Words Beginning with u - list and definitions learning English
- Uberous - fertile
- Uberties - fertility
- Uberty - fertility
- Ubieties - occupancy, attendance
- Ubiety - occupancy, attendance
- Ubiquitary - all-present
- Ubiquities - omnipresence
- Ubiquitous - ever-present
- Ubiquitously - in all places
- Ubiquitousness - omnipresence
- Ubiquity - omnipresence
- Udder - front of upper body
- Udders - front of upper body
- Udometer - rain measuring device
- Udometers - rain measuring device
- Udrp -
- Uey - about-face
- Ueys - about-face
- Ufo - unidentified flying object
- Ufos - unidentified flying object
- Uft -
- Ugh - emphatic exclamation
- Ughs - emphatic exclamation
- Uglier - unattractive
- Uglies - old woman
- Ugliest - unattractive
- Ugliness - unattractiveness
- Uglinesses - unattractiveness
- Ugly - unattractive
- Ugly man -
- Ugsome -
- Uhlan - troops riding horses
- Uhlans - troops riding horses
- Ukase - command
- Ukases - command
- Ulcer - an internal or external sore
- Ulcerate - intensify; become inflamed
- Ulcerated - hurt physically
- Ulcerates - intensify; become inflamed
- Ulcerating - intensify; become inflamed
- Ulceration - secretion of a sore
- Ulcerations - secretion of a sore
- Ulcered - blight, corrupt
- Ulcering - blight, corrupt
- Ulcerous - ulcerative
- Ulcers - an internal or external sore
- Ulm -
- Ulna - elbow to wrist
- Ulnae - elbow to wrist
- Ulnas - elbow to wrist
- Ulster - heavy coat
- Ulsters - heavy coat
- Ulterior - secret; pertaining to a hidden goal
- Ulteriorly - later
- Ultimata - final offer
- Ultimate - last, final
- Ultimated - stop, finish
- Ultimately - eventually
- Ultimates - greatest extent
- Ultimating - stop, finish
- Ultimatum - final offer
- Ultimatums - final offer
- Ultra - extreme
- Ultraism -
- Ultraist - very angry; maniacal
- Ultraists - person who advocates significant, often extreme change
- Ultramarine - sky, sea color
- Ultramasculine - masculine
- Ultramodern - up-to-date
- Ultraprecise - precise
- Ultras - enthusiast
- Ultrasensitive - easily hurt
- Ultrasonic - fast, quick
- Ululate - howl
- Ululated - howl
- Ululates - howl
- Ululating - howl
- Ululation - howl
- Ululations - howl
- Um - emphatic exclamation
- Umayyad -
- Umber - dark, burnished color
- Umbers - light brown
- Umbilical - of the navel
- Umbilicate - of the navel
- Umbilicated - of the navel
- Umbra - dimness
- Umbrae - dimness
- umbrage - a feeling of anger caused by being offended
- Umbraged - make very angry
- Umbrageous - filled with shade
- Umbrages - personal displeasure
- Umbraging - make very angry
- Umbral - hazy
- Umbras - dimness
- Umbrella - parasol
- Umbrellas - parasol
- Umbrous - dark, covered
- Ump - judge
- Umpire - person who settles dispute
- Umpired - achieve settlement
- Umpires - person who settles dispute
- Umpiring - achieve settlement
- Umps - judge
- umpteen - innumerable but many
- Ums - emphatic exclamation
- Unabashed - shameless
- Unabashedly - honestly
- Unabated - continuous, neverending
- Unabating - incessant, never-ending
- Unabbreviated - complete
- Unable - not having talent, skill
- Unabridged - not shortened
- Unaccented - faint, soft
- Unacceptable - not suitable or satisfactory
- Unaccepted - not liked or sought after
- Unaccommodating - not in the mood
- Unaccompanied - alone
- Unaccomplished - unfinished, wanting
- Unaccountable - not explainable; mysterious
- Unaccountably - exceptionally, particularly
- Unaccustomed - not prepared, ready; new
- Unachievable - out of reach
- Unachieveable -
- Unacknowledged - unknown, anonymous
- Unacquainted - unfamiliar with
- Unadaptable - stubborn
- Unadapted - antagonistic, contradictory
- Unadept - awkward, clumsy
- Unadorned - plain, simple
- unadulterated - without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers
- Unadventurous - cautious, conservative
- Unadvisable - without much thought
- Unadvised - not smart; careless
- Unaesthetic - unattractive
- Unaffected - honest, unsophisticated
- Unaffectedly - as anticipated
- Unaffectedness - harmlessness, naiveté
- Unaffiliated - impartial; not political
- Unaffixed -
- Unafraid - fearless
- Unaided - liberated, free
- Unaimed - haphazard, chance
- Unaired - without fresh air
- Unalarmed - brave, bold
- Unalienable - basic, hereditary
- Unaligned - bumpy, uneven
- Unalike - unlike, conflicting; completely different
- Unalleviated - absolute, pure
- Unallied - liberated, free
- Unallowable - not appropriate
- Unalloyed - whole, intact
- Unalluring - ugly
- Unalterable - not changeable
- Unalterably - rigidly
- Unaltered - unchanging
- Unambiguous - clear
- Unambiguously - certainly, without question
- Unambitious - lazy
- Unambivalent -
- Unamenable - unmanageable socially
- Unami -
- Unamiable - hard-hearted, numb
- Unamusing - crucial, weighty
- Unanchored - floating out of control
- Unanimated - uninterested, spiritless
- Unanimities - complete agreement
- Unanimity - complete agreement
- Unanimous - in agreement; uncontested
- Unanimously - of one mind
- Unanimousness - complete agreement
- Unanimousnesses - complete agreement
- Unannounced - not disclosed
- Unanswerable - beyond question
- Unanswered - not answered
- Unanticipated - happening suddenly and unexpectedly
- Unanticipatedly - abruptly
- Unanxious - calm, peaceful
- Unapologetic - unwilling to apologize
- Unapparent - indefinite, obscured
- Unappealable - conclusive, definitive
- Unappealing - not appealing
- Unappeasable - voracious
- Unappeased - discontented, unhappy
- Unappetizing - distasteful
- Unapplied - without a job
- Unappreciated - thankless
- Unappreciative - thankless
- Unapprehended - obscure, mysterious
- Unapprehensive - brave, bold
- Unapproachable - unfriendly
- Unapproached - unequalled, unique
- Unappropriated -
- Unapproved - not sanctioned, permitted
- Unapt - improper
- Unarguable - definite, final
- Unarm - render defenseless
- Unarmed - disarmed
- Unarming - render defenseless
- Unarms - render defenseless
- Unaroused - unfeeling, uninterested
- Unarranged - disorderly, disorganized
- Unartful - honest, trustful
- Unarticulate - voiceless
- Unartificial - honest, trustful
- Unascertainable -
- Unascertained - obscure, mysterious
- Unashamed - corrupt, indecent
- Unashamedly - honestly
- Unasked - voluntary
- Unassailable - certain
- Unassailably - unalterably
- Unassembled - not completed
- Unassertive - shy
- Unassimilable - irrelevant
- Unassisted - alone
- Unassociated - independent; different
- Unassuaged - discontented, unhappy
- Unassumed - open, unaffected
- Unassuming - shy
- Unassumingly - calmly
- Unassumingness - modesty
- Unassured - uncertain, worried
- Unattached - disconnected, free
- Unattainable - inaccessible
- Unattempted - inexperienced
- Unattended - not watched
- Unattested - unknown, usually by choice
- Unattired - without clothes, covering
- Unattractive - ugly
- Unauthentic - counterfeit, fake
- Unauthenticated - questionable; fake
- Unauthorized - not sanctioned, permitted
- Unavailability - state of lacking something needed or usual
- Unavailable - not available
- Unavailing - futile
- Unavailingly - giving small ground for hope
- Unavailingness - futility
- Unavoidability - definiteness, conclusiveness
- Unavoidable - bound to happen
- Unavoided -
- Unavowed - unknown, usually by choice
- Unawake - sleeping
- Unaware - ignorant
- Unawarely - ignorantly
- Unawareness - ignorance
- Unawarenesses - ignorance
- Unawares - without warning; suddenly
- Unbacked - not well; flimsy
- Unbaked - not cooked, prepared
- Unbalance - imbalance
- Unbalanced - not even, stable
- Unbalances - imbalance
- Unbalancing - make angry
- Unbar - set free; unbind
- Unbarred - unfastened, unclosed
- Unbarring - set free; unbind
- Unbars - set free; unbind
- Unbearable - very bad; too much
- Unbearing - not bearing fruit, young
- Unbeatable - not beatable
- Unbeaten - undefeated
- Unbeauteous -
- Unbeautiful - unattractive
- Unbecoming - improper, unsuitable
- Unbecomingness - impropriety
- Unbefitting - improper
- Unbefriended - feeling friendless, forlorn
- unbeknownst - Without the knowledge of; unknown to.
