Sadism - perversion
- Sadisms - perversion
- Sadist - barbarian
- Sadistic - cruel, perverted
- Sadists - barbarian
- Sadly - unhappily
- Sadness - unhappiness, depression
- Sadnesses - unhappiness, depression
- Sadomasochism - perversion
- Sadomasochisms - perversion
- Sads - depression in a season, mainly winter
- Safari - hunting expedition
- Safaried - travel
- Safariing - travel
- Safaris - hunting expedition
- Safe - free from harm
- Safecracker - person who steals
- Safecrackers - person who steals
- Safecracking - stealing from residence, business
- Safecrackings - stealing from residence, business
- Safeguard - protection
- Safeguarded - protect
- Safeguarding - protect
- Safeguards - protection
- Safekeeping - protection
- Safekeepings - protection
- Safely - securely
- Safeness - protection from harm
- Safenesses - protection from harm
- Safer - free from harm
- Safes - warehouse
- Safest - free from harm
- Safeties - protection from harm
- Safety - protection from harm
- Saffron - sunny color
- Saffrons - sunny color
- Sag - drop, decline
- Saga - story, often long
- sagacious - acutely insightful and wise
- Sagaciously - cleverly
- Sagaciousness - wisdom
- Sagaciousnesses - wisdom
- Sagacities - wisdom
- sagacity - the trait of forming opinions by distinguishing and evaluating
- Sagas - story, often long
- Sage - wise
- Sagely - prudently
- Sageness - wisdom
- Sagenesses - wisdom
- Sagenitic -
- Sager - wise
- Sages - wise
- Sagest - wise
- Sagged - droop
- Sagger - bulky
- Saggier - limp
- Saggiest - limp
- Sagging - droop
- Saggings - swollen object
- Saggy - limp
- Sagination -
- Sagittal - having a sharp end or part
- Sagittate - having a sharp end or part
- Sags - drop, decline
- Said - pronounced
- Sail - travel through water, air; glide
- Sailable -
- Sailboat - a boat propelled with wind by sailcloth
- Sailboats - a boat propelled with wind by sailcloth
- Sailcloth - coarse material
- Sailcloths - coarse material
- Sailed - travel through water, air; glide
- Sailing - travel through water, air; glide
- Sailings - traveling, guiding along route, often over water
- Sailor - person who travels by sea
- Sailorly - concerning ships, sea
- Sailors - person who travels by sea
- Sails - travel through water, air; glide
- Saint - holy person
- Sainted - good, righteous
- Sainting - sanctify; idolize
- Saintlier - good, righteous
- Saintliest - good, righteous
- Saintlike - concerning belief in divinity
- Saintliness - ethics, honesty
- Saintlinesses - ethics, honesty
- Saintly - good, righteous
- Saints - holy person
- Sake - benefit, gain
- Sakes - benefit, gain
- Salaam - greeting
- Salaamed - welcome
- Salaaming - welcome
- Salaams - greeting
- Salabilities - sell
- Salability - sell
- Salable - marketable
- Salableness - sell
- Salablenesses - sell
- Salacious - lascivious
- Salaciousness - lewdness
- Salaciousnesses - lewdness
- Salacities - appetite, passion
- Salacity - appetite, passion
- Salad - dish of vegetables
- Salads - dish of vegetables
- Salamander - cold-blooded vertebrate
- Salamanders - cold-blooded vertebrate
- Salami - processed meat
- Salamis - processed meat
- Salaried - non-manual
- Salaries - money paid for work done
- Salary - money paid for work done
- Sale - exchange of object for money
- Saleable - marketable
- Salep - vegetable
- Saleps - vegetable
- Saleratus - raising agent
- Saleratuses - raising agent
- Sales - exchange of object for money
- Sales agreement -
- Salesclerk - seller
- Salesclerks - seller
- Salesgirl - seller
- Salesgirls - seller
- Salesladies - salesman/woman
- Saleslady - salesman/woman
- Salesman - seller
- Salesmen - seller
- Salespeople - salesman/woman
- Salesperson - salesman/woman
- Salespersons - salesman/woman
- Saleswoman - seller
- Saleswomen - seller
- Salic -
- Salicyl -
- Salicylate -
- Salience - distinction, outstandingness
- Saliences - distinction, outstandingness
- Saliencies - projection
- Saliency - projection
- Salient - noticeable, important
- Salientian - amphibian
- Salientians - amphibian
- Salients - location of military fights
- Saliferous - flavored with sodium chloride
- Saline - salty
- Salines - salt solution
- Saliva - spit
- Salivas - spit
- Salivate - drool
- Salivated - drool
- Salivates - drool
- Salivating - drool
- Salivation - saliva
- Salivations - saliva
- Sallied - depart, abandon physically
- Sallies - venture off path
- Sallow - pale, unhealthy
- Sallower - pale, unhealthy
- Sallowest - pale, unhealthy
- Sallowness - paleness
- Sallownesses - paleness
- Sallows - light
- Sally - venture off path
- Sallying - depart, abandon physically
- Salm -
- Salmagundi - miscellany
- Salmagundis - miscellany
- Salmon - combination of red and yellow
- Salmonella - poisoning caused by eating food
- Salmonellae - poisoning caused by eating food
- Salmons - combination of red and yellow
- Salon - gathering room
- Salons - gathering room
- Saloon - business establishment that primarily serves liquor
- Saloons - business establishment that primarily serves liquor
- Salsa - flavoring
- Salsas - flavoring
- Salt - seasoning
- Salt mine -
- Saltate - leap, spring
- Saltated - leap, spring
- Saltates - leap, spring
- Saltating - leap, spring
- Saltation - leap
- Saltations - leap
- Salted - flavored with sodium chloride
- Salter - sharp, stinging in speech
- Saltest - sharp, stinging in speech
- Saltier - flavored with sodium chloride
- Salties - argumentativeness
- Saltiest - flavored with sodium chloride
- Saltine - hard, often salted, baked wafer
- Saltines - hard, often salted, baked wafer
- Saltiness - flavor
- Saltinesses - flavor
- Salting - twist, turn away from what is acceptable or correct
- Saltire -
- Saltish - flavored with sodium chloride
- Saltpeter - chemical compound
- Saltpeters - chemical compound
- Salts - seasoning
- Saltwater - concerning the sea
- Salty - flavored with sodium chloride
- salubrious - promoting health; healthful
- Salubriousness - health
- Salubrities - health
- Salubrity - health
- Salutariness - cleanliness
- Salutarinesses - cleanliness
- salutary - tending to promote physical well-being; beneficial to health
- Salutation - greeting
- Salutations - greeting, recognition
- Salute - greet; honor
- Saluted - greet; honor
- Salutes - greeting, recognition
- Salutiferous - clean
- Saluting - greet; honor
- Salvage - save, rescue
- Salvaged - save, rescue
- Salvager - person who redeems, aids in time of difficulty
- Salvagers - person who redeems, aids in time of difficulty
- Salvages - save, rescue
- Salvaging - save, rescue
- Salvation - rescue, saving
- Salvations - rescue, saving
- Salve - ointment for relief of pain or illness
- Salved - ointment for relief of pain or illness
- Salver - plate
- Salvers - plate
- Salves - ointment for relief of pain or illness
- Salving - ointment for relief of pain or illness
- Salvings - relief
- Salvo - outburst
- Salvoes - outburst
- Salvos - outburst
- Samaritan - helping person
- Samaritans - helping person
- Samba - moving feet and body to music
- Sambas - moving feet and body to music
- Same - alike, identical
- Samely - all the same, remaining the same
- Sameness - likeness, similarity
- Samenesses - likeness, similarity
- Samiel - dust- or sand-carrying windstorm
- Samiels - dust- or sand-carrying windstorm
- Samite - fabric
- Samites - fabric
- Samovar - large jar
- Samovars - large jar
- Samp - boiled meal
- Sample - example, model
- Sampled - example, model
- Sampler - explanatory
- Samplers - polltaker
- Samples - example, model
- Sampling - taste, try
- Samplings - case, situation
- Samps - boiled meal
- Sanative - healing, restorative
- Sanatoria - mental institution
- Sanatorium - mental institution
- Sanatoriums - mental institution
- Sanatory - healing, restorative
- Sancta - sanctuary
- Sanctification - reason, excuse
- Sanctifications - reason, excuse
- Sanctified - pure
- Sanctifies - hold in highest esteem
- Sanctify - hold in highest esteem
- Sanctifying - hold in highest esteem
- Sanctimonies - hypocrisy
- Sanctimonious - self-righteous
- Sanctimony - hypocrisy
- Sanction - authorization
- Sanctioned - authorized
- Sanctioning - authorize, confirm
- Sanctions - authorization
- Sanctities - holiness
- Sanctitude - cleanness
- Sanctitudes - cleanness
- sanctity - the quality of being holy
- Sanctorium -
- Sanctuaries - church; holiest room or area in religious building
- Sanctuary - church; holiest room or area in religious building
- Sanctum - sanctuary
- Sanctums - sanctuary
- Sand - waterside
- Sandal - casual shoe
- Sandals - casual shoe
- Sandbag - something giving balance
- Sandbagged - restrict, prevent
- Sandbagger - person who steals
- Sandbaggers - person who steals
- Sandbagging - restrict, prevent
- Sandbags - something giving balance
- Sandbank - ridge of sand
- Sandbanks - ridge of sand
- Sandbar - bar of sand
- Sandbars - bar of sand
- Sandbox - toilet
- Sandboxes - toilet
- Sanded - grind, rub
- Sander - light brown
- Sandier - pertaining to sand
- Sandiest - pertaining to sand
- Sanding - grind, rub
- Sandman - suspension of consciousness
- Sandmen - suspension of consciousness
- Sandpaper - polish to a shine
- Sandpapered - polish to a shine
- Sandpapering - polish to a shine
- Sandpapers - polish to a shine
- Sandpiper - hunted bird
- Sandpipers - hunted bird
- Sands - waterside
- Sandspout - dust- or sand-carrying windstorm
- Sandspouts - dust- or sand-carrying windstorm
- Sandstone - rock formed from sediment
- Sandstones - rock formed from sediment
- Sandstorm - dust- or sand-carrying windstorm
- Sandstorms - dust- or sand-carrying windstorm
- Sandwich - grinder
- Sandwiched - intermediary
- Sandwiches - grinder
- Sandwiching - interrupt
- Sandy - pertaining to sand
- Sane - mentally sound; reasonable
- Sanely - in a reasonable manner
- Saneness - sanity
- Sanenesses - sanity
- Saner - mentally sound; reasonable
- Sanest - mentally sound; reasonable
- Sang - carry a tune with one's voice
- sangfroid - Composure, self-possession or imperturbability especially when in a dangerous situation.
- Sangfroids - calmness under pressure
- Sanguinary - bloody
- Sanguine - happy; optimistic
- Sanguinely - optimistically
- Sanguineness - optimism
- Sanguinenesses - optimism
- Sanguineous - murderous
- Sanguines - color of blood; shade resembling such a color
- Sanguinities - optimism
- Sanguinity - optimism
- Sanitaria - mental institution
- Sanitarium - mental institution
- Sanitariums - mental institution
- Sanitary - clean, germ-free
- Sanitary towel -
- Sanitation - sanitary science
- Sanitations - sanitary science
- Sanities - mental health; soundness of judgment
- Sanitize - sterilize
- Sanitized - sterile
- Sanitizer - purifier
- Sanitizers - purifier
- Sanitizes - sterilize
- Sanitizing - sterilize
- Sanity - mental health; soundness of judgment
- Sank - fall in, go under
- Sans - wanting, deficient
- Sap - stupid person
- Sapele -
- Saphead - crazy person
- Sapheads - crazy person
- sapid - full of flavor
- Sapidities - great appreciation of something
- Sapidity - great appreciation of something
- Sapience - intelligence
- Sapiences - intelligence
- Sapient - sagacious
- Sapless - harmless
- Sapling - small tree
- Saplings - small tree
- Saponaceous - fatty, greasy
- Sapor - flavor
- Saporific - delicious, agreeable
- Saporous - appetizing
- Sapors - flavor
- Sapped - squeeze out; weaken
- Sapper - emerald in color
- Sappers - digger
- Sapphic - gay
- Sapphire - sky, sea color
- Sappier - foolish, sentimental
- Sappiest - foolish, sentimental
- Sappiness - sentimentality
- Sappinesses - sentimentality
- Sapping - squeeze out; weaken
- Sappy - foolish, sentimental
- Saps - stupid person
- Sara -
- Saralasin -
- Sarcasm - mocking remark
- Sarcasms - mocking remark
- Sarcastic - nasty, mocking in speech
- Sarcastically - scornfully
- Sarcocarp - flesh of plant, animal
- Sarcocarps - flesh of plant, animal
- Sarcoma - abnormal growth in animate being
- Sarcomas - abnormal growth in animate being
- Sarcomata - abnormal growth in animate being
- Sarcophagi - burial box
- Sarcophagus - burial box
- Sarcophaguses - burial box
- Sarcoptid -
- Sarcosomataceae -
- Sarcous - overweight
- Sardine - fill, compact
- Sardined - busy, congested
- Sardines - fill, compact
- Sardining - fill, compact
- sardonic - disdainfully or ironically humorous; scornful and mocking
- Sardonicism - sarcasm
- Sardonicisms - sarcasm
- Sark - top
- Sarks - top
- Sarong - ladies' garment that hangs from waist
- Sarongs - ladies' garment that hangs from waist
- Sartorial - pertaining to tailors
- Sash - band
- Sashay - walk
- Sashayed - pose, put on airs
- Sashaying - pose, put on airs
- Sashays - walk
- Sashes - band
- Sasquatch - large monster
- Sasquatches - large monster
- Sass - back talk
- Sassari -
- Sassed - talk back
- Sasses - back talk
- Sassier - impudent
- Sassiest - impudent
- Sassily - impolitely
- Sassiness - impudence
- Sassinesses - impudence
- Sassing - back talk
- Sassy - impudent
- Sastre -
- Sat - rest on one's behind
- Satanic - demonic
- Satanical - fiendish
- Satanism - witchcraft or sorcery
- Satanisms - witchcraft or sorcery
- Satanist - person who performs supernatural
- Satanists - person who performs supernatural
- Satchel - small bag
- Satchels - small bag
- Sate - satiate
- Sated - satisfy
- Satellite - small planet that revolves around a larger one
- Satellites - small planet that revolves around a larger one
- Sates - satisfy
- Satiate - stuff, satisfy completely or excessively
- Satiated - stuff, satisfy completely or excessively
- Satiates - stuff, satisfy completely or excessively
- Satiating - stuff, satisfy completely or excessively
- Satiation - fullness
- Satiations - fullness
- Satieties - satiation
- Satiety - satiation
- Satin - smooth, glossy
- Sating - satiate
- Satinlike -
- Satiny - glossy
- Satire - ridicule intended to expose truth
- Satires - ridicule intended to expose truth
- Satiric - sarcastic
- Satirical - mocking
- Satirically - comically
- Satirist - cynic
- Satirists - cynic
- Satirize - ridicule
- Satirized - ridicule
- Satirizes - ridicule
- Satirizing - ridicule
- Satisfaction - giving or enjoying a state of comfort, content
- Satisfactions - giving or enjoying a state of comfort, content
- Satisfactorily - in a satisfactory manner
- Satisfactory - acceptable, sufficient
- Satisfied - content
- Satisfies - please, content
- Satisfy - please, content
- Satisfying - fulfilling
- Satisfyingly - very well
- Satrap - ruler
- Satraps - ruler
- Saturate - drench, wet through
- Saturated - drenched
- Saturates - drench, wet through
- Saturating - drench, wet through
- Saturation - fullness
- Saturations - fullness
- Saturnalia - feast
- Saturnalian - very happy; festive
- Saturnalias - feast
- Saturnia pavonia -
- saturnine - showing a brooding ill humor
- Saturninities - absence of sound, speech
- Saturninity - absence of sound, speech
- Satyr - debauchee
- Satyriasis - indecency
- Satyric - lustful, lewd
- Satyrs - debauchee
- Sauce - condiment
- Saucebox - smart aleck
- Sauceboxes - smart aleck
- Sauced - moist
- Saucepan - container for cooking food
- Saucepans - container for cooking food
- Saucer - bowl-shaped broadcast transmitter
- Saucers - bowl-shaped broadcast transmitter
- Sauces - condiment
- Saucier - disrespectful
- Sauciest - disrespectful
- Saucily - pertly
- Sauciness - impudence
- Saucinesses - impudence
- Saucy - disrespectful
- Sauerkraut - vegetable
- Sauerkrauts - vegetable
- Sauna - resort
- Saunas - resort
- Saunter - stroll
- Sauntered - stroll along
- Saunterer - person who travels by foot
- Saunterers - person who travels by foot
- Sauntering - stroll along
- Saunters - stroll
- Sausage - encased minced meat
- Sausages - encased minced meat
- Saute - fry in a pan
- Sauteed - deep-fried
- Sauteing - fry in a pan
- Sautes - fry in a pan
- Sauve -
- Sav -
- Savage - wild, untamed
- Savagely - cruelly
- Savageness - crudity, savagery
- Savagenesses - crudity, savagery
- Savageries - cruelty
- Savagery - cruelty
- Savages - giant animal; supernatural being
- Savanna - flat grassland
- Savannah - grassland
- Savannahs - grassland
- Savannas - grassland
- Savant - scholar
- Savante - educated person
- Savantes - educated person
- Savants - scholar
- Save - rescue
- Saved - kept from danger
- Saver - someone that hoards objects
- Savers - someone that hoards objects
- Saves - rescue
- Savin - tree
- Saving - redeeming
- Savings - provision for future
- Savins - tree
- Savior - person who redeems, aids in time of difficulty
- Saviors - person who redeems, aids in time of difficulty
- Savor - taste, flavor; enjoy; have a distinctive flavor, smell, or quality
- Savored - delight in, enjoy
- Savorier - pleasing, delicious in flavor
- Savories - delicious, gourmet food
- Savoriest - pleasing, delicious in flavor
- Savoriness - flavor of some quality
- Savorinesses - flavor of some quality
- Savoring - delight in, enjoy
- Savorless - tasteless
- Savorous - having fragrance
- Savors - taste, flavor
- Savory - pleasing, delicious in flavor
- Savoy - vegetable
- Savoys - vegetable
- Savvied - recognize worth
- Savvier - shrewd
- Savvies - shrewd
- Savviest - shrewd
- Savvy - shrewd
- Savvying - recognize worth
- Saw - proverb
- Sawbill -
- Sawbones - person trained in medical science
- Sawboneses - person trained in medical science
- Sawed - sever, chop with sharp instrument; incise
- Sawflies -
- Sawhorse - framework
- Sawhorses - framework
- Sawing - sever, chop with sharp instrument; incise
- Sawlike - jagged
- Sawn - sever, chop with sharp instrument; incise
- Saws - proverb
- Sawtooth - jagged
- Saxist -
- Say - make declaration
- Saying - maxim, proverb
- Sayings - maxim, proverb
- Sayonara - goodbye
- Sayonaras - goodbye
- Says - make declaration
- Scab - blemish from previous injury or illness
- Scabbard - case
- Scabbards - case
- Scabbed - peel off
- Scabbier - rough
- Scabbiest - rough
- Scabbing - peel off
- Scabby - rough
- Scabies - disease given through sexual relations
- Scabrous - rough
- Scabs - blemish from previous injury or illness
- Scad - heap
- Scads - large quantity,
- Scaffold - stage
- Scaffolded - made of wood
- Scaffolding - stage
- Scaffoldings - stage
- Scaffolds - stage
- Scag - smack
- Scags - smack
- Scalable - able to be expanded; able to be climbed
- scalawag - one who is playfully mischievous
- Scalawags - rascal
- Scald - burn
- Scalded - burn
- Scalding - hot
- Scaldings - calefaction
- Scalds - burn
- Scale - graduated system
- Scaled - graduated system
- Scales - graduated system
- Scalier - rough
- Scaliest - rough
- Scaling - ascend, climb
- Scalings - going up
- Scallop - invertebrate
- Scalloped - make a space; push in slightly
- Scalloping - make a space; push in slightly
- Scallops - invertebrate
- Scallywag - rascal
- Scallywags - rascal
- Scalp - take money
- Scalped - take money
- Scalpel - cutting tool
- Scalpels - cutting tool
- Scalping - take money
- Scalpings - defeat
- Scalps - take money
- Scaly - rough
- Scam - swindle
- Scambler -
- Scamillus -
- Scammed - defrauded
- Scammer - unscrupulous lawyer; swindler
- Scammers - unscrupulous lawyer; swindler
- Scamming - accomplish
- Scamp - rascal
- Scamped - be cheap or frugal about
- Scamper - run, dash
- Scampered - run, dash
- Scampering - run, dash
- Scampers - run, dash
- Scamping - be cheap or frugal about
- Scamps - rascal
- Scams - swindle
- Scan - look over, scrutinize lightly
- Scandal - public embarrassment
- Scandalize - calumniate
- Scandalized - calumniate
- Scandalizer - gossip
- Scandalizers - gossip
- Scandalizes - calumniate
- Scandalizing - calumniate
- Scandalmonger - gossip
- Scandalmongers - gossip
- Scandalous - disreputable
- Scandalously - shamefully
- Scandals - public embarrassment
- Scanned - look over, scrutinize lightly
- Scanner - scanning in of documents
- Scanners - scanning in of documents
- Scanning - look over, scrutinize lightly
- Scans - look over, scrutinize lightly
- Scant - meager
- Scanted - be indifferent, leave alone
- Scanter - inadequate
- Scantest - inadequate
- Scantier - inadequate
- Scantiest - inadequate
- Scantily - not quite
- Scantiness - shortage
- Scantinesses - shortage
- Scanting - be indifferent, leave alone
- Scantling - length of material used as support
- Scantlings - length of material used as support
- Scantly - scarcely; with difficulty
- Scantness - shortage
- Scantnesses - shortage
- Scants - be indifferent, leave alone
- Scanty - inadequate
- Scapa -
- Scape - scene, view
- Scapegoat - person who takes blame for
- Scapegoating -
- Scapegoats - person who takes blame for
- scapegrace - a reckless and unprincipled reprobate
- Scapegraces - rascal
- Scapes - scene, view
- Scar - blemish from previous injury or illness
- Scarce - insufficient, infrequent
- Scarcely - barely
- Scarceness - shortage
- Scarcenesses - shortage
- Scarcer - insufficient, infrequent
- Scarcest - insufficient, infrequent
- Scarcities - deficiency
- Scarcity - deficiency
- Scare - frightened state
- Scarecrow - person who is poor, tattered
- Scarecrows - person who is poor, tattered
- Scared - frightened
- Scarehead - head
- Scareheads - head
- Scaremonger - alarmist
- Scaremongers - alarmist
- Scares - frightened state
- Scarf - muffler
- Scarface -
- Scarfed - eat too much
- Scarfing - eat too much
- Scarfpin - tie clip
- Scarfpins - tie clip
- Scarfs - muffler
- Scarfskin - animal hair
- Scarfskins - animal hair
- Scarier - frightening, terrifying
- Scariest - frightening, terrifying
- Scarification - incision
- Scarifications - incision
- Scarified - slam
- Scarifies - slam
- Scarify - slam
- Scarifying - slam
- Scaring - frighten someone
- Scarlet - pinkish, blushing
- Scarlet cup -
- Scarlets - prostitute
- Scarp - overhang on hill or mountain
- Scarps - overhang on hill or mountain
- Scarred - mark, hurt
- Scarring - mark, hurt
- Scars - blemish from previous injury or illness
- Scarves - muffler
- Scary - frightening, terrifying
- Scat - go away
- Scate -
- Scathe - slam
- Scathed - slam
- Scatheless - undamaged; all in one piece
- Scathes - slam
- Scathing - nasty, critical in remarks
- Scathingly - viciously
- Scatologic - obscene
- Scatological - scatologic
- Scatologies - obscenity
- Scatology - obscenity
- Scats - go away
- Scatted - go away
- Scatter - strew, disperse
- Scatterbrain - person who is crazy, mad
- Scatterbrained - not thinking clearly
- Scatterbrains - person who is crazy, mad
- Scattered - spread
- Scattering - uneven
- Scatterings - mess, debris
- Scatters - strew, disperse
- Scattier - giddy
- Scattiest - giddy
- Scatting - go away
- Scatty - giddy
- Scaturient - abundant
- Scavenge - move stealthily
- Scavenged - move stealthily
- Scavenger - forager
- Scavengers - forager
- Scavenges - move stealthily
- Scavenging - move stealthily
- Scelestic -
- Scenario - master plan; sequence of events
- Scenarios - master plan; sequence of events
- Scenarist - person who writes for the theater
- Scenarists - person who writes for the theater
- Scene - setting of a performance or event
- Sceneries - surroundings
- Scenery - surroundings
- Scenes - setting of a performance or event
- Scenic - beautiful, picturesque
- Scenographer - painter of scenery
- Scenographers - painter of scenery
- Scent - smell, aroma
- Scented - fragrant
- Scentful - having fragrance
- Scenting - smell, aroma
- Scentless - without fragrance
- Scents - smell, aroma
- Scepter - baton
- Scepters - baton
- Sceptic - detractor
- Sceptics - detractor
- Sceptre - bar, pole
- Sceptres - bar, pole
- schadenfreude - delight in another person's misfortune
- Schedule - plan for one's time
- Scheduled - due
- Schedules - plan for one's time
- Scheduling - plan one's time
- Schema - design
- Schemas - design
- Schemata - design
- Schematic - diagrammatic
- Schematize - put in order
- Schematized - put in order
- Schematizes - put in order
- Schematizing - put in order
- Scheme - course of action
- Schemed - projected
- Schemer - conniver
- Schemers - conniver
- Schemes - course of action
- Scheming - deceitful, sly
- Schemings - cunning; deception
- Schiff -
- Schism - separation
- Schismatic - separatist
- Schismatics - separatist
- Schisms - separation
- Schizo - bizarrely unusual
- Schizoid - crazy, mad
- Schizoids - person who is crazy, overenthusiastic
- Schizophrenia - emotional disorder
- Schizophrenias - emotional disorder
- Schizophrenic - mentally ill; foolish
- Schizophrenics - person who is crazy, mad
- Schlemiel - dolt
- Schlemiels - dolt
- schlep - To carry or drag something heavy or awkward with difficulty. (Verb); A tedious or difficult journey. (Noun); An awkward or stupid person. (Informal)
- Schlepp - lug
- Schlepped - haul
- Schlepper - person carrying information to another
- Schleppers - person carrying information to another
- Schlepping - haul
- Schlepps - lug
- Schleps - haul
- Schlockier - shoddy
- Schlockiest - shoddy
- Schlocky - shoddy
- Schlump - slob
- Schlumps - slob
- Schmaltz - sentimentality
- Schmaltzes - sentimentality
- Schmaltzier - sentimental
- Schmaltziest - sentimental
- Schmaltzy - sentimental
- Schmo - fool
- Schmoes - fool
- Schmoose - gossip
- Schmoosed - gossip
- Schmooses - gossip
- Schmoosing - gossip
- schmooze - talk idly or casually and in a friendly way
- Schmoozed - to socialize for professional or personal gain
- Schmoozes - to socialize for professional or personal gain
- Schmoozing - to socialize for professional or personal gain
- Schmuck - fool
- Schmucks - fool
- Schnook - stupid person
- Schnooks - stupid person
- Schnoz - smelling organ of animate being
- Schnozzes - smelling organ of animate being
- Scholar - person who is very involved in education and learning
- Scholarliness - higher education
- Scholarlinesses - higher education
- Scholarly - academic
- Scholars - person who is very involved in education and learning
- Scholarship - knowledge
- Scholarships - knowledge
- Scholastic - academic
- Scholastics - scholar or university/college teacher
- School - place, system for educating
- Schoolbook - book giving instruction
- Schoolbooks - book giving instruction
- Schoolboy - young man
- Schoolboys - young man
- Schoolchild - person who is very involved in education and learning
- Schoolchildren - person who is very involved in education and learning
- Schooldays - period of being young
- Schooled - teach
- Schoolgirl - person under legal age of maturity
- Schoolgirls - person under legal age of maturity
- Schoolhouse - place, system for educating
- Schoolhouses - place, system for educating
- Schooling - education
- Schoolings - education
- Schoolmarm -
- Schoolmaster - instructor
- Schoolmasters - instructor
- Schoolmate - roommate
- Schoolmates - roommate
- Schools - place, system for educating
- Schoolteacher - person who educates
- Schoolteachers - person who educates
- Schoolwork - development, readiness
- Schoolworks - development, readiness
- Schooner - boat
- Schooners - boat
- Schreiber -
- Schtick - amusing
- Schticks - characteristic; oddity
- Science - methodical study of part of material world
- Sciences - methodical study of part of material world
- Scientific - systematic; discovered through experimentation
- Scientifically - reliably
- Scientist - researcher
- Scientists - researcher
- Scilicet - namely
- Scimitar - cutting tool
- Scimitars - cutting tool
- Scimiter - weapon
- Scimiters - weapon
- scintilla - a tiny or scarcely detectable amount
- Scintillant - illuminated
- Scintillas - small bit, trace
- Scintillate - twinkle
- Scintillated - twinkle
- Scintillates - twinkle
- scintillating - marked by high spirits or excitement
- Scintillation - glitter
- Scintillations - glitter
- Sciolism - ignorance
- Sciolisms - ignorance
- Sciolistic - amateurish
- Scion - offshoot, descendant
- Scions - offshoot, descendant
- Sciophyte -
- Scioptics -
- Scip -
- Scissor - sever, chop with sharp instrument; incise
- Scissored - incised
- Scissoring - sever, chop with sharp instrument; incise
- Scissors - cutting instrument
- Scissors kick -
- Sclerite -
- Scleroderma -
- Sclerotic - crippled
- Scn -
- Scoff - make fun of; despise
- Scoffed - make fun of; despise
- Scoffer - person who does not believe in an orthodox religion
- Scoffers - person who does not believe in an orthodox religion
- Scoffing - sarcastic
- Scoffings - insult, disrespect
- Scofflaw - criminal
- Scofflaws - criminal
- Scoffs - make fun of; despise
- Scold - find fault with
- Scolded - censured
- Scolder - critic
- Scolders - critic
- Scolding - censure
- Scoldings - censure
- Scolds - find fault with
- Sconce - holder for candles
- Sconced - penalize in monetary way
- Sconces - holder for candles
- Sconcing - penalize in monetary way
- Scone - baked roll
- Scones - baked roll
- Scooch - move smoothly; move down
- Scooched - move smoothly; move down
- Scooches - move smoothly; move down
- Scooching - move smoothly; move down
- Scoop - utensil, tool for shovelling
- Scooped - utensil, tool for shovelling
- Scooping - utensil, tool for shovelling
- Scoopings - excavating
- Scoops - utensil, tool for shovelling
- Scoot - hurry
- Scooted - hurry
- Scooter - motorbike
- Scooters - motorbike
- Scooting - hurry
- Scoots - hurry
- Scop -
- Scope - extent or range of something
- Scoped - examine, check
- Scopes - extent or range of something
- Scoping - examine, check
- Scopolamine - truth drug
- Scopolamines - truth drug
- Scopophiliac - person secretly watching others
- Scopophiliacs - person secretly watching others
- Scorch - burn
- Scorched - burn
- Scorcher - public embarrassment
- Scorchers - public embarrassment
- Scorches - burn
- Scorching - very hot
- Scorchings - burning
- Score - total, points
- Scorecard - reference book; guide
- Scorecards - reference book; guide
- Scored - keep count
- Scorer - something that marks
- Scorers - something that marks
- Scores - total, points
- Scoria - bitumen
- Scoriae - bitumen
- Scoring - keep count
- Scorings - making a mark upon
- Scorn - contempt toward something
- Scorned - hold in contempt; look down on
- Scorner - person pretending to be something else
- Scorners - person pretending to be something else
- Scornful - given to scorning
- Scornfulness - exaggerated self-opinion
- Scornfulnesses - exaggerated self-opinion
- Scorning - hold in contempt; look down on
- Scorns - contempt toward something
- Scorpion - spider
- Scorpions - spider
- Scotch - economical
- Scotched - turn off; cancel
- Scotches - booze
- Scotching - turn off; cancel
- Scotomas -
- Scotopia - visual adjustment to darkness
- Scotopias - visual adjustment to darkness
- Scoundrel - person who is deceptive and
- Scoundrelly - dishonest, hypocritical
- Scoundrels - person who is deceptive and
- Scour - clean, polish thoroughly
- Scoured - clean, polish thoroughly
- Scourer - strong disinfectant, solvent
- Scourers - strong disinfectant, solvent
- Scourge - plague, torment
- Scourged - plague, torment
- Scourges - plague, torment
- Scourging - plague, torment
- Scouring - clean, polish thoroughly
- Scourings - leftover part
- Scours - clean, polish thoroughly
- Scout - person who is searching, investigating
- Scouted - person who is searching, investigating
- Scouting - investigate, check out
- Scoutings - guarding; guard
- Scouts - person who is searching, investigating
- Scow - large work boat
- Scowl - frown
- Scowled - frown
- Scowling - frown
- Scowls - frown
- Scows - large work boat
- Scrabble - contest
- Scrabbled - race; get into position clumsily
- Scrabbles - contest
- Scrabbling - race; get into position clumsily
- Scrag - kill by suspension from a rope
- Scragged - kill by suspension from a rope
- Scraggier - tall and thin
- Scraggiest - tall and thin
- Scragging - kill by suspension from a rope
- Scragglier - ragged
- Scraggliest - ragged
- Scraggly - ragged
- Scraggy - tall and thin
- Scrags - kill by suspension from a rope
- Scram - leave quickly
- Scramble - mix-up, confusion
- Scrambled - race; get into position clumsily
- Scrambler - motorized bicycle
- Scramblers - motorized bicycle
- Scrambles - mix-up, confusion
- Scrambling - race; get into position clumsily
- Scrammed - leave quickly
- Scramming - leave quickly
- Scrams - leave quickly
- Scrap - tiny bit of something
- Scrapbook - journal
- Scrapbooks - journal
- Scrape - bad or embarrassing situation
- Scraped - bad or embarrassing situation
- Scrapes - bad or embarrassing situation
- Scraping - scratch, remove outer layer
- Scrapings - stroke, massage
- Scrapped - abandon; throw away
- Scrapper - not working; not valuable
- Scrappers - competitor
- Scrappier - belligerent
- Scrappiest - belligerent
- Scrappiness - argumentativeness
- Scrappinesses - argumentativeness
- Scrapping - abandon; throw away
- Scrappings - disposal
- Scrappy - belligerent
- Scraps - discarded food
- Scratch - small cut or mark
- Scratched - small cut or mark
- Scratcher - trivial, insignificant
- Scratches - small cut or mark
- Scratchier - harsh
- Scratchiest - harsh
- Scratching - grating
- Scratchings - scraping or wearing down by friction
- Scratchy - harsh
- Scrawl - write erratically
- Scrawled - scribbled
- Scrawling - write erratically
- Scrawls - write erratically
- Scrawnier - unhealthily thin
- Scrawniest - unhealthily thin
- Scrawniness - slimness
- Scrawninesses - slimness
- Scrawny - unhealthily thin
- Scrd -
- Screak - cry out
- Screaked - cry out
- Screaking - cry out
- Screaks - cry out
- Scream - outcry
- Screamed - cry out
- Screamer - easily made fun of
- Screamers - flag, banner
- Screaming - cry out
- Screams - outcry
- Scree - remains
- Screech - scream
- Screeched - scream
- Screeches - scream
- Screeching - scream
- Screed - record, tabulation
- Screeds - record, tabulation
- Screen - protection used in or as furniture, motion picture display
- Screen pass -
- screen time - The amount of time someone spends looking at an electronic device with a screen.
