Forest [noun]

Definition of Forest:

area with a large number of trees

Synonyms of Forest:

Opposite/Antonyms of Forest:


Sentence/Example of Forest:

During the country’s dry season in 2019, nearly 4 million acres of peatland and tropical forest were burned.

It can also mean using saws and machines to cut and thin the forests.

Then, over the past few decades, the forests of Sarawak faced threats unlike any before.

Severe wildfires across the American West may already be altering the future of forests there.

Once it’s in wild boar in the forests there, it can be very difficult to control.

Elsa ultimately heads off into the unknown in search of hidden family secrets, but at the film’s end, she chooses to stay in the mysterious forest with these people who seem to know more about her than she does, one of whom is Honeymeron.

Democrats have a supermajority in both chambers of the Legislature, allowing them to pass laws without Republican support, but efforts to reform forest policies have stalled in recent years.

We’ve found that a simple, portable propane grill is great to have when we’re camping in national forests or other remote areas where we don’t have electric hookups and don’t need something very big.

The primary downside is the potential competition for land with food crops or forests.

Within the park’s boundaries, the winding Cuyahoga River gives way to forests, rolling hills, and open farmlands.