- Unbelief - disbelief
- Unbeliefs - disbelief
- Unbelievable - beyond the imagination
- Unbelievably - incredibly
- Unbelieve - doubt
- Unbelieved - doubt
- Unbeliever - skeptic
- Unbelievers - skeptic
- Unbelieves - doubt
- Unbelieving - skeptical
- Unbelievingly - doubtingly
- Unbelievingness - disbelief
- Unbeloved - not loved
- Unbelt - unfasten
- Unbelted - unfasten
- Unbelting - unfasten
- Unbelts - unfasten
- Unbend - be or feel at ease
- Unbendable - stubborn
- Unbended - be or feel at ease
- Unbending - rigid, tough
- Unbends - be or feel at ease
- Unbent - aligned; not curved
- Unbiased - not prejudiced
- Unbiasedly - impartially
- Unbiasedness - fairness
- Unbiasednesses - fairness
- Unbidden - impulsive, willing
- Unbigoted - progressive
- Unbind - undo
- Unbinding - undo
- Unbindings - emancipation
- Unbinds - undo
- Unblamable - innocent
- Unbleached - organic, unrefined
- Unblemished - not flawed
- Unblenching - bold
- Unblended - straight
- Unblessed - unholy
- Unblinking - resolute
- Unblock - clear
- Unblocked - clear
- Unblocking - clear
- Unblocks - clear
- Unblunted - sharp, piercing
- Unblurred - evident, obvious
- Unblushing - shameless
- Unblushingly - brazenly
- Unboastful - shy
- Unbodied - immaterial
- Unbolt - set free; unbind
- Unbolted - not tight; unconstrained
- Unbolting - set free; unbind
- Unbolts - set free; unbind
- Unborn - future
- Unbosom - get rid of
- Unbosomed - reveal
- Unbosoming - admittance of information
- Unbosoms - reveal
- Unbound - undo
- Unbounded - utter
- Unboundedness - infinity
- Unboundednesses - infinity
- Unbowed - undefeated
- Unbox - remove
- Unboxed - remove
- Unboxes - remove
- Unboxing - remove
- Unbrace - disable
- Unbraced - disable
- Unbraces - disable
- Unbracing - disable
- Unbraid - come apart; unwind
- Unbraided - come apart; unwind
- Unbraiding - come apart; unwind
- Unbraids - come apart; unwind
- Unbreakable - strong, tough
- Unbribable - honest, honorable
- unbridled - not restrained or controlled
- Unbriefed - unaware
- Unbroken - continuous, whole
- Unbrokenly - with little or no deviation
- Unbuckle - unfasten
- Unbuckled - unfasten
- Unbuckles - unfasten
- Unbuckling - unfasten
- Unbuild - flatten, knock down; wipe out
- Unbuilding - flatten, knock down; wipe out
- Unbuilds - flatten, knock down; wipe out
- Unbuilt - flatten, knock down; wipe out
- Unburden - get rid of
- Unburdened - unfastened, unclosed
- Unburdening - unloading
- Unburdens - reduce weight, load
- Unburied - dig up
- Unburies - dig up
- Unbury - dig up
- Unburying - dig up
- Unbusinesslike - unrealistic
- Unbutton - unfasten
- Unbuttoned - unfasten
- Unbuttoning - unfasten
- Unbuttons - unfasten
- Uncage - free
- Uncaged - not tight; unconstrained
- Uncages - free
- Uncaging - free
- Uncalculated - automatic; not done willingly
- Uncandid - insincere
- Uncandidness - dishonesty, deception
- Uncandidnesses - dishonesty, deception
- Uncannier - very strange, unusual
- Uncanniest - very strange, unusual
- Uncanny - very strange, unusual
- Uncareful - careless, reckless
- Uncaring - indifferent
- Unceasing - incessant
- Unceasingly - continuously
- Uncelebrated - unknown, anonymous
- Uncensored - complete
- Unceremonious - informal
- Uncertain - doubtful, changeable
- Uncertainly - intermittently
- Uncertainties - doubt, changeableness
- Uncertainty - doubt, changeableness
- Unchain - give freedom
- Unchained - give freedom
- Unchaining - freedom
- Unchains - give freedom
- Unchallenged - positive, accepted
- Unchangeable - constant, steadfast
- Unchangeably - unalterably
- Unchanged - unaltered
- Unchanging - constant, permanent
- Unchangingly - as a matter of usual practice
- Uncharitable - ungenerous
- Uncharnel - dig up, especially the dead
- Uncharnels - dig up, especially the dead
- Uncharted - unknown
- Unchaste - impure
- Unchaster - impure
- Unchastest - impure
- Unchastities - indecency
- Unchastity - indecency
- Unchecked - unrestrained
- Uncheerful - not in the mood
- Unchivalrous - rude
- Unchurch - banish
- Unchurched - banish
- Unchurches - banish
- Unchurching - banish
- Uncia - one-sixteenth of a pound/28.35 grams
- Unciae - one-sixteenth of a pound/28.35 grams
- Uncial - symbol of an alphabet
- Uncials - symbol of an alphabet
- Uncivil - rude
- Uncivilities - boldness, disrespect
- Uncivility - boldness, disrespect
- Uncivilized - wild, uncultured
- Uncivilizedness - crudity, savagery, especially in speech
- Uncivilly - impolitely
- Unclad - nude
- Unclaimed - unknown, usually by choice
- Unclasp - undo
- Unclasped - undo
- Unclasping - undo
- Unclasps - undo
- Unclassical -
- Unclassifiable - undistinguished, commonplace
- Unclassified - undistinguished, commonplace
- Uncle - male human
- Unclean - dirty
- Uncleaner - dirty
- Uncleanest - dirty
- Uncleanlier - impure
- Uncleanliest - impure
- Uncleanliness - dirty state
- Uncleanlinesses - dirty state
- Uncleanly - impure
- Uncleanness - dirtiness
- Uncleannesses - dirtiness
- Unclear - not clear
- Unclearer - not clear
- Unclearest - not clear
- Unclearly - inarticulately
- Unclearness - vagueness
- Unclearnesses - vagueness
- Uncles - male human
- Unclip -
- Uncloak - expose, embarrass
- Uncloaked - expose, embarrass
- Uncloaking - expose, embarrass
- Uncloaks - expose, embarrass
- Unclog - clean, clear away
- Unclogged - clean, clear away
- Unclogging - clean, clear away
- Unclogs - clean, clear away
- Unclose - clear, expose; spread
- Unclosed - slightly open
- Uncloses - clear, expose; spread
- Unclosing - clear, expose; spread
- Unclothe - reveal
- Unclothed - reveal
- Unclothes - reveal
- Unclothing - reveal
- Unclouded - clear
- unclubbable - Not sociable.
- Uncluttered - unfastened, unclosed
- Uncoil - open or fan out
- Uncoiled - open or fan out
- Uncoiling - open or fan out
- Uncoils - open or fan out
- Uncollected - referring to an unpaid debt
- Uncollectible -
- Uncolored - fair, impartial
- Uncombed - tangled
- Uncombine - remove something from group; keep or set apart
- Uncombined - uncluttered, natural
- Uncombines - remove something from group; keep or set apart
- Uncombining - remove something from group; keep or set apart
- Uncomely - plain
- Uncomfortable - painful, rough
- Uncomfortably - painfully
- Uncommitted - free; not involved
- Uncommon - very different
- Uncommoner - very different
- Uncommonest - very different
- Uncommonly - infrequently
- Uncommonness - rarity
- Uncommonnesses - rarity
- Uncommunicable - taciturn
- Uncommunicative - shy, silent
- Uncompanionable - silent, unsociable; constrained
- Uncompassionate - unsympathetic
- Uncompelled - voluntary
- Uncompensated - unpaid
- Uncomplaining - capable, willing to endure
- Uncompleted - incomplete
- Uncompliant - stubborn
- Uncomplicated - easy
- Uncomplimentary - sarcastic
- Uncomplying - rebellious
- Uncompounded - uncluttered, natural
- Uncomprehending - blind
- Uncompromising - stubborn
- Unconcealed - not concealed
- Unconceivable - implausible
- Unconcern - disinterestedness
- Unconcerned - carefree; apathetic
- Unconcernedly - heedlessly
- Unconcerns - disinterestedness
- Unconditional - absolute, total
- Unconditionally - absolutely
- Unconditioned - unconditional
- Unconducive - hurtful
- Unconfined - loose
- Unconfirmed - doubtful, uncertain
- Unconformable - bad, obnoxious; hostile
- Unconforming - not regular; artificial
- Unconformities - difference; alternative
- Unconformity - difference; alternative
- Unconfused - lucid
- Uncongealed - fluid, flowing, melting
- Uncongenial - incompatible
- Unconnected - separate
- Unconnectedly - distinctly
- Unconnectedness - unordered situation or thing
- Unconquerable - insurmountable
- Unconquered - undefeated
- Unconscientious - immoral
- Unconscionable - immoral, immoderate
- Unconscionably - excessively
- Unconscious - not awake; out cold
- Unconsciously - without thinking
- Unconsciousness - ignorance
- Unconsecrated - immoral, crude, disrespectful of religion
- Unconsidered - rash
- Unconstrained - abandoned
- Unconstraint - freedom
- Unconstraints - freedom
- Unconsumed - remaining, excess
- Unconsummated - unfinished, wanting
- Uncontainable - effervescent, vivacious
- Uncontaminated - recent, fresh
- Uncontestable - beyond dispute
- Uncontested - positive, accepted
- Uncontrived - simple
- Uncontrollable - wild; carried away
- Uncontrollably - agitatedly
- Uncontrolled - unrestrained
- Uncontrolledly - agitatedly
- Unconventional - very different; odd
- Unconventionally -
- Unconversant - unskilled, unfamiliar
- Unconverted - disloyal
- Unconvinced - unbelieving
- Unconvincing - not convincing
- Uncooked - not cooked
- Uncool - not adequate; helpless
- Uncooperative - not cooperative
- Uncooperativeness -
- Uncoordinated - awkward, clumsy
- Uncordial - hard-hearted, numb
- Uncork - clear, expose; spread
- Uncorked - clear, expose; spread
- Uncorking - clear, expose; spread
- Uncorks - clear, expose; spread
- Uncorrectable - bad, hopeless
- Uncorroborated - without substantiation
- Uncorrupt - blameless
- Uncorrupted - innocent
- Uncostly - reduced; mediocre
- Uncountable - incalculable
- Uncounted - innumerable
- Uncouple - detach
- Uncoupled - detach
- Uncouples - detach
- Uncoupling - detachment
- Uncourtly - not graceful
- Uncouth - clumsy, uncultivated
- Uncouthly - with difficulty
- Uncouthness - clumsiness; inelegance
- Uncouthnesses - clumsiness; inelegance
- Uncover - reveal, disclose
- Uncovered - exposed
- Uncovering - reveal, disclose
- Uncovers - reveal, disclose
- Uncrate - remove
- Uncrated - removed
- Uncrates - remove
- Uncrating - remove
- Uncreased - spread out
- Uncreative - sterile
- Uncredited - unknown, usually by choice
- Uncritical - casual, unfussy
- Uncrowded - extensive, expansive
- Uncrown - oust from position
- Uncrowned - oust from position
- Uncrowning - oust from position
- Uncrowns - oust from position
- Unction - ointment
- Unctions - ointment
- Unctuosities - polish
- Unctuosity - polish
- unctuous - unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech
- Unctuousness - empty talk
- Unctuousnesses - empty talk
- Uncultivable - unable to support growth
- Uncultivated - not cultivated
- Uncultured - crude
- Uncurbed - excessive, extravagant
- Uncurious - deadened, insensitive
- Uncurl - put in neat or aligned order
- Uncurled - aligned; not curved
- Uncurling - put in neat or aligned order
- Uncurls - put in neat or aligned order
- Uncustomarily - exceptionally, particularly
- Uncustomary - bizarre, odd
- Uncut - complete
- Undamaged - not damaged or harmed
- Undaring - conservative
- Undauntable - bold
- Undaunted - brave, bold
- Undauntedness - courage
- Undauntednesses - courage
- Undead - no longer alive but animated by a supernatural force
- Undear - inexpensive
- Undebased - clean, pure; primeval
- Undecayed - complete, healthy
- Undeceivable - unerring, dependable
- Undeceived - let down
- Undecide -
- Undecided - not sure, not definite
- Undecidedly - hesitantly
- Undecipherable - illegible
- Undeciphered -
- Undeclared - silent
- Undecorated - uncluttered, natural
- Undefeatable - steadfast, unyielding