- Screened - secluded
- Screening - hide, protect
- Screenings - system of connections
- Screenplay - presentation of action on continuous film
- Screenplays - presentation of action on continuous film
- Screens - protection used in or as furniture, motion picture display
- Screenwriter - person who composes with language
- Screenwriters - person who composes with language
- Screes - remains
- Screw - twist in
- Screwball - crazy person
- Screwballs - crazy person
- Screwed - twist in
- Screwier - eccentric
- Screwiest - eccentric
- Screwing - twist in
- Screwings - sexual activity
- Screws - twist in
- Screwup - blunderer
- Screwups - blunderer
- Screwworm -
- Screwy - eccentric
- Scribal - secretarial
- Scribble - write illegibly
- Scribbled - write illegibly
- Scribbler - composer of written work
- Scribblers - composer of written work
- Scribbles - write illegibly
- Scribbling - messy writing
- Scribblings - messy writing
- Scribe - one who transcribes professionally
- Scribed - imprint, write
- Scribes - one who transcribes professionally
- Scribing - imprint, write
- Scrim - theater curtain
- Scrimmage - contest
- Scrimmaged - hit with a loud noise
- Scrimmages - contest
- Scrimmaging - hit with a loud noise
- Scrimp - economize
- Scrimped - economize
- Scrimper - small, inadequate; poor
- Scrimpier - small, inadequate; poor
- Scrimpiest - small, inadequate; poor
- Scrimping - economize
- Scrimpings - economy
- Scrimps - economize
- Scrimpy - small, inadequate; poor
- Scrims - theater curtain
- Script - handwriting
- Scripted - create writing, artwork, or music
- Scripter - person who writes for the theater
- Scripters - person who writes for the theater
- Scripting - create writing, artwork, or music
- Scripts - handwriting
- Scriptural - ecclesiastical
- Scripture - holy book; authoritative book
- Scriptures - holy book; authoritative book
- Scritch - make sharp, high-pitched sound
- Scritched - make sharp, high-pitched sound
- Scritches - make sharp, high-pitched sound
- Scritching - make sharp, high-pitched sound
- Scrivener - person who writes about factual events for a living
- Scriveners - person who writes about factual events for a living
- Scrivening - the way a person writes
- Scrivenings - the way a person writes
- Scroll - rolled sheet, especially a manuscript
- Scrolled - curling, winding
- Scrolling - curl around, entwine
- Scrolls - rolled sheet, especially a manuscript
- Scrooge - skinflint
- Scrooges - skinflint
- Scrounge - beg, forage for
- Scrounged - beg, forage for
- Scrounger - parasite
- Scroungers - parasite
- Scrounges - beg, forage for
- Scroungier - inferior, low in quality
- Scroungiest - inferior, low in quality
- Scrounging - beg, forage for
- Scroungy - inferior, low in quality
- Scrub - clean with force
- Scrubbed - clean with force
- Scrubber - kept from growing
- Scrubbier - shabby
- Scrubbiest - shabby
- Scrubbing - rubbing
- Scrubbings - rubbing
- Scrubby - shabby
- Scrubland - shrubs; woodland
- Scrublands - shrubs; woodland
- Scrubs - clean with force
- Scruff - superficial impurities, dirt
- Scruffier - rough, bedraggled
- Scruffiest - rough, bedraggled
- Scruffs - superficial impurities, dirt
- Scruffy - rough, bedraggled
- Scrumptious - delicious
- Scrunch - crumple
- Scrunched - crumple
- Scrunches - crumple
- Scrunching - crumple
- Scruple - misgiving, doubt
- Scrupled - misgiving, doubt
- Scruples - misgiving, doubt
- Scrupling - misgiving, doubt
- scrupulous - characterized by extreme care and great effort
- Scrupulously - exactly
- Scrupulousness - thoroughness
- Scrutinies - close examination
- Scrutinize - examine closely
- Scrutinized - examine closely
- Scrutinizer - examiner
- Scrutinizers - examiner
- Scrutinizes - examine closely
- Scrutinizing - examine closely
- Scrutinizingly - just, closely
- Scrutiny - close examination
- Scud - skim across
- Scudded - skim across
- Scudding - skim across
- Scuds - skim across
- Scuff - shuffle
- Scuffed - shuffle
- Scuffing - shuffle
- Scuffle - fight
- Scuffled - fight
- Scuffles - fight
- Scuffling - fight
- Scuffs - shuffle
- Scull - item used for propelling object
- Sculled - propel with arms or tool
- Sculleries - room for cooking food
- Scullery - room for cooking food
- Sculling - travel, recreation in water
- Scullings - travel, recreation in water
- Scullion - derelict
- Scullions - derelict
- Sculls - item used for propelling object
- Sculp - form a three-dimensional art object
- Sculped - form a three-dimensional art object
- Sculping - form a three-dimensional art object
- Sculps - form a three-dimensional art object
- Sculpt - form, shape
- Sculpted - incised
- Sculpting - creation meant to communicate or appeal to senses or mind
- Sculptings - creation meant to communicate or appeal to senses or mind
- Sculptor - sculpture maker
- Sculptors - sculpture maker
- Sculpts - form, shape
- Sculpture - form a three-dimensional art object
- Sculptured - form a three-dimensional art object
- Sculptures - form a three-dimensional art object
- Sculpturing - form a three-dimensional art object
- Scum - superficial impurities, dirt
- Scumbag - creep
- Scumbags - creep
- Scummier - despicable
- Scummiest - despicable
- Scummy - despicable
- Scums - superficial impurities, dirt
- Scungy -
- Scunner -
- Scurf - thin covering, skin
- Scurfs - thin covering, skin
- Scurried - move along swiftly
- Scurries - move along swiftly
- Scurrilities - obscenity
- Scurrility - obscenity
- scurrilous - expressing offensive reproach
- Scurrilousness - vituperation
- Scurry - move along swiftly
- Scurrying - move along swiftly
- Scurvier - shameful, bad in reputation
- Scurviest - shameful, bad in reputation
- Scurvy - shameful, bad in reputation
- Scutter - move along swiftly
- Scuttered - move along swiftly
- Scuttering - move along swiftly
- Scutters - move along swiftly
- scuttle - container for coal; shaped to permit pouring the coal onto the fire
- Scuttlebutt - gossip
- Scuttlebutts - gossip
- Scuttled - destroy
- Scuttles - destroy
- Scuttling - destroy
- Scutwork - task
- Scutworks - task
- Scuzzbag - creep
- Scuzzbags - creep
- Scuzzes - grime, impurity
- Scuzzier - disgusting
- Scuzziest - disgusting
- Scuzzy - disgusting
- Scye -
- Scythe - cutting tool
- Scythed - cut
- Scythes - cutting tool
- Scything - cut
- Sea - large body of water; large mass
- Sea captain -
- Sea force -
- Sea grape -
- Sea purse -
- Sea spider -
- Seabank - ground bounding waters
- Seabanks - ground bounding waters
- Seabed - bottom of the sea
- Seabeds - bottom of the sea
- Seaboard - beach
- Seaboards - beach
- Seacoast - waterside
- Seacoasts - waterside
- Seafarer - sailor
- Seafarers - sailor
- Seafaring - naval
- Seafarings - traveling, guiding along route, often over water
- Seafront - beach
- Seafronts - beach
- Seagoing - concerning the sea
- Seagull - take to the air, usually employing wings
- Seagulls - take to the air, usually employing wings
- Seal - authentication; stamp
- Sealant - gluing, binding material
- Sealants - gluing, binding material
- Sealed - secured
- Sealing - make airtight
- Seals - authentication; stamp
- Seam - line where two objects are connected
- Seaman - mariner
- Seamanship - traveling, guiding along route, often over water
- Seamanships - traveling, guiding along route, often over water
- Seamed - crush, wrinkle
- Seamen - mariner
- Seamier - corrupt, unwholesome
- Seamiest - corrupt, unwholesome
- Seaming - stitching
- Seamings - stitching
- Seamless - smoothly continuous
- Seams - line where two objects are connected
- Seamstress - sewer
- Seamstresses - sewer
- Seamy - corrupt, unwholesome
- Seance - divination
- Seances - divination
- Seaport - place for boat docking, traffic, and storage
- Seaports - place for boat docking, traffic, and storage
- Sear - dry, burn
- Search - seeking to find something
- Searched - seek to find something
- Searcher - trailblazer
- Searchers - trailblazer
- Searches - seeking to find something
- Searching - probing
- Searchingly - with concentration
- Searchings - computer data storage and retrieval
- Searchlight - lantern
- Searchlights - lantern
- Seared - dry, burn
- Searer - burned
- Searest - burned
- Searing - hot
- Searings - burning
- Sears - dry, burn
- Seas - large body of water; large mass
- Seascape - earth, creation
- Seascapes - earth, creation
- Seashore - beach
- Seashores - beach
- Seasick - disgusting
- Seasickness - sickness at sea
- Seasicknesses - sickness at sea
- Seaside - concerning the sea
- Seasides - beach
- Season - time of year governed by annual equinoxes
- Seasonable - timely, appropriate
- Seasonableness - opportuneness
- Seasonably - exactly, fittingly
- Seasonal - irregular, sporadic
- Seasonally - with little or no deviation
- Seasoned - experienced
- Seasoner - flavoring
- Seasoners - flavoring
- Seasoning - flavoring for food
- Seasonings - flavoring for food
- Seasons - time of year governed by annual equinoxes
- Seat - furniture for sitting, reclining
- Seated - situated
- Seating - places
- Seatings - places
- Seats - furniture for sitting, reclining
- Seawall - pier
- Seawalls - pier
- Seaward - away from the shoreline
- Seawater - water containing salt
- Seawaters - water containing salt
- Seaway - very large body of water
- Seaways - very large body of water
- Seaweed - kelp
- Seaweeds - kelp
- Seaworthier - fit for sea
- Seaworthiest - fit for sea
- Seaworthy - fit for sea
- Sebaceous -
- Seborrhea - scurf
- Seborrheas - scurf
- Sec - moment
- Secco -
- Secede - pull away; split from
- Seceded - pull away; split from
- Seceder - breakaway group
- Seceders - breakaway group
- Secedes - pull away; split from
- Seceding - pull away; split from
- Secern - catch sight of; recognize and understand
- Secerned - catch sight of; recognize and understand
- Secerning - catch sight of; recognize and understand
- Secerns - catch sight of; recognize and understand
- Secession - withdrawal
- Secessionist - person who advocates significant, often extreme change
- Secessionists - person who advocates significant, often extreme change
- Secessions - withdrawal
- Seclude - isolate, hide
- Secluded - isolated, sheltered
- Secludes - isolate, hide
- Secluding - isolate, hide
- Seclusion - isolation
- Seclusions - isolation
- Seclusive - hermitlike, unsociable
- Seclusiveness - seclusion
- Seclusivenesses - seclusion
- Second - next; subordinate
- Secondaries - versatile player
- Secondary - subordinate; less important
- Seconded - support, advance a suggestion
- Seconder - person who advocates, supports cause
- Seconders - person who advocates, supports cause
- Secondhand - used
- Seconding - next; subordinate
- Secondly - in the second place
- Secondment - support
- Secondments - support
- Seconds - next; subordinate
- Secrecies - concealment
- Secrecy - concealment
- Secret - hidden, unrevealed
- Secretaire - desk
- Secretaires - desk
- Secretaries - office worker
- Secretary - office worker
- Secrete - hide; hide away or cache; produce and release a substance into an organism
- Secreted - hide
- Secretes - hide
- Secreting - hide
- Secretion - discharge
- Secretions - discharge
- Secretive - uncommunicative
- Secretiveness - secrecy
- Secretivenesses - secrecy
- Secretly - in hidden manner
- Secretness - secrecy
- Secretnesses - secrecy
- Secrets - something kept hidden, unrevealed
- Secs - moment
- Sect - school of thought
- Sectarian - narrow-minded, exclusive
- Sectarianism - prejudice against an ethnic group
- Sectarianisms - prejudice against an ethnic group
- Sectarians - narrow-minded, exclusive
- Sectaries - separatist
- Sectary - separatist
- Sectator - believer, follower
- Sectators - believer, follower
- Section - division, portion
- Sectional - localized, divided
- Sectionally - regionally
- Sectioned - depressed
- Sectioning - break, disconnect
- Sections - division, portion
- Sector - area, subdivision
- Sectors - area, subdivision
- Sects - school of thought
- Secular - not spiritual or religious
- Secularism - unorthodox opinion, especially in religious matters
- Secularisms - unorthodox opinion, especially in religious matters
- Secularists -
- Seculars - amateur person, not trained in religious or other profession
- Securable - achievable, available
- Secure - safe
- Secured - obtain
- Securely - powerfully
- Securer - safe
- Secures - safe
- Securest - safe
- Securing - acquiring
- Securities - safety, protection
- Security - safety, protection
- Sed -
- Sedan - land vehicle; car
- Sedans - land vehicle; car
- Sedate - calm, collected
- Sedated - calm, relieve
- Sedately - quietly
- Sedateness - gravity
- Sedatenesses - gravity
- Sedates - calm, relieve
- Sedating - calm, relieve
- Sedation - temperance
- Sedations - temperance
- Sedative - soothing
- Sedatives - soothing
- Sedentary - motionless, lazy
- Sedge - scrappy bushes
- Sedges - scrappy bushes
- Sedgier - grass-grown
- Sedgiest - grass-grown
- Sedgy - grass-grown
- Sediment - solid residue from liquid solution
- Sedimentary - cloudy
- Sediments - solid residue from liquid solution
- Sedition - rebellion
- Seditionary - instigative, angering
- Seditions - rebellion
- Seditious - rebellious
- Seditiousness - treason
- Seditiousnesses - treason
- Seduce - tempt, ensnare
- Seduced - tempt, ensnare
- Seducement - bait
- Seducements - bait
- Seducer - lover
- Seducers - lover
- Seduces - tempt, ensnare
- Seducing - tempt, ensnare
- Seduction - enticement
- Seductions - enticement
- Seductive - alluring, sexy
- Seductively - in an attractive or pleasing manner
- Seductiveness - charm, attractiveness
- Seductivenesses - charm, attractiveness
- Seductress - lover
- Seductresses - lover
- Sedulities - diligence, hard work
- Sedulity - diligence, hard work
- sedulous - marked by care and persistent effort
- Sedulously - diligently
- Sedulousness - diligence
- Sedulousnesses - diligence
- See - perceive with eyes
- Seeable - visible
- Seed - beginning, source
- Seeded - cultivated
- Seedier - run-down, dilapidated
- Seediest - run-down, dilapidated
- Seediness - filth, poverty
- Seedinesses - filth, poverty
- Seeding - rainmaking technique
- Seedings - rainmaking technique
- Seedling - organism belonging to the vegetable kingdom
- Seedlings - organism belonging to the vegetable kingdom
- Seeds - beginning, source
- Seedsman - vegetable grower
- Seedsmen - vegetable grower
- Seedtime - season following winter
- Seedtimes - season following winter
- Seedy - run-down, dilapidated
- Seeing - observing
- Seeing red -
- Seeings - ability to perceive with eyes
- Seek - look for
- Seek an answer -
- Seeker - applicant
- Seekers - applicant
- Seeking - looking for
- Seeks - look for
- Seem - appear; give the impression
- Seemed - appear; give the impression
- Seeming - apparent
- Seemingly - apparently
- Seemings - characteristic, stylish appearance
- Seemlier - appropriate, suitable
- Seemliest - appropriate, suitable
- Seemliness - decency
- Seemlinesses - decency
- Seemly - appropriate, suitable
- Seems - appear; give the impression
- Seen - perceive with eyes
- Seep - leak
- Seepage - leakage
- Seepages - leakage
- Seeped - leak
- Seeping - leak
- Seeps - leak
- Seer - clairvoyant
- Seeress - person, thing that predicts future
- Seeresses - person, thing that predicts future
- Seers - clairvoyant
- Sees - perceive with eyes
- Seesaw - move back and forth
- Seesawed - move back and forth
- Seesawing - move back and forth
- Seesaws - move back and forth
- Seethe - be very angry
- Seethed - be very angry
- Seethes - be very angry
- Seething - be very angry
- Seethings - uproar, confusion
- Segment - part of something
- Segmentation - division
- Segmentations - division
- Segmented - intermittent; composed of several tales
- Segmenting - break, disconnect
- Segments - part of something
- Segregate - discriminate and separate
- Segregated - divided into racial or ethnic groups
- Segregates - discriminate and separate
- Segregating - discriminate and separate
- Segregation - separation
- Segregationist - bigot
- Segregationists - bigot
- Segregations - separation
- Segue - transition
- Segued - transition
- Segueing - transition
- Segues - transition
- Sehr -
- Sei - cetacean mammal
- Seiche - giant sea wave
- Seiches - giant sea wave
- Seidel -
- Seigneur - master
- Seigneurs - master
- Seine - fish
- Seined - fish
- Seines - fish
- Seining - fish
- Seis - cetacean mammal
- Seism - earthquake
- Seismic - pertaining to an earthquake or event within the earth's crust
- Seismism - tremor from inside the earth
- Seismisms - tremor from inside the earth
- Seisms - earthquake
- Seities - personality
- Seity - personality
- Seize - grab, take
- Seized - confiscated
- Seizes - grab, take
- Seizing - grab, take
- Seizings - capture, taking
- Seizure - convulsive attack
- Seizures - convulsive attack
- Sejungible -
- Seldom - infrequently
- Select - excellent, elite, preferable
- Selected - picked
- Selectee - person beginning service
- Selectees - person beginning service
- Selecting - appointing
- Selection - preference from among choices
- Selections - preference from among choices
- Selective - discriminating
- Selectively -
- Selectiveness - discrimination
- Selectivenesses - discrimination
- Selectivities - discrimination
- Selectivity - discrimination
- Selects - excellent, elite, preferable
- selenian - A female given name.
- Selenography -
- Selenologies - study of the stars and planets other than earth
- Selenology - study of the stars and planets other than earth
- Self - individual
- Self-assertion -
- Self-assertiveness -
- Self-censorship -
- Self-composure -
- Self-governance -
- Self-insured -
- Self-satisfied -
- Selfdom - personality
- Selfdoms - personality
- Selfhood - identity
- Selfhoods - identity
- Selfish - thinking only of oneself
- Selfishly - egotistically
- Selfishness - self-regard
- Selfishnesses - self-regard
- Selfless - unselfish
- Selflessness - abstinence
- Selflessnesses - abstinence
- Selfness - personality
- Selfnesses - personality
- Selfsame - same
- Selfsameness - sameness
- Selfsamenesses - sameness
- Sell - exchange an object for money
- Sellable - easily sold; in demand
- Seller - person who gives object in exchange for money
- Sellers - person who gives object in exchange for money
- Selling - the act of selling
- Sellings - the act of selling
- Selloff - competitive sale; sale by bid
- Selloffs - competitive sale; sale by bid
- Sellout - betrayal
- Sellouts - betrayal
- Sells - betray
- Seltzer - soda water
- Seltzers - soda water
- Selvage - border; room around something
- Selvagee -
- Selvages - border; room around something
- Selves - being
- Semantic - pertaining to syntax
- Semantics - meaning
- Semaphore - indicate; give a sign to
- Semaphored - indicate; give a sign to
- Semaphores - indicate; give a sign to
- Semaphoring - indicate; give a sign to
- Semaphorins -
- Sematrope -
- Semblance - aura, appearance
- Semblances - aura, appearance
- Semblant - alleged, supposed
- Semeiotic -
- Semen - beginning, source
- Semens - beginning, source
- Semester - term
- Semesters - term
- Semestral - having six of something
- Semi - almost; to a certain extent
- Semiabstract -
- Semiannual - twice a year
- Semicircle - half circle
- Semicircles - half circle
- Semicircular - sickle-shaped
- Semiconductors -
- Semidarkness - dimness
- Semidarknesses - dimness
- Semidetached -
- Semidiameter - range, sweep
- Semidiameters - range, sweep
- Semiindurated -
- Semiliquid - doughy, soft
- Seminal - generative
- Seminar - conference
- Seminaries - organization, usually educational
- Seminars - conference
- Seminary - organization, usually educational
- Semiologies - meaning
- Semiology - meaning
- Semiopaque - clear
- Semiotics - study of signs as elements of communication
- Semis - wheeled vehicle for hauling
- Semisolid - doughy, soft
- Semisolids - flesh of plant, animal
- Semitrailer - tractor trailer
- Semitrailers - tractor trailer
- Semitransparent - clear
- Semitropical - abundant, luxurious
- Semiweeklies - periodic publication
- Semiweekly - periodic publication
- Semiyearly - twice a year
- Semolina - grain
- Semolinas - grain
- sempiternal - having no known beginning and presumably no end
- Sempiternities - eternity
- Sempiternity - eternity
- Senary - having six of something
- Senate - governmental body, most often elected, that makes laws
- Senates - governmental body, most often elected, that makes laws
- Senator - statesperson
- Senatorial - lawmaking
- Senators - statesperson
- Senatusconsult -
- Send - transmit, transfer through a system
- Sendal - fabric
- Sendals - fabric
- Sender - person who sells goods
- Senders - person who sells goods
- Sending - shipping
- Sendings - shipping
- Sendoff - have a nice trip
- Sendoffs - have a nice trip
- Sends - transmit, transfer through a system
- Sendup - pretending to be somebody
- Sendups - pretending to be somebody
- Senectitude - old age
- Senectitudes - old age
- senescence - the organic process of growing older and showing the effects of increasing age
- Senescences - old age
- senescent - growing old
- Seneschal - custodian
- Seneschals - custodian
- Senile - failing in physical and mental capabilities due to old age
- Senilities - old age
- Senility - old age
- Senior - older or of higher rank
- Seniorities - rank in organization due to length of service
- Seniority - rank in organization due to length of service
- Seniors - older person
- Senor - mr.
- Senora - a title of address
- Senoras - a title of address
- Senores - mr.
- Senors - mr.
- Sens - mental analysis
- Sensation - feeling, perception
- Sensational - startling, exaggerated
- Sensationalism - exaggeration
- Sensationalisms - exaggeration
- Sensationalist -
- Sensationally - very well
- Sensationless - hard-hearted, numb
- Sensations - feeling, perception
- Sense - feeling of animate being
- Sensed - become aware of
- Senseless - silly, meaningless
- Senselessly - wildly, fiercely
- Senselessness - foolishness
- Senselessnesses - foolishness
- Senses - feeling of animate being
- Sensibilities - responsiveness; ability to feel
- Sensibility - responsiveness; ability to feel
- Sensible - realistic, reasonable
- Sensibleness - mental analysis
- Sensiblenesses - mental analysis
- Sensibly - apparently
- Sensile - easily taught; gullible
- Sensing - become aware of
- Sensings - finding, uncovering
- Sensitive - impressionable
- Sensitively - carefully
- Sensitiveness - sensation
- Sensitivenesses - sensation
- Sensitivities - responsiveness to stimuli
- Sensitivity - responsiveness to stimuli
- Sensitize - stimulate
- Sensitized - stimulate
- Sensitizes - stimulate
- Sensitizing - stimulate
- Sensoria - central nervous system
- Sensorial - sensational
- Sensorium - central nervous system
- Sensoriums - central nervous system
- Sensory - affecting animate nerve organs
- Sensual - physical, erotic
- Sensualism - sensuousness
- Sensualisms - sensuousness
- Sensualist - sexy person
- Sensualistic - sensuous
- Sensualists - sexy person
- Sensualities - sexiness
- Sensuality - sexiness
- Sensualness - physicality
- Sensualnesses - physicality
- Sensuous - gratifying to senses
- Sensuousness - sensuous state
- Sensuousnesses - sensuous state
- Sent - shipped
- Sentence - punishing decree
- Sentenced - decide punishment
- Sentences - punishing decree
- Sentencing - decide punishment
- sententious - concise and full of meaning
- Sentience - animation, spirit
- Sentiences - animation, spirit
- Sentiency -
- sentient - endowed with feeling and unstructured consciousness
- Sentiment - emotion, belief
- Sentimental - emotional, romantic
- Sentimentalism - sentimentality
- Sentimentalisms - sentimentality
- Sentimentality - sentimentalism
- Sentimentalize - make nostalgic
- Sentimentalized - make nostalgic
- Sentimentalizes - make nostalgic
- Sentiments - emotion, belief
- sentinel - a person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event
- Sentineled - take care of; guard from harm
- Sentineling - take care of; guard from harm
- Sentinelled - take care of; guard from harm
- Sentinelling - take care of; guard from harm
- Sentinels - sentry
- Sentries - watcher
- Sentry - watcher
- Sepal - whorl on flower
- Sepals - whorl on flower
- Separable - breakable
- Separate - disconnected
- Separated - divided
- Separately - alone, individually
- Separateness - individuality
- Separatenesses - individuality
- Separates - remove something from group; keep or set apart
- Separating - remove something from group; keep or set apart
- Separation - being apart; break-up
- Separationist - separatist
- Separationists - separatist
- Separations - being apart; break-up
- Separatism - segregation
- Separatisms - segregation
- Separatist - dissenter
- Separatists - dissenter
- Sepia - dark, burnished color
- Seppuku - self-murder
- Seppukus - self-murder
- Sepsis - infection of blood
- Septenaries - seven of something
- Septenary - having seven of something
- Septennial - having seven of something
- Septentrion - pertaining to the north
- Septentrional - pertaining to the north
- Septic - harmful
- Septicemia - infection of blood
- Septicemias - infection of blood
- Septicities - contamination
- Septicity - contamination
- Septrional -
- Septuple - having seven of something
- Septuplicate - seven of something
- Septuplicates - seven of something
- Sepulcher - grave
- Sepulchered - bury
- Sepulchering - bury
- Sepulchers - grave
- Sepulchral - gloomy
- Sepulture - grave
- Sepultured - bury
- Sepultures - grave
- Sepulturing - bury
- sequacious - Inclined to follow a leader; following; attendant.
- Sequacities - sequence
- Sequacity - sequence
- Sequel - follow-up
- Sequela - result
- Sequelae - result
- Sequels - follow-up
- Sequence - series, order
- Sequences - series, order
- Sequent - consecutive
- Sequential - occurring in an order
- Sequentially - eventually
- Sequents - consecutive
- sequester - take temporary possession of as a security, by legal authority
- Sequestered - isolate, seclude
- Sequestering - isolate, seclude
- Sequesters - isolate, seclude
- Sequestrate - seclude
- Sequestrated - seclude
- Sequestrates - seclude
- Sequestrating - seclude
- Sequestration - seclusion
- Sequestrations - seclusion
- Sequin - glitter
- Sequined - embellish
- Sequining - embellish
- Sequins - glitter
- Sequitur - judgment, decision
- Sequiturs - judgment, decision
- Sera - antitoxin
- Seraglio - group of lady attendants
- Seraglios - group of lady attendants
- Serai - hostel
- Serail - group of lady attendants
- Serails - group of lady attendants
- Serais - hostel
- Serape - cloak
- Serapes - cloak
- Seraph - good, righteous
- Seraphic - angelic
- Seraphim - angel
- Seraphs - angel
- Serb -
- Serbians -
- Sere - burned
- Serenade - melody
- Serenaded - carry a tune with one's voice
- Serenader - person who can carry a tune
- Serenaders - person who can carry a tune
- Serenades - melody
- Serenading - carry a tune with one's voice
- Serendipities - accidental discovery
- Serendipitous - fortunate, opportune
- serendipity - good luck in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries
- Serene - calm, undisturbed
- Serenely - calmly
- Serenities - calm, peacefulness
- Serenity - calm, peacefulness
- Serer - burned
- Serest - burned
- Serf - slave
- Serfage - slavery
- Serfages - slavery
- Serfdom - slavery
- Serfdoms - slavery
- Serfhood - slavery
- Serfhoods - slavery
- Serfs - slave
- Sergeant - person in law enforcement
- Sergeants - person in law enforcement
- Serial - in continuing order
- Serialist - songwriter
- Serialists - songwriter
- Serialized - arranged or marked according to a scale
- Serially - following
- Serials - regular publication
- Seriate - following
- seriatim - In a series; one after another.
- Sericeous - glossy
- Series - order, succession
- Serin - singing bird
- Serins - singing bird
- Serious - somber, humorless
- Seriously - not humorously
- Seriousness - humorlessness
- Seriousnesses - humorlessness
- Sermon - instructive speech with a moral
- Sermoned - address
- Sermonic - persuasive
- Sermoning - address
- Sermonize - moralize
- Sermonized - moralize
- Sermonizer - speaker
- Sermonizers - speaker
- Sermonizes - moralize
- Sermonizing - moralize
- Sermonizings - preaching
- Sermons - instructive speech with a moral
- Serous - fluid, flowing, melting
- Serpent - reptile
- Serpentiform - pertaining to reptile
- Serpentine - winding; sly
- Serpentines - loop, spiral
- Serpents - reptile
- Serrate - jagged
- Serrated - jagged
- Serrates - make a space; push in slightly
- Serrating - make a space; push in slightly
- Serration - bony object in mouth
- Serrations - bony object in mouth
- Serried - full
- Serriform - jagged
- Serrulate - jagged
- Serum - antitoxin
- Serums - antitoxin
- Servant - person who waits on another
- Servants - person who waits on another
- Serve - aid, help; supply
- Served - dressed
- Server - person who waits on another
- Servers - person who waits on another
- Serves - aid, help; supply
- Service - aid, help
- Serviceability - compassion, generosity
- Serviceable - useful, functional
- Serviceableness - advantage, worth
- Serviced - correct, improve, fix
- Serviceman - fighter
- Servicemen - military
- Services - aid, help
- Servicing - aid, help
- Servicings - aid, help
- Serviette - linen
- Serviettes - linen
- Servile - grovelling, subservient
- Servileness - slavery
- Servilenesses - slavery
- Servilities - slavery
- Servility - slavery
- Serving - portion
- Servings - portion
- Servitor - server
- Servitors - server
- Servitude - slavery
- Servitudes - slavery
- sesquipedalian - Using long, complex words; pompous or highfalutin in language.
- Sesquitertian -
- Session - meeting, gathering
- Sessions - meeting, gathering
- Sestina - highly expressive, rhythmical literary piece
- Sestinas - highly expressive, rhythmical literary piece
- Sestine - highly expressive, rhythmical literary piece
- Set - decided
- Set out -
- Setaceous - with stiff hairs
- Setal - with stiff hairs
- Setback - disappointment
- Setbacks - disappointment
- Setiferous - with stiff hairs
- Setness -
- Setoff - compensation
- Setoffs - compensation
- Seton - believing very strongly and conveying it
- Setose - with stiff hairs
- Sets - decided
- Settee - couch
- Settees - couch
- Setting - scene, background
- Settings - scene, background
- Settle - straighten out, resolve
- Settled - decided
- Settlement - decision, conclusion
- Settlements - decision, conclusion
- Settler - pioneer
- Settlers - colonizer
- Settles - straighten out, resolve
- Settling - straighten out, resolve
- Settlings - drop, decline
- Setup - arrangement
- Setups - arrangement
- Seven - having seven of something
- Sevens - having seven of something
- Sever - cut apart
- Severable - separable
- Several - assorted, various
- Severally - alone
- Severals - hint, dash
- Severance - division
- Severances - division
- Severe - uncompromising, stern
- Severed - cut apart
- Severely - harshly
- Severer - uncompromising, stern
- Severest - uncompromising, stern
- Severing - cut apart
- Severities - asperity
- Severity - asperity
- Severs - cut apart
- Sevilla -
- Sew - prepare fabric for clothing, covering
- Sewage - waste
- Sewages - waste
- Sewed - prepare fabric for clothing, covering
- Sewer - drain
- Sewerage - seepage
- Sewerages - seepage
- Sewers - drain
- Sewing - stitching
- Sewings - stitching
- Sewn - stitched
- Sews - prepare fabric for clothing, covering
- Sex - male or female gender
- Sex act -
- Sexes - male or female gender
- Sexier - being erotically attractive to another
- Sexiest - being erotically attractive to another
- Sexiness - sensuality
- Sexinesses - sensuality
- Sexism - sex discrimination
- Sexisms - sex discrimination
- Sexist - biased
- Sexists - woman-hater
- Sexless - asexual
- Sexploitation - obscenity
- Sexploitations - obscenity
- Sexpot - seductress
- Sexpots - seductress
- Sext -
- Sextet - six of something
- Sextets - six of something
- Sextile -
- Sextuple - having six of something
- Sextuplet - six of something
- Sextuplets - six of something
- Sexual - concerning reproduction, intercourse
- Sexualities - sexual drive or interest
- Sexuality - sexual drive or interest
- Sexualized -
- Sexy - being erotically attractive to another
- Sh - health
- Shabbier - broken-down; in poor shape
- Shabbiest - broken-down; in poor shape
- Shabbily - unsatisfactorily
- Shabbiness - pettiness
- Shabbinesses - pettiness
- Shabby - broken-down; in poor shape
- Shack - shanty
- Shack job -
- Shackle - restraint
- Shackled - restrain
- Shackles - restraint
- Shackling - restraint
- Shacks - shanty
- Shade - dimness
- Shaded - shady
- Shades - dimness
- Shadier - dark, covered
- Shadiest - dark, covered
- Shadiness - indirection
- Shadinesses - indirection
- Shading - shut out the light
- Shadings - coloration
- Shadow - darkness
- Shadowed - make dark
- Shadowier - hazy
- Shadowiest - hazy
- Shadowing - make dark
- Shadowings - spying
- Shadows - darkness
- Shadowy - hazy
- Shady - dark, covered
- Shaffler -
- Shaft - rod
- Shafted - give someone the wrong idea, information
- Shafting - give someone the wrong idea, information
- Shafts - rod
- Shag - separate; apart
- Shagged - move fast on foot
- Shagger - separate; apart
- Shaggier - hairy, unkempt
- Shaggiest - hairy, unkempt
- Shagginess - the quality of being rough on the surface
- Shagginesses - the quality of being rough on the surface
- Shagging - move fast on foot
- Shaggy - hairy, unkempt
- Shagreen - leather with glossy surface
- Shagreens - leather with glossy surface
- Shags - grain of material
- Shah - historically, person who ruled an area
- Shahs - historically, person who ruled an area
- Shaitan - dust- or sand-carrying windstorm
- Shaitans - dust- or sand-carrying windstorm
- Shake - quiver, tremble
- Shakedown - extortion
- Shakedowns - extortion
- Shaken - unnerved
- Shakeout - reversal of action; reduction of business activity
- Shakeouts - reversal of action; reduction of business activity
- Shaker - get rid of
- Shakers - cubes
- Shakes - quiver, tremble
- Shakeup - reorganization
- Shakeups - reorganization
- Shakier - trembling
- Shakiest - trembling
- Shakiness - instability
- Shakinesses - instability
- Shaking - trembling
- Shakings - trembling
- Shako - headgear
- Shakoes - headgear
- Shakos - headgear
- Shaky - trembling
- Shale - rock
- Shales - rock
- Shall - be going to
- Shallow - not deep
- Shallower - not deep
- Shallowest - not deep
- Shallowness - dullness of mind
- Shallownesses - dullness of mind
- Shallows - shallow body of water
- Shalom - how do you do
- Shaloms - how do you do
- Sham - artificial, counterfeit
- Shaman - religious specialist
- Shamanism - traditional medicine
- Shamanisms - traditional medicine
- Shamanist - shaman
- Shamanists - shaman
- Shamans - religious specialist
- Shamble - shuffle
- Shambled - shuffle
- shambles - a building where animals are butchered
- Shambling - shuffle
- Shame - disgrace, embarrassment
- Shamed - disgraced
- Shamefaced - embarrassed
- Shamefacedness - disgrace, embarrassment
- Shameful - atrocious; disreputable
- Shamefully - disgracefully
- Shamefulness - infamy
- Shamefulnesses - infamy
- Shameless - corrupt, indecent
- Shamelessly - brazenly
- Shamelessness - arrogance, presumptuousness
- Shamelessnesses - arrogance, presumptuousness
- Shamer - artificial, counterfeit
- Shames - disgrace, embarrassment
- Shaming - disgrace, embarrass
- Shamings - a mean action
- Shammed - artificial, counterfeit
- Shammer - person who pretends to be an expert
- Shammers - person who pretends to be an expert
- Shammies - fabric
- Shamming - artificial, counterfeit
- Shammy - fabric
- Shampoo - laundry, bath
- Shampooed - bathe, clean
- Shampooing - cleansing
- Shampoos - laundry, bath
- Shamrock -
- Shamrocks -
- Shams - artificial, counterfeit
- Shamus - investigator of crime
- Shamuses - investigator of crime
- Shanghai - kidnap
- Shanghaied - kidnap
- Shanghaier - abductor
- Shanghaiers - abductor
- Shanghaiing - kidnap
- Shanghais - kidnap
- Shank - shaft
- Shanked - stab with pointed tool
- Shanking - stab with pointed tool
- Shanks - shaft
- Shanties - shack
- Shanty - shack
- Shape - form, structure
- Shapeable - flexible, soft; made of manufactured, treated compounds
- Shaped - form, create
- Shapeless - formless
- Shapelier - well-proportioned
- Shapeliest - well-proportioned
- Shapeliness - beauty
- Shapelinesses - beauty
- Shapely - well-proportioned
- Shaper - precision tool
- Shapers - precision tool
- Shapes - form, structure
- Shapewear - undergarment shaping figure
- Shapewears - undergarment shaping figure
- Shaping - form, create
- Shapings - creation meant to communicate or appeal to senses or mind
- Shard - fragment, generally of pottery
- Shards - end
- Share - portion, allotment
- Sharecropper - farmer
- Sharecroppers - farmer
- Sharecropping - producing crops, raising animals
- Sharecroppings - producing crops, raising animals
- Shared - joint
- Shareholder - stockholder
- Shareholders - stockholder
- Sharer - person who has possession of
- Sharers - person who has possession of
- Shares - portion, allotment
- Shareware - computer program
- Sharewares - computer program
- Sharia -
- Sharing - giving
- Sharings - giving
- Shark - clever, intelligent
- Sharked - loan, accommodate
- Sharker - clever, intelligent
- Sharking - loan, accommodate
- Sharks - expert, skilled person, female or male
- Sharp - knifelike, cutting
- Sharp-edged -
- Sharp-sighted -
- Sharped - make knifelike
- Sharpen - make knifelike
- Sharpened - make knifelike
- Sharpening - make knifelike
- Sharpenings - preparation
- Sharpens - make knifelike
- Sharper - cheat
- Sharpers - cheat
- Sharpest - knifelike, cutting
- Sharpie - confidence man
- Sharpies - confidence man
- Sharping - make knifelike
- Sharply - piercingly
- Sharpness - edge
- Sharpnesses - edge
- Sharps - symbol, often used in reference to music
- Sharpshooter - expert with gun
- Sharpshooters - expert with gun
- Sharpy - well-dressed person
- Shat - excrement
- Shatter - break into small pieces
- Shattered - break into small pieces
- Shattering - break into small pieces
- Shatterproof - strong, tough
- Shatters - break into small pieces
- Shattery - easily hurt or destroyed
- Shave - cut outer covering off
- Shave ice - A frozen drink made with finely shaved ice and sweet syrup
- Shave off -
- Shaved - cut outer covering off
- Shaven - cut outer covering off
- Shaver - hair cutter
- Shavers - hair cutter
- Shaves - cut outer covering off
- Shaving - cut outer covering off
- Shavings - leftover part
- Shawl - cloak
- Shawls - cloak
- Shay - carriage
- Shays - carriage
- She - female human
- Sheaf - bundle; whole
- Shear - clip, cut
- Sheared - clip, cut
- Shearing - clip, cut
- Shears - cutters
- Sheath - case
- Sheathe - envelop
- Sheathed - envelop
- Sheathes - envelop
- Sheathing - envelop
- Sheathings - outer covering, especially of animate being
- Sheaths - case
- Sheave - machine
- Sheaves - bundle; whole
- Shebang - the whole kit and caboodle
- Shebangs - the whole kit and caboodle
- Shed - cast off
- Shedding - peeling
- Sheddings - peeling
- Sheds - cast off
- Sheen - brightness, shine
- Sheened - polish, brighten
- Sheenier - bright, glistening
- Sheeniest - bright, glistening
- Sheening - polish, brighten
- Sheens - brightness, shine
- Sheeny - bright, glistening
- Sheep - animals raised on a farm
- Sheepherder - shepherd
- Sheepherders - shepherd
- Sheepish - shy, embarrassed
- Sheepishness - modesty
- Sheepishnesses - modesty
- sheeple - People who unquestioningly accept as true whatever their political leaders say or who adopt popular opinion as their own without scrutiny.
