Foundation [noun]

Definition of Foundation:

basis for something physical or mental

Synonyms of Foundation:

Opposite/Antonyms of Foundation:

Sentence/Example of Foundation:

It’s not OK for kids to move on in some grade levels when the foundation of what they need for the next grade level, they don’t have.

Google has an estimated almost 90% share of the search market in the US, and this is the foundation upon which its gargantuan online advertising business rests.

If someone wants to challenge me, my faith — that’s our background, foundation.

General relativity has become the foundation for today’s understanding of the cosmos.

The deal in France serves as a foundation for licensing agreements with individual publishers.

Putin-insider-turned-whistleblower, Sergei Kolesnikov, also laid some of the foundations for the investigation.

The foundations were laid using processes that don’t hurt local wildlife or expose future residents to sea-level rise.

I thought about our foundation’s motto—“Everyone deserves the chance to live a healthy and productive life”—and how it’s hard to stay healthy if your local medical clinic can’t keep vaccines cold because the refrigerators don’t work.

Iran’s president called it a proof of how fragile were the foundations of this democracy.

Bill Gates, whose foundation provided much of the funding, pushed Oxford to team up with a major company that could test, manufacture and distribute the vaccine.