- Undefeated - victorious
- Undefended - unprotected
- Undefiled - spotless
- Undefinable - beyond comprehension, explanation
- Undefined - infinite
- Undeliberate - ignorant; automatic
- Undemanding - relaxed
- Undemocratic - dictatorial
- Undemonstrated - untried
- Undemonstrative - cool
- Undeniable - definite, proven
- Undeniably - actually
- Undependable - irresponsible
- Under - below
- Underachiever - person who does not succeed
- Underachievers - person who does not succeed
- Underachieving - limited
- Underage - below legal age
- Underaged - below legal age
- Underages - below legal age
- Underbellies - weak point
- Underbelly - weak point
- Underbrush - undergrowth
- Underbrushes - undergrowth
- Underbuilding - room on lower floor of building
- Undercarriage - framework
- Undercarriages - framework
- Undercharge - undersell
- Undercharged - undersell
- Undercharges - undersell
- Undercharging - undersell
- Underclassman - college student
- Underclassmen - college student
- Underclothes - women's undergarments
- Underclothing - women's undergarments
- Underclothings - women's undergarments
- Undercoat - underwear
- Undercoats - underwear
- Undercooked - not fully cooked
- Undercover - secret, spy
- Undercroft - burial place
- Undercrofts - burial place
- Undercurrent - drift, pull
- Undercurrents - drift, pull
- Undercut - excavate
- Undercuts - excavate
- Undercutting - excavate
- Underdetermination -
- Underdeveloped - backward
- Underdog - unlikely winner in a contest or struggle
- Underdogs - unlikely winner in a contest or struggle
- Underdone - undercooked
- Underemployed - without a job
- Underestimate - minimize; rate too low
- Underestimated - minimize; rate too low
- Underestimates - minimize; rate too low
- Underestimating - minimize; rate too low
- Underestimation - error, misunderstanding
- Underfed - undernourished
- Underflow - drift, pull
- Underflows - drift, pull
- Underfoot - beneath
- Undergarment - women's underwear
- Undergarments - women's underwear
- Undergird - hold up
- Undergirded - hold up
- Undergirding - hold up
- Undergirds - hold up
- Undergirt - hold up
- Undergo - be subjected to
- Undergoes - be subjected to
- Undergoing - be subjected to
- Undergone - sustained
- Undergrad - person actively learning
- Undergrads - person actively learning
- Undergraduate - college student
- Undergraduates - college student
- Underground - below the surface
- Undergrounds - illegal commerce
- Undergrown - kept from growing
- Undergrowth - underbrush
- Undergrowths - underbrush
- Underhand - deceitful
- Underhanded - secret
- Underhandedly - in hidden manner
- Underhandedness - indirection
- Underinflated -
- Underinsured -
- Underivative -
- Underived - earliest
- Underlain - influence; hold in check
- Underlay - influence; hold in check
- Underlie - influence; hold in check
- Underlies - influence; hold in check
- Underline - emphasize; mark
- Underlined - emphasize; mark
- Underlines - emphasize; mark
- Underling - subordinate
- Underlings - subordinate
- Underlining - emphasize; mark
- Underlinings - blemish; character
- Underlying - fundamental, latent
- Undermanned - inadequate in work force
- Undermine - weaken
- Undermined - weaken
- Undermines - weaken
- Undermining - sabotage
- Underminings - sabotage
- Undermost - bottom
- Underneath - below
- Underneaths - foundation
- Undernourished - unhealthily thin
- Underpants - women's underwear
- Underpass - covered passageway
- Underpasses - covered passageway
- Underpin - base
- Underpinned - base
- Underpinning - supporting structure
- Underpinnings - basis
- Underpins - base
- Underplay - make smaller; underrate
- Underplayed - make smaller; underrate
- Underplaying - make smaller; underrate
- Underplays - make smaller; underrate
- Underprice - undersell
- Underpriced - undersell
- Underprices - undersell
- Underpricing - undersell
- Underprivileged - poor
- Underprize - devalue
- Underprized - devalue
- Underprizes - devalue
- Underprizing - devalue
- Underprop - hold up or lean against
- Underpropped - hold up or lean against
- Underpropping - support, underpinning
- Underprops - hold up or lean against
- Underput -
- Underrate - underestimate
- Underrated - devalue
- Underrates - underestimate
- Underrating - underestimate
- Underrepresented -
- Undersaturated -
- Underscore - underline, emphasize; to indicate the importance of by giving prominent display
- Underscored - underline, emphasize
- Underscores - underline, emphasize
- Underscoring - underline, emphasize
- Underscorings - importance, prominence
- Undersea - under the water's surface
- Undersell - lower, reduce cost
- Underselling - lower, reduce cost
- Undersells - lower, reduce cost
- Undersense - inner thoughts
- Undersenses - inner thoughts
- Undersexed -
- Undershirt - clothing worn under outerwear
- Undershirts - clothing worn under outerwear
- Undershoot - fail, make a mistake
- Undershooting - fail, make a mistake
- Undershoots - fail, make a mistake
- Undershorts - loose underpants
- Undershot - fail, make a mistake
- Underside - lower side
- Undersides - lower side
- Undersign - sign
- Undersigned - person or persons who have signed a letter or document
- Undersigning - sign
- Undersigns - sign
- Undersize - tiny, petite
- Undersized - little
- Underskirt - underwear
- Underskirts - underwear
- Undersoil - farming for basic needs
- Undersoils - farming for basic needs
- Undersold - lower, reduce cost
- Undersong - chorus of musical piece
- Undersongs - chorus of musical piece
- Understand - appreciate, comprehend
- Understandable - comprehensible
- Understandably - naturally
- Understanding - accepting, tolerant
- Understandingly - with compassion
- Understandings - accepting, tolerant
- Understands - appreciate, comprehend
- Understate - underestimate
- Understated - underestimate
- Understatement - restrained statement
- Understatements - restrained statement
- Understates - underestimate
- Understating - underestimate
- Understood - assumed, implicit
- Understories - undergrowth
- Understory - undergrowth
- Understudied - act as substitute
- Understudies - substitute
- Understudy - substitute
- Understudying - act as substitute
- Undersubscribed -
- Undersurface - bottom
- Undersurfaces - bottom
- Undertake - attempt, engage in
- Undertaken - set in motion
- Undertaker - funeral director
- Undertakers - funeral director
- Undertakes - attempt, engage in
- Undertaking - endeavor, attempt
- Undertakings - endeavor, attempt
- Underthings - women's undergarments
- Undertone - suggestion, whisper
- Undertones - suggestion, whisper
- Undertook - attempt, engage in
- Undertow - pull of tide
- Undertows - pull of tide
- Undervaluation - misestimate
- Undervaluations - misestimate
- Undervalue - underestimate
- Undervalued - depreciate
- Undervalues - underestimate
- Undervaluing - underestimate
- Underwater - under the water's surface
- Underway - in motion
- Underwear - clothing worn under outerwear
- Underwears - clothing worn under outerwear
- Underweight - thin
- Underwent - be subjected to
- underwhelm - To fail to impress; to perform disappointingly
- Underwhelmed - fail to interest
- Underwood - scrappy bushes
- Underwoods - scrappy bushes
- Underworker -
- Underworld - criminal activity, element
- Underworlds - criminal activity, element
- Underwrite - endorse, insure
- Underwriter - sponsor
- Underwriters - sponsor
- Underwrites - endorse, insure
- Underwriting - endorse, insure
- Underwritten - endorse, insure
- Underwrote - endorse, insure
- Undescribable - unspeakable
- Undeserved - excessive, unnecessary
- Undeserving - not of value
- Undesignated - unknown, anonymous
- Undesigned - unintentional
- Undesigning - open, unaffected
- Undesirable - offensive, unacceptable
- Undesirables - social outcast
- Undesired - unwelcome
- Undestroyed - in existence
- Undetectable - imperceptible
- Undetected - unfound
- Undetermined - not determined
- Undeterred - brave, bold
- Undeveloped - immature
- Undeviating - word for word; exact, real
- Undeviatingly - word for word; exactly
- Undevout - ungodly
- Undid - open
- Undies - women's undergarments
- Undifferenced - corresponding, similar
- Undignified - crude, vulgar
- Undiluted - straight
- Undiminished - complete
- Undimmed - fresh
- Undiplomatic - tactless
- Undirected - useless, insignificant
- Undiscerning - negligent, not paying attention
- Undisciplinable - disobedient, uncontrollable
- Undisciplined - uncontrolled
- Undisclosed - not disclosed
- Undiscouraged - brave, bold
- Undiscoverable - hidden, mysterious; blank
- Undiscovered - unfound
- Undisguised - honest, trustful
- Undismayed - brave, bold
- Undisputable - certain
- Undisputed - accepted
- Undisputedly - of one mind
- Undissembled - honest, objective
- Undistinguished - ordinary
- Undistorted - accurate, precise
- Undistracted - whole
- Undisturbed - calm
- Undiversified - not changing
- Undivided - whole
- Undividedly - only, alone
- Undividedness - unity
- Undividednesses - unity
- Undivulged - secret; pertaining to a hidden goal
- Undo - open
- Undocked - complete
- Undoes - open
- Undogmatic - liberal
- Undoing - destruction, misfortune
- Undoings - destruction, misfortune
- Undomesticated - wild
- Undone - not done
- Undoubtable - inferable
- Undoubted - undisputed
- Undoubtedly - certainly
- Undoubtful - happy; optimistic
- Undoubting - sure
- Undraped - without covering
- Undress - take off clothes
- Undressed - without clothing
- Undresses - take off clothes
- Undressing - take off clothes
- Undrest - take off clothes
- Undried - young, new, blooming
- Undubbed - not named
- Undue - excessive, unnecessary
- undulant - resembling waves in form or outline or motion
- Undulate - rise and fall
- Undulated - rise and fall
- Undulates - rise and fall
- Undulating - wavy
- Undulation - wave
- Undulations - wave
- Undulatory - wavy
- Unduly - excessively
- Undutiful - disloyal
- Undy - women's undergarments
- Undying - never-ending
- Uneager - unwilling
- Unearned - undeserved
- Unearth - dig up
- Unearthed - dig up
- Unearthing - dig up
- Unearthlier - supernatural; very strange
- Unearthliest - supernatural; very strange
- Unearthliness - immateriality
- Unearthlinesses - immateriality
- Unearthly - supernatural; very strange
- Unearths - dig up
- Unease - restlessness
- Uneases - restlessness
- Uneasier - awkward, uncomfortable
- Uneasiest - awkward, uncomfortable
- Uneasily - painfully
- Uneasiness - disquiet
- Uneasinesses - disquiet
- Uneasy - awkward, uncomfortable
- Uneatable - inedible
- Uneaten - remaining, excess
- Uneconomical - careless, spendthrift
- Uneducated - lacking knowledge
- Uneffaced -
- Unelaborate - uncluttered, natural
- Unembarrassed - open, unaffected
- Unembellished - factual
- Unembodied - immaterial
- Unemotional - not responsive
- Unemotionally - nonchalantly
- Unemphatic - hidden, unnoticeable
- Unemployed - without a job
- Unemployment - dismissal from job or responsibility
- Unemployments - dismissal from job or responsibility
- Unencumbered - not encumbered
- Unended - never-ending
- Unending - continuing