- Sheeplike - well-behaved; submissive
- Sheepskin - vellum
- Sheepskins - vellum
- Sheer - abrupt, steep
- Sheered - bend, angle toward
- Sheerer - abrupt, steep
- Sheerest - abrupt, steep
- Sheering - bend, angle toward
- Sheerness - the state of being light
- Sheernesses - the state of being light
- Sheers - bend, angle toward
- Sheet - coating, covering; page
- Sheeted - be or make flowing
- Sheeting - bed sheet
- Sheetings - bed sheet
- Sheetrock - wall material
- Sheetrocks - wall material
- Sheets - coating, covering; page
- Sheik - man who likes to flirt
- Sheikh -
- Sheiks - man who likes to flirt
- Shelf - jutting, flat area or piece
- Shell - structure; covering
- Shellac - batter
- Shellack - beat; get the upper hand
- Shellacked - batter
- Shellacking - batter
- Shellackings - final defeat, total defeat
- Shellacks - beat; get the upper hand
- Shellacs - batter
- Shellback - person who travels by sea
- Shellbacks - person who travels by sea
- Shelled - encasement of vegetable seeds
- Shellfish - invertebrate
- Shellfishes - invertebrate
- Shelling - weapon fire
- Shellings - weapon fire
- Shells - structure; covering
- Shellshock - condition following trauma
- Shellshocked - suffering from concussion
- Shellshocks - condition following trauma
- Shelter - protection, habitat
- Shelterbelts -
- Sheltered - shaded
- Sheltering - protection, habitat
- Shelterings - place of accommodation
- Shelters - protection, habitat
- Shelve - defer, postpone
- Shelved - defer, postpone
- Shelves - jutting, flat area or piece
- Shelving - defer, postpone
- Shenanigan - prank
- Shenanigans - mischief
- Shenyang -
- Shepherd - keeper
- Shepherded - guide physically
- Shepherdess - keeper
- Shepherdesses - keeper
- Shepherding - guide physically
- Shepherds - keeper
- Sherbet - frozen dessert
- Sherbets - frozen dessert
- Sheriff - law enforcement officer
- Sheriffs - law enforcement officer
- Sherpa - guide for visitors
- Sherpas - guide for visitors
- Shes - female human
- Shewn -
- Shibah -
- Shibboleth - slogan
- Shibboleths - slogan
- Shied - refrain or stay away from; prevent
- Shield - protection
- Shielded - protect
- Shielding - protect
- Shields - protection
- Shier - quiet and self-conscious
- Shies - refrain or stay away from; prevent
- Shiest - quiet and self-conscious
- Shift - switch, fluctuation
- Shiftable - transportable
- Shifted - switch, fluctuate
- Shiftier - deceitful, untrustworthy
- Shiftiest - deceitful, untrustworthy
- Shiftily - cleverly
- Shiftiness - indirection
- Shiftinesses - indirection
- Shifting - switch, fluctuate
- Shiftings - motion, activity
- Shiftless - lazy
- Shiftlessness - laziness
- Shiftlessnesses - laziness
- Shifts - switch, fluctuation
- Shifty - deceitful, untrustworthy
- Shiism -
- Shill - something for luring
- Shilled - bait, entrap
- Shillelagh - police baton
- Shillelaghs - police baton
- Shilling - bait, entrap
- Shills - something for luring
- Shillyshallied - procrastinate
- Shillyshallies - procrastinate
- Shillyshally - hesitant
- Shillyshallying - procrastinate
- Shim - solid piece, often triangular
- shimmer - a weak and tremulous light
- Shimmered - gleam
- Shimmering - glimmering
- Shimmers - gleam
- Shimmied - shake
- Shimmies - shake
- Shimmy - shake
- Shimmying - shake
- Shims - solid piece, often triangular
- Shin - leg part
- Shinbone - leg part
- Shinbones - leg part
- Shindies - disturbance or party
- Shindig - party
- Shindigs - party
- Shindy - disturbance or party
- Shine - brightness; polish
- Shined - brightness; polish
- Shiner - bad reputation
- Shiners - bad reputation
- Shines - brightness; polish
- Shingle - beach
- Shingled - overlap
- Shingles - beach
- Shingling - trim
- Shinglings - trim
- Shinier - bright, glistening
- Shiniest - bright, glistening
- Shinily - glitteringly
- Shininess - brightness, shine
- Shininesses - brightness, shine
- Shining - bright
- Shiningly - glitteringly
- Shinnies - hockey played on field or ground
- Shinning - luminous
- Shinny - hockey played on field or ground
- Shins - leg part
- Shinties - hockey played on field or ground
- Shinty - hockey played on field or ground
- Shiny - bright, glistening
- Ship - send, transport
- Shipload - baggage; something to be delivered
- Shiploads - baggage; something to be delivered
- Shipmate - person who makes living on the sea
- Shipmates - person who makes living on the sea
- Shipment - consignment
- Shipments - consignment
- Shipped - consigned
- Shipper - sender
- Shippers - sender
- Shipping - ships
- Shippings - ships
- Ships - send, transport
- Shipshape - tidy
- Shipwreck - severe damage or severely damaged goods
- Shipwrecked - sunk
- Shipwrecking - fall in, go under
- Shipwrecks - severe damage or severely damaged goods
- Shipyard - waterless area for ship repairs
- Shipyards - waterless area for ship repairs
- Shiraz - wine from dark-colored grapes
- Shirazes - wine from dark-colored grapes
- Shire - area of rule, responsibility
- Shires - area of rule, responsibility
- Shiretown - capital of county
- Shiretowns - capital of county
- Shirk - avoid, get out of responsibility
- Shirked - avoid, get out of responsibility
- Shirker - slacker
- Shirkers - slacker
- Shirking - avoid, get out of responsibility
- Shirks - avoid, get out of responsibility
- Shirring - fold
- Shirrings - fold
- Shirt - top
- Shirtfront -
- Shirts - top
- Shit - excrement
- Shitfaced - drunk
- Shits - excrement
- Shitting - excrement
- Shitwork - unpleasant or tedious work
- Shitworks - unpleasant or tedious work
- Shiv - cutting tool
- Shiva -
- Shivaree - uprising, disorder
- Shivarees - uprising, disorder
- Shive - type of plug
- Shiver - shake, tremble
- Shivered - shake, tremble
- Shivering - shake, tremble
- Shiverings - shaking, shock
- Shivers - shake, tremble
- Shivery - tremulous
- Shives - type of plug
- Shivs - cutting tool
- Shivved - stab with pointed tool
- Shivving - stab with pointed tool
- Shlep - transport, carry
- Shlepped - transport, carry
- Shlepping - transport, carry
- Shleps - transport, carry
- Shmegegge - baloney; hot air; nonsense
- Shoal - sandbar
- Shoaled - to put in and occupy the whole of
- Shoaler - not deep
- Shoalest - not deep
- Shoaling - to put in and occupy the whole of
- Shoals - sandbar
- Shoat - animal of swine family
- Shoats - animal of swine family
- Shock - complete surprise; blow
- Shocked - startled
- Shocker - closely kept secret
- Shockers - closely kept secret
- Shocking - outrageous; very surprising
- Shockingly - shamefully
- Shockingness - outrageous behavior
- Shockingnesses - outrageous behavior
- Shocks - complete surprise; blow
- Shod - clad
- Shoddier - in bad shape
- Shoddiest - in bad shape
- Shoddily - badly
- Shoddiness - weakness
- Shoddinesses - weakness
- Shoddy - in bad shape
- Shoe - footwear
- Shoehorn - put, tuck in
- Shoehorned - put, tuck in
- Shoehorning - put, tuck in
- Shoehorns - put, tuck in
- Shoelace - string used to connect
- Shoelaces - string used to connect
- Shoeless - wearing no shoes
- Shoemaker - maker of shoes
- Shoemakers - maker of shoes
- Shoer - ironsmith
- Shoers - ironsmith
- Shoes - footwear
- Shoestring - of no significance
- Shogun - supreme commander
- Shoguns - supreme commander
- Shone - give off or reflect light
- Shoo - go away
- Shooed - go away
- Shooflies - investigator of crime
- Shoofly - investigator of crime
- Shooing - go away
- Shook - quiver, tremble
- Shoon - footwear
- Shoos - go away
- Shoot - discharge a projectile, often to injure or kill
- Shooter - secondary; branch
- Shooters - soldiers ordered to shoot
- Shooting - firing a weapon
- Shooting party -
- Shootings - firing a weapon
- Shootout - battle
- Shootouts - battle
- Shoots - discharge a projectile, often to injure or kill
- Shop - place of retail business
- Shophar - bugle
- Shophars - bugle
- Shophroth - bugle
- Shopkeeper - merchant
- Shopkeepers - merchant
- Shoplift - steal
- Shoplifted - steal
- Shoplifter - person who steals
- Shoplifters - person who steals
- Shoplifting - steal
- Shopliftings - stealing
- Shoplifts - steal
- Shoplike -
- Shopped - place of retail business
- Shopper - customer
- Shoppers - customer
- Shopping - buying
- Shopping centre -
- Shoppings - buying
- Shops - place of retail business
- Shoptalk - specialized language; dialect
- Shoptalks - specialized language; dialect
- Shopworn - overused
- Shore - waterside
- Shored - waterside
- Shoreline - border by water
- Shorelines - border by water
- Shorer - concerning the sea
- Shores - waterside
- Shorewards - toward, onto land from water
- Shoring - waterside
- Shorings - support, underpinning
- Shorling -
- Shorn - clip, cut
- Short - abridged
- Short-staffed -
- Shortage - deficiency
- Shortages - deficiency
- Shortchange - cheat
- Shortchanged - cheat
- Shortchanges - cheat someone of fair share
- Shortchanging - cheat someone of fair share
- Shortcoming - weak point
- Shortcomings - weak point
- Shortcut - bypass
- Shortcuts - bypass
- Shorted - do or manage without
- Shorten - diminish, decrease
- Shortened - diminish, decrease
- Shortening - abridgment
- Shortenings - abridgment
- Shortens - diminish, decrease
- Shorter - smaller
- Shortest - abridged
- Shortfall - deficit; imperfection
- Shortfalls - deficit; imperfection
- Shorthair -
- Shorthand - printing on paper
- Shorthanded - insufficient
- Shorthands - printing on paper
- Shorthorn - bovine animals
- Shorthorns - bovine animals
- Shorting - do or manage without
- Shortlist - final list from which to select
- Shortlists - final list from which to select
- Shortly - right away
- Shortness - deficiency, need
- Shortnesses - deficiency, need
- Shorts - core, gist
- Shortsighted - unmindful of future consequences
- Shortsightedly - idiotic, without due consideration
- Shortstop - head off; interrupt
- Shortstops - head off; interrupt
- Shortwave - communication by electronic air waves
- Shortwaves - communication by electronic air waves
- Shortweight -
- Shot - try, chance
- Shotgun - questioning, often in an organized academic setting
- Shotgunned - be wary
- Shotgunning - be wary
- Shotguns - questioning, often in an organized academic setting
- Shots - try, chance
- Should - concede possibility
- Shoulder - be responsible for
- Shouldered - be responsible for
- Shouldering - be responsible for
- Shoulderings - assuming possession, power
- Shoulders - be responsible for
- Shout - loud outcry
- Shouted - cry out loudly
- Shouter - laughing
- Shouting - cries
- Shoutings - cries
- Shouts - loud outcry
- Shove - push without gentleness
- Shoved - push without gentleness
- Shovel - spade
- Shoveled - spade
- Shoveling - spade
- Shovelled - spade
- Shovelling - dig
- Shovels - spade
- Shoves - push without gentleness
- Shoving - push without gentleness
- Shovings - physical force
- Show - demonstration, exhibition
- Showboat - airs, snobbishness
- Showboated - frighten, threaten
- Showboating - frighten, threaten
- Showboats - airs, snobbishness
- Showcase - test
- Showcased - exhibit, make plain
- Showcases - test
- Showcasing - exhibit, make plain
- Showdown - confrontation
- Showdowns - confrontation
- Showed - actively exhibit something
- Shower - precipitation
- Showered - rain
- Showering - rain
- Showerings - washing
- Showers - precipitation
- Showery - damp, moist
- Showgirl - woman performer
- Showgirls - woman performer
- Showgoer - group observing an entertainment or sporting event
- Showgoers - group observing an entertainment or sporting event
- Showier - flamboyant, flashy
- Showiest - flamboyant, flashy
- Showily - audibly
- Showiness - exhibitionism, flashiness
- Showinesses - exhibitionism, flashiness
- Showing - show
- Showings - show
- Showmanship - decorative exhibition
- Showmanships - decorative exhibition
- Shown - put on display
- Showoff - person who brags about him- or herself
- Showoffs - person who brags about him- or herself
- Showpiece - exhibit
- Showpieces - exhibit
- Showroom - place, venue for selling goods
- Showrooms - place, venue for selling goods
- Shows - demonstration, exhibition
- Showstopper - delay
- Showstoppers - delay
- Showy - flamboyant, flashy
- Shrank - become smaller
- Shrapnel - projectiles for weaponry
- Shrapnels - projectiles for weaponry
- Shred - tiny piece
- Shredded - cut into ribbons
- Shredding - cut into ribbons
- Shreds - tiny piece
- Shrew - mean lady
- Shrewd - clever, intelligent
- Shrewder - clever, intelligent
- Shrewdest - clever, intelligent
- Shrewdly - astutely
- shrewdness - intelligence manifested by being astute (as in business dealings)
- Shrewdnesses - astuteness
- Shrewish - evil-tempered
- Shrews - mean lady
- Shriek - high-pitched scream
- Shrieked - high-pitched scream
- Shrieker - laughing
- Shriekier - high
- Shriekiest - high
- Shrieking - screaming
- Shrieks - high-pitched scream
- Shrieky - high
- Shrift - reparation for wrong
- Shrifts - reparation for wrong
- Shrill - high-pitched, harsh in sound
- Shrilled - high-pitched scream
- Shriller - high-pitched, harsh in sound
- Shrillest - high-pitched, harsh in sound
- Shrillier - high
- Shrilliest - high
- Shrilling - high-pitched scream
- Shrills - high-pitched scream
- Shrilly - high
- Shrimp - small, insignificant
- Shrimper - small, insignificant
- Shrimpier - small in size, amount
- Shrimpiest - small in size, amount
- Shrimps - nonentity
- Shrimpy - small in size, amount
- Shrine - tribute to a god, idol, or spirit
- Shrines - tribute to a god, idol, or spirit
- Shrink - become smaller
- Shrinkage - decrease
- Shrinkages - decrease
- Shrinking - shy
- Shrinkingly - in fear
- Shrinks - become smaller
- Shrive - confess
- Shrived - confess
- Shrivel - dehydrate, dry up
- Shriveled - dehydrate, dry up
- Shriveling - dehydrate, dry up
- Shrivelled - dehydrate, dry up
- Shrivelling - dehydrate, dry up
- Shrivels - dehydrate, dry up
- Shriven - confess
- Shrives - confess
- Shriving - confess
- Shroud - covering
- Shrouded - filmy, obscure
- Shrouding - conceal, hide
- Shrouds - covering
- Shrove - confess
- Shroved - confess
- Shrub - bush
- Shrubberies - shrubs
- Shrubbery - shrubs
- Shrubland -
- Shrubs - bush
- Shrug - gesture
- Shrugged - move with lurch
- Shrugging - move with lurch
- Shrugs - gesture
- Shrunk - become smaller
- Shrunken - withdrawn
- Shuck - remove outer layer
- Shucked - remove outer layer
- Shucker - futile, useless
- Shucking - remove outer layer
- Shucks - remove outer layer
- Shudder - shake, quiver
- Shuddered - shake, quiver
- Shuddering - shake, quiver
- Shudders - shake, quiver
- Shuddersome - nasty, scary
- Shuffle - move along lazily
- Shuffled - move along lazily
- Shuffler -
- Shuffles - move along lazily
- Shuffling - move along lazily
- Shufflings - falsehood, affected show; cover
- Shul - church
- Shuln - church
- Shun - avoid, ignore
- Shunned - avoid, ignore
- Shunning - avoid, ignore
- shunpike - A side road or route.
- Shuns - avoid, ignore
- Shunt - thwart; avoid by turning away
- Shunted - thwart; avoid by turning away
- Shunting - thwart; avoid by turning away
- Shunts - thwart; avoid by turning away
- Shush - silence
- Shushed - silence
- Shushes - silence
- Shushing - silence
- Shut - close
- Shutdown - closing
- Shutdowns - closing
- Shuteye - sleep
- Shuteyes - sleep
- Shutoff - on-and-off device
- Shutoffs - on-and-off device
- Shutout - emptiness, nonexistence
- Shutouts - emptiness, nonexistence
- Shuts - close
- Shutter - blind
- Shutterbug - photographers
- Shutterbugs - photographers
- Shuttered - hide, protect
- Shuttering - hide, protect
- Shutters - blind
- Shutting - close
- Shuttle - space shuttle
- Shuttled - space shuttle
- Shuttles - space shuttle
- Shuttling - travel back and forth
- Shy - quiet and self-conscious
- Shyer - quiet and self-conscious
- Shyest - quiet and self-conscious
- Shying - unwilling
- Shylock - a greedy person
- Shylocks - a greedy person
- Shyly - in fear
- Shyness - bashfulness
- Shynesses - bashfulness
- shyster - a person (especially a lawyer or politician) who uses unscrupulous or unethical methods
- Shysters - unscrupulous lawyer; swindler
- Si quis -
- Sialoid -
- Sib - member of a family
- Sibilance - buzzing sound; jeer
- Sibilances - buzzing sound; jeer
- Sibilant - sound unit of speech
- Sibilants - sound unit of speech
- Sibilate - hiss
- Sibilated - hiss
- Sibilates - hiss
- Sibilating - hiss
- Sibilation - droning sound
- Sibilations - droning sound
- Sibling - sister or brother
- Siblings - sister or brother
- Sibs - member of a family
- Sibyl - prophet
- Sibyllic - prophetic
- sibylline - having a secret or hidden meaning
- Sibyls - prophet
- Sic - exactly
- Sicced - urge, incite
- Siccing - urge, incite
- Sick - not healthy, not feeling well
- Sicked - urge, incite
- Sicken - revolt, make ill
- Sickened - revolt, make ill
- Sickening - disgusting, awful
- Sickens - revolt, make ill
- Sicker - not healthy, not feeling well
- Sickest - not healthy, not feeling well
- Sickie - unpleasant
- Sicking - urge, incite
- Sickish - not healthy
- Sickle - cutting tool
- Sickled - cut
- Sickles - cutting tool
- Sicklier - not healthy
- Sickliest - not healthy
- Sickliness - weakness, sickness
- Sicklinesses - weakness, sickness
- Sickling - cut
- Sickly - not healthy
- Sickness - ill or abnormal condition
- Sicknesses - ill or abnormal condition
- Sickout - staged sickout by police
- Sickouts - staged sickout by police
- Sickroom - clinic
- Sickrooms - clinic
- Sics - urge, incite
- Sida - disease given through sexual relations
- Sidas - disease given through sexual relations
- Side - minor; flanking
- Side arm -
- Side by side -
- Sidearm - knife
- Sidearms - knife
- Sidebar - adverse or unwanted secondary effect
- Sidebars - adverse or unwanted secondary effect
- Sideboard - furniture piece
- Sideboards - furniture piece
- Sideburn - beard
- Sideburns - beard
- Sided - bound on; be on the edge
- sidekick - a close friend who accompanies his buddies in their activities
- Sidekicks - companion
- Sideline - secondary occupation
- Sidelined - disabled
- Sidelines - secondary occupation
- Sideling - abrupt, steep
- Sidelining - wait, delay
- Sidelong - roundabout; unintended
- Sider - minor; flanking
- Sidereal - starlike
- Sides - edge, exteriority of object
- Sideshow - minor attraction
- Sideshows - minor attraction
- Sideslip - turn aside, often to avoid collision
- Sideslipped - turn aside, often to avoid collision
- Sideslipping - turn aside, often to avoid collision
- Sideslips - turn aside, often to avoid collision
- Sidesplitting - extremely funny
- Sidestep - dodge
- Sidestepped - dodge
- Sidestepping - dodge
- Sidesteppings - breaking away; getaway
- Sidesteps - dodge
- Sideswipe - wreck
- Sideswiped - slam into
- Sideswipes - wreck
- Sideswiping - slam into
- Sidetrack - divert
- Sidetracked - divert
- Sidetracking - divert
- Sidetracks - divert
- Sidewalk - footway
- Sidewalks - footway
- Sideward - sideways
- Sidewards - to the edge, exteriority
- Sideways - to the edge, exteriority
- Sidewise - sideways
- Siding - outside finish
- Sidings - outside finish
- sidle - move sideways
- Sidled - walk
- Sidles - walk
- Sidling - walk
- Siege - barrier
- Sieged - harass, besiege
- Sieges - barrier
- Sieging - harass, besiege
- Sierra - very large hill
- Sierras - very large hill
- Siesta - nap
- Siestas - nap
- Sieve - strainer
- Sieved - examine and choose
- Sieves - strainer
- Sieving - examine and choose
- Sift - take out residue; remove impurities
- Sifted - take out residue; remove impurities
- Sifter - strainer
- Sifters - strainer
- Sifting - take out residue; remove impurities
- Siftings - decision about blame
- Sifts - take out residue; remove impurities
- Sigh - breathe out heavily
- Sighed - breathe out heavily
- Sighing - breathe out heavily
- Sighings - rumor; information expressed in soft voice
- Sighs - breathe out heavily
- Sight - ability to perceive with eyes
- Sighted - seen
- Sighter - with the eye
- Sighting - see
- Sightings - finding, uncovering
- Sightless - blind
- Sightlier - beautiful
- Sightliest - beautiful
- Sightline - visual field
- Sightlines - visual field
- Sightly - beautiful
- Sights - ability to perceive with eyes
- Sightsaw - visit, journey
- Sightsee - visit, journey
- Sightseeing - journey
- Sightseeings - journey
- Sightseen - visit, journey
- Sightseer - tourist
- Sightseers - tourist
- Sightsees - visit, journey
- Sigil - signing of name
- Sigils - signing of name
- Sigmoid - bowed, bent
- Sigmoid colon -
- Sign - indication, evidence
- Signal - extraordinary, outstanding
- Signaled - indicate; give a sign to
- Signaling - indicate; give a sign to
- Signalize - gesture
- Signalized - gesture
- Signalizes - gesture
- Signalizing - gesture
- Signalled - indicate; give a sign to
- Signaller - person who guards, is on lookout
- Signallers - person who guards, is on lookout
- Signalling - indicate; give a sign to
- Signally - distinctly
- Signalman - guard
- Signalmen - guard
- Signals - indication; authorization
- Signatories - notary public
- Signatory - notary public
- Signature - sign
- Signatures - sign
- Signboard - sign, notice
- Signboards - sign, notice
- Signed - marked
- Signer - cosigner
- Signers - cosigner
- Signet - mark
- Signets - mark
- Significance - meaning
- Significances - meaning
- Significancies - idea
- Significancy - idea
- Significant - telling, meaningful
- Significantly - inevitably, certainly
- Significants - indication
- Signification - sign
- Significations - sign
- Significative - signifying
- Significatory - exhibitive
- Significs - meaning
- Signified - mean, indicate
- Signifier - evidence, clue
- Signifiers - evidence, clue
- Signifies - mean, indicate
- Signify - mean, indicate
- Signifying - mean, indicate
- Signifyings - verbal attack
- Signing - indication, evidence
- Signings - nonverbal communication
- Signor - mr.
- Signora - a title of address
- Signoras - a title of address
- Signore - a title of address
- Signori - mr.
- Signors - mr.
- Signpost - document with information; symbol
- Signposts - document with information; symbol
- Signs - indication, evidence
- Siker -
- Silage - hay
- Silages - hay
- Silence - absence of sound, speech
- Silenced - quieted
- Silencer - muter of noise
- Silencers - muter of noise
- Silences - absence of sound, speech
- Silencing - make or be quiet
- Silent - quiet; speechless
- Silently - without noise
- Silents - presentation of action on continuous film
- Silhouette - outline
- Silhouetted - exact, clear
- Silhouettes - outline
- Silicone - lubricator
- Silicones - lubricator
- Silk - fabric
- Silken - sleek
- Silkier - very smooth; like satin
- Silkiest - very smooth; like satin
- Silkiness - gloss
- Silkinesses - gloss
- Silks - fabric
- silkscreen - a print made using a stencil process in which an image or design is superimposed on a very fine mesh screen and printing ink is squeegeed onto the printing surface through the area of the screen that is not covered by the stencil
- Silkscreened - impressed
- Silky - very smooth; like satin
- Sill - shelf
- Sillier - absurd, giddy, foolish
- Sillies - fool
- Silliest - absurd, giddy, foolish
- Silliness - folly
- Sillinesses - folly
- Sills - shelf
- Silly - absurd, giddy, foolish
- Silo - repository
- Silos - repository
- Silt - sediment
- Silts - sediment
- Silva - forest
- Silvas - forest
- Silver - shiny gray in color
- Silvered - shiny gray in color
- Silvering - coat with metallic material
- Silvers - precious stones, metals worn as decoration
- Silversmith - jewelry maker
- Silversmiths - jewelry maker
- Silverware - silver
- Silverwares - silver
- Silvery - harmonious, musical
- Silvestre -
- Silviculture - forest management
- Silvicultures - forest management
- Sim - A computer program that lets the user simulate a certain activity, such as building a city or flying an airplane
- Simba - feline
- Simbas - feline
- Simian - ape
- Simians - ape
- Similar - very much alike
- Similarities - likeness, correspondence
- Similarity - likeness, correspondence
- Similarly - likewise
- Simile - comparison
- Similes - comparison
- Similitude - semblance
- Similitudes - semblance
- Similize - balance; think of together
- Similized - balance; think of together
- Similizes - balance; think of together
- Similizing - balance; think of together
- Simmer - boil, smolder
- Simmered - boil, smolder
- Simmering - broiling
- Simmers - boil, smolder
- Simoom - dust- or sand-carrying windstorm
- Simooms - dust- or sand-carrying windstorm
- Simpatico - likable, agreeable
- Simper - smile coyly
- Simpered - smile coyly
- Simpering - smile coyly
- Simpers - smile coyly
- Simple - clear, understandable; easy
- Simple microscope -
- Simpleminded - unsophisticated
- Simpleness - modesty
- Simplenesses - modesty
- Simpler - clear, understandable; easy
- Simples - easily handled situation
- Simplest - clear, understandable; easy
- Simpleton - fool
- Simpletons - fool
- Simplex - elementary
- Simplicities - absence of complication,
- Simplicity - absence of complication,
- Simplification - rewording; interpretation
- Simplifications - rewording; interpretation
- Simplified - made easy
- Simplifies - make easy, intelligible
- Simplify - make easy, intelligible
- Simplifying - make easy, intelligible
- Simplistic - simple
- Simply - plainly, clearly
- Simulacra - copy
- Simulacre - copy
- Simulacres - copy
- simulacrum - a representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture)
- Simulant - simulated, unoriginal
- Simulate - pretend, imitate
- Simulated - fake
- Simulates - pretend, imitate
- Simulating - pretend, imitate
- Simulation - imitation
- Simulations - imitation
- Simulative - imitative
- Simulator - person who pretends to be an expert
- Simulators - person who pretends to be an expert
- Simulcast - broadcast
- Simulcasted - broadcast
- Simulcasting - broadcast
- Simulcasts - broadcast
- Simultaneities - occurring together
- Simultaneity - occurring together
- Simultaneous - happening at about the same time
- Simultaneously - at the same time
- Sin - illegal or immoral action
- Sinapisin -
- Since - because
- Sincere - straightforward, honest
- Sincerely - seriously, honestly
- Sincereness - straightforwardness, honesty
- Sincerenesses - straightforwardness, honesty
- Sincerer - straightforward, honest
- Sincerest - straightforward, honest
- Sincerities - straightforwardness, honesty
- Sincerity - straightforwardness, honesty
- sinecure - a benefice to which no spiritual or pastoral duties are attached
- Sinecures - easy target
- Sinew - strength
- Sinewed - make more forceful, powerful
- Sinewing - make more forceful, powerful
- Sinews - strength
- Sinewy - stringy, tough
- Sinfonietta - symphony
- Sinfoniettas - symphony
- Sinful - immoral, criminal
- Sinfully - unrighteously
- Sinfulness - sin, evil
- Sinfulnesses - sin, evil
- Sing - carry a tune with one's voice
- Singe - burn
- Singed - burn
- Singeing - burn
- Singer - person who can carry a tune
- Singers - person who can carry a tune
- Singes - burn
- Singing - warbling
- Singings - warbling
- Single - alone, distinct
- Singled - specify as selection
- Singleness - aloneness
- Singlenesses - aloneness
- Singles - unmarried man or woman
- Singleton - singular person, thing
- Singletons - singular person, thing
- Singling - specify as selection
- Singly - individually
- Sings - carry a tune with one's voice
- Singsong - all the same, remaining the same
- Singsonged - carry a tune with one's voice
- Singsonging - carry a tune with one's voice
- Singsongs - carry a tune with one's voice
- Singular - unique, odd
- Singularities - eccentricity
- Singularity - eccentricity
- Singularize - distinguish
- Singularized - distinguish
- Singularizes - distinguish
- Singularizing - distinguish
- Singularly - notably
- Singularness - personality
- Singularnesses - personality
- Singultus - diaphragm spasms
- Singultuses - diaphragm spasms
- Sinister - nasty, menacing
- Sinistral - on west side when facing north
- Sink - fall in, go under
- Sinkage - drop, decline
- Sinkages - drop, decline
- Sinker - something used to measure heaviness
- Sinkers - something used to measure heaviness
- Sinkhole - depression
- Sinkholes - depression
- Sinking - settling in
- Sinkings - drop, decline
- Sinks - fall in, go under
- Sinless - free from sin
- Sinlessness - blamelessness
- Sinlessnesses - blamelessness
- Sinned - commit illegal or immoral action
- Sinner - wrongdoer
- Sinners - wrongdoer
- Sinning - sinful
- Sins - illegal or immoral action
- Sinsemilla - grass, pot
- Sinsemillas - grass, pot
- Sinter - remains
- Sinters - remains
- Sinuate - slither
- Sinuated - slither
- Sinuates - slither
- Sinuating - slither
- Sinuosities - irregularity
- Sinuosity - irregularity
- Sinuous - winding, twisting
- Sinuousness - irregularity
- Sinuousnesses - irregularity
- Sinus - cavity
- Sinuses - cavity
- Sip - drink slowly
- Siphon - pipe
- Siphoned - tap; exploit
- Siphoning - tap; exploit
- Siphons - pipe
- Sipped - drink slowly
- Sipping - drink slowly
- Sips - drink slowly
- Sir - mister
- Sir francis bacon -
- Sir sean connery -
- Sirdar - officer in command
- Sirdars - officer in command
- Sire - father
- Sired - reproduce
- Siren - alarm
- Sirenic - fascinating, delightful
- Sirens - alarm
- Sires - father
- Siret -
- Siring - development of entity
- Sirings - development of entity
- Sirocco - dust- or sand-carrying windstorm
- Siroccos - dust- or sand-carrying windstorm
- Sirs - mister
- Sirvente -
- Sis - person's friend
- Siscowet -
- Sises - person's friend
- Siss - acoustical noise
- Sisses - acoustical noise
- Sissier - affected, pretentious
- Sissies - weakling
- Sissiest - affected, pretentious
- Sissified - effeminate
- Sissiness - effeminacy
- Sissinesses - effeminacy
- Sissy - weakling
- Sissyish - effeminate
- Sister - female sibling
- Sisterhood - bond
- Sisterhoods - bond
- Sisterly - affectionate
- Sisters - female sibling
- Sit - rest on one's behind
- Sitcom - comedy about everyday situations
- Sitcoms - comedy about everyday situations
- Site - place of activity
- Sited - firm, hardened; inflexible
- Sites - place of activity
- Sits - rest on one's behind
- Sitten - rest on one's behind
- Sitter - person who cleans and maintains
- Sitters - person who cleans and maintains
- Sitting - in seated position
- Sittings - meeting, gathering
- Situate - locate
- Situated - located
- Situates - locate
- Situating - locate
- Situation - place of activity
- Situational - relating to a specific situation
- Situations - place of activity
- Six - having six of something
- Sixer - having six of something
- Sixes - having six of something
- Sizable - considerable, large
- Sizableness - size
- Sizablenesses - size
- Size - extent or bulk of some dimension
- Sizeable - huge
- Sized - judge, estimate
- Sizes - extent or bulk of some dimension
- Sizing - laundering agent
- Sizings - laundering agent
- Sizzle - hiss, fry
- Sizzled - hiss, fry
- Sizzles - hiss, fry
- Sizzling - hot
- Skank - filth
- Skankier - disgusting
- Skankiest - disgusting
- Skanks - filth
- Skanky - disgusting
- Skate - slide
- Skated - slide
- Skates - slide
- Skating - slide
- Skean - knife
- Skeans - knife
- Sked - plan for one's time
- skedaddle - a hasty flight
- Skedaddled - flee
- Skedaddles - flee
- Skedaddling - flee
- Skeds - plan for one's time
- Skeet - moving target for shooting
- Skeet shooting -
- Skeets - moving target for shooting
- Skein - tangle
- Skeins - tangle
- Skeletal - wasted
- Skeleton - structure of bones in animate being or supports in an object
- Skeletonize - sketch out; plan
- Skeletonized - sketch out; plan
- Skeletonizes - sketch out; plan
- Skeletonizing - sketch out; plan
- Skeletons - structure of bones in animate being or supports in an object
- Skelp - scold, discipline
- Skelped - scold, discipline
- Skelping - scold, discipline
- Skelps - scold, discipline
- Skeptic - person who is leery, unbelieving; doubter; person who suspends judgment until having examined evidence supporting a point of view
- Skeptical - disbelieving, leery
- Skeptically - dubiously
- Skepticism - doubt
- Skepticisms - doubt
- Skeptics - person who is leery, unbelieving
- Skerries - underwater or partially submerged ledge
- Skerry - underwater or partially submerged ledge
- Sketch - drawing, outline
- Sketched - draw, outline
- Sketches - drawing, outline
- Sketchier - rough, incomplete
- Sketchiest - rough, incomplete
- Sketching - drawing, outline
- Sketchy - rough, incomplete
- Skew - distort
- Skewbald - speckled
- Skewed - distort
- Skewer - rod
- Skewered - pierce
- Skewering - pierce
- Skewers - rod
- Skewest - slanting; at an angle
- Skewing - distort
- Skewness - irregularity
- Skewnesses - irregularity
- Skews - distort
- Skid - slide against will
- Skidded - slide against will
- Skidding - slide against will
- Skiddoo - go away
- Skiddooed - go away
- Skiddooing - go away
- Skiddoos - go away
- Skids - slide against will
- Skied - leap, spring
- Skies - earth's atmosphere
- Skiff - boat
- Skiffs - boat
- Skill - ability, talent to do something
- Skilled - skillful
- Skillet - container for cooking food
- Skillets - container for cooking food
- Skillful - able, talented
- Skillfully - tidily
- Skillfulness - ability, talent
- Skillfulnesses - ability, talent
- Skills - ability, talent to do something
- Skim - remove the top part
- Skimmed - remove the top part
- Skimmer - covering for the head
- Skimmers - covering for the head
- Skimming - remove the top part
- Skimmings - corruption
- skimp - supply sparingly and with restricted quantities
- Skimped - be cheap or frugal about
- Skimpier - sparse, inadequate
- Skimpiest - sparse, inadequate
- Skimpily - scantily
- Skimpiness - shortage, defect, inability
- Skimpinesses - shortage, defect, inability
- Skimping - be cheap or frugal about
- Skimps - be cheap or frugal about
- Skimpy - sparse, inadequate
- Skims - remove the top part
- Skin - outer covering, especially of animate being
- skinflint - a selfish person who is unwilling to give or spend
- Skinflints - cheapskate
- Skinhead - without growth on body part
- Skinker -
- Skinned - remove outer covering
- Skinner - meat killer, seller
- Skinners - meat killer, seller
- Skinnier - very thin
- Skinnies - evidence, authentication
- Skinniest - very thin
- Skinniness - gauntness
- Skinninesses - gauntness
- Skinning - remove outer covering
- Skinny - very thin
- Skins - outer covering, especially of animate being
- Skintight - close, snug
- Skip - bounce or jump over
- Skipped - bounce or jump over
- Skipper - leader
- Skippered - guide along route, often over water
- Skippering - guide along route, often over water
- Skippers - leader
- Skipping - bounce or jump over
- Skippings - leap
- Skips - bounce or jump over
- Skirl - make sharp, shrill sound
- Skirled - make sharp, shrill sound
- Skirling - make sharp, shrill sound
- Skirls - make sharp, shrill sound
- Skirmish - fight
- Skirmished - fight
- Skirmishes - fight
- Skirmishing - fight
- Skirr - travel through water, air; glide
- Skirred - travel through water, air; glide
- Skirring - travel through water, air; glide
- Skirrs - travel through water, air; glide
- Skirt - border, edge
- Skirted - border; be on the edge
- Skirting - border; be on the edge
- Skirtings - border, edge
- Skirts - border, edge
- Skit - sketch
- Skite - braggart
- Skites - braggart
- Skits - sketch
- Skitter - skip
- Skittered - skip
- Skittering - skip
- Skitters - skip
- Skittish - very nervous
- Skittles - tenpins
- Skive - peel, trim
- Skived - peel, trim
- Skiver - cutting tool
- Skivered - pierce
- Skivering - pierce
- Skivers - cutting tool
- Skives - peel, trim
- Skiving - peel, trim
- Skivvied - work very hard
- Skivvies - person who serves, often under duress
- Skivvy - person who serves, often under duress
- Skivvying - work very hard
- skosh - A very small amount; a tiny bit.
