Chocolate [adjective]

Definition of Chocolate:

dark, burnished color

Synonyms of Chocolate:

Opposite/Antonyms of Chocolate:


Sentence/Example of Chocolate:

George Foreman Grills whisked away fat and flavor from meat and chocolate cake-flavored Snackwell’s cookies and Slim Fast shake filled pantries.

When she buys chocolates as a gift for her Hungarian host family, she has to consciously remember to pretend to be unable to resist chocolate, because liking chocolate is a sign of normalcy, and Selin wants to be considered normal and likable.

Since then, terroir has continued to take hold as a marketing strategy — and not just for wine and chocolate.

Other than mask-wearing tweens and Disney-loving toddlers, no one obsesses more about Halloween than candy and chocolate makers.

Some varieties, dating back millennia, are naturally dark chocolate, light brown, and even mauve.

I then baked my own chocolate chip cookies using the sun’s power.

She poured out some chocolate, took it hurriedly, and quitted the room, leaving her husband in a disheartening reverie.

Augustus Theodore Brammel heard of the stoppage whilst he was at breakfast, sipping chocolate; and greatly he rejoiced thereat.

The little stove was roaring; it was red-hot, and the chocolate in the tin sizzled and sputtered.

Besides, the whole of a rich chocolate cake does have a diminishing effect upon even such appetites as Peter's.