- Unendingly - always, at any time
- Unendurable - unbearable
- Unenforceable - nullified, meaningless
- Unengaged - without a job
- Unenjoyable - boring, uneventful
- Unenlarged - biased, intolerant
- Unenlightened - ignorant
- Unenslaved - unrestrained politically
- Unenterprising -
- Unentertaining - boring, uneventful
- Unenthusiastic - apathetic
- Unequable - changing, changeable
- Unequal - different
- Unequaled - supreme, pre-eminent
- Unequalled - superlative
- Unequally - not evenly
- Unequipped - not adequate; helpless
- Unequitable - vulgar, immoral
- Unequivocable - beyond dispute
- Unequivocal - definite, positive
- Unequivocally - absolutely, definitely
- Unequivocalness - complete honesty
- Unerring - accurate
- Unerringly - word for word; exactly
- Unescapable - inevitable
- Unescorted - alone
- Unessential - unnecessary
- Unessentially - needlessly
- Unethical - dishonest, immoral
- Unethically - immorally
- Uneven - not smooth or balanced
- Unevenly - raggedly
- Unevenness - irregularity
- Unevennesses - irregularity
- Uneventful - monotonous, dull
- Unevolved - ancient, original
- Unexacting - simple, easy
- Unexaggerated - word for word; exact, real
- Unexampled - incomparable
- Unexcelled - excellent, first-class
- Unexceptionable - enough, adequate
- Unexceptional - ordinary
- Unexcitable - unemotional
- Unexcited - easygoing, laid back
- Unexciting - dull
- Unexclusive - far-reaching, thorough
- Unexecuted - unfinished, wanting
- Unexercised - without a job
- Unexpected - surprising
- Unexpectedly - surprisingly
- Unexperienced - childlike, innocent
- Unexpert - inexperienced
- Unexplainable - inexplicable
- Unexplained - obscure, mysterious
- Unexplored - not explored
- Unexposed - unfound
- Unexpressed - not expressed
- Unexpressive - uncommunicative
- unexpurgated - not having material deleted
- Unextreme - limited, ordinary
- Unfabled - beyond doubt
- Unfaded - fresh
- Unfading - lasting, unable to be destroyed
- Unfailing - certain, unchanging
- Unfailingly - without doubt
- Unfailingness - fixedness
- Unfailingnesses - fixedness
- Unfair - prejudiced, wrongful
- Unfairer - prejudiced, wrongful
- Unfairest - prejudiced, wrongful
- Unfairly - unjustly
- Unfairness - injustice
- Unfairnesses - injustice
- Unfaith - disbelief
- Unfaithful - disloyal, adulterous
- Unfaithfully - faithlessly
- Unfaithfulness - infidelity
- Unfaiths - disbelief
- Unfaked - real, valid; concordant with facts
- Unfaltering - steadfast
- Unfalteringly -
- Unfamed - unknown, anonymous
- Unfamiliar - different, strange
- Unfamiliarities - ignorance
- Unfamiliarity - ignorance
- Unfamiliarly - oddly
- Unfashionable - out-of-style
- Unfashioned - not cooked, prepared
- Unfasten - detach
- Unfastened - detach
- Unfastening - detach
- Unfastens - detach
- Unfastidious - cluttered, dirty
- Unfathomable - bottomless
- Unfathomed - situated deep or wide
- Unfavorable - very bad
- Unfavorably - negatively
- Unfazed - not dismayed
- Unfearful - brave
- Unfearing - fearless
- Unfeasible - not feasible
- Unfed - hungry
- Unfeeling - hard-hearted, numb
- Unfeelingly - in an unemotional manner
- Unfeelingness - ability to withstand
- Unfeelingnesses - ability to withstand
- unfeigned - not pretended; sincerely felt or expressed
- Unfelled -
- Unfeminine - manlike
- Unfertile - not bearing fruit, young
- Unfetter - pay blackmail money for return of possession or person
- Unfettered - unburdened
- Unfettering - emancipation
- Unfetters - pay blackmail money for return of possession or person
- Unfile -
- Unfilial - insulting, rude
- Unfilled - not filled
- Unfinished - not completed
- Unfirm - falling apart; in poor condition
- Unfit - not appropriate or suited
- Unfitness - impropriety
- Unfitnesses - impropriety
- Unfits - render null and void
- Unfitted - unskillful, unable
- Unfitting - not suitable
- Unfix - set free; unbind
- Unfixed - countless, limitless
- Unfixedness - imbalance, inconstancy
- Unfixednesses - imbalance, inconstancy
- Unfixes - set free; unbind
- Unfixing - set free; unbind
- Unfixt - set free; unbind
- Unflagging - persistent
- Unflappability - balance
- Unflappable - cool and calm
- Unflattering - unfavorable
- Unflatteringly - negatively
- Unflawed - perfect
- unfledged - (of birds) not yet having developed feathers
- Unfleshlier - not physical; without physical presence
- Unfleshliest - not physical; without physical presence
- Unfleshly - not physical; without physical presence
- Unflinching - resolute
- Unflinchingly - courageously
- Unflustered - calm, peaceful
- Unfocused - unclear
- Unfold - spread out
- Unfolded - spread out
- Unfolding - development
- Unfoldings - development
- Unfolds - spread out
- Unforbidden - allowable, legal
- Unforced - voluntary
- Unforeseeable - unpredictable
- Unforeseen - surprising
- Unforgettable - memorable
- Unforgivable - inexcusable
- Unforgivably - badly
- Unforgiving - merciless
- Unformed - not formed
- Unformulated - understood
- Unforthcoming - secretive, quiet
- Unfortunate - unlucky, bad
- Unfortunately - unluckily
- Unfortunateness - misfortune
- Unfortunates - inept person
- Unfounded - not based on fact
- Unfrequent - irregular, sporadic
- Unfrequented - lonely
- Unfrequently - not often; exceptionally
- Unfriendlier - nasty, hostile
- Unfriendliest - nasty, hostile
- Unfriendliness - obstruction, antagonism
- Unfriendly - nasty, hostile
- Unfrightened - fearless
- Unfrock - dismiss
- Unfrocked - dismiss
- Unfrocking - dethroning, ousting
- Unfrocks - dismiss
- Unfruitful - barren
- Unfruitfulness - sterility
- Unfulfilled - not completed
- Unfulfilling - unsatisfactory
- Unfurl - unroll
- Unfurled - spread out
- Unfurling - unroll
- Unfurls - spread out
- Unfurnished - without covering or content
- Unfussier - casual, simple
- Unfussiest - casual, simple
- Unfussy - casual, simple
- Ungainlier - clumsy
- Ungainliest - clumsy
- Ungainliness - clumsiness; inelegance
- Ungainlinesses - clumsiness; inelegance
- Ungainly - clumsy
- Ungava -
- Ungenerous - not generous
- Ungenerously - egotistically
- Ungenial - unfriendly, aloof
- Ungenteel - clumsy, uncultivated
- Ungentlemanlike - rude
- Ungentlemanly - rude
- Ungenuine - illegitimate
- Ungifted - amateurish
- Ungiving - stingy
- Unglue - depress, unnerve
- Unglued - confused
- Unglues - depress, unnerve
- Ungluing - depress, unnerve
- Ungodlier - not accepting a religious doctrine; impious
- Ungodliest - not accepting a religious doctrine; impious
- Ungodliness - illegal or immoral action
- Ungodlinesses - illegal or immoral action
- Ungodly - not accepting a religious doctrine; impious
- Ungot -
- Ungovernable - out of control
- Ungoverned - abandoned
- Ungraceful - not graceful
- Ungracefully - with difficulty
- Ungracefulness - incapacity
- Ungracious - discourteous
- Ungraciously - impolitely
- Ungraciousness - unwelcome
- Ungraded - not cooked, prepared
- Ungrammatical - not using the correct rules of grammar
- Ungraspable - not understandable
- Ungrateful - not appreciative
- Ungratified - unhappy
- Ungregarious -
- Ungroomed - ragged
- Ungrounded - fictional, not real
- Ungrown - childish
- Ungrudging - giving and kind
- Ungrudgingly - with an open heart
- Unguarded - thoughtless; unwary
- Unguent - salve
- Unguents - salve
- Ungues - foot of animal
- Unguided - having no goal
- Unguiltier - chaste, virtuous
- Unguiltiest - chaste, virtuous
- Unguilty - chaste, virtuous
- Unguis - foot of animal
- Ungula - foot of animal
- Ungulae - foot of animal
- Ungulate - hoofed animal
- Ungulates - hoofed animal
- Unhailed - uncelebrated
- Unhallowed - unholy
- Unhampered - free and easy; without restraint
- Unhandier - incompetent; not suitable
- Unhandiest - incompetent; not suitable
- Unhandiness - bother, trouble
- Unhandinesses - bother, trouble
- Unhandsome - improper, unsuitable
- Unhandy - incompetent; not suitable
- Unhappier - sad
- Unhappiest - sad
- Unhappily - regrettably
- Unhappiness - sorrow
- Unhappinesses - sorrow
- Unhappy - sad
- Unharmed - unhurt
- Unharmonious - inharmonious
- Unhastier - casual, unhurried
- Unhastiest - casual, unhurried
- Unhasty - casual, unhurried
- Unhealth - weakness, sickness
- Unhealthful - unwholesome
- Unhealthfulness - ill or abnormal condition
- Unhealthier - sick
- Unhealthiest - sick
- Unhealthiness - weakness, sickness
- Unhealthinesses - weakness, sickness
- Unhealths - weakness, sickness
- Unhealthy - sick
- Unheard - silent
- Unheeded - disregarded
- Unheedful - careless, indifferent
- Unheeding - not attentive
- Unhelpful - useless, insignificant
- Unheralded - unsung
- Unhesitating - implicit
- Unhesitatingly - honestly
- Unhewn - basic, incomplete
- Unhidden - apparent, seeable
- Unhindered - direct
- Unhinge - upset
- Unhinged - demented
- Unhinges - upset
- Unhinging - upset
- Unhistoric - fictitious but well known
- Unhistorical - fictitious but well known
- Unhitch - unfasten
- Unhitched - unfasten
- Unhitches - unfasten
- Unhitching - unfasten
- Unholier - sacrilegious
- Unholiest - sacrilegious
- Unholy - sacrilegious
- Unholy mess -
- Unhonest - deceitful, untrustworthy
- Unhonored - out-of-the-way, little-known
- Unhook - give freedom
- Unhooked - not tight; unconstrained
- Unhooking - give freedom
- Unhooks - give freedom
- Unhoped-for -
- Unhopeful - pessimistic
- Unhorse - overthrow
- Unhorsed - overthrow
- Unhorses - overthrow
- Unhorsing - overthrow
- Unhospitable - forbidding
- Unhostile - nonmilitary
- Unhoused - displaced
- Unhumorous - somber, humorless
- Unhurried - leisurely
- Unhurriedly - quietly
- Unhurt - uninjured
- Unhurtful - harmless, naive
- Unhygienic - dirty, unclean
- Unicolorous -
- Unidealistic - realistic, unembellished
- Unidentified - secret
- Unification - joining together
- Unifications - joining together
- Unified - united
- Unifies - unite
- Uniform - consistent
- Uniformed - without knowledge
- Uniforming - balance, make smooth
- Uniformities - regularity
- Uniformity - regularity
- Uniformize -
- Uniformly - without exception
- Uniformness - likeness
- Uniformnesses - likeness
- Uniforms - coordinated outfit
- Unify - unite
- Unifying - unite
- Unifyings - assemblage
- Uniglot -
- Unilateral - concerned with one side
- Unilluminated - cloudy, shadowy
- Unimaginable - mind-boggling
- Unimaginative - dull, predictable
- Unimagined - incapable of being imagined
- Unimpaired - not hurt
- Unimpassioned - realistic, unembellished
- Unimpeachable - blameless
- Unimpeachably - without a doubt
- Unimpeded - clear
- Unimportance - insignificance
- Unimportances - insignificance
- Unimportant - of no real worth, value
- Unimposing - unassuming
- Unimpressed - unfeeling, uninterested
- Unimpressible - easygoing, laid back
- Unimpressive - ordinary
- Unimproved - not improved
- Uninfected - clean, germ-free
- Uninflected - all the same, remaining the same
- Uninfluenced - impartial; not political
- Uninformative - secret; obscure in meaning
- Uninformed - unaware
- Uninhabitable - unfit to live in
- Uninhabited - not lived in
- Uninhibited - free and easy; without restraint