- skulduggery - verbal misrepresentation intended to take advantage of you in some way
- Skulk - lurk; shirk
- Skulked - lurk; shirk
- Skulker - person who is scared, easily intimidated
- Skulkers - person who is scared, easily intimidated
- Skulking - lurk; shirk
- Skulks - lurk; shirk
- Skull - brain
- Skullcap - small hat
- Skullcaps - small hat
- Skullduggeries - tricky behavior
- Skullduggery - tricky behavior
- Skulls - brain
- Skunk - cheater
- Skunked - defeat overwhelmingly
- Skunkier - having fragrance
- Skunkiest - having fragrance
- Skunking - defeat overwhelmingly
- Skunks - cheater
- Skunky - having fragrance
- Sky - earth's atmosphere
- Skycap - person who serves as attendant, caretaker
- Skycaps - person who serves as attendant, caretaker
- Skyed - leap, spring
- Skyer - heavenly
- Skying - leap, spring
- Skyjack - abduct; hold for ransom
- Skyjacked - abduct; hold for ransom
- Skyjacker - abductor
- Skyjackers - abductor
- Skyjacking - the hijacking of an airplane or helicopter
- Skyjackings - the hijacking of an airplane or helicopter
- Skyjacks - abduct; hold for ransom
- Skylark - very funny happening
- Skylarked - have fun, enjoy oneself
- Skylarking - practical joke; frivolity
- Skylarkings - practical joke; frivolity
- Skylarks - very funny happening
- Skylight - framework with pane
- Skylights - framework with pane
- Skyline - sky and earth line
- Skylines - sky and earth line
- Skyrocket - soar
- Skyrocketed - soar
- Skyrocketing - soar
- Skyrockets - soar
- Skyscraper - tall building
- Skyscrapers - tall building
- Skyward - high, elevated
- Skywatching - study of the stars and planets other than earth
- Skyway - flight path
- Skyways - flight path
- Skywrite - make widely known; promote
- Skywrites - make widely known; promote
- Skywriting - make widely known; promote
- Skywritten - make widely known; promote
- Skywrote - make widely known; promote
- Sla -
- Slab - chunk of solid object
- Slabber - made of timber
- Slabbered - drool
- Slabbering - drool
- Slabbers - drool
- Slabs - chunk of solid object
- Slack - loose, baggy; inactive
- Slacked - do little or nothing; loosen
- Slacken - decrease
- Slackened - do little or nothing; loosen
- Slackening - let-up
- Slackenings - let-up
- Slackens - do little or nothing; loosen
- Slacker - shirker
- Slackers - shirker
- Slackest - loose, baggy; inactive
- Slacking - do little or nothing; loosen
- Slackly - indolently
- Slackness - negligence
- Slacknesses - negligence
- Slacks - do little or nothing; loosen
- slacktivism - The practice of supporting a political or social cause by means such as social media or online petitions, characterized as involving very little effort or commitment.
- Slag - debris
- Slags - debris
- Slain - slaughtered
- slake - satisfy (thirst)
- Slaked - decrease
- Slakes - decrease
- Slaking - decrease
- Slam - loud noise from impact
- Slammed - throw or push very hard
- Slammer - place for incarceration
- Slammers - place for incarceration
- Slamming - throw or push very hard
- Slams - loud noise from impact
- Slander - scandalous remark
- Slandered - make a scandalous remark
- Slanderer - critic
- Slanderers - critic
- Slandering - scandalous remark
- Slanderous - libelous
- Slanders - scandalous remark
- Slang - casual dialect
- Slangs - casual dialect
- Slanguage - specialized language; dialect
- Slanguages - specialized language; dialect
- Slank - creep by
- Slant - angle, slope
- Slanted - at a slant
- Slanting - inclining
- Slantingly - to the edge, exteriority
- Slantingways - at an angle
- Slants - angle, slope
- Slantways - at an angle
- Slantwise - to the edge, exteriority
- Slap - hard hit, often with hand
- Slap around -
- Slapdash - careless
- Slapdashed - make up
- Slapdashes - make up
- Slapdashing - make up
- Slaphappier - dazed
- Slaphappiest - dazed
- Slaphappy - dazed
- Slapped - hard hit, often with hand
- Slapping - hard hit, often with hand
- Slaps - hard hit, often with hand
- Slapstick - comical
- Slapsticks - comedy based on slapstick
- Slash - cut
- Slashed - cut
- Slashes - cut
- Slashing - biting
- Slat - pole, often wooden
- Slate - list
- Slated - scheduled
- Slater - dark, inky
- Slates - list
- Slather - great quantity
- Slathered - apply colored tint, often to make design
- Slathering - apply colored tint, often to make design
- Slathers - great quantity
- Slating - designate, select
- Slats - pole, often wooden
- Slattern - slut
- Slatternly - slovenly
- Slatterns - slut
- Slaughter - killing
- Slaughtered - kill
- Slaughterer - murderer
- Slaughterers - murderer
- Slaughterhouse - killing place
- Slaughterhouses - killing place
- Slaughtering - killing
- Slaughterous - murderous
- Slaughters - killing
- Slave - person who serves, often under duress
- Slave labor -
- Slaved - person who serves, often under duress
- Slaver - drool
- Slavered - drool
- Slaveries - state of working under duress or without freedom
- Slavering - drool
- Slavers - drool
- Slavery - state of working under duress or without freedom
- Slaves - person who serves, often under duress
- Slaving - work very hard
- Slavish - having the qualities of a slave
- Slavishly - servilely
- Slay - kill
- Slayed - kill
- Slayer - murderer
- Slayers - murderer
- Slaying - kill
- Slayings - murder
- Slays - kill
- Sleaze - indecency, immorality; vulgarism
- Sleazebag - creep
- Sleazebags - creep
- Sleazeball - sickening; repulsive
- Sleazeballs - creep
- Sleazes - indecency, immorality; vulgarism
- Sleazier - disreputable
- Sleaziest - disreputable
- Sleazy - disreputable
- Sled - sleigh
- Sledge - sleigh
- Sledges - sleigh
- Sleds - sleigh
- Sleek - smooth, glossy
- Sleeked - shine, buff
- Sleeker - smooth, glossy
- Sleekest - smooth, glossy
- Sleekier - smooth, polished
- Sleekiest - smooth, polished
- Sleeking - shine, buff
- Sleekly - flatly
- Sleekness - gloss
- Sleeknesses - gloss
- Sleeks - shine, buff
- Sleeky - smooth, polished
- Sleep - suspension of consciousness
- Sleeper - dress in which to sleep
- Sleepers - dress in which to sleep
- Sleepier - tired, dull
- Sleepiest - tired, dull
- Sleepily - dully
- Sleepiness - torpor
- Sleepinesses - torpor
- Sleeping - dormant
- Sleeping tablet -
- Sleepless - insomniac, restless
- Sleeplessness - inability to sleep soundly
- Sleeplessnesses - inability to sleep soundly
- Sleepover - sleepover party
- Sleepovers - sleepover party
- Sleeps - suspension of consciousness
- Sleepwalking - walking during sleep
- Sleepwalkings - walking during sleep
- Sleepy - tired, dull
- Sleepyhead - drooping, dull, listless
- Sleepyheaded - dull, slow-moving
- Sleet - moisture in air or falling from sky
- Sleeted - frozen; slippery when frozen
- Sleetier - cold
- Sleetiest - cold
- Sleeting - drop water or other substance
- Sleets - moisture in air or falling from sky
- Sleety - cold
- Sleigh - sled
- Sleighs - sled
- Sleight - trick
- Sleights - trick
- Slender - thin
- Slenderer - thin, not heavy
- Slenderest - thin, not heavy
- Slenderize - lose weight
- Slenderized - lose weight
- Slenderizes - lose weight
- Slenderizing - lose weight
- Slenderness - lack, scarcity
- Slendernesses - lack, scarcity
- Slept - suspend consciousness
- Sleuth - detective
- Sleuthed - secretly follow, watch another's actions
- Sleuthhound - detective
- Sleuthhounds - detective
- Sleuthing - secretly follow, watch another's actions
- Sleuths - detective
- Slew - heap
- Slewed - bounce off; turn aside
- Slewing - bounce off; turn aside
- Slews - heap
- Slice - piece; share
- Slice thin -
- Sliced - cut into portions, shares
- Slices - piece; share
- Slicing - piece; share
- Slick - smooth, polished
- Slicked - make slippery
- Slicker - smooth, polished
- Slickers - person who pretends to be an expert
- Slickest - smooth, polished
- Slicking - make slippery
- Slickness - artfulness
- Slicknesses - artfulness
- Slicks - periodic publication
- Slid - move smoothly; move down
- Slidden - move smoothly; move down
- Slide - move smoothly; move down
- Slides - move smoothly; move down
- Sliding - move smoothly; move down
- Slier - clever, devious
- Sliest - clever, devious
- Slight - insignificant, small
- Slighted - offend, insult
- Slighter - insignificant, small
- Slightest - insignificant, small
- Slighting - abusive
- Slightingly - gently, effortlessly
- Slightly - a little
- Slightness - deficiency, need
- Slightnesses - deficiency, need
- Slights - insignificant, small
- Slim - lose weight
- Slim chance -
- Slime - muck, gelled waste
- Slime eels -
- Slimebag - creep
- Slimebags - creep
- Slimeball - creep
- Slimeballs - creep
- Slimes - muck, gelled waste
- Slimier - oozy, gooey
- Slimiest - oozy, gooey
- Sliminess -
- Slimmed - lose weight
- Slimmer - thin, not heavy
- Slimmest - thin, not heavy
- Slimming - lose weight
- Slimnastics - exercise regime designed to increase heart and lung activity while toning muscles
- Slimness - a physical restriction
- Slimnesses - a physical restriction
- Slims - lose weight
- Slimy - oozy, gooey
- Sling - throw or hang over
- Slinging - throw or hang over
- Slings - throw or hang over
- Slingshot - arm, armament
- Slingshots - arm, armament
- Slink - creep by
- Slinked - creep by
- Slinkier - sleek
- Slinkiest - sleek
- Slinkiness - stealth
- Slinkinesses - stealth
- Slinking - creep by
- Slinks - creep by
- Slinky - sleek
- Slip - error, goof
- Slip of paper -
- Slipover - shirt for woman
- Slipovers - shirt for woman
- Slipped - fall; glide
- Slipper - shoe
- Slipperier - smooth, slick
- Slipperiest - smooth, slick
- Slipperiness - danger
- Slipperinesses - danger
- Slippers - shoe
- Slippery - smooth, slick
- Slipping - fall; glide
- Slips - error, goof
- Slipshod - careless; not well done
- Slipt - error, goof
- Slipup - error
- Slipups - error
- Slipware - pottery
- Slipwares - pottery
- Slit - small opening, cut
- Slither - slide
- Slithered - creep by
- Slithering - creep by
- Slithers - creep by
- Slithery - slick
- Slits - small opening, cut
- Slitting - small opening, cut
- Sliver - tiny piece, usually of wood or metal
- Slivered - destroyed; made into pieces from a whole
- Slivering - cut outer covering off
- Slivers - tiny piece, usually of wood or metal
- Slob - pig
- Slobber - drool
- Slobbered - drool
- Slobbering - drool
- Slobbers - drool
- Slobs - pig
- Sloe - dark, inky
- Slog - plod
- Slogan - motto
- Slogans - motto
- Slogged - plod
- Slogging - plod
- Slogs - plod
- Sloop - a boat propelled with wind by sailcloth
- Sloops - a boat propelled with wind by sailcloth
- Slop - splash; make a mess
- Slope - slant, tilt
- Sloped - slant, tilt
- Slopes - slant, tilt
- Sloping - askew
- Slopped - splash; make a mess
- Sloppier - messy
- Sloppiest - messy
- Sloppily - heedlessly
- Sloppiness - disorderliness
- Sloppinesses - disorderliness
- Slopping - splash; make a mess
- Sloppy - messy
- Slops - splash; make a mess
- Slosh - splash
- Sloshed - drunk
- Sloshes - splash
- Sloshing - splash
- Slot - opening, place
- Slotback - football position
- Slotbacks - football position
- Sloth - laziness
- Slothful - lazy
- Slothfulness - laziness
- Slothfulnesses - laziness
- Sloths - laziness
- Slots - opening, place
- Slotted - signify, display
- Slotting - signify, display
- Slouch - slump over
- Slouched - slump over
- Sloucher - irresponsible person
- Slouchers - irresponsible person
- Slouches - slump over
- Slouchier - curved
- Slouchiest - curved
- Slouching - slump over
- Slouchy - curved
- Slough - swamp
- Sloughed - swamp
- Sloughing - swamp
- Sloughs - swamp
- Sloven - pig
- Slovenlier - dirty, disordered
- Slovenliest - dirty, disordered
- Slovenliness - disorderliness
- Slovenlinesses - disorderliness
- Slovenly - dirty, disordered
- Slovens - pig
- Slow - unhurried, lazy
- Slowdown - slacking off; gradual decrease
- Slowdowns - slacking off; gradual decrease
- Slowed - delay, restrict
- Slower - unhurried, lazy
- Slowest - unhurried, lazy
- Slowing - delay, restrict
- Slowly - moderately
- Slowness - dullness
- Slownesses - dullness
- Slowpoke - laggard
- Slowpokes - laggard
- Slows - unhurried, lazy
- Slub - neighborhood outside of but reliant on nearby large city
- Slubs - neighborhood outside of but reliant on nearby large city
- Sludge - mud
- Sludges - mud
- Sludgier - slimy
- Sludgiest - slimy
- Sludgy - slimy
- Slue - slide against will
- Slued - slide against will
- Slues - slide against will
- Slug - hit
- slugabed - a person who stays in bed until a relatively late hour
- Slugabeds - bum
- Slugfest - fight
- Slugfests - fight
- Sluggard - lazy person
- Sluggardness - laziness
- Sluggardnesses - laziness
- Sluggards - lazy person
- Slugged - hit
- Slugger - person engaged in hostile encounter
- Sluggers - person engaged in hostile encounter
- Slugging - hit
- Sluggish - dull, slow-moving
- Sluggishly - casually, unhurriedly
- Sluggishness - apathy
- Sluggishnesses - apathy
- Slugs - hit
- Sluice - stream
- Sluiced - be or make flowing
- Sluices - stream
- Sluicing - be or make flowing
- Sluing - slide against will
- Slum - ghetto
- Slumber - sleep
- Slumbered - relax; recline
- Slumbering - unconscious
- Slumberland - suspension of consciousness
- Slumberlands - suspension of consciousness
- Slumberous - sleepy
- Slumbers - sleep
- Slumbersome - tired, dull
- Slumbery - sleepy
- Slummier - dirty, bad, low
- Slummiest - dirty, bad, low
- Slummy - dirty, bad, low
- Slump - decline, failure
- Slumped - decline, sink
- Slumping - decline, failure
- Slumps - decline, failure
- Slums - ghetto
- Slung - throw or hang over
- Slunk - creep by
- Slur - insult
- Slurp - consume
- Slurped - consume
- Slurping - consume
- Slurps - consume
- Slurred - insult
- Slurring - insult
- Slurs - insult
- Slurve - baseball that curves when thrown
- Slurves - baseball that curves when thrown
- Slush - icy mess
- Slushed - muddy
- Slushes - icy mess
- Slushier - sentimental
- Slushiest - sentimental
- Slushing - muddy
- Slushy - sentimental
- Slut - wench
- Sluts - wench
- Sly - clever, devious
- Slyer - clever, devious
- Slyest - clever, devious
- Slyly - cleverly
- Slyness - indirection
- Slynesses - indirection
- Smack - directly, exactly
- Smacked - strike, often with hand
- Smacker - kiss
- Smackers - kiss
- Smacking - strike, often with hand
- Smacks - directly, exactly
- Small - tiny in size, quantity
- Small chance -
- Smallclothes - clothing worn under outerwear
- Smaller - tinier
- Smallest - minimal
- Smallish - little
- Smallness - littleness
- Smallnesses - littleness
- Smallsword - weapon
- Smallswords - weapon
- Smalltime - minor
- Smarmier - unctuous
- Smarmiest - unctuous
- smarmy - unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech
- Smart - intelligent
- Smartass - brash, unashamed
- Smartasses - one who claims full knowledge
- Smarted - intelligent
- Smarten - fix
- Smartened - fix
- Smartening - fix
- Smartens - fix
- Smarter - intelligent
- Smartest - intelligent
- Smarties - smart aleck
- Smarting - painful
- Smartly - in a lively manner
- Smartness - cleverness
- Smartnesses - cleverness
- Smarts - intelligence
- Smarty - smart aleck
- Smartypants - one who claims full knowledge
- Smash - collision; defeat
- Smashed - wrecked
- Smasher - top-selling
- Smashes - collision; defeat
- Smashing - break into pieces
- Smashings - destruction
- Smashup - wreck
- Smashups - wreck
- Smatter - scarcely any
- Smattered - break into small pieces
- Smatterer - amateur
- Smatterers - amateur
- Smattering - small amount
- Smatterings - small amount
- Smatters - break into small pieces
- Smaze - heavy mist that reduces visibility
- Smazes - heavy mist that reduces visibility
- Smear - rub on, spread over
- Smearcase - soft white cheese
- Smearcases - soft white cheese
- Smeared - rub on, spread over
- Smearier - fatty, greasy
- Smeariest - fatty, greasy
- Smearing - rub on, spread over
- Smears - rub on, spread over
- Smeary - fatty, greasy
- Smell - odor
- Smelled - perceive with the nose
- Smeller - smelling organ of animate being
- Smellers - smelling organ of animate being
- Smellier - having a bad odor
- Smelliest - having a bad odor
- Smelling - perceive with the nose
- Smells - odor
- Smelly - having a bad odor
- Smelt - perceive with the nose
- Smelted - melted
- Smelting - melding; mixture
- Smeltings - melding; mixture
- Smelts - liquefy; dissolve
- Smidge - bit, small amount
- Smidgen - tiny amount
- Smidgens - tiny amount
- Smidges - bit, small amount
- Smile - put on a happy expression
- Smiled - put on a happy expression
- Smiles - put on a happy expression
- Smiley - keyboard symbol code, :-)
- Smileys - keyboard symbol code, :-)
- Smiling - put on a happy expression
- Smilingly - with joy, pleasure
- Smirch - corrupt
- Smirched - corrupt
- Smirches - corrupt
- Smirching - corrupt
- Smirk - sly smile
- Smirked - look at longingly
- Smirking - look at longingly
- Smirks - sly smile
- Smit - destroy
- Smite - destroy
- Smites - destroy
- Smith - skilled person
- Smithereen - atom, piece
- smithereens - a collection of small fragments considered as a whole
- Smithies - ironsmith
- Smiths - skilled person
- Smithy - ironsmith
- Smiting - destroy
- Smitten - enamored
- Smock - robe
- Smocking - fold
- Smockings - fold
- Smocks - robe
- Smog - air pollution
- Smoggier - turbid
- Smoggiest - turbid
- Smoggy - turbid
- Smogs - air pollution
- Smoke - fume; cigarette
- Smoked - treated with smoke
- Smokeless powder -
- Smoker - party for bridegroom
- Smokers - party for bridegroom
- Smokes - fume; cigarette
- Smokescreen - disguise
- Smokescreens - disguise
- Smokestack - related to manufacturing
- Smokier - hazy, sooty
- Smokiest - hazy, sooty
- Smokiness - place, time that is unlit
- Smokinesses - place, time that is unlit
- Smoking - very angry; maniacal
- Smokings - smoking substance
- Smoky - hazy, sooty
- Smolder - burn, simmer
- Smoldered - burn, simmer
- Smoldering - burn, simmer
- Smolders - burn, simmer
- Smooch - kiss
- Smooched - kiss
- Smooches - kiss
- Smooching - kiss
- Smoosh - push down
- Smooshed - push down
- Smooshes - push down
- Smooshing - push down
- Smooth - level, unwrinkled; flowing
- Smoothed - level, unwrinkled; flowing
- Smoothen - make even
- Smoothened - make even
- Smoothening - make even
- Smoothens - make even
- Smoother - level, unwrinkled; flowing
- Smoothest - level, unwrinkled; flowing
- Smoothie - young thief
- Smoothies - young thief
- Smoothing - level, unwrinkled; flowing
- Smoothings - stroke, massage
- Smoothly - flatly
- Smoothness - evenness
- Smoothnesses - evenness
- Smooths - level, unwrinkled; flowing
- Smorgasbord - buffet-style food
- Smorgasbords - buffet-style food
- Smorzando -
- Smos -
- Smote - destroy
- Smother - extinguish; cover, hide
- Smothered - extinguished
- Smothering - extinguish; cover, hide
- Smotherings - stopping
- Smothers - extinguish; cover, hide
- Smoulder - be excited about; yearn for
- Smouldered - be excited about; yearn for
- Smouldering - blazing, flashing
- Smoulders - be excited about; yearn for
- Smudge - dirt smear
- Smudged - dirt smear
- Smudges - dirt smear
- Smudgier - streaked
- Smudgiest - streaked
- Smudging - dirt smear
- Smudgy - streaked
- Smug - pleased with oneself
- Smugger - pleased with oneself
- Smuggest - pleased with oneself
- Smuggle - transfer illegal goods
- Smuggled - transfer illegal goods
- Smuggler - bootlegger
- Smugglers - bootlegger
- Smuggles - transfer illegal goods
- Smuggling - bootlegging
- Smugglings - bootlegging
- Smugness - exaggerated self-opinion
- Smugnesses - exaggerated self-opinion
- Smut - pornography
- Smutch - smear
- Smutched - cause to be soiled
- Smutches - smear
- Smutching - cause to be soiled
- Smuts - pornography
- Smutted - disgrace, disfigure
- Smuttier - obscene, vulgar
- Smuttiest - obscene, vulgar
- Smuttiness - dirtiness
- Smuttinesses - dirtiness
- Smutting - disgrace, disfigure
- Smutty - obscene, vulgar
- Snack - tiny meal
- Snacked - bite, pick at
- Snacking - consuming
- Snacks - tiny meal
- Snaffle - bit
- Snaffles - bit
- Snafu - mistake
- Snafued - broken, not working
- Snafuing - confuse
- Snafus - mistake
- Snag - complication in situation
- Snagged - catch on something
- Snaggier - ragged, notched
- Snaggiest - ragged, notched
- Snagging - catch on something
- Snaggy - ragged, notched
- Snags - complication in situation
- Snail - laggard
- Snaillike - unhurried, lazy
- Snails - laggard
- Snake - reptile
- Snakebit - damned, doomed for bad ending
- Snaked - hide; move stealthily
- Snakelike - winding; sly
- Snakes - reptile
- Snakier - winding
- Snakiest - winding
- Snaking - roundabout; unintended
- Snaky - winding
- Snap - easy thing to accomplish
- Snapdragon -
- Snapped - separate, break
- Snapper - effortless
- Snappers - reptile
- Snappier - nasty, irritable
- Snappiest - nasty, irritable
- Snappily - very quickly
- Snappiness - inability, unwillingness to wait
- Snappinesses - inability, unwillingness to wait
- Snapping - easy thing to accomplish
- Snappish - cross
- Snappy - nasty, irritable
- Snaps - easy thing to accomplish
- Snapshot - photograph
- Snapshots - photograph
- Snapshotted - take a picture with a camera
- Snapshotting - take a picture with a camera
- Snare - trap
- Snared - trap
- Snares - trap
- Snaring - trap
- Snarkier - judgmental
- Snarkiest - judgmental
- Snarkily -
- Snarky - judgmental
- Snarl - complication, mess
- Snarled - grumble
- Snarlier - perversely irritable
- Snarliest - perversely irritable
- Snarling - grumble
- Snarls - complication, mess
- Snarly - perversely irritable
- Snatch - small part
- Snatched - grab away
- Snatches - small part
- Snatching - small part
- Snatchings - the act of procuring
- Snazzier - stylish
- Snazziest - stylish
- Snazzy - stylish
- Sneak - person who is very dishonest
- Sneaked - person who is very dishonest
- Sneaker - running shoe
- Sneakers - running shoe
- Sneakier - underhanded, dishonest
- Sneakiest - underhanded, dishonest
- Sneakily - deceitfully
- Sneakiness - indirection
- Sneakinesses - indirection
- Sneaking - sly
- Sneaks - person who is very dishonest
- Sneakthief -
- Sneaky - underhanded, dishonest
- Sneer - mock, condemn
- Sneered - mock, condemn
- Sneerer - cynic
- Sneerers - cynic
- Sneering - scoffing
- Sneeringly - scornfully
- Sneerings - scoffing
- Sneers - mock, condemn
- Sneeze - expulsion of air
- Sneezed - take by force and without permission
- Sneezer - smelling organ of animate being
- Sneezers - smelling organ of animate being
- Sneezes - expulsion of air
- Sneezing - take by force and without permission
- Snick - knock a piece out of
- Snicked - knock a piece out of
- Snicker - laugh at
- Snickerdoodle -
- Snickered - laugh at mockingly
- Snickering - laugh at mockingly
- Snickers - laugh at mockingly
- Snickersnee - a knife, especially one used as a weapon.
- Snicking - knock a piece out of
- Snicks - knock a piece out of
- Snide - hateful, nasty
- Snider - hateful, nasty
- Snides - insincerity
- Snidest - hateful, nasty
- Sniff - breathe in
- Sniffed - breathe in
- Sniffer - smelling organ of animate being
- Sniffers - smelling organ of animate being
- Sniffier - having exaggerated self-opinion
- Sniffiest - having exaggerated self-opinion
- Sniffing - breathe in
- Sniffle - cry
- Sniffled - cry
- Sniffles - cry
- Sniffling - cry
- Sniffs - breathe in
- Sniffy - having exaggerated self-opinion
- Snift - breathe in
- Snifted - breathe in
- Snifter - swallow, taste
- Snifters - swallow, taste
- Snifting - breathe in
- Snifts - breathe in
- Snigger - sneer
- Sniggered - laugh at mockingly
- Sniggering - laugh at mockingly
- Sniggers - laugh at mockingly
- Sniggle - laugh at mockingly
- Sniggled - laugh at mockingly
- Sniggles - laugh at mockingly
- Sniggling - laugh at mockingly
- Snip - clip
- Snipe - hunted bird
- Sniped - heckle
- Sniper - gunman
- Snipers - gunman
- Snipes - hunted bird
- Sniping - barrage of projectiles
- Snipings - barrage of projectiles
- Snipped - clip
- Snipper - cutters
- Snippers - cutters
- Snippet - particle
- Snippets - particle
- Snippety - impudent
- Snippier - curt
- Snippiest - curt
- Snipping - clip
- Snippings - shearing
- Snippy - curt
- Snips - clip
- Snit - maddened state
- Snitch - informer
- Snitched - steal
- Snitcher - informer
- Snitchers - informer
- Snitches - informer
- Snitching - informer
- Snits - maddened state
- Snivel - complain
- Sniveled - complain
- Sniveler - complainer
- Snivelers - complainer
- Sniveling - complain
- Snivelled - complain
- Snivelling - complain
- Snivellings - cry
- Snivels - complain
- Snob - person who looks down on others
- Snobberies - presumption
- Snobbery - presumption
- Snobbier - arrogant
- Snobbiest - arrogant
- Snobbish - stuck-up, conceited
- Snobbishly - pretentiously
- Snobbishness - presumption
- Snobbishnesses - presumption
- Snobby - arrogant
- Snobs - person who looks down on others
- Snog - kiss
- Snogged - kiss
- Snogging - kiss
- Snogs - kiss
- Snood - something which encircles
- Snoods - something which encircles
- Snook - move stealthily
- Snooked - move stealthily
- Snooker - frustrate, hinder
- Snookered - frustrate, hinder
- Snookering - frustrate, hinder
- Snookers - frustrate, hinder
- Snooking - move stealthily
- Snooks - move stealthily
- Snoop - person who noses around
- Snooped - person who noses around
- Snooper - snoop
- Snoopers - snoop
- Snoopier - curious
- Snoopiest - curious
- Snooping - nose around
- Snoops - person who noses around
- Snoopy - curious
- Snoot - snob
- Snootier - haughty
- Snootiest - haughty
- Snootily - impolitely
- Snootiness - presumption
- Snootinesses - presumption
- Snoots - snob
- Snooty - haughty
- Snooze - light sleep
- Snoozed - light sleep
- Snoozer - dull, monotonous
- Snoozes - light sleep
- Snoozier - drooping, dull, listless
- Snooziest - drooping, dull, listless
- Snoozing - light sleep
- Snoozy - drooping, dull, listless
- Snore - make sounds when sleeping
- Snored - make sounds when sleeping
- Snores - make sounds when sleeping
- Snoring - make sounds when sleeping
- Snorkeling - underwater swimming
- Snorkelings - underwater swimming
- Snort - make nose sound
- Snorted - make nose sound
- Snorting - make nose sound
- Snortings - amusement
- Snorts - make nose sound
- Snottier - arrogant
- Snottiest - arrogant
- Snottiness - egotism
- Snottinesses - egotism
- Snotty - arrogant
- Snout - nose
- Snouts - nose
- Snow - snowstorm
- Snow-covered -
- Snowball - increase
- Snowballed - increase
- Snowballing - increase
- Snowballs - increase
- Snowbank - frozen vapor
- Snowbanks - frozen vapor
- Snowcapped - mountaintop; high altitude
- Snowdrift - frozen vapor
- Snowdrifts - frozen vapor
- Snowed - aroused
- Snowfall - snow storm
- Snowfalls - snow storm
- Snowflake - frozen vapor
- Snowflakes - frozen vapor
- Snowier - niveous
- Snowiest - niveous
- Snowing - lead to believe, do
- Snowlike - niveous
- Snowmelt -
- Snows - snowstorm
- Snowslide - landslip
- Snowslides - landslip
- Snowstorm - strong weather
- Snowstorms - strong weather
- Snowy - niveous
- Snub - give someone the cold shoulder
- Snubbed - give someone the cold shoulder
- Snubber - small in size, amount
- Snubbest - small in size, amount
- Snubbing - give someone the cold shoulder
- Snubs - give someone the cold shoulder
- Snuck - move stealthily
- Snuff - destroy
- Snuffed - destroy
- Snuffer - smelling organ of animate being
- Snuffers - smelling organ of animate being
- Snuffing - destroy
- Snuffle - breathe in
- Snuffled - breathe in
- Snuffles - breathe in
- Snuffling - breathe in
- Snuffs - destroy
- Snug - cozy, warm
- Snugged - curl up
- Snugger - cozy, warm
- Snuggeries - cavern, hideaway
- Snuggery - cavern, hideaway
- Snuggest - cozy, warm
- Snugging - curl up
- Snuggle - cuddle
- Snuggled - cuddle
- Snuggles - cuddle
- Snugglier - huggable, embraceable
- Snuggliest - huggable, embraceable
- Snuggling - cuddle
- Snuggly - huggable, embraceable
- Snugly - luxuriously
- Snugness - good feeling; ease
- Snugnesses - good feeling; ease
- Snugs - curl up
- So - to a degree
- So to speak -
- Soak - drench, wet
- Soaked - saturated
- Soaking - drench, wet
- Soakings - washing with water and, usually, soap
- Soaks - drench, wet
- Soap - cleanser
- Soapbox - lesson, speech
- Soapboxed - declare, assert
- Soapboxes - lesson, speech
- Soapboxing - declare, assert
- Soaped - entice, manipulate
- Soaper - teary, overemotional
- Soapfish -
- Soapier - sudsy
- Soapiest - sudsy
- Soaping - washing with water and, usually, soap
- Soaps - cleanser
- Soapsuds - bubbles
- Soapwort - saponaria officinalis
- Soapworts - saponaria officinalis
- Soapy - sudsy
- Soar - climb, fly
- Soared - climb, fly
- Soaring - high
- Soarings - going up
- Soars - climb, fly
- Sob - cry hard
- Sobbed - cry hard
- Sobbing - cry
- Sobbings - cry
- Sober - not partaking of alcohol
- sober-curious - Experimenting with a period of not drinking alcohol.