- Uninhibitedness - careless disregard for consequences
- Uninitiate - inexperienced
- Uninitiated - uninformed
- Uninitiates - inexperienced
- Uninjured - undamaged; all in one piece
- Uninspired - dull, unoriginal
- Uninspiring - undistinguished, commonplace
- Uninstallation -
- Uninstructed - ignorant
- Unintellectual - ignorant
- Unintelligent - stupid
- Unintelligently - stupidly
- Unintelligible - not understandable
- Unintelligibly - faintly
- Unintended - unintentional
- Unintentional - not planned
- Unintentionally - not done on purpose
- Uninterest - apathy
- Uninterested - oblivious to
- Uninteresting - boring, uneventful
- Uninterests - apathy
- Unintermittedly - continually
- Uninterrupted - continuing; unbroken
- Uninterruptedly - continuously
- Unintimidated - resolute
- Uninventive - sterile
- Uninvited - unwanted
- Uninviting - disagreeable, not pleasant
- Uninvolved - neutral
- Union - merger, joining
- Unionization - the act of becoming a corporate body
- Unionizations - the act of becoming a corporate body
- Unionized - allied
- Unions - merger, joining
- Unique - alone, singular
- Uniquely - barely; exclusively
- Uniqueness - differentness
- Uniquenesses - differentness
- Uniramous -
- Unironed - creased
- Unisex - asexual
- Unisexual - having male and female traits
- Unison - harmony
- Unisons - harmony
- Unit - whole
- Unitable -
- Unitary - distinctive, exclusive
- Unite - combine; join together
- United - combined; in agreement
- Unitedly - as one
- Unites - combine; join together
- Unities - wholeness
- Uniting - combine; join together
- Unitings - joining together
- Units - whole
- Unity - wholeness
- Universal - worldwide, entire
- Universalities - recognition, celebrity
- Universality - recognition, celebrity
- Universalize - make universal
- Universalized - make universal
- Universalizes - make universal
- Universalizing - make universal
- Universally - concerning the universe
- Universe - everything in creation
- Universes - everything in creation
- Universities - institution of higher education
- University - institution of higher education
- univocal - admitting of no doubt or misunderstanding; having only one meaning or interpretation and leading to only one conclusion
- Unjaded - childlike, trusting
- Unjust - not fair
- Unjuster - not fair
- Unjustest - not fair
- Unjustifiable - unwarranted
- Unjustifiably - without basis
- Unjustified - not justified
- Unjustly - unfairly
- Unjustness - injustice
- Unjustnesses - injustice
- Unkempt - shabby, sloppy
- Unkemptness - disorder
- Unkemptnesses - disorder
- Unkept -
- Unkind - not nice
- Unkind person -
- Unkinder - not nice
- Unkindest - not nice
- Unkindly - cruelly, without remorse
- Unkindness - the quality of being mean
- Unkindnesses - the quality of being mean
- Unknot - untangle
- Unknots - untangle
- Unknotted - untangle
- Unknotting - untangle
- Unknowable - not understandable
- Unknowing - unaware
- Unknowingly - without warning; suddenly
- Unknowingness - harmlessness, naiveté
- Unknowingnesses - harmlessness, naiveté
- Unknowings - ignorance
- Unknowledgeable - ignorant
- Unknown - obscure, mysterious
- Unknowns - something kept hidden, unrevealed
- Unlabored - open, unaffected
- Unlace - set free; unbind
- Unlaced - set free; unbind
- Unlaces - set free; unbind
- Unlacing - set free; unbind
- Unlade - unload
- Unladed - unload
- Unlades - unload
- Unlading - unload
- Unladings - unloading
- Unladylike - lacking the behavior or style considered appropriate for a lady
- Unlash - set free; unbind
- Unlashed - set free; unbind
- Unlashes - set free; unbind
- Unlashing - set free; unbind
- Unlatch - set free; unbind
- Unlatched - not tight; unconstrained
- Unlatches - set free; unbind
- Unlatching - set free; unbind
- Unlaundered - dirty
- Unlawful - against the law
- Unlawfully - illegally
- Unlawfulness - illegality
- Unlawfulnesses - illegality
- Unlearned - ignorant
- Unleash - let loose
- Unleashed - let loose
- Unleashes - let loose
- Unleashing - let loose
- Unless - except that
- Unlettered - uncultivated, vulgar
- Unlevel - ragged, notched
- Unlicensed - against the law
- Unlighted - lack of light
- Unlikable - offensive, unacceptable
- Unlike - different
- Unlikelier - not probable
- Unlikeliest - not probable
- Unlikelihood - hopelessness
- Unlikelihoods - hopelessness
- Unlikeliness - improbability
- Unlikelinesses - improbability
- Unlikely - not probable
- Unlikeness - difference
- Unlikenesses - difference
- Unlimited - extensive, complete
- Unlimitedly - to infinity
- Unlimitedness - infinity
- Unlimitednesses - infinity
- Unlink - part company in a romantic
- Unlinked - part company in a romantic
- Unlinking - part company in a romantic
- Unlinks - part company in a romantic
- Unliquidated - not settled; taken without remuneration
- Unlisted - not listed
- Unlit - cloudy, shadowy
- Unlivable - unfit to live in
- Unlive -
- Unlivelier - lukewarm
- Unliveliest - lukewarm
- Unlively - lukewarm
- Unload - take off; empty
- Unloaded - removed
- Unloading - take off; empty
- Unloadings - exchange of object for money
- Unloads - take off; empty
- Unlock - open; solve
- Unlocked - opened
- Unlocking - open; solve
- Unlocks - open; solve
- Unloose - undo
- Unloosed - undo
- Unloosen - undo
- Unloosened - undo
- Unloosening - undo
- Unloosens - undo
- Unlooses - undo
- Unloosing - undo
- Unloved - not loved
- Unlovelier - plain
- Unloveliest - plain
- Unlovely - plain
- Unloving - frigid
- Unluckier - unfortunate, doomed
- Unluckiest - unfortunate, doomed
- Unluckily - regrettably
- Unluckiness - misfortune
- Unluckinesses - misfortune
- Unlucky - unfortunate, doomed
- Unmade - not made
- Unmaiden -
- Unmake - flatten, knock down; wipe out
- Unmakes - flatten, knock down; wipe out
- Unmaking - malicious verbal attack
- Unmakings - malicious verbal attack
- Unmalicious - harmless, naive
- Unman - depress, unnerve
- Unmanacle -
- Unmanageable - unruly, wild
- Unmanful - feminine
- Unmanlier - feminine
- Unmanliest - feminine
- Unmanlike - feminine
- Unmanliness - cowardice
- Unmanlinesses - cowardice
- Unmanly - feminine
- Unmanned - emasculated
- Unmannered - genuine
- Unmannerliness - discourtesy
- Unmannerly - without good manners
- Unmanning - emasculation
- Unmans - depress, unnerve
- Unmantle -
- Unmapped - unknown
- Unmarked - clear
- Unmarred - good
- Unmarried - not presently wed
- Unmarries - split up a marriage
- Unmarry - split up a marriage
- Unmarrying - split up a marriage
- Unmasculine - cowardly
- Unmask - reveal
- Unmasked - reveal
- Unmasking - reveal
- Unmaskings - politically motivated exposure of another's secrets
- Unmasks - reveal
- Unmatchable - superlative
- Unmatched - unique
- Unmatured - crude
- Unmeaning - without use, value, worth
- Unmeant - unintentional
- Unmeasurable - excessive, extravagant
- Unmeasured - bottomless
- Unmeditated - tending to act without thought
- Unmeet - not proper, suitable
- Unmelodious - harsh
- Unmelodiousness - noise, discord
- Unmemorable - undistinguished, commonplace
- Unmentionable - unspeakable
- Unmentionables - undergarments
- Unmentioned - vague
- Unmerciful - cruel
- Unmerited - undeserved
- Unmethodical - random, chaotic
- Unmilled - crude
- Unmindful - not aware or attentive
- Unmindfully - heedlessly
- Unmindfulness - absence of feeling, interest
- Unmindfulnesses - absence of feeling, interest
- Unmingled - unmixed, genuine
- Unmistakable - certain, definite
- Unmistakably - definitely
- Unmitigable - hopeless
- Unmitigated - absolute, pure
- Unmitigatedly - completely
- Unmixable - discrepant
- Unmixed - nothing more; absolute
- Unmodifiable - not changing
- Unmodified - honest, direct
- Unmoistened - dry
- Unmolested - free from harm
- Unmoneyed - very poor
- Unmoor - put up the anchor
- Unmoored - floating out of control
- Unmooring - put up the anchor
- Unmoors - put up the anchor
- Unmoral - immoral, uncontrolled
- Unmotivated - uninspired
- Unmovable - fixed
- Unmoved - firm
- Unmoving - not active
- Unmusical - inharmonious
- Unmutilated - unbroken, perfect
- Unnamed - not named
- Unnatural - not regular; artificial
- Unnaturally - unusually
- Unnaturalness - abnormality
- Unnaturalnesses - abnormality
- Unnecessarily - needlessly
- Unnecessary - not required
- Unneeded - unnecessary
- Unnegotiable - impracticable
- Unneighborly - nasty, hostile
- Unnerve - upset, intimidate
- Unnerved - upset, intimidate
- Unnerves - upset, intimidate
- Unnerving - upset, intimidate
- Unnest -
- Unnew -
- Unnoted - unknown, anonymous
- Unnoticeable - inconspicuous
- Unnoticed - ignored
- Unnoticing - negligent, not paying attention
- Unnumbered - many, infinite
- Unobjectionable - acceptable
- Unobjectionably - satisfactorily
- Unobliging - not in the mood
- Unobscured - illuminated
- Unobservable - imperceptible
- Unobservant - not observant
- Unobserved - ignored
- Unobserving - negligent, not paying attention
- Unobstructed - not obstructed
- Unobtainable - out of reach
- Unobtrusive - keeping a low profile
- Unobtrusively - discreetly
- Unobtrusiveness - shyness
- Unoccupied - unlived in
- Unoffending - blameless
- Unoffensive - harmless
- Unofficial - unauthorized
- Unofficially - discreetly
- Unoften - not often; exceptionally
- Unopened -
- Unopposed - unchallenged
- Unoppressive - tolerant, permissive
- Unorderly - dirty, disorderly
- Unordinary - unusual
- Unorganized - disorderly, disorganized
- Unoriginal - not original
- Unornamented - limited, ordinary
- Unorthodox - abnormal; other than accepted
- Unorthodoxies - belief, behavior different from most
- Unorthodoxly - in another way; otherwise
- Unorthodoxy - belief, behavior different from most
- Unostentatious - modest
- Unpack - remove
- Unpacked - not yet packed
- Unpacking - remove
- Unpacks - remove
- Unpaid - free, voluntary
- Unpaired - single, unmatched; uneven
- Unpalatable - unsavory
- Unparagoned - having no equal; superior
- Unparalleled - superlative
- Unpardonable - unforgivable
- Unpardonably - unforgivably
- Unparliamentary -
- Unpassable -
- Unpassioned - detached
- Unpasteurized - not cooked, prepared
- Unpatriotic - disloyal
- Unpeaceful - reckless, ungoverned
- Unperceivable - unable to be seen; hidden
- Unperceived - obscure, mysterious
- Unperceptive - blind
- Unperfected - rough
- Unperformed - incomplete
- Unperfumed - without fragrance
- Unpersuadable - inflexible
- Unpersuasive - feeble, weak
- Unperturbed - unruffled
- Unpin - set free; unbind
- Unpinned - not tight; unconstrained
- Unpinning - set free; unbind
- Unpins - set free; unbind
- Unpitying - unsympathetic
- Unplanned - not planned
- Unplanted - inactive
- Unpleasant - bad
- Unpleasantly - badly
- Unpleasantness - disagreeableness
- Unpleasantries - hateful communication
- Unpleasantry - hateful communication
- Unpleasing - feeble, weak
- Unpleasurable - without flavor
- Unpledged - free; not involved
- Unpliable - difficult, stubborn
- Unplowed - not cultivated
- Unplug - pierce to drain
- Unplugged - unfastened, unclosed
- Unplugging - pierce to drain
- Unplugs - pierce to drain
- Unplumbed - bottomless