- Sobered - moderate
- Soberer - not partaking of alcohol
- Soberest - not partaking of alcohol
- Sobering - crucial, weighty
- Soberly - moderately
- Soberness - temperance
- Sobernesses - temperance
- Sobers - moderate
- Sobersided - serious
- Sobrieties - abstinence
- Sobriety - abstinence
- sobriquet - a familiar name for a person (often a shortened version of a person's given name)
- Sobriquets - nickname
- Sobs - cry hard
- Soccer - a sport
- Soccers - a sport
- Sociabilities - amiability
- Sociability - amiability
- Sociable - friendly, outgoing
- Sociableness - amiability
- Sociablenesses - amiability
- Sociably - thoughtfully
- Social - public, friendly
- Social dancing -
- Socialism - socialist government
- Socialisms - socialist government
- Socialist - politically radical
- Socialistic - generally known; held in common
- Socialists - card-carrying communist
- Socialite - aristocrat
- Socialites - aristocrat
- Socialize - be friendly at gatherings
- Socialized - be friendly at gatherings
- Socializes - be friendly at gatherings
- Socializing - be friendly at gatherings
- Socializings - social interactions
- Socially - with regard to the welfare of mankind
- Socials - social gathering
- Societal - pertaining to society
- Societies - humankind, people
- Society - humankind, people
- Socio-economic class -
- Sociolinguist -
- Sociologies - social psychology
- Sociology - social psychology
- Sociopath - psychopath
- Sociopathic - person who is crazy, mad
- Sociopaths - psychopath
- Sock - hit hard
- Socked - hit hard
- Socket - cavity, pouch
- Socketed - hollow and large
- Sockets - cavity, pouch
- Socking - hit hard
- Socks - hit hard
- Sod - clod
- Soda - beverage
- Soda ash -
- Sodalities - fellowship
- Sodality - fellowship
- Sodas - beverage
- Sodded - grass-grown
- sodden - wet through and through; thoroughly wet
- Soddened - infuse, fill; make pregnant
- Soddening - infuse, fill; make pregnant
- Soddens - infuse, fill; make pregnant
- Sodium sulphate -
- Sods - clod
- Sofa - couch
- Sofas - couch
- Soffit - overhang
- Soffits - overhang
- Soft - cushioned, squishy
- Soft water -
- Softcore - sexually aroused; displaying excessive interest in sex
- Softcover - published document
- Softcovers - published document
- Soften - calm, soothe
- Softened - calm, soothe
- Softening - relaxing
- Softenings - relaxing
- Softens - calm, soothe
- Softer - cushioned, squishy
- Softest - cushioned, squishy
- Softhead - fool
- Softheaded - foolish
- Softheads - fool
- Softhearted - tender
- Softheartedly - sensitively
- Softheartedness - kindness, compassion
- Softie - harmless
- Softies - gullible person
- Softly - lightly
- Softness - impressibility
- Softnesses - impressibility
- Softshell - permissive
- Software - computer program
- Softwares - computer program
- Softwood - large plant enclosed in bark and shedding leaves
- Softwoods - large plant enclosed in bark and shedding leaves
- Softy - sympathetic person
- Sog - make wet, damp
- Sogged - make wet, damp
- Soggier - damp or soaking
- Soggiest - damp or soaking
- Sogginess - very damp weather
- Sogginesses - very damp weather
- Sogging - make wet, damp
- Soggy - damp or soaking
- Sogs - make wet, damp
- soi-disant - as claimed by and for yourself often without justification
- Soignee - dressed in fancy clothing
- Soil - earth, dirt
- Soiled - dirty
- Soilier - dirty, polluted
- Soiliest - dirty, polluted
- Soiling - earth, dirt
- Soilings - dirtiness, contamination
- Soils - earth, dirt
- Soily - dirty, polluted
- Soiree - party
- Soirees - party
- Sojourn - brief travel; visit
- Sojourned - brief travel; visit
- Sojourner - wayfarer
- Sojourners - wayfarer
- Sojourning - brief travel; visit
- Sojournings - calling upon
- Sojourns - brief travel; visit
- Sol - brightest star
- Solace - comfort, peace
- Solaced - comfort, peace
- Solacer - comforter
- Solacers - comforter
- Solaces - comfort, peace
- Solacing - comfort, peace
- Solar - pertaining to the sun
- Solar telescope -
- Solaria - room for sunning
- Solarium - room for sunning
- Solariums - room for sunning
- Solatia - something returned, paid back
- Solatium - something returned, paid back
- Sold - sold out
- Sold out -
- Solder - mend
- Soldered - mend
- Soldering - mend
- Solderings - melding; mixture
- Solders - mend
- Soldier - person serving in military
- Soldieries - military force, usually for land
- Soldierly - military
- Soldiers - person serving in military
- Soldiery - military force, usually for land
- Sole - alone, singular
- solecism - a socially awkward or tactless act
- Solecisms - misuse
- Solecistic - not using the correct rules of grammar
- Solely - only, alone
- Solemn - quiet, serious
- Solemnities - sobriety
- Solemnity - sobriety
- Solemnization - commemoration of occasion, achievement
- Solemnizations - commemoration of occasion, achievement
- Solemnize - sanctify
- Solemnized - sanctify
- Solemnizes - sanctify
- Solemnizing - sanctify
- Solemnly - sedately
- Solemnness - gravity
- Solemnnesses - gravity
- Soleness - wholeness
- Solenesses - wholeness
- Soler - alone, singular
- Solers - maker of shoes
- Soles - foundation
- Solicit - plead for; try to sell
- Solicitant - person desiring political office, job
- Solicitants - person desiring political office, job
- Solicitation - proposal; asking
- Solicitations - proposal; asking
- Solicited - sought
- Soliciting - solicitation
- Solicitings - solicitation
- Solicitor - attorney
- Solicitors - attorney
- solicitous - full of anxiety and concern
- Solicitously - with compassion
- Solicitousness - compassion, generosity
- Solicits - plead for; try to sell
- solicitude - a feeling of excessive concern
- Solicitudes - worry, anxiety
- Solid - hard, dimensional
- Solidarities - unity
- Solidarity - unity
- Solidification - hardening
- Solidifications - hardening
- Solidified - harden
- Solidifies - harden
- Solidify - harden
- Solidifying - harden
- Solidities - thickness
- Solidity - thickness
- Solidly - powerfully
- Solidness - resistance of some degree
- Solidnesses - resistance of some degree
- Solids - clump, mass
- Soliloquies - apostrophe
- Soliloquist - one who makes a profession of reading aloud
- Soliloquists - one who makes a profession of reading aloud
- Soliloquize - read out loud; narrate
- Soliloquized - read out loud; narrate
- Soliloquizes - read out loud; narrate
- Soliloquizing - reading to audience
- Soliloquy - apostrophe
- solipsism - (philosophy) the philosophical theory that the self is all that you know to exist
- Solipsisms - theory that only the self exists
- Solitaire - precious stones, metals worn as decoration
- Solitaires - precious stones, metals worn as decoration
- Solitarian - person who chose to live alone
- Solitarians - person who chose to live alone
- Solitaries - person who retreats mentally
- Solitarily - alone
- Solitariness - aloneness
- Solitarinesses - aloneness
- Solitary - alone, single; unsociable
- Solitude - aloneness
- Solitudes - aloneness
- Solo - alone
- Soloed - carry a tune with one's voice
- Soloing - carry a tune with one's voice
- Soloist - person who performs music
- Soloists - person who performs music
- Solon - person who is authority
- Solons - person who is authority
- Solos - carry a tune with one's voice
- Sols - brightest star
- Solstice - altitude, top part
- Solstices - altitude, top part
- Soluble - capable of disintegration
- Solute -
- Solution - answer, resolution
- Solutions - answer, resolution
- Solvable - soluble
- Solve - answer, resolve
- Solved - answer, resolve
- Solvencies - financial competence
- Solvency - financial competence
- Solvent - financially sound
- Solvents - drink; alcoholic beverage
- Solves - answer, resolve
- Solving - answer, resolve
- Soma - body, core
- Soman -
- Somas - body, core
- Somata - body, core
- Somatic - bodily
- Somatologies - study of evolution
- Somatology - study of evolution
- Somber - sad, depressing
- Somberly - gravely
- Sombre - dull, lifeless
- Sombrer - dull, lifeless
- Sombrero - covering for the head
- Sombreros - covering for the head
- Sombrest - dull, lifeless
- Some - few
- Somebodies - person of fame, importance
- Somebody - person of fame, importance
- Someday - eventually
- Somehow - by some means
- Someone - dignitary
- Someones - dignitary
- Someplace - in, or at some place
- Somersault - acrobatics
- Somersaulted - leap, spring
- Somersaulting - leap, spring
- Somersaults - acrobatics
- Something - entity
- Somethings - entity
- Sometime - at an indefinite time
- Sometime or other -
- Sometimes - every now and then
- Somewhat - to some extent
- Somewhats - to some extent
- Somewhen - at an unspecified future time
- Somewhere - in, or at some place
- Somewheres - in, or at some place
- sommelier - a waiter who manages wine service in a hotel or restaurant
- Somnambulance - walking during sleep
- Somnambulances - walking during sleep
- Somnambulation - walking during sleep
- Somnambulations - walking during sleep
- Somnambulism - walking during sleep
- Somnambulisms - walking during sleep
- somnambulist - someone who walks about in their sleep
- Somnial -
- Somnifacient - sleepy
- Somnifacients - sleepy
- Somniferous - sleepy
- Somnific - sleepy
- Somnolence - inactivity
- Somnolences - inactivity
- somnolent - inclined to or marked by drowsiness
- Son - male child
- Sonance - sound that is loud or not harmonious
- Sonances - sound that is loud or not harmonious
- Sonancies - something heard or audible
- Sonancy - something heard or audible
- Sonant - vocal
- Sonants - sound unit of speech
- Sonar - radio detecting and ranging
- Sonars - radio detecting and ranging
- Sonatas -
- Sones -
- Song - melody sung or played with musical instrument
- Song dynasty -
- Songbird - singing bird
- Songbirds - singing bird
- Songbook - printed music
- Songbooks - printed music
- Songful - musical
- Songlike - musical
- Songs - melody sung or played with musical instrument
- Songsmith - songwriter
- Songsmiths - songwriter
- Songster - vocalist
- Songsters - vocalist
- Songstress - vocalist
- Songstresses - vocalist
- Songwriter - songwriter
- Songwriters - songwriter
- Sonic - affecting animate nerve organs
- Sonnet - poem
- Sonnets - poem
- Sonnies - young man
- Sonny - young man
- Sonorant - vibrant in sound
- Sonorities - something heard or audible
- Sonority - something heard or audible
- sonorous - full and loud and deep
- Sonorously - without any doubt
- Sonorousness - something heard or audible
- Sonorousnesses - something heard or audible
- Sons - male child
- Sonsie - shapely
- Sonsier - shapely
- Sonsiest - shapely
- Sonsy - shapely
- Soon - in the near future
- Sooner - in the near future
- Soonest - in the near future
- Soot - carbon
- Soothe - calm, ease
- Soothed - calm, ease
- Soother - mitigator
- Soothers - mitigator
- Soothes - calm, ease
- Soothing - comforting
- Soothingly - gently
- Soothingness - mental freedom
- Soothingnesses - mental freedom
- Soothings - soporific
- Soothsaid - predict; be an omen of
- Soothsay - predict; be an omen of
- Soothsayer - seer
- Soothsayers - seer
- Soothsaying - prophecy
- Soothsayings - prophecy
- Soothsays - predict; be an omen of
- Sootier - dirty
- Sootiest - dirty
- Soots - carbon
- Sooty - dirty
- Sop - drench
- Sophism - fallacy
- Sophisms - fallacy
- Sophist - deep thinker
- Sophistic - fallacious
- Sophistical - deceptive, confusing
- Sophisticate - adulterate
- Sophisticated - cosmopolitan, cultured
- Sophisticates - adulterate
- Sophisticating - adulterate
- Sophistication - culture, style
- Sophistications - culture, style
- Sophistries - sophism
- sophistry - a deliberately invalid argument displaying ingenuity in reasoning in the hope of deceiving someone
- Sophists - deep thinker
- Sophomore - immature
- Sophomores - person who is learning something
- Sophomoric - inexperienced
- Sopor - daze, unconsciousness
- Soporiferous - dulling, painkilling
- soporific - inducing mental lethargy
- Soporifics - powerful drug inducing anesthesia or sleep
- Soporose - unconscious
- Sopors - daze, unconsciousness
- Sopped - drench
- Soppier - wet
- Soppiest - wet
- Sopping - wet
- Soppy - wet
- Sopranist -
- Soprano - person with high singing voice
- Sopranos - person with high singing voice
- Sops - drench
- Sorbet - frozen dessert
- Sorbets - frozen dessert
- Sorcerer - wizard
- Sorcerers - wizard
- Sorceress - enchantress
- Sorceresses - enchantress
- Sorceries - black magic, witchcraft
- Sorcerous - bewitching, charming
- Sorcery - black magic, witchcraft
- sordid - unethical or dishonest
- Sordidness - trouble, disaster
- Sordidnesses - trouble, disaster
- Sordine - muter of noise
- Sordines - muter of noise
- Sordini - muter of noise
- Sordino - muter of noise
- Sore - hurt physically
- Sored - blight, corrupt
- Sorehead - grouch
- Soreheads - grouch
- Sorely - extremely
- Soreness - pain
- Sorenesses - pain
- Sorer - hurt physically
- Sores - redness, swelling
- Sorest - hurt physically
- Sorghum - sweet liquid
- Sorghums - sweet liquid
- Soring - blight, corrupt
- Sororities - sisterhood
- Sorority - sisterhood
- Sorrel - dark, burnished color
- Sorrier - remorseful, regretful
- Sorriest - remorseful, regretful
- Sorriness - feeling bad for past action
- Sorrinesses - feeling bad for past action
- Sorrow - extreme upset, grief
- Sorrowed - extreme upset, grief
- Sorrower - lamenter
- Sorrowers - lamenter
- Sorrowful - very upset; grieving
- Sorrowfully - regretfully
- Sorrowfulness - unhappiness, depression
- Sorrowfulnesses - unhappiness, depression
- Sorrowing - extreme upset, grief
- Sorrowings - sadness, time of sadness
- Sorrows - extreme upset, grief
- Sorry - remorseful, regretful
- Sort - type, variety
- Sorted - place in order
- Sortie - armed attack
- Sorties - armed attack
- Sortilege - sorcery
- Sortileges - sorcery
- Sorting - place in order
- Sortings - classification
- Sorts - type, variety
- Sos - indication; authorization
- Soss - indication; authorization
- Sot - drunkard
- Sots - drunkard
- Sottish - drunken
- Sotto -
- Soubrette - attendant to woman of royal household
- Soubrettes - attendant to woman of royal household
- Sough - murmur
- Soughed - murmur
- Soughing - murmur
- Soughs - murmur
- Sought - wanted
- Souk - place, venue for selling goods
- Souks - place, venue for selling goods
- Soul - psyche, inspiration, energy
- Soulful - emotional
- Soulless - hard
- Souls - psyche, inspiration, energy
- Sound - complete, healthy
- Sounded - produce noise
- Sounder - complete, healthy
- Soundest - complete, healthy
- Sounding - produce noise
- Soundings - thorough check
- Soundless - inaudible
- Soundlessly - silently
- Soundlessness - silence
- Soundlessnesses - silence
- Soundly - happily, pleasantly; capably
- Soundness - healthiness
- Soundnesses - healthiness
- Soundproof - silent
- Sounds - something heard or audible
- Soup - mixture
- Soupcon - small amount
- Soupcons - small amount
- Soupier - sentimental
- Soupiest - sentimental
- Soups - mixture
- Soupy - sentimental
- Sour - bad-tasting; gone bad
- Source - beginning; point of supply
- Source program -
- Sourcebook - dictionary of synonyms and antonyms
- Sourcebooks - dictionary of synonyms and antonyms
- Sourced - derived from a manufacturer or supplier
- Sources - beginning; point of supply
- Sourcrout -
- Sourdine - muter of noise
- Sourdines - muter of noise
- Sourdough - flat, round breakfast cake
- Sourdoughs - flat, round breakfast cake
- Soured - alienate
- Sourer - bad-tasting; gone bad
- Sourest - bad-tasting; gone bad
- Souring - alienate
- Sourings - effervescence
- Sourish - bad-tasting; gone bad
- Sourly - acidulously
- Sourness - harshness; bad temper
- Sournesses - harshness; bad temper
- Sourpuss - grouch
- Sourpusses - grouch
- Sours - bad-tasting; gone bad
- Souse - make very wet
- Soused - drunk
- Souses - make very wet
- Sousing - make very wet
- South - on west side when facing north
- Southerly - in the south
- Southern - in the south
- Southern cypress -
- Southpaw - using left hand or awkward
- Souvenir - keepsake from event
- Souvenirs - keepsake from event
- Sovereign - dominant, effective
- Sovereigns - dominant, effective
- Sovereignties - domination
- Sovereignty - domination
- Soviet - federal assembly
- Soviets - federal assembly
- Sow - plant
- Sowbellies - flitch
- Sowbelly - flitch
- Sowed - scattered
- Sower - person who produces crops, raises animals
- Sowers - person who produces crops, raises animals
- Sowing - plant
- Sown - plant
- Sows - plant
- Sox - hit hard
- Soyer -
- Spa - resort
- Space - room, scope
- Space biology -
- Spacecraft - spaceship
- Spacecrafts - spaceship
- Spaced - divided
- Spaceport - space shuttle
- Spaceports - space shuttle
- Spacers -
- Spaces - room, scope
- Spaceship - projectile
- Spaceships - projectile
- Spacetime - time in relativity theory
- Spacetimes - time in relativity theory
- Spacey - eccentric
- Spacier - eccentric
- Spaciest - eccentric
- Spacing - structure, arrangement
- Spacings - structure, arrangement
- Spacious - extensive, expansive
- Spaciousness - extent of object, distance, time
- Spaciousnesses - extent of object, distance, time
- Spacy - eccentric
- Spade - tool
- Spaded - dig up; shovel
- Spades - tool
- Spading - dig up; shovel
- Spadroon - weapon
- Spadroons - weapon
- Spaghetti - stomach
- Spaghettis - pasta
- Spake - talk
- Spam - unsolicited call
- Spams - unsolicited call
- Span - distance, duration
- Spangle - shimmer
- Spangled - shimmer
- Spangles - shimmer
- Spangling - shimmer
- Spank - slap, usually on bottom
- Spanked - slap, usually on bottom
- Spanker -
- Spanking - fresh
- Spankings - beating
- Spanks - slap, usually on bottom
- Spanned - stretch over
- Spanner - adjustable spanner
- Spanners - adjustable spanner
- Spanning - stretch over
- Spans - distance, duration
- Spar - scrap
- Spare - extra, reserve
- Spared - do or manage without
- Spareness - grimness, barrenness
- Sparenesses - grimness, barrenness
- Sparer - extra, reserve
- Spares - extra, reserve
- Sparest - extra, reserve
- Sparing - careful, economical
- Sparingly - gently, effortlessly
- Sparingness - economy
- Sparingnesses - economy
- Spark - flash, trace
- Spark arrester -
- Sparked - start, inspire
- Sparker - device that ignites fuel in engine
- Sparkers - device that ignites fuel in engine
- Sparking - flash, trace
- Sparkle - glitter, shine
- Sparkled - glitter, shine
- Sparkler - precious stone
- Sparklers - precious stone
- Sparkles - glitter, shine
- Sparkling - glinting
- Sparklingly - glitteringly
- Sparkplug - troublemaker
- Sparkplugs - troublemaker
- Sparks - flash, trace
- Sparred - fight
- Sparring - fight
- Sparrings - punching competition
- Spars - scrap
- Sparse - very few and scattered
- Sparsely - gently, effortlessly
- Sparseness - lack, scarcity
- Sparsenesses - lack, scarcity
- Sparser - very few and scattered
- Sparsest - very few and scattered
- Sparsities - lack, scarcity
- Sparsity - lack, scarcity
- Spartan - economical
- Sparth -
- Spas - resort
- Spasm - twitch, fit
- Spasmodic - twitching, erratic
- Spasmodically - intermittently
- Spasms - twitch, fit
- Spastic - crippled
- Spastics - nervous person
- Spat - dispute, quarrel
- Spate - series
- Spates - series
- Spathe - case
- Spathes - case
- Spatial - relating to space
- Spats - dispute, quarrel
- Spatted - disagree
- Spatter - splash, sprinkle
- Spattered - splash, sprinkle
- Spattering - splash, sprinkle
- Spatters - splash, sprinkle
- Spatting - disagree
- spavined - (of horses) afflicted with a swelling of the hock-joint
- Spawn - produce
- Spawned - produce
- Spawning - reproduction
- Spawnings - reproduction
- Spawns - produce
- Spay - sterilize
- Spayed - sterilize
- Spaying - sterilize
- Spays - sterilize
- Spaz - nervous person
- Spazzes - nervous person
- Speak - talk
- Speak ill of -
- Speakeasies - place for evening entertainment
- Speakeasy - place for evening entertainment
- Speaker - talker
- Speaker unit -
- Speakers - talker
- Speaking - talking
- Speakings - clear, coherent speech
- Speaks - talk
- Spear - lance
- Spearcarrier - supporting actor or actress
- Spearcarriers - supporting actor or actress
- Speared - pierce; get through physically
- Spearhead - lead, start
- Spearheaded - lead, start
- Spearheading - lead, start
- Spearheads - lead, start
- Spearing - pierce; get through physically
- Spears - lance
- Spec - something given, lent for a return
- Specced - gamble, risk
- Speccing - gamble, risk
- Special - distinguished, distinctive; important in own way
- Specialist - person who is an expert in a field
- Specialists - person who is an expert in a field
- Specialities - detail
- Speciality - detail
- Specialization - person's calling, interest
- Specializations - person's calling, interest
- Specialize - concentrate on specific area
- Specialized - specific
- Specializes - concentrate on specific area
- Specializing - concentrate on specific area
- Specially - particularly
- Specialness - distinction, outstandingness
- Specialnesses - distinction, outstandingness
- Specials - food, often taken by several individuals
- Specialties - distinctive feature; concentration
- Specialty - distinctive feature; concentration
- Speciation - adaptive evolution
- Speciations - adaptive evolution
- Specie - currency accepted as exchange for goods, services
- Species - class, variety
- Specific - particular, distinguishing
- Specifically - expressly, particularly
- Specificate - designate; decide definitely
- Specificated - designate; decide definitely
- Specificates - designate; decide definitely
- Specificating - designate; decide definitely
- Specification - requirement, qualification
- Specifications - requirement, qualification
- Specificities - state of being precise or particular
- Specificity - state of being precise or particular
- Specificize -
- Specifics - part, article
- Specified - particularized
- Specifies - designate; decide definitely
- Specify - designate; decide definitely
- Specifying - designate; decide definitely
- Specimen - example, sample
- Specimens - example, sample
- specious - plausible but false
- Speciously - apparently
- Speciousness - fallacy
- Speciousnesses - fallacy
- Speck - tiny bit
- Specked - splash, sprinkle
- Specking - splash, sprinkle
- Speckle - dot
- Speckled - dotted
- Speckles - dot
- Speckless - not dirty; uncluttered
- Speckling - dot
- Specks - tiny bit
- Specollum -
- Specs - something given, lent for a return
- Spectacle - something showy; exhibition
- Spectacles - eyeglasses
- Spectacular - wonderful, impressive
- Spectacularity - grandeur
- Spectacularly - particularly
- Spectaculars - something showy; exhibition
- Spectator - person who watches event
- Spectators - person who watches event
- Specter - ghost
- Specters - ghost
- Spectra - color spectrum
- Spectral - ghostly
- Spectroscopic -
- Spectrum - color spectrum; colored band produced when a beam of light passes through a prism
- Spectrums - color spectrum
- Specula - glass that reflects image
- Speculate - think about deeply and theorize
- Speculated - think about deeply and theorize
- Speculates - think about deeply and theorize
- Speculating - think about deeply and theorize
- Speculation - theory, guess
- Speculations - theory, guess
- Speculative - theoretical
- Speculator - theorist
- Speculators - theorist
- Speculum - glass that reflects image
- Speculums - glass that reflects image
- Sped - move along quickly
- Speech - talk
- Speech sermon -
- Speechcraft - articulation
- Speechcrafts - articulation
- Speeches - talk
- Speechification - delivering an address
- Speechified - talk forcefully
- Speechifier - speaker
- Speechifiers - speaker
- Speechifies - talk forcefully
- Speechify - talk forcefully
- Speechifying - public speaking
- Speechifyings - public speaking
- Speechless - without ability to talk
- Speechlessly - without noise
- Speechlessness - silence
- Speechmaker - speaker
- Speechmakers - speaker
- Speechmaking - public speaking
- Speechmakings - public speaking
- Speed - rate of motion, often a high rate
- Speedball - very fast
- Speedballs - illegal drug
- Speedboat - boat used for racing
- Speedboats - boat used for racing
- Speeded - rate of motion, often a high rate
- Speeder - very fast
- Speedier - fast, quick
- Speediest - fast, quick
- Speedily - rapidly
- Speediness - haste
- Speedinesses - haste
- Speeding - move along quickly
- Speeds - rate of motion, often a high rate
- Speedster - dragster
- Speedsters - dragster
- Speedup -
- Speedway - racetrack
- Speedways - racetrack
- Speedy - fast, quick
- Spell - interval, period
- Spellbind - charm
- Spellbinder - person who performs supernatural
- Spellbinders - person who performs supernatural
- Spellbinding - charm
- Spellbinds - charm
- Spellbound - enchanted, fascinated
- Spelldown - spelling competition
- Spelldowns - spelling competition
- Spelled - interval, period
- Speller - published document
- Spellers - published document
- Spelling - orthography
- Spellings - orthography
- Spells - interval, period
- Spelt - mean, imply
- Spelts - grain
- Spend - give, pay out
- Spender - person who spends a lot
- Spenders - person who spends a lot
- Spending - give, pay out
- Spendings - expenses
- Spends - give, pay out
- Spendthrift - person careless with money
- Spendthrifts - person careless with money
- Spent - used up, gone; tired out
- Sperm - beginning, source
- Sperm oil -
- Spermatogenesis -
- Spermic -
- Sperms - beginning, source
- Spew - spit out
- Spewed - spit out
- Spewing - spit out
- Spews - spit out
- Sphere - globular object
- Spheres - globular object
- Spheric - round
- Spherical - round
- Sphericities - fullness
- Sphericity - fullness
- Spheroid - ball-shaped; semicircular area
- Spheroidal - round
- Spheroids - globe, sphere
- Spherule - droplet, blob
- Spherules - droplet, blob
- Sphinges - puzzle, secret
- Sphinx - puzzle, secret
- Sphinxes - puzzle, secret
- Sphinxlike - hidden, mysterious; blank
- Sphyraenoid -
- Spia -
- Spicate - having a spike
- Spice - flavor, zest
- Spiced - flavor food
- Spices - flavor, zest
- Spicier - pungent, flavorful
- Spiciest - pungent, flavorful
- Spiciness - biting taste or odor
- Spicinesses - biting taste or odor
- Spicing - flavor food
- Spicula - tingling
- Spiculum - tingling
- Spicy - pungent, flavorful
- Spider - bug
- Spiders - bug
- Spied - secretly follow, watch another's actions
- Spiel - patter, sales pitch
- Spieled - give a lesson, speech
- Spieler - lawyer
- Spielers - lawyer
- Spieling - give a lesson, speech
- Spiels - patter, sales pitch
- Spies - person who secretly finds out about another's business
- Spiff - well-groomed, neat
- Spiffed - beautify and dress nicely
- Spiffier - stylish
- Spiffiest - stylish
- Spiffing - beautify and dress nicely
- Spiffs - bonus, prize
- Spiffy - stylish
- Spigot - faucet
- Spigots - faucet
- Spike - pierce
- Spiked - having a spike
- Spikes - pierce
- Spikier - wanting to quarrel
- Spikiest - wanting to quarrel
- Spiking - pierce
- Spiky - wanting to quarrel
- Spile - faucet
- Spiles - faucet
- Spill - slop, drop
- Spilled - shed
- Spilling - slop, drop
- Spillings - divulgence of information
- Spillover - flood, inundation
- Spillovers - flood, inundation
- Spills - slop, drop
- Spillway - overflow
- Spillways - overflow
- Spilt - slop, drop
- Spin - circular motion
- Spinach - emerald in color
- Spinaches - undetailed lie
- Spinal - sleep-inducer
- Spinals - sleep-inducer
- Spindle - shaft
- Spindles - shaft
- Spindlier - thin
- Spindliest - thin
- Spindling - gangling
- Spindly - thin
- Spindrift - fine mist
- Spindrifts - fine mist
- Spine - backbone
- Spineless - cowardly
- Spinelessness - cowardice
- Spinelessnesses - cowardice
- Spinelli -
- Spines - backbone
- Spinet - musical instrument
- Spinets - musical instrument
- Spinier - pointed
- Spiniest - pointed
- Spinmeister - someone who gives favorable press
- Spinmeisters - someone who gives favorable press
- Spinner - gyrator
- Spinneret -
- Spinners - gyrator
- Spinney - scrappy bushes
- Spinneys - scrappy bushes
- Spinnies - plant
- Spinning - go around, make go around
- Spinny - plant
- Spinoff - derivative
- Spinoffs - derivative
- Spinous - sharp, pointed
- Spins - circular motion
- Spinster - unmarried woman
- Spinsters - unmarried woman
- Spinthariscope -
- Spiny - pointed
- Spiraea -
- Spiral - curling, winding
- Spiraled - made into a roll
- Spiraling - bending, turning
- Spiralled - looping, forming ringlets
- Spiralling - revolve, turn; proceed smoothly
- Spirals - curling, winding
- Spirant - sound unit of speech
- Spirants - sound unit of speech
- Spire - tower
- Spired - curl around, entwine
- Spires - tower
- Spiring - high, elevated
- Spirit - soul, attitude
- Spirited - lively, vivacious
- Spiritedly - anxiously
- Spiritedness - cheerfulness
- Spiritednesses - cheerfulness
- Spiriting - stimulating
- Spiritless - depressed
- Spiritlessly - without hope
- Spiritlessness - boredom
- Spirits - morale
- Spiritual - religious, otherworldly
- Spiritualism - ability to know another's thoughts
- Spiritualisms - ability to know another's thoughts
- Spiritualist - predicter
- Spiritualistic - bewitching, charming
- Spiritualists - predicter
- Spiritualities - immateriality
- Spirituality - immateriality
- Spiritualize - make cultured; develop
- Spiritualized - make cultured; develop
- Spiritualizes - make cultured; develop
- Spiritualizing - make cultured; develop
- Spiritually - devoutly
- Spirituals -
- Spiritualties - piety
- Spiritualty - piety
- Spirituous - hard
- Spit - saliva
- Spitball - suggest, present for action
- Spitballed - suggest, present for action
- Spitballing - suggest, present for action
- Spitballs - suggest, present for action
- Spite - hateful feeling
- Spited - hateful feeling
- Spiteful - hurtful, nasty
- Spitefully - cruelly
- Spitefulness - malevolence
- Spitefulnesses - malevolence
- Spites - hateful feeling
- Spitfire - mean lady
- Spitfires - mean lady
- Spiting - hateful feeling
- Spits - saliva
- Spitted - saliva
- Spitters -
- Spitting - eject saliva or substance
- Spittle - spit
- Spittles - spit
- Splash - spattering, impact
- Splashboard - piece protecting part of a vehicle
- Splashboards - piece protecting part of a vehicle
- Splashdown - collision, accidental hitting
- Splashdowns - collision, accidental hitting
- Splashed - spattering, impact
- Splasher - important
- Splashes - spattering, impact
- Splashier - showy
- Splashiest - showy
- Splashing - spattering, impact
- Splashings - the act of applying paint
- Splashy - showy
- Splatter - splash
- Splattered - splash
- Splattering - splash
- Splatters - splash
- Splay - clumsy, awkward
- Splayed - wide
- Splaying - angle off, slope
- Splays - angle off, slope
- Spleen - hate
- Spleenful - hurtful, nasty
- Spleens - hate
- Splendent - glowing
- Splendid - luxurious, expensive
- Splendidly - brilliantly
- Splendiferous - bright, radiant
- Splendor - radiance, glory
- Splendorous - glorious
- Splendors - radiance, glory
- Splendrous - luxurious, expensive
- Splenetic - crabby, temperamental
- Splice - join, interweave
- Spliced - tied together
- Splices - join, interweave
- Splicing - join, interweave
- Splint - support
- Splinter - thin piece of solid
- Splintered - break into thin, small pieces
- Splintering - break into thin, small pieces
- Splinters - thin piece of solid
- Splintery - knifelike, cutting
- Splints - support
- Split - opening
- Splits - opening
- Splitting - break up, pull apart
- Splittings - divider, division
- Splotch - smudge
- Splotched - blemish, stain
- Splotches - smudge
- Splotching - blemish, stain
- Splurge - spend lavishly
- Splurged - spend lavishly
- Splurges - spend lavishly
- Splurgier - showy
- Splurgiest - showy
- Splurging - spend lavishly
- Splurgy - showy
- Splutter - crackle
- Spluttered - crackle
- Spluttering - crackle
- Splutters - crackle
- Spoil - ruin, hurt
- Spoilage - decay
- Spoilages - decay
- Spoiled - damaged
- Spoiler - thief
- Spoilers - thief
- Spoiling - ruin, hurt
- Spoils - possessions stolen or gained
- Spoils of office -
- Spoilsport - pessimistic person
- Spoilsports - pessimistic person
- Spoilt - ruin, hurt
- Spoke - talk
- Spoked - branching
- Spoken - by word of mouth
- Spokes - range, sweep
- Spokesman - communicator
- Spokesmen - communicator
- Spokespeople - person who communicates for another
- Spokesperson - person who communicates for another
- Spokespersons - person who communicates for another
- Spokeswoman - speaker
- Spokeswomen - speaker
- Spoliate - sack
- Spoliated - sack
- Spoliates - sack
- Spoliating - sack
- Spoliation - dirtiness, contamination
- Spoliations - dirtiness, contamination
- Spoliative - criminal
- Sponge - moocher
- Sponged - moocher
- Spongelike - absorbent, penetrable
- Sponger - person who is idle, lazy
- Spongers - person who is idle, lazy
- Sponges - moocher
- Spongier - cushioned, absorbent
- Spongiest - cushioned, absorbent
- Spongiform -
- Sponging - mooch
- Spongiopilin -
- Spongy - cushioned, absorbent
- Sponsor - person who helps, promotes
- Sponsored - help, promote
- Sponsoring - help, promote
- Sponsors - person who helps, promotes
- Sponsorship - protection
- Sponsorships - protection
- Spontaneities - inspiration
- Spontaneity - inspiration
- Spontaneous - impulsive, willing
- Spontaneously - instinctively
- Spontoon - baton for hitting
- Spontoons - baton for hitting
- Spoof - trick, mockery
- Spoofed - joke
- Spoofing - mocking
- Spoofings - joking, tricks
- Spoofs - trick, mockery
- Spook - frighten, scare
- Spooked - frighten, scare
- Spookier - frightening
- Spookiest - frightening
- Spooking - frighten, scare
- Spookish - eerie; deathlike
- Spooks - frighten, scare
- Spooky - frightening
- Spool - reel
- Spools - reel
- Spoon - neck
- Spoonbill -
- Spoondrift - fast-flowing water
- Spoondrifts - fast-flowing water
- Spooned - neck
- spoonerism - transposition of initial consonants in a pair of words
- Spoonerisms - misspeaking
- Spoonfed - pamper
- Spoonful - tiny sample
- Spoonfuls - tiny sample
- Spoonier - provocative, teasing
- Spooniest - provocative, teasing
- Spooning - neck
- Spoons - neck
- Spoonwood -
- Spoony - provocative, teasing
- Spoor - trail
- Spoored - seek, follow
- Spooring - seek, follow
- Spoors - trail
- Sporadic - occurring irregularly ; on and off
- Sporadically - infrequently
- Spore - beginning, source
- Spores - beginning, source
- Sporogenous - coming from heredity
- Sporotrichosis -
- Sporozoan - minute organism
- Sporozoans - minute organism
- Sport - recreational activity; entertainment
- Sported - display, wear
- Sporter - knowledgeable, knowing
- Sportier - casual; flashy
- Sportiest - casual; flashy
- Sporting - playful
- Sportive - lively
- Sportively - cheerily
- Sportiveness - playfulness
- Sportivenesses - playfulness
- Sports - recreational activity; entertainment
- Sportscaster - reporter
- Sportscasters - reporter
- Sportsman - a person who hunts
- Sportsmanlike - sportsmanly
- Sportsmanly - sportsmanlike
- Sportsmanship - integrity
- Sportsmanships - integrity
- Sportsmen - a person who hunts
- Sportspeople - athlete
- Sportsperson - athlete
- Sportspersons - athlete
- Sportswear - casual clothes
- Sportswears - casual clothes
- Sportule -
- Sporty - casual; flashy
- Spot - mark, stain
- Spotless - very clean; innocent
- Spotlessness - celibacy, chastity
- Spotlessnesses - celibacy, chastity
- Spotlight - attention; bright beam of light
- Spotlighted - attention; bright beam of light
- Spotlighting - attention; bright beam of light
- Spotlights - attention; bright beam of light
- Spotlit - attention; bright beam of light
- Spots - mark, stain
- Spotted - speckled
- Spotted sandpiper -
- Spottedness -
- Spotter - guard; place from which to guard
- Spotters - guard; place from which to guard
- Spottier - blotchy, irregular
- Spottiest - blotchy, irregular
- Spottily - irregularly
- Spotting - mark, stain
- Spottings - location
- Spotty - blotchy, irregular
- Spousage -
- Spousal - marital
- Spousals - marital
- Spouse - one of a married couple
- Spouseless - single
- Spouses - one of a married couple
- Spout - spurt, emit
- Spouted - spurt, emit
- Spouting - spurt, emit
- Spoutings - ranting
- Spouts - spurt, emit
- Sprain - twist
- Sprained - twisted
- Spraining - drawing something with force
- Sprains - twist
- Sprang - jump, skip
- Sprangle - wander about; travel aimlessly
- Sprangled - wander about; travel aimlessly
- Sprangles - wander about; travel aimlessly
- Sprangling - wander about; travel aimlessly
- Sprawl - sit or lie spread out
- Sprawled - sit or lie spread out
- Sprawling - sit or lie spread out
- Sprawls - sit or lie spread out
- Spray - fine mist
- Sprayed - sprinkle, diffuse
- Sprayer - fine mist
- Sprayers - fine mist
- Spraying - fine mist
- Sprayings - watering
- Sprays - fine mist
- Spread - expansion, development; extent
- Spreadeagled - sprawl
- Spreading - extended
- Spreadings - expansion, development; extent
- Spreads - expansion, development; extent
- Spreadsheet - computer program
- Spreadsheets - computer program
- Spree - wild activity
- Spreed - sound
- Spreeing - sound
- Sprees - wild activity
- Sprier - active, vivacious
- Spriest - active, vivacious
- Sprig - shoot
- Spright - physically or mentally nimble, deft
- Sprightlier - fun, vivacious
- Sprightliest - fun, vivacious
- Sprightliness - energy
- Sprightlinesses - energy
- sprightly - full of spirit and vitality
- Sprigs - shoot
- Spring - jump, skip
- Springald -
- Springboard - starting point
- Springboards - starting point
- Springer - springlike
- Springier - elastic
- Springiest - elastic
- Springiness - flexibility
- Springinesses - flexibility
- Springing - jump, skip
- Springings - emergence, discharge
- Springlet -
- Springs - jump, skip
- Springtide - young adulthood
- Springtides - young adulthood
- Springtime - best part of existence
- Springtimes - best part of existence
- Springy - elastic
- Sprinkle - scatter, disseminate
- Sprinkled - scatter, disseminate
- Sprinkler - fine mist
- Sprinklers - fine mist
- Sprinkles - scatter, disseminate
- Sprinkling - hint, dash
- Sprinklings - hint, dash
- Sprint - run very fast
- Sprinted - run very fast
- Sprinter - competitor in a race
- Sprinters - competitor in a race
- Sprinting - run very fast
- Sprintings - competition
- Sprints - run very fast
- Sprite - fairy
- Sprites - fairy
- Spritz - rush, gush of substance
- Spritzed - spurt, gush
- Spritzer - drink of two or more ingredients
- Spritzers - drink of two or more ingredients
- Spritzes - rush, gush of substance
- Spritzing - spurt, gush
- Sprocket - toothed part of wheel
- Sprockets - toothed part of wheel
- Sprout - develop
- Sprouted - develop
- Sprouting - develop
- Sproutings - blooming
- Sprouts - develop
- Spruce - stylish, neat
- Spruced - put in an order
- Sprucely - tidily
- Spruceness - cleanness
- Sprucenesses - cleanness
- Sprucer - stylish, neat
- Spruces - put in an order
- Sprucest - stylish, neat
- Sprucing - put in an order
- Sprung - jump, skip
- Spry - active, vivacious
- Spryer - active, vivacious
- Spryest - active, vivacious
- Spryness - physical or mental nimbleness, deftness
- Sprynesses - physical or mental nimbleness, deftness
- Spud - tuber
- Spuds - tuber
- Spumante - sparkling
- Spumantes - effervescent wine
- Spume - froth
- Spumed - foam, froth up, especially with sound
- Spumes - froth
- Spumescent - foamy
- Spumier - foamy
- Spumiest - foamy
- Spuming - foam, froth up, especially with sound
- Spumous - foamy
- Spumy - foamy
- Spun - go around, make go around
- Spunk - courage, nerve
- Spunkier - spirited
- Spunkiest - spirited