- Unpointed - not sharp
- Unpoised - uncertain, worried
- Unpolished - rough
- Unpolite - discourteous
- Unpolitic - tactless
- Unpolluted - clean, pure; primeval
- Unpopular - not liked or sought after
- Unpopularities - dislike; disgrace
- Unpopularity - dislike; disgrace
- Unpopulated - barren
- Unpractical - impractical
- Unpracticed - inexperienced
- Unprayable -
- Unprecedented - exceptional, original
- Unprecise - inexact
- Unpredictable - changeable
- Unpredicted - unexpected
- Unprejudiced - fair
- Unpremeditated - not planned
- Unprepared - not ready
- Unpreparedly - brashly
- Unpreparedness - carelessness
- Unprepossessed - fair, impartial
- Unprepossessing - unattractive
- Unprescribed - willing
- Unpressed - worn-out; in shreds
- Unpresuming - shy
- Unpresumptuous - likable, agreeable
- Unpretending - shy
- Unpretentious - simple, honest
- Unpretentiously - as anticipated
- Unpreventable - certain; cannot be avoided
- Unprincipled - corrupt
- Unprinted - not published
- Unprobably -
- Unprocessed - crude
- Unproductive - idle, nonproductive
- Unproductively - ineffectively
- Unprofaned - virginal, chaste
- Unprofessional - not done well or skillfully
- Unprofitable - producing no profit or gain
- Unprofitably - operating at a loss
- Unprogressive - with outdated ideas
- Unprohibited - allowable, legal
- Unprolific - unproductive, clean
- Unpromising - ominous, unpromising
- Unprompted - tending to act without thought
- Unpronounced - unable to speak
- Unpropitious - unfavorable
- Unproportionate - not balanced; lopsided
- Unprosperous - deprived, impoverished
- Unprotected - defenseless
- Unprotesting - enduring, passive
- Unproved - untried
- Unproven - doubtful, uncertain
- Unprovoked - not reasonable or right
- Unprovoking -
- Unpublicized - not listed
- Unpublished - not published
- Unpunctual - random, variable
- Unpurified - coarse
- Unpurposed - without use, value, worth
- Unqualified - not prepared, incompetent
- Unqualifiedly - absolutely
- Unquenchable - voracious, wanting
- Unquestionable - definite; beyond doubt
- Unquestionably - without a doubt
- Unquestioned - conventional, traditional
- Unquestioning - implicit
- Unquestioningly - inevitably
- Unquiet - restless
- Unquieter - restless
- Unquietest - restless
- Unratable -
- Unratified - nullified, meaningless
- Unravel - solve
- Unraveled - unfold
- Unraveling - unfold
- Unravelled - unfold
- Unravelling - unfold
- Unravellings - answer, judgment
- Unravelment - answer, resolution
- Unravelments - answer, resolution
- Unravels - solve
- Unreachable - inaccessible
- Unreactive - not moving; lifeless
- Unread - uncultivated, vulgar
- Unreadable - illegible
- Unready - inactive, sluggish
- Unreal - fake, make-believe; hypothetical
- Unrealistic - not believable or practical
- Unrealities - imagination
- Unreality - imagination
- Unrealizable - impossible
- Unrealized - dormant, hidden
- Unreason - state of extreme upset
- Unreasonable - not logical or sensible
- Unreasonably - irrationally
- Unreasoned - unreasonable
- Unreasoning - illogical, senseless
- Unreasoningly - carelessly
- Unreasons - state of extreme upset
- Unrecalled - not found or noticed
- Unreceptive - unfriendly
- Unreciprocated - not returned
- Unreckonable - countless, limitless
- Unrecognizable - indistinct
- Unrecognizably - inarticulately
- Unrecognized - in disguise
- Unrecognizing - unaware, ignorant
- Unrecompensed - unpaid
- Unreconstructed - uncompromising
- Unrecorded - understood
- Unrecoverable - unfixable, unchangeable
- Unredeemed - missing, off-track
- Unreduced - complete
- Unreel - undo, untangle
- Unreeled - undo, untangle
- Unreeling - undo, untangle
- Unreels - undo, untangle
- Unrefined - vulgar
- Unreflecting - instinctive
- Unreflective - absent-minded, unobservant
- Unreformed - bad, hopeless
- Unrefuted - correct, without error
- Unregenerate - flagrant
- Unregimented - liberated, free
- Unregistered - not listed
- Unregulated - deregulated
- Unrehearsed - spontaneous
- Unrelated - independent; different
- Unrelaxed - formal, standoffish
- Unrelenting - merciless
- Unrelentingly - stubbornly
- Unreliabilities - error, erroneousness
- Unreliability - error, erroneousness
- Unreliable - not trustworthy, not true
- Unreliably - undependably
- Unrelieved - utter
- Unremarkable - ordinary
- Unremarked - ignored
- Unremembered - extinct, destroyed
- Unremitting - continual
- Unremittingly - continuously
- Unremunerative - producing no profit or gain
- Unrenowned - unique, obscure
- Unrepealable - fixed, unchangeable
- Unrepeatable - alone, separate
- Unrepentant - remorseless
- Unrepenting - without guilt in spite of wrongdoing
- Unreported - not listed
- Unrepressed - free and easy; without restraint
- Unrequested - voluntary
- Unrequired - unnecessary
- Unrequited - unanswered
- Unreserved - outspoken
- Unreservedly - without restriction
- Unreservedness - ease
- Unresistant - passive
- Unresisting - shy; compliant
- Unresolved - uncertain; not settled
- Unrespectable - disgraceful
- Unrespected - ignored
- Unresponsive - not responsive
- Unrest - state of agitation; disturbance
- Unrestful - nervous
- Unrestored - not improved
- Unrestrainable - effervescent, vivacious
- Unrestrained - uncontrolled
- Unrestrainedly - uncontrollably
- Unrestraint - ease
- Unrestraints - ease
- Unrestricted - free
- Unrestrictedly - alone
- Unrests - state of agitation; disturbance
- Unretentive - not working; incorrect
- Unretiring - persistent
- Unreturned - unappreciated
- Unrevealed - mental, private
- Unrevealing - unwilling to decide
- Unrewarded - free, voluntary
- Unrewarding - inferior; spoiled
- Unriddle - answer, resolve
- Unriddled - answer, resolve
- Unriddles - answer, resolve
- Unriddling - answer, resolve
- Unrig - take apart
- Unrigged - take apart
- Unrigging - take apart
- Unrighteous - vulgar, immoral
- Unrighteously - sinfully
- Unrighteousness - sin, evil
- Unrightful - vulgar, immoral
- Unrigs - take apart
- Unripe - raw
- Unripeness -
- Unriper - raw
- Unripest - raw
- Unrivaled - peerless
- Unrivalled - superlative
- Unrobed - without clothing
- Unroll - display
- Unrolled - display
- Unrolling - display
- Unrolls - display
- Unromantic - realistic
- Unroot - destroy; remove
- Unrooted - destroy; remove
- Unrooting - destroy; remove
- Unroots - destroy; remove
- Unruffle - make calm, quiet
- Unruffled - calm
- Unruffles - make calm, quiet
- Unruffling - make calm, quiet
- Unrulier - disobedient
- Unruliest - disobedient
- Unruliness - disorderliness
- Unrulinesses - disorderliness
- Unruly - disobedient
- Unsafe - dangerous
- Unsafely - dangerously
- Unsafer - dangerous
- Unsafest - dangerous
- Unsaid - not expressed or partially expressed
- Unsalable - worthless
- Unsalaried - unpaid
- Unsanctified - immoral, crude, disrespectful of religion
- Unsanctioned - ineffectual, valueless
- Unsanitary - dirty, unclean
- Unsated - discontented, unhappy
- Unsatisfactory - insufficient, inadequate
- Unsatisfiable - voracious, wanting
- Unsatisfied - unfulfilled
- Unsatisfying - unsatisfactory
- Unsavorier - revolting, sickening
- Unsavoriest - revolting, sickening
- Unsavory - revolting, sickening
- Unsay - ask for return of offending thing
- Unsaying - recantation
- Unsays - ask for return of offending thing
- Unscarred - unhurt
- Unscathed - not hurt
- Unscented - without fragrance
- Unscholarly - ignorant
- Unschooled - ignorant
- Unscientific - unsystematic
- Unscramble - make easy, intelligible
- Unscrambled - make easy, intelligible
- Unscrambles - make easy, intelligible
- Unscrambling - make easy, intelligible
- Unscratched - unhurt
- Unscrew - set free; unbind
- Unscrewed - crazy; mentally disturbed
- Unscrewing - set free; unbind
- Unscrews - set free; unbind
- Unscripted - unrehearsed, improvised
- Unscrupulous - immoral
- Unscrupulously - immorally
- Unseal - unlock
- Unsealed - unlock
- Unsealing - unlock
- Unseals - unlock
- Unseasonable - out of season
- Unseasoned - inexperienced
- Unseat - unsaddle
- Unseated - unsaddle
- Unseating - unsaddle
- Unseats - unsaddle
- Unsectarian - all-embracing, general
- Unsecured - not tight; unconstrained
- Unseeable - unable to be seen; hidden
- Unseeded - inactive
- Unseeing - blind
- Unseemlier - improper; in bad taste
- Unseemliest - improper; in bad taste
- Unseemliness - impropriety
- Unseemlinesses - impropriety
- Unseemly - improper; in bad taste
- Unseen - hidden
- Unselective - random, chaotic
- Unselfconscious - free and easy; without restraint
- Unselfish - kind, giving
- Unselfishly - generously
- Unselfishness - generosity
- Unselfishnesses - generosity
- Unsensible - not recommended
- Unsensualize -
- Unsentimental - realistic, unembellished
- Unserviceable - unrealistic
- Unsettle - bother, upset
- Unsettled - bothered, upset
- Unsettledness - constant motion; discontent
- Unsettlednesses - constant motion; discontent
- Unsettlement - uproar, confusion
- Unsettlements - uproar, confusion
- Unsettles - bother, upset
- Unsettling - disturbing
- Unsettlings - disorientation
- Unsex - sterilize
- Unsexed - sterilize
- Unsexes - sterilize
- Unsexing - sterilize
- Unshackle - give freedom
- Unshackled - not tight; unconstrained
- Unshackles - give freedom
- Unshackling - freedom
- Unshakable - steady
- Unshakably - without doubt
- Unshakeably - immovably
- Unshaken - unmoved
- Unshaped - shapeless
- Unshapelier - deformed
- Unshapeliest - deformed
- Unshapely - deformed
- Unshared - alone, distinct
- Unsharpened - not sharp
- Unshaven - uneven, irregular
- Unsheltered - unprotected
- Unshielded - dangerous, precarious
- Unship - unload
- Unshipped - unload
- Unshipping - unload
- Unships - unload
- Unshod - wearing no shoes
- Unshorn - uneven, irregular
- Unshrinking - brave, bold
- Unshroud - expose, embarrass
- Unshrouded - expose, embarrass
- Unshrouding - expose, embarrass
- Unshrouds - expose, embarrass
- Unshut - unfastened, unclosed
- Unshuts - clear, expose; spread
- Unshutting - clear, expose; spread
- Unsighted - sightless
- Unsightlier - not pretty
- Unsightliest - not pretty
- Unsightliness - ugliness
- Unsightlinesses - ugliness
- Unsightly - not pretty
- Unsigned - not named
- Unsimilar - unlike, conflicting; completely different
- Unsinkable - buoyant
- Unsisterly -
- Unskilled - untrained
- Unskillful - not skilled
- Unskillfully - inadequately
- Unskillfulness - clumsiness; inelegance
- Unslaked - disappointed, thwarted
- Unsleeping - wakeful
- Unsmiling - somber, humorless
- Unsmooth - ragged, notched
- Unsmoothed - rough
- Unsnap - set free; unbind
- Unsnapped - set free; unbind
- Unsnapping - set free; unbind
- Unsnaps - set free; unbind
- Unsnarl - come apart; unwind
- Unsnarled - come apart; unwind
- Unsnarling - come apart; unwind
- Unsnarls - come apart; unwind
- Unsober - drunk
- Unsociable - unfriendly
- Unsocial - unfeeling, uninterested
- Unsoiled - clean
- Unsolicited - unasked for
- Unsoluble -
- Unsolvable - not easily solved
- Unsolved - mysterious, unable to be solved or answered
- Unsophisticated - natural, simple
- Unsorted - confused, mixed-up