- Spunkiness - courage
- Spunkinesses - courage
- Spunks - courage, nerve
- Spunky - spirited
- Spur - incitement, stimulus
- Spurious - counterfeit, fake
- Spuriousness - fallacy
- Spuriousnesses - fallacy
- Spurn - turn away; ignore
- Spurned - turn away; ignore
- Spurning - turn away; ignore
- Spurnings - abandonment, rejection
- Spurns - turn away; ignore
- Spurred - incite, prompt
- Spurring - incite, prompt
- Spurrings - increasing speed, timing
- Spurs - incitement, stimulus
- Spurt - burst of activity
- Spurted - erupt
- Spurting - burst of activity
- Spurts - burst of activity
- Sputa - spit
- Sputnik - subsidiary
- Sputniks - subsidiary
- Sputter - stumble
- Sputtered - stumble
- Sputtering - falter
- Sputterings - stammer
- Sputters - stumble
- Sputum - spit
- Spy - person who secretly finds out about another's business
- Spying - watching
- Spyings - watching
- Squab - pillow, pad
- squabble - a quarrel about petty points
- Squabbled - argue
- Squabbles - argument
- Squabbling - argue
- Squabblings - struggle, battle
- Squabs - pillow, pad
- Squad - team, crew
- Squadron - military unit
- Squadrons - military unit
- Squads - team, crew
- Squalid - poor, run-down
- Squall - blast
- Squalled - long, loud animate sound
- Squallier - stormy; not quiet
- Squalliest - stormy; not quiet
- Squalling - long, loud animate sound
- Squalls - blast
- Squally - stormy; not quiet
- Squalor - filth, poverty
- Squalors - filth, poverty
- Squam -
- Squander - fritter away, use up
- Squandered - fritter away, use up
- Squanderer - person who spends a lot
- Squanderers - person who spends a lot
- Squandering - fritter away, use up
- Squanderings - misfortune, deficit; something misplaced or lost
- Squanders - fritter away, use up
- Square - honest, genuine
- Square yard -
- Squared - correspond, agree
- Squarely - honestly
- Squarer - honest, genuine
- Squares - honest, genuine
- Squarest - honest, genuine
- Squaring - honest, genuine
- Squarish - four-sided
- Squash - compress
- Squashed - compress
- Squashes - compress
- Squashier - soft
- Squashiest - soft
- Squashing - compress
- Squashy - soft
- Squat - short and stocky
- Squatness - breadth, wideness of some amount
- Squatnesses - breadth, wideness of some amount
- Squats - short and stocky
- Squatted - lower body by bending knees
- Squatter - colonist
- Squatters - colonist
- Squattest - short and stocky
- Squattier - close to the ground; short
- Squattiest - close to the ground; short
- Squatting - lower body by bending knees
- Squattings - settlement of area
- Squatty - close to the ground; short
- Squaw - woman
- Squawk - make high-pitched, animal-like sound
- Squawked - make high-pitched, animal-like sound
- Squawkier - harsh
- Squawkiest - harsh
- Squawking - make high-pitched, animal-like sound
- Squawks - make high-pitched, animal-like sound
- Squawky - harsh
- Squaws - woman
- Squeak - make sharp, high-pitched sound
- Squeaked - make sharp, high-pitched sound
- Squeaker - near hit
- Squeakers - near hit
- Squeakier - having high-pitched sound
- Squeakiest - having high-pitched sound
- Squeaking - make sharp, high-pitched sound
- Squeaks - make sharp, high-pitched sound
- Squeaky - having high-pitched sound
- Squeal - yell in a loud and high-pitched manner
- Squealed - yell in a loud and high-pitched manner
- Squealer - informant
- Squealers - informant
- Squealing - yell in a loud and high-pitched manner
- Squealings - divulgence of information
- Squeals - yell in a loud and high-pitched manner
- Squeamish - nauseated; finicky
- Squeamishly - carefully
- Squeamishness - sickness in stomach; revulsion
- Squeamishnesses - sickness in stomach; revulsion
- Squeegee - tangle of material, often used to
- Squeegeed - clean by using water and cloth
- Squeegeeing - clean by using water and cloth
- Squeegees - tangle of material, often used to
- Squeeze - pressure, crushing
- Squeezed - exert pressure on sides, parts of something
- Squeezes - pressure, crushing
- Squeezing - exert pressure on sides, parts of something
- Squeezings - physical force, weight
- Squelch - suppress, restrain
- Squelched - suppress, restrain
- Squelches - suppress, restrain
- Squelching - suppress, restrain
- Squib - parody, satire
- Squibbed - ridicule, make fun of
- Squibbing - ridicule, make fun of
- Squibs - parody, satire
- Squiggle - curl
- Squiggled - curl
- Squiggles - curl
- Squigglier - undulating
- Squiggliest - undulating
- Squiggling - curl
- Squiggly - undulating
- Squinch - flutter, flick
- Squinched - scrunch up eyes when viewing
- Squinches - flutter, flick
- Squinching - scrunch up eyes when viewing
- Squint - scrunch up eyes when viewing
- Squinted - scrunch up eyes when viewing
- Squinter - leaning, falling to one side; larger on one side
- Squintest - leaning, falling to one side; larger on one side
- Squinting - scrunch up eyes when viewing
- Squints - scrunch up eyes when viewing
- Squire - accompany
- Squired - accompany
- Squires - accompany
- Squiring - accompany
- Squirm - wiggle, fidget
- Squirmed - wiggle, fidget
- Squirming - wiggle, fidget
- Squirms - wiggle, fidget
- Squirrel - hoard
- Squirreled - hoard
- Squirreling - hoard
- Squirrelled - hoard
- Squirrelling - hoard
- Squirrelly - very stupid
- Squirrels - hoard
- Squirt - squeeze out liquid
- Squirted - squeeze out liquid
- Squirting - squeeze out liquid
- Squirts - squeeze out liquid
- Squish - squash
- Squished - squash
- Squishes - squash
- Squishier - soft
- Squishiest - soft
- Squishing - squash
- Squishy - soft
- Sse -
- St - secrecy
- Stab - piercing cut
- Stabbed - puncture, pierce with sharp, pointed object
- Stabbing - sharp
- Stabbings - act of entering
- Stabile - constant, fixed; resistant
- Stabilities - resistance of some degree
- Stability - resistance of some degree
- Stabilization - counterweight
- Stabilizations - counterweight
- Stabilize - make or keep in steady state; make resistant to change
- Stabilized - make or keep in steady state; make resistant to change
- Stabilizer - mitigator
- Stabilizers - mitigator
- Stabilizes - make or keep in steady state; make resistant to change
- Stabilizing - make or keep in steady state; make resistant to change
- Stable - constant, fixed; resistant
- Stabled -
- Stableness - stability
- Stablenesses - stability
- Stabler - constant, fixed; resistant
- Stables - place for keeping supply
- Stablest - constant, fixed; resistant
- Stably - immovably
- Stabs - piercing cut
- Staccati - duplication; doing again
- Staccato - duplication; doing again
- Staccatos - duplication; doing again
- Stack - pile
- Stacked - shapely
- Stacker - innumerable
- Stacket -
- Stacking - pile
- Stacks - pile
- Stackup - accident
- Stackups - accident
- Stade - arena for recreation or spectating
- Stades - arena for recreation or spectating
- Stadia - arena for recreation or spectating
- Stadium - arena for recreation or spectating
- Stadiums - arena for recreation or spectating
- Staff - employees of organization
- Staffer - person earning income
- Staffers - person earning income
- Staffs - employees of organization
- Stag - by oneself; only
- Stage - level, period within structure or
- Stagecoach - wagon with a canvas roof
- Stagecoaches - wagon with a canvas roof
- Stagecraft - entertaining, performing
- Stagecrafts - entertaining, performing
- Staged - arrange, produce
- Stages - level, period within structure or
- Stagflation - economic decline
- Stagflations - economic decline
- Stagged - secretly follow, watch another's actions
- Stagger - walk falteringly
- Staggered - walk falteringly
- Staggering - overwhelming
- Staggeringly - very
- Staggers - walk falteringly
- Stagging - secretly follow, watch another's actions
- Stagier - extravagant in speech, behavior
- Stagiest - extravagant in speech, behavior
- Staginess - theatricalism
- Staginesses - theatricalism
- Staging - arrange, produce
- Stagings - stand or stage
- Stagnant - motionless, dirty
- Stagnate - deteriorate by lack of action
- Stagnated - deteriorate by lack of action
- Stagnates - deteriorate by lack of action
- Stagnating - deteriorate by lack of action
- Stagnation - inactivity
- Stagnations - inactivity
- Stags - unmarried man or woman
- Stagy - extravagant in speech, behavior
- staid - characterized by dignity and propriety
- Staider - restrained, set
- Staidest - restrained, set
- Staidly - quietly
- Staidness - gravity
- Staidnesses - gravity
- Stain - spot of dirt, blot, bar
- Stained - dirty, taint
- Staining - spot of dirt, blot, bar
- Stainings - coloration
- Stainless - without a stain
- Stainlessness - blamelessness
- Stainlessnesses - blamelessness
- Stains - spot of dirt, blot, bar
- Stair - one level of stairs
- Staircase - stairway
- Staircases - stairway
- Stairs - stairway
- Stairway - molding
- Stairways - molding
- Stairwell - a set of steps
- Stairwells - a set of steps
- Stake - pole
- Staked - pole
- Stakeholder - one with a vested interest
- Stakeholders - one with a vested interest
- Stakeout - close observation, following
- Stakeouts - close observation, following
- Staker - supporter
- Stakers - supporter
- Stakes - pole
- Staking - pole
- Stale - old, decayed
- Staled - dry, burn
- Stalemate - deadlock
- Stalemates - deadlock
- Staleness - quality of being boring
- Stalenesses - quality of being boring
- Staler - old, decayed
- Stales - becoming older
- Stalest - old, decayed
- Staling - dry, burn
- Stalk - stem of plant
- Stalked - follow, creep up on
- Stalker - a person who hunts
- Stalkers - a person who hunts
- Stalkier - thin, not heavy
- Stalkiest - thin, not heavy
- Stalking - follow, creep up on
- Stalkings - the chase
- Stalks - stem of plant
- Stalky - thin, not heavy
- Stall - delay for own purposes
- Stalled - delay for own purposes
- Stalling - delay for own purposes
- Stallings - slowing or stopping
- Stallion - manlike
- Stallions - equine species
- Stalls - delay for own purposes
- Stalwart - strong, valiant
- Stalwartness - stamina, mental or physical
- Stalwartnesses - stamina, mental or physical
- Stalwarts - person devoted to another or cause
- Stamen - fiber
- Stamens - fiber
- Stamina - strength, vigor
- Staminas - strength, vigor
- Stammer - stutter in speech
- Stammered - stutter in speech
- Stammering - stammer
- Stammerings - stammer
- Stammers - stutter in speech
- Stamp - impression, symbol, seal
- Stamped - marked
- Stampede - rush of animals
- Stampeded - become, make afraid or distressed
- Stampedes - rush of animals
- Stampeding - become, make afraid or distressed
- Stamping - impression, symbol, seal
- Stampings - design made by pressing
- Stamps - impression, symbol, seal
- stan - An extremely excessively enthusiastic and devoted fan (stalker-fan).
- Stance - position, posture
- Stances - position, posture
- stanch - stop the flow of a liquid
- Stanchion - pole
- Stanchions - pole
- Stand - position, opinion
- Stand behind -
- Stand by -
- Stand in need -
- Standard - regular, approved
- Standardization - uniformity
- Standardize - make regular, similar
- Standardized - patterned
- Standardizes - make regular, similar
- Standardizing - normative
- Standards - guideline, principle
- Standby - substitute
- Standbys - substitute
- Standdown - suspension of hostilities
- Standdowns - suspension of hostilities
- Standee - person who watches event
- Standees - person who watches event
- Standing - permanent
- Standings - position, rank
- Standoff - draw, tie
- Standoffish - cold, distant
- Standoffishness - detachment
- Standoffs - draw, tie
- Standout - rare
- Standpat - conservative
- Standpatter - person who is politically conservative
- Standpatters - person who is politically conservative
- Standpoint - belief, position
- Standpoints - belief, position
- Stands - position, opinion
- Standstill - stop
- Standstills - stop
- Standup - at right angles to
- Standups - joker
- Stang - prick, pain
- Stank - smell badly
- Stannic - made of metal
- Stanza - stave
- Stanzas - verse
- Staple - necessary, basic
- Stapled - attach
- Stapler - necessary, basic
- Staples - body of matter; considerable portion
- Stapling - decorative running stitch
- Staplings - decorative running stitch
- Star - famous, illustrious
- Star apple -
- Starch - laundering agent
- Starched - hardened, stiff
- Starchedness -
- Starcher - usual, everyday
- Starches - laundering agent
- Starchier - formal, stiff
- Starchiest - formal, stiff
- Starching - make or become harder
- Starchlike - granular
- Starchy - formal, stiff
- Stardom - fame
- Stardoms - fame
- Stardust - illegal drug
- Stardusts - illegal drug
- Stare - gape, watch
- Stared - gape, watch
- Stares - gape, watch
- Starets - influential person
- Stargaze - make up fantasy
- Stargazed - make up fantasy
- Stargazer - observer of stars
- Stargazers - observer of stars
- Stargazes - make up fantasy
- Stargazing - study of the stars and planets other than earth
- Stargazings - study of the stars and planets other than earth
- Staring - gape, watch
- Stark - utter, absolute
- Starker - utter, absolute
- Starkers - nude
- Starkest - utter, absolute
- Starkness - grimness, barrenness
- Starknesses - grimness, barrenness
- Starless - dark, inky
- Starlet - person who is famous
- Starlets - person who is famous
- Starred - plentifully bestrewn
- Starrier - pertaining to stars
- Starriest - pertaining to stars
- Starring - giving prominence to
- Starry - pertaining to stars
- Stars - person who is famous
- Start - beginning
- Started - begun
- Starter - beginner
- Starters - beginner
- Starting - offset
- Startings - offset
- Startle - frighten, surprise
- Startled - frightened
- Startles - frighten, surprise
- Startling - frightful
- Startlingly - oddly
- Starts - beginning
- Startsy - influential person
- Startup - foundation
- Startups - foundation
- Starvation - hunger
- Starvations - hunger
- Starve - hold back from doing
- Starved - hungry
- Starves - hold back from doing
- Starving - deprived
- Stases - balance
- Stash - hoard
- Stashed - hoard
- Stashes - hoard
- Stashing - hoard
- Stasimon -
- Stasis - balance
- Stat - mechanical image produced from a copier; making the image
- State - condition or mode of being
- State of bahrain -
- Statecraft - art and science of administration of government
- Statecrafts - art and science of administration of government
- Stated - established
- Statehouse - building or buildings housing chief governmental offices
- Statehouses - building or buildings housing chief governmental offices
- Statelier - dignified, impressive
- Stateliest - dignified, impressive
- Stateliness - aristocracy; eminence
- Statelinesses - aristocracy; eminence
- Stately - dignified, impressive
- Statement - declaration, assertion
- Statements - declaration, assertion
- Stater - concerning a country with a
- Stateroom - room for large affairs
- Staterooms - room for large affairs
- States - condition or mode of being
- Statesman - statesperson
- Statesmanlike - devoted
- Statesmanship - affairs between national governments
- Statesmanships - affairs between national governments
- Statesmen - statesperson
- Statesperson - person who loves his or her country
- Statespersons - person who loves his or her country
- Static - motionless, changeless
- Statics - verbal fight
- Stating - declare, assert
- Station - headquarters, base
- Stationary - not moving; fixed
- Stationed - place at a location
- Stationeries - writing materials
- Stationery - writing materials
- Stationing - headquarters, base
- Stations - headquarters, base
- Statistic - unit of the mathematical system
- Statistical - mathematical
- Statistician - number cruncher
- Statisticians - number cruncher
- Statistics - enumeration
- Stats - mechanical image produced from a copier; making the image
- Statuaries - statues
- Statuary - statues
- Statue - trophy or memorial
- Statues - trophy or memorial
- Statuesque - tall and dignifed
- Statuette - imitation, replica
- Statuettes - imitation, replica
- Stature - importance
- Statures - importance
- Status - rank
- Statuses - rank
- Statute - rule, law
- Statutes - rule, law
- Statutory - sanctioned
- Staunch - resolute, dependable
- Staunched - prevent, hold back
- Stauncher - resolute, dependable
- Staunches - prevent, hold back
- Staunchest - resolute, dependable
- Staunching - prevent, hold back
- Staunchly - really, doubtlessly
- Staunchness - faithfulness, dependability
- Staunchnesses - faithfulness, dependability
- Stave - prevent
- Staved - prevent
- Staves - prevent
- Staving - prevent
- Stax -
- Stay - visit
- Stayed - wait
- Staying - wait
- Staying at home -
- Stayless -
- Stays - visit
- Stead - place of another
- Steadfast - loyal, steady
- Steadfastly - faithfully
- Steadfastness - fidelity
- Steadfastnesses - fidelity
- Steadied - balance, suspend
- Steadier - stable, fixed
- Steadies - person having sexual relationship
- Steadiest - stable, fixed
- Steadily - firmly
- Steadiness - stability
- Steadinesses - stability
- Steads - place of another
- Steady - stable, fixed
- Steadying - balance; evenness
- Steal - take something without permission
- Stealer - larcenist
- Stealers - larcenist
- Stealing - theft
- Stealings - theft
- Steals - take something without permission
- Stealth - secrecy
- Stealthier - quiet and secretive
- Stealthiest - quiet and secretive
- Stealthily - in hidden manner
- Stealthiness - stealth
- Stealthinesses - stealth
- Stealths - secrecy
- Stealthy - quiet and secretive
- Steam - energy
- Steam heat -
- Steamboat - vehicle for water travel
- Steamboats - vehicle for water travel
- Steamed - angry
- Steamer - metal pot
- Steamers - metal pot
- Steamie -
- Steamier - giving off vapors
- Steamiest - giving off vapors
- Steaminess - humidity
- Steaminesses - humidity
- Steaming - piping hot
- Steamings - calefaction
- Steamroll - cause to happen; encourage
- Steamrolled - cause to happen; encourage
- Steamroller - steamroll
- Steamrollered - steamroll
- Steamrollering - steamroll
- Steamrollers - steamroll
- Steamrolling - cause to happen; encourage
- Steamrolls - cause to happen; encourage
- Steams - energy
- Steamy - giving off vapors
- Steed - equine species
- Steeds - equine species
- Steel - prepare oneself
- Steeled - prepare oneself
- Steelier - stubborn
- Steeliest - stubborn
- Steeling - prepare oneself
- Steels - prepare oneself
- Steely - stubborn
- Steep - extreme in direction, course
- Steeped - let soak
- Steeper - extreme in direction, course
- Steepers - perforated ball for infusing tea leaves
- Steepest - extreme in direction, course
- Steeping - extreme in direction, course
- Steeple - tower
- Steeplechase - ski leap
- Steeplechases - ski leap
- Steeples - tower
- Steepness - tilt
- Steepnesses - tilt
- Steeps - extreme in direction, course
- Steer - guide, direct on a course
- Steerage - traveling, guiding along route, often over water
- Steerages - traveling, guiding along route, often over water
- Steered - guide, direct on a course
- Steerer - person who guides aircraft, ship, or other vehicle
- Steerers - person who guides aircraft, ship, or other vehicle
- Steering - guide, direct on a course
- Steering wheel -
- Steerings - traveling, guiding along route, often over water
- Steers - guide, direct on a course
- Steersman - course plotter
- Steersmen - course plotter
- Stefan -
- Steganography -
- Stein - cup
- Steins - cup
- Stelai - monument, testimonial in honor, praise
- Stele - monument, testimonial in honor, praise
- Steles - monument, testimonial in honor, praise
- Stella -
- Stellar - celestial
- Stelliform - pertaining to stars
- Stellular - starlike
- Stem - stalk of plant
- Stemma - genealogical chart
- Stemmata - genealogical chart
- Stemmed - come from
- Stemming - come from
- Stems - stalk of plant
- Stench - foul odor
- Stenched - smell of; be characterized by
- Stenches - foul odor
- Stenchful - foul-smelling
- Stenchier - old, decayed
- Stenchiest - old, decayed
- Stenching - smell of; be characterized by
- Stenchy - old, decayed
- Stencil - design, motif
- Stencils - design, motif
- Stenographer - person who composes with language
- Stenographers - person who composes with language
- Stenographic - secretarial
- Stenographies - note-taking
- Stenography - note-taking
- Stenosis - blockage
- Stenotic -
- Stenotype - note-taking
- Stenotypes - note-taking
- Stentor - maker of public announcements
- stentorian - (used of the voice or sound) deep and resonant
- stentorous - of breathing having a heavy snoring sound; Loud and forceful; clamorous
- Stentors - maker of public announcements
- Step - pace of feet in walking
- Stepbrother - member of a family
- Stepbrothers - member of a family
- Stepparent - member of a family
- Stepparents - member of a family
- Steppe - large plain
- Stepped - move foot to walk
- Stepper - exercise regime designed to increase heart and lung activity while toning muscles
- Steppes - large plain
- Stepping - move foot to walk
- Steppingstone -
- Steps - pace of feet in walking
- Stepsister - member of a family
- Stepsisters - member of a family
- Stereo - stereo system
- Stereopticon - film projector
- Stereopticons - film projector
- Stereos - stereo system
- Stereotype - idea held as standard, example
- Stereotyped - standard, conventional
- Stereotypes - idea held as standard, example
- Stereotypic - trite
- Stereotypical - trite
- Stereotyping - categorize as being example, standard
- Sterile - unproductive, clean
- Sterilities - infertility
- Sterility - infertility
- Sterilization - sterility
- Sterilizations - sterility
- Sterilize - make clean or unproductive
- Sterilized - completely clean
- Sterilizer - decontaminating agent
- Sterilizers - decontaminating agent
- Sterilizes - make clean or unproductive
- Sterilizing - make clean or unproductive
- Sterling - high-quality
- Sterlings - ready money
- Stern - serious, authoritarian
- Sterner - serious, authoritarian
- Sternest - serious, authoritarian
- Sternly - not humorously
- Sternness - severity
- Sternnesses - severity
- Sternocostal -
- Sterns - end part
- Sternutation - expulsion of air
- Sternutations - expulsion of air
- Stertorous - noisy, rough
- Stetson - wide-brimmed hat
- Stetsons - wide-brimmed hat
- Stew - mixture, miscellany
- Steward - manager
- Stewarded - present image of; symbolize
- Stewardess - server
- Stewardesses - server
- Stewarding - present image of; symbolize
- Stewards - manager
- Stewardship - preservation
- Stewardships - preservation
- Stewed - drunk
- Stewing - worry; steam
- Stews - mixture, miscellany
- Stick - pole, often wooden
- Sticked - pole, often wooden
- Sticker - bare, thin
- Stickered - mark, describe; brand
- Stickering - mark, describe; brand
- Stickers - marker, description; brand
- Stickier - gummy, adhesive
- Stickiest - gummy, adhesive
- Stickiness - humidity
- Stickinesses - humidity
- Sticking - adhere, affix
- Stickings - holding fast
- Stickle - shrink away
- Stickled - shrink away
- Stickler - perfectionist
- Sticklers - perfectionist
- Stickles - shrink away
- Stickling - detailed, perfectionist
- Stickout - work stoppage
- Stickouts - work stoppage
- Stickpin - precious stones, metals worn as decoration
- Stickpins - precious stones, metals worn as decoration
- Sticks - pole, often wooden
- Stickum - glue, adhesive
- Stickums - glue, adhesive
- Stickup - holdup
- Stickups - holdup
- Sticky - gummy, adhesive
- Sties - den
- Stiff - hard, inflexible
- Stiffed - cheat
- Stiffen - make or become harder
- Stiffened - make or become harder
- Stiffener - something that holds up structure
- Stiffeners - something that holds up structure
- Stiffening - make or become harder
- Stiffenings - hardening
- Stiffens - make or become harder
- Stiffer - hard, inflexible
- Stiffest - hard, inflexible
- Stiffing - cheat
- Stiffly - with difficulty
- Stiffness - inflexibility
- Stiffnesses - inflexibility
- Stiffs - person who hoards money, possessions
- Stifle - prevent, restrain
- Stifled - prevent, restrain
- Stifles - prevent, restrain
- Stifling - airless
- Stigma - shame; token of disgrace; brand
- Stigmas - shame
- Stigmata - shame
- Stigmatization - condemnation, criticism
- Stigmatizations - condemnation, criticism
- Stigmatize - brand, label
- Stigmatized - brand, label
- Stigmatizes - brand, label
- Stigmatizing - brand, label
- Stiletto - cutting tool
- Stilettoes - cutting tool
- Stilettos - cutting tool
- Still - calm, motionless, quiet
- Stilled - calm, motionless, quiet
- Stiller - calm, motionless, quiet
- Stillest - calm, motionless, quiet
- Stilling - calm, motionless, quiet
- Stillness - silence
- Stillnesses - silence
- Stills - calm, motionless, quiet
- Stilly - without noise
- Stilt - tall and thin
- Stilted - artificial, pretentious
- Stilter - tall and thin
- Stilting - elevate
- Stilts - appendage used for support
- Stimulant - substance that invigorates
- Stimulants - substance that invigorates
- Stimulate - excite, provoke
- Stimulated - aroused
- Stimulates - excite, provoke
- Stimulating - exciting
- Stimulation - provocation
- Stimulations - provocation
- Stimulative - affecting, exciting
- Stimulator - stimulus
- Stimulators - stimulus
- Stimuli - provocation
- Stimulus - provocation
- Sting - prick, pain
- Stingier - penny-pinching, averse to spending money
- Stingiest - penny-pinching, averse to spending money
- Stingily - egotistically
- Stinginess - extreme greed
- Stinginesses - extreme greed
- Stinging - painful
- Stings - prick, pain
- Stingy - penny-pinching, averse to spending money
- Stink - bad smell
- Stinker - sly, dastardly person
- Stinkers - sly, dastardly person
- Stinkier - damp with perspiration
- Stinkiest - damp with perspiration
- Stinking - smelly
- Stinko - drunk
- Stinkpot - bomb that gives off odor
- Stinkpots - bomb that gives off odor
- Stinks - bad smell
- Stinky - damp with perspiration
- Stint - period of responsibility
- Stinted - period of responsibility
- Stinting - period of responsibility
- Stints - period of responsibility
- Stipend - payment for services
- Stipendiaries - person who gains, benefits
- Stipendiary - groveling, submissive
- Stipends - payment for services
- Stipple - dapple
- Stippled - dapple
- Stipples - dapple
- Stippling - dapple
- Stipulate - decide on conditions; make express conditions; specify
- Stipulated - decide on conditions
- Stipulates - decide on conditions
- Stipulating - decide on conditions
- Stipulation - condition of agreement
- Stipulations - condition of agreement
- Stipule - green foliage of plant
- Stipules - green foliage of plant
- Stir - commotion, excitement
- Stirpes - ancestry
- Stirps - ancestry
- Stirred - mix up, agitate
- Stirring - moving, rousing
- Stirrings - movement, action
- Stirrup - support
- Stirrups - support
- Stirs - commotion, excitement
- Stitch - join together
- Stitched - join together
- Stitcher -
- Stitcheries - needlepoint
- Stitchery - needlepoint
- Stitches - join together
- Stitching - join together
- Stitchings - needlepoint
- Stive - fill to overflowing; compress
- Stived - fill to overflowing; compress
- Stives - fill to overflowing; compress
- Stiving - fill to overflowing; compress
- Stoa - covered way
- Stoae - covered way
- Stoai - covered way
- Stoas - covered way
- Stochastic - guessed, assumed
- Stock - commonplace
- Stockade - enclosure; jail
- Stockaded - confine; put in jail
- Stockades - enclosure; jail
- Stockading - confine; put in jail
- Stockbroker - financial expert
- Stockbrokers - financial expert
- Stocked - supply with merchandise
- Stocker - commonplace
- Stockholder - financier
- Stockholders - financier
- Stockier - short and overweight; short and muscular
- Stockiest - short and overweight; short and muscular
- Stocking - leg covering
- Stockings - leg covering
- Stockman - ranch owner
- Stockmen - ranch owner
- Stockpile - supply
- Stockpiled - supply
- Stockpiles - supply
- Stockpiling - supply
- Stockroom - collection
- Stockrooms - collection
- Stocks - commonplace
- Stocktaking - assessment about values
- Stocktakings - assessment about values
- Stocky - short and overweight; short and muscular
- Stockyard - killing place
- Stockyards - killing place
- Stodge - walk heavily
- Stodged - walk heavily
- Stodges - walk heavily
- Stodgier - dull, stuffy
- Stodgiest - dull, stuffy
- Stodginess - dullness
- Stodginesses - dullness
- Stodging - walk heavily
- Stodgy - dull, stuffy
- Stogie - roll of tobacco
- Stogies - roll of tobacco
- Stogy - roll of tobacco
- Stoic - philosophic
- Stoical - unfeeling, uninterested
- Stoicism - impassivity
- Stoicisms - impassivity
- Stoke - fuel
- Stoked - thrilled
- Stoker - one who fuels engines or furnaces
- Stokers - one who fuels engines or furnaces
- Stokes - fuel
- Stoking - fuel
- Stole - wrap
- Stolen - taken
- Stoles - wrap
- stolid - having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily aroused or excited
- Stolidities - apathy
- Stolidity - apathy
- Stolidly - stubbornly
- Stolidness - apathy
- Stolidnesses - apathy
- Stoloniferous - given to creeping
- Stoma - small aperture in skin
- Stomach - digestive organ of animate being; exterior
- Stomachache - stomach ache
- Stomachaches - stomach ache
- Stomached - digestive organ of animate being; exterior
- Stomachic - pertaining to
- Stomachical - pertaining to the stomach
- Stomaching - digestive organ of animate being; exterior
- Stomachs - digestive organ of animate being; exterior
- Stomas - small aperture in skin
- Stomata - small aperture in skin
- Stomatal -
- Stomatiferous -
- Stomp - loud dance
- Stomped - walk with deliberation
- Stomping - walk with deliberation
- Stomps - loud dance
- Stone - hard piece of earth's surface
- Stoned - high on alcohol or drugs
- Stonelike - rugged, stony
- Stoner - mannerly, decent
- Stones - hard piece of earth's surface
- Stonewall - delay
- Stonewalled - delay
- Stonewalling - delay
- Stonewallings - ambiguity
- Stonewalls - delay
- Stoneware - containers made from clay; clay art
- Stonewares - containers made from clay; clay art
- Stonework - hard piece of earth's surface
- Stoneworks - hard piece of earth's surface
- Stonier - hard, icy in appearance, response
- Stoniest - hard, icy in appearance, response
- Stoning - beat; throw hard
- Stony - hard, icy in appearance, response
- Stonyhearted - cold-blooded
- Stood - be or get upright
- stooge - a victim of ridicule or pranks
- Stooged - entertain by playing a role
- Stooges - dupe
- Stooging - entertaining, performing
- Stool - seat
- Stooled - divulge, expose information
- Stoolie - informer
- Stoolies - informer
- Stooling - divulge, expose information
- Stools - seat
- Stoop - slouched posture
- Stooped - bent over
- Stooping - slouched posture
- Stoops - slouched posture
- Stop - end, halt; impediment
- Stopcock - faucet
- Stopcocks - faucet
- Stopgap - temporarily helping
- Stopgaps - temporarily helping
- Stoplight - traffic signal
- Stoplights - traffic signal
- Stopover - layover
- Stopovers - layover
- Stoppable - preventable
- Stoppage - halt, curtailment
- Stoppages - halt, curtailment
- Stopped - at a halt
- Stopper - plug
- Stoppered - blocked, clogged
- Stoppering - prevent, restrict
- Stoppers - plug
- Stopping - staying
- Stoppings - staying
- Stopple - stopper
- Stoppled - stop up
- Stopples - stopper
- Stoppling - stop up
- Stops - end, halt; impediment
- Stopt - end, halt; impediment
- Stopwatch - clock worn on body
- Stopwatches - clock worn on body
- Storable -
- Storage - depository
- Storages - depository
- Store - collection, supply
- Stored - stocked
- Storehouse - depository
- Storehouses - depository
- Storekeeper - shopkeeper
- Storekeepers - shopkeeper
- Storeroom - repository
- Storerooms - repository
- Stores - collection, supply
- Storied - famed
- Stories - account, news
- Storing - collect and put aside
- Storm - strong weather
- Stormed - attack, rush
- Stormful - rough (referring to weather)
- Stormier - rough (referring to weather)
- Stormiest - rough (referring to weather)
- Stormily - wildly, fiercely
- Storminess - extreme force, intensity
- Storminesses - extreme force, intensity
- Storming - attack, rush
- Stormings - attack
- Stormless - peaceful, quiet (inanimate)
- Storms - strong weather
- Stormy - rough (referring to weather)
- Story - account, news
- Storyboard - illustration
- Storyboards - illustration
- Storybook - fake, make-believe; hypothetical
- Storyteller - author
- Storytellers - author
- Storytelling - description, reading
- Storytellings - description, reading
- Stoup - drinking cup
- Stoups - drinking cup
- Stout - overweight
- Stouter - overweight
- Stoutest - overweight
- Stouthearted - brave, courageous
- Stoutheartedly - bravely
- Stoutly - bravely
- Stoutness - corpulence
- Stoutnesses - corpulence
- Stouts - alcoholic beverage made from malted grain
- Stove - range; furnace
- Stovepipe - weaponry or military unit
- Stovepipes - weaponry or military unit
- Stoves - range; furnace
- Stow - reserve, store
- Stowed - reserve, store
- Stowing - reserve, store
- Stows - reserve, store
- Strabismal - squinty
- Strabismic - squinty
- Strabismical - squinty
- Strad -
- Straddle - bestride
- Straddled - bestride
- Straddles - bestride
- Straddling - sit or stand on both sides
- Strafe - attack, pillage
- Strafed - attack, pillage
- Strafes - attack, pillage
- Strafing - aerial bombardment
- Strafings - aerial bombardment
- Straggle - wander, stray
- Straggled - wander, stray
- Straggler - laggard
- Stragglers - laggard
- Straggles - wander, stray
- Stragglier - dirty
- Straggliest - dirty
- Straggling - wander, stray
- Straggly - dirty
- Straight - aligned; not curved
- Straightaway - directly
- Straightaways - direct route
- Straightedge - tool for measuring or calculating length
- Straightedges - tool for measuring or calculating length
- Straighten - put in neat or aligned order
- Straightened - put in neat or aligned order
- Straightening - put in neat or aligned order
- Straightens - put in neat or aligned order
- Straighter - aligned; not curved
- Straightest - aligned; not curved
- Straightforward - honest
- Straightlaced - refraining; abstinent
- Straightly - directly, without delay
- Straightness - honesty
- Straightnesses - honesty
- Straights - justice, morality
- Strain - pain, due to exertion
- Strained - forced, pretended
- Strainer - mesh
- Strainers - mesh
- Straining - stretch, often to limit
- Strainings - physical force
- Strains - pain, due to exertion
- Strait - crisis, difficulty
- Straiten - distress
- Straitened - distress
- Straitening - distress
- Straitens - distress
- Straiter - confined, restricted
- Straitest - confined, restricted
- Straitjacket - limitation; something that holds
- Straitjackets - limitation; something that holds
- Straitlaced - formal
- Straits - crisis, difficulty
- Strake - make a line on
- Straked - make a line on
- Strakes - make a line on
- Stramineous - light
- Strand - fine thread
- Stranded - marooned, abandoned
- Stranding - abandon
- Strands - fine thread
- Strange - deviating, unfamiliar
- Strangely - oddly
- Strangeness - unfamiliarity
- Strangenesses - unfamiliarity
- Stranger - person who is unfamiliar
- Strangers - person who is unfamiliar
- Strangest - deviating, unfamiliar
- Strangle - choke, stifle
- Strangled - choke, stifle
- Stranglehold - choke
- Strangleholds - choke
- Strangler - hangman
- Stranglers - hangman
- Strangles - choke, stifle
- Strangling - choke, stifle
- Strangulate - cut off air
- Strangulated - cut off air
- Strangulates - cut off air
- Strangulating - cut off air
- Strangulation - constriction
- Strangulations - constriction
- Strap - long piece of material
- Straphanger - equestrian; commuter
- Straphangers - equestrian; commuter
- Strapped - destitute
- Strapping - big and strong
- Straps - long piece of material
- Strasser -
- Strata - layer
- Stratagem - trick
- Stratagems - trick
- Strategic - crucial
- Strategies - plan of action
- Strategist - tactician
- Strategists - tactician
- Strategize - design
- Strategized - design
- Strategizes - design
- Strategizing - design
- Strategy - plan of action
- Stratification - tabular structure
- Stratifications - tabular structure
- Stratified - layered
- Stratifies - layer
- Stratiform - layered
- Stratify - layer
- Stratifying - layer
- Stratocracies - law imposed by the military
- Stratocracy - law imposed by the military
- Stratopause -
- Stratosphere - air
- Stratospheres - air
- Stratospheric - steep
- Stratum - layer
- Stratums - layer
- Stravinsky -
- Straw - hay
- Strawberries - light
- Strawberry - having light-colored hair
- Straws - hay
- Stray - abandoned, wandering
- Strayed - wandered
- Strayer - abandoned, wandering
- Straying - deviating
- Strayings - deviating
- Strays - deviate, err
- Streak - vein, line; small part
- Streaked - having streaks
- Streakier - streaked
- Streakiest - streaked
- Streaking - make a line on
- Streaks - vein, line; small part
- Streaky - streaked
- Stream - small river
- Streamed - small river
- Streamer - banner
- Streamers - banner
- Streaming - flow from
- Streamings - efflux
- Streamlet - stream of water
- Streamlets - stream of water
- Streamline - arrange, organize
- Streamlined - modernized
- Streamlines - arrange, organize
- Streamlining - arrange, organize
- Streams - small river
- Streamside - ground bounding waters
- Streamsides - ground bounding waters
- Street - path upon which travel occurs
- Streetcar - trolley car
- Streetcars - trolley car
- Streets - path upon which travel occurs
- Streetsmart - able to survive city
- Streetwalker - prostitute
- Streetwalkers - prostitute
- Streetwise - shrewd
- Strelitziaceae -
- Strength - stamina, mental or physical
- Strengthen - make more forceful, powerful
- Strengthened - make more forceful, powerful
- Strengthener - support
- Strengtheners - support
- Strengthening - make more forceful, powerful
- Strengthenings - making greater; improving
- Strengthens - make more forceful, powerful
- Strengthful -
- Strengthless - not strong; ineffective
- Strengths - stamina, mental or physical
- Strenuous - difficult; requiring hard work
- Strenuously - hard
- Strenuousness - ability, power
- Strenuousnesses - ability, power
- Strepitous - very loud and unharmonious in sound
- Streptomycin - medicine
- Streptomycins - medicine
- Stress - emphasis
- Stressed - accentuate, emphasize
- Stresses - emphasis
- Stressful - distressing
- Stressing - accentuate, emphasize
- Stressor - something which causes stress
- Stressors - something which causes stress
- Stretch - expanse
- Stretchable - elastic
- Stretched - extend, elongate
- Stretcher - litter
- Stretchers - litter
- Stretches - expanse
- Stretchier - lazy, sluggish
- Stretchiest - lazy, sluggish
- Stretching - extend, elongate
- Stretchings - tightness
- Stretchy - lazy, sluggish
- Strew - spread
- Strewed - spread
- Strewing - spread
- Strewn - spread
- Strews - spread
- Striate - streak
- Striated - streak; marked with parallel bands; grooved
- Striates - streak
- Striating - streak
- Striation - line, strip
- Striations - line, strip
- Stricken - hurt
- Strict - authoritarian
- Stricter - authoritarian
- Strictest - authoritarian
- Striction - diminishing, lessening
- Strictions - diminishing, lessening
- Strictly - rigidly
- Strictness - severity
- Strictnesses - severity
- Stricture - censure
- Strictures - censure
- Stridden - walk purposefully
- Striddle - follow, creep up on
- Striddled - follow, creep up on
- Striddles - follow, creep up on
- Striddling - follow, creep up on
- Stride - walk purposefully
- Stridencies - sound that is loud or not harmonious
- Stridency - sound that is loud or not harmonious
- strident - Harsh-sounding; shrill; grating.
- Strides - walk purposefully
- Striding - walk purposefully
- Stridulant - harsh, shrill
- Stridulate - having high-pitched sound
- stridulation - a shrill grating or chirping noise made by some insects by rubbing body parts together
- Stridulous - harsh, shrill
- Strife - struggle, battle
- Strigose - with ridges
- Strike - hit hard
- Striker - person who demonstrates for cause
- Strikers - person who demonstrates for cause
- Strikes - hit hard
- Striking - extraordinary; beautiful
- Strikingly - distinctly
- Strikings - action for change
- String - long fiber
- Stringed - bring into harmony
- Stringencies - severity
- Stringency - severity
- Stringent - rigid, tight
- Stringently - rigidly
- Stringer - person who writes about factual events for a living
- Stringers - person who writes about factual events for a living
- Stringier - long, thin
- Stringiest - long, thin
- Stringing - bring into harmony
- Stringless -
- Strings - long fiber
- Stringy - long, thin
- Strip - thin piece of material
- Stripe - line, strip
- Striped - lined
- Stripes - line, strip
- Striping - mark, stain
- Stripling - youngster
- Striplings - youngster
- Stripped - unclad
- Stripper - dancer who provides erotic entertainment
- Strippers - dancer who provides erotic entertainment
- Stripping - remove clothes erotically
- Strips - thin piece of material
- Stript - thin piece of material
- Striptease - dance that stimulates erotic thoughts
- Stripteaser - dancer who provides erotic entertainment
- Stripteasers - dancer who provides erotic entertainment
- Stripteases - dance that stimulates erotic thoughts
- Strive - try for, exert oneself
- Strived - try for, exert oneself
- Striven - try for, exert oneself
- Striver - person with wish, dream
- Strivers - person with wish, dream
- Strives - struggle, battle
- Striving - attempt
- Strivings - attempt
- Strobe - pulsating light
- Strobes - pulsating light
- Strobilate - cylindrical
- Strobile - circular-shaped object with pointed end
- Strobiles - circular-shaped object with pointed end
- Strobiloid - cylindrical
- Stroboscope - pulsating light
- Stroboscopes - pulsating light
- Strode - walk purposefully
- Stroganoff - dish consisting of a combination of cooked food
- Stroganoffs - dish consisting of a combination of cooked food
- Stroke - accomplishment
- Stroked - pat lengthwise
- Strokes - accomplishment
- Stroking - pat lengthwise
- Strokings - good opinion
- Stroll - lazy walk
- Strolled - walk along lazily
- Stroller - carriage
- Strollers - carriage
- Strolling - walk along lazily
- Strolls - lazy walk
- Strombite -
- Strong - healthy, powerful
- Strongarm - solid, durable
- Strongarmed - bully
- Strongarming - bully
- Strongarms - bully
- Strongbox - money box
- Strongboxes - money box
- Stronger - healthy, powerful
- Strongest - healthy, powerful
- Stronghold - refuge
- Strongholds - refuge
- Strongly - powerfully
- Strongman - dictator
- Strongmen - dictator
- Strook - hit hard
- Stroot -
- Strop - long piece of material
- Strophanthin -
- Strophe - stave
- Strophes - stave
- Strophulus -
- Stropped - make knifelike
- Stropping - make knifelike
- Strops - long piece of material
- Stroud -
- Strove - try for, exert oneself
- Struck - hit
- Structural - fundamental
- Structure - makeup, form
- Structured - organized, precise
- Structures - makeup, form
- Structuring - arrangement, arranging
- Strudel - baked product made with flour
- Strudels - baked product made with flour
- Struggle - hard try; fight to win
- Struggled - labor, work
- Struggles - hard try; fight to win
- Struggling - labor, work
- Strum - tweak
- Strummed - tweak
- Strumming - tweak
- Strumpet - prostitute
- Strumpeted - make a scandalous remark
- Strumpeting - make a scandalous remark
- Strumpets - prostitute
- Strums - tweak
- Strung - bring into harmony
- Strut - walk pompously; supporting bar
- Struts - walk pompously
- Strutted - walk pompously
- Strutter - person who talks boastingly
- Strutters - person who talks boastingly
- Strutting - walk pompously
- Struttings - pride
- Stub - stumpy end
- Stubbier - short and thick
- Stubbiest - short and thick
- Stubble - facial hair on human
- Stubbled - having facial hair
- Stubbles - facial hair on human
- Stubblier - having facial hair
- Stubbliest - having facial hair
- Stubbly - having facial hair
- Stubborn - obstinate, unyielding
- Stubbornly - persistently
- Stubbornness - determination
- Stubbornnesses - determination
- Stubby - short and thick
- Stubs - stumpy end
- Stucco - thick, gooey material that hardens
- Stuccoes - thick, gooey material that hardens
- Stuccos - thick, gooey material that hardens
- Stuck - tight
- Stud - studding
- Studded - dotted
- Studding - mark, stain
- Student - person actively learning
- Students - person actively learning
- Studied - intentional
- Studies - learning, analysis
- Studio - workshop
- Studios - workshop
- Studious - scholarly, attentive
- Studiously - actively; intently
- Studiousness - higher education
- Studiousnesses - higher education
- Studs - studding
- Study - learning, analysis
- Studying - contemplate, learn
- Stuff - personal belongings
- Stuffed - crammed
- Stuffer - person who overeats
- Stuffers - person who overeats
- Stuffie - A soft child’s toy, usually an animal, made of fabric with a fluffy filling.
- Stuffier - close, oppressive
- Stuffiest - close, oppressive
- Stuffiness - egotism
- Stuffinesses - egotism
- Stuffing - material used to pad
- Stuffings - material used to pad
- Stuffs - personal belongings
- Stuffy - close, oppressive
- Stultified - ridicule
- Stultifies - ridicule
- stultify - deprive of strength or efficiency; make useless or worthless
- Stultifying - ridicule
- Stumble - slip, stagger
- Stumblebum - destitute or down-and-out person
- Stumblebums - destitute or down-and-out person
- Stumbled - slip, stagger
- Stumbler - clumsy person
- Stumblers - clumsy person
- Stumbles - slip, stagger
- Stumbling - slip, stagger
- Stumblingly - crudely
- Stump - end piece
- Stumped - puzzled
- Stumper - puzzle, secret
- Stumpers - puzzle, secret
- Stumpier - short and thick
- Stumpiest - short and thick
- Stumping - end piece
- Stumpings - grassroots campaign
- Stumps - end piece
- Stumpy - short and thick
- Stun - shock
- Stung - prick, pain
- Stunk - smell badly
- Stunned - dazed
- Stunner - beauty
- Stunners - beauty
- Stunning - beautiful, marvelous
- Stunningly - extremely well
- Stuns - amaze, shock
- Stunt - deed, trick
- Stunted - kept from growing
- Stunting - delay, restrict
- Stuntman - thrill-seeker
- Stuntmen - thrill-seeker
- Stunts - deed, trick
- Stuntwoman - thrill-seeker
- Stuntwomen - thrill-seeker
- Stupa -
- Stupefacient - dulling, painkilling
- Stupefacients - powerful drug inducing anesthesia or sleep
- Stupefaction - astonishment
- Stupefactions - astonishment
- Stupefactive - dulling, painkilling
- Stupefied - dazed
- Stupefies - amaze, shock
- Stupefy - stun
- Stupefying - amaze, shock
- Stupendous - wonderful, amazing
- Stupendousness - enormousness
- Stupid - not intelligent; irresponsible
- Stupider - not intelligent; irresponsible
- Stupidest - not intelligent; irresponsible
- Stupidities - dullness of mind
- Stupidity - dullness of mind
- Stupidly - foolishly
- Stupidness - stupidity
- Stupidnesses - stupidity
- Stupids - dolt
- Stupor - daze, unconsciousness
- Stuporous - dull
- Stupors - daze, unconsciousness
- Stupration -
- Sturdier - solid, durable
- Sturdiest - solid, durable
- Sturdily - powerfully
- Sturdiness - stability
- Sturdinesses - stability
- Sturdy - solid, durable
- Stutter - speak haltingly
- Stuttered - speak haltingly
- Stuttering - stammer
- Stutterings - stammer
- Stutters - speak haltingly
- Sty - den
- stygian - dark and dismal as of the rivers Acheron and Styx in Hades
- Style - fashion, manner
- Styled - fashion, manner
- Styleless - tacky
- Styler - person who styles hair
- Stylers - person who styles hair
- Styles - fashion, manner
- Stylet - knife
- Stylets - knife
- Styling - name, title
- Stylings - group of words; way of speaking
- Stylish - fashionable
- Stylishly - in a lively manner
- Stylishness - fashionableness
- Stylishnesses - fashionableness
- Stylist - one who writes with style
- Stylistic - rhetorical
- Stylists - one who writes with style
- Stylite - person who chose to live alone
- Stylites - person who chose to live alone
- Stylize - conventionalize
- Stylized - conventionalize
- Stylizes - conventionalize
- Stylizing - conventionalize
- Stylograph - writing instrument
- Stylographic -
- Stylographs - writing instrument
- stymie - a thwarting and distressing situation
- Stymied - frustrate, hinder
- Stymieing - frustrate, hinder
- Stymies - frustrate, hinder
- Styrofoam - material used to fill space
- Styrofoams - material used to fill space
- Sua -
- Suasible -
- suasion - the act of persuading (or attempting to persuade); communication intended to induce belief or action
- Suasive - effective
- Suave - charming, smooth
- Suaveness - courtesy
- Suavenesses - courtesy
- Suaver - charming, smooth
- Suavest - charming, smooth
- Suavities - polish
- Suavity - polish
- Sub - substitute
- subaltern - inferior in rank or status
- Subalternate - lesser, supplementary
- Subalterns - secondary person
- Subaquatic - under the water's surface
- Subaqueous - under the water's surface
- Subastral - earthly
- Subatomic - microscopic
- Subbasement - underground story of building
- Subbasements - underground story of building
- Subbed - take the place of; put in place of
- Subbing - take the place of; put in place of
- Subcelestial - material, worldly
- Subclass - class, status
- Subclasses - class, status
- Subcompact - land vehicle; car
- Subcompacts - land vehicle; car
- Subconscious - innermost in thought
- Subconsciouses - innermost in thought
- Subcontract - contract out work
- Subcontracted - contract out work
- Subcontracting - contract out work
- Subcontracts - contract out work
- Subcrepitant -
- Subculture - cultural subgroup
- Subcultured - cultural subgroup
- Subcultures - cultural subgroup
- Subculturing - cultural subgroup
- Subdivide - divide
- Subdivided - divide
- Subdivides - divide
- Subdividing - divide
- Subdivision - smaller entity of whole
- Subdivisions - smaller entity of whole
- Subdual - disheartenment
- Subduals - disheartenment
- Subduction - deduction
- Subductions - deduction
- Subdue - keep under control; moderate
- Subdued - quiet, controlled
- Subduedness -
- Subduer - champion
- Subduers - champion
- Subdues - keep under control; moderate
- Subduing - keep under control; moderate
- Subfamilies - type
- Subfamily - type
- Subfix - sequel
- Subfixes - sequel
- subfusc - devoid of brightness or appeal
- Subfuscous - not appealing
- Subhuman - hard
- Subitaneous - fast, sudden; impulsive; initial
- Subito - unexpected; happening quickly
- Subjacent - beneath
- Subject - at the mercy of; answerable
- Subjected - impose something
- Subjecting - impose something
- Subjection - answerability, responsibility
- Subjections - answerability, responsibility
- Subjective - emotional; based on inner experience rather than fact
- Subjectively - internally
- Subjectivities - internal, individual reality
- Subjectivity - internal, individual reality
- Subjects - issue, matter
- Subjoin - attach
- Subjoined - attach
- Subjoining - attach
- Subjoins - attach
- subjugate - make subservient; force to submit or subdue
- Subjugated - overpower, defeat
- Subjugates - overpower, defeat
- Subjugating - overpower, defeat
- Subjugation - seizure, takeover
- Subjugations - seizure, takeover
- Subjugator - person who wins
- Subjugators - person who wins
- Sublease - rent object, residence
- Subleased - rent object, residence
- Subleases - rent object, residence
- Subleasing - rent object, residence
- Sublessee - tenant
- Sublessees - tenant
- Sublet - leased
- Sublets - rent object, residence
- Subletting - rent object, residence
- Sublimate - purify
- Sublimated - purify
- Sublimates - purify
- Sublimating - purify
- Sublimation - restriction, hindrance
- Sublimations - restriction, hindrance
- Sublime - great, magnificent
- Sublimed - honor a memory
- Sublimely - in an attractive or pleasing manner
- Sublimes - honor a memory
- Subliminal - concerning the mind
- Subliminals - inner thoughts
- Subliming - honor a memory
- Sublimities - aristocracy; eminence
- Sublimity - aristocracy; eminence
- Sublunary - human
- Submarine - sub
- Submarines - sub
- Submerge - dunk in liquid
- Submerged - dunk in liquid
- Submergence - flood, inundation
- Submergences - flood, inundation
- Submerges - dunk in liquid
- Submerging - dunk in liquid
- Submerse - dip
- Submersed - submerged
- Submerses - dip
- Submersible - sub
- Submersibles - sub
- Submersing - dip
- Submersion - flood, inundation
- Submersions - flood, inundation
- Submission - compliance
- Submissions - compliance
- Submissive - compliant
- Submissively - meekly
- Submissiveness - obedience
- Submit - comply, endure
- Submits - comply, endure
- Submittal - assignment of responsibility
- Submittals - assignment of responsibility
- Submitted - comply, endure
- Submitters -
- Submitting - comply, endure
- Submittings - compliance
- Subnormal - deficient, inadequate
- Subnormalities - mental handicap
- Subnormality - mental handicap
- Suboptimal - below the standard
- Subordinate - lesser, supplementary
- Subordinated - astonish, devastate
- Subordinately - by chance
- Subordinates - person that serves another
- Subordinating - astonish, devastate
- Subordination - subjection
- Subordinations - subjection
- Suborn - incite to commit crime
- Suborned - incite to commit crime
- Suborning - incite to commit crime
- Suborns - incite to commit crime
- Subpar - deficient, inadequate
- Subpoena - writ; writ summoning a witness to appear
- Subpoenaed - writ
- Subpoenaing - writ
- Subpoenas - writ
- Subrector -
- Subrogate -
- Subs - substitute
- Subscribe - pay for use; contribute
- Subscribed - pay for use; contribute
- Subscriber - contributor
- Subscribers - contributor
- Subscribes - pay for use; contribute
- Subscribing - pay for use; contribute
- Subscript - sequel
- Subscription - consent
- Subscriptions - consent
- Subscripts - sequel
- Subsection - department
- Subsections - department
- Subsequence - series, order
- Subsequences - series, order
- Subsequent - after
- Subsequential - coming after
- Subsequently - afterward
- Subserve - act, do
- Subserved - act, do
- Subserves - act, do
- Subservience - good behavior; submissiveness
- Subserviences - good behavior; submissiveness
- Subservient - extremely compliant
- Subserviently - servilely
- Subservients - person who serves, often under duress
- Subserving - act, do
- Subset - set that is part of a larger set
- Subsets - set that is part of a larger set
- Subside - die down; decrease; settle down; descend; grow quiet
- Subsided - die down; decrease
- Subsidence - let-up
- Subsidences - let-up
- Subsides - die down; decrease
- Subsidiaries - secondary occupation
- Subsidiary - secondary, helpful
- Subsidiary company -
- Subsidies - money given to help another
- Subsiding - die down; decrease
- Subsidization - capital
- Subsidizations - capital
- Subsidize - give money to get started
- Subsidized - give money to get started
- Subsidizer - donor
- Subsidizers - donor
- Subsidizes - give money to get started
- Subsidizing - give money to get started
- Subsidy - money given to help another
- Subsist - keep going, living
- Subsisted - keep going, living
- Subsistence - provisions for survival
- Subsistences - provisions for survival
- Subsisting - keep going, living
- Subsists - keep going, living
- Subsoil - ground, soil
- Subsoils - ground, soil
- Subsolar - earthly
- Substance - entity, element
- Substances - entity, element
- Substandard - inferior
- Substantial - important, ample
- Substantiality - being
- Substantialize - come into being
- Substantialized - come into being
- Substantializes - come into being
- Substantially - to a large extent
- Substantialness - tangibility
- Substantiate - establish by evidence; verify; support ; back up a statement, idea
- Substantiated - back up a statement, idea
- Substantiates - back up a statement, idea
- Substantiating - back up a statement, idea
- Substantiation - embodiment
- Substantiations - embodiment
- Substantive - nominal
- Substantives - nominal
- Substitutable - identical, transposable
- Substitute - alternative
- Substituted - alternative
- Substitutes - someone or something that takes the place of another
- Substituting - alternative
- Substitution - replacement
- Substitutional - done or felt for, or on behalf of, another
- Substitutions - replacement
- Substitutive - alternative
- Substract - subordinate; less important
- Substracted - act as substitute
- Substracting - act as substitute
- Substracts - act as substitute
- Substrata - base
- Substratal - ancient, original
- Substrative - basic, important
- Substratosphere - gases around the earth
- Substratum - base
- Substratums - base
- Substructure - support for something
- Substructures - support for something
- Subsume - include
- Subsumed - include
- Subsumes - include
- Subsuming - include
- Subsumption - addition
- Subsumptions - addition
- Subtegulaneous -
- Subtend - connect, extend
- Subtended - connect, extend
- Subtending - connect, extend
- Subtends - connect, extend
- subterfuge - Deceit used in order to achieve one's goal.; A trick or dishonest way of achieving something.
- Subterfuges - deception
- Subterrane - hole in land formation
- Subterranean - hidden, underground
- Subterranean area -
- Subterranes - hole in land formation
- Subterrestrial - underground
- Subtext - implicit meaning
- Subtexts - implicit meaning
- Subtile - exceptional, infrequent
- Subtiler - exceptional, infrequent
- Subtilest - exceptional, infrequent
- Subtilization - slenderness
- Subtilizations - slenderness
- Subtilize - make an extremely fine distinction
- Subtilized - make an extremely fine distinction
- Subtilizes - make an extremely fine distinction
- Subtilizing - make an extremely fine distinction
- Subtilties - slenderness
- Subtilty - slenderness
- Subtitle - heading, label
- Subtitled - name something
- Subtitles - heading, label
- Subtitling - name something
- Subtle - nice, quiet, delicate
- Subtler - nice, quiet, delicate
- Subtlest - nice, quiet, delicate
- Subtleties - a fine distinction
- subtlety - the quality of being difficult to detect or analyze
- Subtly - gently, effortlessly
- Subtopia - general populice
- Subtopias - general populice
- Subtract - take away
- Subtracted - take away
- Subtracting - take away
- Subtraction - deduction
- Subtractions - deduction
- Subtracts - take away
- Suburb - neighborhood outside of but reliant on nearby large city
- Suburban - provincial
- Suburbanite - person who is resident of habitation
- Suburbanites - person who is resident of habitation
- Suburbia - edge of a geographic area
- Suburbias - edge of a geographic area
- Suburbs - neighborhood outside of but reliant on nearby large city
- Subvention - grant
- Subventions - grant
- Subversion - ruin
- Subversions - ruin
- Subversive - rebellious, destructive
- Subversiveness - damage
- Subversives - person who advocates significant, often extreme change
- Subvert - rebel, destroy
- Subvertebral -
- Subverted - rebel, destroy
- Subverter - person who does not obey
- Subverters - person who does not obey
- Subverting - rebel, destroy
- Subverts - rebel, destroy
- Subway - underground railroad
- Subways - underground railroad
- Subzero - very cold
- Succedanea - someone or something that takes the place of another
- Succedaneum - someone or something that takes the place of another
- Succedent - occurring in an order
- Succeed - attain good outcome
- Succeeded - attain good outcome
- Succeeding - following
- Succeeds - attain good outcome
- Success - favorable outcome
- Successes - favorable outcome
- Successful - favorable, profitable
- Successfully - favorably
- Successfulness - affluence, good fortune
- Succession - continuation
- Successional - consecutive
- Successions - continuation
- Successive - following
- Successively - continually
- Successiveness - series, order
- Successor - heir
- Successors - heir
- succinct - briefly giving the gist of something
- Succinctly - concisely
- Succinctness - shortness, briefness
- Succinctnesses - shortness, briefness
- succor - assistance in time of difficulty
- Succored - help, serve
- Succorer - helper
- Succorers - helper
- Succoring - cheering
- Succors - assistance
- Succuba - evil spirit
- Succubas - evil spirit
- Succubi - evil spirit
- Succubus - evil spirit
- Succulent - juicy, delicious
- Succumb - die or surrender
- Succumbed - die or surrender
- Succumbing - die or surrender
- Succumbs - die or surrender
- Succuss - quiver, tremble
- Succussed - quiver, tremble
- Succusses - quiver, tremble
- Succussing - quiver, tremble
- Succussion - shocking hit
- Succussions - shocking hit
- Such - aforementioned, specific
- Suchlike - aforementioned, specific
- Suck - extract
- Sucked - extract
- Sucker - victim
- Suckered - cheat
- Suckering - cheat
- Suckers - victim
- Sucking - removing liquid
- Suckings - removing liquid
- Suckle - nurse
- Suckled - nurse
- Suckles - nurse
- Suckling - baby
- Sucklings - baby
- Sucks - extract
- Sucralose - sugar substitute
- Sucraloses - sugar substitute
- Sucrose - organic compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
- Sucroses - organic compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
- Suction - influence
- Suctioned - extract
- Suctioning - extract
- Suctions - influence
- Suctorial - removing liquid
- Sudation - sweat
- Sudations - sweat
- Sudden - unexpected; happening quickly
- Suddenly - unexpectedly
- Suddenness - something amazing; state of amazement
- Suddennesses - something amazing; state of amazement
- Sudor - body's perspiring
- Sudoriferous - sweaty
- Sudors - body's perspiring
- Suds - froth
- Sudses - froth
- Sudsier - foamy
- Sudsiest - foamy
- Sudsy - foamy
- Sue - bring legal charges against
- Sued - bring legal charges against
- Suer - accuser
- Suers - accuser
- Sues - bring legal charges against
- Suet - fat
- Suetier - fatty
- Suetiest - fatty
- Suets - fat
- Suety - fatty
- Suffer - be in pain
- Sufferable - bearable
- Sufferance - permission
- Sufferances - permission
- Suffered - be in pain
- Sufferer - sick person
- Sufferers - sick person
- Suffering - pain, agony
- Sufferings - pain, agony
- Suffers - be in pain
- Suffice - be adequate, enough
- Sufficed - be adequate, enough
- Suffices - be adequate, enough
- Sufficiencies - adequacy
- Sufficiency - adequacy
- Sufficient - enough, adequate
- Sufficiently - to one's satisfaction
- Sufficients - plenty
- Sufficing - be adequate, enough
- Suffix - affix
- Suffixed -
- Suffixes - affix
- Suffocate - choke
- Suffocated - choke
- Suffocates - choke
- Suffocating - choke
- Suffragan - archbishop
- Suffragans - archbishop
- Suffrage - legal right
- Suffrages - legal right
- Suffragist - elector
- Suffragists - elector
- Suffuse - spread out
- Suffused - spread out
- Suffuses - spread out
- Suffusing - spread out
- Suffusion - expansion, development; extent
- Suffusions - expansion, development; extent
- Sufis -
- Sugar - sweet substance
- Sugarcoat - sweeten
- Sugarcoated - sweeten
- Sugarcoating - sweeten
- Sugarcoats - sweeten
- Sugared - sugary
- Sugariness - sweetness of taste
- Sugarinesses - sweetness of taste
- Sugaring - add sugar
- Sugarplum - sugary food
- Sugarplums - sugary food
- Sugars - sweet substance
- Sugary - containing sugar
- Suggest - convey advice, plan, desire
- Suggested - submitted
- Suggestible - flexible
- Suggesting - indicating
- Suggestion - advice, plan
- Suggestions - advice, plan
- Suggestive - signifying
- Suggestively - indecently
- Suggestiveness - sensuality
- Suggests - convey advice, plan, desire
- Suicidal - liable to kill oneself
- Suicide - self-murder
- Suicide pact -
- Suicides - self-murder
- Suicism -
- Suillage -
- Suing - bring legal charges against
- Suit - matching top and bottom clothing
- Suitabilities - rightness
- Suitability - rightness
- Suitable - appropriate, acceptable
- Suitableness - qualification
- Suitablenesses - qualification
- Suitably - well
- Suitcase - luggage
- Suitcases - luggage
- Suite - set of rooms or furniture
- Suited - adapted
- Suiter - young upwardly mobile professional
- Suites - set of rooms or furniture
- Suiting - be acceptable, appropriate
- Suitor - person who desires another
- Suitors - person who desires another
- Suits - matching top and bottom clothing
- Sulcation - ditch
- Sulcations - ditch
- Sulfanilamide -
- Sulfated -
- Sulfonamide - medicine
- Sulfonamides - medicine
- Sulk - pout
- Sulked - pout
- Sulker - grouch
- Sulkers - grouch
- Sulkier - sullen
- Sulkiest - sullen
- Sulkiness - sourness
- Sulkinesses - sourness
- Sulking - pout
- Sulks - pout
- Sulky - sullen
- Sullen - brooding, upset
- Sullenness - sulkiness
- Sullennesses - sulkiness
- Sullied - soil, stain
- Sullies - soil, stain
- Sully - soil, stain
- Sullying - soil, stain
- Sulphurous - damned; underworld
- Sulphurs -
- Sultan - historically, person who ruled an area
- Sultana - historically, person who ruled an area
- Sultanas - historically, person who ruled an area
- Sultans - historically, person who ruled an area
- Sultrier - hot and humid
- Sultriest - hot and humid
- Sultriness - mugginess
- Sultrinesses - mugginess
- Sultry - hot and humid
- Sum - total
- Sumach -
- Summaries - short statement of main points
- Summarily - without delay
- Summarization - account in speech, writing
- Summarizations - account in speech, writing
- Summarize - give a rundown
- Summarized - give a rundown
- Summarizes - give a rundown
- Summarizing - give a rundown
- Summary - concise, to the point
- Summate - give a rundown
- Summated - give a rundown
- Summates - give a rundown
- Summating - give a rundown
- Summation - summary
- Summations - summary
- Summative - accruing; growing in size or effect
- Summed - count, calculate
- Summer - hot season of the year
- Summered - waste time
- Summerhouse - rustic dwelling
- Summerhouses - rustic dwelling
- Summering - waste time
- Summerlike - comfortable with respect to weather
- Summers - hot season of the year
- Summertide - hot season of the year
- Summertides - hot season of the year
- Summertime - hot season of the year
- Summertimes - hot season of the year
- Summery - pertaining to summer
- Summing - totaling
- Summings - arithmetical process of augmentation
- Summit - top, crowning point
- Summitries - major discussion of issues
- Summitry - major discussion of issues
- Summits - top, crowning point
- Summon - call to a place
- Summoned - called for
- Summoner - server of summons
- Summoners - server of summons
- Summoning - call to a place
- Summons - legal call
- Summonses - legal call
- Sump - swamp
- Sumps - swamp
- Sumpter - work animal
- Sumpters - work animal
- Sumptuous - luxurious, splendid
- Sumptuously - royally
- Sumptuousness - glitter
- Sumptuousnesses - glitter
- Sums - total
- Sun - brightest star
- Sun deck -
- Sunbaked - very dry
- Sunbathe - lie in sunlight
- Sunbathed - lie in sunlight
- Sunbathes - lie in sunlight
- Sunbathing - lie in sunlight
- Sunbeam - luminescence from sun or other source
- Sunbeams - luminescence from sun or other source
- Sunbeamy - happy
- Sunburn -
- Sunburned - tanned
- Sunburnt - tanned
- Sunder - separate, sever
- Sundered - separate, sever
- Sundering - separate, sever
- Sunderings - sudden happening
- Sunders - separate, sever
- Sundial - device that tells time
- Sundials - device that tells time
- Sundown - sunset
- Sundowner - person who makes others work hard
- Sundowners - person who makes others work hard
- Sundowns - sunset
- Sundries - odds and ends
- Sundry - miscellaneous
- Sunfish - a boat propelled with wind by sailcloth
- Sunfishes - a boat propelled with wind by sailcloth
- Sung - carry a tune with one's voice
- Sunglass - eyeglasses
- Sunglasses - eyeglasses
- Sunk - fall in, go under
- Sunken - depressed, hollowed; submerged
- Sunless - dark
- Sunlight - brightest star
- Sunlights - brightest star
- Sunlit - bright, clear (referring to weather)
- Sunned - Exposed to sunlight; having spent time basking in the sun.