- Unsought - unwanted
- Unsound - not well; flimsy
- Unsounded - unable to speak
- Unsounder - not well; flimsy
- Unsoundest - not well; flimsy
- Unsoundness - infirmity
- Unsoundnesses - infirmity
- Unsparing - generous
- Unsparingly - with a free hand
- Unsparingness - generosity
- Unsparingnesses - generosity
- Unspeakable - very bad; beyond description
- Unspeakably - inexpressibly
- Unspeaking - silent
- Unspecific - ambiguous, vague
- Unspecified - vague
- Unspent - not spent
- Unspiritual - thinking mainly about physical things
- Unspoiled - fresh
- Unspoilt - honest, unsophisticated
- Unspoken - not said
- Unsporting - prejudiced, wrongful
- Unsportsmanlike - unfair
- Unspotted - clean, pure; primeval
- Unstable - doubtful
- Unstableness - unsteadiness
- Unstablenesses - unsteadiness
- Unstabler - doubtful, weak
- Unstablest - doubtful, weak
- Unstained - spotless
- Unstated - taken for granted; not said aloud
- Unstaunched - bleeding
- Unsteadfast - movable, travelling
- Unsteadied - swerve
- Unsteadier - doubtful, weak
- Unsteadies - swerve
- Unsteadiest - doubtful, weak
- Unsteadily - raggedly
- Unsteadiness - unstableness
- Unsteadinesses - unstableness
- Unsteady - shaky
- Unsteadying - swerve
- Unstick - set free; unbind
- Unsticking - set free; unbind
- Unsticks - set free; unbind
- Unstinted - generous
- Unstinting - generous
- Unstintingly - with a free hand
- Unstirred - unsympathetic
- Unstop - clear, expose; spread
- Unstoppable - effervescent, vivacious
- Unstopped - unfastened, unclosed
- Unstopper - pierce to drain
- Unstoppered - pierce to drain
- Unstoppering - pierce to drain
- Unstoppers - pierce to drain
- Unstopping - clear, expose; spread
- Unstops - clear, expose; spread
- Unstow - unload
- Unstowed - unload
- Unstowing - unload
- Unstows - unload
- Unstrap - set free; unbind
- Unstrapped - set free; unbind
- Unstrapping - set free; unbind
- Unstraps - set free; unbind
- Unstrengthened - disable
- Unstressed - faint, soft
- Unstring - upset deeply
- Unstringed - upset deeply
- Unstringing - upset deeply
- Unstrings - upset deeply
- Unstructured - unorganized
- Unstrung - unnerved
- Unstuck - unfastened
- Unstudied - natural
- Unstylish - antiquated
- Unsubmissive - alienated, estranged
- Unsubstantial - flimsy
- Unsubstantially - gently, effortlessly
- Unsubstantiated - questionable, unproven
- Unsubtle - clear
- Unsubtler - clear
- Unsubtlest - clear
- Unsuccess - failure
- Unsuccesses - failure
- Unsuccessful - failing
- Unsuccessfully - unsatisfactorily
- Unsuccessfulness -
- Unsufferable - unbearable
- Unsufficient - lacking, failing
- Unsuitabilities - impropriety
- Unsuitability - impropriety
- Unsuitable - not proper, inappropriate
- Unsuitableness - impropriety
- Unsuitably - inappropriately
- Unsuited - inappropriate
- Unsullied - clean
- Unsung - uncelebrated
- Unsupervised - alone
- Unsupple - hard, inflexible
- Unsupportable - unbearable
- Unsupported - doubtful
- Unsuppressed - lacking control
- Unsure - doubtful, insecure
- Unsurely - unclearly
- Unsurmountable - indestructible
- Unsurpassable - ultimate
- Unsurpassed - supreme
- Unsurprised - not alarmed
- Unsurprisingly - not alarmingly
- Unsusceptible - insensitive
- Unsuspected - undisputed
- Unsuspecting - gullible
- Unsuspicious - harmless, naive
- Unsustainable - not able to be supported in the future
- Unsustained - abridged
- Unsustaining - weak, helpless
- Unswayable - stubborn
- Unswayed - unbiased
- Unsweetened - pungent, sharp
- Unswept - dirty
- Unswerving - straight
- Unswervingly - directly
- Unsymmetrical - bumpy, uneven
- Unsympathetic - without agreement in feeling
- Unsympathizing - ungenerous
- Unsystematic - disorderly
- Untactful - tactless
- Untainted - innocent
- Untaintedness - the state of being pure
- Untaintednesses - the state of being pure
- Untaken - empty; unoccupied
- Untalented - untrained
- Untamed - wild
- Untangle - straighten out
- Untangled - straighten out
- Untangles - straighten out
- Untangling - straighten out
- Untapped - earliest
- Untarnished - unblemished
- Untaught - ignorant
- Untaxing - simple, easy
- Untellable - beyond words
- Untempered - excessive, extravagant
- Untenable - indefensible
- Untenanted - empty; unoccupied
- Untended - shabby, in bad shape
- Untested - untried
- Unthankful - thankless
- Unthankfulness - ungratefulness
- Unthinkable - incredible, unusual
- Unthinking - careless
- Unthinkingly - brashly
- Unthorough - careless; not well done
- Unthought - accidental
- Unthoughtful - thoughtless
- Unthreaded -
- Unthreatened - free from harm
- Unthreatening - bright, cloudless (weather)
- Unthrift - extravagance
- Unthriftier - improvident
- Unthriftiest - improvident
- Unthriftiness - spending, use without thought
- Unthriftinesses - spending, use without thought
- Unthrifts - extravagance
- Unthrifty - improvident
- Untidied - littered
- Untidier - dirty, disorderly
- Untidies - disorder
- Untidiest - dirty, disorderly
- Untidiness - disorderliness
- Untidinesses - disorderliness
- Untidy - dirty, disorderly
- Untidying - disorder
- Untie - unlace
- Untied - unfastened
- Unties - unlace
- Until - just before
- Untilled - not cultivated
- Untimelier - inappropriate
- Untimeliest - inappropriate
- Untimeliness - bother, trouble
- Untimelinesses - bother, trouble
- Untimely - inappropriate
- Untired - restored
- Untiring - determined, persevering
- Untiringly - with determination
- Untitled - unknown, anonymous
- Unto - to
- Untold - very many; enormous
- Untouchable - taboo
- Untouchables - person who is unwanted, not accepted
- Untouched - whole; not spoiled
- Untoward - troublesome
- Untowardly - negatively
- Untowardness - unruliness
- Untowardnesses - unruliness
- Untracked - untrodden
- Untraditional - rebellious
- Untrained - inexperienced
- Untrammeled - unrestrained
- Untransferable - absolute, inherent
- Untraveled - unfound
- Untraversed - untrodden
- Untreated - not cooked, prepared
- Untried - untested
- Untrod - untrodden
- Untrodden - recent, fresh
- Untroubled - calm, peaceful
- Untrue - dishonest
- Untrueness - unfaithfulness
- Untruenesses - unfaithfulness
- Untruer - dishonest
- Untruest - dishonest
- Untruism - lie
- Untruisms - lie
- Untruly - dishonestly
- Untrustier - doubtful, insecure
- Untrustiest - doubtful, insecure
- Untrusting - distrustful
- Untrustworthy - not dependable, unfaithful
- Untrusty - doubtful, insecure
- Untruth - falsehood
- Untruthful - dishonest
- Untruthfully - dishonestly
- Untruthfulness - falseness
- Untruths - falsehood
- Untuned - not sounding right
- Untutored - uncultivated, vulgar
- Untwine - come apart; unwind
- Untwined - come apart; unwind
- Untwines - come apart; unwind
- Untwining - come apart; unwind
- Untwist - come apart; unwind
- Untwisted - come apart; unwind
- Untwisting - come apart; unwind
- Untwists - come apart; unwind
- Untying - unlace
- Untyings - emancipation
- Untypical - not typical
- Unusable - useless
- Unused - not used
- Unusual - different
- Unusually - extremely
- Unusualness - wonderful, surprising event or thing
- Unusualnesses - wonderful, surprising event or thing
- Unutterable - unspeakable
- Unutterably - inexpressibly
- Unuttered - silent
- Unvalued - not liked or sought after
- Unvaried - all the same, remaining the same
- Unvarnished - plain, honest
- Unvarying - steady
- Unvaryingly - on an even plane
- Unveil - reveal
- Unveiled - reveal
- Unveiling - reveal
- Unveilings - disclosure, telling
- Unveils - reveal
- Unventilated - close, oppressive
- Unverifiable - fictitious but well known
- Unverified - unsubstantiated
- Unversed - unpracticed
- Unvexed - unruffled
- Unviolated - undamaged; all in one piece
- Unvirtuous - vulgar, indecent
- Unvisited - not on the usual path
- Unvocal - unable to speak well
- Unvoiced - silent
- Unwaning - continual
- Unwanted - undesired
- Unwarier - thoughtless, heedless
- Unwariest - thoughtless, heedless
- Unwarily - brashly
- Unwarned - not smart; careless
- Unwarrantable - inexcusable
- unwarranted - without a basis in reason or fact
- Unwarrantedly -
- Unwary - thoughtless, heedless
- Unwashed - lowly
- Unwasheds - people who are bad, despicable
- Unwatched - slighted
- Unwatchful - negligent, not paying attention
- Unwavering - consistent, unchanging
- Unwaveringly - stubbornly
- Unweaned - childish
- Unwearied - tireless
- Unweariedly - actively; intently
- Unwearying - untiring
- Unweave - come apart; unwind
- Unweaves - come apart; unwind
- Unweaving - come apart; unwind
- Unwed - single
- Unwedded - not presently wed
- Unwelcome - not wanted, desired
- Unwelcome person -
- Unwelcomely - cruelly
- Unwelcomeness - unwelcome
- Unwelcomenesses - unwelcome
- Unwelcoming - unfriendly
- Unwell - sick
- Unwellness - weakness, sickness
- Unwellnesses - weakness, sickness
- Unwholesome - unhealthful
- Unwholesomely - unnaturally
- Unwholesomeness - impurity
- Unwieldier - awkward, bulky
- Unwieldiest - awkward, bulky
- Unwieldily - with difficulty
- Unwieldiness - bother, trouble
- Unwieldinesses - bother, trouble
- Unwieldy - awkward, bulky
- Unwilled - done by habit
- Unwilling - not in the mood
- Unwillingly - reluctantly
- Unwillingness - indisposition
- Unwillingnesses - indisposition
- Unwind - undo, untangle
- Unwinding - undo, untangle
- Unwinds - undo, untangle
- Unwise - stupid, irresponsible
- Unwisely - imprudently
- Unwiseness - foolishness
- Unwisenesses - foolishness
- Unwiser - stupid, irresponsible
- Unwisest - stupid, irresponsible
- Unwishful - not in the mood
- Unwithered - fresh
- unwitting - not done with purpose or intent
- Unwittingly - inadvertently
- Unwomanly - manlike
- Unwonted - unusual
- Unworkabilities - hopelessness
- Unworkability - hopelessness
- Unworkable - impossible
- Unworked - crude
- Unworkmanlike - inefficient
- Unworldlier - spiritual
- Unworldliest - spiritual
- Unworldliness - harmlessness, naiveté
- Unworldlinesses - harmlessness, naiveté
- Unworldly - spiritual
- Unworried - easygoing, casual
- Unworthier - not of value
- Unworthiest - not of value
- Unworthiness - the quality of being mean
- Unworthinesses - the quality of being mean
- Unworthy - not of value
- Unwound - undo, untangle
- Unwounded - uninjured
- Unwove - come apart; unwind
- Unwoven - come apart; unwind
- Unwrap - open
- Unwrapped - open
- Unwrapping - open
- Unwraps - open
- Unwrinkle - push on with force
- Unwrinkled - smooth
- Unwrinkles - push on with force
- Unwrinkling - push on with force
- Unwritten - understood
- Unwrought - basic, incomplete
- Unyielding - steadfast, resolute
- Unyieldingly - stubbornly
- Unzip - open
- Unzipped - open
- Unzipping - open
- Unzips - open
- Up - situated above
- Up the wall -
- Upbear - reinforce
- Upbearing - reinforce
- Upbears - reinforce
- Upbeat - cheerful
- Upbeats - bettering; something bettered
- Upbore - reinforce
- Upborne - reinforce
- upbraid - express criticism towards
- Upbraided - scold
- Upbraiding - scold
- Upbraidings - verbal attack
- Upbraids - scold
- Upbringing - rearing
- Upbringings - rearing
- Upcast - lift; build from the ground
- Upcasting - lift; build from the ground
- Upcasts - lift; build from the ground
- Upchuck - vomit
- Upchucked - vomit
- Upchucking - vomit
- Upchucks - vomit
- Upcoming - happening soon
- Upcountry - interior
- Update - bring up to date
- Updated - bring up to date
- Updates - bring up to date
- Updating - bring up to date
- Upe -
- Upend - reverse; turn upside down
- Upended - mixed-up
- Upending - reverse; turn upside down
- Upends - reverse; turn upside down
- Upfront - open, unaffected
- Upgrade - improve
- Upgraded - improve
- Upgrades - improve
- Upgrading - improve
- Upgrowth - development
- Upgrowths - development
- Upheaval - major change
- Upheavals - major change
- Upheave - move upwards; ascend
- Upheaved - elevated
- Upheaves - move upwards; ascend
- Upheaving - move upwards; ascend
- Upheld - supported
- Uphill - going up
- Uphold - maintain, support
- Upholder - chief support
- Upholders - chief support
- Upholding - maintain, support
- Upholdings - maintenance, protection
- Upholds - maintain, support
- Upholster - cover
- Upholstered - cover
- Upholsteries - covering
- Upholstering - cover
- Upholsters - cover
- Upholstery - covering
- Uphove - move upwards; ascend
- Upkeep - maintenance
- Upkeeps - maintenance
- Upland - plateau
- Uplands - plateau
- Uplift - elevate, inspire
- Uplifted - elevate, inspire
- Uplifting - inspirational
- Upliftings - improvement, education
- Uplifts - elevate, inspire
- Uplight - reduce weight, load
- Uplighted - reduce weight, load
- Uplighting - reduce weight, load
- Uplights - reduce weight, load
- Upload - transfer data to a server
- Uploaded - transfer data to a server
- Uploading - transfer data to a server
- Upmost - top
- Upolu -
- Upon - at the time of
- Upped - boost
- Upper - above
- Upper hand -
- Uppercase - capitalization
- Uppercases - capitalization
- Upperclassman - college student
- Upperclassmen - college student
- Uppercut - hard hit
- Uppercuts - hard hit
- Uppercutting - strike
- Uppermost - top
- Uppers - stimulant
- Upping - boost
- Uppings - making greater; improving
- Uppish - impudent
- Uppishness - impudence
- Uppishnesses - impudence
- Uppity - arrogant
- Uppityness - impudence
- Uppitynesses - impudence
- Upraise - erect
- Upraised - erect
- Upraises - erect
- Upraising - erect
- Uprear - erect
- Upreared - erect
- Uprearing - erect
- Uprears - erect
- Upright - straight-up
- Upright piano -
- Uprightly - fairly
- Uprightness - dignity
- Uprightnesses - dignity
- Uprights - appendage used for support
- Uprise - get up
- Uprisen - get up
- Uprises - get up
- Uprising - disturbance
- Uprisings - disturbance
- Uproar - commotion, pandemonium
- Uproarious - boisterous
- Uproariously - audibly
- Uproariousness - sound that is loud or not harmonious
- Uproars - commotion, pandemonium
- Uproot - destroy; rip out of a place
- Uprooted - destroy; rip out of a place
- Uprooting - destroy; rip out of a place
- Uprootings - migration
- Uproots - destroy; rip out of a place
- Uprose - get up
- Ups - boost
- Upscale - affluent, indulgent
- Upset - disturbed, bothered
- Upsets - disturbed, bothered
- Upsetter - remote possibility
- Upsetters - remote possibility
- Upsetting - disturbing
- Upsettings - disorientation
- Upshot - end result
- Upshots - end result
- Upsprang - stem
- Upspring - stem
- Upspringing - stem
- Upsprings - stem
- Upsprung - stem
- Upspurner -
- upstage - remote in manner
- Upstaged - steal the show
- Upstages - steal the show
- Upstaging - steal the show
- Upstairs - on an upper floor
- Upstanding - honorable
- Upstandingness - honesty
- Upstart - newly rich
- Upstarts - newly rich
- Upstream - hard on someone; hard to do
- Upsurge - increase
- Upsurged - increase, grow
- Upsurges - increase
- Upsurging - climbing
- Upswing - improvement
- Upswings - improvement
- Uptake - rude answer
- Uptakes - rude answer
- Upthrow - height; high ground
- Upthrows - height; high ground
- Uptight - nervous
- Uptown - rich
- Upturn - improvement
- Upturned - overturned
- Upturning - reverse; turn upside down
- Upturns - improvement
- Upward - directed up
- Upwards - directed up
- Uranium -
- Uranologies - study of the stars and planets other than earth
- Uranology - study of the stars and planets other than earth
- Urb - large town
- Urban - city
- Urbane - civilized
- Urbanely - thoughtfully
- Urbanite - person who is resident of habitation
- Urbanites - person who is resident of habitation
- Urbanities - elegance
- Urbanity - elegance
- Urbanize - citify
- Urbanized - citify
- Urbanizes - citify
- Urbanizing - citify
- Urbs - large town
- Urchin - mischievious youngster
- Urchins - mischievious youngster
- Urge - very strong desire
- Urged - supported
- Urgencies - imperativeness
- Urgency - imperativeness
- Urgent - needing immediate attention
- Urgently - critically
- Urges - very strong desire
- Urging - persuading
- Urgings - persuading
- Urinal - bathroom
- Urinals - bathroom
- Urinate - go to the bathroom
- Urinated - go to the bathroom
- Urinates - go to the bathroom
- Urinating - go to the bathroom
- Urination - the act of excreting
- Urinations - the act of excreting
- Urine - excretion
- Urines - excretion
- Urn - vessel
- Urns - vessel
- Urosacral -
- Urp - vomit
- Urped - vomit
- Urping - vomit
- Urps - vomit
- Ursus -
- Us - united states of america
- Usabilities - application; employment
- Usability - application; employment
- Usable - available, working
- Usage - habit, custom
- Usages - habit, custom
- Usama bin laden -
- Usance - custom
- Usances - custom
- Use - application; employment
- Useable - appropriate; matching
- Used - secondhand
- Useful - beneficial, valuable
- Usefully - lucratively
- Usefulness - utility
- Usefulnesses - utility
- Useless - not working; not valuable
- Uselessly - needlessly
- Uselessness - futility
- Uselessnesses - futility
- User - consumer
- Users - consumer
- Uses - application; employment
- Usher - person who guides others to place
- Ushered - escorted
- Ushering - person who guides others to place
- Ushers - person who guides others to place
- Using - utilizing
- Usquebaugh - booze
- Usquebaughs - booze
- Usual - common, typical
- Usually - for the most part
- Usualness - normality
- Usualnesses - normality
- Usuals - average, equilibrium
- usufruct - a legal right to use and derive profit from property belonging to someone else provided that the property itself is not injured in any way
- Usurer - professional in financial institution
- Usurers - professional in financial institution
- Usuries - lending money at a high interest rate
- Usurious - greedy
- Usurp - take over
- Usurpation - seizing something
- Usurpations - seizing something
- Usurped - take over
- Usurper - dictator
- Usurpers - dictator
- Usurping - take over
- Usurps - take over
- Usury - lending money at a high interest rate
- Utensil - tool, usually for eating
- Utensils - tool, usually for eating
- Utile - within the realm of possibility
- Utilitarian - practical
- Utilitarianism - moral law
- Utilitarianisms - moral law
- Utilities - serviceableness
- Utility - serviceableness
- Utilizable - usable
- Utilization - exercise
- Utilizations - exercise
- Utilize - make use of
- Utilized - make use of
- Utilizes - make use of
- Utilizing - make use of
- Utmost - extreme, maximum
- Utmosts - greatest extent
- Utopia - ideal place and life
- Utopian - imaginary, ideal
- Utopianist -
- Utopians - person who dreams, is idealistic
- Utopias - ideal place and life
- Utricle - seed of fruit, vegetable
- Utricles - seed of fruit, vegetable
- Utter - outright, absolute
- Utterance - revelation
- Utterances - revelation
- Uttered - spoken
- Uttering - say, reveal
- Utterly - completely
- Uttermost - extreme
- Uttermosts - upper limit, greatest amount
- Utters - outright, absolute
- Uvic -
- uxorious - Dotingly or excessively fond of one's wife.
- Uyghur -
Vocabulary List
- Words that Start with A
- Words that Start with B
- Words that Start with c
- Words that Start with D
- Words that Start with E
- Words that Start with F
- Words that Start with g
- Words that Start with H
- Words that Start with I
- Words that Start with J
- Words that Start with K
- Words that Start with L
- Words that Start with M
- Words that Start with N
- Words that Start with O
- Words that Start with P
- Words that Start with Q
- Words that Start with R
- Words that Start with S
- Words that Start with T
- Words that Start with U
- Words that Start with V
- Words that Start with W
- Words that Start with Y
- Words that Start with Z
Idioms by Category
- The Most Common English Idioms
- Common English Idioms
- Familiar English Idioms
- Idioms about Age
- Idioms about animals
- Idioms about art
- Idioms about clothes
- Idioms about colors
- Idioms about crime
- Idioms about death
- Idioms about dreams
- Idioms about food
- Idioms about furniture
- Idioms about general
- Idioms about health
- Idioms about home
- Idioms about language
- Idioms about law
- Idioms about life
- Idioms about love
- Idioms about men and women
- Idioms about money
- Idioms about music
- Idioms about names
- Idioms about nationalities
- Idioms about nature
- Idioms about numbers
- Idioms about parts of the body
- Idioms about relationship
- Idioms about religion
- Idioms about sexuality
- Idioms about sport
- Idioms about technology and science
- Idioms about time
- Idioms about travel
- Idioms about war
- Idioms about weather
- Idioms about work
- IDIOMS beginning with A
- IDIOMS beginning with B
- IDIOMS beginning with C
- IDIOMS beginning with D
- IDIOMS beginning with E
- IDIOMS beginning with F
- IDIOMS beginning with G
- IDIOMS beginning with H
- IDIOMS beginning with I
- IDIOMS beginning with J
- IDIOMS beginning with K
- IDIOMS beginning with L
- IDIOMS beginning with M
- IDIOMS beginning with N
- IDIOMS beginning with O
- IDIOMS beginning with P
- IDIOMS beginning with Q
- IDIOMS beginning with R
- IDIOMS beginning with S
- IDIOMS beginning with T
- IDIOMS beginning with U
- IDIOMS beginning with V
- IDIOMS beginning with W
- IDIOMS beginning with X
- IDIOMS beginning with Y
- IDIOMS beginning with Z
Phrases by Category
- Common Expression
- Greetings
- Travel & Directions
- Number and Money
- Location
- Phone and Internet and Mail
- Time and dates
- Accommodations
- Dining
- Making friends
- Entertainment
- Shopping
- Communication difficulties
- Emergency and health
- General questions
- Work
- Weather
- Miscellaneous
- Phrases beginning with A
- Phrases beginning with B
- Phrases beginning with c
- Phrases beginning with D
- Phrases beginning with E
- Phrases beginning with F
- Phrases beginning with g
- Phrases beginning with H
- Phrases beginning with I
- Phrases beginning with J
- Phrases beginning with K
- Phrases beginning with L
- Phrases beginning with M
- Phrases beginning with N
- Phrases beginning with O
- Phrases beginning with P
- Phrases beginning with Q
- Phrases beginning with R
- Phrases beginning with S
- Phrases beginning with T
- Phrases beginning with U
- Phrases beginning with V
- Phrases beginning with W
- Phrases beginning with Y
- Phrases beginning with Z