- Sunnier - bright, clear (referring to weather)
- Sunniest - bright, clear (referring to weather)
- Sunniness - lightness in spirit
- Sunninesses - lightness in spirit
- Sunning - swimming suit
- Sunny - bright, clear (referring to weather)
- Sunporch - room for sunning
- Sunporches - room for sunning
- Sunrise - rise of sun above horizon
- Sunrises - rise of sun above horizon
- Sunroom - room for sunning
- Sunrooms - room for sunning
- Suns - brightest star
- Sunscreen - sunblock
- Sunscreens - sunblock
- Sunset - fall of sun below horizon
- Sunsets - fall of sun below horizon
- Sunshade - canopy
- Sunshades - canopy
- Sunshine - luminescence from sun or other source
- Sunshines - luminescence from sun or other source
- Sunshiny - bright, clear (referring to weather)
- Suntan - light brown
- Suntanned - tanned
- Suntans - light brown
- Sunup - dawn
- Sunups - dawn
- Sup - drink
- Supawn - boiled meal
- Supawns - boiled meal
- Super - excellent
- Superabilities - gift of high intellect
- Superability - gift of high intellect
- Superabound - have power over; prevail
- Superabounded - have power over; prevail
- Superabounding - have power over; prevail
- Superabounds - have power over; prevail
- Superabundance - overabundance
- Superabundances - overabundance
- Superabundant - profuse
- Superalimentation -
- Superannuate - obsolesce
- Superannuated - obsolete
- Superannuates - obsolesce
- Superannuating - obsolesce
- Superannuation - benefits paid after retirement
- Superannuations - benefits paid after retirement
- Superb - excellent, first-rate
- Superbities - arrogance, self-importance
- Superbity - arrogance, self-importance
- Superbly - without flaw
- Superbness - excellence
- Superbnesses - excellence
- Supercharged - souped up
- supercilious - expressive of contempt
- Superciliously - proudly
- Supercolossal - very large
- Supercomputer - computer's mechanical system
- Supercomputers - computer's mechanical system
- Supercooled -
- Superego - misgiving, doubt
- Superegos - misgiving, doubt
- Supereminence - superior excellence
- Supereminences - superior excellence
- Supereminent - most important
- Supererogation - repetition
- Supererogations - repetition
- Supererogative - wanton
- supererogatory - more than is needed, desired, or required
- Superethical -
- Superette - business establishment that sells goods
- Superettes - business establishment that sells goods
- Superexcellent - good
- Superfast -
- Superficial - Lacking depth, only on the surface
- Superficiality - external part of something
- Superficially - lightly; without care
- Superficies - external part of something
- Superfluities - surplus
- Superfluity - surplus
- superfluous - serving no useful purpose; having no excuse for being
- Superfluousness - excess
- Superhero - one with extraordinary abilities; hero with magical powers
- Superheroes - one with extraordinary abilities; hero with magical powers
- Superhighway - road
- Superhighways - road
- Superhuman - beyond human
- superimpose - place on top of
- Superimposed - lay over something else
- Superimposes - lay over something else
- Superimposing - lay over something else
- Superincumbent - overwhelming, repressive
- Superintend - supervise
- Superintended - supervise
- Superintendence - care
- Superintendency - guidance
- Superintendent - person who oversees organization
- Superintendents - person who oversees organization
- Superintending - supervise
- Superintends - supervise
- Superior - better, greater, higher; excellent
- Superioress - head nun
- Superioresses - head nun
- Superiorities - advantage, predominance
- Superiority - advantage, predominance
- Superiorly - of highest quality
- Superiors - person higher or highest in rank
- superjacent - lying immediately above or on something else
- Superjock - person involved in sports
- Superjocks - person involved in sports
- Superlative - excellent, first-class
- Superlatively - without flaw
- Supermarket - place, venue for selling goods
- Supermarkets - place, venue for selling goods
- Supermodel - glamorous female model appearing on magazine covers
- Supermodels - glamorous female model appearing on magazine covers
- Supermundane - not physical; without physical presence
- Supernal - celestial
- Supernatant - light in weight
- Supernatation - traversing water
- Supernatations - traversing water
- Supernatural - mysterious, not of this world
- Supernaturalist - of a broad-ranging consciousness-raising movement
- Supernormal - very strange, unusual
- Supernova - abyss
- Supernovae - abyss
- Supernovas - abyss
- Supernumeraries - supporting actor or actress
- supernumerary - a minor actor in crowd scenes
- Superordinary - mysterious, not of this world
- Superpatriot - intolerant, prejudiced person
- Superpatriots - intolerant, prejudiced person
- Superphysical - supernatural
- Superplus -
- Superpose - wrap, hide
- Superposed - wrap, hide
- Superposes - wrap, hide
- Superposing - wrap, hide
- Superpower - powerful country
- Superpowers - powerful country
- Supers - person who cleans and maintains
- Supersaturation -
- Superscribe - write directions for delivery
- Superscribed - write directions for delivery
- Superscribes - write directions for delivery
- Superscribing - write directions for delivery
- Superscription - support, authorization
- Superscriptions - support, authorization
- Supersecret - highly classified
- Supersecrets - highly classified
- Supersede - take the place of; override; cause to be set aside; replace; make obsolete
- Superseded - out-of-date
- Supersedes - take the place of; override
- Superseding - take the place of; override
- Supersensible - supernatural
- Supersensitive - extrasensory in perception
- Supersensory - extrasensory in perception
- Supersensual - extrasensory in perception
- Supersonic - fast, quick
- Supersonics - vehicle propelled by ejection of pressurized gas or liquid
- Superstar - famous
- Superstars - very important person
- Superstition - belief in sign of things to come
- Superstitions - belief in sign of things to come
- Superstitious - having superstitions
- Superstore - very large store
- Superstores - very large store
- Superstrata - visible part
- Superstratum - visible part
- Superstratums - visible part
- Superstruct - construct structure
- Superstructed - construct structure
- Superstructing - construct structure
- Superstructs - construct structure
- Superstructure - tall building
- Superstructures - tall building
- Supervene - follow
- Supervened - follow
- Supervenes - follow
- Supervenient - incidental
- Supervening - follow
- Supervention - situation, condition
- Superventions - situation, condition
- Supervise - manage people, project
- Supervised - directed
- Supervises - manage people, project
- Supervising - manage people, project
- Supervision - management of people, project
- Supervisions - management of people, project
- Supervisor - person who manages people, project
- Supervisors - person who manages people, project
- Supervisory - administrative
- Superwoman - principal female performer
- Superwomen - principal female performer
- Supine - lying down
- Supineness - unwillingness to work, be active
- Supinenesses - unwillingness to work, be active
- Supped - drink
- Supper - food, often taken by several individuals
- Suppered - eat, often formally
- Suppering - eat, often formally
- Suppers - food, often taken by several individuals
- Supping - drink
- Supplant - displace, replace
- Supplanted - displace, replace
- Supplanter - someone or something that takes the place of another
- Supplanters - someone or something that takes the place of another
- Supplanting - displace, replace
- Supplants - displace, replace
- Supple - bendable
- Supplement - something added
- Supplemental - additional
- Supplementary - additional
- Supplementary angle -
- Supplemented - add to
- Supplementing - add to
- Supplements - something added
- Suppleness - flexibility
- Supplenesses - flexibility
- Suppler - bendable
- Supples -
- Supplest - bendable
- Suppliable - marketable
- suppliant - humbly entreating
- Suppliants - asker
- Supplicant - humble person
- Supplicants - humble person
- supplicate - ask for humbly or earnestly, as in prayer
- Supplicated - ask for, pray for
- Supplicates - ask for, pray for
- Supplicating - ask for, pray for
- Supplication - entreaty
- Supplications - entreaty
- Supplicatory - meek, unassuming
- Supplied - provided
- Supplier - lasting only a short while
- Supplies - equipment, provisions
- Supply - reserve of goods
- Supplying - furnish, provide, give a resource
- Support - something that holds up structure
- Supportable - sustainable
- Supported - backed personally
- Supporter - advocate
- Supporters - person who helps another
- Supporting - upholding
- Supportings - confirmation
- Supportive - auxiliary
- Supports - something that holds up structure
- Supposable - probable, apt, hopeful
- Supposably - seemingly
- Supposal - taking something for granted; something expected
- Supposals - taking something for granted; something expected
- Suppose - assume, guess
- Supposed - assumed
- Supposedly - seemingly
- Supposes - assume, guess
- Supposing - if
- Supposings - judging
- Supposition - guess, belief; hypothesis; surmise
- Suppositional - supposed
- Suppositionally - in theory
- Suppositions - guess, belief
- Suppositious - supposed
- supposititious - based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence
- Suppositive - supposed
- Suppository - believed
- Suppress - restrain, hold in check
- Suppressed - restrain, hold in check
- Suppresses - restrain, hold in check
- Suppressing - restrain, hold in check
- Suppression - abolition
- Suppressions - abolition
- Suppressive - suppressing
- Suppressor -
- Suppurate - fester
- Suppurated - fester
- Suppurates - fester
- Suppurating - fester
- Suppuration - secretion of a sore
- Suppurations - secretion of a sore
- Supra - earlier, above
- Supracretaceous -
- Supraliminal - alert, awake
- Supramundane - not physical; without physical presence
- Suprasternal -
- Supremacies - total domination
- Supremacist - man believing in male superiority
- Supremacists - man believing in male superiority
- Supremacy - total domination
- Supreme - greatest, principal
- Supreme commander -
- Supremely - without flaw
- Sups - drink
- Surance -
- surcease - a stopping
- Surceased - stop
- Surceases - stop
- Surceasing - stop
- Surcharge - fee
- Surcharged - exaggerated
- Surcharges - fee
- Surcharging - blow up, increase
- Surcingle - a band
- Surcingles - a band
- Surcoat - long shirt
- Surcoats - long shirt
- Surd - inaudible
- Sure - certain, definite
- Surefire - beyond dispute
- Surely - without doubt
- Sureness - undoubtedness
- Surenesses - undoubtedness
- Surer - certain, definite
- Surest - certain, definite
- Sureties - pledge
- Surety - pledge
- Surf - waves
- Surface - external
- Surfaced - come to the top of
- Surfaces - external part of something
- Surfacing - come to the top of
- surfeit - eating until excessively full
- Surfeited - excess
- Surfeiting - excess
- Surfeits - excess
- Surfs - waves
- Surge - rush, usually of liquid
- Surged - rush, usually in liquid form
- Surgeon - person trained in medical science
- Surgeons - person trained in medical science
- Surgeries - medical procedure
- Surgery - medical procedure
- Surges - rush, usually of liquid
- Surging - rush, usually of liquid
- Surgings - wave; water movement
- Surlier - gruff, bearish
- Surliest - gruff, bearish
- Surliness - angriness; bad mood
- Surlinesses - angriness; bad mood
- Surly - gruff, bearish
- Surmisal - belief, speculation
- Surmisals - belief, speculation
- Surmise - guess, conclusion
- Surmised - come to a conclusion
- Surmises - guess, conclusion
- Surmising - guess, conclusion
- Surmisings - declaration made in advance
- surmount - get on top of; deal with successfully
- Surmountable - conquerable
- Surmounted - overcome, triumph over
- Surmounting - overcome, triumph over
- Surmountings - victory, achievement
- Surmounts - overcome, triumph over
- Surname - family name
- Surnames - family name
- Surpass - outdo something or someone
- Surpassed - outdo something or someone
- Surpasses - outdo something or someone
- Surpassing - outdo something or someone
- Surpassingly - very much, extremely
- Surplus - extra
- Surplusage - surplus
- Surplusages - surplus
- Surpluses - extra
- Surprisal - surprise attack
- Surprisals - surprise attack
- Surprise - something amazing; state of amazement
- Surprised - taken aback
- Surprises - something amazing; state of amazement
- Surprising - unexpected
- Surprisingly - specifically
- Surreal - resembling a dream
- Surrealistic - modern
- Surrender - giving up; resignation
- Surrendered - giving up; resignation
- Surrendering - give up; resign
- Surrenders - giving up; resignation
- surreptitious - conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods
- Surreptitiously - clandestinely
- Surrogate - person or thing that acts as
- Surrogates - person or thing that acts as
- Surround - enclose, encircle something
- Surrounded - encircled
- Surrounding - encircling
- Surroundings - environment
- Surrounds - enclose, encircle something
- Surtax - fee
- Surtaxes - fee
- Surtout - heavy coat
- Surtouts - heavy coat
- Surveillance - close observation, following
- Surveillances - close observation, following
- Surveillant - guarded
- Surveillants - attendant
- Survey - scrutiny, examination
- Surveyable - determinable
- Surveyance - close observation, following
- Surveyances - close observation, following
- Surveyed - scrutinize, take stock of
- Surveying - scrutinize, take stock of
- Surveyings - thorough check
- Surveyor - civil engineer
- Surveyors - civil engineer
- Surveys - scrutiny, examination
- Survival - continuation
- Survivals - continuation
- Survive - continue to live
- Survived - continue to live
- Surviver -
- Survives - continue to live
- Surviving - continuing on
- Survivor - remainder, remains
- Survivors - remainder, remains
- Sus -
- Susceptibility - susceptibleness
- Susceptible - exposed, naive
- Susceptibleness - exposure
- Susceptive - liable
- Susceptiveness - susceptibleness
- Susceptivities - susceptibleness
- Susceptivity - susceptibleness
- Suscitate - start, evoke; stimulate
- Suscitated - start, evoke; stimulate
- Suscitates - start, evoke; stimulate
- Suscitating - start, evoke; stimulate
- Suspect - doubtful
- Suspected - doubtful
- Suspecting - distrust; guess
- Suspects - distrust; guess
- Suspend - hang from above
- Suspended - pensile
- Suspender - straps
- Suspenders - straps
- Suspending - hang from above
- Suspends - hang from above
- Suspense - anticipation
- Suspenseful - scary
- Suspenses - anticipation
- Suspension - delay
- Suspensions - delay
- Suspicion - doubt
- Suspicioned - doubt
- Suspicioning - doubt
- Suspicions - doubt
- Suspicious - distrustful
- Suspiciously - doubtingly
- Suspire - desire, crave
- Suspired - desire, crave
- Suspires - desire, crave
- Suspiring - desire, crave
- Sustain - keep up, maintain
- Sustainable - tenable
- Sustained - maintained
- Sustainer - chief support
- Sustainers - chief support
- Sustaining - keep up, maintain
- Sustainingly - lucratively
- Sustainings - perpetuation, support; sustenance
- Sustainment - lifestyle; source of income
- Sustainments - lifestyle; source of income
- Sustains - keep up, maintain
- Sustenance - necessities for existence
- Sustenances - necessities for existence
- Sustentation - lifestyle; source of income
- Sustentations - lifestyle; source of income
- Sustentative - digestive
- Sustention - perpetuation, support; sustenance
- Sustentions - perpetuation, support; sustenance
- Susurrant - murmuring
- Susurrate - make low, continuous sound
- Susurrated - make low, continuous sound
- Susurrates - make low, continuous sound
- Susurrating - make low, continuous sound
- Susurration - murmur
- Susurrations - murmur
- susurrus - the indistinct sound of people whispering
- Susurruses - murmur
- Suttee - large fire
- Suttees - large fire
- Suture - stitching
- Sutured - join together
- Sutures - stitching
- Suturing - join together
- Suzerain - tyrant
- Suzerains - tyrant
- Suzerainties - historically, an area ruled by a monarch
- Suzerainty - historically, an area ruled by a monarch
- Svelte - thin and well-built
- Svelter - thin and well-built
- Sveltest - thin and well-built
- Svengali -
- Swab - clean
- Swabbed - clean
- Swabber - person who travels by sea
- Swabbers - person who travels by sea
- Swabbie - person who travels by sea
- Swabbies - person who travels by sea
- Swabbing - clean
- Swabs - clean
- Swaddle - swathe
- Swaddled - swathe
- Swaddles - swathe
- Swaddling - swathe
- Swadeshi -
- Swag - loot
- Swagged - droop
- Swagger - show off; walk pompously
- Swaggered - show off; walk pompously
- Swaggerer - person who brags about him- or herself
- Swaggerers - person who brags about him- or herself
- Swaggering - show off; walk pompously
- Swaggerings - exhibitionism, flashiness
- Swaggers - show off; walk pompously
- Swagging - droop
- Swags - loot
- Swain - beau
- Swains - beau
- Swale - wet land covered with vegetation
- Swales - wet land covered with vegetation
- Swallow - consume
- Swallowable -
- Swallowed - consume
- Swallowing - taking into throat
- Swallows - consume
- Swam - make way through water using arms, legs
- Swami - religious teacher
- Swamies - religious teacher
- Swamp - wet land covered with vegetation
- Swamped - overwhelm, flood
- Swamper - caretaker, maintenance person
- Swampers - caretaker, maintenance person
- Swampier - boggy
- Swampiest - boggy
- Swamping - wet land covered with vegetation
- Swampland - swamp
- Swamplands - swamp
- Swamps - wet land covered with vegetation
- Swampy - boggy
- Swang - moving back and forth
- Swank - exclusive
- Swanked - exclusive
- Swanker - plush, stylish
- Swankest - plush, stylish
- Swankier - plush, stylish
- Swankiest - plush, stylish
- Swanking - exclusive
- Swanks - exclusive
- Swanky - plush
- Swanmark -
- Swap - exchange
- Swappable - changeable
- Swapped - exchange
- Swapping - exchange
- Swaps - exchange
- Sward - clod
- Swards - clod
- Sware - declare under oath
- Swarm - large, moving group
- Swarmed - move forward as a group
- Swarmer - flood, overrun
- Swarming - move forward as a group
- Swarms - large, moving group
- Swart - dark-complexioned
- Swarth - meadow
- Swarthier - dark-complexioned
- Swarthiest - dark-complexioned
- Swarths - meadow
- Swarthy - dark-complexioned
- Swartish -
- Swash - splash
- Swashbuckle - show off; walk pompously
- Swashbuckled - show off; walk pompously
- Swashbuckler - pirate
- Swashbucklers - pirate
- Swashbuckles - show off; walk pompously
- Swashbuckling - bold, flamboyant
- Swashed - splash
- Swashes - splash
- Swashing - splash
- Swastika - nazi symbol
- Swastikas - nazi symbol
- Swat - hit
- Swatch - sample
- Swatches - sample
- Swath - dried grass
- Swathe - drape
- Swathed - drape
- Swathes - drape
- Swathing - drape
- Swaths - dried grass
- Swats - hit
- Swatted - hit
- Swatter - bat, stick
- Swatters - bat, stick
- Swatting - hit
- Sway - strong influence
- Swayable - receptive
- Swayed - move back and forth
- Swaying - move back and forth
- Swayings - moving back and forth
- Sways - strong influence
- Swear - declare under oath
- Swearing - foul language
- Swearings - foul language
- Swears - declare under oath
- Swearword - obscenity
- Swearwords - obscenity
- Sweat - body's perspiring
- Sweated - body's perspiring
- Sweater - knitted jacket or jersey
- Sweaters - knitted jacket or jersey
- Sweatier - damp with perspiration
- Sweatiest - damp with perspiration
- Sweatiness - very damp weather
- Sweatinesses - very damp weather
- Sweating - sweaty
- Sweatings - the act of excreting
- Sweats - body's perspiring
- Sweatshop - factory
- Sweatshops - factory
- Sweaty - damp with perspiration
- Sweep - range, extent
- Sweep under rug -
- Sweeper - person who cleans and maintains
- Sweepers - person who cleans and maintains
- Sweeping - wide-ranging
- Sweepingly - exhaustively
- Sweepings - garbage
- Sweeps - range, extent
- Sweepstake - drawing
- Sweepstakes - drawing
- Sweet - sugary
- Sweetbread - organ meat
- Sweetbreads - organ meat
- Sweeten - add sugar
- Sweetened - add sugar
- Sweetener - bait
- Sweeteners - bait
- Sweetening - add sugar
- Sweetenings - payoff to influence illegal or wrong activity
- Sweetens - add sugar
- Sweeter - sugary
- Sweetest - sugary
- Sweetheart - person whom another loves
- Sweethearted - seek social alliance with
- Sweethearting - seek social alliance with
- Sweethearts - person whom another loves
- Sweetie - darling
- Sweeties - darling
- Sweetly - in a sweet manner
- Sweetmeat - sugary food
- Sweetmeats - sugary food
- Sweetness - sweetness of taste
- Sweetnesses - sweetness of taste
- Sweets - food with a high sugar content
- Sweetshop - store selling candy
- Sweetshops - store selling candy
- Swell - wonderful
- Swelled - become larger
- Sweller - wonderful
- Swellest - wonderful
- Swellhead - egotist
- Swellheaded - egotistic
- Swellheadedness - self-centeredness
- Swellheads - egotist
- Swelling - physical growth; lump
- Swellings - physical growth; lump
- Swells - wonderful
- Swelter - suffocate
- Sweltered - suffocate
- Sweltering - very hot
- Swelters - suffocate
- Sweltrier - hot and humid
- Sweltriest - hot and humid
- Sweltry - hot and humid
- Swept - brush off, away
- Swerve - turn aside, often to avoid collision
- Swerved - turn aside, often to avoid collision
- Swerves - turn aside, often to avoid collision
- Swerving - turn aside, often to avoid collision
- Swift - very fast
- Swifter - very fast
- Swiftest - very fast
- Swiftly - very fast
- Swiftness - acceleration
- Swiftnesses - acceleration
- Swig - drink down
- Swigged - drink down
- Swigging - drink down
- Swigs - drink down
- Swill - garbage
- Swilled - use up
- Swilling - nasty liquid
- Swillings - nasty liquid
- Swills - garbage
- Swim - make way through water using arms, legs
- Swimmeret -
- Swimmier - silly; feeling faint
- Swimmiest - silly; feeling faint
- Swimming - existing in liquid
- Swimmingly - very well
- Swimmings - existing in liquid
- Swimmy - silly; feeling faint
- Swims - make way through water using arms, legs
- Swimsuit - bathing suit
- Swimsuits - bathing suit
- Swimwear - swimming suit
- Swimwears - swimming suit
- Swindle - cheating, stealing
- Swindled - cheat, steal
- Swindler - person who cheats another
- Swindlers - person who cheats another
- Swindles - cheating, stealing
- Swindling - cheat, steal
- Swindlings - criminal activity
- Swine - pig
- Swing - moving back and forth
- Swinger - unwilling to behave, believe as most do
- Swingers - person who goes against normal behavior, beliefs
- Swinging - moving backward and forward
- Swingingest - moving backward and forward
- Swings - moving back and forth
- Swinish - boorish
- Swinishness - overwhelming desire for more
- Swinishnesses - overwhelming desire for more
- Swipe - hit
- Swiped - hit
- Swipes - hit
- Swiping - hit
- Swirl - spin around
- Swirled - spin around
- Swirlier - bowed, bent
- Swirliest - bowed, bent
- Swirling - spin around
- Swirls - spin around
- Swirly - bowed, bent
- Swish - fashionable, elegant
- Swished - slosh, wash against
- Swisher - fashionable, elegant
- Swishes - commotion
- Swishest - fashionable, elegant
- Swishing - murmuring
- Swishings - wave; water movement
- Switch - change, exchange
- Switchable - changeable
- Switchblade - cutting tool
- Switchblades - cutting tool
- Switchboard - center of activity
- Switchboards - center of activity
- Switched - change, exchange
- Switches - change, exchange
- Switching - change, exchange
- Switchover - change
- Switchovers - change
- Swivel - spin around axis
- Swiveled - spin around axis
- Swiveling - spin around axis
- Swivelled - spin around axis
- Swivelling - spin around axis
- Swivels - spin around axis
- swivet - refers to a state of extreme agitation, anxiety, or confusion. It describes a situation where someone is flustered, upset, or worked up.
- Swollen - enlarged
- Swoon - faint
- Swooned - faint
- Swooning - faint
- Swoonings - daze, unconsciousness
- Swoons - faint
- Swoop - descend quickly
- Swooped - descend quickly
- Swooping - descend quickly
- Swoops - descend quickly
- Swoosh - spin around
- Swooshed - spin around
- Swooshes - spin around
- Swooshing - spin around
- Swop - exchange
- Swopped - exchange
- Swopping - exchange
- Swops - exchange
- Sword - saber
- Swordplay - foils
- Swordplays - foils
- Swords - weapon
- Swordsman - person using sword
- Swordsmanship - foils
- Swordsmanships - foils
- Swordsmen - person using sword
- Swore - declare under oath
- Sworn - avowed
- Swotter - excessive studier
- Swotters - excessive studier
- Swum - make way through water using arms, legs
- Swung - move back and forth; be suspended
- sybarite - a person addicted to luxury and pleasures of the senses
- Sybarites - voluptuary
- sybaritic - displaying luxury and furnishing gratification to the senses
- Sybaritism - immoral self-indulgence
- Sybaritisms - immoral self-indulgence
- Sycophancies - congratulations; adoration
- Sycophancy - congratulations; adoration
- sycophant - a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage
- Sycophantic - fawning, servile
- Sycophantically - servilely
- Sycophants - person who caters to another
- Sycosis - facial skin rash
- Syllabaries - letters of a writing system
- Syllabary - letters of a writing system
- Syllabi - summary
- Syllabification - way something is said
- Syllable - sound unit of speech
- Syllables - sound unit of speech
- Syllabus - summary
- Syllabuses - summary
- Sylloge - abridgment
- Sylloges - abridgment
- syllogism - deductive reasoning in which a conclusion is derived from two premises
- Syllogisms - deductive reasoning
- Syllogist - rationalist
- Syllogistic - science of reasoning
- Syllogistics - lonely
- Syllogists - rationalist
- Syllogization - logic, interpretation
- Syllogizations - logic, interpretation
- Syllogize - mentally analyze
- Syllogized - mentally analyze
- Syllogizes - mentally analyze
- Syllogizing - mentally analyze
- sylph - an elemental being believed to inhabit the air
- Sylphlike - bare, thin
- Sylphs - female nature spirit
- Sylvan - woodsy
- Sylvana -
- Sylviculture - forest management
- Sylvicultures - forest management
- Symbioses - being
- Symbiosis - being
- Symbiotic - cooperative
- Symbol - letter, character, sign of written communication
- Symboled - signify, mean
- Symbolic - representative
- Symbolical - symbolic
- Symboling - signify, mean
- Symbolising -
- Symbolism - typology
- Symbolisms - typology
- Symbolization - creation meant to communicate or appeal to senses or mind
- Symbolizations - creation meant to communicate or appeal to senses or mind
- Symbolize - represent; stand for
- Symbolized - represent; stand for
- Symbolizes - represent; stand for
- Symbolizing - represent; stand for
- Symbolled - signify, mean
- Symbolling - signify, mean
- Symbologies - hint, implication
- Symbology - hint, implication
- Symbols - letter, character, sign of written communication
- Symmetric - symmetrical
- Symmetrical - well-proportioned
- Symmetrically - evenly
- Symmetries - proportion
- Symmetrize - balance, make smooth
- Symmetrized - balance, make smooth
- Symmetrizes - balance, make smooth
- Symmetrizing - balance, make smooth
- Symmetry - proportion
- Sympathetic - concerned, feeling
- Sympathetically - sensitively
- Sympathies - shared feeling
- Sympathize - feel for, be compassionate
- Sympathized - feel for, be compassionate
- Sympathizer - comforter
- Sympathizers - comforter
- Sympathizes - feel for, be compassionate
- Sympathizing - feel for, be compassionate
- Sympathy - shared feeling
- Symphonic - melodic
- Symphonies - band
- Symphonious - harmonious
- Symphony - band
- Symposia - conference
- Symposiarch - person in charge of proceedings
- Symposiarchs - person in charge of proceedings
- Symposium - conference
- Symposiums - conference
- Symptom - sign of illness or problem
- Symptomatic - indicative
- Symptoms - sign of illness or problem
- Synagogue - church
- Synagogues - church
- Sync - go along with; coexist
- Synced - go along with; coexist
- Synchronal - happening at about the same time
- Synchroneities - occurring together
- Synchroneity - occurring together
- Synchronic - contemporary
- Synchronically - as one
- Synchronicities - happening or being at same time, place
- Synchronicity - happening or being at same time, place
- Synchronism - occurring together
- Synchronisms - occurring together
- Synchronization - simultaneous occurrence
- Synchronize - coordinate
- Synchronized - coordinate
- Synchronizes - coordinate
- Synchronizing - coordinate
- Synchronous - simultaneous
- Synchronously - together
- Synchrotron - atom smasher
- Synchrotrons - atom smasher
- Syncing - go along with; coexist
- Syncopate - compact, condense
- Syncopated - compact, condense
- Syncopates - compact, condense
- Syncopating - compact, condense
- Syncope - blackout
- Syncopes - blackout
- syncretism - the fusion of originally different inflected forms (resulting in a reduction in the use of inflections)
- Syncs - go along with; coexist
- Syndetic - joining
- Syndicalism - punishment by hanging without due process
- Syndicalisms - punishment by hanging without due process
- Syndicate - group of business entities
- Syndicated - allied
- Syndicates - group of business entities
- Syndicating - dominate, control
- Syndication - partnership, organization
- Syndications - partnership, organization
- Syndrome - disease, condition
- Syndromes - disease, condition
- Synecdoche - turn of expression
- Synecdoches - turn of expression
- Synergetic - cooperative
- Synergic - cooperative
- Synergies - collaboration, cooperation
- Synergism - collaboration, cooperation
- Synergisms - collaboration, cooperation
- Synergist - something which incites activity
- Synergistic - cooperative
- Synergists - something which incites activity
- Synergy - collaboration, cooperation
- Synod - council
- Synodical - lawmaking
- Synods - council
- Synonym - analogue
- Synonymic - equivalent
- Synonymies - sameness, similarity
- Synonymities - likeness, correspondence
- Synonymity - likeness, correspondence
- Synonymous - equivalent
- Synonymously - equally proportioned or distributed
- Synonyms - analogue
- Synonymy - sameness, similarity
- Synopses - digest, summary
- Synopsis - digest, summary
- Synopsize - review
- Synopsized - review
- Synopsizes - review
- Synopsizing - review
- Synoptic - abridged
- Syntactic - pertaining to syntax
- Syntactical - semantic
- Syntactics - study of signs as elements of communication
- Syntax - arrangement
- Syntaxes - arrangement
- Syntheses - combining; combination
- Synthesis - combining; combination
- Synthesize - combine; make whole
- Synthesized - combine; make whole
- Synthesizes - combine; make whole
- Synthesizing - combine; make whole
- Synthetic - artificial
- Synthetical - concerned with atom and molecule change
- Synthetically - by artificial means
- Synthetics - result or goods created
- Syntonizer -
- Syphilis - disease given through sexual relations
- Syphilises - disease given through sexual relations
- Syriacism -
- syzygy - the straight line configuration of 3 celestial bodies (as the sun and earth and moon) in a gravitational system
Vocabulary List
- Words that Start with A
- Words that Start with B
- Words that Start with c
- Words that Start with D
- Words that Start with E
- Words that Start with F
- Words that Start with g
- Words that Start with H
- Words that Start with I
- Words that Start with J
- Words that Start with K
- Words that Start with L
- Words that Start with M
- Words that Start with N
- Words that Start with O
- Words that Start with P
- Words that Start with Q
- Words that Start with R
- Words that Start with S
- Words that Start with T
- Words that Start with U
- Words that Start with V
- Words that Start with W
- Words that Start with Y
- Words that Start with Z
Idioms by Category
- The Most Common English Idioms
- Common English Idioms
- Familiar English Idioms
- Idioms about Age
- Idioms about animals
- Idioms about art
- Idioms about clothes
- Idioms about colors
- Idioms about crime
- Idioms about death
- Idioms about dreams
- Idioms about food
- Idioms about furniture
- Idioms about general
- Idioms about health
- Idioms about home
- Idioms about language
- Idioms about law
- Idioms about life
- Idioms about love
- Idioms about men and women
- Idioms about money
- Idioms about music
- Idioms about names
- Idioms about nationalities
- Idioms about nature
- Idioms about numbers
- Idioms about parts of the body
- Idioms about relationship
- Idioms about religion
- Idioms about sexuality
- Idioms about sport
- Idioms about technology and science
- Idioms about time
- Idioms about travel
- Idioms about war
- Idioms about weather
- Idioms about work
- IDIOMS beginning with A
- IDIOMS beginning with B
- IDIOMS beginning with C
- IDIOMS beginning with D
- IDIOMS beginning with E
- IDIOMS beginning with F
- IDIOMS beginning with G
- IDIOMS beginning with H
- IDIOMS beginning with I
- IDIOMS beginning with J
- IDIOMS beginning with K
- IDIOMS beginning with L
- IDIOMS beginning with M
- IDIOMS beginning with N
- IDIOMS beginning with O
- IDIOMS beginning with P
- IDIOMS beginning with Q
- IDIOMS beginning with R
- IDIOMS beginning with S
- IDIOMS beginning with T
- IDIOMS beginning with U
- IDIOMS beginning with V
- IDIOMS beginning with W
- IDIOMS beginning with X
- IDIOMS beginning with Y
- IDIOMS beginning with Z
Phrases by Category
- Common Expression
- Greetings
- Travel & Directions
- Number and Money
- Location
- Phone and Internet and Mail
- Time and dates
- Accommodations
- Dining
- Making friends
- Entertainment
- Shopping
- Communication difficulties
- Emergency and health
- General questions
- Work
- Weather
- Miscellaneous
- Phrases beginning with A
- Phrases beginning with B
- Phrases beginning with c
- Phrases beginning with D
- Phrases beginning with E
- Phrases beginning with F
- Phrases beginning with g
- Phrases beginning with H
- Phrases beginning with I
- Phrases beginning with J
- Phrases beginning with K
- Phrases beginning with L
- Phrases beginning with M
- Phrases beginning with N
- Phrases beginning with O
- Phrases beginning with P
- Phrases beginning with Q
- Phrases beginning with R
- Phrases beginning with S
- Phrases beginning with T
- Phrases beginning with U
- Phrases beginning with V
- Phrases beginning with W
- Phrases beginning with Y
- Phrases beginning with Z